Spelling suggestions: "subject:"well line"" "subject:"cell line""
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Radiobiološki efekti niskih pre-iradijacionih doza jonizujućeg zračenja na humane ćelijske linije HT29 i MRC5 / Radiobiological effects of low-dose pre-irradiation on human cell lines HT29 and MRC5Đan Igor 20 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Radioterapija (RT) je jedan od najvažnijih modaliteta lečenja solidnih malignih tumora i koristi je više od 50% pacijenata (52,3%) sa malignim tumorima. Nauka koja proučava efekte elektromagnetnog zračenja na biološke sisteme naziva se radiobiologija. Radiobiologija se fokusira na odgovor ćelija, tkiva i organizma kao celine na jonizujuće zračenje i proučava mehanizme radiobiološkog odgovora. Izlaganje ćelija niskim dozama JZ koje su nakon određenog vremenskog intervala praćene uobičajenim radioterapijskim dozama naziva se radioadaptivno zračenje. Adaptivni odgovor u sebi može da sadrži nekoliko fenomena: hiperradiosenzitaciju/radiorezistenciju, “bystander” efekat i radioadaptivni efekat u užem smislu. O molekularnim mehanizmima koji stoje iza navedenih efekata ne zna se dovoljno. U ovom radu ispitivan je odgovor malignih i zdravih ćelija na različite modalitete jonizujućeg zračenja u cilju boljeg poznavanja puteva ćelijske smrti i preživljavanja. Potpuno razumevanje molekularnih puteva koji vode u apoptozu ili u preživljavanje ćelija nakon izlaganja jonizujućem zračenju moglo bi koristiti u iznalaženju novih i efikasnijih strategija i modaliteta lečenja malignih tumora u cilju njihove potpune eredikacije. U istraživanju su korištene dve humane ćelijske linije ćelijska linija humanog kolorektalnog karcinoma HT-29 i ćelijska linija humanih fetalnih fibroblasta pluća MRC-5. Ćelije su zračene u dva režima različitim pre-iradijacionim dozama(0,03; 0,05 i 0,07Gy) i istom kurativnom dozom (2Gy) tokom 4 dana. Višekratna primena niskih doza JZ nije značajno smanjila vijabilnost HT-29 ćelija, dok su dve radioadaptivne doze (0,05+2Gy i 0,07+2Gy), adekvatne doze JZ za radioterapijski postulat poštede zdravih ćelija i bolji antitumorski efekat u odnosu na neradioadaptivno zračenje od 2Gy u toku 4 dana. Pokazana je mogućnost modulisanja ćelijskog odgovora na JZ uz pomoć niskih doza JZ koje su praćene dozom od 2Gy (radioadaptivni tip zračenja) u oba dizajnirana režima zračenja. Stepen oštećenja hromozoma za većinu isporučenih doza pokazao dozno zavisni trend. Dozno-zavisno oštećenje naslednog materijala izazvano radioadaptivnim zračenjem potvrđuje hipotezu da je stepen oštećenja zdravih, MRC-5, ćelija manji nego u ćelijama kolorektalnog adenokarcinoma. Fragmentacija DNK je zabeležena za pojedine doze JZ u obe ćelijske linije, a uočena je i razlika u odgovoru zdrave i tumorske ćelijske linije. Detekcijom mutacija primarne sekvence fragmenta p53 gena pokazano je da se broj mutacija povećava sa povećanjem doze JZ. Oba režima radioadaptivnog zračenja, u obe ćelijske linije izazivaju viši nivo ekspresije p53. Ekspresija p38 MAPK proteina u HT-29 ćelijama bila je niža za sve isporučene doze JZ u odnosu na nezračene ćelije. U MRC-5 ćelijama, povišena ekspresija p38 MAPK utvrđena je samo u uzorcima koji su jednokratno primili samo niske doze JZ i dozu od 2Gy dnevno tokom 4 dana, u odnosu na nezračenu kontrolu. Razlike u ekspresiji ispitivanih proteina dobijene nakon primene dva režima radioadaptivnog zračenja posledica su delovanja niskih pre-iradijacionih doza JZ na modulisanje radiobiološkog odgovora obe ćelijske linije. Nivo ekspresije Bcl-2 i Bax proteina i njihov međusobni odnos, u obe ćelijske linije, su odraz različitog radiobiološkog odgovora ispitivanih ćelija koji zavisi od primenjenog režima zračenja.