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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mdm2-p53 Signaling in Tissue Homeostasis and the DNA Damage Response: A Dissertation

Gannon, Hugh S. 28 June 2012 (has links)
The p53 transcription factor responds to various cellular stressors by regulating the expression of numerous target genes involved in cellular processes such as cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and senescence. As these downstream pathways are harmful to the growth and development of normal cells when prolonged or deregulated, p53 activity needs to be under tight regulatory control. The Mdm2 oncoprotein is the chief negative regulator of p53, and many mouse models have demonstrated that absence of Mdm2 expression leads to constitutive p53 activation in a variety of cell types. While unregulated p53 can be deleterious to cells, functional p53 is essential for tumor suppression, as many human cancers harbor p53 mutations and p53 knockout mice rapidly develop spontaneous tumors. Therefore, the mechanisms that control p53 regulation by Mdm2 are critical to ensure p53 activity in the appropriate cellular context. Many genetically engineered mouse models have been created to analyze p53 and Mdm2 functions and these studies have yielded valuable insights into their physiological roles. This dissertation will describe the generation and characterization of novel mutant Mdm2 mouse models and their use to interrogate the roles of p53-Mdm2 signaling in tissue homeostasis and cell stress responses. Deletion of Mdm2 in epidermal progenitor cells of the skin and hair follicles resulted in progressive hair loss and decreased skin integrity, phenotypes that are characteristic of premature aging. Furthermore, p53 protein levels, p53 target gene expression, and cellular senescence were all upregulated in the skins of these mice, and epidermal stem cell numbers and function were diminished. These results indicate that Mdm2 is necessary to limit p53 activity in adult tissues to ensure normal stem cell function. Additional mouse models used to determine the role of Mdm2 phosphorylation will also be presented. DNA damage triggers an extensive cellular response, including activation of the ATM kinase. ATM activity is necessary for p53 protein stabilization and, therefore, p53 activation, but in vivo evidence suggests that phosphorylation of p53 itself had little effect on p53 stability. ATM was previously shown to phosphorylate MDM2 at serine residue 395 (394 in mice), and we generated knock-in mutant mouse models to study the role of this posttranslational modification in vivo. Absence of this phosphorylation site led to greatly diminished p53 stability and function in response to γ-irradiation and increased spontaneous tumorigenesis in mice. Conversely, a phosphomimic model demonstrated prolonged p53 activation in cells treated with γ-irradiation, which revealed that phosphorylation of this Mdm2 residue controls the duration of the DNA damage response. Therefore, these mouse models have uncovered new roles for the p53-Mdm2 regulatory axis in vivo and will be useful reagents in future studies of posttranslational modifications in oncogene and DNA damage-induced tumorigenesis.

MicroRNA-21 is an important downstream component of BMP signalling in epidermal keratinocytes

Ahmed, Mohammed I., Mardaryev, Andrei N., Lewis, Christopher J., Sharov, A.A., Botchkareva, Natalia V. 17 June 2011 (has links)
Yes / Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play essential roles in the control of skin development, postnatal tissue remodelling and tumorigenesis. To explore whether some of the effects of BMP signalling are mediated by microRNAs, we performed genome-wide microRNA (miRNA) screening in primary mouse keratinocytes after BMP4 treatment. Microarray analysis revealed substantial BMP4-dependent changes in the expression of distinct miRNAs, including miR-21. Real-time PCR confirmed that BMP4 dramatically inhibits miR-21 expression in the keratinocytes. Consistently, significantly increased levels of miR-21 were observed in transgenic mice overexpressing the BMP antagonist noggin under control of the K14 promoter (K14-noggin). By in situ hybridization, miR-21 expression was observed in the epidermis and hair follicle epithelium in normal mouse skin. In K14-noggin skin, miR-21 was prominently expressed in the epidermis, as well as in the peripheral portion of trichofolliculoma-like hair follicle-derived tumours that contain proliferating and poorly differentiated cells. By transfecting keratinocytes with a miR-21 mimic, we identified the existence of two groups of the BMP target genes, which are differentially regulated by miR-21. These included selected BMP-dependent tumour-suppressor genes (Pten, Pdcd4, Timp3 and Tpm1) negatively regulated by miR-21, as well as miR-21-independent Id1, Id2, Id3 and Msx2 that predominantly mediate the effects of BMPs on cell differentiation. In primary keratinocytes and HaCaT cells, miR-21 prevented the inhibitory effects of BMP4 on cell proliferation and migration. Thus, our study establishes a novel mechanism for the regulation of BMP-induced effects in the skin and suggests miRNAs are important modulators of the effects of growth factor signalling pathways on skin development and tumorigenesis.

