Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coastal area"" "subject:"coastal área""
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Massbalansmodellering av fosfor i ett åländskt kustområde : en utredning om lokaliseringen av Lotsbroverkets utloppsledningEklund, Jenny January 2004 (has links)
<p>This report is commissioned by the Water and Sewage Agency in The City of Mariehamn, Åland. The basic aim is to investigate positive or negative effects of a relocation of the sewage pipe from a wastewater treatment plant, Lotsbroverket. The environmental licence of Lotsbroverket is to be revised and The Environmental Appeal Board at Åland’s Government and Administrative Board has made demands that several possible locations in an outer water area should be examined. The present location of the sewage pipe is in Svibyviken, which has been classified as an “inner water area”.</p><p>The objective of this work is to study to which extent the nutrient loading from Lotsbroverket influence the environmental conditions in Svibyviken, and to investigate the suitability of different locations of the wastewater pipe from Lotsbroverket.</p><p>The way a coastal area looks, i.e., its morphometry, determines to a large extent its ecological characteristics. The investigated coastal area was digitalized from a nautical chart. The software used for this was Roots 3.3 and the GIS-tool ArcGIS 8.3. The localization of the coastal boundaries for the entire coastal area and for investigated sub-areas was determined according to the topographical bottleneck method, i.e., the boundary lines were drawn where the exposure of the coast to the open sea is minimized.</p><p>A process-based dynamic mass-balance model for total phosphorous has been used in this study. Using this model, one can estimate and quantify the effects of different nutrient sources in coastal areas. All the fluxes of phosphorous to, from and within the defined areas were studied and ranked. Model simulations have shown how changes in any of the phosphorous fluxes influence the mean monthly concentrations of total phosphorous. The situation for total nitrogen was determined with a statistical/empirical regression model between phosphorous and nitrogen concentrations. To estimate the expected ecological effects from a change in the nutrient loading from Lotsbroverket, statistical/empirical correlations between modelled nutrient concentrations and ecological effect variables have been used. Standard effect variables for the study of eutrophication effects in coastal areas are, e.g., the chlorophyll concentration, Secchi depth and oxygen saturation in deep water. These variables have also been used in this study.</p><p>It has been shown that (1) the nutrient concentrations of the Baltic Sea controls the concentration of nutrients in the studied areas to a very large extent, (2) that the nutrient fluxes from Lotsbroverket are small compared to the nutrient fluxes from the Baltic Sea and hence also of minor importance for the nutrient state of the receiving water system, (3) that the influence of the nutrient emissions from Lotsbroverket are most noticeable in the present inner recipient, Svibyviken, and (4) that the impact logically decreases with distance between the location of the sewage pipe and boundary line to the open sea. The overall conclusion is that no major improvement of the conditions in Svibyviken can be expected by a reduction or a relocation of the nutrient emissions from Lotsbroverket.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete är ett uppdrag av VA-verket vid Mariehamns stad, Åland, med syfte att utreda effekter av en eventuell flyttning av avloppsreningsverket Lotsbroverkets utloppsledning. Inför en revidering av Lotsbroverkets miljötillstånd har Miljöprövningsnämnden vid Ålands landskapsregering ställt villkor på att tillståndshavaren skall utreda möjligheter till att avleda det renade avloppsvattnet till ett yttre vattenområde. Utloppsledningen mynnar i dagsläget i Svibyviken, vilken har klassificerats som ett inre vattenområde.</p><p>Målsättningen med detta arbete är att belysa vilka ekologiska effekter näringsämnesutsläppet från Lotsbroverket har på primärrecipienten Svibyviken samt att undersöka några andra områdens lämplighet som mottagare av avloppsvattnet. Ett kustområdes utseende och form, det vill säga dess morfometri, avgör i stor utsträckning dess ekologiska förhållanden. För att få en god bild av det undersökta områdets morfometri digitaliserades området utifrån ett sjökort i digitaliseringsprogrammet Roots 3.3, varefter data bearbetades med GIS-verktyget ArcGIS 8.3. Avgränsning av kustområdet som helhet och av undersökta delområden gjordes enligt den topografiska flaskhalsmetoden, det vill säga så att kustens öppenhet mot utanförliggande hav eller vattenområde minimeras (Håkanson et al., 1984; Pilesjö et al., 1991).</p><p>För arbetet har en processbaserad, dynamisk massbalansmodell för totalfosfor använts. Modellen har tagits fram för att eutrofieringseffekter i kustområden skall kunna studeras (Håkanson & Karlsson, 2001). Vid användandet av modellen kan effekter av olika näringsämneskällor uppskattas och kvantifieras. Samtliga totalfosforflöden till, från och inom olika avgränsade områden har studerats och rangordnats. Modellsimuleringar har visat hur förändringar i något av fosfortillflödena inverkar på recipientens månadsmedelkoncentration av totalfosfor. Situationen för kväve har undersökts med hjälp av en statistisk/empirisk regressionsmodell mellan fosfor- och kvävehalt. För att belysa de ekologiska effekter som kan förväntas efter en förändring av Lotsbroverkets fosfor- och kväveutsläpp har statistiska/empiriska kopplingar gjorts mellan näringsämneskoncentrationer och ekologiska effektvariabler. Bra effektvariabler vid undersökning av eutrofieringseffekter är exempelvis klorofyllhalt, siktdjup samt syrgashalt i bottenvattnet. Dessa variabler har också använts i detta arbete.