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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A reorganização sindical no governo Lula : um estudo sobre a Conlutas e a Intersindical / The union reorganization in the Lula government : a study of Conlutas and Intersindical

Gonçalves, Tatiana, 1984- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Andréia Galvão / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T13:03:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Goncalves_Tatiana_M.pdf: 896686 bytes, checksum: 839ccb1816462739bc4fb18dc3e63385 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo a análise do processo de conformação da Coordenação Nacional de Lutas (Conlutas) e da Intersindical, duas agremiações que surgem no marco de uma reorganização sindical que ocorre no interior da Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) a partir da eleição de Lula, representante do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), ao governo federal, em 2003. Desde as transformações programáticas que se desenharam nos congressos desta central em resposta ao advento do neoliberalismo no Brasil a partir da década de 1990, as divergências entre as diversas correntes que compunham a CUT já se verificavam claramente; mas é a partir de 2003 que se caracteriza uma inflexão mais profunda no interior da CUT, dado que esta central, que sempre se localizou enquanto oposição ao governo federal, passa a se tornar um importante ponto de apoio do governo Lula, gerando um impasse interno fundamentalmente a respeito das propostas de reformas apresentadas pelo PT ao Congresso Nacional, como as Reformas da Previdência, Trabalhista e Sindical. Estas dissonâncias levam a um processo comum de discussão sobre novas alternativas sindicais, no qual se insere o surgimento da Conlutas e da Intersindical. Nesse sentido, buscamos compreender as proximidades e diferenças na conformação destas duas agremiações e o porquê destas terem resultado em duas alternativas distintas, dado que ambas são oriundas de um mesmo processo político a respeito dos rumos da CUT nesse novo cenário nacional / Abstract: The current research aims to analyze the merging process of Coordenação Nacional de Lutas (Conlutas) and Intersindical, two organizations that arise in a moment of union reorganization, which occurs inside the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) since the presidential election of the head of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), Lula, in 2003. From the programmatic transformations that were eveloped in the CUT¿s Congress as a response to the advent of neoliberalism in Brazil since 1990, a wide divergence of groups that compose CUT were clearly noticed. However, it was only after 2003 that a remarkable change inside CUT could be seen. While this organization had always been an opponent to the federal government, it then became one of the most important supportive groups of President Lula. Consequently, it reached an impasse inside CUT, ultimately, regarding PT¿s proposals for new reforms such as Pension, Labor and Union Reforms. These dissonances bring up a common discussion about new union alternatives, in which the upcoming of Conlutas and Intersindical is inserted. Taking this into consideration, we aim to comprehend the similarities and differences in the merging process of these two union organizations and understand the reason why they have ended up into two distinct alternatives, since both are originated from the same political process concerning CUT¿s future in today¿s national scenario / Mestrado / Ciencia Politica / Mestra em Ciência Política

Professional Development to Enhance Instructional Leadership and Practice of Central Office Administrators

McCue, Cheryl A. R. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Professional Development to Enhance Instructional Leadership and Practice of Central Office Administrators by Cheryl A. R. McCue M. Ed., Lehigh University, 1990 BS, Kutztown University, 1987 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Walden University June 2016 Decades of research and practice suggest that educational administrators need to experience opportunities for professional development and continuous learning. This project study addressed the problem regarding the lack of a formal or systemic plan for professional development of central office administrators in a large suburban school district in northeastern United States. Supported by Lave and Wenger's communities of practice model and the work of Bandura in social learning theory, the research question investigated the ways in which central office administrators experienced continuous learning and professional development opportunities and the perceptions regarding the effectiveness of those practices as a vehicle for enhancing their knowledge of instructional leadership and practice. A descriptive qualitative case study design using the purposeful sampling of 18 central office administrators was used to collect data via an open-ended survey, plan analysis, and document reviews that were coded and analyzed for common themes. Themes that emerged revealed participants thought that collaborative and reflective practices were important to continuous learning and professional development and necessary to enhance knowledge of instructional leadership and practice. Study findings supported the need for increased time and an identified structure for professional development opportunities as well as an improved culture of learning for the district's central office administrative team. Providing a structure for more systemic professional development for central office administrators may lead to more quality instruction and leadership practice, thus influencing student learning in this district as an aspect of positive social change.

