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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Larval Fish Assemblages in the Strait of Georgia

Guan, Lu 30 April 2015 (has links)
For marine fishes, the early larval phase is considered a critical stage for survivorship and recruitment. The spatial and temporal dynamics of larval fish assemblages can influence their success and trophic structure of marine communities and entire ecosystems. This thesis will provide the first characterization of larval fish assemblage in the Strait of Georgia (SoG) in terms of diversity, abundance and composition, and their variability over multiple temporal scales, as well as the first quantification of variability in larval fish distribution in the SoG across multiple spatial scales. On the interdecadal scale, a significant decrease in larval abundance of several dominant fish taxa (Pacific hake, walleye Pollock, northern smoothtongue and rockfishes) contributed to a decline in total larval abundance and turnover in the composition structure between the early 1980s and the late 2000s. In contrast, both abundance and the relative composition of flatfishes and several demersal forage fish taxa increased during the same period. On interannual scales, abundance, diversity and community structure of the spring larval assemblages varied dramatically through 2007-2010, a period which alternated between strong La Niña and El Niño events. Higher overall larval concentrations were associated with warm conditions in the SoG in 2007 and 2010, while the lowest larval concentration was associated with cooler condition in 2009. Examination of associations between larval fish assemblages and environmental fluctuations suggests a potential influence of large-scale climate processes between the early 1980s and the late 2000s, but a primary association with local environmental factors on interannual scales. Spatial patterns in larval density of three dominant fish taxa (Pacific herring, Pacific hake and northern smoothtongue) were mostly structured on predefined broad (> 40km) and medium (20~40km) scales. Although their scale-dependent associations with environmental factors varied interannually, larval distributions in the central-southern SoG were generally associated with salinity, temperature and vertical stability of water column in the upper layer (0-50m). Our results emphasize the role of local estuarine circulation in structuring hierarchical spatial distributions of planktonic fish larvae in the SoG. These findings will provide considerable implications in fisheries resource management and conservation strategies. / Graduate / 0416 / 0329 / guanlu129@gmail.com

Modélisation de la dispersion à grande échelle : évolution de laire de répartition passée et future du hêtre commun (Fagus sylvatica) en réponse aux changements climatiques / Dispersal modelling at large scale : evolution of past and future European beech distribution (Fagus sylvatica) in response to climate changes

Saltre, Frédérik 14 December 2010 (has links)
Le changement climatique actuel est tellement rapide que la plupart des espèces ligneuses tempérées européennes telles que Fagus sylvatica risquent de ne pouvoir s'adapter, ni migrer suffisamment pour répondre à ce changement. La plupart des modèles simulant l'aire de répartition potentielle de la végétation en fonction du climat considèrent une dispersion « illimitée » ou « nulle » ce qui rend difficile l'évaluation de l'importance de la dispersion par rapport au climat dans la dynamique de la végétation. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d'intégrer à un modèle d'aire de répartition basé sur les processus (Phenofit) un modèle phénoménologique de dispersion (modèle de dispersion de Gibbs) dans le but de dissocier l'effet du climat de l'effet de la dispersion dans la réponse de Fagus sylvatica aux changements climatiques en Europe, (i) pendant la recolonisation postglaciaire de 12000 ans BP à l'actuel et (ii) pendant le 21ème siècle. Nos résultats montrent un fort impact de la dispersion associé à un effet également important de la localisation des refuges glaciaires sur la recolonisation postglaciaire du hêtre comparé à l'effet du climat de 12000 ans BP à l'actuel. En revanche, les capacités de dispersion du hêtre ne lui permettent pas d'occuper la totalité de son aire potentielle notamment au nord de l'Europe d'ici 2100. Cette faible colonisation vers le nord de l'Europe associée à de fortes extinctions au sud de son aire de répartition causées par l'augmentation du stress hydrique conduit à une diminution drastique de l'aire de répartition du hêtre d'ici la fin du 21ème siècle. / Current climate change is so fast that some temperate tree species, like Fagus sylvatica, could not adapt nor migrate fast enough to tract their climatic niche. Most models simulating the potential distribution of vegetation as a function of climate consider unlimited or "null" dispersal, which doesn't allow assessing the importance of dispersal compared to climate in the dynamics of the vegetation. In this thesis, we integrate into a process-based species distribution model (Phenofit), a phenomenological model of dispersal (Gibbs-based model) in order to disentangle the effects of climate and dispersal in the response of Fagus sylvatica to climate change in Europe, (i) during the postglacial recolonization from 12000 years BP to present, (ii) during the 21st century. Our results show strong impact of dispersal associated with a strong effect of glacial refugees location on the beech postglacial recolonization, compared to the effect of climat e since 12000 years. Nevertheless, beech dispersal abilities are not sufficient to allow the colonization of newly suitable areas in northern Europe by 2100. This low colonization rate in Northern Europe in addition to a high extinction rate in Southern Europe due to increasing drought lead to a drastic reduction of beech distribution by the end of the 21st century.

