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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modality in Three of the Choral Works of Ralph Vaughan Williams: Mass in G Minor, Five Tudor Portraits and Te Deum in E Minor

McCain, Eula Louise 08 1900 (has links)
To summarize in general the use of modes by Vaughan Williams, it could be said that the works that have been analyzed are characterized by frequent use of the traditional modes, but in a very free manner. The "Kyrie" of the Mass, "Pretty Bess," "Jolly Rutterkin" and Te Deum are confined somewhat closely to given modes, with some changes of mode, changes of tonality and use of altered chords. The "Gloria," "Credo," "Sanctus," "Osanna I," "Benedictus," "Osanna II" and "Agnus Dei" of the Mass, however, contain many striking chromaticisms. These chromaticisms are the result of use of many altered chords, a good deal of modulation and much combining of modes, often with startling cross-relations. The use of seventh chords in "Pretty Bess," "Jolly Rutterkin" and Te Deum further complicates the picture from that of the sixteenth century.

Análise interpretativa de cinco obras corais sacras do compositor Ernani Aguiar / Interpretative analysis of five sacred choral works from the composer Ernani Aguiar

Hammerer, Mariana Ferraz Simões 12 November 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho busca apresentar uma análise focada na interpretação de cinco obras sacras para coro à cappella do compositor Ernani Aguiar. As obras são: Três Motetinos n° 1 (1975-1978), Três Motetinos n° 2 (1982), Três Motetinos n° 3 (1980-1986), Três Motetinos n° 4 e Três Motetinos n° 5 (1992). A metodologia de análise musical está sustentada a partir do Referencial Silva Ramos de Análise de Obras Corais, respondendo as questões pertinentes e depois transformando-as em texto corrido. Apresentamos um pequeno texto sobre sua trajetória de vida, mostrando sucintamente a atividade de Ernani Aguiar como compositor, regente e professor. Em seguida elencamos o conjunto de sua obra coral sacra para coro à cappella, apresentando informações como data de composição, texto utilizado, estreias e gravações das mesmas. Ainda, apresentamos a fundo outros detalhes sobre as composições das cinco obras estudadas. Na continuidade, apresentamos as análises de cada uma das cinco obras e discutimos pontos que ocorreram durante nosso processo de chegada a uma concepção para performance das mesmas. E é na esteira desse trabalho que abordamos as constâncias composicionais de Aguiar, seu modo de escrita e algumas de suas escolhas estéticas, concluindo assim esta dissertação. / This study aims to present an analysis focused on the interpretation of five sacred works for choir a cappella from the composer Ernani Aguiar. The works are: Três Motetinos No. 1 (1975-1978), Três Motetinos No. 2 (1982), Três Motetinos No. 3 (1980-1986), Três Motetinos No. 4 and Três Motetinos No. 5 (1992). The methodology of the musical analysis is sustained from the Silva Ramos Reference of Coral Work Analysis, answering the relevant questions and then turning them into plain text. We present a small text about his life story, succinctly showing Ernani Aguiar\'s activity as a composer, conductor and teacher. Then we list his sacred choral work\'s ensemble to the a cappella choir, presenting information, such as composition date, text used, premieres and its recordings. We also thoroughly present other details about the compositions of the five studied works. Continuing, we present the analysis of each of the five works and we discuss points which occurred during our process of arriving at a guideline for its performance. And it is in the wake of this work that we approach the compositional constancies of Aguiar, his writing mode and some of its aesthetic choices, thus concluding this dissertation.

Análise interpretativa de cinco obras corais sacras do compositor Ernani Aguiar / Interpretative analysis of five sacred choral works from the composer Ernani Aguiar