Produção associada na era da precarização estrutural = da atuação das cooperativas de trabalho / Associated production in the era of structural precariousness : an analysis of the performance of work cooperatives

Pagotto, Claudete 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Luiz Coutro Antunes / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T03:12:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pagotto_Claudete_D.pdf: 3762773 bytes, checksum: b4ff748772672d0750d3d8d3aef1a61c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Neste trabalho analisamos os processos de formação e de organização de cooperativas populares de trabalho vinculadas à Incubadora Pública de Economia Solidária da Prefeitura de Santo André em parceira com a UNISOL-Br: o caso da CoopStilus e da Cooperativa Vale Verde e à Comuna Urbana ?Dom Hélder Câmara? do MST: o caso da cooperativa de costura, com o objetivo de expor, como e por meio de quais especificidades as cooperativas adquirem uma funcionalidade no processo de precarização do trabalho em curso, ao mesmo tempo que podem (ou não) reafirmar valores coletivos no interior da ordem do capital. Realizamos a análise do contexto histórico, a partir dos anos 1990, período este de crescimento das cooperativas e da inserção de projetos de geração de trabalho e renda na CUT e em políticas de governo sob a gestão do PT, particularmente na cidade de Santo André, sob o enfoque da economia solidária. Realizamos uma abordagem geral acerca das experiências da economia solidária realizadas em políticas de governo e sobre as teorizações de seus principais interlocutores. Alguns dos principais elementos que influenciam a concepção de economia solidária foram abordados a partir dos apontamentos sobre a formação do pensamento socialista no século XIX, e sobre as conceituações acerca de uma economia plural em Karl Polanyi. Ressaltamos, na análise teórica, os apontamentos de Karl Marx sobre o trabalho em cooperativa sob a ordem do capital. Esboçamos ao final uma síntese das análises realizadas a partir dos dados obtidos com a investigação e uma aproximação ao objeto da pesquisa por meio de uma reflexão referente às ambiguidades que envolvem uma cooperativa na fase atual do capitalismo, retomando o debate sobre a possibilidade (ou não) de produzir relações sociais novas, por meio de cooperativas, sob a ordem de capital / Abstract: In this paper we examined the processes of formation and organization of three popular cooperatives, two of them linked to the Economic Solidarity Incubator of the City of Santo André in partnership with UNISOL-Br: CoopStilus and Cooperativa Vale Verde; and one related to the MST (Landless Worker's Movement) Urban Commune Dom Hélder Câmara: the Sewing Cooperative. It aimed to describe how and by which means the cooperative acquire a functionality in the ongoing process of precarization of labor, while at the same time they may (or may not) reaffirm collective values within the capitalist order. We conducted a general analysis of the historical context from the 1990s on, a period which saw the growth of cooperatives and the creation of job and income generation projects inside CUT (a mass Brazilian national union organization) and government policies under the management of PT (Worker's party), particularly in the city of Santo André, from the viewpoint of the solidary economy. We developed a general approach on the experiences of solidary economy held in government policies and on the theories of its main interlocutors. Some key elements that influence the development of solidary economy were addressed from the notes on the evolution of the Socialist Thought in the 19th century, and Karl Polanyi's concepts of a plural economy. In the theoretical analysis, we highlight Karl Marx's notes on the cooperative work under the order of capital. To conclude, we outline a summary of the analyses performed from the data obtained with this research and an approach to the object of research through reflection regarding the ambiguities involving a cooperative in the current phase of capitalism, resuming the debate on the possibility of whether (or not) to produce new social relations through cooperatives, under the order of capital / Doutorado / Sociologia / Doutor em Sociologia

Desemprego e organização dos trabalhadores desempregados no Brasil : as políticas da CUT-SP e do MST-SP durante os governos Lula / Unemployment and the unemployed workers organization in Brazil : CUT-SP's and MST-SP's politics during Lula government

