Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3chapter"" "subject:"cahapter""
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Germany's Embrace of a Rescue Culture - A Comparison Between the Approaches Taken in Germany, Canada and the United StatesRuenz, Sebastian Frederik 10 December 2013 (has links)
An increasing number of restructuring proceedings in both the United States and Canada end in the liquidation of the debtor company. This might prejudice the rescue culture approach which is deeply rooted in both countries bankruptcy laws. At the very least, it is the expression of different economic circumstances and of a different creditors’ structure which has excited for a little over a decade.
This thesis gives an overview of the different approaches available in Germany, Canada and the United States to rescue a debtor and explains what exactly is meant by a rescue culture policy. Furthermore, it examines the extent to which each legislator has embraced the rescue culture approach. Finally, it looks at the reasons and consequences of the above mentioned current North-American trend and examines the extent to which these developments may influence the outcome of restructuring proceedings in Germany.
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Regionala organisationer som säkerhetsaktörer : En studie av regionala organisationer som verktyg för säkerhet och förstärkare av legitimitet och inkluderingSjöberg Skoglund, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
The regional security aspect is becoming increasingly more important within security studies. The United Nations and the United Nations Security Council has expressed an intent to utilize regional organizations as security actors with regards to maintaining international peace and security, with the purpose of achieving a greater sense of legitimacy for conflict resolution. This study aims to explore the possibilities of using such organizations within regions of varying stability, and how this usage can relate to the idea of legitimacy. Based on regional security complex theory, this study seeks to show how regional organizations have been used by the Security Council within different security sectors, and how this usage is affected by the degree of integration within the region. The result of the study show that the idea of legitimacy is easiest to achieve in regions with a mid-level degree of regional integration and concerning questions of political security. The results also show a tendency within the Security Council to use organizations from other regions with higher levels of integration in regions with lower levels of integration, and raises the question if this way of using regional organizations may risk harming the ultimate goal of legitimacy.
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El cabildo eclesiástico de Lima bajo la Unión de Armas, 1639-1648 / El cabildo eclesiástico de Lima bajo la Unión de Armas, 1639-1648Sato, Masaki 12 April 2018 (has links)
Historians have argued that the Peruvian church collaborated with the fiscal reform of the Spanish Monarchy under Philip IV. This article, however, revises this interpretation by examining how the cathedral chapter of Lima reacted against the Unión de Armas, the keystone of the reform. This research analyzes the disputes over enacting the reform through the opinions of the cathedral chapter and the viceroy marqués de Mancera, who had different points of view about how to collect the tithe on wine. Then, it examines one lawsuit between the tithe collector and the treasurer of the archdiocese. This allows us to see how a sector of the Church was involved in fiscal fraud and resisted the Crown reform. / Los historiadores han argumentado que la Iglesia peruana colaboró con la reforma fiscal de la monarquía española durante el reinado de Felipe IV. Este artículo, sin embargo, revisa esta afirmación al examinar el comportamiento del cabildo eclesiástico de Lima frente al proyecto de la Unión de Armas, la pieza clave de dicha reforma. Esta investigación analiza las disputas sobre la aplicación de la reforma a través de las opiniones del cabildo de la catedral y el virrey marqués de Mancera que tenían puntos de vista diferentes en torno a cómo debía llevarse a cabo el cobro del diezmo sobre el vino. Además, examina un pleito entre el diezmero y el tesorero del arzobispado. Esto permite ver cómo un sector de la Iglesia estuvo involucrado en el fraude fiscal y resistió la reforma de la Corona.
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Vznik staroboleslavské kapituly v 11. století / The foundation of the Collegiate Chapter House of Saint Cosmas and Damian in Stará Boleslav in the 11th. centuryPisančiková, Jindra January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis "Stara Boleslav in the context of the Collegiate CHapter House os Saint Cosmas and Damian" focuses on Collegiate Chapter House os Saint Cosmad and Damian, which was found by prince Bretislaus I. The main theme is the founding of the Chapter House (its origin and causem of it) and the associated construction of the church of Saint Wenceslaw. The research will focuse mainly on the property and business affairs of the Chapter House. The thesis also deals with the prince Bratislaus I. and the church of Saint Clement, which is adjacent to the church of Saint Wenceslaw.
