Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coercion"" "subject:"coercions""
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Bisexual Women’s Experiences of Stigma and Verbal Sexual Coercion: The Role of Internalized Heterosexism and OutnessSalim, Selime R. 29 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Freedom of Religion and the headscarf: a perspective from international and comparative constitutional LawOsman, Fatima 25 February 2021 (has links)
his thesis analyses whether a legislative ban on wearing a headscarf breaches the right to freedom of religion, as such right is universally understood. It describes the ambit of the right to freedom of religion by examining the theoretical justification and importance of the right and thereafter analysing how the right is recognised in international and regional treaties and domestic constitutions. It demonstrates that religious freedom comprises of the right to hold a religion and the right to manifest a religion in the form of worship, observance, practice and teaching. Religious freedom, however, is not absolute and the thesis explains in the light of international and comparative case-law that the right to freedom of religion may be limited by a law that pursues a legitimate state interest and is reasonable. In light of this theoretical framework the thesis examines the practice of Muslim women wearing a headscarf and argues that the practice constitutes a manifestation of Islamic belief protected by the right to freedom of religion. Thereafter this thesis examines French, Turkish and German prohibitions on wearing a headscarf, the effect of these laws on Muslim women and the justifications furnished for such laws. It is argued that the state interest of preserving secularism relied upon to justify a headscarf ban is not legitimate and does not justify a headscarf ban. Furthermore, even where the state has a legitimate interest in preventing the coercion of young girls, promoting the equality rights of women and maintaining safety and order, a headscarf ban does not constitute a reasonable limitation of religious freedom. Ultimately, this thesis argues that a headscarf ban exacerbates the problems it is meant to solve and constitutes an unjustifiable infringement of religious freedom.
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Etiska dilemman för sjuksköterskor i omvårdnaden av personer med demenssjukdom - en kvalitativ intervjustudieWidborg, Olivia, Samuelsson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år insjuknar cirka 25 000 personer i Sverige i någon form av demenssjukdom, och antalet personer med demens i Sverige beräknas 2014 vara cirka 160 000 personer (Socialstyrelsen, 2014). I omvårdnaden av personer med demens ställs sjuksköterskan inför etiska dilemman där hen hamnar i kläm mellan rättsligt läge, och sin skyldighet att bevara vårdtagarens värdighet och integritet (Lejman et al, 2013). Syfte: Att undersöka etiska dilemman sjuksköterskan upplevt i samband med att vårdtagare med demens motsatt sig omvårdnad. Studien avsåg även undersöka om situationer fanns då sjuksköterskan ansåg tvång vara berättigat, om strategier användes för att övertyga vårdtagare med demens som motsatte sig omvårdnad samt om strategier användes för att förekomma detta.Metod: En studie med kvalitativ ansats gjordes, bestående av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor som arbetade inom demensvård, alternativt hade en konsultativ roll inom demensvård i Malmö stad. En modifierad version av Burnards (1991) metod för innehållsanalys gjordes.Resultat: Ett tema, komponenter för en etiskt god omvårdnad, tre kategorier och sju underkategorier framkom i resultatet. Kategorin anhöriga innefattade underkategorierna anhöriga som del av teamet och när meningar går isär. Kategorin samarbete innefattade underkategorierna samverkan med arbetskamrater och andra professioner och behov av kunskap. Kategorin att göra gott och inte skada innefattade underkategorierna att handla mot vårdtagarens vilja, vårdtagarens självbestämmande och personcentrerad vård.Konklusion: I omvårdnaden av personer med demens hamnade sjuksköterskan ofta i etiskt svåra situationer. Dessa underlättades av en personcentrerad omvårdnad, ett tillåtande arbetsklimat samt en god relation med anhöriga. Etiskt svåra beslut försvårades då anhörigas åsikt gällande omvårdnad skiljde sig från den medicinska bedömningen. Behov av kunskap om demens ansågs finnas. Lagar ansågs inte alltid vara tillämpbara i verkligheten. Vårdtagarens självbestämmande förbisågs då denne utsatte sig själv eller andra för skada. / Background: Every year about 25 000 individuals in Sweden develop some form of dementia, and the number of people living with dementia in Sweden 2014 is estimated to be 160 000 (Socialstyrelsen, 2014). When caring for persons with dementia, nurses faces ethical dilemmas and get caught between the law and the obligation to preserve the care recipients’ integrity (Lejman et al, 2013).Aim: To examine ethical dilemmas nurses faced when caring for persons with dementia in connection to situations where care recipients opposed themselves to care. The study also aimed to examine whether situations occurred when nurses felt that coercion was justified, if strategies were used in situations where people with dementia opposed themselves to care, and if strategies were used to prevent those situations.Method: A qualitative study design was applied, consisting of six semi-structured interviews with nurses who were practicing in dementia care, or had a consultative role in dementia care, within the city of Malmö. A modified version of Burnard’s (1991) data analysis was used.Results: An overall theme, components of ethically good nursing, three categories and seven subcategories emerged. The category relatives contained the subcategories; relatives as part of the team and difference of opinion. The category collaboration contained the subcategories collaboration with colleagues and other health care professions and need for knowledge. The category to do good and not harm contained the subcategories to act against the care recipients’ will, care recipients’ self-determination and person-centred care.Conclusion: The study revealed that nurses in dementia care often experienced ethical dilemmas. Decision making in ethically difficult situations was facilitated by person-centred care, a permissive working climate and good relation with relatives. Ethically difficult decisions were complicated when the relatives’ opinion regarding nursing differed from the medical assessment. Respect for the care recipients’ self-determination was overlooked when the care recipients’ subjected himself or others to harm. A need for knowledge about dementia was identified among other health professions and government officials. Laws were not always considered to be applicable in reality.
