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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architects of change: professionalizing the Islamic scholar in the United Kingdom and Germany

Anhorn, Evan Christopher 30 September 2020 (has links)
This dissertation examines two recent programs for post-secondary Islamic theological training in Europe that aim to produce a new class of professional Islamic scholars for emerging roles within European society. Graduates can use their training and new qualifications to secure advanced professional roles and leadership positions within the Muslim community and the broader society and state. In the process, these graduates develop and define an emergent institutional role for Islamic knowledge and authority in Europe. This study is based in seven months of fieldwork research in 2017 at two centers for higher Islamic education, including participant observation within classrooms and interviews with students, faculty and alumni. Founded in 2009, the Cambridge Muslim College in Cambridge, England is a small private school that provides professional training for about a dozen graduates of the many Islamic seminaries in the UK. Founded in 2012 with support from the German state, the Center for Islamic Theology at the University of Tübingen provides Islamic theological training to hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students each year, many of whom have received no prior formal Islamic education. In addition to the institutional differences between the schools, their graduates enter into different job markets. Where the British graduates must develop new entrepreneurial roles for Islamic leaders in the UK, the German graduates become the skilled workforce to meet existing demand for public school Islam teachers, academic theologians and professional chaplains. Comparing these two educational programs—one private, the other public—this dissertation explores how the position of each school vis-á-vis the Muslim community and the state shapes the construction of scholarly authority and the professional outcomes of the graduates. It finds that students at each school leverage their new authority to formulate creative programs of Islamic reform that justify and promote new roles for professional Islamic scholars within both the Muslim community and the larger society. Drawing upon current scholarship about Muslim identity, Islamic authority and secularism in Europe, this study considers how prevailing national discourses that marginalize Muslims in Europe shape students’ creative programs of reform and so also the future institution of Islamic knowledge in Europe. / 2022-09-30T00:00:00Z

Church and State in Mexico from Calles to Cárdenas, 1924-1938

Joseph, Harriett Denise 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents an overview of Church- State relations in Mexico from 1924 to 1938. It examines the actions and motives of prominent national leaders, the papacy, the episcopate, and the Mexican citizenry to determine justification and culpability. This dissertation presents several conclusions. When Calles enforced the anticlerical provisions of the Constitution of 1917, the clergy withdrew from the churches in protest. The episcopate as a body bore a moral responsibility for the Cristero rebellion that resulted, but avoided implication in the movement. Because the Church's supporters were in the minority, that institution in 1929 accepted a settlement requiring clerical obedience to the constitution. Churchmen consoled their parishioners with the thought that the Church would rise again.

Decoupling Church-State Relation in Sweden : A Brief Post-Mortem

Acheamong, Fredrick January 2010 (has links)
Five decades’ process of breaking more than four centuries of Church-State ties saw a major break-through at the stroke of the new millennium (the year 2000), with the implementation of legislative reforms aimed at giving the Church of Sweden a greater degree of liberty, while extending greater freedom to other religious communities in Sweden. Almost a decade after this historic legislation most stakeholders claim the impact of the reform has been significant. Indeed the decision to server Church-State ties for whatever purpose or reason, after such a long standing relation between the two, will by all means have implications for the Church that is separated, the State and the so called free churches and other religions in Sweden. Thus, this field study seeks to investigate the resultant impact of delimiting governmental power in the religious domain on the now autonomous church and the implications the separation has had for other “non-state churches” as well as the secularized state government in Sweden almost ten years after the reforms.

