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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of special management areas in the protection of the urban edge

Dreyer, Annerine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study considers the possibility of using special management areas at metropolitan level as a measure to control urban sprawl in South Africa, and specifically in the greater Cape Town area. Important issues included in the study are: international and local measures currently and previously used, relevant South African legislation that support urban edge protection, economic and ethical theories regarding urban edge protection, the measures currently implemented in Stellenbosch, an examination of special management areas and recommendations. International attempts in curbing urban sprawl dates back to post-Industrial Revolution Europe (1800s). British and American measures are compared, mostly differing in the level of public support of sustainable development. Local attempts have been limited and have not been implemented at the scale of international measures. Recently developed policies such as the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework (1996) and the Bioregional Planning Framework (2000) are more directly focussed on sustainable development than previous policies (e.g. guide plans and structure plans) have been. The Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework proposes the demarcation of urban edges in the Cape Metropolitan Region, while the Bioregional Planning Framework is intent on dividing the Western Cape Province into bioregions. The Bioregional Planning Framework originated the use of special management areas to control development in rural (agricultural and natural) areas. The idea of this study is to measure the feasibility of using special management areas at metropolitan level, in conjunction with both the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework and the Bioregional Planning Framework, to protect the urban edge. This study concludes by disproving its hypothesis: special management areas have limited applicability as a general urban edge control measure at metropolitan level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie oorweeg die moontlike gebruik van spesiale bestuursareas in Suid-Afrika, en spesifiek in die groter Kaapstad gebied as maatreël vir die bekamping van stadskruip. Belangrike kwessies wat in hierdie studie ingesluit word is: internasionale en plaaslike maatreëls wat tans en in die verlede gebruik is om stadsgrense the beskerm, relevante Suid- Afrikaanse wetgewing wat die beskerming van stadsgrense ondersteun, toepaslike ekonomiese en etiese teorieë, maatreëls wat tans deur Stellenbosch geïmplementeer word, 'n ondersoek na spesiale bestuursareas, en voorstelle vir toekomstige beleid. Internasionale pogings om stadskruip te bekamp dateer uit die post-Industriële Revolusie era in Europa (1800s). Britse en Amerikaanse maatreëls is vergelyk. Die mees merkbare verskil tussen dié twee lande lê in die vlak van openbare steun vir volhoubare ontwikkeling. Die omvang van plaaslike pogings was in die verlede beperk tot gids- en struktuurplanne, wat nie veel beskerming aan die rand van die stad gebied het nie. Beleide wat onlangs ontwikkel is (die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk en die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk) fokus meer direk op volhoubare ontwikkeling as hul voorgangers. Die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk (1996) stel die afbakening van stadsgrense voor, terwyl die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk (2000) voorstel dat die Wes- Kaapse Provinsie in biostreke verdeel word. Die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk het oorspronklik die gebruik van spesiale bestuursareas voorgestel om ontwikkeling in landelike (landbou en natuurlike) gebiede te beheer. Die idee van hierdie studie is om die uitvoerbaarheid van die gebruik van spesiale bestuursareas op metropolitaanse vlak, saam met die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk en die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk, te bepaal. Hierdie studie sluit af deur die hipotese verkeerd te bewys: spesiale bestuursareas het beperkte toepaslikheid as algemene stadsgrens beheermaatreëlop metropolitaanse vlak.

