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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of Monoclonal Antibodies:Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (PMF) with Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI), Time of Flight (ToF), Mass Spectrometry (MS) and Protein Peptide Mapping (PPM) with Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) / Identifiering av monoklonala antikroppar:Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (PMF) med Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI), Time of Flight (ToF), Masspektrometri (MS) och Protein Peptide Mapping (PPM) med kapillärelektrofores (CE)

Bengtsson, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Antalet monoklonala antikroppar som används i läkemedel ökar kraftigt. Dessa läkemedel är dyra och risken för förfalskning är stor. Behovet att utveckla en metod för snabb och precis identifiering av monoklonala antikroppar är därför brådskande. För identifiering utfördes analyser med Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-MS), Capillary Gel Electrophoresis (CGE) and Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) på nio monoklonala antikroppar. Fokuset var att undersöka huruvida signifikanta fysiokemiska egenskaper och unika aminosyrasekvenser var närvarande och kunde urskiljas. Olika analyser med MALDI-ToF-MS användes till att både separera de monoklonala antikropparna baserat på dess fysiokemiska egenskaper, och annotera aminosyrasekvenser innehållande nyckelfragment. Med metoderna baserade på kapillärelektrofores uppnåddes också separation. CZE föredras framför CGE då mängden data som erhålls från CZE är större och provberedningen är enklare. Sammanfattningsvis utformades ett protokoll för identifieringsprocessen, vilket inleds med MALDI-ToF-MS-analyser av monoklonala antikroppar på reducerad form mot kända referenser. Därefter är en hypotes formulerad utifrån vilka antikroppar som ser mest lika ut. Slutligen analyseras dessa med CZE för fastställning av den monoklonala antikroppens identitet. / The number of monoclonal antibodies used in pharmaceuticals is increasing sharply. These medicines are expensive, and the risk of counterfeiting is high. The need to develop a method for rapid and precise identification of monoclonal antibodies is therefore urgent. For identification, analyses were performed with Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-MS), Capillary Gel Electrophoresis (CGE) and Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) on nine monoclonal antibodies. The focus was to investigate whether significant physiochemical features and unique amino acid sequences were present and could be distinguished. Various analyses with MALDI-ToF-MS were used to both separate the monoclonal antibodies based on their physicochemical properties and annotate amino acid sequences containing key fragments. With the methods based on capillary electrophoresis, separation was also achieved. CZE is preferred over CGE as the amount of data obtained from CZE is greater and sample preparation is simpler. In summary, an identification process protocol was designed and is initiated with MALDI-ToF-MS analyses of reduced-form monoclonal antibodies against known references. A hypothesis is then formulated based on which antibodies look the most similar. Finally, these are analysed by CZE to determine the identity of the monoclonal antibody.

Essais sur les Investissements Publiques, Mécanismes de Financement et Croissance dans les Pays en Développement : Interactions et Rôle des Facteurs Structurels / Essays on Public Investment, Financing Mechanisms and Growth in Developing Countries : Interactions and Role of Structural Factors

Balma, Lacina 16 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à étudier les liens entre les investissements publics, le mode definancement et la croissance économique, tout en mettant en exergue le rôle des conditionsstructurelles. Premièrement, dans un scenario d’amélioration des conditions structurelles(mesurées par l’efficience et la capacité d'absorption de l’économie) comparé à un scenario debase, nous montrons que le potentiel de croissance est supérieur comparé au scenario de base. Parconséquent, la stabilisation de la dette ne nécessite pas des ajustements budgétaires douloureux.Deuxièmement, à travers un scénario d'investissement agressif sur la base d’emprunts nonconcessionnelsen anticipation des revenus futurs du pétrole, nous constatons l’occurrence decontraintes liées à la capacité d'absorption et partant l’effet adverse du syndrome hollandais sur lacroissance du PIB hors pétrole. En outre, des réformes structurelles qui résorberaient lescontraintes liées à l’inefficience et à la capacité d'absorption se traduiraient par une augmentationimportante et durable du capital public. Cela entrainerait une croissance supplémentaire du PIBhors pétrole. Troisièmement, nous montrons que les délais d’exécution peuvent contrer l’effetclassique selon lequel une augmentation de l’investissement public entraine un effet richessenégatif dans le long terme. Aussi, une productivité élevée de l’investissement public peutsubstantiellement créer un effet richesse positif dans le long terme, stimuler la production etpermettre à la consommation et à l’investissement privé de baisser moins. Finalement, noussimulons l’impact des dépenses publiques d’éducation sur la pauvreté au Burkina Faso en utilisant2 mécanismes d’ajustement fiscal : la taxe directe et la taxe indirecte. Les simulations montrentqu’une augmentation uniforme de 40 pourcent des dépenses publiques dans l’éducation primairefiancée par les deux mécanismes de financement améliore non seulement le bien-être maiségalement entraine une baisse de la pauvreté chez tous les types de ménage. Toutefois, lefinancement par la taxe indirecte conduit à un résultat inférieur comparé au financement par lataxe directe. / This dissertation seeks to study the public investment-financing-growth linkages whileeliciting the role of structural economic conditions. First, through an alternative scenario ofimproved structural economic conditions (efficiency and absorptive capacity) and comparing witha baseline scenario, we find that the growth potential is higher than the baseline. Consequently,stabilizing debt does not require painful fiscal consolidation. Second, through an aggressiveinvestment scaling-up scenario that builds on commercial borrowing in anticipation of future oilrevenue, we find that the economy is subject to absorptive capacity constraints and ultimately toDutch disease effects that affect negatively the non-oil GDP growth in the short run. Moreover,we find that structural reforms that address absorptive capacity constraints and inefficienciestranslate into sizable and sustainable increase in public capital. This in turn has a positive spillovereffect in terms of additional growth in the non-resource GDP. Third, we find that implementationdelays can offset the standard negative wealth effect from an increase in government investmentspending in the long run. Also, high-yielding public investment can substantially create positivewealth effect in the long run, raise output and enable private consumption and investment to fallless. Finally, we simulate a 40-percent across-the-board increase in public spending for primaryeducation, financed by an increase in taxes on household income and indirect taxes. We find thatthe two financing mechanisms, not only leads to an increase in the welfare but also to a decline inthe incidence of poverty for all household types. However, the indirect tax-based financing leadsto smaller outcomes compared to the income tax-based financing.

