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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nationalism i fredens tjänst : Svenska skolornas fredsförening, fredsfostran och historieundervisning 1919-1939

Nilsson, Ingela January 2015 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to contribute to the field of research that examines the relationship between peace efforts and nationalism. The relationship will be studied from perspectives of educa- tional history and history didactics. More precisely, by focusing on history education, this disserta- tion will analyse the demands for a comprehensive peace education in schools that were put forward by a long list of actors in the Western world during the interwar period, and as such discuss to what extent, and in what ways, nationalism influenced the content and design of this peace education. The main theoretical framework of this thesis is the concept of nationalism, and the position of nationalism as a hegemonic ideology during the first half of the 20th century. Another central un- derstanding is the assumption that the educational system, specifically history education, played a central role in creating, maintaining and strengthening collective identities as well as the prevailing ideological hegemony. The empirical investigation has been limited to studying the demands and ideas presented by Nordic peace educators, mainly The Swedish School Peace League (SSF), regar- ding peace-educating history teaching. As such, the empirical aim has been to investigate the SSF’s views on the relationship between nationalism and peace education, i.e., how internationalism and pacifism were to be taught, as well as how this understanding affected the League’s ideas regarding history teaching. The results have also been analysed from a gender perspective, based on the as- sumption that contemporary notions of gender in relation to nationalism, war and peace in different ways had an impact upon the content and format of the proposed peace education.         The study shows that the SSF regarded nationalism as the very foundation and prerequisite for any peace education. SSF thus tried to reconcile nationalism, internationalism and pacifism under one and the same ideological approach; “patriotic pacifism”, which in turn strongly influenced the endorsed peace-educating history teaching. Furthermore, the study highlights boys’ central role in the peace education project, which essentially set the long-term goal of creating a new pacifist and internationally oriented male ideal and yet, despite these aims, continued an intimate association with the “national”. Key concepts in SSF’s peace education were unite and supplement, and thereby they redefined central meanings of hegemonic nationalism. SSF’s patriotic pacifism and its impact on the association's demands for a peace-educating history teaching can best be described as an “intra-hegemonic counterforce”. / Historia utan gräns: Den internationella historieboksrevisionen 1919-2009

#NiUnaMenosBolivia fights back : A discourse theoretical analysis on the struggle against gender-based violence in Bolivia

Yegorova, Olga January 2017 (has links)
Femicides are not a new phenomenon. Marches involving thousands of people all around the Latin American continent to fight them, however, is. Ni Una Menos - Not one woman less - is the slogan that also mobilized Bolivians to mass-based protests in November 2016.This thesis investigates the counterpublic of #NiUnaMenosBolivia for the purpose of understanding its discursively articulated identities. A multidisciplinary discourse theoretical analysis combines Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s discourse theory with Nancy Fraser’s contributions to the struggle over needs of counterpublics to examine textual, photographic and ethnographic data.Two levels of identities of #NiUnaMenos are extracted from the investigation: Internal agonistic identities pinpoint at the friction between the representors and the represented identities of the counterpublic. A collective identity evolves in the context of the struggle for justice, freedom and dignity through the construction of an antagonistic “Others” who are held responsible for femicidal violence.This study builds a bridge between feminist activism and academic discourse for feminist studies of the region. It further develops and exemplifies a methodological toolkit for a theoretically based discourse analysis on contemporary women’s movements.

Résistance culturelle hybride des jeunes des quartiers populaires à l’ère du numérique : étude de cas et analyse quali-quantitative comparée (AQQC-QCA) de Medellin, Paris et Sao Paulo / Hybrid cultural resistance of the youth of popular neighborhoods in the digital age : case study and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of Medellín, Paris and São Paulo / Resistencia Cultural Híbrida de jóvenes de barrios populares en la era digital : estudio de caso y análisis cualitativo comparado (QCA) de Medellín, Paris y São Paulo / Resistência Cultural Híbrida da Juventude em Territórios Populares na Era Digital : Estudo de Caso e Análise Qualitativa Comparativa (QCA) de Medellín, Paris e São Paulo