Mariana Ferraz Simões Hammerer 12 November 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho busca apresentar uma análise focada na interpretação de cinco obras sacras para coro à cappella do compositor Ernani Aguiar. As obras são: Três Motetinos n° 1 (1975-1978), Três Motetinos n° 2 (1982), Três Motetinos n° 3 (1980-1986), Três Motetinos n° 4 e Três Motetinos n° 5 (1992). A metodologia de análise musical está sustentada a partir do Referencial Silva Ramos de Análise de Obras Corais, respondendo as questões pertinentes e depois transformando-as em texto corrido. Apresentamos um pequeno texto sobre sua trajetória de vida, mostrando sucintamente a atividade de Ernani Aguiar como compositor, regente e professor. Em seguida elencamos o conjunto de sua obra coral sacra para coro à cappella, apresentando informações como data de composição, texto utilizado, estreias e gravações das mesmas. Ainda, apresentamos a fundo outros detalhes sobre as composições das cinco obras estudadas. Na continuidade, apresentamos as análises de cada uma das cinco obras e discutimos pontos que ocorreram durante nosso processo de chegada a uma concepção para performance das mesmas. E é na esteira desse trabalho que abordamos as constâncias composicionais de Aguiar, seu modo de escrita e algumas de suas escolhas estéticas, concluindo assim esta dissertação. / This study aims to present an analysis focused on the interpretation of five sacred works for choir a cappella from the composer Ernani Aguiar. The works are: Três Motetinos No. 1 (1975-1978), Três Motetinos No. 2 (1982), Três Motetinos No. 3 (1980-1986), Três Motetinos No. 4 and Três Motetinos No. 5 (1992). The methodology of the musical analysis is sustained from the Silva Ramos Reference of Coral Work Analysis, answering the relevant questions and then turning them into plain text. We present a small text about his life story, succinctly showing Ernani Aguiar\'s activity as a composer, conductor and teacher. Then we list his sacred choral work\'s ensemble to the a cappella choir, presenting information, such as composition date, text used, premieres and its recordings. We also thoroughly present other details about the compositions of the five studied works. Continuing, we present the analysis of each of the five works and we discuss points which occurred during our process of arriving at a guideline for its performance. And it is in the wake of this work that we approach the compositional constancies of Aguiar, his writing mode and some of its aesthetic choices, thus concluding this dissertation.

Sven-David Sandström's Matthäuspassion: Examining J.S. Bach's Influence and Sandström's Compositional Language, Use of Symbolism, and Religious and Spiritual Motivations

Jilek, Dwight 08 1900 (has links)
Beginning with his High Mass written in 1994, popular Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström modeled multiple compositions after famous canonical works using the same texts and/or instrumentation. Sandström wants to be compared to the greatest, specifically in how a twenty-first century composer responds to a text set , in the case of J.S. Bach's , over 250 years ago. His setting of Matthäuspassion (MP), which uses the same libretto as J.S. Bach, is his most extensive non-operatic work, one he considers his most significant, and likely his last work based on a preexisting model. This study 1) examines the influence of J.S. Bach's MP on Sandström's setting in the use of characters and chorales, 2) illustrates Sandström's compositional language in MP based on recent studies on his choral music, 3) describes his use of musical symbolism, and 4) discusses his religious and spiritual motivations behind the work, as well as his preferred uses in performance.

A Conductor's Guide to Lionel Daunais's Figures de danse

Murray, Brian C. (Brian Clark) 05 1900 (has links)
Lionel Daunais was an eminent and beloved 20th-century Québécois musician who contributed greatly to the performing arts in Canada. Through his work with the Trio Lyrique, Les Variétés Lyriques, and his numerous compositions, he wielded a potent sphere of influence on the Canadian musical landscape. Lionel Daunais's compositions constitute a significant oeuvre, comprising solo vocal works, song cycles, folksong arrangements, individual choral works, and multi-movement choral works. Marked by irresistible wit, the melodicism of French mélodie, and the absolute eminence of the text, Figures de danse is his most well-known multi-movement choral work. Daunais penned the earliest extant version of Figures de danse in 1947, however, the work emerged into Québec's choral scene in the mid-1970s via the establishment of the Alliance des Chorales du Québec. This set of tragicomic caricatures, which sets beautiful choral and piano writing to clever—and sometimes hilariously nonsensical—texts by Daunais himself, is accessible for performance by youth choirs, community choirs, university choirs, and professional choirs alike. Unfortunately, various factors (e.g. the separation of the choral and piano scores, local references, and score errors) often stymie its performance. The purpose of this dissertation is to ameliorate these challenges via a conductor's guide and to advocate for the performance of Daunais's chef-d'oeuvre.

