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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on Maternal and Child Health

Bodas, Mandar V 01 January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation is a collection of three separate essays on the health of women and children. In the first essay, I along with my co-authors, analyzed the impact of two large, national-level health policies (the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)) on maternal health outcomes (proportion of institutional deliveries) in India. We used data from the India Human Development Survey (IHDS) and found that the JSY and the NRHM had a greater impact on institutional deliveries in high-focus states. We also found that the conditions of the public health facilities, did not change after the implementation of the JSY and the NRHM. Finally, we found that adequacy of health facilities was not associated with the likelihood of mothers in high-focus states having an institutional delivery. In the second essay, I examined whether a key social determinant of health in South Asia- gender inequality, is associated with physical health outcomes among Indian women. I found that the gender inequality expressed as the gendered household practice of seclusion was negatively associated with body weight of Indian women. Further, I found that participation in all household decisions by women of the household was generally not associated with body weight outcomes. The association between gendered household practices and women’s body weight outcomes was generally similar among rural and urban Indian women. In the final essay, I examined whether perinatal food environments (FE), maternal gestational weight gain (GWG) and early childhood weight (ECW) outcomes are associated. I used data on mother-children dyads from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Birth cohort (ECLS-B), Area Resource Files (ARF) and Current Business Practices (CBP). I found that maternal GWG was associated with ECW outcomes. I also found that measures of food environment were associated with ECW outcomes. Specifically, I found that having an additional full-service restaurant per one thousand population in the maternal perinatal county of residence was associated with lower Body Mass Index (BMI) among children at age two years. Finally, I found that GWG did not mediate the association between food environment and ECW outcomes.

Relations entre les facteurs de risque maternels et l’indice de masse corporelle d’enfants québécois avec surcharge pondérale dans un hôpital de soins tertiaires

Parnel, Sophie 08 1900 (has links)
L’étiologie de l’obésité infantile est multifactorielle et complexe. Le patrimoine génétique tout comme l’environnement d’un enfant peuvent favoriser l’apparition d’un surplus de poids. C’est pourquoi plusieurs études se sont penchées sur le lien entre l’environnement familial et en particulier le rôle de la mère et le risque d’obésité chez l’enfant. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre quels sont les facteurs de risque maternels spécifiques à chaque population afin de mieux prévenir ce fléau. Ce projet a donc cherché à identifier quelles sont les relations entre les facteurs de risque maternels et l’indice de masse corporelle d’enfants québécois avec surcharge pondérale. Parmi les facteurs de risque étudiés, on note des liens entre le niveau de scolarité de la mère, son statut familial et son niveau d’insécurité alimentaire. Sur le plan cognitif et comportemental, le lien entre l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) de l’enfant et la perception maternelle du poids de son enfant ainsi que le niveau de restriction alimentaire maternel ont également été analysés. Au total, 47 entrevues ont été complétées par téléphone auprès des mères d’enfants obèses ou en embonpoint grâce à un large questionnaire destiné à décrire le profil des familles consultant les cliniques externes du CHU Ste Justine. Les tests de Fisher pour les variables catégorielles, le test de T de comparaison des moyennes du Z-score de l’IMC des enfants ont permis d’effectuer les analyses statistiques. Les résultats obtenus démontrent qu’un lien existe entre le niveau de scolarité maternel et la présence d’insécurité alimentaire. De même, il a été possible de constater que les enfants avec une mère restrictive des apports alimentaires de leur enfant avaient un Z-score de l’IMC significativement plus élevé. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’il existe des liens entre le profil socio-économique et comportemental de la mère et le surplus de poids de l’enfant. Des tests auprès d’un plus large échantillon seront nécessaires afin de confirmer ces résultats, l’objectif étant, entre autres, de mieux cibler les enfants à risque d’embonpoint ou d’obésité et de mieux outiller les professionnels de la santé en contact avec ces familles. / The etiology of childhood obesity is multifactorial and complex. Both the genetic inheritance and the environment of the child can contribute to overweight. As a result several studies have focused on the link between the family environment and in particular the role of the mother, and the child’s risk of obesity, in order to understand the maternal risk factors specific to each type of population and prevent this public health problem. This project aims to identify the relationships between maternal risk factors and the body mass index of overweight Quebecois children. Among the risk factors studied, relationship were observed among the mother’s level of education, her family status and the level of food insecurity. On the cognitive and behavioral level, we analysed the relation between the child’s body mass index (BMI) and the maternal perception of the child’s weight as well as the maternal level of dietary restriction. Forty seven telephone interviews were completed with mothers of obese or overweight children with a large questionnaire aimed to describe the profile of the family during their visit to Sainte Justine Hospital outpatient clinic. The tests of Fisher for category-specific variables and the T test for the comparison of the averages of children’s BMI Z-score were used to perform the statistical analyses. The results show that there is a significant correlation between the mother’s level of education and the presence of food insecurity in families of overweight children. Concerning the cognitive aspect, children whose mother restricted their food consumption had obtained a significantly higher BMI Z-score than those whose mother did not restrict food. These results suggest that there are links between the socioeconomic and behavioural profil of the mother and the child’s body mass index. Tests taken over a larger sample will be necessary in order to confirm those results. The objective, among other things, is to better target children with risks regarding stoutness or obesity and to improve tools for health professionals that are in contact with those families.

