Spelling suggestions: "subject:"charta"" "subject:"kharta""
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Přínos Olgy Havlové pro nové přístupy k lidem se znevýhodněním / Olga Havel contribution to assisting and caring for people with disabilitiesHons, Jindřich January 2020 (has links)
My diploma thesis named " Olga Havel contribution to assisting and caring for people with disabilities" analyzes information from various testimonies, media sources or literary sources and aims to provide the reader with the most realistic picture that could portray Mrs. Olga Havel. My research follows the legacy of Olga Havel that she left in the field of care for people with disabilities. The main intention is to observe her ingress to disadvantaged people. On top of that, I wanted to highlight how her personality and her social role as the first lady in the Czech Republic shaped approaches to the people in the Czechoslovak Republic before year 1989 and also in the time period after the Velvet revolution. The practical part was based on the processing of the results of qualitative research carried out in the form of interviews as well as information taken from related literature. The main qualitative method, for processing data, is called "oral history" and it is based on interviews. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Pozice menšinových a regionálních jazyků v kontextu evropské jazykové politiky / The position of minority and regional languages in the context of European language policyFátorová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
Eliška Fátorová The position of minority and regional languages in the context of European language policy Abstract The thesis deals with the language policy of the European Union and examines what position minority and regional languages occupy in this policy. Chapter on language planning introduces two models of protection of these languages and a major part of the research framework deals with a Language Management Theory. The aim of the thesis is to show whether the language policy of the European Union trace elements of this theory. The first part discusses in general about Europe and languages, about the language policy of the EU, the development of which is divided into three periods. This chapter aims to answer the question whether and how the EU language policy direction has shifted during the last twenty years. To answer this question thesis uses mainly research of Michal Krzyzanowski and Ruth Wodak. Based on their analysis of EU documents concerning European language policy a shift towards a focus on EU competitiveness and employment of the population, to which the knowledge of foreign languages contributes, can be traced.. Another part focuses on minority and regional languages. There is introduced the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages, which is a document of the Council of...
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The history of dentistry in South Africa since 1900Grob1er, Vilma January 1983 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Nineteenth Century dentists in South Africa were brought under the provision of legislation in Natal and the Transvaal (1896) and the Cape Colony and the Orange Free State (1899). By the end of the Nineteenth Century a group identity had been established and the transition
from a craft to a profession completed. From 1900-1958 dental societies were formed. Key dates are 1922 when the South African Dental Society, which became the Dental Society of South Africa (D.A.S.A.) after Incorporation in 1935, was constituted. Collective action by
dentists, implemented through the societies, shaped the profession. From 1933-1948 the constitution of the D.A.S.A. was streamlined. The Magna Charta of Dentistry (Act 13, 1928) was enacted defining dentistry and the practice thereof. The Dental Mechanicians Act (1945) protected the mechanician, the dentist and the public against illicit practitioners. The D.A.S.A. initiated the Professional Provident Society
for dentists, now extended to include all the professions. In 1936 tbe first National Congress was held, in 1953 the first International Congress, setting a future pattern. The status of the dentist was further improved by obtaining the right to use the courtesy title Dr and by the abolition of the professional licence fee (1938). The earliest .societies set up voluntary clinics for children and the indigent. The Transvaal initiated a provincial scheme for childrens' followed by the other provinces. Dental Services, a fully fledged of Health. dentistry, This evolved into branch of the Department Witwatersrand University established a dental school in 1925, followed by .the Universities of Pretoria, Stellenbosch , Western Cape and Medunsa. Facilities for postgraduate 'study exist at all these institutions. The R.E.D. Fund Aids Research Education and Development in the field of dentistry. The first unofficial Dental Journal was published in 1927, followed by the Official Bulletin (1945-1946) and finally the Official Journal of the D.A.S.A. During the Anglo Boer War the importance of healthy dentitions'for soldiers was first realised. Four conntract dentists att~nded to the British soldiers. The South African dentists served in the Army Dental Corps during the two world wars. Dentistry in South Africa is now on a par with dentistry in any country of the Western world.
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Nástin dějin lidských práv do jejich všeobecné deklarace / The Outline of History of Human Rights to the Universal DeclarationPilátová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the history of human rights, and their evolution since the time of ancient Greece and Rome to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. The aim of the work is to make reader acknowledged with major events which influenced the development of human rights. Described are the thoughts of philosophers and significant events that changed the course of development of human rights. There is depicted a situation in ancient Rome and Greece, the period of development of the Christian faith and the Middle Ages and significant modern milestones including French revolution and the emergence of Declaration of Human rights, the reign of Maria Theresa and her son Joseph II. who made o lots of reforms, or revolution of 1848 and finally the emergence of Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.
