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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fatores hormonais, cognitivos e neuroanatômicos associados ao comportamento exploratório de ratos submetidos ao teste e reteste no labirinto em cruz elevado / Hormonal, cognitive and neuroanatomical factors associated with the exploratory behavior of rats submitted to the test and retest session in the elevated plus maze

Souza, Lucas Albrechet de 05 August 2010 (has links)
O protocolo de teste/reteste no labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE) mostra que a experiência prévia no labirinto produz alterações duradouras nas respostas comportamentais de roedores. Nesse contexto, ratos submetidos ao LCE pela primeira vez apresentam um aumento característico na exploração dos braços abertos e uma redução dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco após a administração de drogas ansiolíticas. Na reexposição ao labirinto, porém, essas drogas tornam-se ineficazes em alterar as medidas tradicionais do LCE. Esse fenômeno foi inicialmente observado com o benzodiazepínico clordiazepóxido e referido como one-trial tolerance (tolerância de um ensaio OTT). A proposta do presente estudo é compreender a OTT por meio do exame dos fatores hormonais, cognitivos e neuroanatômicos envolvidos nesse fenômeno. A administração sistêmica do benzodiazepínico midazolam ou de metirapona, um bloqueador da síntese de glicocorticóides, reduziu a frequência dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco e dos níveis plasmáticos de corticosterona quando injetados antes das sessões teste ou reteste. Além disso, a reexposição de ratos ao LCE foi caracterizada por uma avaliação de risco mais proeminente, de acordo com a análise fatorial, e pela ativação de estruturas límbicas envolvidas com aspectos cognitivos do medo, como a região ventral do córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFm) e a amígdala, mostrada por meio da distribuição da proteína Fos. Midazolam administrado antes da primeira exposição ao LCE produziu uma redução significativa do número de neurônios Fos-positivos no córtex cingulado anterior, área 1 (Cg1) e nos núcleos anterior e pré-mamilar dorsal do hipotálamo. Por outro lado, midazolam causou uma redução no número de neurônios Fos-positivos no CPFm, amígdala, núcleo dorsomedial do hipotálamo e núcleos da rafe em ratos reexpostos ao LCE. Cg1 foi a única estrutura-alvo do benzodiazepínico em ambas as sessões. Resultados comportamentais similares aos produzidos pelo tratamento sistêmico foram obtidos com infusões de midazolam intra-Cg1. Esses resultados apontam para um papel crucial dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco no desenvolvimento da OTT e indicam o Cg1 como um importante sítio de ação ansiolítica dos benzodiazepínicos em roedores. / The elevated plus maze (EPM) test/retest protocol has shown that prior experience to the maze produces enduring changes in behavioral responses of rodents. In this context, rats submitted for the first time to the EPM display a characteristic increase in open arm exploration and reduced risk assessment behaviors after the administration of anxiolytic drugs. Upon re-exposure to the maze, however, these drugs become unable to change the traditional measures of the EPM. This phenomenon was initially observed with the benzodiazepine chlordiazepoxide and referred to as one-trial tolerance (OTT). The purpose of the present study is to understand the OTT through the exam of the hormonal, cognitive and neuroanatomical factors involved in this phenomenon. The systemic administration of the benzodiazepine midazolam or metyrapone, a glucocorticoids synthesis blocker, reduced the frequency of risk assessment behaviors and the corticosterone levels when injected before the test or retest sessions. Moreover, the re-exposure of rats to the EPM was characterized by more prominent risk assessment behaviors, according to the factor analysis, and by activation of limbic structures involved with cognitive aspects of fear, such as the ventral regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and amygdala, as shown through the distribution of the Fos protein. Midazolam injected before the first exposure to the EPM produced a significant decrease in the number of Fos-positive neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex, area 1 (Cg1), anterior and dorsal premammillary nuclei of hypothalamus. On the other hand, midazolam caused a decrease in the number of Fos-positive neurons in the mPFC, amygdala, dorsomedial nucleus of hypothalamus and raphe nuclei in rats re-exposed to the EPM. Cg1 was the only structure targeted by the benzodiazepine in both sessions. Behavioral results similar to those produced by systemic treatment were obtained with intra-Cg1 infusions of midazolam. These results point to a crucial role of the risk assessment behaviors in the development of the OTT and indicate the Cg1 as an important locus for the anxiolytic-like action of benzodiazepines in rodents.