</p><p>Resultaten visar att (1) närsaltskoncentrationerna i de studerade områdena i hög grad styrs av den allmänna eutrofieringsnivån i Östersjön, (2) att utsläppet av näringsämnen från Lotsbroverket inte inverkar på recipientens näringsstatus i någon stor utsträckning, (3) att Lotsbroverkets påverkan är störst på nuvarande recipient, Svibyviken, (4) och att påverkan sedan successivt minskar ju längre ut mot öppna havet utloppsledningen lokaliseras. Slutsatsen av utredningen är att en reduktion av Lotsbroverkets utsläpp eller nylokalisering av utloppsledningen inte kan förväntas ge någon omfattande förbättring av tillståndet i Svibyviken.</p>
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\"Determinação de características da circulação marítima forçada por ventos no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo através de modelagem numérica hidrodinâmica\" / Hydroynamics Numerical Model, northern coastal area of São Paulo state, surface winds, Wind driven currentes, seasonal and monthly variations, winds transient effects.Roseana Pellozo Borovik 15 December 2006 (has links)
Uma versão do POM - Princeton Ocean Model foi implementada no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo, região compreendida entre as longitudes 46o e 44o30\'W e latitudes 24o30\' e 23o18\'S, abrangendo as cidades de Bertioga, São Sebastião, Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba, da linha da costa até aproximadamente a isóbata de 100 m, para estudos da resposta do mar ao vento. Para tanto foram realizados diferentes experimentos numéricos, combinando diferentes períodos e forçantes (de maré, vento e campos médios mensais de temperatura e salinidade). As respostas das simulações foram comparadas entre si, com estudos anteriores e a dados reais de diferentes fontes (marégrafo, correntômetro e altímetro). As simulações reproduziram razoavelmente os dados medidos, demostrando uma boa calibração do modelo. Foi observado o padrão de correntes predominantes para sudoeste, infuenciado pela Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul e seus ventos de nordeste, bem como eventuais efeitos de frentes frias com ventos de sudoeste e correntes para nordeste.Também se observou que as frentes frias mais intensas não ocorreram nos meses de inverno para os processamentos do ano de 2005, que apresentou várias situações anômalas, como por exemplo: um mês de Fevereiro com excepcional persistência de ventos do quadrante sul; ventos muito fracos em Março; Junho também com ventos fracos e praticamente ausência de frentes frias; e Setembro e Outubro com incursões muito freqüentes de frentes. Apesar das anomalias dos ventos e correspondentes campos de correntes, variações dos valores médios mensais de elevação da superfície do mar foram mais regulares, reproduzindo inclusive os valores medidos por altimetria, com um ciclo sazonal bem definido, o que provavelmente se deve ao fato das elevações da superfície do mar serem mais dependentes da circulação geral no Atlântico Sul e menos dependentes de ventos locais. Também foram analisados através da modelagem, os campos hidrodinâmicos causados por diversas combinações de condições de maré (típicas e extremas) e de efeitos meteorológicos (predominantes e extremos). O processamento final do modelo indicou que a circulação de maré é uma boa aproximação da circulação total, com exceção de períodos em que ocorrem eventos meteorológicos extremos. / A version of POM - Princeton Ocean Model was used in the northern coastal area of São Paulo State, longitudes 46o ? 44o30\'W and latitudes 24o30\' ? 23o18\'S, with the cities of Bertioga, São Sebastião, Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba in the domain, from the coast to the 100m isobath, to study the sea response to the wind forcing. For this purpose, several numerical experiment were performed, involving different periods and forcings (including tides, winds and monthly means fields of temperature and salinity). The simulations results were compared to other studies, with real observations from several sources methods (tide gauge, current meter and altimeter). The simulations reproduced reasonably the real datas, showing a good model calibration. Standard currents to the southeast, were observed, due to the South Atlantic Subtropical High influence and its northeast winds, as well as eventual northeast currents generated by cold fronts with southeast winds. It was also observed that the strongest cold fronts did not occur in winter\'s months in the model runs of the year of 2005, which presented several anomalies, as for example: February exceptional southern winds persistence; very weak winds in March; June practically without colds fronts and weak winds too; and September and October with frequent cold fronts incursions. Despite the wind anomalies and correspondent currents fields, the monthly means elevations of sea surface has regular pattern, reproducing the altimeter data, with clear seasonal cycle, probably because the sea surface elevations depend more on the general circulation in the South Atlantic and not on the local winds. Through the modeling hydrodynamical fields generated by differents tidal conditions (typical and extremes) and by several meteorological effect (standard and extremes) were analyzed. The last model processement indicate that tidal circulation is a god approximation of the total circulation, except when extreme meteorological events occur.