Bone morphogenetic protein antagonist noggin promotes skin tumorigenesis via stimulation of the Wnt and Shh signaling pathways

Sharov, A.A., Mardaryev, Andrei N., Sharova, T.Y., Grachtchouk, M., Atoyan, R., Byers, H.R., Seykora, J.T., Overbeek, P., Dlugosz, A., Botchkarev, Vladimir A. January 2009 (has links)
No / Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play pivotal roles in the regulation of skin development. To study the role of BMPs in skin tumorigenesis, BMP antagonist noggin was used to generate keratin 14-targeted transgenic mice. In contrast to wild-type mice, transgenic mice developed spontaneous hair follicle-derived tumors, which resemble human trichofolliculoma. Global gene expression profiles revealed that in contrast to anagen hair follicles of wild-type mice, tumors of transgenic mice showed stage-dependent increases in the expression of genes encoding the selected components of Wnt and Shh pathways. Specifically, expression of the Wnt ligands increased at the initiation stage of tumor formation, whereas expression of the Wnt antagonist and tumor suppressor Wnt inhibitory factor-1 decreased, as compared with fully developed tumors. In contrast, expression of the components of Shh pathway increased in fully developed tumors, as compared with the tumor placodes. Consistent with the expression data, pharmacological treatment of transgenic mice with Wnt and Shh antagonists resulted in the stage-dependent inhibition of tumor initiation, and progression, respectively. Furthermore, BMP signaling stimulated Wnt inhibitory factor-1 expression and promoter activity in cultured tumor cells and HaCaT keratinocytes, as well as inhibited Shh expression, as compared with the corresponding controls. Thus, tumor suppressor activity of the BMPs in skin epithelium depends on the local concentrations of noggin and is mediated at least in part via stage-dependent antagonizing of Wnt and Shh signaling pathways.

Prognostički značaj gustine tumorskih pupoljaka i citoplazmatskih pseudofragmenata u tumorskom tkivu karcinoma kolona kod bolesnika u stadijumu II / Prognostic significance of density of tumor buds and cytoplasmic pseudofragments in stage II colonic carcinoma