L’impulsivité en toxicomanie : un regard sur les mécanismes neuronaux de la rechute à la nicotine

Bourque, Josiane 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Jusqu’à 90% des fumeurs qui tentent d’arrêter de fumer vont rechuter dans l’année suivant la date d’arrêt. L’impulsivité, au même titre que le « craving », a démontré être un bon facteur de prédiction de la rechute tabagique. Ainsi, la présente étude visait à évaluer, à l’aide de la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle, l’influence de l’impulsivité sur les mécanismes neuronaux du « craving » de la cigarette. Parmi les régions cérébrales impliquées dans le « craving » de la nicotine, les cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral, orbitofrontal et cingulaire sont d’importantes structures dans les processus de contrôle de soi. Méthodes : 31 fumeurs chroniques ont passé une session de neuroimagerie durant laquelle ils devaient regarder des images appétitives de cigarettes et des images neutres. Ils ont ensuite dû inscrire le « craving » ressenti à la vue des images et répondre à un questionnaire portant sur les traits de personnalité de l’impulsivité (BIS-11). Résultats : Tel qu’attendu, le score d’impulsivité était positivement corrélé au « craving » rapporté par les participants à la vue d’images de cigarettes. Au niveau cérébral, plus les fumeurs présentaient de forts traits d’impulsivité, moins grande était l’activité du cortex cingulaire postérieur (CCP) durant le « craving ». Enfin, l’activité du CCP présentait une connectivité fonctionnelle négative avec l’insula, le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral et le cortex cingulaire antérieur. Conclusions : Comme le CCP est le siège des processus de mentalisation et de référence à soi, nous suggérons que plus les fumeurs étaient impulsifs, moins ils prenaient conscience de leur état et moins ils en exerçaient un contrôle, donc plus ils ressentaient de forts « cravings ». En poussant plus loin, nos résultats mettent l’accent sur l’aspect identitaire (le soi, les mémoires autobiographiques) et l’aspect d’introspection en toxicomanie : deux avenues à explorer. / Background: 90% of cigarette smokers attempting to quit smoking relapse by one-year following their quit date. Impulsivity, as well as cue-induced cravings, have been shown to be good predictors of relapse for tobacco smoking; however, no study to date has examined their interaction and its neural substrates. The goal of this study was to determine the neural influence of trait impulsivity during functional imaging of cue-induced cigarette cravings. Among the brain regions involved in nicotine craving, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the orbitofrontal as well as the cingulate cortex all play a significant role in self-control processes. Methods: Thirty-one chronic smokers passively viewed appetitive smoking-related and neutral images while being scanned. Participants also reported their level of craving and completed the BIS-11, a measure of trait impulsivity. Results: As hypothesized, we observed a significant positive relationship between impulsivity scores and reported craving. Impulsivity scores were negatively correlated with activity in the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). The insula, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex presented a negative connectivity with the PCC. Conclusions: Given that the PCC is involved in mentalization and self-relevant processing, it is possible that greater trait impulsivity in smokers is associated to a lower tendency to understand and use one’s mental and physical state to guide behavior. This may weaken their capacity for self-control and consequently, promotes more automatic and stronger cue-elicited smoking urges. Furthermore, our results highlight the important but undervalued role of identity (the self and autobiographic memories) and mindfulness in addiction.

