Spelling suggestions: "subject:"children anda south"" "subject:"children anda youth""
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Virtuální komunikace a její využití v rámci nízkoprahových zařízení pro děti a mládež / Virtual communication and how it can be used in low-threshold facilities for children and youthEGERMAIEROVÁ, Václava January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the specifics of the social service called low-threshold facility for children and youth and how the virtual communication can be used to work with the clients of the service. In the theoretical part the low-threshold facilities for children and youth, range, principles and target audience of this social service are described. Also function and purpose of communication is described and the specifics of mobile and virtual communication are characterised. The possibilities how to use the mobile and virtual communication in basic and special social consultancy are another topic. The practical part is focused on mapping how the area of Czech Republic is covered with the facilities supplying the social service called low-threshold facility for children and youth. It also includes a survey research reflecting actual practise in using the virtual communication as a tool when working with clients in these facilities. In current facilities mainly e-mail and Facebook social network are used sometimes also Skype, ICQ application and other social networks. Current practise is very diverse because a complex professional methodical basis to supply this service model is still missing.
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Avaliação motora em escolares sob parâmetros da CIFCJ : construção de medida e evidências de validadeAlves, Cristiane Paiva 10 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-10 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The ICF-CY has components such as body functions and structures, activities and participation and environmental factors that facilitate a holistic look at the individual's health. Research on measures that operationalize still scarce, having been identified in national and international literature review just such a study. This research aims to contribute towards the area, and their goal was to develop a measurement tool based on the components of the ICF-CY to evaluate the motor performance of children 7 years old.. The theoretical construction of the instrument and its validity evidence were conducted through five stages, namely: the motors mapping exams with the ICF-CY, qualitative evaluation of the Instrument for Motor Evaluation in School - IAM (E), the creation of items, the semantic analysis of the items and construct validity. The tests selected were mapped to the domains of the ICF-CY and their relevance evaluated by six judges; domains that showed concordance index lower than 80% were excluded, and of 39 domains 29 remained. To operationalize the construct was held from the use of the Roadmaps Activities Analysis of the proposed items that contemplate. The construction of the items included the description of evidence and qualifying criteria. Then, we performed a semantic analysis of the instrument; this phase involved the participation of 5 children of 6 years, the lower strata of the population involved items without difficulty. The construct validity was performed by 12 judges and the criteria of relevance of the item to the mark in question were assigned from an agreement of at least 80%, on the representativity of the item in a specific factor. No items were excluded in this phase. Were selected, even, the areas that compose the questionnaires regarding the components structures and body functions and environmental factors. Thus, IAM (E) consists of a questionnaire and a scale with tests motor, comprising all components of the ICF-CY. Despite the lack of studies that guide him a methodology for classification and operationalization of its complexity, the construction of the instrument based on the ICF-CY, complied with the proposed objective. Thus, it was concluded that the theoretical phase of the construction of IAM (E) and proposes to continue the validation study for the use of the instrument can be detected and motor deficits prevent the development of disabilities. / A CIF-CJ apresenta componentes como funções e estruturas corporais, atividade e participação e fatores ambientais que possibilitam um olhar holístico sobre a saúde do indivíduo. Pesquisas que a operacionalizam medidas sobre ainda são escassas, tendo-se identificado em revisão bibliográfica nacional e internacional apenas um estudo dessa natureza. A presente pesquisa pretende contribuir para com a área, e seu objetivo foi elaborar um instrumento de medida com base nos componentes da CIF-CJ para avaliar o desempenho motor de crianças de 7 anos. A construção teórica do instrumento e suas evidências de validade foram realizadas por meio de cinco etapas, sendo elas: o mapeamento de exames motores com a CIF-CJ, a avaliação qualitativa do Instrumento para Avaliação Motora em Escolares - IAM (E), a criação dos itens, a análise semântica dos itens e a validade de