</p> / <p>Radiotherapy (RT) is one of the most important treatment modality for solid malignant tumors and it is applied in more than 50% of the patients (52.3%). Radiobiology id scientific discipline which studies the effects of electromagnetic irradiation on biological systems. Radiobiology focuses on the response of the cells, tissues and the organism as a whole to ionizing radiation and studying the mechanisms of radiobiological response. Exposure of cells to low-dose irradiation (priming dose) followed by challenging doses is called radioadaptive radiation. Adaptive response is described as several phenomena: hyperradiosensitivity / radiorezistence, "bystander" effect and radioadaptive effect in sensu strict. Molecular mechanisms underlying the above effects are not sufficiently known. In this study, the response of malignant and healthy cells on various modalities of ionizing radiation is explored in order to improve knowledge of pathways of cell death and survival. Fully understanding the molecular pathways leading to apoptosis or cell survival after exposure to ionizing radiation may be used in finding new and more effective strategies and modalities for the treatment of malignant tumors. The study used two human cell lines: human colorectal cancer HT-29 cell line and the human fetal lung fibroblast MRC-5. The cells were irradiated in two modalities using different pre-irradiation doses (0.03, 0.05 and 0,07Gy) and the same challenging dose (2Gy) for 4 days. Everyday use of low-dose did not significantly reduce the viability of HT-29 cells, while two radioadaptive doses (0.05 + 2Gy and 0.07+2Gy), are adequate doses for sparing healthy cells with better anti-tumor effects. The possibility of modulating the cellular response to the ionizing radiation was shown using low-doses followed by 2Gy (radioadaptive radiation) in both designed regimes of radiation. The level of chromosomal damage showed a dose-dependent trend. Dose-dependent damage to the genetic material caused by radiation confirms the hypothesis that the degree of damage to MRC-5 cells is smaller than the HT29 cells. DNA fragmentation differed between HT29 and MRC-5 cells. Detection of mutations in p53 gene fragment sequence increased with increasing doses. Both irradiation modalities, in both cell lines induce a higher level of p53 expression. Expression of p38 MAPK protein in the HT-29 cells was lower for all delivered doses compared to nonirradiated. In MRC-5 cells, increased expression of the p38 MAPK was found only in the samples that had only received on first day low-doses compared to the control nonirradiated cells. Differences in the expression of the tested proteins reflect different molecular mechanisms activated in normal and tumor cells. The level of Bcl.2 and Bax expression also reflected different radiobiological responses between normal and tumor cells, which depended on the applied irradiation regime.</p>
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Novel roles for B-Raf in mitosis and cancerBorysova, Meghan E. K. January 2009 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2009. / Title from PDF of title page. Document formatted into pages; contains 155 pages. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Příprava a charakterizace nanoliposomálních nosičů hydrofobních cytostatik s využitím nanofluidního směšování / Preparation and characterization of nanoliposomal carriers of hydrophobic cytostatics using nanofluidic mixingZelníčková, Jaroslava January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on preparation of liposome by relatively new method called nanofluidisation. This method allows the controlled preparation of small unilamellar liposomes in one step. In my thesis I was dealing with optimalization of liposomes preparation which carry hydrophobic cytostatics using this method. Cytotoxic effect of liposomes carrying hydrophobic cytostatics in vitro on cell lines A549 and MCF-7 was determined. In cytotoxicyty test I compared the effect of hydrophobic cytostatics (paclitaxel and derivates of vitamin E specifically alfa-Tos, alfa-TEA) that were incorporated into liposomes prepared via nanofluidisation method and lipid film hydration method. Moreover, a technology of lyophilisation in the presence of cryoprotectants for preparation of liposomes using the method of nanofluidisation was developed.