Livelihoods and natural resource use along the rural-urban continuum

Ward, Catherine Dale January 2013 (has links)
Over the last century, developing countries have undergone rapid urbanisation resulting in marked social, economic and environmental changes. Africa is the least urbanised continent in the world but trends indicate that it is also the most rapidly urbanising region, accompanied by rising urban poverty. Urbanisation processes are often most pronounced in smaller urban centres since they experience the most severe pressures of population growth. Little is known about the role natural resources play along the rural-urban continuum and even less is known about the contribution of these resources within an urban context, particularly in small urban centres. In many sub-Saharan African cities, urban agriculture (the informal production of food in urban areas) has been used as a strategy to cope with increasing poverty levels but its role remains widely debated and uncertain. This thesis seeks to analyse the impacts of urbanisation on livelihoods and natural resource use, including home gardening and the collection of wild resources, in two South African towns and data was collected along the rural-urban continuum in Queenstown (Eastern Cape province) and Phalaborwa (Limpopo Province). Practices and contributions associated with agriculture and wild resource use were found to be significantly higher in Phalaborwa and this could be attributed to favourable environmental conditions and accessibility to wild resources due to the surrounding Mopani Bushveld. Rural households in Queenstown and Phalaborwa were more reliant on natural resources than their urban counterparts, but still diverse and incorporated a number of land-based and cash income generating strategies. Urban households tended to rely on one primary cash income strategy such as wage employment or state grants. However, natural resources did appear to play a subtle role in urban settings and particularly in the townships, where exclusion of natural resource contributions saw poverty levels increase up to 5%. Home gardening was practised by a wide range of people and not restricted to any one income group and, not surprisingly, wealthy cultivators who had access to resources such as land, water and fertilizer enjoyed increased benefits such as high produce yields. The results obtained suggest that rural-urban dynamics are complex and natural resource use in local livelihoods is contextualised within environmental settings, social preferences and historical contexts. Increasing pressures from the influx of people into small urban centres calls for a better understanding to how these processes are affecting livelihoods and natural resources to ensure sustainable management in the future.

Land degradation and settlement intensification in Umhlathuze Municipality

Xulu, Sifiso 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The multifaceted land degradation problem and its associated manifold impacts have attracted research from different disciplines, resulting in varying definitions of the concept. However, most researchers agree that human intervention that deteriorates the state of the environment is the central element. Among the anthropogenic activities that exacerbate land degradation, land cover has been singled out as the salient element. Rapid and unplanned land cover changes are primary manifestations of this problem. UMhlathuze Municipality, the study area which has superior biodiversity richness, is one of fastest growing municipalities in South Africa and is the locale of significant land modifications in recent decades because of a variety of industrial and residential developments. Using Landsat TM imagery acquired for 1984, 1996 and 2004, this study mapped and quantified land cover change and manifestations of land degradation in the uMhlathuze Municipality in conjunction with settlement intensification computed from orthophotographs acquired for 1984 and 2004. Census population statistics were analysed as a reflection of population dynamics and further to gauge related causes of land cover change. Geographical information technology (GIT) was applied as an analytical tool. The results revealed the anthropogenic influences that led to changes in land cover over the 20- year period between 1984 and 2004. The dominant natural cover classes in 1984 declined continuously and human-dominated land categories had increased sharply by 2004. Much of grasslands, forest and wetlands were converted to monotypical agroforestry (sugar cane and forestry plantations), built-up settlement and mining. These changes engendered complete loss of biodiversity (floral and migration of fauna). Bare ground, signifying land degradation, was noticeable although it exhibited a fluctuating trend which could be attributable to differences between the various imagery used. Along with population growth, the area of settlements increased over the study period and spatially sprawled from urban areas. Settlements showed a fairly stable spatial configuration over the 20-year period, but became magnified in medium- and high-density areas. Grassland and wetlands occurring around Richards Bay, as well as indigenous forest near Port Durnford, were identified as critically threatened ecosystems. The proposed industrial development zone and port expansion were recognized as having adverse ecological implications for wetlands. The study concluded that significant land cover changes occurred in the form of natural land cover giving way to monotypical agroforestry, built-up settlements and mining - all to the detriment of pristine natural habitat. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veelvlakkige probleem van omgewingsdegradasie en die gepaardgaande veelsoortige impakte lok navorsing uit verskillende dissiplines, wat lei tot verskillende definisies van die konsep. Tog is die meeste navorsers dit eens dat menslike invloede die sentrale element is wat die toestand van die omgewing verswak. Van die vele menslike aktiwiteite is grondgebruikverandering uitgesonder as die belangrikste beïnvloeder van agteruitgang van die omgewing. Veral vinnige en onbeplande grondgebruikveranderinge verteenwoordig die primêre manifestasies van hierdie probleem. UMhlathuze Munisipaliteit, die studiegebied met 'n hoë biodiversiteitsrykdom, is een van die vinnigste groeiende munisipaliteite in Suid-Afrika, waar 'n verskeidenheid nywerheids- en residensiële ontwikkelings beduidende grondgebruikverandering oor die afgelope dekades dryf. Met behulp van Landsat TM beelde van 1984, 1996 en 2004, is hierdie studiegebied gekarteer en oppervlaktes gekwantifiseer om grondgebruikverandering en verwante manifestasies van die agteruitgang van landbedekking in die uMhlathuze Munisipaliteit te konstateer. Tesame hiermee is die verdigting van nedersettings ook met behulp van ortofoto’s van 1984 en 2004 aangeteken. Bevolkingsensusstatistieke is ontleed as weerspieëling van die gepaardgaande bevolkingsdinamika en om moontlike oorsake van verandering in grondbedekking te bepaal. Vir hierdie doel is geografiese inligtingstegnologie (GIT ) as analitiese instrument toegepas. Die resultate toon antropogeniese invloede lei tot veranderinge in grondbedekking oor die tydperk van 20 jaar tussen 1984 en 2004. Die dominante natuurlike dekkingsklasse in 1984 het voortdurend verminder en menslik-gedomineerde kategorieë het teen 2004 skerp gestyg. Baie van die grasvelde, woude en vleilande is daadwerklik omskep tot monotipiese agro-bosbou (suikerrieten bosbouplantasies), beboude nedersetting en mynbou. Hierdie veranderinge behels 'n volledige verlies van biodiversiteit (plantegroei en migrasie van fauna). Kaalgrond, wat dui op die agteruitgang van grondbedekking, was ook opvallend, hoewel dit 'n wisselende tendens toon wat ook kan wees as gevolg van die verskille tussen die beeldmateriaal wat gebruik is. Saam met die groei van die bevolking is bevind dat nedersettings oor die studieperiode toegeneem het en in tipiese spreipatrone weg van die stedelike gebiede uitbrei. Nedersettings het 'n redelik stabiele ruimtelike liggingsopset oor die tydperk van 20 jaar getoon, maar het in medium- en hoë- digtheid gebiedeverdeel. Die voorkoms van grasveld en vleiland rondom Richardsbaai, asook inheemse woud naby Port Durnford, is geïdentifiseer as krities-bedreigde ekosisteme. Die voorgestelde nywerheidsontwikkelingsone en hawe-uitbreiding is geïdentifiseer as ontwikkelings met nadelige ekologiese implikasies vir vleilande. Daar is dus tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat beduidende voortgaande grondbedekkingveranderinge in die gebied voorkom, waarin natuurlike landdekking transformeer tot monotipiese agrobosbou, beboude nedersettings en mynbou - alles tot nadeel van die ongerepte natuurlike habitat.