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\"Determinação de características da circulação marítima forçada por ventos no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo através de modelagem numérica hidrodinâmica\" / Hydroynamics Numerical Model, northern coastal area of São Paulo state, surface winds, Wind driven currentes, seasonal and monthly variations, winds transient effects.Borovik, Roseana Pellozo 15 December 2006 (has links)
Uma versão do POM - Princeton Ocean Model foi implementada no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo, região compreendida entre as longitudes 46o e 44o30\'W e latitudes 24o30\' e 23o18\'S, abrangendo as cidades de Bertioga, São Sebastião, Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba, da linha da costa até aproximadamente a isóbata de 100 m, para estudos da resposta do mar ao vento. Para tanto foram realizados diferentes experimentos numéricos, combinando diferentes períodos e forçantes (de maré, vento e campos médios mensais de temperatura e salinidade). As respostas das simulações foram comparadas entre si, com estudos anteriores e a dados reais de diferentes fontes (marégrafo, correntômetro e altímetro). As simulações reproduziram razoavelmente os dados medidos, demostrando uma boa calibração do modelo. Foi observado o padrão de correntes predominantes para sudoeste, infuenciado pela Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul e seus ventos de nordeste, bem como eventuais efeitos de frentes frias com ventos de sudoeste e correntes para nordeste.Também se observou que as frentes frias mais intensas não ocorreram nos meses de inverno para os processamentos do ano de 2005, que apresentou várias situações anômalas, como por exemplo: um mês de Fevereiro com excepcional persistência de ventos do quadrante sul; ventos muito fracos em Março; Junho também com ventos fracos e praticamente ausência de frentes frias; e Setembro e Outubro com incursões muito freqüentes de frentes. Apesar das anomalias dos ventos e correspondentes campos de correntes, variações dos valores médios mensais de elevação da superfície do mar foram mais regulares, reproduzindo inclusive os valores medidos por altimetria, com um ciclo sazonal bem definido, o que provavelmente se deve ao fato das elevações da superfície do mar serem mais dependentes da circulação geral no Atlântico Sul e menos dependentes de ventos locais. Também foram analisados através da modelagem, os campos hidrodinâmicos causados por diversas combinações de condições de maré (típicas e extremas) e de efeitos meteorológicos (predominantes e extremos). O processamento final do modelo indicou que a circulação de maré é uma boa aproximação da circulação total, com exceção de períodos em que ocorrem eventos meteorológicos extremos. / A version of POM - Princeton Ocean Model was used in the northern coastal area of São Paulo State, longitudes 46o ? 44o30\'W and latitudes 24o30\' ? 23o18\'S, with the cities of Bertioga, São Sebastião, Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba in the domain, from the coast to the 100m isobath, to study the sea response to the wind forcing. For this purpose, several numerical experiment were performed, involving different periods and forcings (including tides, winds and monthly means fields of temperature and salinity). The simulations results were compared to other studies, with real observations from several sources methods (tide gauge, current meter and altimeter). The simulations reproduced reasonably the real datas, showing a good model calibration. Standard currents to the southeast, were observed, due to the South Atlantic Subtropical High influence and its northeast winds, as well as eventual northeast currents generated by cold fronts with southeast winds. It was also observed that the strongest cold fronts did not occur in winter\'s months in the model runs of the year of 2005, which presented several anomalies, as for example: February exceptional southern winds persistence; very weak winds in March; June practically without colds fronts and weak winds too; and September and October with frequent cold fronts incursions. Despite the wind anomalies and correspondent currents fields, the monthly means elevations of sea surface has regular pattern, reproducing the altimeter data, with clear seasonal cycle, probably because the sea surface elevations depend more on the general circulation in the South Atlantic and not on the local winds. Through the modeling hydrodynamical fields generated by differents tidal conditions (typical and extremes) and by several meteorological effect (standard and extremes) were analyzed. The last model processement indicate that tidal circulation is a god approximation of the total circulation, except when extreme meteorological events occur.