The perceived psychosocial contributions of choral singing in a Setswana-speaking community

Raditladi, Lobone Arthur 09 1900 (has links)
Choral music has played an important role in the liberation of South African people, and it is still very popular today, including among Setswana-speaking choral groups. This study looks at the role of music, particularly choral music, in the expression of Setswana-speakers’ identity as well as the psychological effects on the psychosocial well-being of the choristers. A qualitative research approach, supported by in-depth interviews, was adopted in this study to better understand the singing experiences of two male choir conductors and two female choristers. For this purpose, thematic analysis technique was employed. The results indicate that singing in the choir contributes to the choristers’ physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual well-being as well as to their identity formation. Participants also highlighted challenges such as time constraints, poor leadership, socio-economic conditions, unforeseen circumstances, discrimination against younger members, love affairs, and gossip within the choral groups. The results indicate a positive and socially engaging contribution of choral music in the expression of identity as well as in the sense of belonging and connection of choristers. The findings are in line with the literature and indicate that participation in a choir enhances and strengthens psychosocial well-being, that is self-discipline, healthy lifestyle, self-confidence, self-esteem, motivation, physical fitness, emotional expressivity, emotional processing and stress relief, social responsibility, moral growth and development, mental alertness and focus, upliftment and inspiration, connection with God, and nurtures the community social fabric. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Фунционални и стилско-естетски елементи у српској духовној хорској музици прве половине двадесетог века / Funcionalni i stilsko-estetski elementi u srpskoj duhovnoj horskoj muzici prve polovine dvadesetog veka / The functional and stylistic-aesthetic elements inthe Serbian Church Choral Music from the firsthalf of the 20th century