Figueiredo Filho, Carolina Barbosa Gomes, 1987- 04 October 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Andréia Galvão / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T21:35:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FigueiredoFilho_CarolinaBarbosaGomes_M.pdf: 1853405 bytes, checksum: 2240a708ada0b09c7cda4c075634f6e1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa de Mestrado se propõe a analisar como se manifesta o desemprego e como tem se dado a organização dos trabalhadores desempregados no Brasil, em especial no Estado de São Paulo, nos anos de 2003 a 2010. Isso será feito a partir da análise de duas formas de organização, o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) e a Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), enquanto distintas e importantes referências nas lutas sociais no Brasil. Para isso, abordamos as especificidades do capitalismo, do desemprego e da questão agrária no Brasil, bem como o papel do Estado e os impactos do neoliberalismo sobre o mercado de trabalho, em especial, no caso paulista. Além disso, discutimos questões gerais sobre qual(is) a(s) condição(ões) de classe dos desempregados, sobre as dificuldades e potencialidades da organização destes, sobre a sua relação com os trabalhadores em atividade, de modo a relacionar a organização analisada a aspectos objetivos da formação econômica e social do país e a elementos conjunturais, ideológicos e políticos. O trabalho está dividido em quatro partes. Em um primeiro momento, discorremos sobre o debate teórico que orienta a análise sobre o desemprego e sua relação com o modo de produção capitalista, inclusive na especificidade do capitalismo dependente brasileiro, tendo em vista demonstrar a complexidade do fenômeno e, portanto, as diversas questões e problemáticas que o estudo sobre o desemprego suscita no campo das ciências sociais. Em seguida, desenvolvemos um estudo sobre a dimensão e a manifestação do desemprego durante o período marcado pelo avanço da política neoliberal no Brasil e as particularidades da expressão desse fenômeno nos governos Lula. Depois, analisamos as políticas da CUT-SP para a organização da superpopulação relativa, em suas diferentes expressões, relacionada à estratégia sindical desta entidade. Por fim, buscamos resgatar as principais características gerais da base de desempregados que o MST se propõe a organizar no Estado de São Paulo, bem como as concepções político-ideológicas desse movimento e suas formas de luta / Abstract: This research aims to analyze how unemployment occurs in Brazil and how has been the organization of unemployed workers in this country, especially in the state of São Paulo, in the years 2003 to 2010. This will be done by analyzing the policies of ?Central Única dos Trabalhadores? (CUT) and of "Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra" (MST) to organize unemployed workers as important references in social struggles in Brazil. At first, we will discuss the theoretical debate that guides the analysis of unemployment and its relationship to the capitalist mode of production, including the specificity of Brazilian dependent capitalism in order to demonstrate the complexity of the phenomenon and, therefore, the various issues and problems about the study of unemployment in the social sciences. Then, we will develop a study on the extent and manifestation of unemployment during the period marked by the advance of neoliberal policy in Brazil and characteristics of expression of this phenomenon in Lula's government. After that, we analyze the policies of CUT-SP for the organization of the unemployed workers, in its different expressions, related with its union strategy. Finally, we will seek to redeem the principal characteristics of the unemployed in MST in the State of São Paulo, as well as the political and ideological conceptions of this movement and its forms of struggle. The sources of this research will be obtained through the literature available on the subject, a survey of press materials and the movement itself and conducting some interviews with leaders, activists and social base of the organization. This study will address the specifics of capitalism, unemployment and agrarian question in Brazil, as well as the role of the state and the impacts of neoliberalism on the labor market, especially in the case of São Paulo. Also, it discusses general issues about which condition(s) of the class of unemployed, about the difficulties and potentialities of the organization, about their relationship with workers in activity, in order to relate the MST-SP with the objective aspects of economic and social formation of the country and with ideological and political elements / Mestrado / Ciencia Politica / Mestra em Ciência Política

High Stakes Testing and Accountability Mandates: Impact on Central Office Leadership

