Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chylomicrons"" "subject:"chylomicron""
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Mécanismes et régulation de la phase absorptive des lipides dans des conditions normales et pathologiquesPeretti, Noël January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Utilização da nanoemulsão lipídica no tratamento experimental da leishmaniose cutânea / Use of lipid nanoemulsion in the experimental treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasisSouza, Regina Maia de 04 June 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LT) é uma doença infecciosa, não contagiosa, de transmissão vetorial com ciclo heteroxênico causada por parasitos do gênero Leishmania. É considerada uma enfermidade polimórfica que acomete pele e mucosas. Os medicamentos atualmente disponíveis para o tratamento da doença são insatisfatórios devido à sua eficácia limitada e seus efeitos colaterais, além do alto custo e a resistência que os protozoários acumulam contra essas drogas. O aumento da tolerabilidade é fundamental para o êxito global do tratamento. As formulações lipídicas comerciais da anfotericina B (AB), Ambisome®, Abelcet®e Amphocil®, apresentaram-se como um avanço no tratamento da (LT). Sistemas de nanoemulsões lipídicas reduzem a toxicidade de quimioterápicos e, ao mesmo tempo, aumentam sua ação farmacológica. Emulsões lipídicas com composição semelhante aos quilomícrons tem potencial aplicabilidade para vetorização de AB. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a citotoxicidade in vitro da anfotericina B desoxicolato (AB) e sua associação à nanoemulsão lipídica, o quilomícron artificial (QMA-AB), e in vivo, a tolerabilidade e eficácia terapêutica no tratamento da leishmaniose tegumentar em camundongos BALB/c. MÉTODOS: Para os testes in vitro, foi determinada a concentração inibitória (IC50) em formas promastigotas, a concentração citotóxica (CC50) em macrófagos sem infecção e a taxa de macrófagos infectados quando tratados com as formulações QMA, AB e QMA-AB. Já para os testes in vivo, camundongos BALB/c foram infectados com L. amazonensis e tratados com 2,5 mg/kg/dia de AB e 17,5 mg/kg/dia de QMA-AB e QMA. Durante o tratamento os animais foram monitorados semanalmente acerca do peso corporal e do diâmetro das patas. Ao término do tratamento os camundongos foram eutanasiados e amostras de sangue e tecido foram coletadas para análises bioquímicas, hematológicas, histopatológicas e quantificação da carga parasitária por método molecular qPCR. A análise estatística foi realizada com teste ANOVA seguido de Bonferroni ou Kruskal-Wallis com pós-teste de Dunn. As variáveis categóricas foram reportadas em tabelas de contingência (teste exato de Fisher). As análises foram consideradas estatisticamente significantes com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: A formulação QMA-AB foi mais efetiva contra formas promastigotas apresentando IC50 em torno de 0,012 micro g/mL, enquanto que o IC50 de AB foi de 0,023 micro g/mL. AB foi mais tóxica para os macrófagos J744 com baixa concentração, 2,324 micro g/mL. QMA-AB foi menos tóxica para os macrófagos com CC50 de 8,106 micro g/mL, superior à AB, e apresentou alto índice de seletividade (IS=675,5). A formulação QMA-AB diminuiu a taxa de infecção em macrófagos, foi menos tóxica, mais eficaz no tratamento dos animais infectados e reduziu em torno de 60% o tamanho do diâmetro das lesões em relação à AB e 95% da carga parasitária. CONCLUSÕES: A associação QMA-AB apresentou-se como uma alternativa em potencial no tratamento da LT na busca de uma preparação de alta eficácia terapêutica, baixa toxicidade e baixo custo para o Sistema Único de Saúde / INTRODUCTION: American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) is an infectious, non-contagious, vector-borne disease with heteroxenic cycle caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania. It is considered a polymorphic disease that affects skin and mucous membranes. Medications currently available for the treatment of the disease are unsatisfactory because of their limited effectiveness and side effects, and the high cost and resistance that protozoa accumulate against these drugs. Increased tolerability is critical to the overall success of treatment. The commercial lipid formulations of amphotericin B (AB), Ambisome®, Abelcet® and Amphocil®, presented as an advance in the treatment of (ATL). Lipid nanoemulsion systems reduce the toxicity of chemotherapeutics and, at the same time, increase their pharmacological action. Lipid emulsions with composition similar to chylomicrons have potential applicability for vectorization of AB. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the in vitro cytotoxicity of amphotericin B deoxycholate (AB) and its association with lipid nanoemulsion, artificial chylomicron (ACM), and in vivo, the tolerability and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in BALB/c. METHODS: For in vitro tests, the inhibitory concentration (IC50) in promastigote forms, the cytotoxic concentration (CC50) in non-infected macrophages and the rate of infected macrophages when treated with the ACM, AB and ACM-AB formulations were determined. For the in vivo tests, BALB/c mice were infected with L. amazonensis and treated with 2,5 mg/kg/day of AB and 17,5 mg/kg/day of ACM-AB and ACM. During the treatment the animals were monitored weekly about body weight and leg diameter. At the end of the treatment the mice were euthanized and blood and tissue samples were collected for biochemical, hematological, histopathological and quantitative analysis of the parasite load. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA followed by Bonferroni or Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn post-test. Categorical variables were reported in contingency tables (Fisher\'s exact test). The analyzes were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. RESULTS: The ACM-AB formulation was more effective against promastigote forms exhibiting IC50 around 0,012 Micro g/mL, while the IC50 of AB was 0,023 Micro g/mL. AB was more toxic to J744 macrophages with low concentration, 2,324 Micro g/mL. ACM-AB was less toxic to macrophages with CC50 of 8,106 Micro g/mL, higher than AB, and presented a high selectivity index (IS = 675.5). The ACM-AB formulation decreased the rate of macrophages infected, was less toxic, more effective in the treatment of infected animals and reduced the size of the lesion diameter by about 60% in relation to AB and 95% of the parasite load. CONCLUSIONS: The ACM-AB association was presented as a potential alternative in the treatment of ATL in the search for a high therapeutic efficacy, low toxicity and low cost preparation for the Unified Health System Read more
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Absorption de la vitamine E dans les hypocholestérolémies génétiques / Absorption of vitamin E in patients with genetic hypocholesterolemiaCuerq, Charlotte 30 June 2016 (has links)
Les hypocholestérolémies génétiques représentent un ensemble de pathologies héréditaires du métabolisme caractérisées par une hypocholestérolémie inférieure au 5ème percentile pour l'âge et le sexe. Elles sont majoritairement dues à un défaut d'assemblage et de sécrétion des lipoprotéines entraînant, dès la période néonatale, une malabsorption des lipides et des vitamines liposolubles. Les conséquences à long terme peuvent être dramatiques (complications ophtalmologiques et neurologiques graves) si un traitement par vitamines liposolubles, en particulier vitamine E à fortes doses, n'est pas instauré rapidement. Pour ces raisons, l'étude clinique princeps a comparé une formulation de vitamine E rendue hydrosoluble (tocofersolan) à l'acétate de tocophérol liposoluble et traditionnellement utilisé en thérapeutique chez ces patients. En parallèle, un travail sur modèle cellulaire Caco2, nous a permis d'étudier les mécanismes d'absorption/sécrétion de ces deux formulations de vitamine E afin de mieux appréhender les mécanismes mis en jeu. Deux études méthodologiques ont été menées en amont de cette étude clinique. La première visait à vérifier la stabilité des échantillons dans les conditions de transport imposées par l'étude princeps. Par ailleurs, les concentrations effondrées de lipoprotéines chez ces patients rendent difficile l'évaluation du statut en vitamine E par les simples dosages plasmatiques. Aussi, la seconde étude avait pour but d'établir les valeurs usuelles pour les concentrations en vitamine E dans les globules rouges et le tissu adipeux chez l'enfant sain comme outil d'aide au suivi des patients atteints d'hypocholestérolémie génétique. Grâce aux valeurs de référence établies dans ce travail, l'analyse de la vitamine E dans les globules rouges et le tissu adipeux permet de proposer une vue plus globale du statut en vitamine E chez ces patients / Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) and chylomicron retention disease (CMRD) are rare recessive forms of hypobetalipoproteinemia characterized by an intestinal lipid malabsorption and a severe vitamin E deficiency leading to disabling neuro-ophtalmologic sequelae. Oral a- tocopherol supplementation