construto. As provas selecionadas foram mapeadas com os domínios da CIF-CJ e sua pertinência avaliada por 6 juízes; os domínios que apresentaram índice de concordância menor que 80% foram excluídos, e de 39 domínios 29 permaneceram. Para operacionalização do construto realizou-se a partir do uso dos Roteiros de Análise de Atividades a proposta de itens que as contemplassem. A construção dos itens contou com a descrição das provas e dos critérios qualificadores. Em seguida, foi realizada a análise semântica do instrumento; essa fase contou com a participação de 5 crianças de 6 anos, o estrato mais baixo da população que compreendeu os itens sem dificuldades. A validade de construto foi realizada por 12 juízes e o critério de pertinência do item ao traço em questão foi atribuído a partir de uma concordância de pelo menos 80%, sobre a representatividade do item em determinado fator. Nenhum item foi excluído nessa fase. Foram selecionados, ainda, os domínios que comporiam os questionários referentes aos componentes estruturas e funções corporais e fatores ambientais. Sendo assim, o IAM (E) é composto por um questionário e uma escala com provas motoras, contemplando todos os componentes da CIF-CJ. Apesar da falta de estudos que guiassem uma metodologia de operacionalização da classificação e de sua complexidade, a construção do instrumento baseado na CIF-CJ, cumpriu com o objetivo proposto. Desta forma, concluiu-se a fase teórica da construção do IAM (E) e propõe-se a continuação do estudo de validação, para que com o uso do instrumento se possa detectar déficits motores e prevenir o desenvolvimento de deficiências.
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Elaboração e aplicação preliminar do instrumento para Avaliação da Funcionalidade e Incapacidade na Infância - IAFIIAlves, Cristiane Paiva 23 February 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The early identification problems in the development of physical, psychic and social abilities, in thepreschool phase, can contribute for intervention procedures. The child with physical deficiency faces,daily, challenges for learning in the process of school inclusion. Considering this a reality, the presentresearch aimed to describe the influence of interaction among the components of the ICF-CY. In theevaluation process of functionality and incapacity in children with physical deficiency, originated fromthe sequels of prematurity in the process of school inclusion for the preschooler. For that, it waselaborated a preliminarily called instrument, Instrument for the Evaluation of Functionality andIncapacity in Infancy, for children of 3 until 6 years (IAFII). It was performed a study case, object of thepresent study, to verify the relevancy of the proposal of the instrument and the feasibility of the plan. Inthis study 3 children in process of preschool inclusion were selected, from the feminine sex. C1, 4 yearsold; C2, 6 years old; and C3, 5 years old. Preterm born, diagnosticated with hemiparesy spastic cerebralpalsy. And theirs care givers. The children were taked care in an ambulatorial attendance unit, tied with aUniversity, that gives multiprofessional attendance, in a city of average portage in the interior of SãoPaulo. The present study contemplates the stages of the instrument elaboration as well as itsapplications. Its results were described in studies case. The data of the functionality and incapacityevaluation in the related children, beginning from the functions and corporal structures domains, hadshown that the biggest deficiencies were found in the structures related to the movement. These resultsaccording with the findings obtained from the evaluation in the tasks and general demands and mobilitydomains, which had also indicated the difficulties of the participants in the actions that demanded the useof movements of the superior members, except C3, that presented cognitive deficit. Allied to this, thechildren presented more accented difficulties in the actions that demanded the use of global movementsof the inferior members, also in those that demanded balance and sustentation of these members. Inrelation to another component, the environment factors, in the descriptions of the care givers, disclose tohave positive influence in the lives of the children, emphasizing the emotional and material supportoffered by the family and friends. Analyzing the information that had come from the three componentsof the CIF-CJ, it s possible to affirm that, although exists the structure originated from the environmentsfacilitiers, there is also a lack of equipment which the children could be beneficiated to facilitate theaccomplishment of many tasks, in the house as well as in the school. In function of the acquired results,the importance of the evaluation of the functionality and incapacity of the children with physicaldisability is argued, starting from the interaction between the three components: corporal functions andstructures, activity and participation and environment factors, disclosing in the health condition. Thepreschooler in inclusion process health condition detection showed itself as an important tool tostimulate focused