Carver, Susan D. 11 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

江戶時期新興商人「三井家」之家族延續策略與思維―與明清時期徽商之比較― / The Strategies and Perspectives on the Continuance of Progressive Merchant Mitsui Family― In the Case of Its Comparison to Huizhou Merchant―

徐曉筠 Unknown Date (has links)
江戶時期知名的大商人三井高利(宗壽)創立了「三井越後屋(和服店,三越百貨的前身)」,奠定了三井家的事業基礎。三井高利注重家族的延續,為了避免家族的分裂,於其遺書「宗壽居士古遺言」中揭示了家產共有的方向。第二代的高平(宗竺)於元祿七年(一六九四)改寫父親三井高利的遺書,制定三井家族一家的家法「宗竺遺書」。當中規定由限定的血緣團體,也就是由九名「同苗」共同擁有「三井」的事業及資產;確立了家產共有制度。另外,「宗竺遺書」對於家族及事業之管理機構「大元方」,以及事業經營辦法都有詳細的規定,其中不依附政權為三井事業經營的最高指導原則。由特定的血縁集團所構成的三井家並沒有隨著德川幕府一起走入歷史,成功的將家族的命脈延續至明治時期。 而與江戶時代相當、明清時期的徽商靠著宗族的力量發展茁壯,成為中國十大商幫之首。徽商認識到宗族的擴大強化和家庭的延續息息相關,因此對宗族十分重視。此外,依附政權為徽商經營的一個顯著特徵。為了使事業和政權結合,徽商對於宗族子弟透過科舉任官十分熱心。透過和政治權力結合而叱吒商場上三四百年的徽商,和清朝政府如同命運共同體,一起走向衰亡的道路。 本稿想探討的是,為什麼徽商的家業(商)於清末凋零,而三井家的家業卻能成功地延續到明治時期。因此本稿從中日社會差異、考察三井和徽商的家族組織、家訓、教育、經營的特質,並藉由家族延續的志向及實際的行動,掌握家族延續的思維及戰略。結果發現徽商家族無法存續的原因在於,財產的分割繼承,削弱了家族的財力。此外,事業寄生於政權發展的徽商,欠缺商人的獨立品格,也是造成其衰亡的要因之一。 相較於徽商,三井利用封閉的血緣集團,來經營三井的家族事業。為避免因為分產造成家族力量的削弱,三井實施家產共有制度,由封閉的血緣集團成員共同擁有。自立自強,不圖附著於政權發展的三井,不僅具備商人的獨立品格,也說明了「自立」為使其存續到近代的基本條件。 透過和徽商的比較,觀察出徽商和三井家家族延續的思維與戰略再某些方面,恰恰相反,這也突顯了三井家成功延續到明治時期的原因。 / 江戸時代において豪商として知られている三井高利は三井越後屋(三越デパートの前身)の創業祖である。高利は「家」の存続を念頭に、「宗寿居士古遺言」を残して家産の共有を指示している。二代目の高平(宗竺)は、元禄七年(一六九四)に書かれた宗寿の遺書を改め、三井家とその事業を規定する家法「宗竺遺書」を制定し、同苗の範囲を規定し限定的な血縁集団=九家からなる「同苗」集団によって「三井」の事業を維持する方針を決め、家産の共有制度を明文化した。また、「宗竺遺書」は三井家の同苗と事業の管理機関である大元方について、細かく規定し、事業経営の方針を決めた。事業経営に際し、政治権力に依存しないのは三井的な経営の主な経営方針である。限定的な血縁集団で構成された三井家は幕末から明治まで生き残った。 それに対して、江戸時代に相当する明清朝期において、全国のトップの商人団体として知られている徽商は「宗族」の力によって発展したのである。「宗族」の拡大・強化は家の存続に繋がると認識している徽商は宗族を重視した。 そして、政治権力との結びつきを重視する点は徽商的経営の大きな特徴として注目される。富を築いた徽商は宗族子弟が科挙官僚になるための教育に熱心に力を注いだ。徽商は三四百年にわたって活躍したが、清末に清朝政府とともに衰微の道を辿った。すなわち、清朝の政権とともに運命をともにした。 本論では、日中社会の違いを考慮し、三井家と徽商のそれぞれの同族組織、家訓、教育、経営の特質を考察した。家存続のための志向性と実際の行動から、家存続の考え方を把握して、比較を行った。その結果、徽商が家存続を困難にした要因は財産の分割相続と権力との結びつきであると発見した。それに対して、三井家の家存続の考え方は、閉鎖的な血縁集団によって三井家を存続させる、また、財産の不分割相続によって家の弱体化を防ぐ、そして、三井家は権力から自立的であったことが、近代に生きのこる基本的な条件であったことを解明した。 徽商と家存続の考え方との比較を通して、三井家が明治時代まで存続した理由は一層明らかである。 【キーワード】:三井家、同苗三井越後屋、三井高利、三井高平、『宗竺遺書』、大元方、徽商、宗族、家存続 / The well-known businessman in the Edo era, Mitsui Takatoshi, founded the Mitsui Echigoya, a kimono-style shop which was regarded as the forerunner of Mitsukoshi department store and laid the foundations of Mitsui Family’s business industry at that time. Since Mitsui Takatoshi was much more concerned about the continuance of his family, he therefore formulated the direction of family possessions shared inheritance in his will宗壽居士古遺言for fear of the family disintegration. However, Mitsui Takatoshi’s eldest son, Takahira (Soujiku), laid down the Mitsui’s family rules, ‘The Family Code of Mitsui Drawn by the Soujiku’ in 1964 by reforming his father’s will, in which he regulated that the family business and properties are only held by some specific family members, that is, by nine Dobyous, and subsequently set up the system of family possessions shared inheritance. Furthermore, “The Family Code of Mitsui” was as well drawn up puissant rules on its family, business running, and the administration, Mitsui Omotokata, especially for the