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Damsel In Command : The Characterization of Beverly Marsh in It and It Chapter 2Almroth, Tove January 2022 (has links)
This essay analyzes the character of Beverly Marsh in Andrés Muschietti’s It and It Chapter 2. By using previous research on women in horror, Beverly’s character is dissected with regards to sexualization and agency. Both the films contrast the common trope of the weak sexualized woman in horror movies by staying away from over-sexualization and making Beverly an equal to her male counterparts.
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Three Essays in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: Post Bankruptcy Performance, Bankrupt Stock Performance, and Relationship with Hedge Funds and Other Vulture InvestorsXu, Min 01 September 2010 (has links)
Firms that emerged from Chapter 11 as public companies have tons of characteristics. The first essay analyzes their post bankruptcy performance, duration effect, and the quality of their projection information. While the sample's post bankruptcy performance does show improvement, their projections tend to be optimistic. Firms with shorter durations in Chapter 11generally achieve better performance than those with longer durations, in terms of Z-scores, but not in excess returns. Compared to firms that did not provide (complete) projection information, the sample firms generally exhibit better improvement, as measured by Z-scores and short term excess returns. The second essay tracks the holding period return in investing in bankrupt stocks using a buy-and-hold strategy. Holding period return using stock price alone cannot show the entire story, as when considering final distributions plus the stock price, we see a much severe loss. In the regression analysis, the results reveal that liquidity is always a key factor in explaining the returns. Profitability and information uncertainty plays a significant role in explaining the positive returns, while liquidity and (un)profitability are the two key issues in negative returns. In addition, the involvement of hedge funds does not show signs of better stock performance. The third essay explores the role hedge funds play as investors in bankrupt firms. The results show that their major contributions are to provide liquidity for and help the troubled firms improve their profitability. Compared the performances in post bankruptcy to pre-bankruptcy level, bankrupt firms with hedge funds involvement tend to be in better shape compared to the ones without any vulture investments, however, firms with hedge fund show comparable results with the ones with other vulture investors, such as private equities. In addition, the above improvements only appear in the short run, and the involvement of hedge funds does not guarantee a better stock performance. Therefore, hedge funds are more of financial players, rather than strategic players, as hedge funds do not help the troubled firms go through a systematic restructuring to achieve sustainable improvements.
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Besittningsbrytande grunder i hyreslagen : En rättsstudie av 12 kap. 46 § 1-2 p JB / Tenancy Termination Grounds in the Tenancy LawHedberg, Emma, Singh, Paulin January 2022 (has links)
1942 infördes i svenskt rätt den första typen av besittningsskydd för bostadshyresgäster. Efter det har besittningsskyddet stärkts allt mer till förmån för hyresgästen. Idag är besittningsskyddet mycket starkt och en diskussion som väckts är huruvida man ska prioritera den enskilda äganderätten eller hyresgästens rätt till egen bostad. Som fastighetsägare idag finns både hyresregleringar samt ett starkt besittningsskydd vilket gör det svårare för fastighetsägare att fritt kunna förfoga över sin fastighet. En fråga kring ämnet som uppkommer är hur starkt besittningsskyddet faktiskt är och hur det påverkar hyresvärdens möjligheter att säga upp en hyresgäst som inte är skötsam. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redovisa och analysera punkt 1 och 2 i 12 kap. 46 § JB och förutsättningarna för de besittningsbrytande grunderna samt tillämpningen av dessa. För att kunna besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar har en rättsdogmatisk metod tillämpats. Som slutsats konstateras att för fall gällande betalningsförsummelser, störningar och vanvård skiljer sig hyresvärdens möjlighet att säga upp en hyresgäst. Av arbetet framgår att för mål rörande betalningsförsummelser är domstolen relativt öppensinnad och tillåter förhållandevis omfattande försummelser. Vilket blir till fördel för hyresgästen. Vid bedömning av mål gällande störningar samt vanvård visar domsluten istället på en mer restriktiv bedömning där hyresgästens vårdslöshet accepteras i mindre grad. För mål gällande vanvård finns tydligare regler och mer distinkta riktlinjer för domstolen att bedöma utifrån. Detta i jämförelse med de andra två typerna där bedömningen blir mer diffus. Tillsist kan konstateras att fastighetsägare vissa gånger tvingas lida förlust till förmån för att trygga misskötsamma hyresgästers rätt till sitt hem. / In 1942, Swedish law introduced the first type of tenure protection for residential tenants. Since then, the protection of possession has been strengthened more and more in favor of the tenant. Today, the tenure protection is very strong and one discussion that has been raised is whether to prioritize the individual right of ownership or the tenant's right to their home. As a property owner today, there are both rent controls and a strong tenure protection, which makes it more difficult for property owners to be able to freely dispose of their property. One question arises is how strong the tenure protection actually is and how it affects the property owners ability to terminate a tenant who has misbehaved. The purpose of the thesis is to present and analyze point 1 and 2 of Chapter 12. 46 § JB and the conditions for the possession breaking grounds and finally the application thereof. In order to answer the questions of the essay, a legal dogmatic method has been applied. In conclusion, it is found that in cases of default, disturbance and neglect, the landlord's ability to terminate a tenant differs. The essay shows that for cases concerning defaults on payment, the court is relatively open-minded and allows for relatively extensive omissions. Which will be to the great benefit of the tenant. When assessing cases concerning disturbances and neglect, the rulings instead show a more restrictive assessment where the tenant's negligence is accepted to a lesser extent. For cases concerning neglect, there are clearer rules and more distinct guidelines helping the court in their judgment. This is in comparison to the other two types where the assessment becomes more diffuse. Finally, it can be stated that property owners are sometimes forced to suffer losses in favor of misbehaving tenants.
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Palynological studies and Holocene ecosystem dynamics in north western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region / Trends of pollen grain size variation in C3 and C4 Poaceae species using pollen morphology for future assessment of grassland ecosystem dynamics / Vegetation and pollen along a 200 km transect in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, north western Pakistan / Vegetation and climate dynamics in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, north-western Pakistan, inferred from the Kabal Swat pollen record during the last 3300 yearsFarooq, Jan 30 April 2015 (has links)
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (31 ° 49'N, 70 ° 55'E bis 35 ° 50'N, 71 ° 47'E) liegt im Nordwesten Pakistans im Süden Asiens. Das Hindukusch-Gebirge in Afghanistan liegt im Westen, dem indischen Himalaya im Nordosten und die Karakorum Berge südlich vom tibetischen Hochland auf der Nordseite. Diese Arbeit besteht überwiegend aus drei separaten Studien entlang eines 200 km langen Transekts mit einem Höhengradienten ausgehend von den Sedimentbecken im Peshawar Tal (275 m ü.M.) bis hinauf zu den Malam Jabba Hills im Swat-Tal (2600 m ü.M.).
Die erste Studie, die auf einer Datengrundlage von 160 Poaceae Arten beruht, zeigt Trends, dass polyploide C3- und C4-Poaceae-Arten größere Pollenkkörner als die jeweiligen diploiden Arten haben. In diesem Datensatz haben alle C4-Arten größere Pollenkörner als die C3-Arten. Ob Grassländer von C3 oder C4 Arten dominiert werden kann in verschiedenen Regionen und Lebensräumen durch die Untersuchung der Muster des Trends von zu- oder abnehmenden Pollenkorngrößen ermittelt werden. In unserem Datensatz ist Polyploidie bei C4-Gräsern häufiger als bei den C3 Arten. Die verwendete Methode kann auf Poaceae-Pollenkörner in Umweltarchiven angewendet werden, um das Klima der Vergangenheit zu rekonstruieren und die Dynamik der früheren Graslandökosysteme zu bewerten. Dieser Ansatz wird nicht nur bei laufenden paläoökologischen Studien helfen aufzuklären, wie die Änderungen der Vegetations-zusammensetzung und die Veränderungen in Biomen vergangener Graslandökosysteme zu entschlüsseln sind, sondern auch nützliche Erkenntnisse für die Vorhersage zukünftiger Entwicklungen ermöglichen.
