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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss von Keimbahn-Polymorphismen in Genen des TGFβ-Signalwegs und der DNA-Reparatur auf die Strahlenempfindlichkeit Humaner Lymphoblastoider Zellen / Influence of germline polymorphisms in genes of the TGFβ-pathway and of the DNA-repair on the irradiation sensitivity of human lymphoblastoid cells

Brinkmann, Karin Maria 13 March 2017 (has links)
Neben chemotherapeutischen und chirurgischen Maßnahmen ist die Bestrahlung integraler Bestandteil multimodaler Therapiekonzepte bei malignen Tumorerkrankungen. In diesem Zusammenhang spielt der Einblick in physiologische und pathophysiologische Abläufe in menschlichen Zellen und auf molekularer Ebene  eine zunehmende Rolle. Auf diese Weise werden komplexe Stoffwechselwege mit ihren unterschiedlichen Funktionen und ihren aus einzelnen Proteinen bestehenden Komponenten immer besser verstanden. Allerdings entstehen durch die Kenntnis dieser Stoffwechselwege neue Fragen, die Gegenstand medizinischer Forschung sind.  Der TGFβ-Signalweg ist ein wesentlicher intrazellulärer Signalweg, der neben zahlreichen anderen Funktionen einen Einfluss auf die Entstehung bestimmter Tumorerkrankungen hat. Eine Vielzahl an Einzelnukleotid-Polymorphismen (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNP) ist bekannt sowie die Erkenntnis darüber, dass die Anwesenheit von verschiedenen Varianten eines SNP einen Einfluss auf die Zellvitalität hat je nach Behandlungsbedingung. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es den Einfluss von Keimbahn-Polymorphismen in Genen des TGFβ-Signalwegs und der DNA-Reparatur auf die Strahlenempfindlichkeit lymphoblastoider Zellen zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurden 54 käuflich erworbene lymphoblastoide Zellen angezüchtet. Jede dieser Zelllinien wurde sechs parallelen Behandlungsbedingungen unterworfen. Neben der unbehandelten Kontrolle und einer mit anti-TGFβ behandelten Kontrolle wurden Zellen einer alleinigen Bestrahlung mit 3 Gy ausgesetzt. Darüber hinaus wurden Zellen 16 Stunden vor der Bestrahlung mit TGFβ1 oder anti-TGFβ vorinkubiert oder unmittelbar nach der Bestrahlung mit TGFβ1 behandelt.  Nach Ablauf einer 24-stündigen Inkubationszeit erfolgte die Zellvitalitätsmessung mittels FACS (fluorescence activated cell sorting)–Analyse. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit Daten von insgesamt 1656 polymorphen Positionen (aus HapMap Datenbank) aus 21 Kandidatengenen korreliert. Auf diese Weise sollte der Einfluss dieser Polymorphismen auf die Zellvitalität ermittelt werden. Sowohl bei SMAD3 als auch bei SMAD7 fanden sich jeweils 2 SNP, die ein perfektes bzw hohes Kopplungsungleichgewicht (linkage disequilibrium) aufwiesen. Insgesamt waren zwölf Polymorphismen aus acht Genen (TGFBR1, SMAD2, SMAD3, SMAD7, BRCA2, MSH2, MSH6 und XRCC1) mit signifikanten Veränderungen der Zellvitalität assoziiert. Das Variantenallel scheint bis auf wenige Ausnahmen einen zytoprotektiven Effekt zu haben. Ausnahmen sind 3 SNP der Gene BRCA2, SMAD3 und SMAD 7, bei denen der Wildtyp mit höherer Zellvitalität einhergeht. Bei alleiniger Bestrahlung wirkten sich SNP aus SMAD3, SMAD7, MSH2 und MSH6 modulierend auf die Zytotoxizität aus, wenn auch statistisch nicht signifikant. Interessanterweise zeigten sich bei Betrachtung der Auswirkung einer Stimulation mit TGFβ1 vor und nach Bestrahlung mit 3 Gy dieselben SNP als statistisch signifikante Modellprädiktoren wie auch bei alleiniger Bestrahlung mit Ausnahme eines SNP aus SMAD3.  Bei Vorinkubation mit TGFβ1 wirkte sich die MSH2-Variante stärker aus. Hier entstand beim Wildtyp ein zusätzlich zytotoxischer Einfluss im Vergleich zur Stimulation nach Bestrahlung. Bei Inhibition durch anti-TGFβ vor der Bestrahlung zeigte noch ein SNP aus MSH6 und ein SNP aus SMAD7 einen zytoprotektiven Effekt.  Einige Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit könnten, sofern sie im Verlauf durch nachfolgende Studien bestätigt bzw. erweitert werden helfen Therapiekonzepte maligner Tumoren zu optimieren und eine individuelle Radiotherapie zu ermöglichen.