L’effet du stress sur la douleur aiguë et chronique

Vachon-Presseau, Étienne 03 1900 (has links)
Objectif : Cette thèse a pour objectif de mieux comprendre l’effet du stress sur la douleur aiguë et chronique. Devis expérimental : 16 patients souffrant de douleur chronique lombalgique et 18 sujets contrôles ont participé à une étude d’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et ont collecté des échantillons de salive afin de quantifier les niveaux d’hormone de stress (i.e. cortisol) la journée de l’étude (réponse réactive) et durant les sept jours consécutifs suivants (réponse basale). Étude 1 : Une première étude a examiné le lien entre les niveaux de cortisol basal, le volume de l’hippocampe et l’activité cérébrale évoquée par la douleur thermique chez des patients souffrant de douleur chronique et les sujets contrôles. Les résultats révèlent que les patients souffrant de douleur chronique avaient des niveaux de cortisol plus élevés que ceux des sujets contrôles. Chez ces patients, un niveau élevé de cortisol était associé à un plus petit volume de l'hippocampe et à davantage d’activation dans le gyrus parahippocampique antérieure (une région impliquée dans l'anxiété anticipatoire et l'apprentissage associatif). De plus, une analyse de médiation a montré que le niveau de cortisol basal et la force de la réponse parahippocampique explique statistiquement l’association négative entre le volume de l'hippocampe et l'intensité de la douleur chronique. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’activité endocrinienne plus élevée chez les patients ayant un plus petit hippocampe modifie le fonctionnement du complexe hippocampique et contribue à l’intensité de la douleur chronique. Étude 2 : La deuxième étude a évalué la contribution de la réponse de stress réactif aux différences interindividuelles dans la perception de la douleur aiguë chez des patients souffrant de douleur chronique et chez des sujets normaux. Les deux groupes ont montré des augmentations significatives du niveau de cortisol en réponse à des stimulations nocives administrées dans un contexte d’IRM suggérant ainsi que la réactivité de l’axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien est préservée chez les patients lombalgiques. De plus, les individus présentant une réponse hormonale de stress plus forte ont rapporté moins de douleur et ont montré une réduction de l'activation cérébrale dans le noyau accumbens, dans le cortex cingulaire antérieur (CCA), le cortex somatosensoriel primaire, et l'insula postérieure. Des analyses de médiation ont indiqué que la douleur liée à l'activité du CCA explique statistiquement la relation entre la réponse de stress et le désagrément de la douleur rapportée par les participants. Enfin, des analyses complémentaires ont révélé que le stress réduit la connectivité fonctionnelle entre le CCA et le tronc cérébral pendant la douleur aiguë. Ces résultats indiquent que le stress réactif module la douleur et contribue à la variabilité interindividuelle de l'activité cérébrale et la réponse affective à la douleur. Discussion : Conjointement, ces études suggèrent dans un premier temps que la douleur chronique peut être exacerbée par une réponse physiologique inadéquate de l'organisme exposé à un stress récurrent, et en un second temps, que le CCA contribuerait à l'analgésie induite par le stress. Sur le plan conceptuel, ces études renforcent le point de vue prédominant suggérant que la douleur chronique induit des changements dans les systèmes cérébraux régissant les fonctions motivationnelles et affective de la douleur. / Goal : This thesis aimed at better understanding the impact of stress on acute and chronic pain. Experimental design: 16 patients with chronic low back pain pain and 18 control subjects participated in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study and collected saliva samples to quantify the levels of stress hormone (ie cortisol) the day of study (reactive response) and during the following 7 consecutive days (basal response). Study 1: The first study examined the associations between basal levels of cortisol, the hippocampal volumes, and brain activation to thermal stimulations in the low back pain patients and the healthy controls. Results showed that CBP patients have higher levels of cortisol than controls. In these patients, higher cortisol was associated with smaller hippocampal volume and stronger pain-evoked activity in the anterior parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), a region involved in anticipatory-anxiety and associative learning. Importantly, the results revealed that the cortisol levels and phasic pain responses in the PHG of the patients mediated a negative association between the hippocampal volume and the chronic pain intensity. These findings support a stress model of chronic pain suggesting that the higher levels of endocrine activity observed in individuals with a smaller hippocampii induces changes in the function of the hippocampal complex that may contribute to the persistent pain states. Study 2: The second study assessed the magnitude of the acute stress response to the noxious thermal stimulations administered in a MRI environment and tested its possible contribution to individual differences in pain perception. The two groups showed similar significant increases in reactive cortisol across the scanning session when compared to their basal levels, suggesting normal hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis reactivity to painful stressors in chronic back pain patients. Critically, individuals with stronger cortisol responses reported less pain unpleasantness and showed a reduction of BOLD activation in nucleus accumbens at the stimulus onset and in the anterior mid-cingulate cortex (aMCC), the primary somatosensory cortex, and the posterior insula during heat pain. Mediation analyses indicated that pain-related activity in the aMCC mediated the relationship between the reactive cortisol response and the pain unpleasantness reported by the participants. Psychophysiological interaction further revealed that stress reduced functional connectivity between the aMCC and the brainstem during pain. These findings indicate that acute stress responses modulate pain in humans and contribute to individual variability in pain affect and pain-related brain activity. Discussion: Taken together, these studies firstly support recent theories suggesting that chronic pain could be partly maintained by maladaptive physiological responses of the organism facing a recurrent stressor and secondly revealed the neural correlates of stress-induced analgesia. On a conceptual level, these findings are important because they strengthen the predominant view that chronic pain does not disrupt the acute response to stress and the sensory dimension of pain, but rather induces long-term changes in neural systems underlying affective-motivational functions.