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我國海洋事務發展與海域執法研究孫晋華 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年馬英九先生當選總統,在海洋政策領域中提出了「藍色革命、海洋興國」的口號與願景,欲成立海洋事務部,雖是根本解決之道,由於海洋事務範圍廣泛,涉及機關眾多,為避免現行各部會反彈,採循序漸進的可行方式,而先成立「海洋事務委員會」之協調規劃機關,共同與各相關部會推動海洋事務工作。期能匯集國力,維護海洋權益,加強海域防衛能量,以遏止海上威脅,確保國家安全。 / Geographically located at the central area of the first island chain of Western Pacific Ocean, Taiwan is regarded as the pivotal point of the navigation from Far East to Northern America as well as the channel linking the Pacific Ocean with Indian Ocean, holding the reins of Bashi Channel, the sea surrounding Taiwan and the neighboring Pacific Ocean, all of which manifest itself as one significant role geographically and strategically. Viewed from this perspective, the development of marine affairs in Taiwan not only has a close correlation with the maritime law enforcement, but serves as a valve to the national security also.
The appropriate advances of marine resources and efficient management of neighboring sea areas has proven very important for the security and development of Taiwan, a country blessed with rich and diverse marine resources. Over the past decades, Taiwan’s economy has relied heavily on international marine commerce, creating prosperous economic developments and thereby expanding its space on the international arena through the economic and financial links with other countries. Most of these exports and imports have transported through sea, hence the marine transportation should be seen as the line of life and should be kept workable at the period of peace as well as at wartime, in order to protect the status of Taiwan and maintain the economic and financial pulses all over the globe.
Apart from the Navy, Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan (shortened as Coast Guard) has been an essential source of power in addressing marine affairs. Founded on January 28, 2000, Coast Guard is currently staffed with 21,453 persons, equipped with more than 160 patrol frigates and 77 coastal radars. Coast Guard takes charge of coastal-area regulation tasks and national safety matters including preventing the smuggling of guns、 drugs and curbing epidemic spread in the time of peace. During the period of war, Coast Guard shall be integrated into the military defense system according to the decrees from the National Defense Law and the Institutional Regulations of Coast Guard Administration. After the 911 incident, Coast Guard has cooperated in counterattacking the terror attacks such as hijacking or destruction of boats or vessels at sea or near fishing ports in accordance with the anti-terror team of Executive Yuan, so as to protect the national security of our coast and sea areas.
As Ma Ying-jeou was elected as President in 2008, he proposed a vision with the campaign slogan of “Blue Revolution, Ocean Nation”, promising to establish Maritime Affairs Ministry. Although such ministry might be the solution for creating an ocean country, but due to the diversity of marine affairs, which involve a wide range of government institutions and agencies; what is more, probable protests may arise from existing government offices. Therefore, in order to conduct such relevant maritime affairs, the establishment of “Maritime Affairs Committee” is to act as ccoordinated institution across departments and offices. We hope to maintain our marine rights, strengthen marine defense capabilities and gather our national momentum so that marine threats can be contained while national security can be preserved.