Význam detekce regulačních T lymfocytů a rozdíly v expresi nádorových antigenů u ovariálního karcinomu / Impact of the regulatory T cells detection and differences in expession of tumor antigens in ovarian cancer

Kloudová, Kamila January 2014 (has links)
Regulatory T cells (Treg) play a key role in maintaining the immune tolerance. They suppress development of autoimmune diseases and contribute to maintaining the homeostasis of the immune system. Expansion and excessive ability of regulatory T cells to suppress the immune response is increasingly observed also at many types of cancer. Due to the active inhibition of the antitumor immune response Treg contribute to tumor progression. Specific phenotype based detection and analysis of Treg functional properties may contribute to the successful monitoring of Treg accounts and to the effective cancer immunotherapy itself. Tumor cells express high amounts of so-called tumor antigens, which may play a key role in the antitumor immune response. Expression level of the tumor antigens gives the evidence about relevancy of each antigen in the specific immune response and efficiency of cancer immunotherapy. These data are obviously important to be obtained from the tumor cell lines as well as primary tumor cells. In the first part of the thesis I was focusing on the quantitative analysis of regulatory T cells in tumor tissue and peripheral blood of patients with ovarian cancer. For this purpose I used the newly introduced methyl-sensitive quantitative PCR (MS-qPCR) method and compare the data with the widely...

Prediction of therapeutic response to paclitaxel, docetaxel and ixabepilone in breast cancer / Prédiction de la réponse thérapeutique sur paclitaxel, docetaxel et ixabépilone en cancer du sein