Šolajić Nenad 15 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Karcinom kolona (KK) je velik javnozdravstveni problem usled visoke incidence i stope mortaliteta. Kod KK je stadijum bolesti najvažniji pojedinačni nezavisni faktor prognoze. U prisustvu nepovoljnih prognostičkih parametara, u koje spadaju visok histolo&scaron;ki gradus, ileus, limfo-vaskularna i perineuralna invazija, nakon potencijalno kurativne operacije se kod pacijenata u stadijumu II indikuje primena adjuvantne hemioterapije koja ima pozitivan uticaj na ukupno preživljavanje i na produženje perioda bez bolesti. Međutim, relapsi bolesti nastaju kod nekih bolesnika bez negativnih prognostičkih faktora, &scaron;to ukazuje na moguće postojanje drugih tkivnih faktora lo&scaron;e prognoze. U novije vreme se sve veća pažnja posvećuje fenomenu tumorskog pupljenja koje predstavlja pojavu tumorskih pupoljaka (TP), odnosno oligocelularnih grupa tumorskih ćelija koje se na invazivnom frontu tumora odvajaju od glavne tumorske mase. Ove tumorske ćelije poprimaju fenotip mezenhimnih ćelija i stiču sposobnost ameboidnog kretanja kroz ekstracelularni matriks, uz pomoć citoplazmatskih podija koje se na dvodimenzionalnim histolo&scaron;kim rezovima vizualizuju kao citoplazmatski pseudofragmenti (CPF). Značaj gustine TP i CPF je jo&scaron; uvek nedovoljno ispitan, ali postoje indicije da se radi o moćnom prediktoru biolo&scaron;kog pona&scaron;anja tumora. CILJ: Cilj je bio da se ispita zavisnost dužine perioda bez relapsa, veličine primarnog tumora, gustine peritumorske limfocitne infiltracije i konfiguracije tumorske margine od gustine TP i CPF kod bolesnika sa KK u stadijumu II. METODOLOGIJA: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 114 bolesnika operisanih od KK u stadijumu II na Institutu za onkologiju Vojvodine, bez nepovoljnih prognostičkih faktora i bez indikacija za primenu adjuvantne hemioterapije. Mikroskopskom analizom rutinskih histolo&scaron;kih i imunohistohemijskih preparata utvrđivana je gustina TP i CPF, koja je zatim korelirana sa vremenom pojave relapsa, veličinom primarnog tumora, gustinom peritumorske limfocitne infiltracije i konfiguracijom tumorske margine. REZULTATI: Velika gustina TP i/ili CPF nađena je kod 45 tumora (39,5%). U ovoj grupi se relaps dogodio kod 26 bolesnika (57,8%). U grupi bolesnika sa malom gustinom TP/CPF relaps je registrovan u 4 slučaja (5,8%). Poređenje krivih preživljavanja pokazalo je da je verovatnoća relapsa značajno veća ako se u tumoru nalazi velika gustina TP/CPF (p&lt;0,0001). Tumori sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF su imali najveći prečnik koji je varirao u rasponu od 25 do 100 mm, dok su tumori sa malom gustinom TP/CPF bili najvećeg prečnika od 20 do 110 mm (p=0,6744). Intenzitet peritumorskog limfoidnog odgovora je bio velik kod 13 tumora sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF (28,9%) i kod 17 tumora sa malom gustinom TP/CPF (24,6%), p=0,7747. Konfiguracija tumorske margine je bila infiltrativna u svim tumorima sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF, kao i kod 42 tumora sa malom gustinom TP/CPF (60,9%). ZAKLJUČAK: Velika gustina TP/CPF je nezavisan tkivni indikator lo&scaron;e prognoze kod bolesnika sa KK u stadijumu II, koji je ne korelira ni sa veličinom primarnog tumora ni sa intenzitetom peritumorskog limfoidnog odgovora. Velika gustina TP/CPF nije kompatibilna sa ekspanzivnom konfiguracijom tumorske margine, ali infiltrativna konfiguracija tumorske margine nije prediktor velike gustine TP/CPF.