Đaković Bogdan 17 June 2013 (has links)
<p>Уводно поглавље садржи образложење наслова и предмета студије, као и критичку анализу досадашњих музиколошких радова о српској црквеној хорској музици између два светска рата. Следеће поглавље посвећено је Традиционалној црквеној уметности, њеним основним појмовима и тумачењима у 20. веку. У њему су теоријски разрађени теолошки аспекти аутентичног<br />црквеног уметничког стваралаштва, са посебним освртом на проблем уметничког<br />символа и његовог функционисања у литургијској перспективи, те месту музике у<br />богослужењу као сложеној синтези више уметничких врста. Поглавље Црквено-<br />уметничко стваралаштво и црквена хорска музика у српској култури између два светска рата доноси контекстуално сагледавање црквене хорске музике са црквеним сликарством и црквеном архитектуром тога времена, тумачећи достигнућа српских композитора као део укупног процеса развоја православне уметности под дејством традиционалних и модерних елемената. У четвртом поглављу Историја жанра кроз сагледавање богослужбених и концертних елемената &ndash; стилско-аналитички наратив као централном делу студије извршена је подела посматраних композиција према стваралачким принципима од наједноставнијих обрада и хармонизација напева до сложених и веома оригиналних поступака са и без сличности са црквеним мелодијама. Примарна анализа допуњена је сагледавањем жанровско-извођачких карактеристика (доминантно богослужбена или концертна пракса) које значајно доприносе одређивању односа између функционалних и уметничких елемената осматраних остварења. У последњем поглављу Закључак поред сумирања најзначајнијих релевантних чињеница из претходног тока студије, уз помоћ одређивања опште хијерархије односа између композиционих поступака (превласт западног или православног елемента), као и кроз препознавање типологије начина усвајања конвенција (спровођење композиционих решења) објективно се дефинишу достигнућа српских аутора црквене хорске музике међуратног периода.<br />Успостављени критеријум третира оба својства ове музике: традиционалну<br />вредност у домену литургијско-функционалне употребе, као и уметнички<br />квалитет по себи, у оквирима укупног развоја српске музике током прве половине 20. века.</p> / <p>Uvodno poglavlje sadrži obrazloženje naslova i predmeta studije, kao i kritičku analizu dosadašnjih muzikoloških radova o srpskoj crkvenoj horskoj muzici između dva svetska rata. Sledeće poglavlje posvećeno je Tradicionalnoj crkvenoj umetnosti, njenim osnovnim pojmovima i tumačenjima u 20. veku. U njemu su teorijski razrađeni teološki aspekti autentičnog<br />crkvenog umetničkog stvaralaštva, sa posebnim osvrtom na problem umetničkog<br />simvola i njegovog funkcionisanja u liturgijskoj perspektivi, te mestu muzike u<br />bogosluženju kao složenoj sintezi više umetničkih vrsta. Poglavlje Crkveno-<br />umetničko stvaralaštvo i crkvena horska muzika u srpskoj kulturi između dva svetska rata donosi kontekstualno sagledavanje crkvene horske muzike sa crkvenim slikarstvom i crkvenom arhitekturom toga vremena, tumačeći dostignuća srpskih kompozitora kao deo ukupnog procesa razvoja pravoslavne umetnosti pod dejstvom tradicionalnih i modernih elemenata. U četvrtom poglavlju Istorija žanra kroz sagledavanje bogoslužbenih i koncertnih elemenata &ndash; stilsko-analitički narativ kao centralnom delu studije izvršena je podela posmatranih kompozicija prema stvaralačkim principima od najednostavnijih obrada i harmonizacija napeva do složenih i veoma originalnih postupaka sa i bez sličnosti sa crkvenim melodijama. Primarna analiza dopunjena je sagledavanjem žanrovsko-izvođačkih karakteristika (dominantno bogoslužbena ili koncertna praksa) koje značajno doprinose određivanju odnosa između funkcionalnih i umetničkih elemenata osmatranih ostvarenja. U poslednjem poglavlju Zaključak pored sumiranja najznačajnijih relevantnih činjenica iz prethodnog toka studije, uz pomoć određivanja opšte hijerarhije odnosa između kompozicionih postupaka (prevlast zapadnog ili pravoslavnog elementa), kao i kroz prepoznavanje tipologije načina usvajanja konvencija (sprovođenje kompozicionih rešenja) objektivno se definišu dostignuća srpskih autora crkvene horske muzike međuratnog perioda.<br />Uspostavljeni kriterijum tretira oba svojstva ove muzike: tradicionalnu<br />vrednost u domenu liturgijsko-funkcionalne upotrebe, kao i umetnički<br />kvalitet po sebi, u okvirima ukupnog razvoja srpske muzike tokom prve polovine 20. veka.</p> / <p>The introductory chapter contains an<br />explanation of titles and subjects of the paper,<br />critical analysis of previous musicological<br />works on Serbian Church Choral Music of the<br />period between two World Wars. The following<br />chapter is devoted to the Traditional Church<br />Art, its basic elements and interpretations from<br />20th century. This part of the study brings the<br />crucial theological aspects of the authentic<br />Church аrt, with the special attention to the<br />problem of artistic symbol and its function in<br />the liturgical perspective, as well as the position<br />of music in the liturgical service as synthesis of<br />several disciplines of art. The chapter named<br />Church-artistic practice and Church Choral<br />Music in the Serbian culture between the two<br />World Wars brings contextual view over the<br />Church Choral Music together with the Church<br />visual art and Church architecture of the period<br />understanding the composers efforts as part of<br />the whole artistic evolution of the Orthodox art<br />under traditional and modern influences. The<br />fourth chapter The history of the genre through<br />the balance of the liturgical and concert<br />elements as a central part of the study offers<br />segmentation of the composed music on the<br />basis of compositional approach from the<br />simple harmonisations to the original and<br />complex attitudes with or without the usage of<br />the chant. This kind of basic analyse is followed<br />by the division of the performing characteristics<br />(the dominant liturgical or concert practice)<br />which can help in understanding the relation<br />between functional and artistic elements of this<br />choral genre. The final chapter Conclusion<br />beside summaries of the most important facts<br />from the previous parts of the study, through the<br />definition of hierarchy of the relations between<br />compositional approaches (the domination of<br />Western or Orthodox elements) and recognition<br />the typology of the usage of conventions (the<br />guidance of compositional solutions) brings<br />objective evaluation of the Church Choral<br />Music composed by the Serbian authors of this<br />period. The final reached criteria offers the<br />evaluation of both meanings of this music: its<br />traditional level of liturgical and functional role<br />and its artistic value as part of the general<br />development of the Serbian music of first part<br />of 20th century.</p> / null

The Full Anthems and Services of John Blow and the Question of an English Stile Antico