Kadra, Gais 10 October 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier la sensibilité des lignes cellulaires du cancer du sein BTCL aux agents stabilisants des microtubules (taxanes et ixabépilone) afin de: 1 - identifier la pharmaco-génomique prédictif de la réponse (résistance / sensibilité) comme une signature moleculaire, et de valider cette signature sur d'autres études dont les données génomiques sont disponibles en ligne, donc mis l'expression des gènes prédictifs de GES pour Tax- sensibilité (333 gènes ) et Ixa-sensibilité (79 gènes) ont été définis, et les Taxanes prédicateurs GES a considérablement prédit Pac-sensibilité dans BTCL, et pathologiques réponse complète à base de Pac-chimiothérapie néoadjuvante chez les patients du cancer du sein. 2 - étudier le rôle des cellules souches du cancer (ALDH +) sur la réponse thérapeutique aux Taxanes et donc, Nous identifions quatre lignes BTCL qui présentent un enrichissement significative dans le pourcentage et le nombre absolu de ALDELFUOR cellules positives dans chacun de ces quatre BTCLs après 5 jours de traitement par le paclitaxel, en contraste avec les résultats précédents, nous avons constaté que dans ces autres 3 BTCLs le phénomène est inversé avec la diminution significative du pourcentage et le nombre absolu de cellules positives ALDELFUOR trouve dans chacun de ces trois BTCLs après 5 jours du traitement par le paclitaxel. Une signature moléculaire de SCC résistant / sensible de 243 pb avec 179 gènes dont 152 gènes sont régulés à la hausse et 27 gènes régulés à la baisse au CSC résistantes au paclitaxel, une sorte prédicteurs génomiques pour Tax - sensibilité au CSC résistantes au paclitaxel peut être dérivée à partir BTCL et peut être utile pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes de résistance aux taxanes et de l'implication de la CSC dans cette résistance, afin de mieux sélectionner des traitements cytotoxiques chez les patients du cancer du sein et l'identification des d'autres marqueurs potentiels de thérapies ciblées dans l'avenir. 3 - Nous avons testé l'impact de l'altération des paramètres génomiques et protéiques ou les mutations de certains gènes comme tau (MAPT), K-alpha tubuline (TUB A1B) tubuline alpha-6 (A1C TUB) tubuline beta 3 (TUBB3) et stathmine (STMN1), malheureusement nous n'avions jamais identifier une mutation pour être corrélée à la réponse des BTCL aux Taxanes. 4 - Nous essayons d'étudier au niveau de protéines par immunohistochimie sur le tissu de micro-array et cyto-micro-array pour certains paramètres qui ont été déjà prouvé (in vitro) pour être corrélée à la réponse aux Taxanes, (cette partie est en fait en cours). / The aim of this thesis is to study the sensitivity of breast cancer cell lines BTCL to microtubule-stabilizing agents (Taxanes and ixabepilone) in order to:1- identify pharmaco-genomic predictor of response (resistance /sensitivity) as a molecular signature, and to validate this signature on others studies of which the genomic data are available on line, so gene expression set GES predictors for Tax-sensitivity (333 genes) and Ixa-sensitivity (79 genes) were defined, and the Taxanes GES predictors has significantly predicted Pac-sensitivity in BTCL, and pathological complete response to Pac-based neo-adjuvant chemotherapy in BC patients.2- study the role of cancer stem cell (ALDH+) on the therapeutic response to Taxanes and their we identify 4 BTCLs which present a significant enrichment in the percentage and the absolute numbers of ALDELFUOR-positive cells found in each of these 4 BTCLs after 5 days of treatment by Paclitaxel , In contrast to the previous results we found that in others 3 BTCLs these phenomenon is inversed with the significant decrease of the percentage, and the absolute numbers of ALDELFUOR-positive cells found in each of these 3 BTCLs after 5 days of treatment by Paclitaxel.A molecular signature of CSC resistant /sensitive of 243 pb with 179 genes of which 152 genes are up- regulated and 27 genes down-regulated in CSC resistant to Paclitaxel, so a genomic predictors for Tax-sensitivity in CSC resistant to Paclitaxel can be derived from BTCL and may be helpful for better understanding the mechanisms of resistance to Taxanes and the implication of CSC in this resistance in order to better select of cytotoxic treatment in breast cancer patients and identification of others potential markers for targeted therapies in the future .3- we tested the impact of the alteration of genomic and proteic parameters or the mutations of some genes like tau (MAPT),Tubulin K- ALPHA (TUB A1B) Tubulin alpha-6 (TUB A1C) Tubulin beta 3 (TUBB3) and Stathmin (STMN1), unfortunately we did'nt identify a mutations to be correlated to BTCL response to Taxanes .4- we try to study at the level of proteins by immunohistochemistry on the tissue micro- array and cyto-micro-array for some parameters which have been already proved (in vitro) to be correlated with response to Taxanes , ( this part is actually ongoing).

Expressão de genes homeobox em células de carcinoma epidermóide de boca estimuladas com EGF e TGF-beta / Expression of homeobox genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines, stimulated with EGF and TGF-beta