Empreintes des changements environnementaux sur la phylogéographie du genre Myrtus en Méditerranée et au Sahara / Imprints of environmental changes on the phylogeography of the genus Myrtus in the Mediterranean and the Sahara

Migliore, Jérémy 03 October 2011 (has links)
Une meilleure compréhension de l’origine et de l’évolution de la diversité du vivant nécessite de développer des approches biogéographiques basées sur la phylogéographie. Ce travail de thèse considère ainsi la structure phylogéographique du myrte commun (Myrtus communis L., Myrtaceae), plante caractéristique et commune des matorrals de Méditerranée, et ses liens de parenté avec le myrte de Nivelle (Myrtus nivellei Batt. & Trab.), endémique des montagnes du Sahara central. Un des objectifs consiste à examiner plus particulièrement l’influence de la paléogéographie et des changements climatiques sur la diversité génétique de ces deux taxons. La démarche choisie se veut intégrative, en combinant données génétiques (séquençage et génotypage multiloci), paléobotaniques, modélisation de l'évolution moléculaire, polymorphisme et héritabilité de la croissance en conditions contrôlées, et modélisation de la niche bioclimatique. L’analyse de 173 populations de myrte commun et de 23 populations de myrte de Nivelle a révélé un fort signal phylogéographique, dont le cadre spatio-temporel provient de la datation des divergences et de la reconstruction des aires ancestrales au sein de phylogénies moléculaires établies grâce aux méthodes bayésiennes d’analyse phylogénétique. Trois résultats principaux peuvent être présentés. (i) A partir d’une origine remontant au début du Miocène, l’histoire du myrte commun se résume à deux périodes de diversification associées aux changements environnementaux survenus à la transition Miocène / Pliocène, et au cours du Pléistocène. Si un phénomène de vicariance ancien a conduit à l’isolement d’une lignée est-méditerranéenne, des phénomènes récents de diversification ont été détectés à l’ouest avec migration en retour vers l’est de la Méditerranée, mais aussi vers la Macaronésie et vers le Sahara. (ii) Au cœur des montagnes-refuges du Sahara central, l’alternance des périodes humides et arides serait à l’origine de l’isolement des populations de myrte de Nivelle par massif et d'une forte érosion génétique. Cette forte différenciation régionale s'accompagne de flux de gènes au sein des massifs, et de multiplication végétative. (iii) Enfin, l’absence de divergence des populations insulaires méditerranéennes comme la Corse, contraste avec la persistance sur le long terme de lignées aux Açores et à Madère, et avec la spéciation au Sahara du myrte de Nivelle. La discussion de ces résultats s'ouvre sur de nouvelles perspectives en phylogéographie comparative, en génomique et en biogéographie de la conservation. / A better understanding of the origin and evolution of the diversity of life requires the development of biogeographical approaches based on the phylogeography. This PhD thesis study considers the phylogeographical structure of the Common Myrtle (Myrtus communis L., Myrtaceae), a characteristic and common plant of the Mediterranean matorral, and its relationship with the Nivelle Myrtle (Myrtus nivellei Batt. & Trab.), endemic to the central Saharan mountains. An objective is also to examine especially the influence of palaeogeography and climatic changes on the genetic diversity of these two taxa. Our approach aims at being integrative, combining palaeobotanical data, genetic data (sequencing and multilocus genotyping), modeling of molecular evolution, polymorphism and heritability of the growth in controlled conditions, and modeling of bioclimatic niche. The analysis of 173 populations of the Common Myrtle and 23 populations of the Nivelle Myrtle reveals a strong phylogeographical signal, whose spatio-temporal framework was provided by the dating of divergences and the reconstruction of ancestral areas within the molecular phylogenies using Bayesian analytical methods. Three main results can be highlighted. (i) With an origin dated to the early Miocene, the history of M. communis can be summarized by two periods of diversification associated with the environmental changes occurring in the Miocene/Pliocene transition and in the Pleistocene. A vicariance phenomenon has induced the isolation of an eastern Mediterranean lineage. Recent diversification events have also been detected in the western part of the Mediterranean Basin, with in-return migration to the eastern Mediterranean, and also dispersal to the Azores and Madeira islands, and to the Sahara. (ii) Within the refugia-mountains of the Central Sahara, the alternation of wet and dry periods seems to have induced the isolation of the populations of M. nivellei per mountain range, with a strong genetic erosion. In parallel to this high regional differentiation, gene flows within these mountain ranges and vegetative multiplication have been detected. (iii) Finally, the absence of divergence of Mediterranean insular populations of M. communis contrasts with the long-term persistence of Myrtle lineages restricted to the Azores and Madeira islands, and to the speciation of M. nivellei in the Sahara. The discussion of these results provides new perspectives on comparative phylogeography, genomics and conservation biogeography.

