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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motiv města v soudobých českých pohádkových příbězích / Theme of the city in a contemporary Czech fairy tail story

Výmolová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis named Theme of the city in a contemporary Czech fairy tale story aims to examine various styles of constructions of space and shaping it in a Czech literature for children and youth of last decade. This thesis chooses a theme that is popularized by Pavel Šrut and his novel Lichožrouti - city space. In the first part of this thesis are briefly characterized children proses which were chosen for analysing. Mainly because of showing on which aspects of space are these proses focused and because in the theoretical section are mentioned some of the findings connected to chosen books. The last part of this thesis is focused on analysing the interpretations of different text sections from space point of view. Parts related to each individual proses are organized and divided by locations, in which the books are placed. Taking into account that authors are operating with the space differently based on their intentions and audience, this thesis points out differences and similarities in how the city space and through it its inhabitant and their worries are formed. The thesis indicates how contemporary literature for children and youth is not avoiding serious issues of modern society. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Beletrizace dějin ve výuce dějepisu / Fictionalization of History in History Teaching

Knitlová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
99 Summary The topic of this Diploma thesis focuses on Fictionalization of History in History Teaching. This area is closely connected with Eduard Štorch. Eduard Štorch was an amateur archaeologist, a very good writer and an undervalued teacher. Based on topics which he drew from a variety of archaeological research projects he created and wrote adventure stories which can be classified as somewhere between fiction and popular science stories in which he described oldest periods of Czech history. His books are still recognised today as the very best of their kind and they have been translated into a number of foreign languages. As a teacher, Štorch did his utmost to improve children's education. At his own expense and almost single-handedly he built a "Children's Farm" on Libeňský ostrov in Prague. It was meant as a place for educating children not only inside a classroom but also in the middle of nature. Children from other schools in Prague were encouraged to use the outdoors facilities there in their free time as well. Eduard Štorch tried to promote and enforce changes in the teaching of all school subjects but concentrated on the teaching of history. For this purpose he published several books such as "The Reform of the History Taught at Schools" (Reforma školního dějepisu; 1905), "The New History"...

Spolupráce pedagogů na základních školách s orgánem sociálně-právní ochrany dítěte / Cooperation of primary school teachers and the office for social-law protection of children

Kučerová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
TITLE: Cooperation of primary school teachers and the office for social-law protection of children AUTHOR: Lucie Kučerová DEPARTMENT: Department of special education SUPERVISOR: Doc. PaedDr. Eva Šotolová Ph.D. ABSTRACT In the first half of the thesis we define the terms teacher, school methodist for prevention, curator for children and youth. We describe the principles of their cooperation in term of rights of the child and his social-law protection, due to the Act No. 359/199 Coll., social-law protection of children and due to the Decree No. 72/2005 Coll., providing counselling services in schools and school counselling institutions. Simultaneously we are opening the topic of possible moral dilemmas which can the teacher deal with in term of social-law protection of the student. Int he second half we evaluate the results of empirical investigation. The quantitative survey was conducted by questionnaire method in 7 primary schools in Prague. Its main purpose was to chart the extent of primary teachers knowledge about The office for social-law protection of children, to find out what quality is this cooperation and to compare the situation at practical primary schools and mainstream primary schools. The survey conclusion revealed significant lack of knowledge of mainstream primary school teachers in this...


Wind, Tonia Leigh 20 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:07:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tonia Leigh Wind.pdf: 1184142 bytes, checksum: 44a648012c70583d5cd712e731f0b082 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-20 / O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar o segmento denominado literatura infantil sob a perspectiva das tradições culturais decorrentes da prática de leitura no Brasil e nos EUA; da influência desta espécie literária no processo de formação do indivíduo, e dos percalços linguísticos enfrentados na tradução de livros estrangeiros para o mercado nacional. Para tanto, far-se-á uma apresentação do contexto histórico-cultural da espécie literária, de suas raízes nos contos orais indo-europeus até chegar ao que se considera a nascença da literatura infantil brasileira no Século XX. Como complemento ao estudo cultural, avaliar-se-á obras canônicas e textos doutrinários usando como suporte teórico da narrativa e da literatura em geral: Gaston Bachelard, Peter Hunt, Ana Maria Machado, Terry Eagleton, Nelly Novaes Coelho, Regina Zilberman, Marisa Lajolo, entre outros. Um enfoque especial será dado ao conceito norte-americano e brasileiro de cultura de leitura e mediadores de leitura para comparar o processo de formação do indivíduo em ambos os países. Como parte desta abordagem, será mostrada uma análise dos conceitos de multiculturalismo e pluriculturalismo as quais serão apresentadas para apontar sua importância e influência no leitor dentro da sociedade. O último capítulo da pesquisa dar-se-á sobre o tema tradução e suas implicações linguístico-culturais enfrentados pelo tradutor literário, assim como a migração do hábito de leitura dentro das salas de aulas de L2 para fomentar a aquisição de uma segunda língua. Analisar-se-á aspectos do texto original que se perdem numa adaptação ou tradução dando uma ênfase especial aos conceitos de domesticação e estrangeirização para melhor atender às necessidades do leitor final usando como suporte as teorias tradutórias de George Steiner, Lawrence Venuti, Eugene Nida, Jeremy Munday, John Milton, Mona Baker, Zohar Shavit, Susan Bassnett, Riitta Oittinen, entre outros. Como base de análise literária, o corpus desta pesquisa será composto de alguns exemplos de cânones, focando especificamente dois livros norte-americanos e suas traduções brasileiras: Where the Wild Things Are (Onde Vivem os Monstros) de Maurice Sendak e Mr. Peabody´s Apples (As Maçãs do Sr. Peabody) da Madonna.

