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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prediction of treatment response in Social Anxiety Disorder, what does the brain tell us that questionnaires do not? : Using brain activity related to self- and other-referential criticism to predict treatment response to Internet- delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder

Isacsson, Nils, Kolbeinsson, Örn January 2016 (has links)
Predicting who will benefit from what in the treatment of psychiatric disorders is incremental to future development of psychological treatments. In the current study functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from participants with social anxiety disorder (SAD) was used to elucidate whether neural responses to negative evaluation could predict treatment response in SAD. Nine weeks prior to Internet- delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (ICBT) onset, participants viewed negative social stimuli directed either at themselves or an significant other during fMRI scanning. Regression analyses including the differential activations for other-referential criticism in contrast to self-referential criticism in the posterior mid cingulate cortex (pMCC) and the lingual gyrus (LG) predicted 34% of treatment change as measured by residual gain scores on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Self-Report (LSAS-SR) in our sample. The final regression model, combining these measures with behavioural measures, which by themselves explained 27% of the variance, resulted in a model explaining 50% of the variance regarding treatment response. This lends additional support to the notion that further elucidating the neurobiological underpinnings of core processes in SAD, as well as the neural correlates of treatment response to CBT, would be of great value in predicting treatment outcome.
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Altered Kinase Networks in Major Depressive Disorder

Alnafisah, Rawan 15 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Die Wirkung von postnataler Hypoxie auf die neuronale Zellproliferation im Rattenhirn und ihre Relevanz für die Schizophrenie / The effects of postnatal hypoxia on neuronal cell proliferation in the brains of rats and its relevance in schizophrenia

Kühn, Franziska 15 March 2016 (has links)
Die neonatale Hypoxie, als Schwangerschafts- und Geburtskomplikation, ist der wichtigste prädisponierende Umweltfaktor in der Pathophysiologie der Schizophrenie. Sie führt zu einer Schädigung des Gehirns und einer Störung der Hirnentwicklung. Insgesamt sind die neurobiologischen Auswirkungen, insbesondere auf die Zellproliferation, unklar. Im Tiermodell konnten bereits Verhaltensauffälligkeiten ähnlich der Schizophrenie, infolge chronischer neonataler Hypoxie, festgestellt werden. Störungen in der Zellentwicklung könnten hierfür die Ursache sein. Die Hypothese, dass der Beginn der abnormalen Hirnentwicklung perinatal liegt, während erste klinische Symptome im frühen Erwachsenenalter manifest werden, unterstützt diese Ergebnisse. Die Hirnentwicklung der Ratte ist in der frühen postnatalen Periode vergleichbar mit der eines menschlichen Fötus im dritten Trimenon der Schwangerschaft und eignet sich daher pathologische Prozesse im zentralen Nervensystem des Menschen zu reflektieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe postnataler Hypoxie die neuronale Zellproliferation in 20 männlichen Wistar-Ratten zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten (postnataler Tag 13 und 39) untersucht. Die Hypoxietiere wurden vom postnatalen Tag vier bis acht einer Hypoxie, bestehend aus 11% O2 und 89% N2, ausgesetzt. Mit Hilfe der Bromodeoxyuridin-Peroxidasefärbung wurde die Zellproliferation in Hypoxie-vulnerablen Hirnregionen untersucht. Hierzu gehören der Gyrus cinguli, das Striatum, der Gyrus dentatus und die subventrikuläre Zone. Als Vergleich diente eine unbehandelte Kontrollgruppe. Durch ein Mikroskop mit Schrittmotorsystem und Stereo Investigator Software (MicroBrightField, UK) und der Optical Fractionator-Methode konnte erstmals festgestellt werden, dass Hypoxie-behandelte Tiere eine um 20% erhöhte Zellproliferation im Gyrus cinguli am postnatalen Tag 13 aufwiesen. Des Weiteren zeigte sich bei den Hypoxie-behandelten Tieren ein um 16% reduziertes Volumen im Striatum am postnatalen Tag 13. Am postnatalen Tag 39 zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede mehr. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein vorübergehender Einfluss chronischer Hypoxie auf die Zellproliferation und das Volumen angenommen werden kann und das das Gehirn innerhalb gewisser Grenzen während der neuronalen Entwicklung tolerant gegenüber exogenen Noxen wie Hypoxie zu sein scheint. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen auch, dass nur ein kleiner Teil der Hypoxie-assoziierten Geburtskomplikationen zu einer Schizophrenie führt und der Erkrankung eine multifaktorielle Gen-Umwelt-Interaktion zugrunde liegt. Zukünftig könnte es, mit der besseren Kenntnis neurobiologischer Auswirkungen von Umweltfaktoren und genetischen Faktoren im Gehirn, möglich werden die Schizophrenie frühzeitiger zu erkennen und zu behandeln sowie behindernde Symptome zu reduzieren.