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Effects of C-14 or C-16 Phosphorylation on the toxicity of zearalenoneAsaduzzaman, Muhammad 12 1900 (has links)
Les mycotoxines sont des métabolites fongiques toxiques qui contaminent une variété d’aliments destinés à l’alimentation humaine et animale, notamment les céréales. Les porcs et les humains sont très sensibles aux mycotoxines. La mycotoxine zéaralénone (ZEN) se retrouve dans les aliments pour animaux et dans l'alimentation humaine principalement la suite d’une contamination fongique des céréales par Fusarium spp. la ZEA peut se fixer au 17-β-estradiol récepteur en raison de sa flexibilité, explique ses effets délétères sur les fonctions reproductives. Différentes stratégies de décontamination ont été développées pour réduire l’exposition des animaux d’élevage aux mycotoxines, parmi lesquelles des méthodes de conversion enzymatique de ZEN par certains micro-organismes. Cependant, les données préliminaires indiquent que certains de ces produits de biotransformation peuvent être reconvertis en ZEN.
Des données récentes indiquent que Bacillus spp. S62-W peut phosphoryler ZEN sur ses 14e ou 16e carbones, la convertissant respectivement en ZEN-14-phosphate (ZEN-14-P) ou en ZEN-16-phosphate (ZEN-16-P). Cependant, la toxicité résiduelle et la stabilité de ZEN-14-P et de ZEN-16-P par rapport à ZEN sont encore inconnues.
Cette étude visait à étudier la cytotoxicité, le stress oxydatif, l'activité pro-inflammatoire et l'activité œstrogénique des ZEN phosphorylés en utilisant des cellules épithéliales intestinales et endométriales porcines et humaines, ainsi que des explants d’utérus de cochettes prépubères. Nous avons également analysé les voies métaboliques de biotransformation des ZEN phosphorylés par les cellules porcines et humaines.
Nos résultats ont démontré que l’exposition à ZEN-14-P ou à ZEN-16-P diminue significativement la viabilité des cellules intestinales porcines IPEC-J2 et des cellules endométriales humaines d’Ishikawa. ZEN, les produits de phosphorylation ont induit de manière significative un stress oxydatif dans les cellules IPEC-J2 à 10 µM. De même, 5 μM ou 25 μM de ZEN-14-P et ZEN-16-P ont activé de manière significative l'expression de cytokines pro-inflammatoires TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 et IL-8 dans les cellules IPEC-J2 différenciées. Pour ce qui est des effets œstrogéniques, de manière similaire à ZEN, l'activité intracellulaire de la phosphatase alcaline a été augmentée de façon significative et dose dépendante par ZEN-14-P et ZEN-16-P, dans les cellules d'Ishikawa. Ces produits de phosphorylation ont également, à l’image de ZEN, activé de manière significative l'expression de gènes sensibles aux œstrogènes ALPP, ALPG, PGR, ESR1, ESR2 et GPER1 dans les cellules d'Ishikawa. Enfin, l’exposition à ZEN ou aux ZEN phosphorylés a induit la prolifération des glandes endométriales dans les explants utérins de cochettes prépubères.
L'analyse LC-MS/MS des surnageants de culture cellulaire de IPEC-J2 et Ishikawa indique que, bien que les ZEN phosphorylés aient été partiellement hydrolysés en ZEN, leurs métabolites de phase I et de phase II sont différents de ceux de ZEN.
Globalement, ces résultats indiquent que la phosphorylation ne réduit pas la toxicité de ZEN pour les lignées cellulaires porcine et humaine. De plus, les voies métaboliques impliquées dans la biotransformation de ZEN et celle des produits de phosphorylation sont différentes, ce qui suggère une toxicité intrinsèque des ZEN phosphorylés. / Pigs and humans are highly susceptible to mycotoxins, which are toxic fungal metabolites that contaminate a variety of food and feedstuffs. Among these, Zearalenone (ZEN) is found in the feed and food supply from Fusarium fungal contamination in cereals. ZEN is functionally similar to 17-β estradiol, and therefore exerts deleterious effects on reproductive functions. Different decontamination strategies are developed to reduce the exposure of farm animals to mycotoxins. At many of these, there are methods of biotransformation of ZEN by the enzymatic activity of certain microorganisms. Bacillus sp. S62 reportedly phosphorylates ZEN on its 14th or 16th carbons, yielding, ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P. However, the residual toxicity and stability of ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P compared to ZEN are still unknown. This study aimed to investigate the cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory activity, and estrogenic activity of phosphorylated ZENs, as well as its metabolic fate when incubated either with intestinal or reproductive cells.