A parceria do poder local com as agências internacionais de fomento na implementação de políticas públicas: Uma análise dos projetos do município de Curitiba

Banzato, Bruno Antonio 24 August 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal a avaliação das especificidades da execução de programas de desenvolvimento local promovidos pela Prefeitura de Curitiba em conjunto com organismos internacionais. Diante da carência de políticas públicas federais para o âmbito das cidades e a insuficiência de repasses intergovernamentais, as administrações municipais rompem as fronteiras nacionais para vencer os principais campos do desenvolvimento urbano, promovendo cooperações com instituições internacionais de fomento que, além de financiar, também interferem na elaboração e execução de programas e projetos de interesse dos municípios. Perante o relevante volume de recursos obtidos pela cidade de Curitiba, o estudo observa as especificidades de tais acordos na implementação de políticas públicas locais a fim de proporcionar um referencial de conhecimento à sociedade em geral e estimular ferramentas de aprimoramento dessas parcerias pelo poder local. Por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, um estudo de caso múltiplo é realizado levando em consideração, além dos dados dos programas em parcerias com organismos internacionais, a percepção dos gestores locais envolvidos e dos representantes dos organismos internacionais. Os resultados são apresentados a partir de uma adaptação dos eixos de avaliação defendidos por Proença (2009) (participação e Transparência, alinhamento, promoção de autonomia, condições de eficácia e sustentabilidade) e, por fim, as conclusões apontam que há uma ambivalência dos interesses dos atores nas parcerias. Os resultados mostram também que é preciso adaptar os projetos locais às condições dos organismos internacionais, que, por muitas vezes, podem acabar pautando as políticas públicas do município, demonstram o pouco engajamento popular nas parcerias, listam os elementos diferenciadores da implementação dessas políticas, verificam que novas experiências podem ser absorvidas pela gestão local a partir dessas parcerias e que há uma limitação das cooperações ao processo de execução dos programas. / This thesis aims to evaluate the implementation of local development programs promoted by the City of Curitiba in collaborative work with international organizations. Towards the lack of federal public policies for the cities' scope and the failure of intergovernmental transfers, local governments break national boundaries to win the main fields of urban development, promoting cooperation with international development institutions that, besides financing, also interfere the development and implementation of counties' programs and projects interest. Before the significant amount of resources obtained by the city of Curitiba, the study points out the special features of such agreements in the implementation of local public policies to provide a benchmark of knowledge to the society and stimulate enhancement tools of such partnerships for local power. Through a qualitative research, a multiple case study is conducted taking into account both the data of the programs in partnership with international organizations and the perception of the local managers involved and representatives of international organizations. The results are presented from an adaptation of the axes of evaluation recommended by Proença (2009) (participation and transparency, alignment, promotion of autonomy, efficiency and sustainability conditions), and the findings reveal the ambivalence of the interests of actors in the partnerships. The study indicates that it is necessary to adapt the local projects to the conditions of international organizations, which often end up basing public policies of the county; it demonstrates the unpopular engagement in partnerships; it lists the differentiating elements of the implementation of these policies; and it finds that new experiences can be absorbed by the local management from these partnerships and the cooperation's limitation to the process of implementing the programs.