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Lenka Procházková, její literární kariéra, život a dílo - monografická studie / Lenka Procházková, her literary career, life and oeuvre - a monographZídková, Lea January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the course of literary career and with the forms of work of Lenka Procházková, an author, whose literary career started in the turn of late seventies and early eighties in the unofficial literature. As a signee of Charta 77 and a daughter of Jan Procházka - highly acclaimed, yet unpopular for the regime after 1968 - she became a banned author, whose work could not be published within an official structure of Czech literature in the seventies and eighties. Her literary career continues until these days. In the Introduction part the reasons why our interest is aimed at Lenka Procházková in the first place are being described. The basis goals of our work are also stipulated within the Introduction section. In section Fundaments of Research hypotheses for the approach to the following analyses are introduced. In Sources of Information part all used sources are being introduced - already published literary works as well as sources unpublished or materials which have not been compiled yet (archive materials, letters, reminiscences of observers, family and friend eyewitnesses etc.) In the chapter called Life Circumstances accompanying and determining the literary career of Lenka Procházková we present a comprehensive and detailed biography of the author which cannot be found...
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Das Schengener Informationssystem / unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vereinbarkeit einer verdeckten Registrierung nach Art. 99 SDÜ mit Art. 8 der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union / The Schengen Information System / with special consideration to the compatibility of discreet surveillance according to Art. 99 Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement with Art. 8 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European UnionSchindehütte, Alexandra 04 June 2013 (has links)
Hauptgegenstand der Arbeit ist das Schengener Informationssystem der ersten Generation, SIS. Dargestellt werden zunächst der Weg zu einem elektronischen europaweiten Fahndungssystem, die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen dieses Fahndungssystems und seine Funktionsweise.
Daran anschließend folgt die Prüfung der Verletzung des Demokratieprinzips beim Zustandekommen des Schengener Durchführungsübereinkommens und bei seiner Transformation in innerstaatliches Recht. Weitere Prüfungspunkte sind die Notwendigkeit eines Gesetzes nach Art. 24 Abs. 1 Grundgesetz bei der Umsetzung in innerstaatliches Recht sowie die Vereinbarkeit der Fahndungskategorie der Verdeckten Registrierung nach Art. 99 Schengener Durchführungsübereinkommen mit Art. 8 der Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta.
Während in der Arbeit eine Verletzung von Demokratieprinzip und Art. 24 Absatz 1 Grundgesetz nicht festgestellt werden kann, bestehen im Hinblick auf die Vereinbarkeit mit Art. 8 der Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten durchgreifende Bedenken.
Die Arbeit schließt mit einem Ausblick auf das Schengener Informationssystem der zweiten Generation, SIS II, sowie einer Zusammenfassung und einer Bewertung ab.
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Ochrana investic v Evropské unii / Investment Protection in the European UnionOlík, Miloš January 2017 (has links)
1 Abstract This dissertation deals with investment protection in the European Union from several points of view. The first part deals with the history of investment protection and its main basis and grounds for current legislation and proposals for future regulation, particularly within the EU. In subsequent parts, current legislation and intra-European Union investment protection is analysed in detail, including the question of validity and applicability of Intra-EU BITs, i.e. bilateral treaties concluded between two EU Member States. The analysis is made from the perspective of EU law, as well as from the point of view of public international law. The dissertation further deals with their relationship and demonstrates contradictions between them in two crucial cases, Eureko/Achmea and Micula. Additional themes of this dissertation are the powers of the European Union regarding investment protection and the conclusion of international treaties such as CETA and TTIP. This dissertation further deals with the status, jurisdiction and functioning of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), demonstrating the relatively smooth and widely accepted investment dispute settlement mechanism. In this regard, the proposed EU Multilateral Investment Court project in analysed, including a...