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Alteração do funcionamento do eixo HHA na depressão pós-parto e correlações com polimorfismos do gene do CRHR1 e com a neuroquímica do giro do cíngulo anterior / Altered functioning of the HPA axis in depressed postpartum women and correlations with polymorphisms in the CRHR1 gene and with the neurochemistry of the anterior cingulate gyrus

Rezende, Marcos Gonçalves de 15 April 2016 (has links)
A depressão pós-parto (DPP) tem sido associada com alterações no funcionamento do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HHA), mas pouco se sabe do envolvimento de estruturas cerebrais, ou outros mecanismos subjacentes a estas alterações. Uma hipótese fundamental é que o estresse inerente ao período puerperal, vulnerabilidade individual e, principalmente, as alterações hormonais decorrentes do final da gravidez desempenham um importante papel causal nas alterações do eixo HHA e na incidência da DPP. Estudos sobre o transtorno depressivo maior mostram que alterações funcionais em áreas cerebrais como o giro do cíngulo anterior (GCA) estão relacionadas com humor deprimido, e outros pesquisadores investigaram a relação entre a neuroquímica do GCA e a atividade do eixo HHA. Pesquisas sobre genes de interesse do eixo HHA também têm reportado associações entre polimorfismos nestes genes e alterações nos níveis de cortisol. O presente trabalho testou a hipótese de que mulheres deprimidas no puerpério remoto apresentariam atenuação no funcionamento do eixo HHA, medido pelos níveis de cortisol em 30 minutos após o despertar (CAR) e ao longo da variação diurna (VD); e também que polimorfismos em um gene do eixo HHA, o gene promotor do receptor do tipo 1 do hormônio liberador de corticotrofina (CRHR1), estariam associados com sintomas depressivos no puerpério para prever os níveis de cortisol; e finalmente que as alterações verificadas no funcionamento do eixo HHA de puérperas deprimidas teriam relação com a neuroquímica do GCA. Os resultados indicaram que (1) ao redor do sexto mês após o parto, o CAR e a VD estavam atenuados em puérperas deprimidas comparadas com puérperas eutímicas, e com controles saudáveis não-puérperas; (2) os metabólitos presentes no GCA tinham correlação com as medidas do eixo HHA nas puérperas deprimidas; e (3) a presença de sintomas depressivos em associação com polimorfismos do CRHR1 previram alterações nos níveis de cortisol. No geral, estes resultados sugerem que as alterações do eixo HHA de puérperas deprimidas no puerpério tardio estão associadas com fatores genéticos e com a neuroquímica funcional do GCA / Postpartum depression (PPD) has been associated with changes in the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, but little is known about the involvement of brain structures, or other mechanisms underlying these changes. A key assumption is that stress inherent to the puerperal period, individual vulnerability, and especially the hormonal changes resulting from the end of pregnancy play an important causal role in the alterations of the HPA axis and in the incidence of PPD. Studies on major depressive disorder show that functional changes in brain areas, such as the anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG), are related to depressed mood, and other researchers investigated the relation between the neurochemistry of the ACG and the activity of the HPA axis. Research on the HPA axis genes of interest have also reported associations between polymorphisms in these genes and changes in cortisol levels. The present study tested the hypothesis that depressed women in the remote postpartum period would show attenuation in the functioning of the HPA axis, measured by cortisol levels 30 minutes after awakening (cortisol awakening response, CAR) and by diurnal variation (DV) throughout the day; and also that polymorphisms in a gene of the HPA axis, the promoter gene of the corticotropin releasing hormone receptor type 1 (CRH-R1), would present association with depressive symptoms in the postpartum period to predict the levels of cortisol; and finally that the changes in the functioning of the HPA axis of postpartum depressed women have a relationship with the neurochemistry of the ACG. Results indicated that (1) around the sixth month after delivery, CAR and DV were attenuated in depressed postpartum women compared with euthymic postpartum women and with non-postpartum healthy control women; (2) metabolites present in the ACG showed correlation with measures of the HPA axis in depressed postpartum women; and (3) the presence of depressive symptoms in association with CRHR1 polymorphisms predicted changes in cortisol levels. Overall, these results suggest that changes in the functioning of the HPA axis of depressed postpartum women in the remote postpartum period are associated with genetic factors and with the functional neurochemistry of the ACG