The neural bases of consciousness in the healthy and in the pathological brain / Les corrélates neuronales de la conscience chez les sujets sains et les patients atteints de lésions cérébrales traumatiques

Corazzol, Martina 21 December 2017 (has links)
L'étude de la conscience est un sujet d'investigation fascinant avec un large champ d'applications et d'implications. Les processus de la conscience peuvent être divisés en deux composantes indépendantes quoiqu'intimement liées : l'état conscient et le contenu conscient. L'état conscient correspond aux processus de variation de la vigilance, tandis que le contenu conscient fait référence aux expériences sensorielles perçues et manipulées dans un espace conscient. Bien que la conscience soit un élément essentiel de la cognition humaine, qui conditionne ce que les gens vivent et peuvent se remémorer, la légitimité et le bien-fondé de l'analyse scientifique et rigoureuse des corrélats neuronaux de la conscience soulèvent encore des débats houleux. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, j'utilise un célèbre paradigme de conflit sensorimoteur pour identifier des corrélats neuronaux de l'émergence de la conscience. Les travaux initiés par Torstein Nielsen (Nielsen 1963) ont démontré que la majorité des traitements sensorimoteurs s'effectuent sans nécessiter une analyse consciente. L'émergence de phénomènes conscients apparaissant à partir d'un seuil subjectif de conflit sensori-moteur appelé point d'égalité subjective. A partir d'enregistrements électroencéphalographiques, effectués chez une population de sujets adultes, il est possible d'identifier des sources d'activités corticales indépendantes des intensités des stimulations sensorielles expérimentées et spécifiques de l'émergence d'une sensation perçue consciemment. Ainsi, j'ai pu démontrer que le précuneus était une structure centrale dans les processus qui transforment un conflit sensorimoteur en une expérience consciente. J'ai également étudié ce phénomène d'un point de vue développemental en examinant les performances comportementales et des enregistrements EEG recueillies chez l'enfant. Bien que le moment de la correction du mouvement et la qualité du tracé de la trajectoire étaient similaires aux données mesurées chez les sujets adultes, le seuil de conscience motrice s'est montré plus élevé et l'activité du cortex pariétal n'a pas été retrouvée. En revanche, l'aire motrice supplémentaire a été identiée comme un corrélat important de l'émergence d'une sensation consciente d'un conflit sensorimoteur chez l'enfant. Dans une seconde partie, mes travaux ont été consacrés à l'hypothèse audacieuse qu'une stimulation électrique du nerf vague pourrait modifier l'état de conscience d'un patient se trouvant dans un état végétatif depuis 15 ans. Nous rapportons les effets bénéfiques observés après cette thérapeutique expérimentale au niveau comportemental, clinique et neurophysiologiques. Les enregistrements EEG et les méthodes de mesure de connectivité fonctionnelle m'ont permis d'observer chez ce patient une augmentation du partage d'informations corticales particulièrement importante dans les régions pariétales. L'effet de la stimulation a été également confirmé par d'autres méthodes. L'imagerie métabolique a montré une augmentation généralisée de l'activité corticale et sous-corticale et les évaluations cliniques par la CRS-R ont montré une amélioration de l'état de conscience corrélée aux observations électroencéphalographiques. Ces changements induits par la stimulation du nerf vague sont prometteurs car les modifications cérébrales observées sont caractéristiques de l'amélioration des états de conscience chez les patients gravement cérébrolésés. L'ensemble de ces résultats suggèrent que le lobe pariétal constitue à la fois un corrélat important de l'état