Violência no sertão da ressaca a negação dos direitos da população infanto-juvenil em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia (1997-2005)

Santos, João Diogenes Ferreira dos 13 April 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao Diogenes Ferreira dos Santos.pdf: 1891209 bytes, checksum: 2969328c59b652c492f00757400a31fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-04-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this thesis is to reflect on the social inequality and violence against children and youth, in Vitória da Conquista, between 1997 and 2005. We selected for the study a group of children, under social and personal risk, exploited by prostitution and drugs traffic. On one hand, through the study, we tried to comprehend the complex interrelations between the State, classes and social groups, which take into account a historical and social course marked by violence practices that find a comfortable environment upon the modern Bahian coronelism . On the other hand, we address the analysis of the consequences of the economy reforms of the neo-liberal agenda, which have been recently unfolded into the adoption of local social programs and policies that are characterized as locally focused, fragmentary and related with social protectionism. In order to fulfill this task, we ground the research on the particular social and political constitution of the district, whose government has been led by Labors Party (PT) over twelve years. Within a landscape of widening and increasing political indifference due to the replacement of programs to the universe of the poverty management , to the suppression of rights and the degradation of public spaces, we attempt to reflect through this thesis on its effects on those who live upon the edge of surviving which Giorgio Agamben refers as naked life / Esta tese tem por objetivo refletir sobre a realidade das desigualdades sociais e da violência contra crianças e adolescentes, em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, no período de 1997 a 2005. Selecionou-se para estudo o grupo de crianças em situação de risco pessoal e social, explorado pela prostituição infanto-juvenil e pelo tráfico de entorpecentes. Por meio da pesquisa tentou-se, por um lado, apreender as complexas relações entre Estado, classes e grupos sociais que levam em conta uma trajetória histórico-social, marcada por práticas de violência que encontram um estuário perverso nos efeitos do moderno coronelismo baiano . Por outro lado, dirigiu-se às análises das conseqüências dos reajustes econômicos do receituário neoliberal, que se desdobram, em tempos recentes, na adoção local de programas e políticas sociais focalizados, de caráter fragmentário e assistencial. Para esta tarefa, baseamo-nos na peculiaridade sociopolítica do município, cujo governo, há três quadriênios, é liderado pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores PT. Diante do cenário mais amplo de crescente despolitização, por causa do deslocamento de programas para o universo da administração da pobreza , da negação de direitos e da deterioração de espaços públicos, procura-se refletir, por meio desta tese, seus efeitos sobre aqueles que vivem no limiar da sobrevivência , o que Giorgio Agamben chama de vida nua

Cotidiano, trajetórias e políticas públicas: crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia (1997-2007)