Mansilla, Juan Camilo 23 November 2017 (has links)
À partir d’une analyse quali-quantitative comparée (AQQC-QCA), conçue par Ragin (1987), nous proposons un modèle théorique sur l’émergence et la transmission des pratiques de résistance culturelle des jeunes des quartiers populaires de Medellín (Colombie), Paris (France) et São Paulo (Brésil). Nos résultats indiquent que les pratiques de résistance culturelle hybride de ces jeunes se produisent selon deux scénarios. Le premier (i.e., M[P+A] → R) apparaît lorsque des communautés morales à forte identité collective (i.e., dont les membres ne sont pas nécessairement localisés dans la même zone géographique) se nourrissent des flux d’information de stigmatisation en provenance de la sphère médiatique centrale de la ville (SMCV), et disposent soit de ressources informationnelles offertes par la mise en place de politiques publiques d’intervention populaire, soit d’un accès libre et répandu aux technologies d’information et communication liées à Internet (TICi). Le second (i.e., OA → R), émerge lorsque l’utilisation des TICi par ces jeunes augmente et qu’ils ont la perception que le gouvernement ne s’intéresse pas à eux, à leurs demandes et besoins. Le contexte actuel globalisé d’échanges présentiels/virtuels d’informations a) modifie les réseaux culturels hybrides des communautés morales, et ; b) construit l’expérience urbaine des individus à partir d’espaces publics hybrides. Notre proposition théorique sert, plus largement, à comprendre l’évolution de la « symbole-sphère » des communautés morales périphériques de la ville à l’ère du numérique, ainsi que la nature de l’information développée par Schumann et Logan (2005) et Logan (2012). / Based on a qualitative comparative analysis (QQA), a method developed by (Ragin, 1987), we propose a theoretical model of the emergence of transmission of the cultural resistance practices of the low income youth from popular neighborhoods of Medellín (Colombia), Paris (France) and São Paulo (Brazil). Our results indicate that the cultural resistance practices of this population appears in two different settings. The first one (M[P+A] → R) happens when the moral communities (that is, not necessarily located in the same geographical area) reach a strong cultural identity, feeds on stigmatizing information flows from the central media sphere of the city (SMCV), and have either information resources offered by the set of public policies of popular intervention or widespread and free use of information and communication technologies related to the Internet. The second one (OA → R), occurs when the use of the TICs by this youth wins density following the growing perception that the government is not interested in attending theirs demands and needs. The current context of global exchange of real and virtual information a) modifies the cultural hybrid networks associated with moral communities and b) builds an urban experience of individuals starting with hybrid public spaces. Our theoretical proposition serves a better understanding of the evolution of the symbolosphere of the peripheral moral communities in the cities of the digital age and the nature of the information as developed by Schumann et Logan (2005) et Logan (2012). / A partir de un análisis cualitativo comparado (QCA), método concebido por Ragin (1987), proponemos un modelo teórico sobre la emergencia y la transmisión de las prácticas de resistencia cultural de los jóvenes de barrios populares de Medellín (Colombia), Paris (Francia) et São Paulo (Brasil). Nuestros resultados indican que las prácticas de resistencia cultural híbrida de estos jóvenes se producen en dos escenarios. El primero (M[P+A] → R) aparece cuando las comunidades morales (i.e., no necesariamente ubicadas en la misma zona geográfica) con una fuerte identidad colectiva, se alimentan de flujos de información estigmatizantes procedentes de la esfera mediática central de la ciudad (SMCV), y disponen ya sea de recursos informacionales ofrecidos por la existencia de políticas públicas de intervención popular, o bien de un acceso generalizado y libre a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación relacionadas con Internet (TICi). El segundo (OA → R) emerge cuando el uso de las TICi por parte de estos jóvenes aumenta y tienen la percepción de que el gobierno no se interesa en ellos, ni en sus demandas ni en sus necesidades. El contexto global actual de intercambio presencial y virtual de información a) modifica las redes culturales híbridas asociadas a las comunidades morales, y; b) construye la experiencia urbana de los individuos a partir de espacios públicos híbridos. Nuestra propuesta teórica sirve, de manera general, para entender la evolución de la “simbolosfera” de las comunidades morales periféricas urbanas en la era digital, así como la naturaleza de la información propuesta por Schumann et Logan (2005) et Logan (2012). / Com base em uma análise qualitativa comparativa ou “Qualitative Comparative Analysis” (QCA), método desenvolvido por (Ragin, 1987), propomos um modelo teórico da emergência e da transmissão de práticas de resistência cultural entre jovens de baixa renda em territórios populares de Medellín (Colômbia), Paris (França) e São Paulo (Brasil). Nossos resultados indicam que as práticas de resistência cultural híbrida desses jovens seguem dois roteiros. O primeiro (M[P+A] → R), quando as comunidades morais (ou seja, não necessariamente localizados na mesma área geográfica) alcançam forte identidade coletiva, alimenta-se de fluxos de informação estigmatizantes oriundos da esfera de mídia central da cidade (SMCV) e dispõem seja de recursos de informação oferecidos pelo conjunto de políticas públicas de intervenção popular, seja de um aceso generalizado e livre as tecnologias de informação e comunicação relacionadas à Internet (TICi). O segundo (OA → R), quando o uso das TICs por esses jovens ganha densidade na medida em que amadurecem a percepção de que o governo não está interessado em atender suas demandas e necessidades. O atual contexto global de troca presencial e virtual de informações a) modifica as redes culturais híbridas associadas a comunidades morais e b) constrói a experiência urbana de indivíduos a partir de espaços públicos híbridos. Nossa proposta teórica serve, mais amplamente, para entender a evolução da “simbolosfera” das comunidades morais periféricas das cidades na era digital e a natureza da informação tal como desenvolvida por Schumann e Logan (2005) e Logan (2012).

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