de conscience et du contenu conscient, faisant de cette région une composante essentielle de l'émergence de la conscience. De plus, nos résultats préliminaires suggèrent que la conscience peut être, au moins partiellement, restaurée. Cette découverte ouvre de toutes nouvelles perspectives pour le futur des recherches en neurosciences où, l'hypothèse d'une modulation de la plasticité cérébrale avait été oubliée / The study of consciousness is a fascinating topic of investigation with a wide field of applications and implications. Consciousness processes can be divided into two orthogonal though intimately linked components: the conscious state, that is the state of vigilance or arousal, and the conscious content which refers to the external inputs perceived and manipulated in a conscious space. Although consciousness represents the most important human dimension where people's personal events are continuously experienced and remembered, it is somewhat surprising that its underlying neural processes still sparks lot of debates. In the first part of this PhD thesis, I took advantage from a well-known sensorimotor conflict paradigm, the Nielsen task, to investigate the neural correlates of the emergence of consciousness. Starting from the principle that much of motor processing occurs outside of awareness, I adapted the Nielsen paradigm to neurally investigate how the perception of a motor conflict in healthy subjects smoothly shifted along the unaware/aware state (i.e. point of subjective equality). Using EEG recordings, I then identify the brain sources which I consider the neural fingerprint of awareness. I found that the precuneus was critical for bringing the sensorimotor conflict into awareness. I also investigated this issue from a developmental perspective by examining the performance of healthy children. Although the timing of movement correction and the quality of movement trajectory in children was similar to adult subjects, motor awareness was shifted towards higher perception thresholds while parietal cortex activity was not found. Rather, children's response to conflict awareness was linked to SMA. After having addressed the topic of awareness in this first part, I will focus more on the second component, wakefulness. Usually these two components evolve together, however there are some pathological states in which they can be dissociated. It is the case for vegetative state patients who experience a state of wakefulness without awareness. In the second part of the thesis, I investigated the challenging hypothesis of a potential return to a conscious state, in a patient lying in a vegetative state for 15 years, after vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). We report beneficial effects of VNS including improved behavioural responsiveness and reinforced brain connectivity patterns as key signs of increased consciousness. The results showed an increase of information sharing a measure of functional connectivity particularly prominent across centro-posterior regions. Converging findings, coming from different methods, showed that VNS promoted the spread of cortical signals and metabolism which we found correlated with behavioural improvement as measured with the CRS-R scale. The VNS-induced changes are promising since they seem to follow an already known connectivity pattern characterizing state of consciousness improvements. Taken together, these findings indicate that the parietal lobe constitutes the neural correlate of both state and content-specific consciousness and suggest that this region is a "hot zone" for its emergence. Moreover, our first findings in a vegetative state patient also suggest that consciousness can be potentially repaired, thus opening the way to a new avenue of research in a domain where brain plasticity was underestimated