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Colonic carcinoma (CC) is a serious public health problem due to its high incidence and mortality rate. Stage is the single most important independent prognosticator in patients with CC. In the presence of indicators of poor prognosis, including high histologic grade, ileus, lympho-vascular invasion and perineural invasion, there is a need for adjuvant chemotherapy after a potentially curative operation in patients with stage II CC, because the therapy improves both overall survival and disease-free survival. However, some patients with no documented poor prognostic factors suffer recurrences, which indicates that there may be some other tissue features that confer poor prognosis. In the recent publications there is an increasing interest in the phenomenon of tumor budding, a term assigned to the presence of small groups of discohesive tumor cells at the invasive front of the tumor &ndash; tumor buds (TB&#39;s). These cells acquire mesenchymal phenotype and gain the ability to migrate through the extracellular matrix by means of cytoplasmic extrusions which are visible on the two-dimensional immunohistologic sections and are called cytoplasmic pseudofragments (CPF&#39;s). Significance of density of TB&#39;s and CPF&#39;s is still to be evaluated, but the pool of evidence suggests that this is a powerful predictor of biologic behaviour of CC. AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of density of TB&#39;s and CPF&#39;s on the risk of recurrence in patients with stage II CC. This research also attempted to establish whether there is a correlation between the density of TB&#39;s and CPF&#39;s and several other morphologic features such as tumor diameter, peritumoral lymphocytic response and the configuration of the tumor margin. METHODS: 114 patients with stage II CC were enrolled in the study. All the patients received surgery at the Institute of Oncology in Sremska Kamenica and no patient had indication for adjuvant chemotherapy. Microscopic analysis of routine histologic and immunohistochemical slides was performed to establish the density of TB&#39;s and CPF&#39;s, to estimate the intensity of the peritumoral lymphocytic response and to determine the configuration of the tumor margin. RESULTS: High density of TB&#39;s and/or CPF&#39;s was found in 45 tumors (39.5%). In this group recurrence occured in 26 patients (57.8%). In the group of patients with low density of TB/CPF in the tumor tissue 4 patients relapsed (5.8%). Comparison of survival curves showed that the probability of recurrence was significantly greater if the density of TB/CPF&#39;s was high (p&lt;0.0001). Tumors with high density of TB/CPF&#39;s ranged from 25 to 100 mm in greatest diameter, while those with low density measured from 20 to 110 mm (p=0.6744). Intensity of peritumoral lymphocytic response was high in 13 tumors with high density of TB/CPF&#39;s (28.9%) and in 17 tumors with low density of TB/CPF&#39;s (24.6%), p=0.7747. All tumors with high density of TB/CPF&#39;s and 42 tumors with low density of TB/CPF&#39;s (60.9%) had infiltrative configuration of tumor margin. CONCLUSION: High density of TB/CPF&#39;s is an independent indicator of poor prognosis in patients with stage II CC and it correlates neither with tumor diameter nor with intensity of peritumoral lymphocytic response. High density of TB/CPF&#39;s is not compatible with the expansive configuration of tumor margin, but the infiltrative configuration of tumor margin is not a predictor of high density of TB/CPF&#39;s.</p>