Campos, Marcia Sampaio 21 January 2008 (has links)
Genes homeobox, vitais para muitos aspectos relacionados com crescimento e diferenciação celular, têm sido descritos desregulados em alguns cânceres. Seu papel na carcinogênese, principalmente de carcinomas epidermóides de boca, permanence pouco claro e pobremente caracterizado. Desse modo, esse estudo objetivou avaliar, em cultura de células, o perfil de expressão de seis genes homeobox (ASH2L, HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF) selecionados dentre aqueles previamente identificados no Projeto Genoma Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço (2001) sob estímulo de EGF e TGF-beta1. Para tal, linhagens celulares de carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço primário (HN6) e metastático (HN31) e uma linhagem não-tumoral (HaCat) foram cultivadas sob condições-padrão. Após a confecção dos cDNAs de cada linhagem, por meio de RT-PCR, os transcritos foram amplificados e quantificados pela técnica de PCR em tempo real. Os dados foram normalizados com o gene HPRT e a quantificação relativa foi realizada seguindo o método do delta Ct. De acordo com os resultados foi possível verificar que o EGF produziu uma modulação variável da expressão dos genes avaliados em todas as linhagens celulares, enquanto que, em geral, o TGF-beta1 foi capaz de aumentar significantemente (ANOVA, p<0,05) a expressão dos transcritos de 5 genes homeobox (HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF). Particularmente transcritos dos genes PITX1 e TGIF foram signicantemente mais expressos nas linhagens tumorais (HN6 e HN31) frente à linhagem não-tumoral quando tratados com TGF-beta1. Desse modo, sugere-se que os genes homeobox estudados desempenhem diferentes funções na carcinoma epidermóide de boca, e que, especialmente PITX1 e TGIF atuem como oncogenes inibindo a resposta anti-proliferativa dependente de TGF-beta e levando a progressão tumoral. / Homeobox genes, vital to many aspects related with cellular growth and differentiation, had been described as deregulated in some cancers. Their role in carcinogenesis, mainly oral squamous cell carcinomas, remains unclear and poorly characterized. Thus, this study had the purpose to evaluate, in cell cultures, the expression profile of six homeobox genes (ASH2L, HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF) selected among genes previously identified in the Head and Neck Cancer Genoma Project (2001), under stimulation with EGF and TGF-beta1. Oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines from primary tumour (HN6) and from methastasis (HN31), and a non-tumoral cell line (HaCat) were cultured under standard procedures. CDNAs were obtained by RT-PCR and the transcripts were amplified and quantified by real-time PCR. Data were normalized by HPRT gene and the relative quantification was made by the delta Ct method. According to the results, it was possible to observe that EGF produced a variable modulation of the analyzed genes, in all cell lines. Generally, TGF-beta1 was able to significantly increase (ANOVA, p<0,05) the expression of the transcripts of 5 homeobox genes (HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF). Transcripts of PITX1 and TGIF genes were particularly more expressed in the tumoral cell lines (HN6 e HN31), when compared to the non-tumoral cell line, when treated with TGF-beta1. It is suggested that the studied homeobox genes play different roles in oral squamous cell carcinoma and that, especially the PITX1 and TGIF act as oncogenes, inhibitting the TGF-dependent anti-proliferative response, leading to tumour progression.