with high doses has to be initiated as early as possible to prevent or halt progression of complications. The main aim of our work was to investigate the interest of tocofersolan, a water-soluble derivative of RRR-α-tocopherol, compared to a-tocopherol acetate in ABL and CMRD. In parallel, we investigated the mechanisms of absorption / secretion of tocofersolan and a- tocopheryl acetate on Caco2 cells for a better understanding of the mechanisms of their therapeutic efficacy. Two methodological studies were conducted prior to this clinical study. Firstly, we studied the stability of commonly measured vitamins and carotenoids in whole blood in the conditions of transport imposed by the clinical study. Secondly, we established the reference intervals for vitamin E concentrations in red blood cells and adipose tissue in healthy child as a tool to monitore treatment of children with ABL and CMRD with vitamin E. Indeed, the very reduced lipoprotein concentrations in these patients make difficult the assesment of vitamin E status based on plasma a-tocopherol concentrations. The references values established in this work allows us to propose a more comprehensive view of the vitamin E status in these patients Read more
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Metabolismo dos quilomícrons e capacidade da lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) de receber lípides na síndrome metabólica e no diabetes mellitus tipo 2 / Chylomicron metabolism and lipid reception capacity of high density lipoprotein in metabolic syndrome (MetS) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2)Silva, Vanessa Monteiro da 30 January 2008 (has links)
O principal distúrbio metabólico decorrente do Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e da Síndrome Metabólica corresponde a alterações no metabolismo lipídico. Portanto, torna-se importante a melhor compreensão de alguns aspectos do metabolismo de lipoproteínas plasmáticas. Nesse sentido, a avaliação do metabolismo dos quilomícrons e da transferência de lípides de lipoproteínas plasmáticas para a lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL), pode fornecer informações importantes relacionadas com o processo aterogênico. No presente estudo, foram estudados 15 indivíduos portadores de Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, 15 indivíduos com Síndrome Metabólica e 14 controles normolipidêmicos. Foi avaliada a cinética plasmática de uma nanoemulsão lipídica artificial com comportamento metabólico similar ao dos quilomícrons naturais, marcada com triglicérides (TG-3H) e éster de colesterol (EC-14C) radioativos. A nanoemulsão de quilomícrons artificiais foi injetada endovenosamente e amostras de sangue foram coletadas durante intervalos préestabelecidos. As curvas de decaimento plasmático dos lípides radioativos da nanoemulsão foram traçadas e as taxas fracionais de remoção (TFR) foram calculadas por análise compartimental. Para avaliação da transferência de lípides foi utilizada uma nanoemulsão semelhante a LDL (LDE) marcada com TG-3H e colesterol livre-14C (CL-14C) ou fosfolípides-14C (PL-14C) e EC-3H, como doadora de lípides para a HDL. Após incubação in vitro da LDE com o plasma, seguiu-se a precipitação das lipoproteínas que contem apolipoproteína B, restando no sobrenadante apenas a HDL. As taxas de transferência de lípides foram expressas em % de radioatividade encontrada no sobrenadante. Também foi determinado o diâmetro da HDL por espalhamento de luz. A TFR-EC dos grupos DM2 (p <0,05) e SM (p <0,01) comparado ao grupo controle apresentou-se diminuída, enquanto que as TFR-TG foram similares nos três grupos. Houve maior transferência de fosfolípides e colesterol nos grupos DM2 e SM comparando-se com grupo controle (p<0,001) A transferência de triglicérides e de éster de colesterol não diferiu entre os grupos. Não observou-se diferença no diâmetro da HDL nos três grupos. Concluindo, nossos resultados sugerem que a remoção plasmática dos remanescentes de quilomícrons encontra-se alterada em pacientes com SM e com DM2. Além disso, a transferência de lípides presentes na superfície das lipoproteínas para a HDL encontra-se aumentada nesses dois distúrbios metabólicos. Essas alterações podem contribuir com a maior incidência de aterosclerose nesses pacientes. / The main metabolic disturbances occurring as a result of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) are alterations in the metabolism of lipids. It is therefore, important to better understand the aspects by which plasma lipoproteins are metabolized. The evaluation of chylomicron metabolism