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Massbalansmodellering av fosfor i ett åländskt kustområde : en utredning om lokaliseringen av Lotsbroverkets utloppsledningEklund, Jenny January 2004 (has links)
This report is commissioned by the Water and Sewage Agency in The City of Mariehamn, Åland. The basic aim is to investigate positive or negative effects of a relocation of the sewage pipe from a wastewater treatment plant, Lotsbroverket. The environmental licence of Lotsbroverket is to be revised and The Environmental Appeal Board at Åland’s Government and Administrative Board has made demands that several possible locations in an outer water area should be examined. The present location of the sewage pipe is in Svibyviken, which has been classified as an “inner water area”. The objective of this work is to study to which extent the nutrient loading from Lotsbroverket influence the environmental conditions in Svibyviken, and to investigate the suitability of different locations of the wastewater pipe from Lotsbroverket. The way a coastal area looks, i.e., its morphometry, determines to a large extent its ecological characteristics. The investigated coastal area was digitalized from a nautical chart. The software used for this was Roots 3.3 and the GIS-tool ArcGIS 8.3. The localization of the coastal boundaries for the entire coastal area and for investigated sub-areas was determined according to the topographical bottleneck method, i.e., the boundary lines were drawn where the exposure of the coast to the open sea is minimized. A process-based dynamic mass-balance model for total phosphorous has been used in this study. Using this model, one can estimate and quantify the effects of different nutrient sources in coastal areas. All the fluxes of phosphorous to, from and within the defined areas were studied and ranked. Model simulations have shown how changes in any of the phosphorous fluxes influence the mean monthly concentrations of total phosphorous. The situation for total nitrogen was determined with a statistical/empirical regression model between phosphorous and nitrogen concentrations. To estimate the expected ecological effects from a change in the nutrient loading from Lotsbroverket, statistical/empirical correlations between modelled nutrient concentrations and ecological effect variables have been used. Standard effect variables for the study of eutrophication effects in coastal areas are, e.g., the chlorophyll concentration, Secchi depth and oxygen saturation in deep water. These variables have also been used in this study. It has been shown that (1) the nutrient concentrations of the Baltic Sea controls the concentration of nutrients in the studied areas to a very large extent, (2) that the nutrient fluxes from Lotsbroverket are small compared to the nutrient fluxes from the Baltic Sea and hence also of minor importance for the nutrient state of the receiving water system, (3) that the influence of the nutrient emissions from Lotsbroverket are most noticeable in the present inner recipient, Svibyviken, and (4) that the impact logically decreases with distance between the location of the sewage pipe and boundary line to the open sea. The overall conclusion is that no major improvement of the conditions in Svibyviken can be expected by a reduction or a relocation of the nutrient emissions from Lotsbroverket. / Detta examensarbete är ett uppdrag av VA-verket vid Mariehamns stad, Åland, med syfte att utreda effekter av en eventuell flyttning av avloppsreningsverket Lotsbroverkets utloppsledning. Inför en revidering av Lotsbroverkets miljötillstånd har Miljöprövningsnämnden vid Ålands landskapsregering ställt villkor på att tillståndshavaren skall utreda möjligheter till att avleda det renade avloppsvattnet till ett yttre vattenområde. Utloppsledningen mynnar i dagsläget i Svibyviken, vilken har klassificerats som ett inre vattenområde. Målsättningen med detta arbete är att belysa vilka ekologiska effekter näringsämnesutsläppet från Lotsbroverket har på primärrecipienten Svibyviken samt att undersöka några andra områdens lämplighet som mottagare av avloppsvattnet. Ett kustområdes utseende och form, det vill säga dess morfometri, avgör i stor utsträckning dess ekologiska förhållanden. För att få en god bild av det undersökta områdets morfometri digitaliserades området utifrån ett sjökort i digitaliseringsprogrammet Roots 3.3, varefter data bearbetades med GIS-verktyget ArcGIS 8.3. Avgränsning av kustområdet som helhet och av undersökta delområden gjordes enligt den topografiska flaskhalsmetoden, det vill säga så att kustens öppenhet mot utanförliggande hav eller vattenområde minimeras (Håkanson et al., 1984; Pilesjö et al., 1991). För arbetet har en processbaserad, dynamisk massbalansmodell för totalfosfor använts. Modellen har tagits fram för att eutrofieringseffekter i kustområden skall kunna studeras (Håkanson & Karlsson, 2001). Vid användandet av modellen kan effekter av olika näringsämneskällor uppskattas och kvantifieras. Samtliga totalfosforflöden till, från och inom olika avgränsade områden har studerats och rangordnats. Modellsimuleringar har visat hur förändringar i något av fosfortillflödena inverkar på recipientens månadsmedelkoncentration av totalfosfor. Situationen för kväve har undersökts med hjälp av en statistisk/empirisk regressionsmodell mellan fosfor- och kvävehalt. För att belysa de ekologiska effekter som kan förväntas efter en förändring av Lotsbroverkets fosfor- och kväveutsläpp har statistiska/empiriska kopplingar gjorts mellan näringsämneskoncentrationer och ekologiska effektvariabler. Bra effektvariabler vid undersökning av eutrofieringseffekter är exempelvis klorofyllhalt, siktdjup samt syrgashalt i bottenvattnet. Dessa variabler har också använts i detta arbete. Resultaten visar att (1) närsaltskoncentrationerna i de studerade områdena i hög grad styrs av den allmänna eutrofieringsnivån i Östersjön, (2) att utsläppet av näringsämnen från Lotsbroverket inte inverkar på recipientens näringsstatus i någon stor utsträckning, (3) att Lotsbroverkets påverkan är störst på nuvarande recipient, Svibyviken, (4) och att påverkan sedan successivt minskar ju längre ut mot öppna havet utloppsledningen lokaliseras. Slutsatsen av utredningen är att en reduktion av Lotsbroverkets utsläpp eller nylokalisering av utloppsledningen inte kan förväntas ge någon omfattande förbättring av tillståndet i Svibyviken.
