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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Collaborative Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles

Säll, Moa, Thorén, Gustav January 2022 (has links)
Autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs) is a growing field within research. AGVs are used in areas like reconnaissance,surveillance, transportation and self-driving cars. The goal of this project is to drive a system of five AGVs modelled as differential drive vehicles along an arbitrary path through a field of obstacles while holding a formation. The goal is achieved by dividing the project into three subprojects. The first subproject is trajectory tracking of one AGV. This is achieved by using the differentialdrivemodel and driving the tracking error of the system to zero.The second subproject is formation control, where a displacement-based, double integrator model is used to get five AGVs to hold a formation of an equilateral triangle while following a path.The third subproject is collision avoidance between AGVs and static obstacles placed along the predetermined path. Collision avoidance is achieved by adding a repulsive potential field around the AGVs and obstacles. All three subprojects are then combined to achieve the goal of the project. Finally, simulations are done in Matlab which confirms that the proposed models are correct. / Autonoma vägfordon är ett växande område inom forskning. Autonoma vägfordon används inom områden som spaning, övervakning, transportering och självkörande bilar.Målet med det här projektet är att köra ett system med fem autonoma vägfordon modellerade som differentialdrivna fordon längsmed en slumpmässig väg genom ett fält med hinder samtidigt som de håller en formation. Målet uppnås genom att dela upp projektet i tre delprojekt. Det första delprojektet är banspårning med ett autonomt vägfordon. Det görs genom att använda den differentialdrivna modellen och driva systemets spårningsfel till noll. Det andra delprojektet är formationshållning där en förskjutningsbaserad dubbelintegratormodell används för att få fem fordon att följa en väg samtidigt som de håller formen av en liksidig triangel. Det tredje delprojektet handlar om att undvika kollision mellan fordonen och statiska hinder som placerats på vägen. Kollisionsundvikning uppnås genom att lägga på ett repellerande potentialfält runt alla agenter och hinder. Alla tre delprojekt kombineras sedan för att lösa projektmålet. Slutligen görs simuleringar i Matlab vilket bekräftar att de framtagna modellerna är korrekta. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

Cyclist Behavior to Avoid Vehicle Collisions Using Drive Recorder Videos

Zhao, Yuqing, Mizuno, Koji 02 January 2023 (has links)
Since bicycles travel at high speeds and are frequently involved in traffic accidents, reducing bicycle fatalities and injuries is one of the most important issues in traffic safety. In car-to-cyclist collisions, the perpendicular configuration occupies the largest proportion of these collisions. Driver responses in lateral intrusions of cyclists at intersections have been examined [1,2], focusing on the drivers' braking reaction time and the time-to-collisions (TTC). Cyclist behavior can also have a significant intluence on car-to-cyclist collision occurrence. Cyclist bebavior has been investigated in naturalistic conditions and using in-depth accident data. In addition, the videos of drive recorders provide useful information on the cyclist behaviors [3]. This study investigated cyclist behavior with the drive recorder of cars in near-miss incidents and collisions. [From: Introduction]

Tillämpning av sjövägsregler under nedsatt sikt : En undersökning om hur sjöbefälsstudenter tillämpar sjövägsregler under nedsatta siktförhållanden / Application of COLREGs in restricted visibility : A study on how maritime officer cadets apply COLREGs in restricted visibility

Schiller, Gustaf, Von Schoting, Otto January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur sjöbefälsstudenter tillämpar sjövägsreglerna vid risk för kollision under nedsatt sikt samt belysa vad besluten grundats på. Studien är kvalitativ och genomfördes med hjälp av ett förberedande frågeformulär, fallstudie och en avslutande gruppdiskussion. Studien utfördes genom en rekonstruktion av kollisionen mellan fartygen Tricolor och Kariba där fartyget Clary varit en bidragen orsak. För att bredda perspektivet i studien framförde respondenterna vid två separata simuleringar fartyget Kariba, som fick större delen av skulden samt Clary, som genom oaktsamhet bidragit till kollisionen. Resultatet visar att ungefär hälften av respondenterna tillämpar regelverket felaktigt och med ett för litet passageavstånd. Studien visar också att respondenterna använder sig av information från flera olika navigationstekniska hjälpmedel vid beslut. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how sea captain students apply COLREGs when there is a risk of collision and illustrate what the decisions are based on. The study is qualitative and was conducted using a preparatory questionnaire, case study and a concluding group discussion. The study was carried out through a reconstruction based on the collision between the vessels Tricolor and Kariba where the ship Clary was a contributing factor. In order to widen the perspective of the study the respondents navigated in two separate simulations the vessels Kariba, who received most of the blame and Clary who contributed to the collision through negligence. The result shows that about half of the respondents apply COLREGs incorrectly and with a small passage distance. The study also indicates that the respondents use information from different navigation technical aids to make a decision.