and lipid transfer of high density lipoprotein (HDL) can thus yield useful information regarding the atherosclerotic process. In this study, 15 Type 2 Diabetes individuals, 15 Metabolic Syndrome individuals and 14 normolipidemic control individuals were studied. The plasmatic kinetics of an artificial lipidic nanoemulsion mimicking the behavior of natural chylomicrons were evaluated. This artificial chylomicron nanoemulsion, labele with radioactive triglycerides (TG-3H) and radioactive cholesteryl oleate (CO-14C) was injected intravenously and blood samples collected at pre-established time intervals. The plasmatic decay curve of the radioactive lipids of the nanoemulsion was traced and the fractional clearance rate calculated (FCR) through compartmental analysis. In order to evaluate the lipid transfer, we used a nanoemulsion similar to LDL., labeled with TG-3H and free cholesterol -14C (CL-14C) or with phospholipids -14C (PL-14C) and CO-3H, as a lipid donator to HDL. After in vitro nanoemulsion incubation with the plasma, the lipoproteins containing apolipoprotein B were precipitated, resulting in a supernatant containing HDL. The lipid transfer rates were expressed in % of radioactivity measured in the supernatant. It was also determined the diameter of the HDL using light scattering technique. The TFR-EC for the DM2 (p <0.05) and MetS (p <0.01) groups when compared to the control group was reduced. The TFR-TG, on the other hand, remained similar in all three groups. The transfer of phospholipids and cholesterol for the DM2 (p<0.001) and MetS groups was greater than that of the control group (p<0.001). The triglycerides and ester cholesteryl transfer showed no differences between the studied groups. Furthermore, no difference in HDL diameter was observed in any of the three groups. In conclusion, our results suggest that the removal of chylomicron remnants from the plasma is altered in SM and DM2 patients. Furthermore, there is an increase in the transfer of lipids located on the surface of lipoproteins to HDL . These alterations may contribute to a higher incidence of atherosclerosis in these patients. Read more
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Metabolismo dos quilomícrons e capacidade da lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) de receber lípides na síndrome metabólica e no diabetes mellitus tipo 2 / Chylomicron metabolism and lipid reception capacity of high density lipoprotein in metabolic syndrome (MetS) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2)Vanessa Monteiro da Silva 30 January 2008 (has links)
O principal distúrbio metabólico decorrente do Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e da Síndrome Metabólica corresponde a alterações no metabolismo lipídico. Portanto, torna-se importante a melhor compreensão de alguns aspectos do metabolismo de lipoproteínas plasmáticas. Nesse sentido, a avaliação do metabolismo dos quilomícrons e da transferência de lípides de lipoproteínas plasmáticas para a lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL), pode fornecer informações importantes relacionadas com o processo aterogênico. No presente estudo, foram estudados 15 indivíduos portadores de Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, 15 indivíduos com Síndrome Metabólica e 14 controles normolipidêmicos. Foi avaliada a cinética plasmática de uma nanoemulsão lipídica artificial com comportamento metabólico similar ao dos quilomícrons naturais, marcada com triglicérides (TG-3H) e éster de colesterol (EC-14C) radioativos. A nanoemulsão de quilomícrons artificiais foi injetada endovenosamente e amostras de sangue foram coletadas durante intervalos préestabelecidos. As curvas de decaimento plasmático dos lípides radioativos da nanoemulsão foram traçadas e as taxas fracionais de remoção (TFR) foram calculadas por análise compartimental. Para avaliação da transferência de lípides foi utilizada uma nanoemulsão semelhante a LDL (LDE) marcada com TG-3H e colesterol livre-14C (CL-14C) ou fosfolípides-14C (PL-14C) e EC-3H, como doadora de lípides para a HDL. Após incubação in vitro da LDE com o plasma, seguiu-se a precipitação das lipoproteínas que contem apolipoproteína B, restando no sobrenadante apenas a HDL. As taxas de transferência de lípides foram expressas em % de radioatividade encontrada no sobrenadante. Também foi determinado o diâmetro da HDL por espalhamento de luz. A TFR-EC dos grupos DM2 (p <0,05) e SM (p <0,01) comparado ao grupo controle apresentou-se diminuída, enquanto que as TFR-TG foram similares nos três grupos. Houve maior transferência de fosfolípides