Dynamiques et gestion environnementales de 1970 à 2010 des zones humides au Sénégal : étude de l'occupation du sol par télédétection des Niayes avec Djiddah Thiaroye Kao (à Dakar), Mboro (à Thiès et Saint-Louis) / Dynamics and environmental management of Senegal wedlands from 1970 to 2010 : land cover remote sensing analysis of Niayes Djiddah Thiaroye Kao (Dakar), Mboro (Thiès et Saint-Louis)

Ndao, Mariétou 09 May 2012 (has links)
Les «Niayes», zones humides côtières du Sénégal constituent des écosystèmes fragiles, richesen biodiversité tout en étant traditionnellement des zones de maraîchage dans unenvironnement sahélien. La grande sécheresse des années 1970 qui a frappé l’ensemble despays du Sahel, s’est répercutée sur les Niayes par un afflux de populations rurales venant del’intérieur du pays pour y trouver des moyens de subsistance. Outre la sécheresse, cettemigration massive a considérablement augmenté la pression foncière et engendré à la fois uneurbanisation mal maîtrisée, notamment autour des grandes agglomérations, et une mise envaleur agricole; les deux portant atteinte à la valeur environnementale de ces écosystèmescôtiers. Depuis quelques années, on assiste à des hivernages particulièrement pluvieux. Ceretour pluviométrique intervenant dans des zones urbanisées de façon anarchique provoquedes inondations accompagnées de conditions sanitaires précaires pour les populations les plusdéfavorisées. A la variabilité pluviométrique, risque d’apparence naturel, s’joutent desfacteurs de risques anthropiques comme l’aménagement du territoire non maîtrisé, le nonrespectdu cadre réglementaire, diverses pollutions d’origine agricole et industrielle.Cette thèse, après avoir introduit la notion de zone humide et avoir présenté les Niayes de laGrande Côte en général et des trois zones d’étude focus (Pikine, banlieue de Dakar ; Mboro,région de Thiès; Saint-Louis), retrace leurs problèmes environnementaux et les différentespolitiques d’environnement. L’évolution de l’occupation du sol des Niayes est étudiée parrecours à l’imagerie satellitale pour la période 1986-2010 pour la confronter à la gestion deces écosystèmes sensibles et s’interroger sur la pertinence des politiques mises en place dansun esprit de développement durable. / The “Niayes”, coastal wetlands of Senegal, constitute fragile ecosystems that are rich inbiodiversity while traditionally being gardening areas in the “Sahelien” environment. The bigdrought of the 1970s that struck all the Sahel countries also affected the “Niayes” by an influxof rural populations coming from inside the country in search of livelihood. Besides theextreme drought, mass migration considerably increased the proprietary pressure and at thesame time generated an uncontrolled urbanization, especially around the big agglomerationsand agricultural development: both of them undermine the environmental value of thesecoastal ecosystems. In recent years, we have witnessed particularly rainy seasons. This returneof rainfall involved in urbanized areas causes flooding, accompanied by precarious sanitaryconditions for the most unprivileged populations. The rainfall variability, risk of naturalappearance, is added to anthropogenic risk factors such as the non-mastered regionalplanning, the failure of the regulatory framework, and the pollution from various agriculturaland industrial sources.This thesis, after having introduced the concept of wet zones and having presented the Niayesof the Great Coast in general, and of the three study areas (Pikine, outskirts of Dakar; Mboro,Thies region; and Saint-Louis) in particular, traces their environmental problems and variouspolitical differences. Land use of the Niayes is analysed by using remote sensing data for theperiod 1986-2010 to confront its evolution to the management of the sensible ecosystems andquestion the relevance of the implemented politics in the spirit of sustainable development.

Biomassa e carbono no estrato arbóreo em área restaurada de Mata Atlântica / Biomass and carbon in the arboreal stratum in an Atlantic Forest restoration area