Les aspects collectifs et institutionnels de la liberté de religion dans la jurisprudence européenne de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme / Collective and institutional aspects of freedom of religion in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights

Schouppe, Jean-Pierre 23 September 2013 (has links)
La liberté de religion prend de plus en plus d’importance dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Bien que le centre de gravité historique de ce droit fondamental réside dans sa dimension individuelle, les juges sont fréquemment confrontés à des aspects « institutionnels » ou communautaires de la liberté de religion : des droits revenant aux groupements religieux comme tels. En quête des prémisses de cette liberté, le chapitre 1er retrace les apports spécifiques du christianisme, du judaïsme et de l’islam en la matière. Les principaux instruments de droit international, universels et européens, ainsi que la jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne, sont abordés au chapitre 2 du point de vue de la liberté de religion collective et institutionnelle comme la toile de fond nécessaire à l’activité de la Cour de Strasbourg. Le chapitre 3 examine l’article 9 de la CEDH ainsi que d’autres articles protégeant des droits connexes à la liberté de religion avant de se pencher sur la notion de groupement religieux, dont la distinction d’avec les sectes (dangereuses) s’avère souvent problématique. Les deux derniers chapitres sont consacrés à une étude systématique de la jurisprudence de Strasbourg depuis l’admission, en 1979, de la première requête d’une « église requérante ». Le versant procédural, puis les droits substantiels sont successivement abordés. Leurs contenus seront analysés selon un double axe : d’abord, la liberté d’ « existence » du groupement, puis les plus nombreuses facettes de sa liberté d’ « action » ou de son « autonomie ». / Freedom of religion is becoming increasingly important in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Although the historical centre of gravity of this fundamental right lies in its individual dimension, judges are frequently confronted with “institutional” or communal aspects of freedom of religion: the rights of religious groups as such. Within the scope of the search for the premises of this freedom, chapter 1 explains the specific contributions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam in this respect. The principal instruments of international law, both universal and European, as well as the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union are discussed in chapter 2 in terms of collective and institutional religious freedom as the background necessary to the Strasbourg Court’s activities. Chapter 3 examines article 9 of the ECHR as well as other articles protecting any rights related to freedom of religion and subsequently addresses the notion of religious groups, whose distinction from (dangerous) sects is often problematic. The two final chapters are dedicated to a systematic examination of the case law of the Strasbourg Court since the admission in 1979 of the first application by an “applicant church”. The procedural aspect and the substantive rights are discussed successively. Their contents will be analysed on the basis of a double axis: firstly a group’s freedom to “exist”, secondly the more numerous aspects of its freedom to “act” or its “autonomy”.

La Shoah, Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de l'homme : une lecture théologico-politique du XXe siècle