Cyclic nucleotide regulated calcium signaling in vascular and jurkat T cells. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2011 (has links)
cAMP-elevating agents such as adenosine and epinephrine (after binding to beta-adrenergic receptor) contribute to local vascular dilation and some of these dilations are endothelium-dependent. Previous intracellular Ca 2+ imaging studies in mouse microvessel endothelial cells reported that addition of adenosine or epinephrine induced a Ca2+ influx which is blocked by CNG channel blockers such as L-cis-diltiazem or LY83583. Inside-out patch clamp studies confirmed the existence of a cAMP-activated current in endothelial cells, strongly suggesting a functional role of CNG, in particular CNGA2, channels in endothelial cells. The current study went further to show that similar Ca2+ influx in response to adenosine or epinephrine occurred in endothelial cells in freshly isolated mouse aortic strips and was again blocked by L-cis-diltiazem. By measuring the isometric force developed in mouse aortic strips, we showed that CNGA2 channel-mediated Ca2+ influx in endothelial cells contributed to the endothelium-dependent vascular dilatation in response to adenosine and epinephrine. / In conclusion, cyclic nucleotides playa vital role in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration in vascular cells and Jurket T cells. / In Jurkat T cells, cyclic nucleotides regulated Ca2+ mobilization in a different way. Fluorescence-imaging studies showed that cGMP inhibited store-operated Ca2+ influx and histamine-induced Ca 2+ rise in Jurkat T cells through activation of PKG. / Thromboxane A2 (TxA2)-induced smooth muscle contraction has been implicated in cardiovascular, renal and respiratory diseases. This contraction can partly be attributed to TxA2-induced Ca2+ influx, which activates the Ca2+-calmodulin-MLCK pathway. This study aims to identify the channels that mediate TxA2-induced Ca2+ influx in vascular smooth muscle cells. Application of U-46619, a thromboxane A2 mimic, resulted in a constriction in endothelium-denuded small mesenteric artery segments. The constriction relied on the presence of extracellular Ca2+, because removal of extracellular Ca2+ abolished the constriction. This constriction was partially inhibited by a L-type Ca2+ channel inhibitor nifedipine (0.5-1 muM). The remaining component was inhibited by L-cis-diltiazem, a selective inhibitor for CNG channels, in a dose-dependent manner, Another CNG channel blocker LY83583 [6-(phenylamino)-5,8-quinolinedione] had similar effect. In primary cultured smooth muscle cells derived from rat aorta, application of U46619 (100 nM) induced a rise in cytosolic Ca2+, which was inhibited by L-cis-diltiazem. Immunoblot experiments confirmed the presence Of CNGA2 protein in vascular smooth muscle cells, These data suggest a functional role of CNG channels in U-46619-induced Ca 2+ influx and contraction of smooth muscle cells. / Leung, Yuk Ki. / "August 2010." / Adviser: Yao Xiaoxiang. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-04, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 116-132). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Cadmium-induced Cytotoxicity in a Zebrafish Liver Cell-line ZFL. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2012 (has links)
Zhu, Jinyong. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 128-139). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Expressão de genes homeobox em células de carcinoma epidermóide de boca estimuladas com EGF e TGF-beta / Expression of homeobox genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines, stimulated with EGF and TGF-beta

Marcia Sampaio Campos 21 January 2008 (has links)
Genes homeobox, vitais para muitos aspectos relacionados com crescimento e diferenciação celular, têm sido descritos desregulados em alguns cânceres. Seu papel na carcinogênese, principalmente de carcinomas epidermóides de boca, permanence pouco claro e pobremente caracterizado. Desse modo, esse estudo objetivou avaliar, em cultura de células, o perfil de expressão de seis genes homeobox (ASH2L, HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF) selecionados dentre aqueles previamente identificados no Projeto Genoma Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço (2001) sob estímulo de EGF e TGF-beta1. Para tal, linhagens celulares de carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço primário (HN6) e metastático (HN31) e uma linhagem não-tumoral (HaCat) foram cultivadas sob condições-padrão. Após a confecção dos cDNAs de cada linhagem, por meio de RT-PCR, os transcritos foram amplificados e quantificados pela técnica de PCR em tempo real. Os dados foram normalizados com o gene HPRT e a quantificação relativa foi realizada seguindo o método do delta Ct. De acordo com os resultados foi possível verificar que o EGF produziu uma modulação variável da expressão dos genes avaliados em todas as linhagens celulares, enquanto que, em geral, o TGF-beta1 foi capaz de aumentar significantemente (ANOVA, p<0,05) a expressão dos transcritos de 5 genes homeobox (HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF). Particularmente transcritos dos genes PITX1 e TGIF foram signicantemente mais expressos nas linhagens tumorais (HN6 e HN31) frente à linhagem não-tumoral quando tratados com TGF-beta1. Desse modo, sugere-se que os genes homeobox estudados desempenhem diferentes funções na carcinoma epidermóide de boca, e que, especialmente PITX1 e TGIF atuem como oncogenes inibindo a resposta anti-proliferativa dependente de TGF-beta e levando a progressão tumoral. / Homeobox genes, vital to many aspects related with cellular growth and differentiation, had been described as deregulated in some cancers. Their role in carcinogenesis, mainly oral squamous cell carcinomas, remains unclear and poorly characterized. Thus, this study had the purpose to evaluate, in cell cultures, the expression profile of six homeobox genes (ASH2L, HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF) selected among genes previously identified in the Head and Neck Cancer Genoma Project (2001), under stimulation with EGF and TGF-beta1. Oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines from primary tumour (HN6) and from methastasis (HN31), and a non-tumoral cell line (HaCat) were cultured under standard procedures. CDNAs were obtained by RT-PCR and the transcripts were amplified and quantified by real-time PCR. Data were normalized by HPRT gene and the relative quantification was made by the delta Ct method. According to the results, it was possible to observe that EGF produced a variable modulation of the analyzed genes, in all cell lines. Generally, TGF-beta1 was able to significantly increase (ANOVA, p<0,05) the expression of the transcripts of 5 homeobox genes (HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF). Transcripts of PITX1 and TGIF genes were particularly more expressed in the tumoral cell lines (HN6 e HN31), when compared to the non-tumoral cell line, when treated with TGF-beta1. It is suggested that the studied homeobox genes play different roles in oral squamous cell carcinoma and that, especially the PITX1 and TGIF act as oncogenes, inhibitting the TGF-dependent anti-proliferative response, leading to tumour progression.

