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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Riglyne vir die ouer van die chroniese siek kind

Green, Anna Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research sets guidelines for parents of chronically ill children. The guidelines are aimed at equipping the parents to cope more efficiently with the chronic illness and to support other family members in doing so. The nature of chronic illness and its effect on the sick child, his education, the parents and siblings have been researched in the literature study. Chronic illness affects family members in different ways. The· illness affects the sick child's physical, emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial development. The parent's total existence and the education of their child are also affected. The illness influences the emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial development of siblings. The effect of chronic illness on family members gives rise to certain needs concerned with coping with the illness. Parents as the caretakers of the family and educators of the child are mainly responsible, to assist family members to deal with the illness and its consequences. An empirical study was carried out, involving 102 parents of chronically ill children. This study confirmed that the chronic illness impedes the education process and complicates the adequate development and maturation of specifically the sick child. The effect that chronic illness has on other family members was also confirmed. The empirical study proved that parents need assistance to cope with the illness. They need assistance for themselves as well as assistance in helping other family members to cope. Based on this literature study and the results of the empirical research, guidelines were developed for the parents of the chronically ill child. These guidelines empower the parents in their support roles. It enables them to deal with the needs of the family thereby enabling family members to cope more efficiently with the illness. Several guidelines have been given regarding how to cope with the matters concerned with educational, physical, emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial consequences of the illness. Parents should streamline these guidelines to suit the needs of every unique child and the rest of his family. / Hierdie navorsing stel riglyne vir ouers van 'n cluoniese siek kind. Die riglyne is daarop gemik om die ouers te bemagtig om cluoniese siekte beter te kan hanteer en ander gesinslede te steun in hulle hantering van die siekte. Die aard van cluoniese siekte en die effek daarvan op die siek kind, sy opvoeding, die ouers en sibbe is in die literatuurstudie nagevors. Cluoniese siekte raak elke gesinslid op verskeie wyses. Die siek kind se liggaamlike, emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale ontwikkeling word deur die siekte beYnvloed. Ouers se totale bestaan en hulle opvoeding van die kind word deur die siekte geraak. Die siekte beYnvloed sibbe se emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale ontwikkeling. Die effek van chroniese siekte op elke gesinslid laat behoeftes, wat met die hantering van die siekte verband hou, by elkeen ontstaan. Ouers as versorgers van die gesin en opvoeders van die kind is grootliks verantwoordelik om die siek kind en ander gesinslede te help om die siekte en die gevolge daarvan te hanteer. 'n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby I 02 ouers van cluoniese siek kinders betrek is. Die empiriese ondersoek het bevestig dat cluoniese siekte opvoeding kan bemoeilik en toereikende ontwikkeling en volwassewording by veral die siek kind kompliseer. Chroniese siekte se effek op die ander gesinslede is ook bevestig. Die empiriese ondersoek het aangedui dat ouers behoeftes aan hulp het om die siekte te kan hanteer. Ouers se behoeftes het verband gehou met hulp aan hulself en hulp om die ander gesinslede te help om die siekte beter te hanteer. Op grond van die literatuurstudie en die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek, is riglyne vir ouers van die cluoniese siek kind geskryf. Die riglyne bemagtig ouers as steungewers deurdat hulle toenemend in staat gestel word om in die gesin se behoeftes te voorsien, sodat gesinslede die siekte beter kan hanteer. Verskeie riglyne om sake rakende die siekte te hanteer, is gegee. Daar is aan opvoedkundige, liggaamlike, emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale aspekte aandag gegee. Die ouers behoort die riglyne te verbesonder vir elke unieke kind en sy gesin. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed.(Sielkunde Opvoedkunde)