Our results showed that ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P did not decrease the cytotoxic effect of ZEN in porcine intestinal IPEC-J2 cells and human endometrial Ishikawa cells. ZEN and both phosphorylated ZENs significantly induced oxidative stress in IPEC-J2 cells at 10 µM. Likewise, 5 μM or 25 μM ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P altered the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 in differentiated IPEC-J2 cells. In addition, intracellular activity of alkaline phosphatase increased by ZEN, ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P in Ishikawa cells. ZEN, ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P activated the expression of estrogen-responsive genes ALPP, ALPG, PGR, ESR1, ESR2, and GPER1 at 10 μM in Ishikawa cells. Furthermore, ZEN and phosphorylated ZENs induced the proliferation of endometrial glands in prepubertal gilt uterine explants at 30 µM. Finally, LC-MS/MS analysis of the supernatant of IPEC-J2 and Ishikawa cell cultures exposed to ZEN or its phosphorylated metabolites showed that the latter were partially hydrolyzed back to ZEN, but their phase-I and phase-II metabolites still differ from the ones of ZEN. Overall, these results suggest that phosphorylation does not reduce the toxicity of ZEN for pigs and humans. Moreover, different metabolic fate is involved in the biotransformation of ZEN and phosphorylation products.
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Mathematical Modelling of Cancer Cell Population DynamicsDaukste, Liene January 2012 (has links)
Mathematical models, that depict the dynamics of a cancer cell population growing out of the human body (in vitro) in unconstrained microenvironment conditions, are considered in this thesis. Cancer cells in vitro grow and divide much faster than cancer cells in the human body, therefore, the effects of various cancer treatments applied to them can be identified much faster. These cell populations, when not exposed to any cancer treatment, exhibit exponential growth that we refer to as the balanced exponential growth (BEG) state. This observation has led to several effective methods of estimating parameters that thereafter are not required to be determined experimentally.
We present derivation of the age-structured model and its theoretical analysis of the existence of the solution. Furthermore, we have obtained the condition for BEG existence using the Perron-Frobenius theorem. A mathematical description of the cell-cycle control is shown for one-compartment and two-compartment populations, where a compartment refers to a cell population consisting of cells that exhibit similar kinetic properties. We have incorporated into our mathematical model the required growing/aging times in each phase of the cell cycle for the biological viability. Moreover, we have derived analytical formulae for vital parameters in cancer research, such as population doubling time, the average cell-cycle age, and the average removal age from all phases, which we argue is the average cell-cycle time of the population. An estimate of the average cell-cycle time is of a particular interest for biologists and clinicians, and for patient survival prognoses as it is considered that short cell-cycle times correlate with poor survival prognoses for patients.
Applications of our mathematical model to experimental data have been shown. First, we have derived algebraic expressions to determine the population doubling time from single experimental observation as an alternative to empirically constructed growth curve. This result is applicable to various types of cancer cell lines. One option to extend this model would be to derive the cell cycle time from a single experimental measurement. Second, we have applied our mathematical model to interpret and derive dynamic-depicting parameters of five melanoma cell lines exposed to radiotherapy. The mathematical result suggests there are shortcomings in the experimental methods and provides an insight into the cancer cell population dynamics during post radiotherapy. Finally, a mathematical model depicting a theoretical cancer cell population that comprises two sub-populations with different kinetic properties is presented to describe the transition of a primary culture to a cell line cell population.