The Effects of Crude Methanolic Extract of Commelina benghalensis Linn on the Expression of Apoptotic and Cell Division Cycle Genes in Jurkat T and Wil-2 NSCancer Cell Lines.

Mbazima, Vusi G. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Biochemistry)) --University of Limpopo, 2009 / Commelina benghalensis Linn is used in traditional medicine in several Asian and African countries for the treatment of various ailments such as stomach irritations, burns, sore throat and feet, diarrhoea and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Recently, our laboratory showed that the crude methanolic extract of Commelina benghalensis L (CMECB) exhibits growth inhibitory and proapoptotic effects in Jurkat T and Wil-2 NS cancer cell lines. In this study, the precise molecular mechanism(s) associated with CMECB-induced growth inhibitory and apoptosis inducing effects in Jurkat T and Wil-2 NS cell lines were investigated. This was achieved by investigating the effects of the extract on the cell division cycle distribution profile as well as its effects on various cell division cycle and apoptosis regulatory genes. Ground stems of C. benghalensis L were extracted with absolute methanol to obtain a crude extract. To assess the effect of CMECB on cancer cell growth, experimental cell cultures were exposed to various concentrations (0 to 600 μg/ml) of CMECB for up to 72 hours. The results demonstrated a significant reduction in cell viability and inhibition of proliferation of experimental cell cultures as determined by the trypan blue dye exclusion assay and the Coulter counter method, respectively. Analysis of nuclear morphological changes in cells stained with Hoechst 33258 confirmed apoptosis as the mode of cell death that is associated with the growth inhibitory effects of CMECB in both the Jurkat T and Wil-2 NS cell lines. This assertion was based on the observed presence of nuclear morphological changes such as chromatin condensation and fragmentation and apoptotic bodies in cells exposed to CMECB. In order to get an insight on the pro-apoptotic mechanisms of CMECB, Western blot xxi and quantitative real-time PCR (qrt-PCR) were used to investigate the expression profiles of various apoptosis and cell division cycle regulatory genes. Qrt-PCR results showed a lack of a clear up- and/or down-regulatory effects of CMECB on the mRNA expression levels of bax and bcl-2 in both Jurkat T and Wil-2 NS cells. Western blot analyses demonstrated that CMECB induced apoptosis by facilitating Bax protein translocation from the cytosol to the mitochondria in both Jurkat T and Wil-2 NS cells. In addition, CMECB down-regulated Bcl-2 protein expression which, as a result, led to the shift in the Bax/Bcl-2 protein ratio at certain time points and concentration in both Jurkat T and Wil-2 NS cells. The modulation of the Bcl-2 family members led to mitochondrial cytochrome c release into the cytosol and activation of caspases-9 and -3; this was also confirmed by caspase activity assays and eventual degradation of PARP. Furthermore, CMECB induced Jurkat T and Wil-2 NS cell division cycle arrest at the G2/M phase as determined by flow cytometric analysis. Western blot analyses of G2/M phase regulatory proteins demonstrated that the CMECB-induced cell division cycle arrest was associated with the downregulation of cyclin B1 and Cdc2 protein expression levels. Western blot analyses results further revealed that the arrest of Wil-2 NS cells at the G2/M phase was independent of p21 protein activity. However, Jurkat T cell division cycle arrest was found to be mediated, in part, by p21. Quantitative real-time PCR results did not show a clear trend in terms of the down- or up-regulatory effects of the extracts on the G2/M phase regulatory genes. The CMECBinduced apoptosis and G2/M arrest was found to occur in a p53-independent xxii manner due to the lack and down-regulation of p53 protein levels in both Jurkat T and Wil-2 NS cells, respectively. In conclusion, CMECB induces its anticancer activity by inducing G2/M phase arrest and mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis independent of p53 protein activity. Although the study did not perform in vivo experiments to ascertain the efficacy of extracts of CMECB against specific tumour types in animal models, the present findings somehow validate the traditional use of C. benghalensis L as an anticancer agent. A more definitive study needs to be done to ascertain this assertion. / National Research Foundation and the University of Limpopo research office