Invloed van skofwerk op ouer-kindverhoudinge

Lotter, Martinus Johannes 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek is onderneem om vas te stel watter invloed skofwerk op ouerkindverhoudinge het. 'n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer om die invloed van skofwerk op mense en gesinsfunksies te bepaal. Vraelyste ten opsigte van die ouer-kindverhouding en gesinskommunikasie is geïdentifiseer en aangepas. Uit die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek is geen beduidende verskil gevind in die globale verhouding tussen ouers en kinders by gesinne waar ouers skofte werk en gesinne waar ouers nie skofte werk nie. 'n Beduidende verski1 in die kenverhouding tussen ouers en kinders bet voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat ouer adolessente 'n swakker gesags- en vertrouensverhouding met bulle ouers het as jonger adolessente in gesinne waar die ouers skofte werk. Opvoedkundige implikasies van die bevindinge is bespreek. Riglyne vir die verbetering van die ken-, vertrouens- en gesagsverhouding tussen ouers en kinders is aan ouers en onderwysers gestel. Laastens is voorstelle vir verdere navorsing gemaak. An investigation was wtdertaken to detennine the intluence of shift work on parent~ child relationships. A literature study was done to detennine the influence of shift work on people and family functions. Questionnaires dealing with the parent-child relationship and family communication were identified and adapted. According to the results of the empirical investigation no significant differences were found in general parent-child relationships between families where parents work shifts and families where parents do not work shifts. A significant difference was found in the relationship of knowing between shift working parents and childnm. lt was foWld that older adolescents have a weaker relationship of authority and trust in families where parents work shifts. The educational implications of the findings are discussed. Guidelines for a better relationship of knowing, authority and trust between parent and child are given to parents and teachers. Lastly, suggestions for further research are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.(Guidance and Couselling)

Development of the theory of shared communication : the process of communication between parents of hospitalized technology dependent children and their nurses

Giambra, Barbara Klug January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Technology dependent children such as those who require a feeding tube, tracheotomy or ventilator are a special group of chronically ill children who require complex care on a daily basis. When these children are hospitalized, the accompanying parent and the nurse caring for the child on the inpatient unit must communicate together about the care of the child. Care for the technology dependent child is optimized when parents and nurses both understand the plan of care for the child. To discover the process of parent-nurse communication that results in mutual understanding of the child’s plan of care, a grounded theory study to explore the perspectives of the parents of previously hospitalized technology dependent children was undertaken. The Theory of Shared Communication emerged from the data and illuminates the parent-nurse communication process. The antecedents of the process are respect for own and others expertise. The communication process consists of six communication behaviors; ask, listen, explain, advocate, verify understanding and negotiate roles. The behaviors are nested within each other and all are not necessarily required for the non-linear process to result in the relational outcome of mutual understanding of the child’s plan of care. An integrative review of the literature regarding the process of communication between parents of hospitalized chronically ill children and their nurses shed light on the components of the process, but no study was found that explicated the entire communication process. A subsequent grounded theory study added the perspectives of the nurses to the original theory. No new components of the process were uncovered, but the nurse’s narratives added significantly to our understanding of the communication process. Additionally, parents of currently hospitalized technology dependent children confirmed the propositions of the Theory of Shared Communication.

Social-emotional competency : enhancing the achievement abilities of deaf and hard-of-hearing persons

Viljoen, Tasme 01 1900 (has links)
South Africa has a dearth of deaf appropriate assistive resources – giving rise to deaf adolescents leaving school early and poor adult outcomes. These factors are negatively influenced by the interaction of other elements such as the inadequate cultural and social nurturing and lack of support. Approached from a bio-ecological model, to pro-actively address the support needed by deaf and hard-of-hearing persons to empower them to develop the capacity to withstand the challenges they have to endure, to stand up to and resist the negative ideas about what they are capable of. In this study, major risk factors were identified as communication deprivation and unpreparedness of parents to raise a deaf child appropriately where mediating factors were identified as social-emotional competence and deaf teaching assistants at South African Schools for the Deaf. The main findings of this study were that the need for early training of parents, access to Sign Language, deaf role models and social-emotional training in SA schools for the Deaf are proposed pathways to well-being. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Utilizing dyadic brief gestalt play therapy within an unstable adolescent foster placement

