Spelling suggestions: "subject:"changemanagement"" "subject:"changeanagement""
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Zavádění manažerské supervize na oddělení anestezie : případová studie / Introduction of Managerial Supervision at the Department of Anesthesiology : a case studyBendová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Eva Bendová: Introducing managerial supervision at the Department of Anesthesiology ABSTRACT In the form of a case study, this diploma thesis describes the process of introducing managerial supervision at the Department of Anesthesiology of Masaryk Hospital in the town of Ústí nad Labem. The theoretical part of the thesis describes theoretical prerequisites of change. It deals with managerial supervision, its basic aspects and principles. Furthermore, it focuses on issues closely related to successful introduction of managerial supervision - management, staff evaluation and development, organizational context and the process of change management. The practical part of the thesis draws a comparison between the situation as it was before introducing the managerial supervision process in the anesthetics ward and the situation a year after I took up my post there. It describes the process of introducing managerial supervision as a tool of change management, the individual stages of change and its evaluation. The thesis is concluded with a reflexion on personal change occurred within a managerial position as a result of analyzing the individual managerial supervision records. Keywords: Managerial supervision, organizational diagnosing, management in nursing, change management, case study
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Hur hållbar innovation kan implementerasi ett offentligt transportföretag : - en fallstudie / How could sustainable innovation be implemented in apublic transport organization : - a case studyBrandt, Alexander, Yusuf, Simon January 2021 (has links)
This thesis was conducted in the public transport sector atOrganization X and its prerequisites for managing and implementingsustainable innovation. Organization X currently does not haveprocesses or working methods for sustainable innovation (SI) and istherefore looking for theoretical guidance for whether the companyshould integrate SI into preexisting processes or invest in a newplatform or system. The thesis was based on scientific theory ofinnovation, SI and change management from various sources. The thesisthree primary data collection methods have been interviews, benchmarksand literature study. The purpose of the data collection methods wasto showcase how other companies work with innovation throughbenchmarks, how Organization X currently looks to work with SI throughinterviews, and finally a literature study on how the subject cantheoretically be integrated or implemented in operations.The empirical findings have been analyzed using theoretical data fromscientific sources on what they believe innovation and SI can bedefined as and how to best implement it. Organization X works withprocess improvement proposals in the through their Work ImprovementTeams and other systems to manage implementations or changes.The business today has prerequisites SI but lacks parts of what theoryand benchmark consider to be the most critical factors for innovation.The thesis presents an implementation proposal that results from acost benefit analysis where the authors highlight how Organization Xshould begin its work regarding innovation in order to finally furtherdevelop SI methods.
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Propuesta de Modelo de Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro para reducir el sobrestock de productos mediante el Modelo SCOR y Drop Shipping en MYPES del Sector Comercio en el Perú / Proposal for a Supply Chain Management Model to reduce the overstock of products through the SCOR Model and Drop Shipping in MYPES of the Commerce Sector in PeruFrancia Arias, Gianpierre, Marin Vilchez, Jhon Edwars 07 April 2022 (has links)
En los últimos años, el sector comercio se ha convertido en uno de los sectores económicos más importantes para el Perú, sin embargo, las empresas de este sector son las que presentan mayor cantidad de bajas a lo largo de cada trimestre, a nivel nacional. En distintas investigaciones se ha evidenciado que las MYPES presentan dificultades en permanecer en el mercado, dado que no cuentan con un adecuado planeamiento en los diversos procesos que ejecutan. El estudio inició con la identificación de la problemática de la empresa, en cuyo diagnóstico se evidenció el sobrestock de existencias en los inventarios y como este aumento con el tiempo. Luego se diseñó una propuesta de solución en donde se relacionan las causas del problema con investigaciones sobre la Gestión del Cambio, Modelo SCOR, Análisis ABC y Drop Shipping, con la finalidad de reducir los niveles de inventarios. Posteriormente a la implementación de la propuesta de mejora en la empresa, el ratio de stock no vendido de un inicial hasta un 19%, además, se redujo los niveles de inventario promedio mensual del 2do trimestre del 2018 al 2019 en aproximadamente S/ 13 000. / In recent years, the commerce sector has become one of the most important economic sectors in Perú, however, the companies in this sector are the ones that present the greatest number of casualties throughout each quarter, at the national level. In different investigations it has been shown that MYPES have difficulties in remaining in the market, since they do not have adequate planning in the various processes they execute. The study began with the identification of the company's problems, in whose diagnosis the overstock of stocks in inventories and how this increased over time was evidenced. Then a solution proposal was designed where the causes of the problem are related to research on Change Management, SCOR Model, ABC Analysis and Drop Shipping, in order to reduce inventory levels. After the implementation of the improvement proposal in the company, the unsold above the industry average, was reduced to 19%, in addition, inventory levels were reduced monthly average of the 2nd quarter of 2018 to 2019 in approximately S/ 13,000. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Interorganizational Collaboration among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises : A Pan-European Study of the Influence of Type of Collaboration on SME PracticeMagnusson, Johan, Nilsson, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Kompetensförändringar i organisationer vid användandet av RPAMalmquist, Christopher, Grönroos, Richard January 2020 (has links)