Μελέτη της σχέσης λεπτίνης και αυξητικής ορμόνης κατά τη διάρκεια του εικοσιτετραώρου και μετά φαρμακολογική πρόκληση σε παχύσαρκα παιδιά

Νικολακοπούλου, Νικολέτα 24 January 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της μελέτης ήταν: (1) να προσδιοριστεί η συχνότητα της διαταραχής ανοχής στη γλυκόζη (IGT) και του σακχαρώδη διαβήτη τύπου II (ΣΔII) σε παχύσαρκα παιδιά και εφήβους στην Ελλάδα και (2) να καθοριστεί εάν οι συγκεντρώσεις γλυκόζης και ινσουλίνης νηστείας μπορούν να προβλέψουν τη διαταραχή ανοχής στη γλυκόζη (IGT)) στα παιδιά αυτά σε σχέση με τα επίπεδα της λεπτίνης, της γκρελίνης, της αδιπονεκτίνης και της σωματομεδίνης, και την έκκριση της αυξητικής ορμόνης (GH) και της θυρεοειδοτρόπου ορμόνης (TSH) κατά τη διάρκεια του 24ωρου μαζί με την ημερήσια έκκριση της κορτιζόλης. Έγινε καμπύλη σακχάρου (OGTT) μαζί με επίπεδα ινσουλίνης σε 117 παχύσαρκα παιδιά και εφήβους 12,1  2,7 ετών και μελετήθηκαν τα επίπεδα της λεπτίνης, της γκρελίνης, της αδιπονεκτίνης και της σωματομεδίνης (IGF-I) κατά τη δοκιμασία ανοχής στη γλυκόζη (OGTT). Επίσης, μελετήθηκαν τα επίπεδα της 24ωρης έκκρισης της GH και της TSH και της ημερήσιας έκκρισης της κορτιζόλης. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι δείκτες HOMA-IR και ο ινσουλινογόνος δείκτης για την εκτίμηση της αντίστασης της ινσουλίνης και της λειτουργίας των β κυττάρων, αντίστοιχα. 17 ασθενείς (14,5%) είχαν IGT και σε κανένα δε διαγνώστηκε ΣΔII. Τα ποσοστά IGT και ΣΔΙΙ ήταν χαμηλότερα από αυτά μιας πολυεθνικής Αμερικανικής μελέτης. Η διαφορά εντοπίστηκε κυρίως στα προεφηβικά παιδιά (9% έναντι 25,4%), ενώ δεν παρατηρήθηκε διαφορά στους εφήβους (18% έναντι 21%). Ωστόσο, τα ποσοστά IGT ήταν υψηλότερα από αυτά που βρέθηκαν σε άλλες μελέτες από την Ευρώπη. Η γλυκόζη νηστείας, η ινσουλίνη και ο δείκτης HOMA-IR δεν προέβλεψαν την εμφάνιση IGT, όμως, η απόλυτη τιμή της ινσουλίνης στις 2 ώρες της OGTT και ο δείκτης AUCG προέβλεψαν την εμφάνιση IGT. Τα επίπεδα λεπτίνης και γκρελίνης ήταν υψηλότερα στα κορίτσια. Υπήρχε συσχετισμός μεταξύ BMI και λεπτίνης νηστείας, BMI και αδιπονεκτίνης, σωματομεδίνης (IGF-I) και λεπτίνης νηστείας, ενώ δεν υπήρχε καμιά συσχέτιση με τα επίπεδα της κορτιζόλης ή με τα 24ωρα επίπεδα της αυξητικής ορμόνης και της θυρεοειδοτρόπου ορμόνης. Συμπερασματικά, η OGTT φαίνεται να έχει τη δυνατότητα να προβλέψει την IGT, ενώ οι τιμές γλυκόζης και ινσουλίνης νηστείας και οι τιμές του δείκτη HOMA-IR, αν και υψηλότερες στους ασθενείς με IGT και ενδεικτικές για αντίσταση στην ινσουλίνη, δεν μπορούν να προβλέψουν την IGT. / The aims of the present study were: (1) to determine the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and diabetes mellitus II (DMII) in obese children and adolescents of Greek origin and (2) to study the concentrations of leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin and IGF-I during an oral glucose tolerance test as well as the 24-hour concentrations of growth hormone (GH) and thyrotropin secreting hormone (TSH), and the diurnal secretion of cortisol in these children. A total of 117 obese children and adolescents aged 12.1  2.7 years underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and the concentrations of leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin and IGF-I were studied during the duration of the OGTT in relation to the 24-hour secretion of GH and TSH and the diurnal secretion of cortisol. For the estimation of insulin resistance and beta cell function the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR) and the insulinogenic index, respectively, were used. A total of 17 patients (14.5%) had IGT and none had DMII. The overall prevalence rates of both IGT and DMII observed in the obese children and adolescents were lower than those reported in a recent multiethnic US study. Nevertheless, the difference between the data of this study and those of the US study was mostly due to the prepubertal children (9% vs. 25.4%), while no difference was observed in the pubertal population (18% vs. 21%). The prevalence rates of IGT in this study though, were greater than those reported in other European studies. Fasting glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR values were not predictive of IGT. The absolute value of insulin at 2h of the OGTT combined with the time-integrated glycemia (AUCG) strongly predicted IGT, whereas higher area under the curve for insulin (AUCI) values were found to be protective. Leptin and ghrelin concentrations were higher in the females. There was a correlation found between BMI and fasting leptin, BMI and adiponectin, IGF-I and fasting leptin although there was no correlation found with the GH, TSH or cortisol concentrations. In conclusion, the OGTT seems to be capable of predicting IGT whereas the fasting glucose and insulin concentrations are unable to predict glucose intolerance since HOMA-IR values, although higher in IGT subjects and indicative of insulin resistance, cannot accurately predict IGT.