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Disfunção neuroquímica na depressão periparto / Neurochemistry dysfunction in peripartum depressive disorder

Rosa, Carlos Eduardo 16 March 2016 (has links)
A depressão periparto (PPD) é subtipo altamente prevalente e subdiagnosticado do transtorno depressivo maior (MDD), e causa um importante sofrimento para a mulher, sua família e seu filho. Uma interação complexa entre hormônios, neurotransmissores e fatores genéticos e ambientais pode estar envolvida na etiologia da PPD. Contudo, estudos de neuroimagem na PPD ainda são escassos, particularmente os que identificam alterações neuroquímicas. Sabe-se que a região do córtex pré frontal dorsolateral (dlPFC) está relacionada à funções executivas no circuito pré frontal, e juntamente com o giro do cíngulo anterior (ACG) faz parte das vias neuronais envolvidas no processamento emocional, desde a geração, regulação e reavaliação do estado afetivo. Existem evidências de que ambas as áreas estejam disfuncionais na MDD. A avaliação neuroquímica obtida pela espectroscopia de próton por ressonância magnética (MRS) permite inferir o metabolismo, a neurotransmissão e a viabilidade do tecido neuronal de interesse destas áreas fronto-límbicas. Objetivo: comparar puérperas com depressão periparto (grupo PPD) com puérperas saudáveis (grupo HP) quanto à avaliação neuroquímica no dlPFC esquerdo e no ACG bilateral. Métodos: 36 puérperas do grupo PPD e 25 puérperas do grupo HP foram submetidas à duas entrevistas psiquiátricas estruturadas e à aplicação de questionários e escalas psicométricas, sendo a segunda avaliação realizada seccionalmente à MRS. A MRS foi adquirida pro MRI com campo de 3 Tesla, estando o volume de interesse (VOI) posicionado no dlPFC esquerdo e no ACG bilateral e processada pelo software LCModel. Os resultados neuroquímicos expressos em valores absolutos e normalizados pela creatina (razão metabólito/creatina) foram analisados por ANCOVA, incluindo a idade, o tempo de puerpério e o tipo de contraceptivo, enquanto covariáveis. Resultados: No dlPFC, o grupo PPD apresentou menores valores de Glu/Cr (-0,17; p=0,05), Glx (-0,95 mM; p=0,04), Glx/Cr (-0,22; p=0,03), NAA (-0,60 mM; p<0,01), e NAA/Cr (-0,13; p=0,02) em relação ao grupo HP. No ACG, o uso de hormônios contraceptivos somente com progestágenos resultou em um aumento dos valores de Glu (2,18 mM; p=0,03), Glx (1,84 mM; p=0,03), e redução de Cho/Cr (-0,08; p=0,03) quando comparados ao grupo que não utilizou somente progestágenos, independentemente dos grupos HP e PPD. Conclusão: Os níveis reduzidos de Glu e NAA no grupo PPD estão relacionados, respectivamente, à disfunção metabólica glutamatérgica e neuroglial no dlPFC, o que pode explicar sintomas cognitivos também relacionados à PPD, tal como já verificado no MDD. O uso de hormônios contraceptivos com progestágenos isoladamente interferiu com a neuroquímica do ACG, mas não se relacionou com a PPD. Embora o aumento do glutamato possa sugerir uma hiperfuncionalidade do ACG, e a redução da Cho/Cr representar diminuição de \"turnover\" da membrana lipídica ou da transdução sináptica, seu significado clínico e fisiopatológico ainda é incerto. Estes resultados contribuem com a compreensão dos substratos neuroquímicos de PPD / Peripartum depression (PPD) is a highly prevalent subtype of major depressive disorder (MDD) related to a significant loss for mother, family and baby. An Interaction between hormones, genetic, and environmental factors must be involved in its etiology. However, neuroimaging studies on PPD are still rare, particularly those that identify neurochemical changes. However, neuroimaging studies in PPD are still rare, particularly those that identify neurochemical