Rasera, Susane 03 December 2018 (has links)
Frente às mudanças climáticas, foi estabelecido via Acordo de Paris o compromisso do Brasil em reduzir as emissões de gases do efeito estufa em 37% até 2025 e 43% até 2030. A restauração de 12 milhões de hectares de florestas, dado o potencial das florestas em sequestrar carbono, é apresentada como uma das formas para atingir essas metas. Assim, entender o real potencial das florestas plantadas em sequestrar carbono, obtido via quantificação da biomassa, torna-se de grande importância e oportunidade. O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver modelos de predição de biomassa do estrato arbóreo para uma área restaurada com 12 anos de idade e avaliar a alocação de biomassa e carbono na vegetação arbórea em relação ao manejo silvicultural, arranjo de espécies e espaçamento de plantio nessa mesma área, localizada na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais de Anhembi, pertencente à ESALQ/USP. Para desenvolvimento das equações foi realizado o abate de 100 indivíduos arbóreos das 20 espécies presentes na área, escolhidos segundo uma amostragem estratificada em cinco classes de diâmetro por espécie. Em todas as árvores foi realizada cubagem rigorosa do tronco e galhos grossos e tiradas medidas de DAP, Altura total e Altura do tronco. Em seguida, foram divididas em quatro compartimentos: raízes, tronco, galhos grossos e copa, composta por galhos finos e folhas, e pesadaos separadamente. De cada compartimento foram obtidas amostras para determinação do teor de umidade e densidade básica dos discos, retirados em três posições do tronco: base, meio e topo e um na parte dos galhos grossos. Foram desenvolvidas quatro equações para predição de biomassa: Biomassa total acima do solo (Btas), Biomassa de tronco (Btr), Biomassa de copa (Bcp) e Biomassa de raiz (Brz). Para ajuste dos modelos foram testadas duas equações lineares, comumente utilizadas no meio florestal para cálculo de volume, e variações dessas equações com a inclusão de cinco variáveis preditoras: DAP, Altura, Altura do tronco, Comprimento de Copa e Densidade básica da madeira do tronco. As melhores equações obtidas incluíram pelo menos o DAP e densidade básica da madeira, sendo esta essencial para melhoria nos critérios de seleção de modelos. A aplicação das equações aos dados do inventário realizado em 2016 na área levou a estimativas de fixação de biomassa e carbono do estrato arbóreo bem variáveis entre os tratamentos, indo de 27,7 a 157,7 Mg.ha-1 para biomassa e de 13,0 a 74,1 Mg.C.ha-1 para carbono. As melhores parcelas apresentaram valores próximos aos encontrados em outros estudos em áreas de reflorestamento, mas abaixo do encontrado em florestas maduras. / In response to climate change, Brazil\'s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% by 2025 and 43% by 2030 was established through the Paris Agreement. The restoration of 12 million hectares of forests, given the potential of forests in sequestering carbon, is presented as one of the ways to achieve these goals. Thus, understanding the real potential of planted forests to sequester carbon, obtained through the quantification of biomass, becomes of great importance and opportunity. The objective of this work was to develop biomass prediction models of the arboreal stratum for a restored area of 12 years old and to evaluate the biomass and carbon allocation in tree vegetation in relation to silvicultural management, species arrangement and planting spacing. The study area is part of an experimental study titled \"Models for the Recovery of Atlantic Forest Degraded Areas\", located at the Experimental Station of Forestry Sciences of Anhembi, belonging to ESALQ / USP. For the development of the equations, 100 individuals of the 20 species present in the area were felled according to a stratified sampling in five diameter classes per species. In all the trees was carried out rigorous volume measurements of the trunk and thick branches and taken dimensions of DBH, Total Height and Trunk Heignt. They were divided into four compartments: roots, trunk, thick branches and canopy, composed of thin branches and leaves, and weighed separately. From each compartment were taken samples to determine the moisture content and basic density of the discs, taken in three positions of the trunk: base, middle and top and one in the part of the thick branches. Four biomass prediction equations were developed: Total Biomass Above the Soil (Btas), Trunk Biomass (Btr), Canopy Biomass (Bcp) and Root Biomass (Brz). Two linear equations commonly used to calculate tree volume and its variations with the inclusion of five predictive variables: DBH, Height, Trunk Height, Cup Length and Basic Density of the trunk wood were used to develop the equations. The best equations obtained included at least the DBH and basic wood density, which is essential for improvement in the model selection criteria. The application of the equations in the inventory carried out in 2016 in the area led to estimates of biomass and carbon values of the tree stratum very variable between the treatments, ranging from 27.7 to 157.7 Mg.ha-1 for biomass and 13.0 to 74.1 Mg.C.ha-1 for carbon. The best plots presented values close to those found in other studies in reforestation areas, but lower than those found in mature forests.