care, resulting in better scholar inclusion results. Finally, on the methodological pointof view, the IAFII proved itself adequate for future studies with larger number of participants. / A identificação precoce de problemas no desenvolvimento de habilidades físicas, psíquicas e sociais, nafase pré-escolar, pode contribuir para os procedimentos de intervenção. A criança com deficiência físicaenfrenta, diariamente, desafios para aprendizagem no processo de inclusão escolar. Considerando essarealidade, a presente pesquisa objetivou descrever a influência da interação entre os componentes daCIF-CJ no processo de avaliação da funcionalidade e incapacidade de crianças com deficiência física porseqüela de prematuridade em processo de inclusão na pré-escola. Para tanto, foi elaborado uminstrumento denominado Instrumento para Avaliação de Funcionalidade e Incapacidade na Infância, paracrianças de 3 a 6 anos (IAFII), composto por um plano de atividades que contemplou domínios deatividade e participação da CIF-CJ e foi construído com base nos roteiros de análise de atividades daterapia ocupacional, além de dois questionários para função e estrutura corporal e fatores ambientais.Participaram do estudo três crianças, do sexo feminino com idades de C1, 4 anos; C2, 6 anos;e C3, 5anos, nascidas pré-termo e com o diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral do tipo hemiparesia espástica e suasresponsáveis. As crianças são atendidas em uma unidade de atendimento ambulatorial, vinculada a umaUniversidade, que presta atendimento multiprofissional, em uma cidade de médio porte no interior deSão Paulo. O presente estudo contempla as etapas de elaboração do instrumento bem como a aplicaçãodo mesmo, cujos resultados foram descritos em forma de estudos de caso. Os dados da avaliação dafuncionalidade e incapacidade das referidas crianças, a partir dos domínios de funções e estruturascorporais mostraram que as maiores deficiências encontram-se nas estruturas relacionadas aomovimento. Estes resultados estão em consonância com os achados obtidos a partir da avaliação nosdomínios de tarefas e demandas gerais e mobilidade que também indicaram as dificuldades dasparticipantes nas ações que exigiam o uso de movimentos dos membros superiores, com exceção de C3que também apresenta déficit cognitivo acentuado. Aliado a isso, as crianças apresentaram dificuldadesexacerbadas nas ações que exigiam o uso de movimentos globais dos membros inferiores, inclusivenaquelas que exigiam sustentação e equilíbrio desses membros. Em relação a outro componente, fatoresambientais, o relato das responsáveis revelou haver um maior número de influência positivas destes navida das crianças, destacando: o apoio emocional e material ofertado por suas famílias e amigos.Analisando-se as informações advindas dos três componentes da CIF-CJ, é possível afirmar que, apesarde haver estrutura oriunda dos facilitadores ambientais, há também a carência de equipamentos dos quaisas crianças poderiam se beneficiar para facilitar a realização de muitas tarefas, tanto em casa, quanto naescola. Em função dos resultados obtidos discute-se a importância da avaliação da funcionalidade eincapacidade de crianças com disfunção física a partir da interação entre os três componentes: funções eestruturas corporais, atividade e participação e fatores ambientais, que resulta no estado de saúde. Adetecção do estado de saúde de pré-escolares em processo de inclusão se destaca como importanteferramenta para estimular cuidados direcionados e proporcionar melhores resultados na inclusão escolar.Por fim, do ponto de vista metodológico o IAFII se mostrou adequado para a realização de estudosfuturos em maior escala.
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Trendy v zájmovém vzdělávání / Trends in the leisure educationKřížková, Ilona January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with current conditions of individual types of the interest education organisations and differences between them within the selected topic. It determines strategies of these organisations and how these strategies will change in the future. The thesis is to find specifics within this type of education. The aim is the analysiss of the current state and development of the free time activities in particular types of organisations. In the theoretical part it is defined what the free time and out-of-school education are. The interest education is defined too, especially the terminology connected with that - types, functions, goals, conditions and methodology. The system of the out-of-school education is described in relation to the age of the child and its particular free time activities and the types of interest education organisations are compared with one another. The directors of free time activity centres, children and youth centres, afterschool clubs and managers of other non-profit organisations have been interviewed to make the list of possible types of institutions and to describe their future development and issues they are dealing with, ways of financing and the education of the children with special educational needs. To reach the goal in the practical part, the...