Terrapon, Wendy 11 1900 (has links)
In the experience of being a play therapist and social worker, the researcher became aware of the breakdown of adolescent foster placements. Although there are many causal factors of adolescent foster care breakdown, it was the treatment and sustaining of these placements that the researcher was interested in. The utilization of dyadic brief Gestalt play therapy aims to support the relationship between the carer and adolescent in order to sustain and stabilize the foster placement. The empirical study includes data collection and analysis. The data was gathered through observations and field notes from unstructured interviews, in this case the dyadic therapeutic process with the adolescent and carer. The data was then analyzed, and eleven outcomes were discussed: the building of a therapeutic relationship, the process of dialogue, the gaining of awareness, contact, resistance, the internal working model, polarities, working in the here and now, the utilization of Gestalt experiments and Gestalt play therapeutic techniques. In addition, the implications of the brief Gestalt therapeutic model were identified. These themes are discussed fully in the final chapter encompassing conclusions and recommendations.This study found that it was possible to work effectively with the adolescent and carer in a dyadic brief Gestalt therapeutic way utilizing play therapy techniques. Recommendations regarding the conclusions were made in relation to the outcomes of this study. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play therapy)

Utilizing dyadic brief gestalt play therapy within an unstable adolescent foster placement

Terrapon, Wendy 11 1900 (has links)
In the experience of being a play therapist and social worker, the researcher became aware of the breakdown of adolescent foster placements. Although there are many causal factors of adolescent foster care breakdown, it was the treatment and sustaining of these placements that the researcher was interested in. The utilization of dyadic brief Gestalt play therapy aims to support the relationship between the carer and adolescent in order to sustain and stabilize the foster placement. The empirical study includes data collection and analysis. The data was gathered through observations and field notes from unstructured interviews, in this case the dyadic therapeutic process with the adolescent and carer. The data was then analyzed, and eleven outcomes were discussed: the building of a therapeutic relationship, the process of dialogue, the gaining of awareness, contact, resistance, the internal working model, polarities, working in the here and now, the utilization of Gestalt experiments and Gestalt play therapeutic techniques. In addition, the implications of the brief Gestalt therapeutic model were identified. These themes are discussed fully in the final chapter encompassing conclusions and recommendations.This study found that it was possible to work effectively with the adolescent and carer in a dyadic brief Gestalt therapeutic way utilizing play therapy techniques. Recommendations regarding the conclusions were made in relation to the outcomes of this study. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play therapy)

The Development of a Three Minute Realtime Sampling Method to Measure Social Harmony during Interactions between Parents and their Toddlers with Autism

Cunningham, Isabel L. 08 1900 (has links)
Training parents of a child with autism to increase the frequency of their child's social behavior may improve the quality of parent-child interactions. The purpose of this methodological study was to develop a direct observation method for rapidly sampling social harmony between parents and their toddlers with autism during parent training interactions. The current study used a pre and post probe design, with benchmark comparisons to test the discriminability of the measurement protocol across two sets of data. The first set of data came from pre and post training videos from a parent training program for children with a diagnosis of autism or at risk for a diagnosis. The second set of data came from videos of typically developing toddlers and their parents. The results of the study show that the measurement system differentiated in the level of harmonious engagement between the benchmark sample and the sample including children diagnosed with autism. The results are discussed in the context of future directions and the utility of the measurement system for behavior analytic practices in parent training and other settings where rapport and complex interactional behaviors are an intervention priority.

Crossing the border : gendered experiences of immigrant children in South African schools

Sibanda, Temba 02 1900 (has links)
The study examines how the family, peers, and sociocultural environment at school in primary schools in South Africa perpetuated divergent gendered experiences among immigrant learners. A qualitative narrative inquiry was used during the study. Snowball sampling was used to select the participants for the study. The study drew on a narrative account of 27 participants, 18 immigrant children (9 girls and 9 boys) and nine teachers (6 women and 3 men) from three primary schools in the Johannesburg East District. Semi-structured in-depth interviews and observations were used as instruments to collect data from the participants. Collected data from the semi-structured, in-depth interviews and observations was analysed using thematic content analysis and was presented by using illustrative quotes. The study revealed that the school is a highly gendered place and serves to propagate gendered experiences among immigrant children in school between girls and boys. The findings of the study have significant implications for stake holders at all levels in education. It is recommended that school principals should ensure that teachers and administrators are familiar with both the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the school’s policies and regulations that address gender, sexual harassment, immigration issues, school violence, and bullying. Improved perception of immigrant children and gender quality in schools will contribute to a positive school environment which may lead to increased positive wellbeing and academic performance to all learners regardless of gender and country of origin. / Educational Studies / D. Phil. (Socio-Education)

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