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Urban Coastal Settlements: Implementation Of A Coastal Area Assessment Model In Iskenderun CaseCakir, Bilge 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Coastal urban settlements require a special planning approach since they bring the concepts of &ldquo / urban&rdquo / and &ldquo / coastal&rdquo / together. In relation to the specific contents of these concepts, there are also different models of management plans. &ldquo / Urban Disaster Risk Management&rdquo / and &ldquo / Integrated Coastal Zone Management&rdquo / are two of them. Urban Disaster Risk Management model deals with the planning and management problems of urban settlements in the case of disaster risk conditions. Likewise, Integrated Coastal Zone Management model focuses on the whole coastal area and deals with the sustainable use and protection of all types of coastal resources. However, in case of urban coastal settlements, these models of management plans can be valid together, can overlap, and they can even conflict with each other.
In this thesis study, these two models of management plan and their coexistence are considered. A Coastal Area Assessment Model is set up and applied for Iskenderun case. This model provides a detailed spatial analysis opportunity in planning and management of coastal urban settlement. Therefore the model offers a significant input for the planning process through determining urban and coastal risks at the same time. Coastal Area Assessment Model is a tool which takes both Urban Disaster Risk Management and Integrated Coastal Zone Management models&rsquo / concerns into account and evaluates the coastal settlement in terms of urban risk sectors and coastal management issues.
This study also introduces an approach on classification of the coastal areas and coastal urban settlements while setting up the Coastal Area Assessment Model.
Coastal Area Assessment Model becomes an advantageous tool since it has significant contributions to the planning process by making a simple risk analysis and guiding the proper utilization and protection of the population, built environment, and resources of the coastal areas. Risk sectors, coastal management issues, critical and prior intervention areas of a coastal urban settlement are easily determined, and preparation of development plans of a coastal settlement is guided by the implementation of Coastal Area Assessment Model. In addition to these, general principles on planning and management of coastal settlements are determined by the implementation of the model for the implementation conditions of Urban Disaster Risk Management model, Integrated Coastal Zone Management model, and the Coastal Area Assessment Model in Turkey are also discussed and presented.