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Application of image analysis in external and internal quality assurance for diagnostic clinical immunohistochemistry2012 October 1900 (has links)
Clinical immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques are not yet fully standardized. In this project, a standardization method was developed and tested for proficiency testing (PT) in external quality assurance (EQA) and quality control (QC) in clinical IHC laboratories. The breast cancer markers estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) were used as a model system. Digital image analysis (IA) was used in conjunction with new calibrated and standardized cell line microarrays (CLMA). CLMAs built from nine formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) breast cancer cell lines were used for both QC controls and PT samples, instead of traditionally used FFPE tissues, in the standardization of breast cancer IHC. IA was used for measurement of IHC results, and compared to evaluation by the traditional expert-assessment method.
Laboratory Score: Reference Score Ratio (LSRSR) was derived from Histo-Scores (HScores) determined by IA. HScores and LSRSRs were examined statistically and evaluated as histograms and boxplots to summarize and rank participant laboratory EQA results, in comparison to a reference sample or reference laboratories in two consecutive Canada-wide EQA runs.
LSRSR-derived reference ranges were highly sensitive in evaluating laboratory EQA performance in PT as well as for monitoring of controls for QC. Laboratory on-slide tissue and cell-line IHC QA controls were assessed using IA and Levey Jennings QC charts. These charts were determined to be an excellent way to observe trending in laboratory IHC staining over time, particularly when cell line controls were used. This approach also reduced the time and labor costs for PT evaluation.
Overall, cell line calibration controls were functionally equivalent or better than tissue-based controls in QC and PT mainly because of cell line biological homogeneity and sample availability. This study identified an optimal design for preparation of IHC cell line controls and PT samples for breast cancer markers. Optimal, intermediate staining cell line IHC controls were identified for all three breast cancer markers.
Using IA with LSRSR and cell line samples is recommended for standardization of IHC methodology. This approach advances QA for diagnostic IHC and when implemented will improve patient care
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Purification and characterization of antibodies against killifish HIF-1αGonzalez-Rosario, Janet 13 May 2016 (has links)
Many fish face low oxygen concentrations (hypoxia) in their natural environments, and they respond to hypoxia through a variety of behavioral, physiological, and cellular mechanisms. Some of these responses involve changes in gene expression. In mammals, the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) family of transcription factors are the “master regulators” of gene expression during hypoxia, but the study of HIF in fish has been hampered by the lack of reagents to detect this protein in non-mammalian vertebrates. The goals of this thesis are to affinity purify antibodies against HIF from the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus and use them to recover and quantify HIF from killifish cells and tissues. The purified, validated antibodies represent a critical reagent for future studies of the role of HIF in the molecular response of this and other fish to fluctuations in oxygen in their natural environments.
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Desenvolvimento de modelos murinos de linfoma T para investigar o impacto da expressão gênica ectópica no comportamento in vivo de linhagens celulares tumorais. / Development of T linfoma murine models to investigate the impact of ectopic gene expression in the in vivo behavior of tumor cell lineages.Pantaleão, Cláudia 11 December 2008 (has links)