Fatores hormonais, cognitivos e neuroanatômicos associados ao comportamento exploratório de ratos submetidos ao teste e reteste no labirinto em cruz elevado / Hormonal, cognitive and neuroanatomical factors associated with the exploratory behavior of rats submitted to the test and retest session in the elevated plus maze

Lucas Albrechet de Souza 05 August 2010 (has links)
O protocolo de teste/reteste no labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE) mostra que a experiência prévia no labirinto produz alterações duradouras nas respostas comportamentais de roedores. Nesse contexto, ratos submetidos ao LCE pela primeira vez apresentam um aumento característico na exploração dos braços abertos e uma redução dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco após a administração de drogas ansiolíticas. Na reexposição ao labirinto, porém, essas drogas tornam-se ineficazes em alterar as medidas tradicionais do LCE. Esse fenômeno foi inicialmente observado com o benzodiazepínico clordiazepóxido e referido como one-trial tolerance (tolerância de um ensaio OTT). A proposta do presente estudo é compreender a OTT por meio do exame dos fatores hormonais, cognitivos e neuroanatômicos envolvidos nesse fenômeno. A administração sistêmica do benzodiazepínico midazolam ou de metirapona, um bloqueador da síntese de glicocorticóides, reduziu a frequência dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco e dos níveis plasmáticos de corticosterona quando injetados antes das sessões teste ou reteste. Além disso, a reexposição de ratos ao LCE foi caracterizada por uma avaliação de risco mais proeminente, de acordo com a análise fatorial, e pela ativação de estruturas límbicas envolvidas com aspectos cognitivos do medo, como a região ventral do córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFm) e a amígdala, mostrada por meio da distribuição da proteína Fos. Midazolam administrado antes da primeira exposição ao LCE produziu uma redução significativa do número de neurônios Fos-positivos no córtex cingulado anterior, área 1 (Cg1) e nos núcleos anterior e pré-mamilar dorsal do hipotálamo. Por outro lado, midazolam causou uma redução no número de neurônios Fos-positivos no CPFm, amígdala, núcleo dorsomedial do hipotálamo e núcleos da rafe em ratos reexpostos ao LCE. Cg1 foi a única estrutura-alvo do benzodiazepínico em ambas as sessões. Resultados comportamentais similares aos produzidos pelo tratamento sistêmico foram obtidos com infusões de midazolam intra-Cg1. Esses resultados apontam para um papel crucial dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco no desenvolvimento da OTT e indicam o Cg1 como um importante sítio de ação ansiolítica dos benzodiazepínicos em roedores. / The elevated plus maze (EPM) test/retest protocol has shown that prior experience to the maze produces enduring changes in behavioral responses of rodents. In this context, rats submitted for the first time to the EPM display a characteristic increase in open arm exploration and reduced risk assessment behaviors after the administration of anxiolytic drugs. Upon re-exposure to the maze, however, these drugs become unable to change the traditional measures of the EPM. This phenomenon was initially observed with the benzodiazepine chlordiazepoxide and referred to as one-trial tolerance (OTT). The purpose of the present study is to understand the OTT through the exam of the hormonal, cognitive and neuroanatomical factors involved in this phenomenon. The systemic administration of the benzodiazepine midazolam or metyrapone, a glucocorticoids synthesis blocker, reduced the frequency of risk assessment behaviors and the corticosterone levels when injected before the test or retest sessions. Moreover, the re-exposure of rats to the EPM was characterized by more prominent risk assessment behaviors, according to the factor analysis, and by activation of limbic structures involved with cognitive aspects of fear, such as the ventral regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and amygdala, as shown through the distribution of the Fos protein. Midazolam injected before the first exposure to the EPM produced a significant decrease in the number of Fos-positive neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex, area 1 (Cg1), anterior and dorsal premammillary nuclei of hypothalamus. On the other hand, midazolam caused a decrease in the number of Fos-positive neurons in the mPFC, amygdala, dorsomedial nucleus of hypothalamus and raphe nuclei in rats re-exposed to the EPM. Cg1 was the only structure targeted by the benzodiazepine in both sessions. Behavioral results similar to those produced by systemic treatment were obtained with intra-Cg1 infusions of midazolam. These results point to a crucial role of the risk assessment behaviors in the development of the OTT and indicate the Cg1 as an important locus for the anxiolytic-like action of benzodiazepines in rodents.

Prediction of treatment response in Social Anxiety Disorder, what does the brain tell us that questionnaires do not? : Using brain activity related to self- and other-referential criticism to predict treatment response to Internet- delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder

Isacsson, Nils, Kolbeinsson, Örn January 2016 (has links)
Predicting who will benefit from what in the treatment of psychiatric disorders is incremental to future development of psychological treatments. In the current study functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from participants with social anxiety disorder (SAD) was used to elucidate whether neural responses to negative evaluation could predict treatment response in SAD. Nine weeks prior to Internet- delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (ICBT) onset, participants viewed negative social stimuli directed either at themselves or an significant other during fMRI scanning. Regression analyses including the differential activations for other-referential criticism in contrast to self-referential criticism in the posterior mid cingulate cortex (pMCC) and the lingual gyrus (LG) predicted 34% of treatment change as measured by residual gain scores on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Self-Report (LSAS-SR) in our sample. The final regression model, combining these measures with behavioural measures, which by themselves explained 27% of the variance, resulted in a model explaining 50% of the variance regarding treatment response. This lends additional support to the notion that further elucidating the neurobiological underpinnings of core processes in SAD, as well as the neural correlates of treatment response to CBT, would be of great value in predicting treatment outcome.