GPS Velocity Field In The Transition From Subduction To Collision Of The Eastern Sunda And Banda Arcs, Indonesia

Nugroho, Hendro 06 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Campaign GPS measurements during 2001-2003 in the transition between subduction and collision of the Banda arc reveal how strain is partitioned away from the trench and distributed to other parts of the arc-trench system. Genrich, et. al. (1996) conducted a GPS campaign (1992-1994) throughout the Eastern Sunda and Banda arcs that demonstrated partial accretion of the arc to the Australian plate. We reoccupied many of the sites from this earlier study and 7 additional stations, 3 of which are new benchmarks. Our study shortened many baselines and extended the observation epoch to ten years for many key stations. The resulting GPS velocity field for the active Banda arc-continent collision reveals: 1) several mostly rigid crustal blocks exist in the transition from subduction to collision, 2) relative to an Asian reference frame, most of these blocks move in the same direction as the Australian lower plate, but at different rates, 3) block boundaries may exist between the islands of Lombok and Komodo, Flores and Sumba, Savu and West Timor, and between Timor and Darwin, 4) the Timor Trough may account for at least 20 mm/yr of motion between Timor and Darwin, 5) a major transverse fault off the coast of West Timor separates the Savu/Flores/Sumba block from the Timor/Wetar Block and may account for variations in movement in Rote, 6) the Flores thrust moves the eastern Sunda arc north relative to Asia by decreasing amounts to the west, 7) the back-arc Wetar Thrust system takes up the majority of plate convergence between Australia and Asia, and 8) fault boundaries are not found between many blocks, such as various islands of the Sunda arc and forearc with different amounts of motion.

Long-Term Surface Uplift History of the Active Banda Arc-Continent Collision: Depth and Age Analysis of Foraminifera from Rote and Savu Islands, Indonesia

Roosmawati, Nova 06 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Analysis of foraminifera for synorogenic pelagic units of Rote and Savu Islands, Indonesia, reveals high rates of surface uplift in the past 1.5 Ma of the incipient Banda arc-continent collision. Paleodepth estimates are derived from benthonic forams and ages from planktonic forams. But estimates are complicated, however, by abundant reworking; yet several distinctive species have been found. Synorogenic deposits in western Rote yield forams of biozone Neogene (N) 18 and depths from 5000-5700 meters at the base of the section, and 3600 meters at the top of the section. Eastern Rote yields forams of N 19/20 - N 22 and depths from 5400-5700 meters. Central Rote yields N 21 and depths from 5000-5700 meters. Because all of the sections are presently about the same elevation (~200 m), long-term surface uplift rates are slightly higher (1.84-3.29 m/yr) in eastern and central Rote than those in western Rote. Forams from Savu yield ages of N19/20 - N 22. Across Savu depth estimates range from 3200-5700 meters, which yields a range of uplift rates from 1.86 mm/yr in SE Savu to 3.25 mm/yr in Central Savu. These results indicate the Banda arc-continent collision caused uplift of Rote and Savu at rates of 1-2 mm/yr over the past 3 Ma.

System for Collision Detection Between Deformable Models Built on Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes and GPU Based Culling

Tuft, David Owen 12 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Collision detection between deforming models is a difficult problem for collision detection systems to handle. This problem is even more difficult when deformations are unconstrained, objects are in close proximity to one another, and when the entity count is high. We propose a method to perform collision detection between multiple deforming objects with unconstrained deformations that will give good results in close proximities. Currently no systems exist that achieve good performance on both unconstrained triangle level deformations and deformations that preserve edge connectivity. We propose a new system built as a combination of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) based culling and Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) based culling. Techniques for performing hierarchy-less GPU-based culling are given. We then discuss how and when to switch between GPU-based culling and AABB based techniques.

Real-Time Target Following Using an Unmanned Rotorcraft with a Laser Rangefinder

Pincock, Bryce Sanders 08 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Micro-unmanned aerial rotorcraft are quickly gaining acceptance as indoor platforms for performing stealth, surveillance, and rescue and reconnaissance missions. These rotorcraft are generally required to operate in cluttered, unknown, and dynamic GPS-denied environments, which present threats to the safe operation of the vehicle. To overcome these environmental challenges, we describe a system that is capable of localizing itself by producing accurate odometry estimates that can detect and track moving objects and avoid collisions with obstacles while following a moving target using a laser range finder. Our system has been implemented in the Simulink environment in MATLAB. Various simulations have shown our methods to work well, even in the presence of sensor noise and out-of-plane motion. Our system is capable of localizing itself within ±20 mm in North and East and ±0.5 degrees in ψ while detecting and tracking

Structural Vulnerability Assessment of Bridge Piers in the Event of Barge Collision

Ribbans, David A 18 March 2015 (has links)
The inland waterway system in the United States is fundamental to the transportation system as a whole and the success of the nation’s economy. Barge transportation in these waterways levitates congestion on the highway system and is beneficial when comparing barge transportation to other modes of freight transportation in measures of capacity, congestion, emissions, and safety. Unavoidably, the highway system intersects with the waterways, resulting in the risk of vessels collision into bridge structures. Particularly for barge impact, the literature is questioning the accuracy and oversimplification of the current design specifications. The impact problem was investigated in this research using three-dimensional finite-element analyses. To investigate the collision of a barge into a bridge pier, a range of material models are first investigated through simulating a drop-hammer impact onto a reinforced concrete beam. A detailed model of a jumbo hopper barge is then developed, with particular detail in the bow. The barge model is examined for its response to impact into rigid piers of different size and shape. RC piers, having different shape and boundary conditions, are impacted by the barge model and assessed using selected metrics. The final part of the research examines the response of an existing bridge pier subject to an impact by a chemical transporter barge that frequently travels in the waterway.

Contextual Information Based Occluded Pedestrian Emergence Risk Assessment and Vehicle Control

Koc, Ibrahim M. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Interpersonal Collision Avoidance Task - A Dynamic Measurement of Sport

Fernandes, Courtney A. 11 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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