changes. It is known that the region of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) is related to executive functions in the prefrontal circuit, and together with the anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG) is part of the neural pathways involved in emotional processing, including the generation, regulation, and reappraisal of affective state. And, there is evidence that both areas are dysfunctional in MDD. The neurochemical evaluation obtained by spectroscopy of proton magnetic resonance (MRS) allows to infer metabolism, neurotransmission and the viability of the neuronal tissue of interest these frontal-limbic areas. Objective: Compare postpartum women with peripartum depression (PPD group) with healthy postpartum women (HP group) regarding the neurochemical evaluation in the left dlPFC and bilateral ACG. Methods: 36 postpartum women of PPD group and 25 postpartum women of the HP group were subjected to two structured psychiatric interviews and questionnaires and psychometric scales, with the second evaluation performed sectionally at MRS. The MRS was obtained by 3-T MRI system with the volume of interest (VOI) positioned on the left dlPFC and bilateral ACG and processed by LC Model software. The neurochemical results expressed in absolute values and normalized by creatine (reason metabolite/creatine) were analyzed using ANCOVA, including age, postpartum time, the type of contraceptive as covariates. Results: In the dlPFC, PPD group presented significantly lower values of Glu/Cr (-0.17; p=0.05), Glx (-0.95mM; p=0.04), Glx/Cr (-0.22; p=0.03), NAA (-0.60mM; p<0.01), and NAA/Cr (-0.13; p=0.02) than HP. In ACG, progestogens isolated contraceptive hormones use resulted in significantly increased Glu (2.18mM; p=0.03), Glx (1.84mM; p=0.03), and reduced Cho/Cr (-0.08; p=0.03), compared to women without use them, regardless of diagnostic groups. Conclusions: The reduced levels of Glu and NAA in the PPD group are related respectively to the glutamatergic and neuroglial metabolic dysfunction in the dlPFC, which may explain cognitive symptoms also related to PPD as already verified in MDD. Progestogens isolated contraceptive hormones use interfered with neurochemistry of ACG, but not associated with PPD. Although the increase of glutamate may suggest an overactive ACG, and lower Cho/Cr represent decrease of the lipid membrane turnover or synaptic transduction its clinical and pathophysiological significance remains uncertain. These results contribute to the understanding of the neurochemical substrates of PPD
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Compléxité de l'intégration multisensorielle chez le primate humain et non-humain : du comportement à l'électrophysiologie corticale et sous-corticale / Complexity of multisensory integration in human and non human primates : from behavior to cortical and sub-cortical electrophysiology

Juan, Cécile 03 July 2017 (has links)
Dans notre environnement, nous sommes constamment exposés à de multiples stimuli sensoriels que notre cerveau doit analyser. Afin d'interagir avec le monde qui nous entoure, nous devons intégrer ces différentes sources d'informations sensorielles. L'étude des processus d'intégration multisensorielle est essentielle pour comprendre comment le cerveau intègre les éléments séparés d'un objet défini par plusieurs composantes sensorielles pour former un percept unifié. Il est maintenant couramment admis que la présentation conjointe de plusieurs informations sensorielles de modalités différentes d'un même stimulus peut faciliter la perception. Cette facilitation multisensorielle semble être soumise à des règles particulières puisque certains facteurs l'influencent. Parmi eux, nous avons étudié, dans notre première étude, l'impact de trois facteurs que sont la saillance, la congruence sémantique et le changement de modalité sur les performances de détection de stimuli naturels chez l'homme et le singe. L'utilisation de stimuli naturels nous a permis de mettre en lumière l'influence des paramètres physiques des stimuli sur l'intégration multisensorielle. De plus, nous avons montré que les effets de ces facteurs sur des stimuli naturels diffèrent de ceux retrouvés avec des stimuli simples. Ces résultats convergent vers des effets multifactoriels sur la facilitation