Poëti, Martin 09 1900 (has links)
Centrée sur une réflexion des droits de l’homme à partir de l’expérience historique de la Shoah, la thèse porte sur l’enjeu fondamental du statut du religieux en modernité. Trois parties la composent, correspondant au génocide, à la modernité politique et à l’histoire du Salut : la première propose une interprétation de l’Holocauste en ayant recours aux catégories empruntées à l’historiographie, à la réflexion philosophique et à la tradition théologique. Elle rend compte de deux lectures concurrentes des Lumières, du renversement de la théologie chrétienne du judaïsme au XXe siècle, de la généalogie idéologique du nazisme ainsi que du contexte explosif de l’entre-deux-guerres. La seconde partie de la thèse avance une théorie des trois modernités, selon laquelle les États-Unis, la France et Vatican II représenteraient des interprétations divergentes et rivales des droits. Enfin, la troisième partie reprend les deux précédentes thématiques de la Shoah et de la modernité, mais à la lumière de la Révélation, notamment de l’Incarnation et de la Croix. La Révélation est présentée comme un double dévoilement simultané de l’identité de Dieu et de la dignité humaine – comme un jeu de miroir où la définition de l’homme est indissociable de celle de la divinité. En provoquant l’effondrement de la Chrétienté, la sécularisation aurait créé un vide existentiel dans lequel se serait engouffré le nazisme comme religion politique et idéologie néo-païenne de substitution. Négation de l'élection d'Israël, du Décalogue et de l’anthropologie biblique, l’entreprise nazie d’anéantissement est comprise comme la volonté d’éradication de la Transcendance et du patrimoine spirituel judéo-chrétien, la liquidation du Dieu juif par l’élimination du peuple juif. Le judéocide pourrait dès lors être qualifié de «moment dans l’histoire du Salut» en ce sens qu’il serait porteur d’un message moral en lien avec le contenu de la Révélation qui interpellerait avec force et urgence la conscience moderne. L’Holocauste constituerait ainsi un kairos, une occasion à saisir pour une critique lucide des apories de la modernité issue des Lumières et pour un renouvellement de la pensée théologico-politique, une invitation à une refondation transcendante des droits fondamentaux, dont la liberté religieuse ferait figure de matrice fondationnelle. La Shoah apporterait alors une réponse au rôle que la Transcendance pourrait jouer dans les sociétés modernes. Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de la personne, l'Holocauste rendrait témoignage, il lancerait une mise en garde et poserait les conditions nécessaires d'un enracinement biblique à la préservation de la dignité de l’être humain. Aux Six Millions de Défigurés correspondrait la Création de l'Homme du Sixième Jour. En conclusion, un triangle synergique nourricier est soutenu par l’extermination hitlérienne (1941-1945), la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme (1948) et le Concile Vatican II (1962-1965) comme les trois piliers d’une nouvelle modernité, située au-delà des paradigmes américain (1776) et français (1789). La Shoah inaugurerait et poserait ainsi les fondements d'un nouvel horizon civilisationnel; elle pointerait vers un nouveau départ possible pour le projet de la modernité. L'expérience génocidaire n'invaliderait pas la modernité, elle ne la discréditerait pas, mais la relancerait sur des bases spirituelles nouvelles. Cette refondation des droits fondamentaux offrirait alors une voie de sortie et de conciliation à la crise historique qui opposait depuis près de deux siècles en Europe les droits de l'homme et la Transcendance, Dieu et la liberté – modèle susceptible d’inspirer des civilisations non occidentales en quête d’une modernité respectueuse de leur altérité culturelle et compatible avec la foi religieuse. / As a reflection on human rights focused on the historical experience of the Holocaust, the dissertation looks at the status of religion in modernity. It is made up of three parts; genocide, the politics of modernity, and the history of salvation. The first suggests an interpretation of the Holocaust based upon categories borrowed from historiography, philosophical reflection, and theological tradition. It takes into account two readings of the Enlightment: the inversion of Christian theology towards Judaism in the twentieth century, the ideological sources of Nazism and the explosive time of the inter-war years. The second part of the thesis advances a theory of three ways of seeing modernity: those of France, America, and Vatican II, representing rival and divergent understandings of human rights. The third and final part takes the premises of the previous parts, but in the light of the Revelation, especially that of the Incarnation of the Cross. The Revelation is presented as a simultaneous revealing of God’s identity and human dignity – as an image in a mirror or as the definition of man being inseperable from that of God. In causing the collapse of Christendom, secularization has created an existential vacuum which could be filled by Nazism as a political religion and a neo-pagan ideology of substitution. Negating the election of Israel, the Ten Commandments and biblical anthropology, the Nazi project of destruction is understood as the willingness to eradicate the Transcendence and the Judeo-Christian Tradition, the liquidation of the Jewish God by the elimination of the Jewish people. Judeocide can thus be described as a “Moment in the History of Salvation” in that it conveys a moral message connected with the content of the Revelation which strongly and urgently calls out to modern consciousness. The Holocaust is thus a Kairos, an opportunity for clear reviews of the aporias of a kind of modernity generated by the Age of Enlightment, for an invitation to a transcendent rooting-anchoring of human rights, and for a renewal of theological-political thought, where religious freedom appears as the foundation. As a Memorial of Blood reengaging human rights, the witness of the Holocaust represents a warning and shows the need for of a biblical understanding of the person to preserve human dignity. The six million victims correspond to the creation of man on the sixth day. As a conclusion, a synergy is claimed between Hitler’s extermination (1941-1945), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as the three pillars of a new modernity, beyond the American (1776) and French paradigms (1789). The Shoah ushers in and lays the foundation of a new understanding of civilization. It points towards a new point of departure for the journey of modernity. The experience of genocide does not invalidate nor discredit modernity, but offers it up towards a new spiritual understanding. This understanding of fundamental rights offers a way of leaving behind and reconciling the historical crisis between God and liberty, human rights and Transcendence in Europe for the last two hundred years – which may equally be of use to non-western civilizations in their quest for a respectful modernity for their own cultures, compatible with their own faiths.