I takt med att nya teknologier såsom Robotic Process Automation (RPA) införs och används inom organisationer ökar kompetensbehovet av digitala kompetenser. I organisationer prioriteras dock inte alltid den kompetensutveckling som behövs vilket gör att anställda inte hinner anpassa sig till digitaliseringens framfart, vilket därmed kan leda till att organisationen blir beroende av extern kompetens. Studien undersöker hur användningen av RPA kan förändra en organisations kompetensbehov. Denna studie syftar därför till att bidra med fördjupad kunskap inom de kompetenser som krävs av organisationer för att kunna använda RPA framgångsrikt. Vidare har denna studie genomförts med genom en kvalitativ metodansats och därmed har det genomförts semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som har erfarenheter av att använda RPA. Studien visar på att det finns en ökad efterfrågan på två kompetensområden hos organisationer som använder RPA. Dessa är; (1) Digital kompetens och (2) Mänskliga förmågor. Studien visar även på att de nya rollerna som tillkommer har skillnader i kompetensbehovet. Slutligen visar studien på att ett ledningsstöd är viktigt för att kunna uppnå en intern kompetens och att anställda ska kunna använda RPA framgångsrikt. Studien har resulterat i rekommendationer som organisationer som använder RPA eller funderar på att använda RPA kan förhålla sig till för att uppnå en framgångsrik användning av RPA. / As new technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are introduced and used within organizations, the need for digital skills is increasing. However, organizations do not always prioritize the necessary skills development, which means that employees do not have time to adapt to the progress of digitalization, which can thus lead to the organization becoming dependent on external expertise. The study examines how the use of RPA can change an organization's competence needs. This study therefore aims to contribute in-depth knowledge of the competencies required by organizations to be able to use RPA successfully. Furthermore, this study was conducted through a qualitative method approach and thus semistructured interviews were conducted with respondents who have experience of using RPA. The study shows that there is an increased demand for two areas of expertise in organizations using RPA. These are: (1) Digital skills and (2) Human abilities. The study also shows that the new roles that are emerging have differences in the need for skills. Finally, the study shows that management support is important to achieve internal competence and that employees should be able to use RPA successfully. The study has resulted in recommendations that organizations who are using or are considering using RPA can relate to achieve successful use of RPA.
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Change-Supportive Intentions in Complex Organizational Change Projects: Application and Extension of the Theory of Planned BehaviorStraatmann, Tammo 30 May 2018 (has links)
Especially in the context of complex organizational changes, employees’ support is crucial for success because change-supportive behaviors of employees are required to compensate for higher uncertainties related to the implementation and the consequences of the changes. Yet, change support of employees is no automatic reaction. Seen from a psychological perspective change support represents a planned behavior of employees that is preceded by change-supportive intentions formed in reaction to the specific changes at hand. Hence, it is important to understand how employees react to organizational changes and how they form change-supportive intentions. However, research on employees’ change reactions is a rather fragmented field that poses great challenges for researchers and practitioners striving to establish evidence-based approaches of change management. Therefore, the present research answers the call for more theoretical integration and refinement in the field of organizational research. Specifically, the present research makes use of the theory of planned behavior (TPB, Ajzen, 1991) which as is an established psychological theory for explaining human behaviors in social contexts. Based on this theoretical foundation, the present work systematically examines influences on the formation of change-supportive intentions from change-specific management factors (Study 1) and from personal factors (Study 2), as well as interrelational influences among the psychological determinants of change-supportive intentions (Study 3). Across all studies, the value of the TPB for understanding the formation of change-supportive intentions is supported. In addition, each study reveals unique insights. Revealing systematic linkages of change-specific management factors and psychological factors, Study 1 highlights the value of theoretical integration to promote evidence-based management. Study 2 finds affective organizational commitment to be an important predictor of change-supportive intentions with direct and indirect effects via the psychological determinants. Study 3 shows the relevance of a configurational perspective for more fully understanding the psychological processes involved in the formation of change-supportive intentions. Taken together, the appended studies contribute to the theoretical integration and refinement in change research and enable more systematic, well-founded diagnoses in change processes by providing scientific guidance for evidence-based change management.