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Sexual selection and sexual conflict in the reproductive strategies of Bornean orangutansScott, Amy Marie 11 August 2021 (has links)
Due to an extreme asymmetry in parental investment, raising the potential for sexual conflict, orangutans provide unique insights into the role of sexual conflict in male and female reproductive strategies. Sexual selection acts on reproductive strategies, selecting for strategies that increase an individual's reproductive success. Sexual conflict results when the reproductive strategies of one sex impose costs on the other. Three forms of sexual selection have been documented in orangutans—male-male competition, female choice, and sexual coercion. This dissertation asks (1) how males employ reproductive strategies to increase their likelihood of reproductive success in the face of multi-male mating by females and (2) how females employ reproductive strategies to enact female choice and increase infant survival in the face of male-male competition and sexual coercion. I investigate these two questions using genetic paternity, long-term association data, and a year of behavioral data from orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Brown-modified Hinde Indices, initiation and termination of associations, and following data reveal that female participation is necessary to sustain longer male-female associations and females use facultative associations to employ mate choice. Genetic paternity determination found low reproductive skew, with flanged males siring more offspring than unflanged males. Investigation of female infanticide avoidance strategies showed that females with dependent offspring under age six associate with males less often than other categories of females do, and mothers decrease the distance with their offspring during associations with males. These results highlight the importance of both female choice and male-male competition in reproductive outcomes, and illustrate how facultative associations play a key role in the reproductive strategies of both male and female orangutans. Both sexes’ strategies are studied, demonstrating the dynamic co-evolution of strategies and counterstrategies. I also consider the implications of these findings for the evolution of male bimaturism. Examining orangutan mating and reproductive behaviors deepens our understanding of how sexual conflict and sexual selection have shaped their unusual mating system and broadens our understanding of sexual conflict in reproductive strategies in a species with an extreme disparity between maternal and paternal investment. / 2025-08-31T00:00:00Z
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Patienters upplevelser av att tvångsvårdas inom psykiatrisk vård. : LitteraturstudieArslanoglu, Zeynep, Beschorner, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Lag (1991:1128) om psykiatrisk tvångsvård (LPT) är den lag som reglerartvångsvård inom psykiatrin i Sverige. År 2021 tvångsvårdades ungefär 12.500 personer ienlighet med denna lag. Under tvångsvården kan en rad olika tvångsåtgärder bli aktuellasåsom; kroppsvisitering/ytlig kroppsbesiktning, tvångsbehandling, mekaniska tvångsåtgärderoch inskränkning i patientens rätt att använda olika kommunikationstjänster. Målet medtvångsvård är att patienten ska må så bra som möjligt och kunna få vård utan att behövatvingas till det. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka patienters upplevelser av att tvångsvårdasinom psykiatrisk vård. Metod: Till denna studie valdes en deskriptiv design, litteraturöversikt och en kvalitativansats som metod. Tolv artiklar valdes ut för analys efter sökningar i databaserna PubMed ochCINAHL. Katie Erikssons teori om “Den lidande människan” användes som teoretiskreferensram för studien. Resultat: Vid resultatanalysen av de aktuella artiklarna formulerades följandehuvudkategorier: upplevelsen av att bli hjälpt och upplevelsen av lidande samt följandesubkategorier: lidande förvållat av den tvingande behandlingen, lidande förvållat av brister ivårdpersonalens förhållningssätt gentemot patienterna, lidande förvållat av att få sin autonomikränkt och lidande förvållat av att bli utsatt för fördömelse, straff och maktutövning. Slutsats: Patienterna hade både positiva och negativa upplevelser av att tvångsvårdas.Patienterna upplevde att tvångsvården hjälpt dem, dock först efter att de fått sjukdomsinsikt.Vid tillfället för tvångsvården upplevde patienterna istället att tvångsvården skapade ettlidande. / Introduction: Law (1991:1128) of coercive psychiatric care (LPT) is the law that regulatescoercive care in psychiatry in Sweden. In 2021 approximately 12,500 people were treated inaccordance with this law. During coercive care a number of different coercive measures maybe used such as; body searches/superficial body inspections, forced treatment, mechanicalcoercive measures and restriction of the patient's right to use various communication services.The goal of coercive care is for the patients to feel as well as possible so that they are able toreceive care without having to be forced into it. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine how patients experienced coercive care inpsychiatric care. Method: For this study, a descriptive design, literature review and a qualitative approachwere chosen as a method. Twelve articles were selected for analysis after searches on thedatabases PubMed and CINAHL. Katie Eriksson’s theory of “Den lidande människan” wasused as a theoretical framework for this study. Results: When reviewing the results of the articles, the following main categories wereformulated: the experience of being helped and the experience of suffering, as well as thefollowing subcategories: suffering caused by the coercive treatment, suffering caused byshortcomings in the care staff's attitudes towards the patients, suffering caused by having theirautonomy violated and suffering caused by being subjected to condemnation, punishment andexercise of power. Conclusion: Patients with experiences of being in coercive care had both positive andnegative experiences of being subjected to the matter. The patients experienced that thecoercive care helped them, but only when they gained insight into their disease. At the time ofthe coercive care the patients experienced suffering instead.