Modelagem preditiva de distribuição passada e futura de Ficus adhatodifolia Schott., Ficus insipida Willd. e Ficus citrifolia Mil. (Moraceae) / Predictive modeling of past and future distribution of Ficus adhatodifolia Schott., Ficus insipid Willd. and Ficus citrifolia Mil. (Moraceae)

Furini, Paulo Roberto 13 March 2015 (has links)
As glaciações do Quaternário moldaram os padrões filogeográficos das espécies em geral. Em algumas regiões da América do Sul, (e.g. Cerrado e Caatinga) a mudança estrutural foi mais acentuada, havendo o predomino de savanas, ao passo que em outras regiões (e.g. Amazônica e Mata Atlântica) as mudanças foram menores, formando áreas de refúgios florestais. A Modelagem Preditiva de Distribuição de espécies usa associações entre variáveis ambientais e registros de ocorrência da espécie para estimar modelos que representam as condições ambientais favoráveis à espécie. Neste trabalho foram estudadas três espécies de figueiras Neotropicais com características ecológicas distintas, representando duas linhagens filogenéticas independentes, i.e., seções Americana (Ficus citrifolia) e Pharmacosycea (Ficus adhatodifolia e Ficus insipida). Foram gerados modelos para os cenários passados (Interglacial 140.000 e Glacial 21.000 anos atrás), presente e futuro (2050 e 2070, nos cenários otimistas e pessimistas) para as três espécies estudadas usando o programa Maxent 3.3.3k. Os resultados obtidos mostram que para F. adhatodifolia as variáveis mais importantes nos modelos foram temperatura mínima do mês mais frio e precipitação do mês mais seco. Para F. insipida as variáveis mais importantes nos modelos foram temperatura mínima do mês mais frio e precipitação anual. Para F. citrifolia as variáveis mais importantes nos modelos foram temperatura mínima do mês mais frio e precipitação do mês mais chuvoso. Os modelos projetados no cenário interglacial, para as três espécies estudadas, apresentaram áreas de adequabilidade ambiental próximas ao cenário atual. Durante o período glacial F. adhatodifolia mostrou uma mudança considerável em sua área de ocorrência, ocorrendo em regiões consideradas refúgios para algumas espécies. Ficus insipida apresentou uma retração na sua adequabilidade ambiental, porém mantendo-se na região amazônica, enquanto que F. citrifolia teve um aumento na sua área de adequabilidade. Nos cenários futuros (2050 e 2070) F.adhatodifolia apresentou uma diminuição em sua área de ocorrência em ambos os cenários otimista e pessimista, F. insipida apresentou um aumento em sua área de adequabilidade ambiental e F.citrifolia apresentou uma diminuição e fragmentação na região Amazônica nos cenários otimista e pessimista de 2050 e otimista de 2070. As exigências ambientais e os possíveis padrões filogeográficos das três espécies são discutidos no contexto dos modelos preditivos gerados. / The Quaternary glaciations shaped the phylogeographic patterns of species in general. In some regions of South America (e.g.Cerrado and Caatinga) structural change was more pronounced and savannas predominated, whereas in other regions (e.g. Amazon and Atlantic Forest) changes were minor, forming areas of forest refuges. Species distribution Predictive Modeling uses associations between environmental variables and species occurrence records to estimate models that represent the environmental conditions favorable to the species. In the present study we chose three species of Neotropical Ficus with different ecological characteristics, representing two independent phylogenetic lineages, i.e., sections Americana (Ficus citrifolia) and Pharmacosycea (F.adhatodifolia and F.insipida). We generated models for the past (interglacial 140,000 years ago and Glacial 21,000 years ago), present and future scenarios (2050 and 2070 in optimistic and pessimistic scenarios) for the three study species using Maxent 3.3.3k program. Our results showed thatfor F. adhatodifolia the most important variables in the models were minimum temperature in the coldest month and precipitation in the driest month. For F.insipida the most important variables in the models were minimum temperature in the coldest month and annual precipitation. For F. citrifolia the most important variables in the models were minimum temperature in the coldest month and precipitation in the wettest month. The models designed for the interglacial stage showed areas of environmental suitability similar to the current scenario of the three species. During the glacial period F. adhatodifolia showed a considerable change in its range, occurring in regions considered refuges for some species. Ficus insipida had its environmental suitability decreased, but remained in the Amazon region, while F. citrifolia increased its area of suitability. In the future models (2050 and 2070) F.adhatodifolia showed a decrease in its range on both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios, F.insipida showed an increase in its area of environmental suitability and F.citrifolia has been decreasing and fragmentation in the Amazon region in the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios 2050 and optimistic 2070. The environmental requirements and the potential phylogeographic patterns of the study species are discussed in the context of the generated predictive models.

Processos pedogenéticos atuais e pretéritos em solos alcalino-sódicos do Pantanal Norte / Current and past pedogenic processes in alkaline-sodic soils of northern Pantanal