Andrade, Fábio Santos de 16 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:22:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Santos de Andrade.pdf: 1209899 bytes, checksum: d9c51c0765d645b4e97bcfbab85eead4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-16 / Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program / This dissertation aimed to analyze the every day life and the trajectories of children and youth in the street situation, as well as the municipal public politics in Vitória da Conquista (Bahia). This research focused on the period between 1997 to 2007, that covers two mandates of the municipal govern and, a third one, in course, all under the command of the PT Partido dos Trabalhadores. It intended to analyze the programs and projects driven to the young population of the city, standing out the Street Education Unit, considering some outstanding historical facts in the country. It was verified that, besides the implement of the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente ECA, since 90 s, some of the programs and projects implemented in Vitória da Conquista, although objects of important awards, dispute significance with others, deactivated or useless. This led to the reflection about the focused or compensatory perspectives, as well as about the conflicts of competences between governmental spheres. The analysis aimed to detach a tendency, toughen up in ages of economic politics driven by the neoliberal ideology, from which public politics and social programs are mainly directed to the results of the administration of poorness / Esta dissertação teve por objetivo analisar o cotidiano e as trajetórias de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua, bem como as políticas públicas municipais em Vitória da Conquista (Bahia). A pesquisa centrou-se no período de 1997 a 2007, que corresponde a dois mandatos do governo municipal e, um terceiro, em curso, todos sob o comando do PT Partido dos Trabalhadores. Voltou-se para análise de programas e projetos dirigidos à população infanto-juvenil do município, destacando-se a Unidade de Educação de Rua, levando-se em conta alguns marcos históricos do país. Verificou-se que, mesmo com a implantação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente ECA, desde os anos 1990, alguns dos programas e projetos implementados em Vitória da Conquista, embora objetos de premiações importantes, disputam significado com outros, desativados ou inoperantes. Isto leva à reflexão sobre as perspectivas focalizadas ou compensatórias, assim como aos conflitos de competências entre esferas governamentais. A análise procurou destacar uma tendência acirrada em tempos de política econômica orientada pela ideologia neoliberal, de que resultam políticas públicas e programas sociais voltados, principalmente, para a administração da pobreza

Violência no sertão da ressaca a negação dos direitos da população infanto-juvenil em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia (1997-2005)

Santos, João Diogenes Ferreira dos 13 April 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:56:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao Diogenes Ferreira dos Santos.pdf: 1891209 bytes, checksum: 2969328c59b652c492f00757400a31fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-04-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this thesis is to reflect on the social inequality and violence against children and youth, in Vitória da Conquista, between 1997 and 2005. We selected for the study a group of children, under social and personal risk, exploited by prostitution and drugs traffic. On one hand, through the study, we tried to comprehend the complex interrelations between the State, classes and social groups, which take into account a historical and social course marked by violence practices that find a comfortable environment upon the modern Bahian coronelism . On the other hand, we address the analysis of the consequences of the economy reforms of the neo-liberal agenda, which have been recently unfolded into the adoption of local social programs and policies that are characterized as locally focused, fragmentary and related with social protectionism. In order to fulfill this task, we ground the research on the particular social and political constitution of the district, whose government has been led by Labors Party (PT) over twelve years. Within a landscape of widening and increasing political indifference due to the replacement of programs to the universe of the poverty management , to the suppression of rights and the degradation of public spaces, we attempt to reflect through this thesis on its effects on those who live upon the edge of surviving which Giorgio Agamben refers as naked life / Esta tese tem por objetivo refletir sobre a realidade das desigualdades sociais e da violência contra crianças e adolescentes, em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, no período de 1997 a 2005. Selecionou-se para estudo o grupo de crianças em situação de risco pessoal e social, explorado pela prostituição infanto-juvenil e pelo tráfico de entorpecentes. Por meio da pesquisa tentou-se, por um lado, apreender as complexas relações entre Estado, classes e grupos sociais que levam em conta uma trajetória histórico-social, marcada por práticas de violência que encontram um estuário perverso nos efeitos do moderno coronelismo baiano . Por outro lado, dirigiu-se às análises das conseqüências dos reajustes econômicos do receituário neoliberal, que se desdobram, em tempos recentes, na adoção local de programas e políticas sociais focalizados, de caráter fragmentário e assistencial. Para esta tarefa, baseamo-nos na peculiaridade sociopolítica do município, cujo governo, há três quadriênios, é liderado pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores PT. Diante do cenário mais amplo de crescente despolitização, por causa do deslocamento de programas para o universo da administração da pobreza , da negação de direitos e da deterioração de espaços públicos, procura-se refletir, por meio desta tese, seus efeitos sobre aqueles que vivem no limiar da sobrevivência , o que Giorgio Agamben chama de vida nua

Cotidiano, trajetórias e políticas públicas: crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia (1997-2007)