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Physical, emotional and sexual child abuse victimisation in South Africa : findings from a prospective cohort studyMeinck, Franziska January 2014 (has links)
Background: Child abuse in South Africa is a significant public health concern with severe negative outcomes for children; however, little is known about risk and protective factors for child abuse victimisation. This thesis investigates prevalence rates, perpetrators, and locations as well as predictors of physical, emotional and sexual child abuse victimisation. It also examines the influence of potential mediating and moderating variables on the relationships between risk factors and child abuse. Methods: In the first study, a systematic review of correlates of physical, emotional and sexual child abuse victimisation in Africa was conducted. The review synthesised evidence from 23 quantitative studies and was used to inform the epidemiological study. For study two to four, anonymous self-report questionnaires were completed by children aged 10-17 (n=3515, 57% female) using random door-to-door sampling in rural and urban areas in two provinces in South Africa. Children were followed-up a year later (97% retention rate). Abuse was measured using internationally recognised scales. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, multivariate logistic regressions, and mediator and moderator analyses. Results: The first study, the systematic review, identified high prevalence rates of abuse across all African countries. It identified a number of correlates which were further examined using the study data from South Africa. The second study found lifetime prevalence of abuse to be 54.5% for physical abuse, 35.5% for emotional abuse, 14% for sexual harassment and 9% for contact sexual abuse. Past year prevalence of abuse was found to be 37.9% for physical abuse, 31.6% for emotional abuse, 12% for sexual harassment and 5.9% for contact sexual abuse. A large number of children experienced frequent (monthly or more regular) abuse victimisation with 16% for physical abuse, 22% for emotional abuse, 8.1% for sexual harassment and 2.8% for contact sexual abuse. Incidence for frequent abuse victimisation at follow-up was 12% for physical abuse, 10% for emotional abuse and 3% for contact sexual abuse. Perpetrators of physical and emotional abuse were mostly caregivers; perpetrators of sexual abuse were mostly girlfriends/boyfriends or other peers. The third study found a direct effect of baseline household AIDS-illness on physical and emotional abuse at follow-up. This relationship was mediated by poverty. Poverty and the ill-person’s disability fully mediated the relationship between household other chronic illnesses and physical and emotional abuse, therefore placing children in families with chronic illnesses and high levels of poverty and disability at higher risk of abuse. The fourth study found that contact sexual abuse in girls at follow-up was predicted by baseline school drop-out, physical assault in the community and prior sexual abuse victimisation. Peer social support acted as a protective factor. It also moderated the relationship between baseline physical assault in the community and sexual abuse at follow-up, lowering the risk for sexual abuse victimisation in girls who had been physically assaulted from 2.5/1000 to 1/1000. Conclusion: This thesis shows clear evidence of high levels of physical, emotional and sexual child abuse victimisation in South Africa. It also identified risk and protective factors for child abuse victimisation which can be used to inform evidence-based child abuse prevention interventions.