A social and cultural history of Grahamstown, 1812 to c1845

Marshall, Richard Graham January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of Grahamstown from its inception in 1812 to the mid-1840s, paying particular attention to the social and cultural life of the town. It traces the economic development of the town from a military outpost to a thriving commercial settlement, noting the essential factor of the town's proximity to the Cape frontier in this process. The economic interaction between diverse groups in the town mirrors the social and cultural interaction which occurred between British settlers, Khoekhoe and Africans. The result of these interactions was the creation of a new, distinctively South African urban society and culture, despite the desire of the white settlers to reproduce a “typical” English environment in their new home. The conflict between attempts to anglicise the urban environment and the realities of Grahamstown's situation on a colonial frontier was reflected in the architecture and layout of the town. Attempts to recreate an English social environment also failed. New classes arose in the town in response to the economic opportunities available on the frontier. Although some settlers prospered, many did not, and the presence of an impoverished white working class undermines settler historians' picture of settler success and affluence. The poorest people in the town, though, were the increasing numbers of Khoekhoe and Africans who migrated from the surrounding countryside, and who were unequally incorporated into the urban community as a colonial labouring class. In response to these unique circumstances, white settlers in Grahamstown developed a powerful political and propaganda machine, which helped lay the foundations of a distinct settler identity in the eastern Cape.

Análise da influência do sombreamento causado pelos edifícios na zona central de Curitiba