La Shoah, Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de l'homme : une lecture théologico-politique du XXe siècle

Poëti, Martin 09 1900 (has links)
Centrée sur une réflexion des droits de l’homme à partir de l’expérience historique de la Shoah, la thèse porte sur l’enjeu fondamental du statut du religieux en modernité. Trois parties la composent, correspondant au génocide, à la modernité politique et à l’histoire du Salut : la première propose une interprétation de l’Holocauste en ayant recours aux catégories empruntées à l’historiographie, à la réflexion philosophique et à la tradition théologique. Elle rend compte de deux lectures concurrentes des Lumières, du renversement de la théologie chrétienne du judaïsme au XXe siècle, de la généalogie idéologique du nazisme ainsi que du contexte explosif de l’entre-deux-guerres. La seconde partie de la thèse avance une théorie des trois modernités, selon laquelle les États-Unis, la France et Vatican II représenteraient des interprétations divergentes et rivales des droits. Enfin, la troisième partie reprend les deux précédentes thématiques de la Shoah et de la modernité, mais à la lumière de la Révélation, notamment de l’Incarnation et de la Croix. La Révélation est présentée comme un double dévoilement simultané de l’identité de Dieu et de la dignité humaine – comme un jeu de miroir où la définition de l’homme est indissociable de celle de la divinité. En provoquant l’effondrement de la Chrétienté, la sécularisation aurait créé un vide existentiel dans lequel se serait engouffré le nazisme comme religion politique et idéologie néo-païenne de substitution. Négation de l'élection d'Israël, du Décalogue et de l’anthropologie biblique, l’entreprise nazie d’anéantissement est comprise comme la volonté d’éradication de la Transcendance et du patrimoine spirituel judéo-chrétien, la liquidation du Dieu juif par l’élimination du peuple juif. Le judéocide pourrait dès lors être qualifié de «moment dans l’histoire du Salut» en ce sens qu’il serait porteur d’un message moral en lien avec le contenu de la Révélation qui interpellerait avec force et urgence la conscience moderne. L’Holocauste constituerait ainsi un kairos, une occasion à saisir pour une critique lucide des apories de la modernité issue des Lumières et pour un renouvellement de la pensée théologico-politique, une invitation à une refondation transcendante des droits fondamentaux, dont la liberté religieuse ferait figure de matrice fondationnelle. La Shoah apporterait alors une réponse au rôle que la Transcendance pourrait jouer dans les sociétés modernes. Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de la personne, l'Holocauste rendrait témoignage, il lancerait une mise en garde et poserait les conditions nécessaires d'un enracinement biblique à la préservation de la dignité de l’être humain. Aux Six Millions de Défigurés correspondrait la Création de l'Homme du Sixième Jour. En conclusion, un triangle synergique nourricier est soutenu par l’extermination hitlérienne (1941-1945), la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme (1948) et le Concile Vatican II (1962-1965) comme les trois piliers d’une nouvelle modernité, située au-delà des paradigmes américain (1776) et français (1789). La Shoah inaugurerait et poserait ainsi les fondements d'un nouvel horizon civilisationnel; elle pointerait vers un nouveau départ possible pour le projet de la modernité. L'expérience génocidaire n'invaliderait pas la modernité, elle ne la discréditerait pas, mais la relancerait sur des bases spirituelles nouvelles. Cette refondation des droits fondamentaux offrirait alors une voie de sortie et de conciliation à la crise historique qui opposait depuis près de deux siècles en Europe les droits de l'homme et la Transcendance, Dieu et la liberté – modèle susceptible d’inspirer des civilisations non occidentales en quête d’une modernité respectueuse de leur altérité culturelle et compatible avec la foi religieuse. / As a reflection on human rights focused on the historical experience of the Holocaust, the dissertation looks at the status of religion in modernity. It is made up of three parts; genocide, the politics of modernity, and the history of salvation. The first suggests an interpretation of the Holocaust based upon categories borrowed from historiography, philosophical reflection, and theological tradition. It takes into account two readings of the Enlightment: the inversion of Christian theology towards Judaism in the twentieth century, the ideological sources of Nazism and the explosive time of the inter-war years. The second part of the thesis advances a theory of three ways of seeing modernity: those of France, America, and Vatican II, representing rival and divergent understandings of human rights. The third and final part takes the premises of the previous parts, but in the light of the Revelation, especially that of the Incarnation of the Cross. The Revelation is presented as a simultaneous revealing of God’s identity and human dignity – as an image in a mirror or as the definition of man being inseperable from that of God. In causing the collapse of Christendom, secularization has created an existential vacuum which could be filled by Nazism as a political religion and a neo-pagan ideology of substitution. Negating the election of Israel, the Ten Commandments and biblical anthropology, the Nazi project of destruction is understood as the willingness to eradicate the Transcendence and the Judeo-Christian Tradition, the liquidation of the Jewish God by the elimination of the Jewish people. Judeocide can thus be described as a “Moment in the History of Salvation” in that it conveys a moral message connected with the content of the Revelation which strongly and urgently calls out to modern consciousness. The Holocaust is thus a Kairos, an opportunity for clear reviews of the aporias of a kind of modernity generated by the Age of Enlightment, for an invitation to a transcendent rooting-anchoring of human rights, and for a renewal of theological-political thought, where religious freedom appears as the foundation. As a Memorial of Blood reengaging human rights, the witness of the Holocaust represents a warning and shows the need for of a biblical understanding of the person to preserve human dignity. The six million victims correspond to the creation of man on the sixth day. As a conclusion, a synergy is claimed between Hitler’s extermination (1941-1945), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as the three pillars of a new modernity, beyond the American (1776) and French paradigms (1789). The Shoah ushers in and lays the foundation of a new understanding of civilization. It points towards a new point of departure for the journey of modernity. The experience of genocide does not invalidate nor discredit modernity, but offers it up towards a new spiritual understanding. This understanding of fundamental rights offers a way of leaving behind and reconciling the historical crisis between God and liberty, human rights and Transcendence in Europe for the last two hundred years – which may equally be of use to non-western civilizations in their quest for a respectful modernity for their own cultures, compatible with their own faiths.