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VerificaÃÃo e ComprovaÃÃo das Modelagens HidrodinÃmica e de Transporte de Sedimentos na Ãrea Costeira do Porto do PecÃm. / VERIFICATION AND EVIDENCE OF THE HYDRODYNAMICS AND TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENTS MODELING IN THE COASTAL AREA OF THE PORT OF PECÃMLuiz Alberto de Almeida Vieira 26 January 2007 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / A fim de compreender e predizer evoluÃÃes geomorfologicas em mares e em estuÃrios litorais necessita-se de um modelo que descreva a dinÃmica do movimento da Ãgua, o movimento do sedimento e a evoluÃÃo de limites erodiveis (como o fundo). Os Ãltimos dois mÃdulos requerem a informaÃÃo quantitativa sobre a erosÃo, a deposiÃÃo e o transporte do sedimento. As estruturas sÃo construÃdas ao longo da costa para vÃrias finalidades e causam modificaÃÃes no ambiente natural com mudanÃa circunstanciais da linha de costa. A concepÃÃo do porto de PecÃm requereu do governo estudar e impedir as possÃveis alteraÃÃes da linha da costa prÃximo Ãs estruturas construÃdas. EntÃo, atravÃs de simulaÃÃo numÃrica, utilizando-se moderno software, MIKE21 e LITPACK, estudou-se e previu-se o comportamento da linha de costa nos dez anos seguintes ao inÃcio da construÃÃo, 1996. Este trabalho pretende verificar a realidade daquela previsÃo. Os resultados para a dinÃmica da linha de costa da regiÃo do porto de PecÃm foram obtidos atravÃs de comparaÃÃes da sua evoluÃÃo desde o momento inicial da construÃÃo do terminal portuÃrio, mostrando, assim, as transformaÃÃes causadas pelo transporte do sedimento em dois perÃodos de estudo, antes e depois da construÃÃo do embarcadouro provisÃrio, e comparar com os resultados determinados pelas simulaÃÃes numÃricas dos softwares, MIKE21 e LITPACK / In order to understand and predict geomorphologic evolutions in coastal seas and estuaries a model is needed which describes the dynamics of the water motion, sediment movement and the evolution of erodible boundaries (like the bottom). The latter two modules require quantitative information about erosion, deposition and transport of sediment. The structures are constructed to the long one of the coast for some purposes and cause modifications in the natural environment with change of the circumstantial shoreline. The conception of the port of PecÃm required of the government to study and to hinder the possible alterations of the coast line next to the constructed structures. Then, through numerical simulation, using modern software, MIKE21 and LITPACK, it was studied and one foreseen the behavior of the shoreline in the ten following years to the beginning of the construction, 1996. This work intends to verify the reality of that forecast. The results for the dynamics of the shoreline of the region of the port of PecÃm had been gotten through comparisons of its evolution since the initial moment of the construction that terminal port, showing, thus, the transformations caused by the transport of the sediment in two periods of study, before and after the construction of the provisory docking, and to compare with the results determined for the numerical simulations of software, MIKE21 and of LITPACK
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Contribuição ao estudo da camada limite planetária na região do canal de São Sebastião - SP / Contribution to the study of the planetary boundary layer in the São Sebastião channel area - SPVieira, Andreza de Campos 21 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a evolução espacial da Camada Limite Planetária (CLP) na região do Canal de São Sebastião (CSS) - SP, uma das áreas mais impactadas por derramamentos acidentais de óleo das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil. Para tanto, foi feito levantamento da topografia e cobertura do solo para uma região de 12 km x 12 km no CSS com o intuito de levantar parâmetros essenciais para a estimativa do balanço de energia sobre o continente. Foram utilizados dados médios horários de vento, temperatura e umidade específica do ar coletados pelo Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEBIMar), e temperatura do oceano obtida de um fundeio ancorado próximo ao centro do canal. Os dados médios foram utilizados para estimar o balanço de energia sobre o continente, utilizando o método proposto por Deardorff (1978), e sobre o oceano através de parametrização do tipo bulk para as condições de verão e inverno. Com os resultados obtidos foi determinada a altura da CLP para ambas as superfícies e, em seguida, aplicada uma média móvel com advecção destas alturas no sentido do vento zonal - a componente mais intensa do vento ao longo do dia segundo análise de dados para ambas estações estudadas - para investigar sua evolução espacial ao longo de duas linhas de latitude: uma interceptando o CEBIMar e outra, mais ao sul, numa região composta por água e continente em igual proporção. / This work investigates the spatial evolution of the Planetary Boundary Layer in the region of São Sebastião Channel (SSC) - SP, one of the most impacted area by accidental oil spilling in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil. It was performed a topographic and soil cover survey for a region of 12 km x 12 km in the SSC region in order to obtain the essential parameters to estimate the energy balance over the continent. Hourly averaged data of wind, air temperature and specific humidity collected by the Marine Biologic Center (CEBIMar) and ocean temperature obtained by a mooring near the center of the channel were used in this work to estimate the energy balance over the continent using the routine proposed by Deardorff (1978) and over the ocean using bulk parameterizations for winter and summer conditions. The obtained results were used to determine the PBL height for both surfaces. To investigate the PBL spatial evolution in the transition continent-water-continent it was applied a movable average with advection of the PBL height in the zonal wind direction the wind component more intense during winter and summer, according to the data analysis- to investigate the PBL spatial evolution through two latitude lines: one intercepting the CEBIMar and another in an region southward with equal water and continent proportion.