Campos, Giovana de Almeida Coelho 02 December 2014 (has links)
O crescimento urbano e o ritmo acelerado na concentração de pessoas nas cidades são inevitáveis. A verticalização das construções como solução para atender a necessidade da máxima ocupação do solo e para justificar a infraestrutura investida pelo poder público nas áreas centrais, causa consideráveis impactos no entorno em que estão inseridas. Contudo, a urbanização em si não é um problema, e sim a forma como as cidades estão sendo construídas e ocupadas. Diante disso, o trabalho apresenta como objetivo principal a verificação da influência do sombreamento gerado pelos edifícios altos dentro de um recorte definido na zona com maior capacidade de verticalização em Curitiba. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas: a primeira, de fundamentação teórica com o estudo da literatura existente sobre o tema, a segunda para definição da região de estudo na cidade e os períodos a serem analisados, a terceira etapa para delimitação do recorte de estudo com análises de cada período e, a quarta com a elaboração das simulações computacionais nos softwares Auto CAD, Sketchup Pro, Excel e Ecotect para obtenção de resultados. Durante a evolução da pesquisa, verificou-se que, de fato, o nsombreamento causado pelos edifícios altos comprometem consideravelmente as construções vizinhas a eles e todo o seu entorno imediato. Além disso, foi concluído que Curitiba, uma cidade considerada fria, sofre nos períodos de inverno com o excessivo sombreamento nas áreas públicas entre quadras. Em contrapartida, as áreas abertas de lazer estão posicionadas adequadamente e não se prejudicam com a verticalização da Zona Central. De qualquer forma, a intenção de redução de impacto gerado por esses processos deve ser planejada em um contexto mais significativo. A elaboração de projetos deve ter como premissa a adequação ao clima e ao contexto local, da mesma forma que devem ser analisados os impactos ambientais dessas sobre as construções vizinhas e os espaços externos localizados em uma área de influência. A idéia de preservar o skyline já consolidado na cidade, evitando edifícios muito altos, pode ser uma alternativa para minimização dos impactos de sombreamento. / Urban growth and the fast pace in the concentration of people in cities are inevitable. Building verticalization as a solution to attend the need of maximum land use and to justify the infrastructure invested by the government in central areas, cause considerable impacts on the environment which they are. However, urbanization is not a problem itself, but how cities are being built and occupied. Thus, the main goal of this work is to verify the shadow influence caused by tall buildings in a specific area inside of the zone with more capacity of verticalization in Curitiba. This research was developed in four steps: the first one was to study the existing literature about this topic, second to define study section in the city and periods to be analyzed, third step to delimit a zoom of study with analysis about all periods and, fourth with computer simulations on Auto CAD, Sketchup Pro, Excel and Ecotect softwares to obtain important results. During the evolution of this work, it was verified that the shading caused by tall buildings undertake considerably neighboring buildings and all surrounding area. Furthermore, it was concluded that Curitiba, a cold city, suffers in winter season due to excessive shading in public spaces between blocks. On the other hand, open spaces as squares are correctly positioned and do not harm with verticalization on the downtown zone. Anyway, the intention to reduce the impact caused by these processes must be planned in a more embracing context. Project elaboration must consider local climate and urban context, just as the environmental impacts of those on neighboring buildings and on open spaces. The idea of preserving skylines already consolidate, avoiding tall buildings, can be an alternative to minimize shading impacts.

Um modelo de representação computacional baseado em conceitos de crescimento urbano associados a alvarás e primitivas em banco de dados espacial / A computational representation model based on urban growth concepts associated with permits and primitives in spatial database

Kono, Frank Augusto Micheletto 15 August 2016 (has links)
A expansão urbana resultante do rápido progresso das cidades é um grande desafio para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Deste modo a concepção de modelos computacionais adequados que permitam a simulação, visualização espacializada e análise do processo de crescimento urbano é fundamental. Políticas de gestão de bairros e tipos de crescimento urbano são constituídos por equipamentos representados por diferentes tipos de alvarás ou concessões para abertura e funcionamento de negócios. Também por sistemas viários, sistemas de transporte, limites políticos e administrativos, zoneamento e arruamento. Estes mecanismos podem ser evidenciados em um banco de dados espacial por (a) dados abertos georreferenciados, um termo que caracteriza elementos humanos, informações demográficas, socioeconômicas, infraestrutura, condições ambientais e históricas, (b) diferentes geometrias (ponto, linha e polígono) e (c) utilização de funções espaciais para representar relações topológicas, direcionais ou métricas entre os equipamentos. Para construção e implementação do modelo proposto neste trabalho são utilizados os itens acima descritos (a, b, c) e um conjunto de perguntas elaboradas por especialistas na área de urbanismo, apontadas como conceitos primordiais à área de crescimento urbano. Em relação ao objetivo e a modelagem as mais relevantes contribuições encontram-se: (1) na representação por meio de um pequeno conjunto de primitivas em banco de dados com extensão espacial, (2) na elaboração de um vocabulário ou atribuição de uma semântica ao modelo, (3) na interação entre diferentes conceitos associados ao processo de crescimento urbano, (4) na possibilidade de ampliação e integração de outros domínios de dados georreferenciados e abertos e (5) no tempo de execução inferior a 10 segundos para 70% das consultas espaciais. As contribuições em relação ao experimento com os usuários, considerado a interface web desenvolvida neste trabalho, encontram-se: (1) no fato de que a ferramenta atende as necessidades no tocante a geração e visualização espacializada de dados para 4 de 5 usuários, (2) na interação com dados georreferenciados de alvarás de funcionamento, divisa de bairros e ruas e (3) na visualização dos dados do ponto de vista histórico e espacial. / The resulting urban expansion from the rapid development of cities is a major challenge for sustainable development. Thus, the design of appropriate computational models that enable the simulation, spatialized visualization and analysis of the process of urban growth is critical. Neighborhood Management policies and types of urban growth are made up of equipment represented by different types of permits or concessions for opening and business operation. Also for road systems, transportation systems, political and administrative boundaries, zoning and street layout. It can be demonstrated in a spatial database by (a) georeferenced open data, a term that characterizes human elements, demographic, socio-economic, infrastructure, environmental and historical conditions, (b) different geometries (point, line and polygon) and (c) use of spatial functions for topological relations, directional or metrics between devices. Construction and implementation of the proposed model in this paper are used the above items (a, b, c) and a set of questions prepared by experts in the planning area, identified as primordial concepts to urban growth area. In relation to the goal and modeling the most relevant contributions are: (1) the representation by means of a small set of primitives in a database with spatial extension, (2) the development of a vocabulary or assigning a semantic the model, (3) the interaction between different concepts associated with the process of urban growth, (4) the possibility of expansion and integration of other areas of georeferenced data and open and (5) in the lower run time to 10 seconds to 70% spatial queries. Contributions in relation to the experiment with users, considered the web interface developed in this work: (1) on the fact that the tool covers the needs as regards the generation and spatialized visualization of data for 4 of 5 users, (2 ) interacting with georeferenced data of business licenses, neighborhoods and streets boundary and (3) in the data visualization from the historical and spatial point of view.