Altered Kinase Networks in Major Depressive Disorder

Alnafisah, Rawan 15 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Die Wirkung von postnataler Hypoxie auf die neuronale Zellproliferation im Rattenhirn und ihre Relevanz für die Schizophrenie / The effects of postnatal hypoxia on neuronal cell proliferation in the brains of rats and its relevance in schizophrenia

Kühn, Franziska 15 March 2016 (has links)
Die neonatale Hypoxie, als Schwangerschafts- und Geburtskomplikation, ist der wichtigste prädisponierende Umweltfaktor in der Pathophysiologie der Schizophrenie. Sie führt zu einer Schädigung des Gehirns und einer Störung der Hirnentwicklung. Insgesamt sind die neurobiologischen Auswirkungen, insbesondere auf die Zellproliferation, unklar. Im Tiermodell konnten bereits Verhaltensauffälligkeiten ähnlich der Schizophrenie, infolge chronischer neonataler Hypoxie, festgestellt werden. Störungen in der Zellentwicklung könnten hierfür die Ursache sein. Die Hypothese, dass der Beginn der abnormalen Hirnentwicklung perinatal liegt, während erste klinische Symptome im frühen Erwachsenenalter manifest werden, unterstützt diese Ergebnisse. Die Hirnentwicklung der Ratte ist in der frühen postnatalen Periode vergleichbar mit der eines menschlichen Fötus im dritten Trimenon der Schwangerschaft und eignet sich daher pathologische Prozesse im zentralen Nervensystem des Menschen zu reflektieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe postnataler Hypoxie die neuronale Zellproliferation in 20 männlichen Wistar-Ratten zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten (postnataler Tag 13 und 39) untersucht. Die Hypoxietiere wurden vom postnatalen Tag vier bis acht einer Hypoxie, bestehend aus 11% O2 und 89% N2, ausgesetzt. Mit Hilfe der Bromodeoxyuridin-Peroxidasefärbung wurde die Zellproliferation in Hypoxie-vulnerablen Hirnregionen untersucht. Hierzu gehören der Gyrus cinguli, das Striatum, der Gyrus dentatus und die subventrikuläre Zone. Als Vergleich diente eine unbehandelte Kontrollgruppe. Durch ein Mikroskop mit Schrittmotorsystem und Stereo Investigator Software (MicroBrightField, UK) und der Optical Fractionator-Methode konnte erstmals festgestellt werden, dass Hypoxie-behandelte Tiere eine um 20% erhöhte Zellproliferation im Gyrus cinguli am postnatalen Tag 13 aufwiesen. Des Weiteren zeigte sich bei den Hypoxie-behandelten Tieren ein um 16% reduziertes Volumen im Striatum am postnatalen Tag 13. Am postnatalen Tag 39 zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede mehr. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein vorübergehender Einfluss chronischer Hypoxie auf die Zellproliferation und das Volumen angenommen werden kann und das das Gehirn innerhalb gewisser Grenzen während der neuronalen Entwicklung tolerant gegenüber exogenen Noxen wie Hypoxie zu sein scheint. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen auch, dass nur ein kleiner Teil der Hypoxie-assoziierten Geburtskomplikationen zu einer Schizophrenie führt und der Erkrankung eine multifaktorielle Gen-Umwelt-Interaktion zugrunde liegt. Zukünftig könnte es, mit der besseren Kenntnis neurobiologischer Auswirkungen von Umweltfaktoren und genetischen Faktoren im Gehirn, möglich werden die Schizophrenie frühzeitiger zu erkennen und zu behandeln sowie behindernde Symptome zu reduzieren.

Analyse de profils d'expression génique dans des modèles murins d'anxiété/dépression / Gene expression profiles analyses in mouse models of anxiety / depression

Xia, Lin 28 June 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la modélisation des pathologies anxio-dépressives, notre équipe a créé par des approches génétiques et pharmacologiques deux modèles de souris, les souris privées des récepteurs 5-HT1A et 5-HT1B de la sérotonine (5-HT1A/1B-/-) et les souris CORT ayant reçu une exposition chronique de corticostérone exogène (modèle CORT). Ces modèles présentent respectivement un phénotype hyper anxieux et anxio-dépressif. A l’aide de la technique des puces à ADN, nous avons tenté de caractériser le phénotype moléculaire des troubles comportementaux observés dans les différentes régions cérébrales cortico-limbiques de ces modèles et de rechercher les effets des antidépresseurs sur le transcriptome. Nos études ont montré que les états anxio-dépressifs induisent des changements transcriptomiques spécifiques des différentes régions cérébrales du circuit cortico-limbique. Les traitements antidépresseurs ont non seulement inversé ces changements moléculaires, mais également induit des transcriptions génomiques régionales spécifiques. / In the goal of modeling anxio/depressive states, our group has created two mouse models for using different approaches: knockout mice for both 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors (5-HT1A/1B-/-) and stressed mice induced by long-term exposure of exogenous corticosterone (CORT model). These models display a hyper-anxious and an anxio-depressive phenotype, respectively. Using advantage of microarrays, we aimed at characterizing the molecular phenotype in different cortico-limbic brain regions of these mice associated with the behavioral impairments observed in these mice and we investigate the effects of antidepressants on the transcriptome. Our studies showed that anxious/depressive states in mice induced specific transcriptome changes in different brain regions of cortico-limbic circuit. Chronic antidepressant treatment did not only reverse these changes in gene expression, but also induced region-specific genomic transcripts.