e colesterol nos grupos DM2 e SM comparando-se com grupo controle (p<0,001) A transferência de triglicérides e de éster de colesterol não diferiu entre os grupos. Não observou-se diferença no diâmetro da HDL nos três grupos. Concluindo, nossos resultados sugerem que a remoção plasmática dos remanescentes de quilomícrons encontra-se alterada em pacientes com SM e com DM2. Além disso, a transferência de lípides presentes na superfície das lipoproteínas para a HDL encontra-se aumentada nesses dois distúrbios metabólicos. Essas alterações podem contribuir com a maior incidência de aterosclerose nesses pacientes. / The main metabolic disturbances occurring as a result of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) are alterations in the metabolism of lipids. It is therefore, important to better understand the aspects by which plasma lipoproteins are metabolized. The evaluation of chylomicron metabolism and lipid transfer of high density lipoprotein (HDL) can thus yield useful information regarding the atherosclerotic process. In this study, 15 Type 2 Diabetes individuals, 15 Metabolic Syndrome individuals and 14 normolipidemic control individuals were studied. The plasmatic kinetics of an artificial lipidic nanoemulsion mimicking the behavior of natural chylomicrons were evaluated. This artificial chylomicron nanoemulsion, labele with radioactive triglycerides (TG-3H) and radioactive cholesteryl oleate (CO-14C) was injected intravenously and blood samples collected at pre-established time intervals. The plasmatic decay curve of the radioactive lipids of the nanoemulsion was traced and the fractional clearance rate calculated (FCR) through compartmental analysis. In order to evaluate the lipid transfer, we used a nanoemulsion similar to LDL., labeled with TG-3H and free cholesterol -14C (CL-14C) or with phospholipids -14C (PL-14C) and CO-3H, as a lipid donator to HDL. After in vitro nanoemulsion incubation with the plasma, the lipoproteins containing apolipoprotein B were precipitated, resulting in a supernatant containing HDL. The lipid transfer rates were expressed in % of radioactivity measured in the supernatant. It was also determined the diameter of the HDL using light scattering technique. The TFR-EC for the DM2 (p <0.05) and MetS (p <0.01) groups when compared to the control group was reduced. The TFR-TG, on the other hand, remained similar in all three groups. The transfer of phospholipids and cholesterol for the DM2 (p<0.001) and MetS groups was greater than that of the control group (p<0.001). The triglycerides and ester cholesteryl transfer showed no differences between the studied groups. Furthermore, no difference in HDL diameter was observed in any of the three groups. In conclusion, our results suggest that the removal of chylomicron remnants from the plasma is altered in SM and DM2 patients. Furthermore, there is an increase in the transfer of lipids located on the surface of lipoproteins to HDL . These alterations may contribute to a higher incidence of atherosclerosis in these patients. Read more
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Adaptation postprandiale du métabolisme intestinal des lipides : rôle du CD36 et du PPAR bétaTran, Thi Thu Trang 08 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'hypertriglycéridémie postprandiale représente un facteur de risque émergent des maladies cardiovasculaires et est retrouvé en cas de syndrome métabolique, d'obésité et d'insulino-résistance. L'intestin grêle conditionne la triglycéridémie postprandiale puisque la taille et de la quantité des chylomicrons sécrétés modulent l'activité de la Lipoprotéine Lipase (LPL). La synthèse des chylomicrons est un mécanisme complexe dont l'étape de lipidation de l'Apolipoprotéine B48 (ApoB48) par la Microsomal Triglyceride Transfert Protein (MTP) et celle de leur transfert du réticulum vers le Golgi dans laquelle intervient la Liver Fatty Acid binding Protein (L-FABP) sont limitantes. Des expériences menées in vivo chez des animaux sauvages et transgéniques et ex vivo sur des segments intestinaux, nous ont permis de démontrer qu'il existe une adaptation postprandiale du métabolisme intestinal des lipides. Cette adaptation postprandiale est déclenchée par la glycoprotéine CD36 qui en présence d'acides gras à longue chaîne (AGLC) régule la voie ERK1/2 et conduit à l'induction de l'ApoB48, de la MTP et de la L-FABP. La dégradation rapide du CD36 par la voie ubiquitine-protéasome en présence d'AGLC, qui conduit à la désactivation de la voie ERK1/2, est typique d'un récepteur. Puisque d'une part les souris invalidées pour le Peroxisome Proliferator Activated receptor (PPAR) présentent une altération de l'adaptation et une hypertriglycéridémie postprandiale et que d'autre part les lipides alimentaires induisent le PPAR via CD36, CD36 et PPAR pourraient faire partie d'un mécanisme commun de régulation. En conclusion, CD36 et PPAR contribuent au sensing entérocytaire des AGLC d'origine alimentaire, responsable de l'adaptation postprandiale du métabolisme des lipides qui favorise la formation de gros chylomicrons efficacement épurés de la circulation sanguine. Read more