Capital social e desenvolvimento territorial sustentável: o uso da rede social Colab na região Metropolitana de Curitiba / Social capital and sustainable territorial development: the use of the Colab social network in the Metropolitan region of Curitiba

Salles, Fernanda da Rocha 31 May 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa insere-se nos estudos de ciências da sustentabilidade, com foco no desenvolvimento territorial sustentável. O objetivo foi identificar a contribuição do capital social, expresso por meio da rede social Colab, para o desenvolvimento territorial sustentável, no contexto dos 14 municípios que compõe o Núcleo Urbano Central da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba. A pesquisa teve como base conceitual a utilização dos três capitais: natural, social e construído. Como procedimentos metodológicos, foram realizados: catalogação dos dados do Colab; categorização conforme modelo analítico e caracterização do capital social. Os resultados apontam para expressiva participação dos usuários do Colab no município de Curitiba. Dos 12.531 seguidores do Colab, 93,77% são de Curitiba, 94% homens, com idade entre 30 e 39 anos. Das 9.338 demandas recebidas pelo Colab, 8.724 foram de fiscalizações, 578 de propostas e 36 de avaliações. Em relação à categoria fiscalização, a maior demanda foi por fiscalização de estacionamento irregular (capital social - normas e valores). Em relação às propostas, a maior demanda foi por fiscalização de trânsito (capital construído - serviços da administração pública). Em relação às avaliações, a maior demanda foi em relação à rodoviária (capital construído - infraestrutura pública e sistemas de transportes). Quanto o somatório dos dados do Colab, o resultado foi a predominância do capital construído (macrocategoria infraestrutura pública e serviços da administração pública). A partir dos resultados foi possível identificar a contribuição do capital social, expresso por meio do Colab, para o DTS da RMC. Essa contribuição ocorre por meio de: a) A própria participação, cidadania e engajamento por meio do Colab; b) Da criação e fortalecimento dos laços sociais; c) Ao apontar mobilidade urbana como principal demanda. Praticamente não apareceram demandas em relação ao capital natural. Do ponto de vista prático, os resultados quantitativos e qualitativos são um alerta para a administração pública, para a necessidade de discutir e implantar políticas públicas que contemplem um sistema de mobilidade urbana sustentável. / This research is part of sustainability science studies, with a target on sustainable territorial development. The objective was to identify the social capital contribution, expressed through the Colab social network, for sustainable territorial development in the context of the 14 municipalities that make up the Central Urban Center of the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. The research had as a conceptual basis the use of three capitals: natural, social and built. As methodological procedures, the Colab data were cataloged; categorization according to the analytical model and characterization of social capital.The results indicate the significant participation of Colab users in the city of Curitiba.Of the 12,531 Colab followers, 94% are males, between 30 and 39 years old, 93.77% from Curitiba.Of the 9,338 complaints received by Colab, 8,724 were inspections, 578 of proposals and 36 of evaluations. In regard to the inspection category, the greatest demand was due toinspection of irregular parking (social capital - standards and values).In regard to the proposals, the greatest demand was for traffic control (built capital - public administration services).In regard to the evaluations, the greatest demand was in relation to the road (built capital - public infrastructure and transport systems).As for the sum of the Colab data, the result was the predominance of constructed capital (macrocategory of public infrastructure and public administration services).From the results it was possible to identify the contribution of social capital, expressed through Colab, to the DTS of the MRC.This contribution occurs through: a) The participation, citizenship and engagement through Colab; b) The creation and strengthening of social ties; c) Focusing on urban mobility as the main demand. Virtually no demands were made on natural capital.From a practical point of view, the quantitative and qualitative results are an alert for the public administration, for the need to discuss and implement public policies that contemplate a system of sustainable urban mobility.