Does labor supply modeling affect findings of transport policy analyses?

Hirte, Georg, Tscharaktschiew, Stefan 24 August 2015 (has links)
The transport and urban economics literature applies different labor supply approaches when studying economic or planning instruments. Some studies assume that working hours are endogenous while the number of workdays is given, whereas others model only decisions on workdays. Unfortunately, empirical evidence does hardly exist on account of missing data. Against this background, we provide an assessment of whether general effects of transport policies are robust against the modeling of leisure demand and labor supply. We introduce different labor supply approaches into a spatial general equilibrium model and discuss how they affect the welfare implication of congestion policies. We, then, perform simulations and find that in many cases the choice of labor supply modeling not only affects the magnitude of the policy impact but also its direction. While planning instruments are suggested to be quite robust to different labor supply approaches, the way of modeling labor supply may crucially affect the overall welfare implications of economic instruments such as congestion tolls. Based on these findings it becomes clear which labor supply approach is the most appropriate given specific conditions. Our study also emphasizes the need for better micro labor market data that also feature days of sickness, overtime work used to reduce workdays, the actual number of leave days, part-time work, days with telecommuting etc.

The sustainability of economic growth in Abu Dhabi

Smeets, Bram 10 July 2013 (has links)
Abu Dhabi has experienced an unprecedented development during the last half century, growing rapidly from a remote desert settlement to a thriving metropolitan. Today, the Emirate ranks among the countries with the highest GDP per capita in the world, and this impressive development is anticipated to continue in the decades to come.<p><p>However, there are several challenges to the sustainability of the current economic prosperity, and the environmental degradation that was caused by the rapid development is an important factor in this context. Today, the United Arab Emirates as a country has the highest ecological footprint per capita in the world and Abu Dhabi, hosting the major part of the heavy industries and oil extraction capacity in the country, has an even larger footprint. Key drivers of this poor environmental track-record are the high greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption levels.<p><p>This deterioration of environmental conditions has growing implications for the economic welfare and physical well-being of the population. So far, the government's environmental policy is mostly symbolic, and concrete policy measures are largely lacking today. On the contrary, there are crucial elements in the governmental policy that have strong negative impacts on environmental conditions and thus on the sustainability of Abu Dhabi's growth, such as generous implicit subsidies on energy commodities and water and an ambitious strategy for economic growth, depending on a strong expansion of heavy industry.<p><p>This poses the question how environmental conditions will develop, when the population boom and economic expansion are anticipated to continue. However, the academic literature on environmental sustainability issues in Abu Dhabi as well as in the wider Gulf region is limited. Moreover, applied policy studies on the topic are absent as well.<p><p>This dissertation intends to contribute to the academic literature as well as to insights from existing policy studies, by projecting the impact of sustained economic growth on environmental conditions in Abu Dhabi. It compares a baseline scenario of economic growth with the four most relevant policy options aimed at footprint reductions available to policy makers in the Emirate: i) The introduction of a nuclear power plant; ii) An abandonment of utility price controls; iii) Shifts in the subsidization policy of water and energy markets; iv) Energy efficiency improvements in selected parts of the economy.<p><p>A recursively dynamic, multi-sectoral computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to generate the results in this dissertation, focusing on the two most important aspects of the ecological footprint in Abu Dhabi mentioned above. The CGE model is calibrated to a SAM for Abu Dhabi for 2009, and its specification is chosen to facilitate a focus on energy consumption and sustainability issues. Besides, it is extended by an environmental module and a fossil fuel module, and it incorporates several other modifications that are tailored to the Abu Dhabi economy.<p><p>Simulation results under a baseline scenario of economic growth show that carbon emissions will grow by 282% by 2030 compared to the base year 2009, and water consumption is anticipated to increase by 312%.<p><p>The introduction of nuclear plants, at the scale that is previewed today, will yield a reduction in emissions of 2.6% compared to the baseline scenario. The economic impact will be positive, with a 0.5% increase in GDP and small gains in employment levels.<p><p>Price liberalizations in the utility markets are a politically sensitive theme. When implemented, they can yield a 7.6% reduction in emissions and a 2.3% in water consumption by 2030 (vs. baseline). However, the economic cost involved amounts to 0.3% of GDP.<p><p>An abandonment of subsidies in the energy and water markets can lead to a 11.1% drop in carbon emissions, and a 28.8% decline in water consumption vs. baseline. The domestic economic impacts of this change are negative, but the GDP shows a modest 0.6% growth, due to improvements in the foreign trade balance.<p><p>Finally, efficiency improvements can lead to reductions in carbon emissions (13.8%) and water consumption (17.5%) compared to the baseline, and bring economic gains of 1.0% of GDP.<p><p>All four simulated policy scenarios in this dissertation bring about reductions in the ecological footprint, compared to the baseline as described above. Nonetheless, the consumption levels of energy and water as well as the related carbon emissions will be substantially higher in 2030 than they are today, under each of these scenarios. As a policy implication, the dissertation therefore finds that the previewed deterioration in environmental conditions requires active policy, if current welfare and prosperity are to be sustained. When assessed in the appropriate policy context, environmental conservation and improvements in the ecological footprint should be treated with a higher priority in the broad portfolio of development goals in Abu Dhabi.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Economy-wide Modelling of Seasonal Labour and Natural Resource Policies