Muitos estudos de câncer têm sido desenvolvidos, mas os mecanismos moleculares da tumorigênese e a resposta imune contra tumores não foi completamente elucidada. RMAS é uma linhagem celular mutante derivada de RMA. Ao contrário da última, RMAS é deficiente de MHC I e, portanto, é avlvo de células NK. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o uso deste par de células para estabelecer modelos murinos que possam ser usados para entender a resposta imune entre células CD8 e NK contra tumor e investigar o efeito da expressão de moléculas antiapoptóticas no comportamento tumoral in vivo. Essa abordagem pode prover informações relevantes para o desenvolvimento de novas terapias. Para desenvolver células EGFP, foi usado um vetor retroviral bicistrônico contendo o gene Egfp. Para desenvolver os modelos experimentais, camundongos C57BL6 WT foram injetados iv com diferentes números de células e curvas de sobrevivência foram geradas. Os padrões de doença e infiltração tumoral foram observadas por análises macroscópica, microscópica e por detecção de EGFP em tecidos. In vivo, células RMA. induziram paralisia enquanto RMA-S.Egfp, ascite. RMA.Egfp infiltrou a medula óssea enquanto RMA-S.Egfp, tecidos diferentes como fígado, rins e peritôneo, mas não a medula óssea. Os sinais clínicos apareceram após 15 dias da inoculação de >104 células e a morte, em 30 dias. Números <103 células não induziram doença nem morte, mas protegeram de ambas quando re-inoculadas 106 células RMA.Egfp. Camundongos CD4KO e CD8KO paralisaram e morreram antes do que os WT. Células RMA.BclW.Egfp foram mais resistentes a apoptose do que células RMA.Egfp in vitro e provocaram características clínicas piores: paralisia e morte anteriores, inchaço de membros e hemorragia de fígado e rins. / Many cancer studies have been developed, however the molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis and immune responses to tumor is not completely elucidated. RMAS cells are a mutant lymphoma line derived from RMA cells. In contrast to the latter, RMAS are deficient in MHCI and, therefore, are targets for NK cells. Our aims were use these pair of cells to establish mouse models that can be used to understand CD8T vs NK cell immune responses to tumors and investigate the effect of expression of antiapoptotic molecules in tumor behavior in vivo. The combination of these approaches should provide relevant information for the development of novel immunotherapy. To develop EGFP cells we used a bicistronic retroviral vector containing Egfp gene. To develop the experimental models, WT C57BL/6 mice were iv injected with different cell numbers and survival curves were produced. In addition, clinical features and tumor spread was observed by macroscopy, microscopy and EGFP detection of tumor cell analysis in tissues. When injected in vivo, RMA.Egfp cells induced progressive paralysis while RMA-S.Egfp promoted ascites. RMA.Egfp cells infiltrated the bone marrow, while RMA-S.Egfp were found in different tissues such as liver, kidney and the peritoneum cavity, but were not found in bone marrow. The symptoms appeared 15 days post injection of >104 cells and the death was 30 days. Numbers of <103 cells do not induced pathology or death, but protected to paralysis and death when re-injected 106 RMA.Egfp cells. CD4KO and CD8KO mice showed paralysis and death earlier than WT mice. RMA.BclW.Egfp cells were more resistant to apoptosis than RMA.Egfp in vitro and induced worse clinical features in vivo: earlier paralysis and death, swelling of members, haemorragia of liver and kidneys.
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Efeito dual de FGF2 e PMA em células HEK 293 transformadas por H-rasV12 / Dual effects of FGF2 and PMA on H-rasV12 transformed HEK293 cell lineSilva, Juliana Galvão da 19 September 2014 (has links)
Sabe-se há décadas que mutações nos genes ras estão presentes em cerca de 20% dos cânceres humanos, mas o desenvolvimento de terapias eficazes para o tratamento de câncer dependente dos oncogenes ras permanece um desafio científico importante. Nesse contexto, o nosso grupo publicou recentemente resultados interessantes mostrando que FGF2 exógeno ou PMA, contrariamente à expectativa geral, inibem a proliferação de células de camundongo malignas dependentes dos oncogenes H- ou K-Ras. Para dar continuidade a estes estudos o projeto desta tese foi planejado para investigar os mecanismos subjacentes a possíveis efeitos citotóxicos de FGF2 e PMA em células humanas transformadas por ras. Para esse fim, a linhagem humana imortalizada HEK 293 foi condicionalmente transformada pela expressão ectópica da construção quimérica de DNA ER:H-rasV12, que