Um modelo de representação computacional baseado em conceitos de crescimento urbano associados a alvarás e primitivas em banco de dados espacial / A computational representation model based on urban growth concepts associated with permits and primitives in spatial database

Kono, Frank Augusto Micheletto 15 August 2016 (has links)
A expansão urbana resultante do rápido progresso das cidades é um grande desafio para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Deste modo a concepção de modelos computacionais adequados que permitam a simulação, visualização espacializada e análise do processo de crescimento urbano é fundamental. Políticas de gestão de bairros e tipos de crescimento urbano são constituídos por equipamentos representados por diferentes tipos de alvarás ou concessões para abertura e funcionamento de negócios. Também por sistemas viários, sistemas de transporte, limites políticos e administrativos, zoneamento e arruamento. Estes mecanismos podem ser evidenciados em um banco de dados espacial por (a) dados abertos georreferenciados, um termo que caracteriza elementos humanos, informações demográficas, socioeconômicas, infraestrutura, condições ambientais e históricas, (b) diferentes geometrias (ponto, linha e polígono) e (c) utilização de funções espaciais para representar relações topológicas, direcionais ou métricas entre os equipamentos. Para construção e implementação do modelo proposto neste trabalho são utilizados os itens acima descritos (a, b, c) e um conjunto de perguntas elaboradas por especialistas na área de urbanismo, apontadas como conceitos primordiais à área de crescimento urbano. Em relação ao objetivo e a modelagem as mais relevantes contribuições encontram-se: (1) na representação por meio de um pequeno conjunto de primitivas em banco de dados com extensão espacial, (2) na elaboração de um vocabulário ou atribuição de uma semântica ao modelo, (3) na interação entre diferentes conceitos associados ao processo de crescimento urbano, (4) na possibilidade de ampliação e integração de outros domínios de dados georreferenciados e abertos e (5) no tempo de execução inferior a 10 segundos para 70% das consultas espaciais. As contribuições em relação ao experimento com os usuários, considerado a interface web desenvolvida neste trabalho, encontram-se: (1) no fato de que a ferramenta atende as necessidades no tocante a geração e visualização espacializada de dados para 4 de 5 usuários, (2) na interação com dados georreferenciados de alvarás de funcionamento, divisa de bairros e ruas e (3) na visualização dos dados do ponto de vista histórico e espacial. / The resulting urban expansion from the rapid development of cities is a major challenge for sustainable development. Thus, the design of appropriate computational models that enable the simulation, spatialized visualization and analysis of the process of urban growth is critical. Neighborhood Management policies and types of urban growth are made up of equipment represented by different types of permits or concessions for opening and business operation. Also for road systems, transportation systems, political and administrative boundaries, zoning and street layout. It can be demonstrated in a spatial database by (a) georeferenced open data, a term that characterizes human elements, demographic, socio-economic, infrastructure, environmental and historical conditions, (b) different geometries (point, line and polygon) and (c) use of spatial functions for topological relations, directional or metrics between devices. Construction and implementation of the proposed model in this paper are used the above items (a, b, c) and a set of questions prepared by experts in the planning area, identified as primordial concepts to urban growth area. In relation to the goal and modeling the most relevant contributions are: (1) the representation by means of a small set of primitives in a database with spatial extension, (2) the development of a vocabulary or assigning a semantic the model, (3) the interaction between different concepts associated with the process of urban growth, (4) the possibility of expansion and integration of other areas of georeferenced data and open and (5) in the lower run time to 10 seconds to 70% spatial queries. Contributions in relation to the experiment with users, considered the web interface developed in this work: (1) on the fact that the tool covers the needs as regards the generation and spatialized visualization of data for 4 of 5 users, (2 ) interacting with georeferenced data of business licenses, neighborhoods and streets boundary and (3) in the data visualization from the historical and spatial point of view.