multisensorielle dont la force, les interdépendances et l'ordre varieraient en fonction de la tâche comportementale et de ce fait, de la charge cognitive. D'un point de vue anatomique et plus précisément au niveau cortical, les processus d'intégration multisensorielle paraissaient être jusqu'à récemment une caractéristique que seules possédaient les aires associatives situées au sommet de la hiérarchie du traitement de l'information. On sait maintenant que des aires corticales de bas niveau, pensées jusque-là comme étant unisensorielles, sont impliquées dans les processus multisensoriels, soulevant ainsi la question des aires sous-corticales. Des études anatomiques ont mis en évidence l'existence de noyaux thalamiques qui, par leurs connexions, pourraient permettre un transfert rapide et même une intégration des informations sensorielles. Cette nouvelle littérature témoigne de la grande complexité des réseaux cérébraux de la multisensorialité. Dans deux études électrophysiologiques chez le singe, nous avons examiné les propriétés multisensorielles de deux structures, le gyrus cingulaire postérieur et le pulvinar médian, qui n'avaient jamais été explorées auparavant dans un contexte multisensoriel. Nous avons montré que ces structures sont non seulement multisensorielles mais également intégratives et qu'elles pourraient appartenir à un même système fonctionnel. Ces travaux de thèse ont apporté des éléments supplémentaires quant à notre compréhension des processus d'intégration multisensorielle au niveau comportemental et des réseaux cérébraux sous-jacents et particulièrement ceux liés à l'intégration de stimuli naturels. / In our environment, we are constantly exposed to multiple sensory stimuli that our brain has to analyze. To interact with the surrounding world, we have to integrate these different sources of sensory information. The study of the processes of multisensory integration are essential in understanding how our brain integrates the individual parts of an object defined by several sensory components to arrive at a unified percept. It is now widely accepted that the concurrent presentation of several sensory information about the same stimulus in different modalities can facilitate its perception. This multisensory facilitation seems to be subjected to specific rules since some factors influence it. Amongst them, we have studied, in our first experiment, the impact of three factors, namely saliency, semantic congruency and modality switch, on the detection of natural stimuli in humans and monkeys. Using natural stimuli enabled us to highlight the influence of the physical parameters of stimuli on multisensory integration. Moreover, we showed that the effect of these factors on natural stimuli are different from those found with simple stimuli. These results point toward multifactorial effects on multisensory facilitation, of which the force, the interdependency and the order would vary as a function of the behavioral task, and, thus as a function of the cognitive load. From an anatomical point of view and more specifically at the cortical level, the integration mechanism appeared to be, until recently, a characteristic possessed only by associative areas at the top of the hierarchy of information processing. We now know that low level cortical areas, thought up to then to be only unisensory, are implicated in multisensory processes, thus raising the question about subcortical areas. Anatomical studies have shown the existence of thalamic nuclei which, through their connectivity, could allow for a rapid transfer and even an integration of sensory information. This new literature demonstrates the high complexity of the multisensory cerebral networks. In two electrophysiological studies in the monkey, we examined the multisensory properties of two structures, the posterior cingulate gyrus and the median pulvinar, which had never been explored before in a multisensory context. We not only showed that these structures are multisensory, but also integrative and that they could be part of the same functional network. This thesis has brought additional elements towards a better understanding of multisensory integration processes at the behavioral level and about the underlying brain networks, in particular those linked with the integration of natural stimuli.