Vztah stravovacích návyků a znalostí o výživě u žáků devátého ročníku základních škol a návrh nutričního edukačního programu / The relationship between eating habits and nutrition-related knowledge of grade nine students of elementary schools and design of nutrition education program

Kočí, Jana January 2019 (has links)
Obesity and the number overweight of children are currently major global issues. According to the Regional Office for Europe (2006) obesity has risen three times over the last two decades worldwide. The attention is currently focused on health promotion and disease prevention among the population through comprehensive health education starting in the early age of individuals, aimed to slow down the increasing incidence of obesity and related health issues. This thesis discusses the pedagogical aspects of health, specifically the options on how to shape nutritional habits of elementary and middle school students and how to systematically deepen the required knowledge about healthy nutrition by implementation of nutrition education programs. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between dietary habits and healthy nutrition knowledge of grade nine students in elementary schools from the South Bohemian region in Czech Republic. A validated Nutritional survey and Nutritional knowledge quiz were designed to determine the relationship between knowledge and behavior of grade nine students from South Bohemia elementary schools. The validity of the Nutritional survey and the Nutritional knowledge quiz were tested using analytical analysis of all survey and test items and examining...

Životní styl jako determinant nadváhy a obezity / Lifestyle as a determinant of overweight and obesity

Wlochová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Lifestyle as a determinant of overweight and obesity" focuses on risk factors determination which influences overweight and obesity in population in regards to failure of programmes dealing with this topic. Main goal of this thesis is to understand current lifestyle of chosen group of people because traditional understanding for reasons of overweight and obesity - higher energy income than outcome - seems to be insufficient. Further target is current Czech policy analysis, especially part of policy dealing with overweight and obesity prevention and its connection with European Union. In the first part of the thesis reader takes up with overweight and obesity as itself. This is followed by targets and research questions definition. Primary method is qualitative research. There is no generally accepted definition for this kind of research and therefore this method is briefly described here. Method used for policy analysis is content analysis. For this part i used domestic public policy documents as well as abroad ones. The next chapter is devoted to the theoretical recurrences and conceptualization of basic terms which are basement for this work. The chapter focused on development of obesity prevention policy briefly introduces into policy creation from its origins as a protection of...

Southside Simple Suppers Scale-Up (S4): Effects of a Family Meals Program on Caregiver Outcomes

Sharn, Amy Richele January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Marketing de alimentos e obesidade infantil: diretrizes para regulamentação / Food marketing and childhood obesity: guidelines for regulation.

