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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kristen självkärlek : om vad som är ett rimligt kristet synsätt för självkärlek

Halvarsson, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
This essay aims to deliver and answer the question on what a valid christian approach for how self-love may look like. The purpose is to let the essay support as a critically constructive answer to the pastoral care in the Swedish church today which seems to lack a wider reflection of this subject. The material are the work of three caregivers which influence the way of talking about self and self-love in the Swedish Church today. The method used in this essay for answering the question is contextual idea analysis of Carl Henrik Grenholm and analysis-questions such as ”Where is the self?” ”What is the nature of the self?” ”What is a valid self love?” and ”How can the human being reach this self-love?” has been answered through the material. In a discussion with the material I suggest what I consider is a valid christian approach for how self-love looks like, which is that the human being should love herself through making authentic choices, and thereby being able to come close to the good and holy nature of herself which I argument for.

Recognising persons : the profoundly impaired and Christian anthropology

Comensoli, Peter Andrew January 2012 (has links)
There are some human beings who live their lives at the extremes of the human condition because of some gross intellectual, cognitive, neurological, or developmental impairment to their human nature. The evidence from practices of care and concern towards such people – the profoundly impaired – suggests that they are acknowledged and respected as moral peers within the human community. Such pre-reflective intuitions and commonplace practices lend credence to the anthropological claim that the profoundly impaired are recognisably persons. Yet what might an argument in support of this intuition look like? How is it that the profoundly impaired are recognisably persons among fellow persons? This thesis is a theological response to that question. The presupposition underpinning the question is that there is something at stake for the humanity of the profoundly impaired in their being the particularly conditioned human beings that they are. There are, however, those who do not allow for the personhood of the profoundly impaired precisely because of the impaired condition in which they live their lives, and there are others who do uphold the personhood of the profoundly impaired precisely by sidelining their impairment. Peter Singer is representative of the first position. Christian theology can and should make an effective response to Singer’s challenge. An emerging field in Christian theology seeks to do so by proposing a distinct theology of disability that re-imagines Christian anthropology. The aim is to secure the humanity of the disabled without the condition of their humanity becoming an obstacle to their moral status within the community of persons. Key to this re-imagining is the adoption of a paradigm of inclusion towards the disabled. However, a critique will be offered of those theological re-imagined Christian anthropologies that centre on a paradigm of inclusion, and on a commitment to separating out the condition of the profoundly impaired from the question of their humanity. The Dutch Protestant theologian Hans Reinders proposes one such re-imagined anthropology in his recent major work, Receiving the Gift of Friendship: Profound Disability, Theological Anthropology, and Ethics. His claim is that the humanity of the profoundly disabled cannot be secured by the traditionally held Christian doctrine of the imago Dei because that doctrine treats personhood as something intrinsic to human beings, thereby making it inaccessible to the profoundly disabled who do not have the personalising capacities of reason and will. Instead, he proposes ‘being chosen as a friend’ by God as the only way in which the humanity of the profoundly disabled can be secured, thereby rejecting an immanent reading of the imago Dei in favour of a transcending conception of friendship. This thesis will argue that Reinders’ anthropological project fails because his transcendent concept cannot do for the humanity of the profoundly disabled what it sets out to do. Consequently, a return will be made to that tradition of Christian anthropology centred on the imago Dei to see what may be retrieved from it, such that the condition under which the profoundly impaired live their lives is central to them being recognisably the persons that they are. This is a proposition which says that the personal presence of the profoundly impaired among other persons is not to be denied to them (contra Singer), nor only extended to them as a means of belonging (contra a paradigm of inclusion), nor simply eschewed of them so that they may thereby be included by other means (contra Reinders). In placing the doctrine of the imago Dei at the heart of the creaturely life of human beings, the Catholic Church has made this doctrine the structural centre of any theological account of the personhood of the profoundly impaired. It will be the positive task of this thesis to uncover the theological import of this Catholic anthropological imagination. The two authors most significantly engaged with in undertaking this task will be C S Lewis and Josef Pieper.