Andrade, Fábio Santos de 16 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:57:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Santos de Andrade.pdf: 1209899 bytes, checksum: d9c51c0765d645b4e97bcfbab85eead4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-16 / Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program / This dissertation aimed to analyze the every day life and the trajectories of children and youth in the street situation, as well as the municipal public politics in Vitória da Conquista (Bahia). This research focused on the period between 1997 to 2007, that covers two mandates of the municipal govern and, a third one, in course, all under the command of the PT Partido dos Trabalhadores. It intended to analyze the programs and projects driven to the young population of the city, standing out the Street Education Unit, considering some outstanding historical facts in the country. It was verified that, besides the implement of the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente ECA, since 90 s, some of the programs and projects implemented in Vitória da Conquista, although objects of important awards, dispute significance with others, deactivated or useless. This led to the reflection about the focused or compensatory perspectives, as well as about the conflicts of competences between governmental spheres. The analysis aimed to detach a tendency, toughen up in ages of economic politics driven by the neoliberal ideology, from which public politics and social programs are mainly directed to the results of the administration of poorness / Esta dissertação teve por objetivo analisar o cotidiano e as trajetórias de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua, bem como as políticas públicas municipais em Vitória da Conquista (Bahia). A pesquisa centrou-se no período de 1997 a 2007, que corresponde a dois mandatos do governo municipal e, um terceiro, em curso, todos sob o comando do PT Partido dos Trabalhadores. Voltou-se para análise de programas e projetos dirigidos à população infanto-juvenil do município, destacando-se a Unidade de Educação de Rua, levando-se em conta alguns marcos históricos do país. Verificou-se que, mesmo com a implantação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente ECA, desde os anos 1990, alguns dos programas e projetos implementados em Vitória da Conquista, embora objetos de premiações importantes, disputam significado com outros, desativados ou inoperantes. Isto leva à reflexão sobre as perspectivas focalizadas ou compensatórias, assim como aos conflitos de competências entre esferas governamentais. A análise procurou destacar uma tendência acirrada em tempos de política econômica orientada pela ideologia neoliberal, de que resultam políticas públicas e programas sociais voltados, principalmente, para a administração da pobreza

Pedagogy as dialogue between cultures : exploring halaqah : an Islamic dialogic pedagogy that acts as a vehicle for developing Muslim children's shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity) in a pluralist society

Ahmed, Farah January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents an argument for the use of dialogic halaqah to develop the personal autonomy of young Muslims in twenty-first century Britain. It begins by developing a theoretical grounding for Islamic conceptualisations of personal autonomy and dialogic pedagogy. In doing so, it aims to generate dialogue between Islamic and ‘western’ educational traditions, and to clarify the theoretical foundation of halaqah, a traditional Islamic oral pedagogy, that has been adapted to meet the educational needs of Muslim children in contemporary Britain. Dialogic halaqah is daily practice in two independent British Muslim faith-schools, providing a safe space for young Muslims to cumulatively explore challenging issues, in order to facilitate the development of selfhood, hybrid identity and personal autonomy, theorised as shakhsiyah Islamiyah. This thesis examines the relationship between thought, language, and the development of personal autonomy in neo-Ghazalian, Vygotskian and Bakhtinian traditions, and suggests the possibility of understanding shakhsiyah Islamiyah as a dialogical Muslim-self. This theoretical work underpins an empirical study of data generated through dialogic halaqah held with groups of schoolchildren and young people. Using established analytic schemes, data from these sessions are subjected to both thematic and dialogue analyses. Emergent themes relating to autonomy and choice, independent and critical thinking, navigating authority, peer pressure, and choosing to be Muslim are explored. Themes related to halaqah as dialogic pedagogy, whether and how it supports the development of agency, resilience and independent thinking, and teacher and learner roles in halaqah, are examined. Moreover, findings from dialogue analysis, which evaluates the quality of educational dialogue generated within halaqah, that is, participants’ capacity to engage in dialogue with each other, as well as with an imagined secular other, are presented. The quality of the dialogic interactions is evaluated, as is evidence of individual participant’s autonomy in their communicative actions.

Jazykové prostředky ve fiktivních denících jako žánru literatury pro děti a mládež / Language Resources in Fictional Diaries as a Genre of Literature for Children and Youth

SEDLÁKOVÁ, Klára January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with analysis of linguistic meanings, content and graphic processing of fictional diaries for children and youth. The subject of the diploma thesis is the research expession means of selected titles from the point of view the sex of the fictitious writers of diaries and of the existence of characters in a given type of fictitious world. This is also related to find out what effect these means have on the apparent authenticity of the diaries. The theoretical part offers an overview of the overall development of literature for children and youth from the beginning to the present. The terms of the genre and diary are clarified in this part. The overview of contemporary genres and currently published titles are mentioned as well as their popularity at these days.

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