Die zweite Studie befasst sich mit modernen Pollenspektren aus Oberflächenproben und ihre Beziehung zu der umgebenden Vegetation, die nützliche Daten für die Interpretation von holozänen Pollenprofilen bietet. Dabei konnten entlang eines 200 km langen Höhengradienten vier verschiedene Höhenstufen unterschieden werden, wo die dominierenden Pflanzenfamilien, Poaceae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Verbenaceae, Acanthaceae und Euphorbiaceae eine signifikante Korrelation mit dem gefunden Pollenniederschlag hatten, während sich bei anderen Familien, den Boraginaceae, Saxifragaceae, Apiaceae, Balsaminaceae und Rubiaceae große Unterschiede zu der zugehörigen Vegetationszusammensetzung ergaben. Für die Kalibrierung und Interpretation fossiler Pollendaten sollte also immer auch die aktuellen Beziehungen von Pollenniederschlag und Vegetationsdaten zumindest auf der Familienebene berücksichtigt werden.
Die dritte Studie befasst sich mit einem Pollenprofil aus der Kabal Swat-Region, welches eine detaillierte Geschichte der Vegetation und des Klimas des Hindukuschs der letzten 3300 Jahre, also dem späten Holozäns enthält. Von 3300 bis 2400 cal BP, war eine subtropische semiaride krautige Vegetation hauptsächlich durch Cyperaceae- und Poaceae-Arten vertreten. Sie wurde ersetzt von gemischten Nadelwäldern mit Taxus, Pinus, sowie Juglans, Poaceae und Cyperaceae während der Zeit von 2400 bis 900 cal BP, was auf eine vergleichsweise moderate Klimaschwankung während des späten Holozäns weist. Der Rückgang der Poaceae von 2400 bis1500 cal BP und eine erneute Zunahme von 1500 bis 1200 cal BP Jahre zeigen, dass das Kabal Swat nass-kühlere und trocken-wärmere Phasen durchmachte. Nadelbäume in den gemischten Nadelwäldern treten heute bei größeren Höhe im alpinen Bereich auf. Weitere hochauflösende holozäne Pollenprofile des Hindukusch sind notwendig, um einen ausführlicheren Vergleich zu anderen süd- und zentralasiatischen Paläo-Archiven zu ermöglichen, die auch ein detaillierteres und anwendbares Wissen für Management und Naturschutzfragen ergeben.
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Aḥādīth al-nabūyah fī al-tafsir allati rawāhā Abū Hurayrah / Prophetic traditions on Qur'anic exegesis narrated by Abu HurairaMuḥammad Ḥassan Muḥammad 05 1900 (has links)
In Arabic. Arabic script can't be copied into UIR / The importance of this work rests upon the fact that notwithstanding
Abu Huraira's eminent status among Prophet Muammad's companions as
the most noteworthy reporter of Prophetic traditions on the basis of which
scholars have compiled his reports on numerous subjects into separate
tracts no research of academic standing has been done on his contributions
to Qur'anic exegesis by systematically extracting his narrations and
evaluating them.
The current dissertation begins by offering this research contribution
followed by a discussion of Abu Huraira's biography.
Then all his narrations are systematically presented from beginning to end.
Such reports contain both explicit and implicit statements that can be traced
to the Prophet. Not all verses or chapters of the Qur'an are covered in this
way for example there are no reports relating to chapter 77.
They are followed by the conclusion the bibliography and appendices on
Qur'anic verses and Prophetic reports cited. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Islamic Studies)
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A political analysis of MONUC's involvement in the peace and security problematique of the Democratic Republic of CongoKabongo Kidiawenda Doudou 03 July 2015 (has links)
Armed conflict and violence against civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has persisted for years starting in the 1990s. The Eastern, Western and North-Eastern parts of the country have seen the presence of a multiplicity of armed groups that have caused an escalation of the humanitarian crisis. The United Nations, in the interest of civilian protection, peacekeeping and security sector reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a mission under The United Nations Organisational Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC). In spite of this mission, civilians continued in the Congo to suffer attacks and to endure human rights abuses by the armed militants that are fighting government and the government forces in shape of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC). This study examines the problematique of the mandate of MONUC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in light of the challenges that have made its success debatable. The success of MONUC has become debatable in light of the fact that in spite of its presence and implementation in the DRC, between 2007 and 2010, conflict and the violence against civilians escalated to unprecedented levels. This study examines the causalities of the failure and observes its effect while making propositions towards amelioration of the challenges and the failure of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. / Political Sciences / M.A. (International Politics)
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