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Football and immigrant communities : transnational diaspora politics, identities, and integration in Turkish-speaking ethnic football in LondonUnutulmaz, Kadir Onur January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is on the Turkish-speaking community, comprising Turkish-Cypriots, Turks from Turkey, and Kurds from Turkey, and ethnic community football in London, which has been conceptualised as a transnational social field. It is intended as a contribution in the debates on the growing importance of issues of diasporic communities, their identity politics, and cultural integration in a context of ‘super-diversity’. There are three major analytical themes. The first is transnational diaspora politics, which is redefined to comprise any relationship of power or interest by mobilising diasporic connections. I argue that the Turkish-speaking community uses ethnic football as a means for communal mobilisation around and representation of their ethnic identity in the public space of London, a city of unique political-economic and symbolic significance for the Cyprus Conflict which helped create the Turkish and Greek Cypriot football leagues in London. I show that the Turkish-speaking community has ever since used football to create and maintain a bridge between London and all the different locations of the community including Cyprus, Turkey, Germany, and beyond. The second major theme is collective identities and how they are (re)produced, represented, and manifested in the diaspora. I argue that the nature of the field of ethnic football as a familiar, open, and welcoming space conveniently positioned between the Turkish-speaking private sphere and the British/Londoner public space has been a major factor accounting for the effectiveness of various identity projects to be pursued within this field. Lastly, after presenting the historical link between modern competitive sports and masculinity, I claim that the one defining aspect of all the ethnic identities reproduced within the field is their masculine character. The last analytical theme is the cultural integration of immigrant communities. Without adopting a normative definition of cultural integration, I have considered the implications of involvement in ethnic community football in terms of belonging, social inclusion, marginalisation, and the psychological development and well-being of the individuals involved. The presented and analysed discussion rejects any automatic causal link between involvement in sports and integration or that involvement in mono-ethnic sporting organisations and segregation. Having reviewed a few exemplary organisations, which used football for integration purposes, and the nature of the ethnic community leagues, I have also argued in this thesis that the field of ethnic community football, again due to its specific nature, structure, and position between the private and public spaces, offers a great potential to be engaged by local and national governments in the service of integration policies.
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L’impact de l’usage des Tice sur l’apprentissage des enfants et jeunes dyslexiques, dysorthographiques et dyscalculiques : l'autonomie et l'estime de soi / The impact of ICT usage on the learning of dyslexic, dysorthographic and dyscalculic children and youth : their autonomy and self-esteemNajjar, Noha 10 December 2015 (has links)
Que savons-nous aujourd’hui sur l’usage des technologies de l'information et de la communication par les enfants à besoins éducatifs particuliers ? Pour quel but, utilisent-ils le numérique et pour quelle fréquence? Est-elle limitée au travail dans le milieu scolaire ou prolongée à leur milieu social aussi? Et quel sera l'effet de ces pratiques numériques sur leur rendement scolaire, l'estime de soi et l'autonomie à l’apprentissage ? Le taux des élèves porteurs de handicap scolarisés augmente de plus en plus chaque année depuis la loi de 11 Février 2005, et qui a sans doute pousser l’école à s’interroger sur ses modes et système de fonctionnement éducatif et pédagogique. Partant de l’hypothèse de l’éducabilité et des capacités de conceptualisation de toute personne, on s’intéresse moins désormais sur les facultés cognitives, sensorielles ou mentales déficientes que plutôt sur les conditions de leur restauration en formant des environnements facilitants. L’impact des déficits sur l’élève dépend en grande partie de la qualité de l’environnement, c’est-à-dire des médiations éducatives et pédagogiques dont il pourra bénéficier dans son parcours de vie. Des dispositifs et des aides de scolarisation adaptés aux besoins de ces jeunes ont été mis en