Protestants et protestantisme dans le Sud aquitain (1802 - 1905). Espaces, réseaux et pouvoirs / Protestants and protestantism in South Aquitaine (1802 - 1905). Spaces, networks and powers

Lanusse-Cazalé, Hélène 28 November 2012 (has links)
À partir de l’exemple du Sud de l’Aquitaine, véritable condensé des sensibilités protestantes de l’Europe du XIXe siècle, une analyse multi-scalaire permet d’appréhender les processus de réintégration et d’affirmation du protestantisme qui, au terme d’un siècle de persécutions et de clandestinité, devient une confession reconnue. De la promulgation des Articles organiques du 18 germinal an X à la Séparation des Églises et de l’État, l’étude du pluralisme protestant permet de définir de nouveaux espaces ainsi que de nouvelles et multiples formes de structuration institutionnelle. L’existence de lignes de partage externes, visibles au travers des modalités de coexistence, et internes, par les points de tension inhérents à cette pluralité, révèle, quant à elle, les différents traits d’une identité protestante qui ne se conçoit que dans la diversité. Au-delà de ses divergences, cette minorité active fait preuve d’une vision collective et spatiale : par la création d’un territoire concurrent de l’Église catholique, par sa reconstruction institutionnelle, par ses réseaux, par ses engagements politiques, par la relecture de son histoire, elle se forge une identité originale et prétend jouer un rôle moteur dans la société de son temps. / Using as example the South of Aquitaine, a veritable concentration of protestant school of thought in Europe in the 19th century, a multi-scalar analysis throws light on the processes of reintegration and affirmation of Protestantism which, after a century of persecution and clandestinity, became a recognized religious faith. From the promulgation of the Organic Articles of 18th Germinal Year X to the Separation of the Churches and State, the study of Protestant Pluralism enables new areas to be defined as well as new and multiple forms of institutional structuration. The existence of external divisions visible through methods of coexistence, and internal ones seen in the points of friction inherent to this plurality, reveals the different characteristics of protestant identity that could only be imagined in a context of diversity. This active minority affirmed, beyond its differences, a collective and spatial vision through the creation of a territory in competition with the Catholic Church, through its institutional reconstruction, through its networks, through its political commitments, through the rethinking of its history, it created an original identity and expected to be a driving force in the society of its time.