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Patienters upplevelser av psykiatrisk tvångsvård inom slutenvård : Med fokus på upplevelser av kommunikationMoo, Ywa, Ollikainen, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande folkhälsoproblem och antalet som vårdas under tvång ökar. Både sjuksköterskor och närstående till tvångsvårdade patienter belyser vikten av kommunikation i vården för att minska tvångsåtgärder. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka patientens upplevelse av psykiatrisk tvångsvård samt tvångsåtgärder i slutenvård, med fokus på kommunikation. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt med beskrivande design. 12 kvalitativa artiklar har kvalitetsgranskats med hjälp av SBU:s granskningsmall, sedan analyserats med hjälp av en etablerad analysmetod och sammanställts i resultatet. Resultat: Tre teman identifierades: kommunikativ relation, tillgång till information och överenstämmelse med patientrollen. De flesta patienter upplevde att de inte fick tillräckligt med information gällande tvångsinläggningen och eventuella tvångsåtgärder som de utsatts för. Det resulterade i en förvirring och osäkerhet hos patienterna och tillsammans med bristande, eller ensidig, kommunikation var de faktorer som gjorde att patienterna hade svårt att acceptera tvångsvården. De som upplevde en god kommunikativ relation belyste vikten av tillit och att få bli sedd och hörd; de kände en känsla av tacksamhet och trygghet när de fick den information de behövde, och kunde lättare acceptera tvångsvården. Patienterna upplevde att de behövde överensstämma med patientrollen för att undvika negativa konsekvenser och få det hjälp de behövde genom att avsubjektifiera sig själva. Slutsats: Brist på kommunikativ relation och adekvat information till patienter gör att dessa har svårare att acceptera tvångsvården och tvångsåtgärderna. Tillit är av yttersta vikt för att känna sig trygg och kunna anförtro sig till vårdpersonalen. Sjuksköterskan kan göra skillnad i patientens upplevelse av tvångsvård genom att lyssna, finnas till hands, kommunicera och ge personcentrerad information samt vård. / Introduction: Mental illness is a growing public health problem and the number of involuntarily admitted people is increasing. Both nurses and relatives of patients in compulsory care highlight the importance of communication to reduce coercive measures. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate patients’ experience of compulsory psychiatric care and coercive measures in inpatient care, with a focus on communication. Method: General literature review with a descriptive design. Twelve qualitative articles have been quality reviewed using SBU’s review template, then analyzed using an established analysis method and compiled in the result. Results: Three themes were identified: communicative relationship, access to information and compliance with patient role. Most participants felt they needed to receive more information regarding the involuntary admission and any coercive measures they were subjected to. This resulted in confusion and uncertainty among the patients. The feeling of uncertainty and confusion together with a lack of, or one-sided, communication were factors that made it difficult for the patients to accept the forced care. Those who experienced a good communicative relationship with the caregiver highlighted the importance of trust and being seen and heard. They felt a sense of gratitude and security when they received the information they needed, which made it easier for them to accept compulsory care. The participants felt that they needed to conform to the patient role to avoid negative consequences and get the help they needed by de-subjectifying themselves. Conclusion: Lack of communicative relationships and adequate patient information makes it more difficult for them to accept compulsory care and coercive measures; trust is of the utmost importance in order to feel safe and confide in the caregivers. Nurses can make a difference in the patients’ experience of compulsory care by listening, being present, communicating and providing person-centered information and care.