codifica a oncoproteína de fusão ER:H-RasV12, cuja atividade é induzível por 4-hidroxi-tamoxifen (4OHT). Essa abordagem nos permitiu verificar os efeitos de FGF2 e PMA em sublinhagens HEK/ER:HrasV12 fenotipicamente \"normais\" ou transformadas por níveis crescentes da oncoproteína H-RasV12. Os principais resultados mostraram que tanto FGF2 como PMA tem efeito dual promovendo ou inibindo a proliferação das células transformadas em função da concentração intracelular crescente de H-RasV12. Ensaios de crescimento de colônias em suspensão de agarose mostraram que: a) as células parentais HEK293 não desenvolveram colônias mesmo quando tratadas com FGF2 ou PMA, resultados que estão de acordo com seu fenótipo não tumoral; b) mas, as sublinhagens HEK/ER:HrasV12 deram origem a colônias mesmo quando tratadas com concentrações pequenas de 4OHT, que condicionaram níveis intracelulares baixos de ER:HRasV12; nestas condições experimentais, FGF2 foi um forte promotor do crescimento de colônias, condizente com sua reconhecida atividade promotora do crescimento de células tumorais em suspensão; ainda nestas condições, PMA não teve efeito significante sobre o crescimento de colônias; c) coerentemente, concentrações elevadas de 4-OHT levaram aos níveis intracelulares mais altos de ER:HRasV12 e, por conseguinte, a desenvolvimento máximo de colônias de células HEK/ER:HrasV12, no entanto, nestas condições, ambos FGF2 e PMA inibiram completamente o crescimento de colônias. Por outro lado, transformação de HEK293 com um vetor de expressão constitutiva de HrasV12 levou à seleção e isolamento das sublinhagens tumorais HEK/HrasV12, cujo fenótipo se caracterizou por: a) nenhum efeito de FGF2 sobre a sua proliferação e b) forte inibição de sua proliferação por PMA. A ação citotóxica de PMA exclusivamente observada em células HEK 293 transformadas por H-rasV12 se caracterizou por: a) total dependência de PKC, provavelmente mediada pela ativação proteolítica específica de PKC δ; b) envolvimento de níveis elevados e sustentados de ROS com disparo tardio de apoptose. / It is known for nearly 20 years that mutated ras oncogenes are found in 20% of human malignancies, however efficacious therapies are not yet available for Ras-driven cancer. Along of these lines, our group recently published provocative results showing, against common belief, that FGF2 and PMA inhibited proliferation of Ras-dependent malignant mouse cells. Aiming to gain insight into this intriguing phenomenon, the present thesis project was planned to investigate the possible cytotoxicity of FGF2 and PMA in human Ras-driven malignant cells. To this end an immortalized non-tumorigenic human cell line (HEK293) was stably transformed with the DNA construction ER:H-rasV12, which encodes the fusion protein ER:H-RasV12, whose activity requires activation by 4-hidroxitamoxifen (4-OHT). This approach allowed us to evaluate FGF2 and PMA effects on HEK/ER:HrasV12 sublines under switching from \"normal\" to transformed phenotypes upon 4-OHT induction. Our main results have shown that both FGF2 and PMA displayed dual effects promoting or inhibiting proliferation of HEK/ER:HrasV12 cells in function of ER:HRasV12 intracellular levels. Clonogenic assays in agarose suspension have shown: a) parental HEK293 line did not develop colonies under FGF2 and PMA treatment or not, in agreement with its non-tumorigenic nature; b) however, HEK/ER:HrasV12 sublines developed colonies even under low 4-OHT concentrations, which led to low ER:HRasV12 intracellular levels; under these conditions FGF2 strongly promoted colony growth and PMA had no effect; c) furthermore, in HEK/ER:HrasV12 sublines, elevated 4-OHT concentrations led to high ER:HRasV12 intracellular levels and maximal colony growth; but, under these experimental conditions both FGF2 and PMA abolished colony growth. On the other hand, HEK293 transformation with a vector that constitutively express HrasV12 yielded HEK/ER:HrasV12 sublines displaying the following phenotypic traits: a) non FGF2 effects on proliferation and b) severe proliferation inhibition by PMA. PMA toxicity, exclusively observed in HrasV12 -transformed HEK293 cells, was characterized by: a) total dependency on PKC, likely mediated by specific proteolytic activation of PKCδ; b) involvement of high and sustained ROS levels correlated with late apoptosis triggering.