Molecular and cellular analysis of Lhx2 function in hematopoietic stem cells

Richter, Karin January 2007 (has links)
The formation of blood, hematopoiesis, is a dynamic process originating from a small number of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). To sustain hematopoiesis throughout life HSCs have the unique capacity to differentiate into all mature hematopoietic lineages as well as generating more HSCs by a mechanism referred to as self-renewal. However, the regulation of these processes is largely unknown. During embryonic development HSCs expand in the fetal liver, indicating that this environment supports HSC self-renewal. The LIM-homeobox gene Lhx2 is expressed in the fetal liver during this period and Lhx2 null mutant mice die in utero due to severe anemia caused by an environmental defect in the fetal liver. Embryonic stem cells differentiate in vitro, forming embryoid bodies (EBs) containing various tissues including hematopoietic progenitor cells. Introduction of Lhx2 into this system by retroviral transfer led to the generation of cytokine dependent HSC-like cell lines that were multipotent and expressed surface markers similar to embryonic HSCs. However, the specificity and efficiency of this event could not be elucidated. To further evaluate the function of Lhx2 expression during hematopoietic development, Lhx2 was introduced into an ES cell system where expression could be efficiently turned on. This approach revealed that Lhx2 induce self-renewal of distinct multipotent hematopoietic progenitor/stem cells present in the EB, with the ability to form HSC-like cell lines. The Lhx2 induced self-renewal is growth factor specific since stem cell factor and interleukin-6 are necessary and sufficient for this process. However, Lhx2 expression blocked erythroid differentiation and interfered with early ES cell commitment, indicating that the effect of Lhx2 is cell type specific. Since HSCs of early embryonic origin are inefficient in engrafting adult recipients upon transplantation, we wanted to address whether we could generate cell lines retaining this capacity by expression of Lhx2 in hematopoietic cells from adult bone marrow. This led to the generation of clonal and cytokine dependent HSC-like cell lines capable of generating erythroid, myeloid and lymphoid cells upon transplantation into lethally irradiated recipients. When transplanted into stem cell-deficient mice, they contributed to circulating erythrocytes for at least 18 months, revealing a remarkable potential for self-renewal and differentiation in vivo. However, expression of Lhx2 was maintained in vivo and most engrafted mice developed a transplantable myeloproliferative disorder resembling human chronic myeloid leukemia. Thus, elucidation of the mechanism for Lhx2 function in HSC-like cell lines would give insights into both normal and pathological regulation of HSCs. Down-regulation of Lhx2 expression in HSC-like cell lines with inducible Lhx2 expression led to rapid loss of stem cell characteristics and differentiation into various hematopoietic cell types. Thus, global gene expression analysis comparing Lhx2+ HSC-like cell lines to their Lhx2- progeny would give insights into the molecular basis for Lhx2 function in stem cells. A number of differentially expressed genes overlapped with previously reported HSC enriched genes, further emphasizing the resemblance between HSCs and the HSC-like cell lines also at the molecular level. Moreover, a number of genes were identified with functions or expression patterns related to Lhx2 in other organs. Collectively, these data suggest that these HSC-like cell lines represent a relevant model system for normal HSCs on the molecular and the functional level as well as for evaluating Lhx2 function in the development of various tissues in the embryo as well as in disease.


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