King, Deborah Simpkin 08 1900 (has links)
John Blow (1649-1708) was among the first group of boys pressed into the service of King Charles II, following the decade of Puritan rule. Blow would make compositional efforts as early as 1664 and, at the age of nineteen, began to assume professional positions within the London musical establishment, ultimately becoming, along with his pupil and colleague, Henry Purcell, London's foremost musician. Restoration sacred music is generally thought of in connection with the stile nuovo which, for the first time, came to be a fully accepted practice among English musicians for the church. But the English sacred polyphonic art, little threatened by England's largely political Reformation, embodied sufficient flexibility as to allow it to absorb new ideas, thereby remaining vital well into the seventeenth century. Preserved from decisive Italian influences by the Interregnum, the English sacred polyphonic tradition awoke at the Restoration full of potential for continuing creative activity. In addition to studying Blow's polyphonic compositions, including the transcription of several not available in modern edition, this paper seeks to address the unique nature of the English polyphonic tradition which allowed it to retain its vitality throughout the seventeenth century, while other polyphonic traditions were succumbing to the ossifying influences of the stile antico concept. Identification of the Continental stile antico through pertinent treatises and scores revealed a marked distinction between its application and the English polyphonic art as seen in the work of John Blow. In the end, the peculiar nature of Restoration polyphony is seen to be derived from a number of factors, among them, the continuation of liturgical ceremonial within the independent English church, the flexibility of the English polyphonic medium with regard to new musical developments, and the interruption of England's cathedral music tradition just as Italian influence was beginning to be felt in liturgical music. The sacred polyphony of John Blow represents the last great flowering of the English polyphonic tradition, with all of its idiosyncracies, in a lively, as yet unfettered style.

A prática do canto coral juvenil como recurso integrador para o ensino técnico em música / The practice of choral singing as a youth resource integrator for technical education in music

CARNEIRO, Vinícius Inácio 29 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:25:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CARNEIRO, Vinicius -.pdf: 597017 bytes, checksum: 053f7138e3fac850590486e1c72f3e84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-29 / The present study investigates the curriculum integration aspects provided by youth choir practice, as a curricular component in the study of music at the technical (High School) level. The starting point was the course program of the discipline Choral Singing, in the Technical Course in Instrument at the Goias Federal Institute (IFG), class of 2010, as it related to the rest of the program. This investigation was based upon the evaluation of applied questionnaires, as well as upon the artistic results obtained. The investigation is to be guided by evaluation of questionnaires during the search. Part of this work is dedicated to report the author's experience as a conductor of the IFG, with emphasis on the occurrence of curriculum integration elements throughout. It was possible to verify that the curriculum integration, still occurs in a partial manner at the above mentioned institution. Therefore, the full potential of this integration has not been achieved as yet. / O presente estudo relata a experiência do autor enquanto regente do Coro do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás, na medida em que apresenta os conteúdos trabalhados na disciplina Canto Coral do Curso Técnico em Instrumento Musical, e ressalta a ocorrência de aspectos integradores disciplinares. Tomou-se como ponto de partida o programa da referida disciplina, no ano letivo de 2010, relacionando-a às demais disciplinas técnicas do curso. O estudo se norteou pela avaliação de questionários elaborados aplicados aos sujeitos, pelo resultado das avaliações curriculares da disciplina, bem como pela verificação do desenvolvimento musical da turma no período. Verificou-se que, embora presente, a integração disciplinar ainda ocorre de forma parcial na referida instituição, não tendo ainda alcançado a totalidade do potencial a ela reservado entre as disciplinas de música.

Hermann Kretzschmars Kompositionen

Schröder, Gesine 31 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Beschäftigung mit Hermann Kretzschmars Kompositionen bereichert das Gesamtbild dieser musikschriftstellerisch und musikpolitisch wirkungsmächtigen Persönlichkeit. In dem Beitrag werden Kretzschmars Bearbeitungen für Männerchor und deren Bezug zu seinen Schriften untersucht; seine Originalkompositionen für dieselbe Besetzung werden mit Rücksicht auf die Leipziger Harmonielehre der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts betrachtet, seine Chorsätze für gemischten Chor dienen als Dokument für Kretzschmars formale Ambitionen und für seine Arbeitsweise. Für die Geschichte der musiktheoretischen Unterweisung am Leipziger Konservatorium in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts kann Kretzschmars einseitig nur bestimmte Genres bedienendes Werk eine Quelle darstellen.

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