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Analyse de profils d'expression génique dans des modèles murins d'anxiété/dépression / Gene expression profiles analyses in mouse models of anxiety / depression

Xia, Lin 28 June 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la modélisation des pathologies anxio-dépressives, notre équipe a créé par des approches génétiques et pharmacologiques deux modèles de souris, les souris privées des récepteurs 5-HT1A et 5-HT1B de la sérotonine (5-HT1A/1B-/-) et les souris CORT ayant reçu une exposition chronique de corticostérone exogène (modèle CORT). Ces modèles présentent respectivement un phénotype hyper anxieux et anxio-dépressif. A l’aide de la technique des puces à ADN, nous avons tenté de caractériser le phénotype moléculaire des troubles comportementaux observés dans les différentes régions cérébrales cortico-limbiques de ces modèles et de rechercher les effets des antidépresseurs sur le transcriptome. Nos études ont montré que les états anxio-dépressifs induisent des changements transcriptomiques spécifiques des différentes régions cérébrales du circuit cortico-limbique. Les traitements antidépresseurs ont non seulement inversé ces changements moléculaires, mais également induit des transcriptions génomiques régionales spécifiques. / In the goal of modeling anxio/depressive states, our group has created two mouse models for using different approaches: knockout mice for both 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors (5-HT1A/1B-/-) and stressed mice induced by long-term exposure of exogenous corticosterone (CORT model). These models display a hyper-anxious and an anxio-depressive phenotype, respectively. Using advantage of microarrays, we aimed at characterizing the molecular phenotype in different cortico-limbic brain regions of these mice associated with the behavioral impairments observed in these mice and we investigate the effects of antidepressants on the transcriptome. Our studies showed that anxious/depressive states in mice induced specific transcriptome changes in different brain regions of cortico-limbic circuit. Chronic antidepressant treatment did not only reverse these changes in gene expression, but also induced region-specific genomic transcripts.
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Alteração do funcionamento do eixo HHA na depressão pós-parto e correlações com polimorfismos do gene do CRHR1 e com a neuroquímica do giro do cíngulo anterior / Altered functioning of the HPA axis in depressed postpartum women and correlations with polymorphisms in the CRHR1 gene and with the neurochemistry of the anterior cingulate gyrus

Marcos Gonçalves de Rezende 15 April 2016 (has links)
A depressão pós-parto (DPP) tem sido associada com alterações no funcionamento do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HHA), mas pouco se sabe do envolvimento de estruturas cerebrais, ou outros mecanismos subjacentes a estas alterações. Uma hipótese fundamental é que o estresse inerente ao período puerperal, vulnerabilidade individual e, principalmente, as alterações hormonais decorrentes do final da gravidez desempenham um importante papel causal nas alterações do eixo HHA e na incidência da DPP. Estudos sobre o transtorno depressivo maior mostram que alterações funcionais em áreas cerebrais como o giro do cíngulo anterior (GCA) estão relacionadas com humor deprimido, e outros pesquisadores investigaram a relação entre a neuroquímica do GCA e a atividade do eixo HHA. Pesquisas sobre genes de interesse do eixo HHA também têm reportado associações entre polimorfismos nestes genes e alterações nos níveis de cortisol. O presente trabalho testou a hipótese de que mulheres deprimidas no puerpério remoto apresentariam atenuação no funcionamento do eixo HHA, medido pelos níveis de cortisol em 30 minutos após o despertar (CAR) e ao longo da variação diurna (VD); e também que polimorfismos em um gene do eixo HHA, o gene promotor do receptor do tipo 1 do hormônio liberador de corticotrofina (CRHR1), estariam associados com sintomas depressivos no puerpério para prever os níveis de cortisol; e finalmente que as alterações verificadas no funcionamento do eixo HHA de puérperas deprimidas teriam relação com a neuroquímica do GCA. Os resultados indicaram que (1) ao redor do sexto mês após o parto, o CAR e a VD estavam atenuados em puérperas deprimidas comparadas com puérperas eutímicas, e com controles saudáveis