Dantas, Newton José de Oliveira 06 April 2015 (has links)
Introdução - A obesidade infantil está pautada como assunto de saúde pública e exige a análise, implementação e avaliação de novas intervenções. O marketing é apontado como um dos fatores que interferem no aumento do índice de sobrepeso e de obesidade da população. As estratégias de comunicação publicitária se utilizam de processos cognitivos para determinar, através de elementos emocionais do receptor, a escolha e o consumo de alimentos não saudáveis, já que os publicitários respondem à demanda das empresas que buscam lucrar com seus produtos. Já se afirma que a regulamentação legal do marketing dos alimentos infantis não saudáveis deve ser adotada como instrumento de política pública na prevenção da obesidade. Assim, justifica-se a investigação de quais seriam as formas mais apropriadas para regular esse tipo de marketing no Brasil, de forma a garantir o direito à saúde e à alimentação adequada e saudável. Objetivo - Analisar o papel do marketing como um dos determinantes da obesidade infantil, buscando apontar, no campo jurídico, estratégias para a sua regulamentação no Brasil. Métodos - Revisão de literatura, análise de textos legislativos e de programas adotados para controle da obesidade infantil, além de entrevistas com representantes de entidades e profissionais diretamente ligados à implementação de políticas públicas, nacionais e internacionais, de controle da nutrição e saúde infantil, bem como de proteção dos direitos do consumidor infanto-juvenil. A interpretação dos dados levantados deu-se através do método científico dedutivo. Resultados - O crescente índice de obesidade no Brasil está demonstrado através de pesquisa nacional. A presença de alimentos no mercado com excesso de sal, gordura e açúcar precisa ser controlada. As teorias de comunicação explicam a influência do marketing na decisão emocional do consumidor. Os direitos à saúde e à alimentação adequada e saudável estão previstos na Constituição Federal. Conclusão - A regulamentação legal do marketing de alimentos não saudáveis é juridicamente possível e suas diretrizes devem focar os alimentos processados e ultraprocessados, além dos fatores que facilitam a persuasão da criança, impedindo o uso de elementos emocionais. / Introduction - Childhood obesity is considered a public health issue and requires the analysis, implementation and evaluation of new interventions. Marketing is considered as one of the factors that play a role in the increase of overweight and obesity rates in the population. Advertisement strategies use cognitive processes to determine, by means of emotional elements of the receptor, the choice and consumption of unhealthy foods, since advertisement professionals respond to the demand of companies willing to make a profit by selling their their products. The regulation of the marketing of unhealthy foods for children must be adopted as a public policy instrument for the prevention of obesity. Thus, we should investigate what are the most appropriate ways to regulate this kind of marketing in Brazil to guarantee the right to health and to adequate and healthy foods. Objective - Analyze the role of marketing as one of the determinants of childhood obesity, and try to identify legal strategies for its regulation in Brazil. Methods - Literature review, analysis of legal texts and programs implemented for the control of childhood obesity and interviews with representatives of institutions and professionals directly related to the implementation of public national and international policies for the control of childhood nutrition and health, as well as the protection of children and youth consumer rights. Deductive scientific method was used to interpret data. Results - Increasing obesity rates have been demonstrated by national surveys. The presence of foods with excessive salt, fat and sugar in market must be controlled. Communication theories explain the influence of marketing in the emotional decision of consumers. The right to health and to adequate and healthy foods is determined by the Federal Constitution. Conclusion - It is possible to regulate the marketing of unhealthy foods according to the law. The guidelines for regulation must focus on processed and ultra processed foods and the factors that facilitate persuasion of children, by prohibiting the use of emotional elements.

Marketing de alimentos e obesidade infantil: diretrizes para regulamentação / Food marketing and childhood obesity: guidelines for regulation.