Feuerbacher, Arndt 28 March 2019 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation widmet sich methodischen und empirischen Forschungsfragen mit Bezug auf saisonale Arbeitsmärkte und Politiken zur nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen. Hierfür wird ein gesamtwirtschaftlicher Modellierungsansatz angewendet, für den das im südöstlichen Himalaya gelegene Königreich Bhutan als empirische Fallstudie dient. Das methodische Forschungsziel der Arbeit ist, die Relevanz der Darstellung von saisonalen Arbeitsmärkten innerhalb von allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodellen (sog. CGE Modelle) zu ergründen. Dies stellt eine Neuheit in der Literatur dar. Die Arbeit zeigt auf, dass Modelle ohne saisonale Arbeitsmärkte systematisch Ergebnisse, wie Angebotsreaktionen und Wohlstandseffekte, verzerren. Die Saisonalität von Arbeit hat eine hohe Relevanz für gesamtwirtschaftliche Analysen im Kontext landwirtschaftlich geprägter Volkswirtschaften, insbesondere für Untersuchungen des Strukturwandels und agrarpolitischer Interventionen. Empirisch wird die wechselseitige Abhängigkeit von Politiken zum nachhaltigen Management natürlicher Ressourcen mit Zielen des Umweltschutzes und der ländlichen Entwicklung untersucht. Basierend auf unterschiedlichen Modellierungsansätzen, konzentrieren sich drei Studien auf agrar- und forstpolitische Szenarien in Bhutan. Es wird gezeigt, dass Bhutans Ziel, seinen landwirtschaftlichen Sektor auf 100% ökologische Landwirtschaft umzustellen, zu substantiellen Wohlfahrtsverlusten und negativen Folgen für die Ernährungssicherung führen würde. Die Analyse verschiedener forstpolitischer Szenarien demonstriert, dass eine höhere Forstnutzung in Bhutan im Sinne der gesamtwirtschaftlichen und ländlichen Entwicklung nachhaltig möglich ist. Die Arbeit weist auf verschiedene zukünftige Forschungsfelder hin, wie zum Beispiel die Integration von Ökosystemdienstleistungen, was als eine der wesentlichen Einschränkungen bei der modellgestützten Analyse von Politiken zur Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen identifiziert wurde. / Using an economy-wide modelling approach, this dissertation investigates methodological and empirical research questions related to seasonal labour markets and natural resource policies. The Kingdom of Bhutan, located in the south-eastern Himalayas, serves as a case study. The methodological research objective of this thesis is to gain an understanding of the relevance of seasonal labour markets in the context of economy-wide modelling. The depiction of seasonal labour markets at national scale using a seasonal social accounting matrix (SAM) and computable general equilibrium (CGE) model presents a novel development within the literature. It is demonstrated, that the absence of seasonal labour markets leads to systematic bias of model results. The consequences are distorted supply responses and biased welfare effects, underlining the pivotal implications of seasonality for economy-wide analysis in the context of agrarian economies, particularly for scenario analysis involving structural changes and agricultural policy interventions. The empirical research objective addresses the interdependence of natural resource policies with objectives of environmental conservation and rural development. Employing modelling techniques, three studies focus on specific agricultural and forest policy scenarios in Bhutan. Simulating Bhutan’s ambitious policy objective to convert to 100% organic agriculture demonstrates substantial welfare losses and adverse impacts on food security, causing trade-offs with objectives of rural development and food self-sufficiency. Analysing forest policy reforms shows that increased forest utilization contributes to economic development, particularly in rural areas, without jeopardizing the country’s forest conservation agenda. The dissertation points at numerous areas of future research, as for example the incorporation of ecosystem services, which is identified as one key limitation of economy-wide analysis of natural resource policies.

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