A PK2/Bv8/PROK2 antagonist suppresses tumorigenic processes by inhibiting angiogenesis in glioma and blocking myeloid cell infiltration in pancreatic cancer.

Curtis, VF, Wang, H, Yang, P, McLendon, RE, Li, X, Zhou, QY, Wang, XF January 2013 (has links)
Infiltration of myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment is often associated with enhanced angiogenesis and tumor progression, resulting in poor prognosis in many types of cancer. The polypeptide chemokine PK2 (Bv8, PROK2) has been shown to regulate myeloid cell mobilization from the bone marrow, leading to activation of the angiogenic process, as well as accumulation of macrophages and neutrophils in the tumor site. Neutralizing antibodies against PK2 were shown to display potent anti-tumor efficacy, illustrating the potential of PK2-antagonists as therapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer. In this study we demonstrate the anti-tumor activity of a small molecule PK2 antagonist, PKRA7, in the context of glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer xenograft tumor models. For the highly vascularized glioblastoma, PKRA7 was associated with decreased blood vessel density and increased necrotic areas in the tumor mass. Consistent with the anti-angiogenic activity of PKRA7 in vivo, this compound effectively reduced PK2-induced microvascular endothelial cell branching in vitro. For the poorly vascularized pancreatic cancer, the primary anti-tumor effect of PKRA7 appears to be mediated by the blockage of myeloid cell migration/infiltration. At the molecular level, PKRA7 inhibits PK2-induced expression of certain pro-migratory chemokines and chemokine receptors in macrophages. Combining PKRA7 treatment with standard chemotherapeutic agents resulted in enhanced effects in xenograft models for both types of tumor. Taken together, our results indicate that the anti-tumor activity of PKRA7 can be mediated by two distinct mechanisms that are relevant to the pathological features of the specific type of cancer. This small molecule PK2 antagonist holds the promise to be further developed as an effective agent for combinational cancer therapy. / Dissertation

Elucidating the role of BCL6 in helper T cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation

Hollister, Kristin N. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The transcriptional repressor BCL6 has been shown to be essential for the differentiation of germinal center (GC) B cells and follicular T helper (TFH) cells. The interaction of TFH and GC B cells is necessary for the development of high affinity antibodies specific for an invading pathogen. Germline BCL6-deficient mouse models limit our ability to study BCL6 function in T cells due to the strong inflammatory responses seen in these mice. To overcome this, our lab has developed a new BCL6 conditional knockout (cKO) mouse using the cre/lox system, wherein the zinc finger region of the BCL6 gene is flanked by loxP sites. Mating to a CD4-Cre mouse allowed us to study the effects of BCL6 loss specifically in T cells, without the confounding effects seen in germline knockout models. Using this cKO model, we have reaffirmed the necessity of BCL6 for TFH differentiation, including its role in sustained CXCR5 surface expression, a signature marker for TFH cells. This model also allowed us to recognize the role of BCL6 in promoting the expression of PD-1, another key surface marker for TFH cells. Without BCL6, CD4+ T cells cannot express PD-1 at the high levels seen on TFH cells. Our discovery of DNMT3b as a target for BCL6 suggests BCL6-deficient T cells have increased DNA methyltransferase activity at the PD-1 promoter. This data establishes a novel pathway for explaining how BCL6, a transcriptional repressor, can activate genes. Experiments with the BCL6 cKO model have also established a role for BCL6 in naïve CD4+ T cell activation. Furthermore, we did not observe increased differentiation of other helper T cell subsets, in contrast to what has been reported elsewhere with germline BCL6-deficient models. Unexpectedly, we found decreased T helper type 2 (Th2) cells, whereas mouse models with a germline mutation of BCL6 have increased Th2 cells. These results indicate that BCL6 activity in non-T cells is critical for controlling T cell differentiation. Finally, using an HIV-1 gp120 immunization model, we have, for the first time, shown BCL6-dependent GCs to be limiting for antibody development and affinity maturation in a prime-boost vaccine scheme.