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Contribuição ao estudo da camada limite planetária na região do canal de São Sebastião - SP / Contribution to the study of the planetary boundary layer in the São Sebastião channel area - SPAndreza de Campos Vieira 21 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a evolução espacial da Camada Limite Planetária (CLP) na região do Canal de São Sebastião (CSS) - SP, uma das áreas mais impactadas por derramamentos acidentais de óleo das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil. Para tanto, foi feito levantamento da topografia e cobertura do solo para uma região de 12 km x 12 km no CSS com o intuito de levantar parâmetros essenciais para a estimativa do balanço de energia sobre o continente. Foram utilizados dados médios horários de vento, temperatura e umidade específica do ar coletados pelo Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEBIMar), e temperatura do oceano obtida de um fundeio ancorado próximo ao centro do canal. Os dados médios foram utilizados para estimar o balanço de energia sobre o continente, utilizando o método proposto por Deardorff (1978), e sobre o oceano através de parametrização do tipo bulk para as condições de verão e inverno. Com os resultados obtidos foi determinada a altura da CLP para ambas as superfícies e, em seguida, aplicada uma média móvel com advecção destas alturas no sentido do vento zonal - a componente mais intensa do vento ao longo do dia segundo análise de dados para ambas estações estudadas - para investigar sua evolução espacial ao longo de duas linhas de latitude: uma interceptando o CEBIMar e outra, mais ao sul, numa região composta por água e continente em igual proporção. / This work investigates the spatial evolution of the Planetary Boundary Layer in the region of São Sebastião Channel (SSC) - SP, one of the most impacted area by accidental oil spilling in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil. It was performed a topographic and soil cover survey for a region of 12 km x 12 km in the SSC region in order to obtain the essential parameters to estimate the energy balance over the continent. Hourly averaged data of wind, air temperature and specific humidity collected by the Marine Biologic Center (CEBIMar) and ocean temperature obtained by a mooring near the center of the channel were used in this work to estimate the energy balance over the continent using the routine proposed by Deardorff (1978) and over the ocean using bulk parameterizations for winter and summer conditions. The obtained results were used to determine the PBL height for both surfaces. To investigate the PBL spatial evolution in the transition continent-water-continent it was applied a movable average with advection of the PBL height in the zonal wind direction the wind component more intense during winter and summer, according to the data analysis- to investigate the PBL spatial evolution through two latitude lines: one intercepting the CEBIMar and another in an region southward with equal water and continent proportion.
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L'effectivité des instruments de protection et d'aménagement du littoral méditerranéen : cas de l'Algérie / Effectiveness of the instruments for the protection and the urban planning of the Mediterranean coast : the case of AlgeriaFoury, Nazim Fouad 29 September 2017 (has links)
Le littoral algérien est caractérisé par une grande richesse en ressources naturelles et offre d’importantes potentialités économiques. Néanmoins, cette portion du territoire est victime de son succès et se trouve confrontée, par conséquent, à une multitude de problèmes tels que la surexploitation de ses ressources amplifiés par une urbanisation massive qui s'accélère de plus en plus mais également par une pollution et une dégradation des zones côtières. Afin de répondre au mieux aux nombreuses incohérences résultant de ces divers problèmes qui frappent le littoral algérien, l’État doit veiller à mettre en place les mesures nécessaires pour trouver un juste équilibre entre l’utilisation de cet espace et sa préservation. L’analyse approfondie du dispositif institutionnel et législatif mis en place par les pouvoirs publics algériens démontre qu’il y a une réelle insuffisance en matière de gouvernance côtière et que les textes juridiques sont lacunaires en ce qui concerne la préservation et l’aménagement du littoral. Le principal défi de l’État est de pallier ces carences en mettant en place une politique de gestion intégrée et globale du littoral qui en permettrait un développement équilibré et durable / The Algerian coastline is characterized by rich natural resources which offer important economic potential. Nonetheless, this part of the country finds itself victim of its own success and have to face a multitude of problems, especially the over-exploitation of its resources which have been amplified by a massive urbanization that is accelerated more and more, but also by pollution and a deterioration of the coastal areas. Moreover, and to best answer the numerous incoherencies that result from these multiple problems that hit the Algerian coastline, the state has to take necessary measures to find a right balance between the use of this space and its preservation. The thorough analysis of the institutional and legal framework put in place by the Algerian public authorities, proves the existence of a real inadequacy in terms of coastal governance, as well as incomplete judicial texts with regards to coastal preservation and development. The primary challenge of the government is to redress these shortcomings, by putting in place an integrated and global management policy of the coast that will allow a balanced and sustained development of this space
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