Counter Revolutionary Programs: Social Catholicism and the Cristeros

Newcomer, Daniel 20 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Medieval Reception of Firdausī's Shāhnāma: The Ardashīr Cycle as a Mirror for Princes

Askari, Nasrin 02 August 2013 (has links)
Based on a broad survey of the reception of Firdausī’s Shāhnāma in medieval times, this dissertation argues that Firdausī’s oeuvre was primarily perceived as a book of wisdom and advice for kings and courtly élites. The medieval reception of the Shāhnāma is clearly manifested in the comments of medieval authors about Firdausī and his work, and in their use of the Shāhnāma in the composition of their own works. The production of ikhtiyārāt-i Shāhnāmas (selections from the Shāhnāma) in medieval times and the remarkable attention of the authors of mirrors for princes to Firdausī’s opus are particularly illuminating in this regard. The survey is complemented by a close textual reading of the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma in comparison with other medieval historical accounts about Ardashīr, in order to illustrate how history in the Shāhnāma is reduced to only a framework for the presentation of ideas and ideals of kingship. Based on ancient Persian beliefs regarding the ideal state of the world, I argue that Ardashīr in the Shāhnāma is represented as a Saviour of the world. Within this context, I offer new interpretations of the symbolic tale of Ardashīr’s fight against a giant worm, and explain why the idea of the union of kingship and religion, a major topic in almost all medieval Persian mirrors for princes, has often been attributed to Ardashīr. Finally, I compare the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma with nine medieval Persian mirrors for princes to demonstrate that the ethico-political concepts contained in them, as well as the portrayal of Ardashīr, remain more or less the same in all these works. Study of the Shāhnāma as a mirror for princes, as this study shows, not only reveals the meaning of its symbolic tales, but also sheds light on the pre-Islamic roots of some of the ethico-political concepts presented in the medieval Perso-Islamic literature of wisdom and advice for kings and courtiers.

The Medieval Reception of Firdausī's Shāhnāma: The Ardashīr Cycle as a Mirror for Princes

Askari, Nasrin 02 August 2013 (has links)
Based on a broad survey of the reception of Firdausī’s Shāhnāma in medieval times, this dissertation argues that Firdausī’s oeuvre was primarily perceived as a book of wisdom and advice for kings and courtly élites. The medieval reception of the Shāhnāma is clearly manifested in the comments of medieval authors about Firdausī and his work, and in their use of the Shāhnāma in the composition of their own works. The production of ikhtiyārāt-i Shāhnāmas (selections from the Shāhnāma) in medieval times and the remarkable attention of the authors of mirrors for princes to Firdausī’s opus are particularly illuminating in this regard. The survey is complemented by a close textual reading of the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma in comparison with other medieval historical accounts about Ardashīr, in order to illustrate how history in the Shāhnāma is reduced to only a framework for the presentation of ideas and ideals of kingship. Based on ancient Persian beliefs regarding the ideal state of the world, I argue that Ardashīr in the Shāhnāma is represented as a Saviour of the world. Within this context, I offer new interpretations of the symbolic tale of Ardashīr’s fight against a giant worm, and explain why the idea of the union of kingship and religion, a major topic in almost all medieval Persian mirrors for princes, has often been attributed to Ardashīr. Finally, I compare the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma with nine medieval Persian mirrors for princes to demonstrate that the ethico-political concepts contained in them, as well as the portrayal of Ardashīr, remain more or less the same in all these works. Study of the Shāhnāma as a mirror for princes, as this study shows, not only reveals the meaning of its symbolic tales, but also sheds light on the pre-Islamic roots of some of the ethico-political concepts presented in the medieval Perso-Islamic literature of wisdom and advice for kings and courtiers.

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