Perspectivas antropológico-cristãs: elementos de uma antropologia cristã na Evangelii Gaudium / Anthropological-christian perspectives: elements of a christian anthropology in Evangelii Gaudium

Graciani, Maria Regina Ribeiro 06 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-27T15:28:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Regina Ribeiro Graciani.pdf: 995635 bytes, checksum: 74dc694947c58c1652281d07a1326df4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-27T15:28:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Regina Ribeiro Graciani.pdf: 995635 bytes, checksum: 74dc694947c58c1652281d07a1326df4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-06 / ADVENIAT / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research presents a study of the human being from the perspective of Christian anthropology. It is through the central mystery of the life of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, in his Incarnation, Passion, Death and Resurrection, which reveals the divine plan for humanity. The Christian faith points out that the encounter between God and human happens unsurpassed way in Jesus Christ and, through Him, and the grace of the Spirit, the human being has the possibility of conformity to God and to share in his divine life. The relationship with God is essential for the achievement of every man, every woman and all mankind. In the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis makes a swing state in which humanity faces today and is an invitation for a return and deepening the encounter with Jesus Christ. It proposes that the joy, the strength of the Risen Lord, is present in the practice of the law of love and shine more in the daily life of Christians and from them to the society. The message of life proclaimed and lived for twenty-one centuries by Master's followers still present in preaching and life of Christians today. It is the joy of the Gospel that illuminates and gives meaning to human life, as evidenced by the Holy Scriptures: "I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly" (Jo 10,10) / Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo acerca do ser humano sob a ótica da antropologia cristã. E vai apontar que é por meio do mistério central da vida de Jesus Cristo, o Filho de Deus Vivo, em sua Encarnação, Paixão, Morte e Ressurreição, que se desvela o desígnio divino para a humanidade. A fé cristã acredita que o encontro entre Deus e o humano acontece de forma insuperável em Jesus Cristo e, que, por intermédio dEle e da graça do Espírito, o ser humano tem a possibilidade de uma conformação a Deus e à participação em sua vida divina. A relação com Deus é fundamental para a realização de cada homem, de cada mulher e da humanidade toda. Na Exortação Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium, Papa Francisco faz um balanço do estado em que a humanidade se depara hoje e faz um convite para um retorno e aprofundamento no encontro com Jesus Cristo. Propõe que a alegria, na força do Ressuscitado, esteja presente na prática da lei do amor e resplandeça mais na vida cotidiana dos cristãos e a partir deles para a sociedade. A mensagem de vida proclamada e vivida há vinte e um séculos pelos seguidores do Mestre continua presente na pregação e na existência dos cristãos nos dias de hoje. É a Alegria do Evangelho que ilumina e dá sentido à vida humana, conforme atestam as Sagradas Escrituras: “Eu vim para que tenham vida e a tenham em abundância” (Jo 10,10)

Krikščioniškos antropologijos principai Šv. Juozapo mokyklos strategijoje / Principles of the Christian anthropology in the conception of Catholic School of St Joseph