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Demokratie und pacta sunt servandaFulda, Christian B. 10 October 2002 (has links)
Das Demokratieprinzip ist im Völkerrecht verankert. Seine normativen Grundlagen sind zum einen das Vertragsrecht, insbesondere der Internationale Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte, sowie die regionalen Verankerungen in Europa und in Amerika durch die Satzungen der jeweiligen internationaler Organisationen und ihrer Menschenrechtsinstrumente. Substantielle vertragliche Verpflichtungen ergeben sich auch aus den bilateralen Verträgen der EG. Zum anderen fußt es auf der Staatenpraxis, insbesondere im Rahmen der UNO. So ist die internationale Gemeinschaft auf die Errichtung demokratischer Strukturen verpflichtet, wenn sie staatliche Funktionen in failed states übernimmt oder den Wiederaufbau eines Staatswesens begleitet. Die Demokratieresolutionen der UNO lassen erkennen, daß alle Staaten verpflichtet sind, das Ziel der Demokratie anzustreben und erreichte demokratische Errungenschaften zu gewährleisten. Das Demokratieprinzip beinhaltet normativ die Legitimation staatlichen Handelns durch freie Wahlen und die Absicherung durch Menschenrechte, Gewaltenteilung und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Staatliche Entscheidungen bedürfen daher einer legitimierenden Rückbindung an den frei geäußerten Willen des konstituierenden Staatsvolkes, wobei die Freiheit dieser Willensäußerung in dynamischer Perspektive die Freiheit der Willensänderung garantiert. Sowohl der Vertragsschluß als Akt staatlichen Handelns als auch der Inhalt des Vertrages bedürfen der Legitimation, und zwar über die Zeit hinweg. Das geltende Völkervertragsrecht berücksichtigt das Demokratieprinzip jedoch nur unzureichend. Die Verletzung innerstaatlichen Rechts beim Vertragsschluß kann nur eingeschränkt geltend gemacht werden. Es existiert auch kein Verfahren, mit dem die fortdauernde Legitimation eines Vertrages überprüft werden könnte. Angesichts der Zunahme von Verträgen, die innere Angelegenheiten der Gesellschaften regeln, bedarf das Spannungsverhältnis einer Lösung. Das Problem wird illustriert durch Frankreichs Ausstieg aus der NATO, Senegals Kündigung der Seerechtskonventionen, den Streit um den deutschen Atomausstieg, das Verfahren um den Donaustaudamm Gabcíkovo Nagymaros, die Frage der Vereinbarkeit von Drogenkonsumräumen mit den UN-Anti-Drogenkonventionen, das Schiedsverfahren zwischen Aminoil und Kuwait sowie der Kündigung des ABM-Vertrages durch die USA. Ein erster Ansatz zur Lösung kann in einer Neuinterpretation der völkervertragsrechtlichen Regeln liegen. So bietet sich der Grundsatz der "demokratiefreundlichen Interpretation" an. Internes Recht, das der Kontrolle der Exekutive dient, muß beim Vertragsschluß Berücksichtigung finden. Und Verträgen, die "innere Angelegenheiten" betreffen, kann ein implizites Kündigungsrecht zugebilligt werden. Der wesentliche Ansatz ist aber kautelarjuristischer Natur. Revisions-, Experimentier- und Kündigungsklauseln können bei der Abfassung von Verträgen die Vertragsbeziehung so ausgestalten, daß zukünftige Meinungsänderungen berücksichtigt werden können. Schließlich ist de lege ferenda ein Recht auf Revision, kombiniert mit einem subsidiären Kündigungsrecht, wünschenswert. Mit einem solchen Mechanismus könnten neue normative Lösungen eingeführt werden und die Legitimation bestehender Normen auf den Prüfstand gestellt werden. / International law provides for a democratic principle. It is based both on treaty law and customary law. The International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights as well as the regional treaties in Europe and the Americas - the statutes of the respective regional organisations and their human rights instruments - form a substantial body of treaty obligations toward democracy, which is complemented by bilateral treaties of the EC safeguarding democracy. State practice, especially within the framework of the UN, indicates an obligation to establish democratic structures whenever the international community takes upon itself the task of nation building in failed states. The democracy resolutions of the UN point out that all member states are obliged to strive for democracy and uphold democratic achievements so far. The normative democratic principle includes the legitimation of public affairs through free and fair elections and the guarantee of human rights, separation of powers and the rule of law. Acts of states therefore must be legitimised through the freely expressed will of the people. Under a dynamic perspective, the free will includes the possibility for changes of policy. The conclusion of treaties as an act of state as well as the content of the treaty as a rule of law need to be legitimised through the times. The current law of treaties does not acknowledge the democratic principle, however. Violations of internal law at the conclusion of a treaty can only be claimed to a limited extent. Nor does international law provide for a formal procedure to validate the on-going support for the content of the treaty. Facing an ever-growing expansion of the number of treaties dealing with the internal affairs of societies, solutions must be found. The problem is being illustrated by France's withdrawal from NATO, Senegal's withdrawal from the Geneva Conventions on the Law of the Sea, the dispute related to the question of the use of nuclear energy in Germany, the judgement of the ICJ in the Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros case, the question of the compatibility of drug consumption rooms with UN anti-drug conventions, the dispute settlement award in the Aminoil case and last not least the denunciation of the ABM treaty by the US. Realigning the interpretation of the law of treaties to the democratic principle is one way to deal with the problem. Interpretation of treaties should take into account the democratic principle. Internal law controlling the executive has to be complied with where conclusion of treaties is concerned. And treaties dealing with "internal affairs" can be considered to contain an implicit right of withdrawal or denunciation. The proper solution lies in respecting the democratic principle when drafting treaties, though. Clauses of revision, clauses allowing for experiments and clauses of denunciation or withdrawal help shaping a contractual relationship that can take into account changes of the political will. Last not least, a right of revision is recommended de lege ferenda, combined with a subsidiary right of denunciation or withdrawal. Such a mechanism allows for introducing new normative solutions and for validating the on-going legitimation of existing treaty rules. (See also the English summary at the end of the thesis.)
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