Análise do gene CDKN1B/p27kip1 em pacientes com neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 2 / CDKN1B/p27kip1 gene analysis in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2)

Sekiya, Tomoko 06 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Na Neoplasia Endócrina Múltipla tipo 2 (NEM2), o desenvolvimento do Carcinoma Medular de Tireoide (CMT), Feocromocitoma (FEO) e Hiperparatireoidismo primário (HPT) está associado à mutações germinativas ativadoras no proto-oncogene RET. Casos de CMT esporádico podem apresentar mutações somáticas no RET (~40%). A variabilidade fenotípica observada em casos de CMT e FEO familiais associados à NEM2 indica o envolvimento de eventos genéticos adicionais que seriam responsáveis pelas diferenças clínicas observadas nos indivíduos afetados (idade de desenvolvimento, progressão e agressividade do tumor). Outras alterações genéticas no RET como duplas mutações, SNPs e haplótipos específicos podem influenciar na susceptibilidade, agressividade e modulação do fenótipo NEM2. Entretanto, os estudos de outros genes envolvidos no processo da tumorigênese NEM2 ainda estão em andamento. Recentemente foi mostrado que RET ativado controla a expressão de proteínas inibidoras do ciclo celular (p18 e p27). Mutações germinativas no gene p27 foram recentemente associadas à susceptibilidade de tumores neuroendócrinos e estão associadas à síndrome NEM4 (Neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 4). Mutações somáticas, inativadoras de p27, são raramente encontradas em vários tipos de tumores. Entretanto, diversos estudos documentaram que a redução na expressão e a sublocalização citoplamática de p27 são controladas por alterações pós-transducionais e/ou epigenéticas. OBJETIVOS: o estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a participação de genes, recentemente associados ao RET ativado, em tumores de pacientes com NEM2 e também verificar se polimorfismos no gene p27 estariam atuando como moduladores de fenótipo em uma grande família com NEM2. CASUÍTICA: foram analisadas 66 amostras tumorais advindas de 36 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e genético de NEM2 e 28 indivíduos pertencentes a uma grande família com NEM2A-CMTF e mutação C620R no gene RET. MÉTODOS: As análises somáticas do p27 e também de p15, p18 e RET foram realizadas por PCR e sequenciamento direto de DNA e análise de microssatélites para p27 foi realizada por PCR e eletroforese capilar. Análises de expressão e localização da proteína p27 celular foram realizadas por Western blot e imunohistoquímica. A análise da modulação de fenótipo na família com NEM2A foi realizada por meio da amplificação do éxon 1 do gene p27 na amostra de sangue total. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas mutações somáticas no gene p27 e também nos genes p15 e p18. Entretanto, verificamos baixa expressão proteica de p27 em tumores CMT e FEO, a qual se encontrava relacionada com o tipo e agressividade do códon mutado no RET, principalmente em tumores que apresentavam mutação RET no códon 634 (controle x 634 p=0,05; controle x 634/791 p= 0,032; 620 x 634 p=0,045; 620 x 634/791 p= 0,002; 620 x 634 + 634/791 p=0,036). Notou-se também correlação positiva entre os níveis de expressão de p27 na localização nuclear, analisada por imunohistoquímica, e o genótipo TT do SNP p27 p.V109G (p=0,03). CONCLUSÕES: Alterações moleculares somáticas no gene p27 nos tumores NEM2 não são frequentes. Entretanto, a redução na expressão e a localização citoplasmática de p27 provavelmente estão associadas a alterações somáticas em outros genes que controlam os processos de fosforilação da proteína p27 (eventos pós-transducionais) / INTRODUCTION: In Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) the development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) are associated with activating germline mutations in RET proto-oncogene. Cases of sporadic MTC may have somatic RET mutations (~ 40%). The phenotypic variability observed in cases with familial MTC/MEN2 and PHEO/MEN2 indicates the probable involvement of additional genetic events that could be responsible for the clinical differences observed in the affected individuals (age development, progression and aggressiveness of the tumor). Other genetic alterations such as RET double mutations, SNPs and specific haplotypes may influence susceptibility, aggressiveness and MEN2 phenotype modulation. However, studies of other genes involved in the tumorigenesis of MEN2 are still in progress. Recently, it was shown that the activated RET controls the expression of cell cycle inhibitory proteins (p18 and p27). Germline mutations in the p27 gene have recently been associated with the susceptibility to neuroendocrine tumors and are associated with the MEN4 syndrome (Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4). Somatic inactivating mutations p27 are rarely found in many types of tumors. However, several studies have documented that reduced expression and subcellular location of p27 is controlled by post-transductional changes and/or epigenetic factors. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the role of genes recently associated with RET activated in tumors from MEN2 patients and also check whether polymorphisms in the p27 gene would be acting as modulators of phenotype in a large MEN2 family. PATIENTS: We analyzed 66 tumor samples from 36 patients with clinical and genetic diagnosis of MEN2 and from 28 individuals belonging to a large family with FMTC/MEN2A and RET C620R mutation. METHODS: The analyses of somatic p27, p15, p18 and RET were performed by PCR and direct sequencing of DNA and microsatellite analysis was performed for p27 by PCR and capillary electrophoresis. Expression analysis and subcellular localization of p27 protein were performed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The analysis of phenotype modulation in MEN2A families was performed by the amplification of exon 1 of the p27 gene in a whole blood sample. RESULTS: There were no somatic mutations in the p27 gene and also in the p15 and p18 genes. However, we verified a low p27 protein expression in MTC/MEN2 and PHEO/MEN2 that showed a definite correlation with the type and aggressiveness of the mutated RET codon, mainly in those tumors from cases with germline RET codon 634 mutations (control vs 634, p=0,05; control vs 634/791, p= 0,032; 620 vs 634, p=0,045; 620 vs 634/791, p= 0,002; 620 vs 634 + 634/791, p=0,036). It was also verified a positive correlation between the immunohistochemistry expression of nuclear p27 subcellular location and the p27 p.V109G TT genotype (p=0,03). CONCLUSIONS: The reduction in the expression of p27 and its subcellular localization are likely to be associated with somatic changes in other genes that control the processes of phosphorylation of p27 protein through post-transductional events