Šalkauskienė, Rūta 08 August 2012 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas - suformuluoti krikščioniškos antropologijos principus ir jais pagrįsti naujos Šv. Juozapo katalikiškos mokyklos koncepciją. Pirmoje darbo dalyje išnagrinėjami penki Bažnyčios dokumentai, aptariantys katalikiškos mokyklos misiją ir prasmę. Juose matyti aiški Bažnyčios nuostata, kad katalikiška mokykla yra ypatinga misijų vieta, savo veikla atliepianti į kiekvieno laikmečio iššūkius. Darbe aptarta katalikiškos mokyklos raida Lietuvoje XX a. ir XXI a. pradžioje. Katalikiška mokykla, atskleidžiama kaip išskirtinis edukacinis reiškinio, kreipiantis link visuminio asmens ugdymo. Pateikiamas Šv. Juozapo mokyklos gimimo kontekstas, pabrėžiant šeimų bendruomenės siekį tinkamai atlikti savo pareigą auklėti ir mokyti vaikus, bei gyventi vientisą ir nepadalintą gyvenimą. Krikščioniškomis vertybėmis persmelkti visą ugdymo procesą, ugdyti žmogų kaip visumą, stiprinant žmogaus kaip asmens vertingumą, kuriant bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo kultūrą, galutinai vienovę atrandant Kristuje. Antroje darbo dalyje įvardijami ir išnagrinėjami krikščioniškos antropologijos principai, leidžiantys į žmogų žvelgti visuminiu žvilgsniu, matant jį kaip nuostabų Dievo kūrinį, sukurtą pagal Dievo paveikslą ir panašumą, vienintelį, kurio Dievas norėjo dėl jo paties. Šis žvilgsnis kreipia į teisingą santykį su žmogumi visuomet matant jį kaip tikslą savyje. Žmogus, būdamas laisvas ir protingas, gebantis mylėti yra pašauktas dalyvauti dieviškoje misijose atsakingai tęsti kūrimo darbą, teikti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this work is to formulate the principles of the Christian anthropology and thus ground the conception of a newly born Catholic School of St Joseph. The first part of the work deals with the analysis of five documents of the Church, where mission and meaning of a Catholic school has been discussed. It has been claimed by the Church that a Catholic school is a special place of missions and its activities correspond to arising challenges of every epoch. The analysis of the evolution of Catholic schools in Lithuania in the XX and XXI centuries is also provided. Catholic school is revealed as an exclusive educational phenomenon directing towards the whole and unified upbringing of a human being. The background of the birth of St Joseph’s School is presented, emphasizing the aim of the family community to fulfil its duty to raise and educate their children and to lead a solid and undivided life of integrity. The school has been founded while having purpose to integrate the whole of educational process with Christian values, to educate a human being as a whole, stressing the value of a person, supporting culture of communication and cooperation and discovering the final unity in Jesus Christ. The second part of the work deals with the analysis of the principles of Christian anthropology, which enables one to see another human being with a unifying outlook and recognize him as a remarkable work of God, created after the image of God, unique and desired by God for his own... [to full text]

Neoklassische Verhaltensmodell des homo oeconomicus: eine kritische Würdigung aus der Perspektive christlicher Anthropologie und Ethik / The neoclassical behavioural model of homo oeconomicus: a critical appraisal from the perspective of Christian anthropology and ethics