Oliveira Junior, Jairo Calderari de 19 December 2014 (has links)
A ocorrência de solos sódicos é comumente relacionada a regiões de clima semiárido ou condições de drenagem fechada (endorreica), e ambientes evaporativos. No Pantanal brasileiro, conhecido como a maior área inundável continental do mundo, os solos sódicos possuem significativa expressão em termos de área e funcionalidade ambiental, pela especificidade no desenvolvimento de plantas e no consumo intencional do solo por diversos animais e servindo como refúgio durante a cheia. Estes solos estão localizados nas partes mais elevadas da paisagem (paleodiques), situação diversa da maioria dos casos. Os processos pedogenéticos em solos sódicos do Pantanal Norte foram estudados na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) SESC-Pantanal, no município de Barão de Melgaço-MT, em paleodiques de cinco setores em diferentes estádios de dissecação. Para tanto foram utilizadas descrições morfológicas em diversas escalas, datações de 14C em precipitados de carbonato e por luminescência opticamente estimulada (LOE) em sedimentos, modelagens geoquímicas e mineralógicas, análises espaciais de atributos químicos e físicos do solo, levantamento da condutividade elétrica aparente com sensor eletromagnético (EM-38) e estatísticas multivariadas. Nos solos dos setores mais conservados, foram observadas feições típicas de ambiente sedimentar lêntico, lâminas de carbonato de cálcio e ocorrência de diatomáceas, sugerindo que a formação das feições ocorreu pela concentração de águas. Esses ambientes ocorreram em condições de drenagem distintas das atuais, em que as planícies de inundação permaneciam isoladas, com limitações de drenagem lateral e vertical, promovendo a perda d\'água por evapotranspiração e consequentemente concentrando os íons em solução. A simulação da evaporação das águas dos rios São Lourenço e Cuiabá apresentaram resultados similares, indicando que ambos poderiam resultar na precipitação de calcita e saturação do Na+ no complexo de troca. Entretanto as feições observadas na morfologia do perfil como nas lâminas delgadas sugerem que os solos sódicos atualmente estão em degradação. A argiluviação é muito intensa e se destaca como principal processo de transformação desses solos, ocorrendo desde os mais conservados até em estádio mais avançado de dissecação. A ferrólise é evidente no estádio mais avançado de transformação dos solos, na transição entre E e Bt onde se estabelece uma porosidade cavitária por depleção tanto mecânica como química. Os carbonatos associados a canais, antigos poros e sem córtex definido, sugerem que as condições atuais não favorecem a sua formação. As análises mineralógicas indicam a presença de esmectita na parte mais preservada do paleodique, que nas condições atuais sofre interestratificação esmectita-caulinita. A hidrologia atual promove a erosão gradativa dos paleodiques que, anteriormente isolavam as lagoas, passando a uma drenagem mais aberta. A análise de componentes principais (ACP) identificou o processo redox como predominante na área de estudo e, em conjunto com os eventos de inundação, são os principais responsáveis pelas transformações dos solos. A via de transformação de solos nos paleodiques da RPPN SESC Pantanal foi LUVISSOLO-PLANOSSOLO. Estes últimos são muito susceptíveis ao processo de erosão promovido pela inundação e tendem a desaparecer, estreitamento a cordilheira progressivamente. A erosão acaba deixando pequenas elevações circulares denominadas de murundus, com elevados teores de Na+. / Sodic soils are commonly associated to semi-arid climates, closed drainage systems (endorheic) and evaporative environments. In Brazilian Pantanal, knowns as the largest continental flooded area in the earth, sodic soils have significant expression in terms of area and environmental functionality, the specificity on plants development and soil intentional consumption (geophagy) by several animals, also playing as a refuge along the flooding events. These soils are located in the higher ground of the landscape (paleodiques), different from common situation. Pedogenic processes on north Pantanal sodic soils were studied in the Private Natural Heritage Reserve (PRNP) SESC Pantanal, in Barão do Melgaço-MT, performed on \"paleodiques\" from five sectors at different dissection stages. Pedogenic process was studied by means of morphologic descriptions was done in various scales, 14C dating on carbonate precipitates and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) in sediments, geochemical and mineralogical modeling, spatial analysis of chemical and physical properties of the soil, apparent soil electrical conductivity performed by sensor electromagnetic (EM-38) and multivariate statistics. Soil profile from more conserved sectors shows typical features of lentic sedimentation environment, calcium carbonate layer and diatoms occurrence, suggesting that the formation of these features occurred by water concentration. Current condition is the opposite from earlier, wherein the flood plains remained isolated, with limited lateral and vertical drainage promoting water loss by evaporation and therefore concentrating the ions in solution. Simulation of the evaporation of water from São Lourenço and Cuiabá rivers points out similar results, suggesting that water evaporation from both could result in calcite precipitation and Na+ saturation in exchange complex. However, the features observed in both, field morphology and thin sections suggested that sodic soils are currently in degradation. The argilluviation is very intense and stands out as the main transformation process of these soils, occurring from the most preserved even in the most advanced dissection stage of. The ferrolysis is evident in the most advanced stage processing at E and Bt transition, where it establishes a cavity porosity depletion by both mechanical and chemical. Carbonates associated with channels, old pores and channels, without a cortex, suggests the current conditions do not favor sodic soil formation. Mineralogical analyzes indicates smectite presence in the paleodique of the most preserved sector, while present conditions promotes a smectite-kaolinite interestratification. Current hydrology promotes the gradual erosion of paleodiques that previously isolated the lakes from each other, becoming a slight open drainage system. The principal component analysis (PCA) identified the redox process as major process in the study area and, along the flood events, are primarily responsible for soil transformations. Pathway of sodic soil transformation in the RPPN SESC Pantanal paleodiques was Typic Natrudalf-Glossic Natraqualf. The latter are very susceptible to erosion process, promoted by flooding and tend to disappear, narrowing the paleodique progressively. Erosion process results in smalls and circulars elevations, named mounds, with high levels of Na+.