não-puérperas; (2) os metabólitos presentes no GCA tinham correlação com as medidas do eixo HHA nas puérperas deprimidas; e (3) a presença de sintomas depressivos em associação com polimorfismos do CRHR1 previram alterações nos níveis de cortisol. No geral, estes resultados sugerem que as alterações do eixo HHA de puérperas deprimidas no puerpério tardio estão associadas com fatores genéticos e com a neuroquímica funcional do GCA / Postpartum depression (PPD) has been associated with changes in the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, but little is known about the involvement of brain structures, or other mechanisms underlying these changes. A key assumption is that stress inherent to the puerperal period, individual vulnerability, and especially the hormonal changes resulting from the end of pregnancy play an important causal role in the alterations of the HPA axis and in the incidence of PPD. Studies on major depressive disorder show that functional changes in brain areas, such as the anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG), are related to depressed mood, and other researchers investigated the relation between the neurochemistry of the ACG and the activity of the HPA axis. Research on the HPA axis genes of interest have also reported associations between polymorphisms in these genes and changes in cortisol levels. The present study tested the hypothesis that depressed women in the remote postpartum period would show attenuation in the functioning of the HPA axis, measured by cortisol levels 30 minutes after awakening (cortisol awakening response, CAR) and by diurnal variation (DV) throughout the day; and also that polymorphisms in a gene of the HPA axis, the promoter gene of the corticotropin releasing hormone receptor type 1 (CRH-R1), would present association with depressive symptoms in the postpartum period to predict the levels of cortisol; and finally that the changes in the functioning of the HPA axis of postpartum depressed women have a relationship with the neurochemistry of the ACG. Results indicated that (1) around the sixth month after delivery, CAR and DV were attenuated in depressed postpartum women compared with euthymic postpartum women and with non-postpartum healthy control women; (2) metabolites present in the ACG showed correlation with measures of the HPA axis in depressed postpartum women; and (3) the presence of depressive symptoms in association with CRHR1 polymorphisms predicted changes in cortisol levels. Overall, these results suggest that changes in the functioning of the HPA axis of depressed postpartum women in the remote postpartum period are associated with genetic factors and with the functional neurochemistry of the ACG
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Efeito cognitivo da estimulação magnética transcraniana profunda no tratamento de pacientes com dor neuropática central: um ensaio clínico aleatorizado, duplamente encoberto, controlado por placebo / Cognitive effect of deep transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of patients with central neuropathic pain: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Selingardi, Priscila Mara Lorencini 31 October 2018 (has links)
Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana profunda (EMTp) modula estruturas corticais mais profundas, como a Ínsula Posterior Superior (IPS) e o Córtex Cingulado Anterior (CCA) e tem sido usada para tratar condições não anteriormente sensíveis à EMT superficial. No entanto, até o momento, nenhum estudo avaliou os efeitos da EMTp na cognição após várias sessões de estimulação de maneira abrangente, especialmente em pacientes com disfunção cognitiva basal devido a lesões estruturais da SNC. Apresentamos resultados secundários de um estudo randomizado paralelo de três braços sobre os efeitos da EMTp ativa de 10Hz para o CCA ou IPS contra EMTp simulada na avaliação neuropsicológica de 98 pacientes com dor neuropática central submetidos a um curso de 12 semanas (16 sessões) de tratamento. Vários canais cognitivos foram avaliados em um desenho cego (atenção, controle inibitório, velocidade de processamento, flexibilidade mental, fluência verbal-fonêmica e semântica, memória operacional e episódica, cognição global e percepção visual) no início e após o último dia de estimulação. Nós observamos que não há efeitos do córtex Insular Posterior Superior (IPS) ou do Cíngulado Anterior (CCA) comparado com EMTp simulada na