Capital social e desenvolvimento territorial sustentável: o uso da rede social Colab na região Metropolitana de Curitiba / Social capital and sustainable territorial development: the use of the Colab social network in the Metropolitan region of Curitiba

Salles, Fernanda da Rocha 31 May 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa insere-se nos estudos de ciências da sustentabilidade, com foco no desenvolvimento territorial sustentável. O objetivo foi identificar a contribuição do capital social, expresso por meio da rede social Colab, para o desenvolvimento territorial sustentável, no contexto dos 14 municípios que compõe o Núcleo Urbano Central da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba. A pesquisa teve como base conceitual a utilização dos três capitais: natural, social e construído. Como procedimentos metodológicos, foram realizados: catalogação dos dados do Colab; categorização conforme modelo analítico e caracterização do capital social. Os resultados apontam para expressiva participação dos usuários do Colab no município de Curitiba. Dos 12.531 seguidores do Colab, 93,77% são de Curitiba, 94% homens, com idade entre 30 e 39 anos. Das 9.338 demandas recebidas pelo Colab, 8.724 foram de fiscalizações, 578 de propostas e 36 de avaliações. Em relação à categoria fiscalização, a maior demanda foi por fiscalização de estacionamento irregular (capital social - normas e valores). Em relação às propostas, a maior demanda foi por fiscalização de trânsito (capital construído - serviços da administração pública). Em relação às avaliações, a maior demanda foi em relação à rodoviária (capital construído - infraestrutura pública e sistemas de transportes). Quanto o somatório dos dados do Colab, o resultado foi a predominância do capital construído (macrocategoria infraestrutura pública e serviços da administração pública). A partir dos resultados foi possível identificar a contribuição do capital social, expresso por meio do Colab, para o DTS da RMC. Essa contribuição ocorre por meio de: a) A própria participação, cidadania e engajamento por meio do Colab; b) Da criação e fortalecimento dos laços sociais; c) Ao apontar mobilidade urbana como principal demanda. Praticamente não apareceram demandas em relação ao capital natural. Do ponto de vista prático, os resultados quantitativos e qualitativos são um alerta para a administração pública, para a necessidade de discutir e implantar políticas públicas que contemplem um sistema de mobilidade urbana sustentável. / This research is part of sustainability science studies, with a target on sustainable territorial development. The objective was to identify the social capital contribution, expressed through the Colab social network, for sustainable territorial development in the context of the 14 municipalities that make up the Central Urban Center of the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. The research had as a conceptual basis the use of three capitals: natural, social and built. As methodological procedures, the Colab data were cataloged; categorization according to the analytical model and characterization of social capital.The results indicate the significant participation of Colab users in the city of Curitiba.Of the 12,531 Colab followers, 94% are males, between 30 and 39 years old, 93.77% from Curitiba.Of the 9,338 complaints received by Colab, 8,724 were inspections, 578 of proposals and 36 of evaluations. In regard to the inspection category, the greatest demand was due toinspection of irregular parking (social capital - standards and values).In regard to the proposals, the greatest demand was for traffic control (built capital - public administration services).In regard to the evaluations, the greatest demand was in relation to the road (built capital - public infrastructure and transport systems).As for the sum of the Colab data, the result was the predominance of constructed capital (macrocategory of public infrastructure and public administration services).From the results it was possible to identify the contribution of social capital, expressed through Colab, to the DTS of the MRC.This contribution occurs through: a) The participation, citizenship and engagement through Colab; b) The creation and strengthening of social ties; c) Focusing on urban mobility as the main demand. Virtually no demands were made on natural capital.From a practical point of view, the quantitative and qualitative results are an alert for the public administration, for the need to discuss and implement public policies that contemplate a system of sustainable urban mobility.

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