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Mise en évidence du rôle de Sar1b et PLD1 dans le transport et le métabolisme des lipides dans l’intestin : impact sur la formation et la sécrétion des chylomicronsAuclair, Nickolas 12 1900 (has links)
Les chylomicrons (CM) sont des vésicules produites et sécrétées par les entérocytes de l'intestin grêle pour permettre le transport des lipides et des vitamines liposolubles de l'alimentation vers la circulation sanguine. Les mécanismes de transport, de formation et de sécrétion des CM sont très complexes et des défauts dans ces mécanismes peuvent affecter de manière significative la qualité de vie d'un individu. Il est clair qu'il existe des lacunes dans notre compréhension des protéines qui régulent ces processus puisque certains patients atteints de malabsorptions intestinales ne présentent pas de mutations pour des protéines connues et d’autres patients présentant des mutations connues ont des caractéristiques cliniques incompréhensibles. La phospholipase D(PLD) 1 et la Sar1b GTPase sont deux protéines dont le rôle dans l'homéostasie lipidique intestinale reste à mieux préciser. La PLD1 est une enzyme dont le rôle principal est de catalyser la formation d'acide phosphatidique à partir de la phosphatidylcholine. Son produit permet de réguler de nombreux processus cellulaires tels que l’endocytose, l’exocytose et le traffic vésiculaire. Cependant, sa fonction dans l'homéostasie lipidique intestinale était jusqu'à présent inconnue. La Sar1b GTPase, quant à elle, régule la formation des vésicules COPII du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) et sa mutation a été associée à la maladie de rétention du CM (MRC), l'une des trois principales maladies qui provoquent une malabsorption des lipides intestinaux. Cependant, nos connaissances scientifiques sur cette enzyme sont assez limitées et même sa relation de cause à effet reste à définir dans un organisme complexe tel qu'un mammifère.
Par conséquent, l'objectif général de cette thèse est de mettre en évidence le rôle de la PLD1 et de la Sar1b GTPase dans le transport et le métabolisme des lipides intestinaux. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons soit administré des inhibiteurs de l'activité des différents isoformes de PLD à des cellules entérocytaires Caco2/15, ou utilisé des cellules présentant une diminution de l’expression du gène de PLD1. En outre, pour la Sar1b GTPase, nous avons utilisé des souris présentant soit une mutation ponctuelle, soit une délétion de Sar1b.
Nos résultats ont montré que la diminution de l'expression protéique de PLD1 réduit la sécrétion de CM et modifie l'expression protéique de facteurs importants impliqués dans la β-oxydation et la lipogenèse. En ce qui concerne la Sar1b GTPase, nous avons pu observer que les souris homozygotes avec une mutation ou une délétion de Sar1b ne sont pas viables et sembleraient mourir juste après la naissance étant donné le développement embryonnaire normal de ces souris. Avec les souris hétérozygotes, nous avons quand même pu confirmer la relation de cause à effet entre le gène et la MRC puisque ces souris récapitulaient plusieurs anomalies gastro-intestinales retrouvées chez les patients. En outre, nous avons observé que la gravité des caractéristiques observées chez les souris peut dépendre du régime alimentaire et du génotype. De plus, nous avons observé que les mâles présentant une mutation ponctuelle reflétaient d’avantage la maladie. Par ailleurs, les lipoprotéines de ces animaux avaient une composition chimique et protéique altérée avec une diminution de la quantité d’ApoB-100 dans les fractions de VLDL et LDL, ainsi qu’une augmentation des ratios cholestérol ester/phospholipides et des ratios lipides estérifiés/lipides non-estérifiés. Enfin, nous avons observé que l'altération du gène Sar1b dans l'intestin affecte son homéostasie lipidique et modifie l'expression génique et protéique de plusieurs facteurs importants dans le stress du RE, la β-oxydation, la lipogenèse et le métabolisme du cholestérol.