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Associations Between Intimate Partner Violence, Risky Health Behaviors and Depressive Symptoms Among Young African American WomenTwitty, T. Dylanne January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av tvångsvård - En litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experiences of involuntary care - A literature reviewHögosta, Stina, Seberg, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Att hamna under tvångsvård betyder att personen inte längre har rätt att bestämma över sig själv. Vilket kan leda till negativa relationer mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter, där patienterna kan uppleva att de inte är delaktiga i sin vård. Syfte Beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda vuxna patienter under tvångsvård. Metod Litteraturöversikt som genomfördes på elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna har hämtats från tre databaser, CINAHL, PsycINFO och PubMed databaserna har inriktning mot omvårdnad. Kvalitetsgranskning av artiklarna har genomförts samt en innehållsanalys. Resultat Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor upplevde att behandla patienter under tvångsvård som ett nödvändigt ont. Sjuksköterskor upplevde hot, våld och trakasserier på sitt arbete där många ansåg att det blev en del av deras vardag. Tvångsåtgärder gjorde att sjuksköterskor behövde gå mot patientens vilja och hamnade då i etiska dilemman där vården inte blev personcentrerad. Med hjälp av skyddande faktorer upplevde sjuksköterskor att tidigare erfarenhet och kunskap påverkade användningen av tvångsvård. Eftersträvan var ett väl fungerande teamarbete samt en god kommunikation med förtroende mellan sjuksköterskor och patienten. Slutsats Sjuksköterskor hade svårigheter att tillämpa personcentrerad vård under tvångsvård då sjuksköterskor gick mot patientens vilja. Sjuksköterskor upplevde negativa känslor vid tvångsåtgärder men ansåg det ändå som en nödvändighet för att skydda patienten. / Background Being placed under coercion care means that the person no longer has the right to decide over themself. Which can lead to negative relationships between nurses and patients, where patients may feel that they are not involved in their care. Aim Describe nurses' experiences of caring for adult patients during involuntary treatment. Method Literature review that was conducted on eleven scientific articles. The articles have been retrieved from three databases, CINAHL, PsycINFO and PubMed, the databases are oriented towards nursing. A quality review of the articles has been implemented as well as a content analysis. Results The results showed that nurses perceived treating patients under coercion care as a necessary evil. Nurses experienced threats, violence and harassment at their work where many felt that it became part of their everyday lives. Coercive measures meant that nurses had to go against the patient's will and then ended up in ethical dilemmas where care did not become person-centered. Using protective factors, nurses experienced that previous experience and knowledge influenced the use of coercion care. The aim was to work well and to communicate with trust between the nurse and the patient. Conclusions Nurses had difficulty applying person-centred care during coercion care as nurses went against the patient's will. Nurses experienced negative emotions during coercive measures but nevertheless considered it a necessity to protect the patient.
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Coercion and Consent among Employer-Sponsored and Dependent Visa Holders: A Study of Indian Workers in the U.S. Information Technology SectorJangeti, Neha 05 1900 (has links)
Highly educated and skilled Indian nationals are the largest recipients of H-1B visas in the US. An employer must be willing to sponsor an H-1B work visa for the worker to continue to live and work in the US. This stipulation has granted US employers unprecedented power over H-1B visa holders, which can be understood as status coercion; employers have state-sanctioned power to threaten or discharge a worker from their status, i.e., visa status, which interconnects work and migration status. While the expansive power of employers to curtail a worker's status is one factor driving the ongoing coercive conditions, the other factor is precarious work. There is a gap in the literature in understanding what occurs at the intersection of status coercion and precarious work, especially within high-skilled information technology (IT) jobs. For instance, how does status coercion operate for employer-sponsored H-1B visa holders? Is it similar for dependent visa workers on H-4 EAD visas that rely on their spouse's H-1B, and F-1 OPT visa workers who have employment authorization from USCIS? Lastly, do these visa workers ever resist status coercion? In this study, I draw on twelve in-depth, semi-structured interviews of Indian nationals in the IT sector on H-1B, F-1 OPT STEM, or H-4 EAD visas. Findings suggest these workers experience greater status coercion than non-visa holders due to their visa status. Also, H-1B, F-1 OPT STEM, and H-4 EAD visa workers experience greater status coercion regardless of whether their visa is employer-sponsored, employment authorized by USCIS or a dependent visa. The consequences of coercion are that these workers are underemployed, overworked, given limited access to claims-making, and subjected to repetitive tasks on outdated technology. Yet, workers also exercised agency and ingenuity in their interconnected migration and employment trajectories. I find that visa workers ‘game' the US visa system via ‘visa hopping' from one visa to the next to ensure they can extend their stay and work in the US. While workers continuing to stay and work shows their compliance and consent to work in coercive conditions, I argue that gaming the US visa system can be understood as a form of resistance that showcases visa holders' creative agency.
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The development of a competency-based preventive intervention to decrease college women's vulnerability to sexual coercionMcShane, Claudette January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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