Extrafiscalidade para uma política pública (e privada) ambiental em prol do clima / Extrafiscality to a public policy (and private) in support of environmental climate

Coradini, Moema Ferreira Giuberti 21 May 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moema Ferreira Giuberti Coradini.pdf: 1494391 bytes, checksum: 6c4c6c22d7c3bac4358af5f7474624d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-21 / This work is scoped Masters research instrument state employees to reduce emission of Greenhouse Gases, notably, the use of the mechanism of extrafiscality. Therefore, we performed an approach not only legal but also philosophical about the issues surrounding Climate Change, such as environmental ethics, the relationship between capital and nature, and in this particular placement of the planet as a holder of Rights against the constitutional / O presente trabalho de Mestrado tem por escopo a investigação de instrumentos estatais colaboradores para a redução de emissão de Gases de efeito Estufa, notadamente, a utilização do mecanismo do tributo em seu aspecto extrafiscal. Para tanto, realizamos uma abordagem não somente jurídica, mas também filosófica a respeito dos temas circundantes às Mudanças Climáticas, tais como a ética ambiental, relação existente entre o capital e a Natureza e, nesse particular, a colocação do Planeta como titular de Direitos frente à ordem constitucional

Ecologie moléculaire de l’écosystème forestier tropical africain / Molecular ecology of the African tropical forest ecosystem

Bouiges, Axelle 25 February 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce projet est de réaliser l’étude d’écologie moléculaire, non pas d’une espèce isolée, mais d’un groupe fonctionnel. Dans l’écosystème forestier africain, certaines espèces sont caractéristiques de la forêt, d’autres de la savane, et ont connu des phases d’expansion et de régression au cours des changements climatiques du quaternaire. Leur génome a-t-il enregistré un signal commun de l’histoire démographique qui en a résulté ? J’ai travaillé sur 9 espèces du genre Zaprionus (Drosophilidae). J’ai obtenu pour six d’entre elles un jeu de données complet comprenant deux échantillonnages populationnels N=20 (15 dans un cas) pour 10 gènes nucléaires et un gène mitochondrial. J’ai cherché la trace d’expansions démographiques en utilisant le DT de Tajima, le FS de Fu, la distribution mismatch. Avec les horloges moléculaires disponibles, l’histoire démographique de chaque espèce a été explorée par des méthodes bayésiennes sous BEAST (ADN mitochondrial) ou dans un modèle avec recombinaison utilisant FastSimCoal (ADN nucléaire). Cinq espèces d’affinités forestières présentent la signature d’une expansion de population. C’est le cas de Z. aff. proximus, Z. davidi, Z. sepsoides, Z. taronus et Z. vittiger. Une sixième espèce, Z. indianus, semble avoir une histoire démographique plus complexe ce qui serait compatible avec son écologie savanicole. Les délais imposés par la lourdeur des outils numériques disponibles ont limité à ce stade l’exploitation complète de ces données. En conclusion, le génome de toutes les espèces, de savane ou de forêt, porte la signature des changements climatiques passés. Ceci valide les prémisses de notre approche d’une "génomique des écosystèmes". / The aim of this project was to carry out a molecular ecology study, not only on a single species, but on a whole functional group. In the africain forest ecosystem, some species are typical of the forest while others are typical of the savanna, and have undergone stages of expansion and regression during Quaternary climate changes. Do their genomes share a common signature of the ensuing demographic history? I worked on nine species from the Zaprionus genus (Drosophilidae). For six species, I was able to gather a complete dataset including two population samples of N=20 (15 in one case) for 10 nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene. I investigated the signature of population expansion by using Tajima’s DT, Fu’s FS, and the mismatch distribution. The demographic history of each species was investigated using Bayesian methods including BEAST (for mtDNA) and a recombination model using FastSimCoal (for nuclear DNA), with available molecular clocks. Five forest-dwelling species show the signature of a population expansion: Z. aff. proximus, Z. davidi, Z. sepsoides, Z. taronus et Z. vittiger. A sixth species, Z. indianus, shows a more complex history in agreement with its dependence on savanna. The completion of the analysis of the whole dataset was precluded by the time-consuming numerical procedures involved. To conclude, the genome of all of these species – either form savanna of from the forest – shows the signature of past climatic changes, thus validating an "ecosystem genomics" approach.