place. Parmi ces dispositifs, les TICE qui se présentent comme des solutions personnalisées et efficaces aux besoins éducatifs particuliers, permettant aux apprenants de suivre une scolarité normale et autonome. Dans ce cadre-là l’apport spécifique de l’ordinateur à l’apprentissage a déjà été abordé. Peu sont les recherches qui ont traité le sujet des TICE dans le cadre de l’enseignement spécialisé. Or dans notre recherche, nous s’intéressons à identifier et à décrire l'usage numérique des jeunes à des besoins éducatifs particuliers et particulièrement ceux qui sont porteurs de troubles spécifiques d’apprentissage (TSA) et à montrer et mesurer l'impact de cet usage sur l'estime de soi et l'autonomie à l'apprentissage. Notre recherche montrera comment l’usage numérique des TICE peut permettre aux enfants et jeunes ayant des troubles spécifiques de développer une pratique d’apprentissage autonome et efficace. / What do we know today about the use of information and communications technology by children with special educational needs? For what purpose are they using digital technologies and how often? Is it limited to their school work or extended to their social environment too? And what effect will have these digital practices on their school performances, self-esteem and autonomy to learning? The rate of handicapped people enrolled students is increasing more and more every year since the law of 11 February 2005 in France. This fact, undoubtedly, pushed the school to question its educational and pedagogical modes and operating system. Assuming trainability and conceptualization capabilities for any learner, it is less concerned now about cognitive, sensory or mental disabilities rather than on the conditions of creating an enabled environment to make learning possible. The impact of learning disabilities depends largely on the quality of the scholar environment, and on the educational and pedagogical mediations which a learner will benefit in his life course. Devices and enrollment assistance tailored to the needs of these young people have been set up. Among these devices, the information and communication technology (ICT) which are as personalized and effective solutions to special educational needs, enabling learners to follow a normal and independent schooling. In this framework the computer's specific contribution to learning has already been showed. Few are the research that has treated the topic of ICT as part of special education. In our research, we are interested in identifying and describing the digital use of young people with special educational needs, particularly those who have specific learning disorders (SLD) and to demonstrate and measure the impact of this use on self-esteem and autonomy to learning. Our research will show how the use of ICT can enable children and young people with special educational needs to develop an autonomous and effective learning practice. / ما الذي نعرفه اليوم عن استخدامات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات من قبل الأطفال والشباب ذوي الاحتياجات التعليمية الخاصة؟ لأي غرض يستخدمونها وبأي كثرة؟ هل تنحصر استخداماتهم على البيئة المدرسية أم انها تمتد أيضاً الى محيطهم العائلي والإجتماعي أيضاً؟ وما هو تأثير هذه الممارسات الرقمية على الأداء المدرسي، ومستوى الإستقلالية في التعلم وصورة الذات؟ معدل الطلاب ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة الذين يتبعون منهاجاً مدرسياً عاماً في تزايد مستمر كل عام منذ إقرار قانون 11 فبراير2005 في فرنسا. الأمر الذي يشكل تحدياً كبيراً للمدرسة التي تجد نفسها مرغمة على إعادة النظر بوسائلها التربوية والتعليمية ونظام التدريس فيها. انطلاقاً من فرضية إمكانية التعلم لدى جميع الأفراد استناداً الى قدراتهم وطاقاتهم، لم تعد الإعاقات تسبب مشكلة وإنما المحيط المدرسي الي ينبغي عليه أن يخلق بيئات مسهلة للتعلم. إن نوعية البيئة التعليمية لها الأثر الاكبر على قدرة المتعلم على التعلم وعلى هذه الاخيرة ان تعزز قدراته وتنميها ليصبح التعلم ممكناً. لذلك تم تخصيص مساعدات إنسانية وتقنية مساعدة وفقا لاحتياجات هؤلاء الطلاب. وتلقى تقنيات الاتصال والمعلومات التربوية ترحيباً واسعاً من قبل المختصين التي يرونها فعالة ومساندة لاحتياجات الطلاب التعليمية الخاصة، والتي تمكنهم من متابعة التعليم العادي بشكل فعال ومستقل. في هذا الإطار نشير الى أن مساهمة الكمبيوتر في هذا الغطار قد تم دراسته. قليلة هي البحوث التي عالجت موضوع تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات كجزء من التعليم الخاص. ولذلك سنهتم في بحثنا هذا، الى دراسة ووصف الاستخدام الرقمي من قبل المتعلمين ذوي الاحتياجات التعليمية الخاصة، ولا سيما أولئك الذين يعانون من مشاكل التعليم الخاصة. كما سنعمد الى إثبات وقياس أثر هذا استخدام على كل من مستوى تقدير الذات والاستقلالية في التعلم. ستظهر دراستنا الحالية، كيف أن استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات الرقمية تساعد في تعلم هذه الفئة من الطلاب بطريقة فعالة ومستقلة.