En conclusion, même si cette thèse comporte plusieurs limites, nous avons pu établir le rôle de la PLD1 et de la Sar1b GTPase dans l'homéostasie lipidique. En effet, nous sommes les premiers à avoir démontré que l'altération du gène PLD1 affecte la sécrétion de CM et le métabolisme des lipides dans les cellules intestinales. De plus, nous avons pu confirmer in vivo la relation de cause à effet entre la MRC et la protéine Sar1b, tout en ayant une meilleure compréhension de son impact sur le métabolisme des lipides qui peut varier en fonction de différents facteurs tels que le génotype et la diète. Une meilleure compréhension de ces protéines permettrait d'augmenter les cibles possibles pour le développement de traitements ciblant la sécrétion de CM et de mieux comprendre les conséquences que la mutation de ces gènes peut avoir chez les patients. / Chylomicrons (CMs) are vesicles produced and secreted by enterocytes in the small intestine to transport lipids and fat-soluble vitamins from the diet into the bloodstream. The mechanisms of CM transport, formation and secretion are very complex and defects in these mechanisms can significantly affect the quality of life of an individual. It is clear that there are gaps in our understanding of the proteins that regulate these processes since some patients with intestinal malabsorptions do not have mutations for known proteins and other patients with known mutations have incomprehensible clinical features. Phospholipase D (PLD) 1 and Sar1b GTPase are two proteins whose role in intestinal lipid homeostasis remains to be better defined. PLD1 is an enzyme whose main role is to catalyze the formation of phosphatidic acid from phosphatidylcholine. Its product regulates many cellular processes such as endocytosis, exocytosis and vesicular trafficking. However, its function in intestinal lipid homeostasis was unknown until now. Sar1b GTPase, on the other hand, regulates COPII vesicle formation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and its mutation has previously been associated with CM retention disease (CRD), one of the three major diseases that cause intestinal lipid malabsorption. However, our scientific knowledge about this enzyme is quite limited and even its cause and effect relationship remains to be defined in a complex organism such as a mammal.
Therefore, the overall goal of this thesis is to highlight the role of PLD1 and the Sar1b GTPase in intestinal lipid transport and metabolism. To achieve these objectives, we either administered inhibitors of the activity of different PLD isoforms to Caco2/15 enterocyte cells or used cells with protein depletion of PLD1. In addition, for the Sar1b GTPase, we used mice with either a point mutation or a deletion of Sar1b.
Our results showed that decreased protein expression of PLD1 reduces CM secretion and alters the protein expression of important factors involved in β-oxidation and lipogenesis. With regard to the Sar1b GTPase, we could observe that homozygous mice with a mutation or deletion of Sar1b are not viable and would appear to die just after birth given the normal embryonic development of these mice. With the heterozygous mice, we were still able to confirm the causal relationship between the gene and CRD since these mice recapitulated several gastrointestinal abnormalities found in patients. In addition, we observed that the severity of the features observed in the mice may depend on diet and genotype. In addition, we observed that males with a point mutation reflected the most the disease. Also, the lipoproteins of these animals had an altered chemical and protein composition, with a decrease in the amount of ApoB-100 in the VLDL and LDL fractions, as well as an increase in choesteryl ester/phospholipids ratios and esterified/nonesterified lipid ratios. Finally, we observed that alteration of the Sar1b gene in the gut affects its lipid homeostasis and alters the gene and protein expression of several factors important in ER stress, β-oxidation, lipogenesis, and cholesterol metabolism.
In conclusion, although this thesis has several limitations, we were able to establish the role of PLD1 and the Sar1b GTPase in lipid homeostasis. Indeed, we are the first to have demonstrated that alteration of the PLD1 gene affects CM secretion and lipid metabolism in intestinal cells. Furthermore, we were able to confirm in vivo the causal relationship between MRC and the Sar1b protein, while having a better understanding of its impact on lipid metabolism which can vary according to different factors such as genotype and diet. A better understanding of these proteins would increase the possible targets for the development of treatments targeting CM secretion and better understand the consequences that mutation of these genes may have in patients. Read more
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