Diálogos entre stakeholders em redes de organizações de agronegócios na busca da mitigação dos efeitos da mudança climática: o caso do Instituto do Agronegócio responsável - ARES

Azevedo, Denise Barros de January 2010 (has links)
O atual momento de incertezas induzidas pelas mudanças climáticas no agronegócio brasileiro tem-se mostrado oportuno para pesquisar as ações em torno das cadeias produtivas como um todo. Analisar como o agronegócio brasileiro está se preparando para se posicionar e agir diante das novas realidades climáticas é crucial tanto para a academia como para o futuro das atividades produtivas. As incertezas geradas por esse novo contexto associadas à ausência de diálogos e de diretrizes assim como a resistência a mudanças e a falta de confiança entre os stakeholders do agronegócio tornam-se problemas para o agronegócio,. Assim, a formação de redes entre stakeholders do agronegócios é fundamental para promover o conhecimento coletivo e propor convenções específicas para o momento atual e para o futuro. Nesse contexto, o conflito entre produção de bioenergia e alimentos é uma discussão central no agronegócio mundial e nacional. As questões levantadas nesta pesquisa são: como os diálogos entre stakeholders do agronegócio podem contribuir com os relacionamentos entre as organizações em rede? Qual o papel no agronegócio na discussão das mudanças climáticas no contexto do dilema da bioenergia? O objetivo da presente pesquisa é o de propor um framework para analisar a natureza dos diálogos entre stakeholders e os modelos criados para atuar nos conflitos da bioenergia e das oportunidades em redes voltadas para bioenergia com relação às mudanças climáticas no agronegócio brasileiro. Para isso, foram usadas as abordagens teóricas de Stakeholders, Redes, Negociação, Conflitos e Teoria das Convenções. Esta pesquisa classifica-se como de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, e o método adotado para a realização desta pesquisa é o de estudo de casos. Foram analisadas as organizações relacionadas com bioenergia participantes do Instituto ARES. O ARES é uma instituição inédita ligado ao agronegócio Brasileiro com intuito de promover o diálogo entre as cadeias produtivas.Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que o dilema de produção de bioenergia e alimento são aceitos seriamente pelos stakeholders, uma vez que estão dispostos a agirem em conjunto, criando bases para construção da confiança entre as diferentes cadeias produtivas; isto é, cadeias produtivas diferentes preocupando-se com outras cadeias. Esta visão permite a formação de redes, mesmo com os conflitos que existem entre elas, com negociações embasadas em confiança, coletividade, comunicação, interesses diversos com soluções únicas (estratégicas) em forma de convenções. A contribuição da pesquisa está relacionada as novas formas de análises teóricas entre os stakeholders do agronegócios. / The current moment of uncertainties induced by climate changes in the Brazilian agribusiness has been convenient for researching the actions related to the productive chains as a whole. Analyzing the way chosen by the Brazilian agribusiness to face the new climate realities is crucial both for the academy and the future of productive activities. The uncertainties generated by the new context associated to the absence of dialogues and guidelines as well as the resistance to changes and the lack of confidence among the agribusiness stakeholders have become a problem for the agribusiness. Then, it is fundamental the network formation among the agribusiness stakeholders to promote the collective knowledge and propose specific conventions for the current moment and the future. In this context, the conflict between bioenergy production and food is the central discussion of the national and international agribusiness. The issues raised in this survey are: How can the dialogues among the agribusiness stakeholders contribute to the relationships among the organizations of the network? What is the role of agribusiness in the discussion of climate changes within the bioenergy dilemma? The goal of this survey is to propose a framework to analyze the nature of dialogues among stakeholders and the models created to act in the conflicts of bioenergy and the opportunities in networks linked to bioenergy in relation to the climate changes in the Brazilian agribusiness. The theoretical approaches of Stakeholdes, Networks, Negotiation, Conflicts and Convention Theories were used to answer these questions. This survey is classified as exploratory and qualitative in nature and the method adopted is the case study. It was analyzed the organizations related to bioenergy participating in the Institute ARES. ARES is a new institution linked to the Brazilian agribusiness, aiming at promoting the dialogue among the production chains. The results of the survey show that the dilemma of bioenergy and food production are seriously considered by the stakeholders, since they want to act together, creating bases for the construction of confidence among the different productive chains; that is, different productive chains worried about other chains. This view allows the network formations, even with the conflicts existing among them, using negotiations based in trust, collectivity, communication and different interests related to exclusive solutions (strategies) used as conventions.The contribution of this survey is related to the new ways of theoretical analyzes among the stakeholders of agribusiness.

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