Efeito cognitivo da estimulação magnética transcraniana profunda no tratamento de pacientes com dor neuropática central: um ensaio clínico aleatorizado, duplamente encoberto, controlado por placebo / Cognitive effect of deep transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of patients with central neuropathic pain: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Selingardi, Priscila Mara Lorencini 31 October 2018 (has links)
Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana profunda (EMTp) modula estruturas corticais mais profundas, como a Ínsula Posterior Superior (IPS) e o Córtex Cingulado Anterior (CCA) e tem sido usada para tratar condições não anteriormente sensíveis à EMT superficial. No entanto, até o momento, nenhum estudo avaliou os efeitos da EMTp na cognição após várias sessões de estimulação de maneira abrangente, especialmente em pacientes com disfunção cognitiva basal devido a lesões estruturais da SNC. Apresentamos resultados secundários de um estudo randomizado paralelo de três braços sobre os efeitos da EMTp ativa de 10Hz para o CCA ou IPS contra EMTp simulada na avaliação neuropsicológica de 98 pacientes com dor neuropática central submetidos a um curso de 12 semanas (16 sessões) de tratamento. Vários canais cognitivos foram avaliados em um desenho cego (atenção, controle inibitório, velocidade de processamento, flexibilidade mental, fluência verbal-fonêmica e semântica, memória operacional e episódica, cognição global e percepção visual) no início e após o último dia de estimulação. Nós observamos que não há efeitos do córtex Insular Posterior Superior (IPS) ou do Cíngulado Anterior (CCA) comparado com EMTp simulada na dor clínica, apesar do achado antinociceptivo significativo nos limiares térmicos após EMTp- IPS e um efeito ansiolítico significativo de EMTp- CCA comparado com estimulação simulada. Não encontramos efeitos significativos da estimulação ativa para o IPS ou para o CCA em comparação com a estimulação simulada em qualquer um dos domínios cognitivos. Os autores concluíram que a EMTp CCA/IPS de alta frequência e repetidas sessões de longa duração é segura em pacientes com lesões do SNC que apresentam lesões cerebrais estruturais e comprometimento cognitivo significantes / Deep-TMS (dTMS) modulates deeper cortical structures such as the posterior superior insular (PSI) and the anterior cingulate cortices (ACC) and has been used to treat conditions not previously responsive to superficial-TMS. However, to date no study has assessed the effects of dTMS on cognition after several sessions of stimulation in a comprehensive manner, especially in patients with baseline cognitive dysfunction due to SNC structural lesions. We present secondary outcome results form a three-arm parallel randomized trial on the effects of active10Hz dTMS to either the ACC or PSI against sham dTMS on neuropsychological assessment of 98 central neuropathic pain patients undergoing a 12-week (16 sessions) course of treatment. Several cognitive channels were assessed in a blinded design (attention, inhibitory control, processing speed, mental flexibility, verbal fluency-phonemic and semantic, working and episodic memory, global cognition and visual perception) at baseline and after the last day of stimulation. We observed that there were no effects of either posterior insular (PSI) or anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) compared to sham dTMS on clinical pain, despite the finding of a significant anti-nociceptive on thermal thresholds after PSI d- TMS and a significant anxiolytic effect of ACC d-TMS compared to sham stimulation. We found no significant effects of active stimulation to either the PSI or to the ACC compared to sham stimulation in any of the cognitive domains. Long-term repetitive-session high frequency ACC/PSI- dTMS is safe in patients with structural SNC lesions who have baseline significant structural brain lesions and cognitive impairment

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