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Impact of Change Management on Employee Behavior in a University Administrative OfficeTurner, Kendra M. 01 January 2017 (has links)
This qualitative case study focused on the effect of a system implementation upgrade on employees' job performance within a central administration department of a major research university in the Southern United States. Review of literature revealed a lack of a specific model or process for system implementation upgrades and its impact on employees' performance in a university administrative office. Guided by Kotter's research on change management models, the research questions examined the attitudes and behaviors of employees involved with the business process project. Data collection was through purposeful sampling and face-to-face interviews with 11 employees. Data were analyzed through pattern-matching technique. The findings were that employees initially felt positive about being a part of the business process project. During the project, employees actually experienced (a) a lack of training, which employees advised to management was very important to a new process; (b) no definitive assistance and a lack of communication for individual concerns; (c) management's increased job duties and responsibilities without increased income; and (d) feeling unvalued in employee meetings. The implications for social change include the potential for positive employee behavior in colleges and universities when management is considering a change model or process involving employees in a system implementation during organizational change.
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Strategies Hospital Leaders Use in Implementing Electronic Medical Record SystemsMiller, Shaunette 01 January 2017 (has links)
Some hospital leaders lacked strategies for implementing electronic medical record (EMR) systems. The purpose of this case study was to explore successful strategies that hospital leaders used in implementing EMR systems. The target population consisted of hospital leaders who succeeded in implementing EMR systems in a single healthcare organization located in the Los Angeles, California region. The conceptual framework used was Kotter's (1996) eight-step process for leading change, and data were collected from face-to-face recorded interviews with 5 participants and from company documents related to EMR design and development. Data were analyzed through methodological triangulation of data types, and exploring codes exhibiting high frequencies to identify principal themes and subthemes. The data coding revealed three primary themes. The first theme related to strategies addressing training, technology, and catalyzing team effort. The second theme related to strategies focusing on employees' concerns, and the third theme related to strategies for designing, developing, and disseminating workflow. The findings affirmed the conceptual framework of Kotter (1996) inasmuch as they showed that participating hospital leaders used one or more steps in Kotter's eight-stage process of creating, implementing, and sustaining significant change. The findings could effect social change by improving the quality of healthcare services provided to patients, which can subsequently benefit patients' families and communities through reducing the costs of healthcare.
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Exploring Leader-Initiated Change Management for Adopting Cloud ServicesLandreville, Nancy Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Cloud technology requires a virtualized ubiquitous and scalable environment with shared resources. The general problem in cloud adoption is the absence of standardization across organizations. A standardized approach remained elusive since the inception of the Cloud First mandate. The purpose of this study was to explore leader-initiated change management (LICM) practices in cloud adoption within organizations. The theoretical framework included the classical theories of Kurt Lewin's organization change management, leader-member exchange, intentional change, and appreciative inquiry. A multiple case study design approach facilitated the exploration of LICM-value added practices to identify standardization in cloud adoption practices. Data collection included semistructured interviews from 8 high-level cloud adopters chosen from a resource pool of change management experts including a government chief information officer, academic college professor, military commander, and industry chief executive officer. Each interviewee represented an organization type providing perspectives on strategies for cloud adoption. Secondary data gathering included universal cloud standards and guidance from collaborative professional working groups. Emergent themes were identified after completing Yin's 5 stages of data analysis: LICM approaches for cloud decision-making, change management strategies, leader empowerment in action planning with progressive metrics, and successful learning outcomes in corporate universities. LICM strategies foster cooperative relationships and positive social change. Standardized cloud adoption practices also contribute to positive social change in reducing the environmental footprint through organizational efficiency.
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Leadership Strategies for Developing and Implementing Organizational ChangeDeLay IV, Hardy L. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Leaders in some narcotics treatment programs struggle with change development and implementation. The objective of this single-case study was to explore strategies used by leaders in a narcotics treatment program to develop and implement organizational change initiatives successfully. Participants included 4 leaders who had developed and implemented successful change initiatives repeatedly for more than 10 years in a narcotics treatment program in the southeastern United States. Bertalanffy's general systems theory was the basis for the conceptual framework. Data collection included semistructured interviews of leaders of a narcotics treatment program and collection of archival data, such as reports relating to strategic planning, core value analysis, and risk assessments. Data analysis, using qualitative analysis software revealed 3 themes: communication, education through research, and resistance. The identified themes aligned with the conceptual framework, as the themes work together as a unit. Recommendations for action include further research for the application of social media in the treatment of patients. Leaders of narcotics treatment programs may use the findings to improve the success of social change development and implementation. Successful social change within these programs could result in the betterment of community relations and an increase in productive members of society who contribute to the economic health of the community.
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