dor clínica, apesar do achado antinociceptivo significativo nos limiares térmicos após EMTp- IPS e um efeito ansiolítico significativo de EMTp- CCA comparado com estimulação simulada. Não encontramos efeitos significativos da estimulação ativa para o IPS ou para o CCA em comparação com a estimulação simulada em qualquer um dos domínios cognitivos. Os autores concluíram que a EMTp CCA/IPS de alta frequência e repetidas sessões de longa duração é segura em pacientes com lesões do SNC que apresentam lesões cerebrais estruturais e comprometimento cognitivo significantes / Deep-TMS (dTMS) modulates deeper cortical structures such as the posterior superior insular (PSI) and the anterior cingulate cortices (ACC) and has been used to treat conditions not previously responsive to superficial-TMS. However, to date no study has assessed the effects of dTMS on cognition after several sessions of stimulation in a comprehensive manner, especially in patients with baseline cognitive dysfunction due to SNC structural lesions. We present secondary outcome results form a three-arm parallel randomized trial on the effects of active10Hz dTMS to either the ACC or PSI against sham dTMS on neuropsychological assessment of 98 central neuropathic pain patients undergoing a 12-week (16 sessions) course of treatment. Several cognitive channels were assessed in a blinded design (attention, inhibitory control, processing speed, mental flexibility, verbal fluency-phonemic and semantic, working and episodic memory, global cognition and visual perception) at baseline and after the last day of stimulation. We observed that there were no effects of either posterior insular (PSI) or anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) compared to sham dTMS on clinical pain, despite the finding of a significant anti-nociceptive on thermal thresholds after PSI d- TMS and a significant anxiolytic effect of ACC d-TMS compared to sham stimulation. We found no significant effects of active stimulation to either the PSI or to the ACC compared to sham stimulation in any of the cognitive domains. Long-term repetitive-session high frequency ACC/PSI- dTMS is safe in patients with structural SNC lesions who have baseline significant structural brain lesions and cognitive impairment
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Human Iris Characteristics as Biomarkers for Personality

Larsson, Mats January 2007 (has links)
<p>This dissertation explains why behavioral genetic research can be better informed by using characteristics in the human iris as biomarkers for personality, and is divided into five parts. Part I gives an introduction to the classical twin method and an overview of the findings that have led most developmental researchers to recognize that the normal variation of personality depends on a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Part II highlights empirical findings that during the last twenty years have gradually moved genetic and environmental theory and research to evolve toward one another, and also presents the theory of genetics and experience that currently is used to explain how the interplay between genes and the environment works. Part III explains why, from a developmental perspective, it is of interest to identify candidate genes for personality, and gives a brief overview of genes that have been associated with personality. Problems associated with genetic research on the molecular level and how these apply to personality are also highlighted. Part IV examines molecular research on the iris and the brain, which suggests that genes expressed in the iris could be associated with personality, and explains how the use of iris characteristics can increase power to test candidate genes for personality by taking advantage of the self-organizing properties of the nervous system. The empirical foundation for the questions posed in this dissertation and also the empirical results are presented here. Part V discusses the associations found between iris characteristics and personality, and exemplifies how iris characteristics can be used within the theoretical frameworks presented in parts I, II, III and IV. In other words, Part V explains how iris characteristics – in addition to identify as well as test candidate genes for personality – can be used to investigate how people’s experiences in themselves are influenced by genetic factors.</p>
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