Newton José de Oliveira Dantas 06 April 2015 (has links)
Introdução - A obesidade infantil está pautada como assunto de saúde pública e exige a análise, implementação e avaliação de novas intervenções. O marketing é apontado como um dos fatores que interferem no aumento do índice de sobrepeso e de obesidade da população. As estratégias de comunicação publicitária se utilizam de processos cognitivos para determinar, através de elementos emocionais do receptor, a escolha e o consumo de alimentos não saudáveis, já que os publicitários respondem à demanda das empresas que buscam lucrar com seus produtos. Já se afirma que a regulamentação legal do marketing dos alimentos infantis não saudáveis deve ser adotada como instrumento de política pública na prevenção da obesidade. Assim, justifica-se a investigação de quais seriam as formas mais apropriadas para regular esse tipo de marketing no Brasil, de forma a garantir o direito à saúde e à alimentação adequada e saudável. Objetivo - Analisar o papel do marketing como um dos determinantes da obesidade infantil, buscando apontar, no campo jurídico, estratégias para a sua regulamentação no Brasil. Métodos - Revisão de literatura, análise de textos legislativos e de programas adotados para controle da obesidade infantil, além de entrevistas com representantes de entidades e profissionais diretamente ligados à implementação de políticas públicas, nacionais e internacionais, de controle da nutrição e saúde infantil, bem como de proteção dos direitos do consumidor infanto-juvenil. A interpretação dos dados levantados deu-se através do método científico dedutivo. Resultados - O crescente índice de obesidade no Brasil está demonstrado através de pesquisa nacional. A presença de alimentos no mercado com excesso de sal, gordura e açúcar precisa ser controlada. As teorias de comunicação explicam a influência do marketing na decisão emocional do consumidor. Os direitos à saúde e à alimentação adequada e saudável estão previstos na Constituição Federal. Conclusão - A regulamentação legal do marketing de alimentos não saudáveis é juridicamente possível e suas diretrizes devem focar os alimentos processados e ultraprocessados, além dos fatores que facilitam a persuasão da criança, impedindo o uso de elementos emocionais. / Introduction - Childhood obesity is considered a public health issue and requires the analysis, implementation and evaluation of new interventions. Marketing is considered as one of the factors that play a role in the increase of overweight and obesity rates in the population. Advertisement strategies use cognitive processes to determine, by means of emotional elements of the receptor, the choice and consumption of unhealthy foods, since advertisement professionals respond to the demand of companies willing to make a profit by selling their their products. The regulation of the marketing of unhealthy foods for children must be adopted as a public policy instrument for the prevention of obesity. Thus, we should investigate what are the most appropriate ways to regulate this kind of marketing in Brazil to guarantee the right to health and to adequate and healthy foods. Objective - Analyze the role of marketing as one of the determinants of childhood obesity, and try to identify legal strategies for its regulation in Brazil. Methods - Literature review, analysis of legal texts and programs implemented for the control of childhood obesity and interviews with representatives of institutions and professionals directly related to the implementation of public national and international policies for the control of childhood nutrition and health, as well as the protection of children and youth consumer rights. Deductive scientific method was used to interpret data. Results - Increasing obesity rates have been demonstrated by national surveys. The presence of foods with excessive salt, fat and sugar in market must be controlled. Communication theories explain the influence of marketing in the emotional decision of consumers. The right to health and to adequate and healthy foods is determined by the Federal Constitution. Conclusion - It is possible to regulate the marketing of unhealthy foods according to the law. The guidelines for regulation must focus on processed and ultra processed foods and the factors that facilitate persuasion of children, by prohibiting the use of emotional elements.

Obesity-Associated Morbidities in Children and Adolescents: The Correlates Between Knee Biomechanics, Musculoskeletal Impairments, Limitations in Health Related Quality of Life, and Cardiovascular Risk

Briggs, Matthew S. 29 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding Guardian Perceptions of Whole-Foods Plant-Based Diets as Interventions in Pediatric Medicine

Luthra, Vijay R 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The obesity epidemic is widespread in American society, often affecting children who bear its consequences innocently. Due to a lack of nutrition knowledge, children rely on caregivers to meet their nutritional needs and instill healthy habits. This study examines parents' attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors, as well as perceived barriers to adopting a whole-foods plant-based diet (WFPD) for their children. Using a modified survey instrument by Morton et al., this study focused on parents and children regarding dietary choices. Participants were recruited from the waiting area of a pediatric clinic at the Medical College of Georgia between April and May 2023. They completed paper surveys assessing beliefs about whole-foods plant-based diet knowledge and suitability, and identifying barriers to adoption. Among the 48 participants, with children averaging 7.5 years old, 69% were familiar with WFPD health benefits, and 17% had past or current involvement with a whole-foods plant-based diet. Likert scale scores determined confidence intervals for opinions on whole-foods plant-based diet barriers, adoption, and nutritional knowledge. Kendall’s tau-b correlation tests uncovered significant connections between perceived barriers, demographics, and understanding of whole-foods plant-based diets. A Spearman’s rank-order test found no correlation between a parent's assessment of their child's health and whole-foods plant-based diet engagement. Many parents didn't perceive significant hurdles to WFPD adoption and expressed readiness to embrace its benefits for their children, pending guidance from healthcare professionals and assistance with shopping and meal preparation. Openings toward solutions to the childhood obesity epidemic exist if stakeholders would reach out and take advantage of the most impactful methods of educating the public in terms of the benefits and successes of a whole-foods plant-based diet.

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