characteristic of independent politic inclination being the paramount principle. Afterwards, the newly-formed Mitsui Family didn’t fall into decay together with Edo government but had successfully maintained its prosperity from Edo till Meiji instead. Parallel to the Edo era, Huizhou Merchants in Ming and Qing Dynasties have become the top trading group in China under the backup of their lineage. To be more specific, the realization of Huizhou Merchants and the amplification and intensification of the lineage were contingent upon the continuance of family; therefore, more attention was paid on the development of lineage. Additionally, Huizhou Merchant‘s business is also characterized for its significant dependence on politic power. For the purpose of combining business and regime, Huizhou Merchants were extremely concerned about their offspring in the way of being qualified as the officials through the Imperial Examinations. Despite the combined political power which enables Huizhou Merchants to prosper for about three or four hundred years, they still could not escape from the fate that declined and fell with Qing dynasty in the long run. In general, the different application of the strategies on family continuance might roughly reflect on the contrast between the success of Mitsui Family and the failure of Huizhou Merchants. This study attempts to explore the perspectives between the Mitsui Family and Huizhou Merchant on family organization, family laws and education, and business based on the cultural difference between Chinese and Japan. Besides, the study also investigates how the family continued and which strategy they adopted through the direction and realization and by using comparative analysis to highlight the better use of strategies and perspectives on the continuance of the family. On the other hand, the reason of Huizhou Merchants’ failure in their family continuance could be attributed to the division of family possessions, which weakened the financial power of family as well. Moreover, one of primary factors that caused Huizhou Merchants’ family business to fall may result from the reliance on government, lacking its independent spirit and characteristic. Compared to Huizhou Merchants, the Mitsui Family made fully use of limited blood relationship to run their business. In order to avert the deprival of family possession from division, the family business and possessions were solely run and owned by these limited members. Most important of all, it is the independence of political inclination that finally leads to the Mitsui Family’s triumph in business industry, thereby creating its unique spirit in business and further shedding some light on how political autonomy leads to its golden age. Through the Comparison to Huizhou Merchant as aforementioned, the author found that the use of strategies and perspectives on the continuance of Huizhou Merchants are right opposite in some ways to those of Mitsui Family, which is also the reason that the Mitsui Family could prosper from Edo Era to Meiji Era.

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