Análise do gene CDKN1B/p27kip1 em pacientes com neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 2 / CDKN1B/p27kip1 gene analysis in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2)

Tomoko Sekiya 06 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Na Neoplasia Endócrina Múltipla tipo 2 (NEM2), o desenvolvimento do Carcinoma Medular de Tireoide (CMT), Feocromocitoma (FEO) e Hiperparatireoidismo primário (HPT) está associado à mutações germinativas ativadoras no proto-oncogene RET. Casos de CMT esporádico podem apresentar mutações somáticas no RET (~40%). A variabilidade fenotípica observada em casos de CMT e FEO familiais associados à NEM2 indica o envolvimento de eventos genéticos adicionais que seriam responsáveis pelas diferenças clínicas observadas nos indivíduos afetados (idade de desenvolvimento, progressão e agressividade do tumor). Outras alterações genéticas no RET como duplas mutações, SNPs e haplótipos específicos podem influenciar na susceptibilidade, agressividade e modulação do fenótipo NEM2. Entretanto, os estudos de outros genes envolvidos no processo da tumorigênese NEM2 ainda estão em andamento. Recentemente foi mostrado que RET ativado controla a expressão de proteínas inibidoras do ciclo celular (p18 e p27). Mutações germinativas no gene p27 foram recentemente associadas à susceptibilidade de tumores neuroendócrinos e estão associadas à síndrome NEM4 (Neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 4). Mutações somáticas, inativadoras de p27, são raramente encontradas em vários tipos de tumores. Entretanto, diversos estudos documentaram que a redução na expressão e a sublocalização citoplamática de p27 são controladas por alterações pós-transducionais e/ou epigenéticas. OBJETIVOS: o estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a participação de genes, recentemente associados ao RET ativado, em tumores de pacientes com NEM2 e também verificar se polimorfismos no gene p27 estariam atuando como moduladores de fenótipo em uma grande família com NEM2. CASUÍTICA: foram analisadas 66 amostras tumorais advindas de 36 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e genético de NEM2 e 28 indivíduos pertencentes a uma grande família com NEM2A-CMTF e mutação C620R no gene RET. MÉTODOS: As análises somáticas do p27 e também de p15, p18 e RET foram realizadas por PCR e sequenciamento direto de DNA e análise de microssatélites para p27 foi realizada por PCR e eletroforese capilar. Análises de expressão e localização da proteína p27 celular foram realizadas por Western blot e imunohistoquímica. A análise da modulação de fenótipo na família com NEM2A foi realizada por meio da amplificação do éxon 1 do gene p27 na amostra de sangue total. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas mutações somáticas no gene p27 e também nos genes p15 e p18. Entretanto, verificamos baixa expressão proteica de p27 em tumores CMT e FEO, a qual se encontrava relacionada com o tipo e agressividade do códon mutado no RET, principalmente em tumores que apresentavam mutação RET no códon 634 (controle x 634 p=0,05; controle x 634/791 p= 0,032; 620 x 634 p=0,045; 620 x 634/791 p= 0,002; 620 x 634 + 634/791 p=0,036). Notou-se também correlação positiva entre os níveis de expressão de p27 na localização nuclear, analisada por imunohistoquímica, e o genótipo TT do SNP p27 p.V109G (p=0,03). CONCLUSÕES: Alterações moleculares somáticas no gene p27 nos tumores NEM2 não são frequentes. Entretanto, a redução na expressão e a localização citoplasmática de p27 provavelmente estão associadas a alterações somáticas em outros genes que controlam os processos de fosforilação da proteína p27 (eventos pós-transducionais) / INTRODUCTION: In Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) the development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) are associated with activating germline mutations in RET proto-oncogene. Cases of sporadic MTC may have somatic RET mutations (~ 40%). The phenotypic variability observed in cases with familial MTC/MEN2 and PHEO/MEN2 indicates the probable involvement of additional genetic events that could be responsible for the clinical differences observed in the affected individuals (age development, progression and aggressiveness of the tumor). Other genetic alterations such as RET double mutations, SNPs and specific haplotypes may influence susceptibility, aggressiveness and MEN2 phenotype modulation. However, studies of other genes involved in the tumorigenesis of MEN2 are still in progress. Recently, it was shown that the activated RET controls the expression of cell cycle inhibitory proteins (p18 and p27). Germline mutations in the p27 gene have recently been associated with the susceptibility to neuroendocrine tumors and are associated with the MEN4 syndrome (Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4). Somatic inactivating mutations p27 are rarely found in many types of tumors. However, several studies have documented that reduced expression and subcellular location of p27 is controlled by post-transductional changes and/or epigenetic factors. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the role of genes recently associated with RET activated in tumors from MEN2 patients and also check whether polymorphisms in the p27 gene would be acting as modulators of phenotype in a large MEN2 family. PATIENTS: We analyzed 66 tumor samples from 36 patients with clinical and genetic diagnosis of MEN2 and from 28 individuals belonging to a large family with FMTC/MEN2A and RET C620R mutation. METHODS: The analyses of somatic p27, p15, p18 and RET were performed by PCR and direct sequencing of DNA and microsatellite analysis was performed for p27 by PCR and capillary electrophoresis. Expression analysis and subcellular localization of p27 protein were performed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The analysis of phenotype modulation in MEN2A families was performed by the amplification of exon 1 of the p27 gene in a whole blood sample. RESULTS: There were no somatic mutations in the p27 gene and also in the p15 and p18 genes. However, we verified a low p27 protein expression in MTC/MEN2 and PHEO/MEN2 that showed a definite correlation with the type and aggressiveness of the mutated RET codon, mainly in those tumors from cases with germline RET codon 634 mutations (control vs 634, p=0,05; control vs 634/791, p= 0,032; 620 vs 634, p=0,045; 620 vs 634/791, p= 0,002; 620 vs 634 + 634/791, p=0,036). It was also verified a positive correlation between the immunohistochemistry expression of nuclear p27 subcellular location and the p27 p.V109G TT genotype (p=0,03). CONCLUSIONS: The reduction in the expression of p27 and its subcellular localization are likely to be associated with somatic changes in other genes that control the processes of phosphorylation of p27 protein through post-transductional events

Chemoprevention for Colorectal Cancer

Krishnan, K, Ruffin, M T., Brenner, D E. 01 March 2000 (has links)
No description available.

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