Briglauer, Wolfgang 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German, with summaries in German, English, Afrikaans, and isiZulu / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 111-117) / Das Themengebiet der Wirtschaftsethik bezieht sich auf eine gesellschaftlich höchst relevante Thematik, insofern das Denken in der modernen wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Disziplin als auch die diesbezüglich tagtäglich im Wirtschaftsleben geübte Praxis teils sehr negative Konsequenzen für Mensch und Umwelt zeitigen. Vor diesem Hintergrund soll in dieser Arbeit das Verhaltensmodells der Standardökonomie, welches den durchschnittlichen wirtschaftlichen Akteur (homo oeconomicus) als rationalen Gewinn- und Nutzenmaximierer beschreibt, in Hinblick auf die zugrunde liegenden normativ-ethischen Grundlagen und den daraus abgeleiteten Umgang mit den beiden zentralen Produktionsfaktoren Arbeit und Kapital untersucht werden. Sodann wird das dahinterstehende Menschenbild und ethische Verhaltensmodell der biblisch-christlichen Anthropologie und Ethik gegenübergestellt und es werden die diesbezüglichen Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen herausgearbeitet. In der Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage wird auf ein spezifisch christlich-evangelikales Schrift- und Auslegungsverständnis zurückgegriffen. Die gegenständliche Arbeit zeigt, dass i) das christliche Menschen- und Gottesbild alle Lebensbereiche und somit auch den des Wirtschaftslebens umfasst und ii) sich Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen in den Menschenbildern und ethischen Verhaltensmodellen identifizieren lassen. Weiterführende Ansätze werden am Ende skizziert. / The topic of economic ethics refers to a highly relevant societal issue, as the analytical thinking in modern economic science as well as everyday business practice are in part responsible for substantial negative effects on human beings and the environment. Against this background, this research paper describes the behavioural model of standard economics (homo oeconomicus) in terms of the underlying ethical foundations. In the next step, the underlying anthropology and ethics of the homo oeconomicus model are contrasted with the biblical Christian view, and common features as well as fundamental differences are elaborated on. This research paper shows that i) Christian anthropology and ethics refer to all areas of life including the area of economic activity; and ii) common features as well as fundamental differences can be identified. The concluding section outlines some approaches to adapt the standard economic modelling on the basis of biblical principles. / Ekonomiese etiek is ’n hoogs tersaaklike samelewingsvraagstuk omdat analitiese denke in moderne ekonomiese wetenskap én in alledaagse sakepraktyke beduidende gevolge inhou wat ’n negatiewe invloed op mense en die omgewing het. In die lig hiervan beskryf hierdie navorsing die behavioristiese model van standaardekonomie (homo oeconomicus) in terme van die onderliggende etiese grondslag. In die volgende stap word die onderliggende antropologie en etiek van die homo oeconomicus-model en ’n bybelse, christelike standpunt teenoor mekaar gestel. Die kenmerke wat hierdie twee beskouings met mekaar gemeen het sowel as die verskille tussen hulle word in detail uiteengesit. Hierdie studie toon i) dat christelike antropologie en etiek van toepassing is op alle terreine van die lewe, insluitend ekonomiese aktiwiteite; en ii) dat gedeelde kenmerke én grondliggende verskille geïdentifiseer kan word. As deel van die gevolgtrekking word voorgestel hoe die standaard- ekonomiese model aan die hand van bybelse beginsels aangepas kan word. / Isihloko senkambiso elungileyo yezomnotho sibhekiswe odabeni oluphathelene nomphakathi olusemqoka futhi okungudaba olufanelekile kakhulu, njengoba ukucabanga-sakuhlaziya emkhakheni wesayensi yezomnotho wesimanje manje ngokunjalo nezinqubo-nkambiso zansukuzonke eziphathelene nebhizinisi ngandlelathile kunaso isandla kumthelela omubi kakhulu owenzekayo kubantu nakwimvelo. Ngokususela kulesi simo, leli phepha locwaningo lichaza imodeli yokuziphatha eqondiswe emkhakheni wezomnotho ojwayelekile (homo oeconomicus) ngokwezisekelo zenkambiso elungileyo eziqondene nalokhu. Esinyathelweni esilandelayo, isayensi yemvelaphi kanye nenhlalo yabantu (anthropology) kanye nenkambiso elungileyo yemodeli ye-homo oeconomicus eyisisekelo salokhu kuqhathaniswa nombono wobuKrestu wasebhayibhelini, futhi kuchazwa kabanzi ngezinto ezifanayo ezitholakala kulokhu kokubili kanjalo nezicibunjalo ezibalulekile ezenza lokhu kwehluke. Leli phepha locwaningo liyabonisa ukuthi i) imvelaphi nenhlalo yabantu ngokobuKrestu kanye nezinkambiso ezilungileyo zobuKrestu kuqondiswe kuyo yonke imikhakha yempilo kubandakanya nomkhakha wemisebenzi yezomnotho; futhi ii) zingahlonzeka izinto ezifanayo kanye nezinto ezibalulekile ezihlukile kulokhu okubili. Isigaba sokuphothula sibeka ngokucacile izindlela ezithile zokuhambelanisa amamodeli ezomnotho ajwayelekile nemigomo yebhayibheli. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)

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