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Faktorer som orsaker ökningen av typ 1-diabetes bland barn och unga ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv : En strukturerad litteraturstudie / Factors that cause increase of type 1 diabetes among children and youth from a public health perspective : A structured literature reviewAråb, Kaydar Sabri January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Diabetes är ett samlingsnamn för en typ av sjukdomar som orsakar förhöjda sockervärden i blodet. Typ 1-diabetes uppkommer vanligen hos barn och ungdomar, men vissa får sjukdomen först i vuxen ålder. Det finns förutom typ 1-diabetes även graviditetsdiabetes och typ 2-diabetes, LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in The Adults), MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes in The Youth) och några mer ovanliga diabetessjukdomar. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbete är att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till den stora ökningen av typ 1-diabetes hos barn som sker i många länder världen över. Metod: Den metod som används i detta arbete är en strukturerad litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga originalartiklar från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Artiklarnas vetenskapliga kvalitet granskades med hjälp av CASP. Elva artiklar inkluderades i studien och analyserades med hjälp av Fribergs analysmodell. Resultat: I detta arbete söktes svaret på frågan: Vilka faktorer kan förklara den ökande förekomsten av typ 1-diabetes bland barn och unga? Nedan presenteras resultatet uppdelat på fyra huvudteman som framkommit i analysen av materialet. Dessa teman är: immunologiska faktorer, kostens påverkan, livsstil och miljö samt föräldrarnas roll. Slutsats: Flertalet möjliga riskfaktorer utöver genetiska kan ses bidra till ökning av typ 1-diabetes bland barn och unga. Bland dessa kan nämnas tidig tillväxt på grund av felaktig eller överdriven mängd kost, virusinfektioner samt föräldrars utbildningsnivå och sociala status. / Diabetes is a group of diseases that cause elevated blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes typically develops in children and adolescents, but some people may develop the disease later in adulthood. In addition to type 1 diabetes, there is also gestational diabetes, type 2 diabetes, LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults), MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes in Youth), and a few other rare forms of diabetes. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate thefactors contributing to the significant increase in type 1 diabetes among children in many countries worldwide. Method: The method used in this study is a structured literature review. The literature review only includes scientific original articles with 11 scientific articles being carefully examined. Results : This study aimed to answer the question: What factors can explain the increasing prevalence of type 1 diabetes among children and adolescents? The results are presented below, divided into four main themes that emerged from the analysis of the material. These themes are immunological factors, the influence of diet, lifestyle and environment, and the role of parents. Conclusion: Several possible risk factors in addition to genetics can be seen as contributing to the increase in type 1 diabetes among children and young people. Among these risks are early growth due to incorrect or excessive amount of diet, viral infections and parents level of education and social status.
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Can The Complex Care and Intervention (CCI) Program be Culturally Adapted as a Model For Use With Aboriginal Families Affected by Complex (Intergenerational) Trauma?McNichols, Chipo, McNichols 26 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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A Communication Analysis for UNICEF Lebanon - A media landscape of Lebanon, media consumption habits of Syrian refugees and potential C4D interventions to promote social inclusion and child/youth protection for Syrian children and youths in LebanonYap, Yee-Yin, Leffler, Abigail January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this study is to put forward informed C4D recommendations to help organizations like UNICEF combat the situation for Syrian refugee children and youths in Lebanon, who through displacement and resettling into the complex Lebanese socio-political landscape may be at risk of becoming a lost generation. This paper focuses on the prevention and elimination of actions such as bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based violence, and early marriage.Conceptual framework: the communication theoretical framework considers Bourdieu’s habitus model as well as the uses and gratification model. Concepts conducive to social cohesion include citizenship, communitas and cosmopolitanism.Methodology: data were gathered through a variety of primary and secondary sources. The former includes semi-structured interviews with subject matter experts and analysis of UNICEF’s external communication practices. The latter comprises the collection, assessment, comparison and summarizing of various reports about Lebanese media.Findings: Lebanon has a pluralistic media landscape, though it appears fragmented, reflecting its socio-political sectarian situation. The media in Lebanon is criticized for lack of public service. The arts scene seems to fill a void in terms of examining the collective memory in respect of not only the civil war (1975-1990) but also of social issues arising as a result of globalization and modernity. Syrians in Lebanon consume Lebanese media as much as media from their own country. Interpersonal communication channels appear to be the preferred mode of communication among both the host and the refugee communities, although among the youth social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook are commonplace. Among the traditional media channels, television appears to be popular. The representation of Syrian refugees in Lebanese media is varied, with about one fourth of the published material portraying Syrians as a security issue.Results: a series of C4D recommendations that use sports and the arts as an overarching theme.
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