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Efeito da hipóxia na expressão de PAR-4 (Prostate Apoptosis Response-4) em linhagens celulares de câncer de mama / Hypoxia effect on PAR-4 (Prostate Apoptosis Response-4) expression in Breast Cancer cell linesBobrovnitchaia, Irina Gueroldovna 07 November 2014 (has links)
O câncer de mama é a neoplasia de maior ocorrência na população feminina. É uma doença hormônio-dependente com etiologia complexa e multifatorial. O câncer de mama invasivo é uma das principais causas da morbidade e mortalidade de mulheres no mundo. O desenvolvimento e a progressão de câncer de mama estão associados com acúmulo de várias alterações genéticas e epigenéticas, que resultam na expressão gênica diferencial entre células normais e tumorais. A hipóxia pode ser considerada uma das características principais de tumores sólidos e uma força motriz para a sobrevida das células tumorais e progressão maligna. O gene supressor de tumor PAWR (PKC apoptosis WT1 regulator; também denominado PAR-4, prostate apoptosis response-4) tem importante papel na apoptose tanto pela via intrínseca quanto pela via extrínseca e pode ser considerado um alvo para a terapia seletiva de células tumorais uma vez que a expressão de PAR-4 aumenta a sensibilidade da maioria das células de câncer a um segundo estímulo apoptótico. Alguns estudos, incluindo os de nosso grupo, têm mostrado o envolvimento de PAR-4 em câncer de mama e seu papel como fator prognóstico e preditivo de resposta a quimioterapia. No entanto, pouco é conhecido sobre o papel funcional deste gene ou os mecanismos envolvidos na regulação da expressão de PAR-4 na glândula mamária e no processo de tumorigênese da mama. No presente trabalho investigamos os efeitos da hipóxia na expressão de PAR-4 nas linhagens celulares MCF10A, MCF7 e MDA-MB-231. Para isto, as células foram incubadas por períodos de 30 minutos, 1, 2, 6 ou 24 horas em ambiente controlado com 5 % CO2, 95% N2 e 0.2% O2. A expressão de Par-4 foi avaliada quanto aos transcritos, por PCR em Tempo Real e quanto à expressão protéica, por western blot. Observamos que a baixa concentração de oxigênio diminui a expressão do mRNA de PAR-4, em tempos de 6 e 24 horas, nas linhagens MCF10A e MCF7 e no tempo de 24h nas células MDA-MB-231. Já quando os níveis protéicos de Par-4 foram analisados não foi observada diferença significativa nessas células após exposição à condição de hipóxia. A expressão do gene NDRG1, a qual se encontra aumentada em condições de hipóxia, foi utilizada como controle. Nossos dados sugerem que a expressão dos transcritos do gene supressor de tumor PAR-4 é inibida pelos mecanismos celulares de sobrevivência celular ativados durante a hipóxia / Breast cancer has the highest incidence rate of all malignant neoplasias affecting women. It is a hormone dependent disease with complex and multifactorial etiology. Invasive breast cancer is one of the principal causes of women morbidity and mortality in the world. Breast cancer development and progression are associated with accumulation of various genetic and epigenetic alterations, which result in differential gene expression among normal and tumor cells. Hypoxia could be considered one of the principal hallmarks of solid tumors and the driving force for the tumor cell survival and malignant progression. The tumor suppressor gene PAWR (PKC apoptosis WT1 regulator; also known as PAR-4, prostate apoptosis response-4) has an important role in apoptosis either by intrinsic or extrinsic pathways and could be considered as a target for selective therapy of tumor cells. Some studies, including of our group, have shown the PAR-4 involvement in breast cancer and its role as prognostic and predictive factor in response to chemotherapy. However, little is known about functional role of this gene or the mechanisms involved in PAR-4 expression regulation in mammary gland and in breast tumorigenesis process. In the present study we evaluated the hypoxia effects on PAR-4 expression in MCF10A, MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines. Therefore, the cells were incubated for time periods of 30 minutes, 1, 2, 6 or 24 hours under controlled environment with 5 % CO2, 95% N2 e 0.2% O2. PAR-4 expression was evaluated for transcripts, by Real Time PCR, and for protein expression, by western blot. We observed that low oxygen concentration decreases PAR-4 mRNA expression, in periods of 6 and 24 hours, in MCF10A and MCF7 cell lines and in the period of 24 hours in MDA-MB-231 cells. However, when the Par-4 protein levels were evaluated, no significant difference was observed in these cells after incubation under hypoxic conditions. NDRG1 gene expression, which is increased under hypoxia, was used as a control. Our data suggest that the expression of tumor suppressor gene PAR-4 transcripts is inhibited by cell survival mechanisms activated during hypoxia
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