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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití nanomateriálů k fortifikaci anastomóz gastrointestinálního traktu - experiment na velkém zvířeti / Use of Nanomaterials in Fortification of Anastomoses on the Gastrointestinal Tract

Rosendorf, Jáchym January 2021 (has links)
Background: The main focus of the dissertation is the use of nanofibrous biodegradable materials for the healing support of intestinal anastomoses in colorectal surgery. The altered healing process of intestinal anastomosis leads to several types of local complications. Anastomotic leakage is one of the most feared ones. Severe anastomotic leakage causes peritonitis, sepsis and is a life-threatening condition. Reoperation is necessary in many cases, bringing the need for intensive care, and hospital stays prolongation. Extensive peritoneal adhesions are another source of postoperative complications. These adhesions are a frequent cause of bowel obstruction and abdominal discomfort and are the most common reason for readmission after colorectal procedures. Nanofibrous biodegradable materials showed positive effects on the healing process in various locations. We aimed to develop and perfect a biodegradable patch for both prevention of anastomotic leakage and the formation of extensive peritoneal adhesions. Methods: We conducted 3 subsequential experiments on porcine models. In Experiment A, we managed to develop polycaprolactone and polylactic acid- polycaprolactone copolymer nanofibrous patches and applied them on anastomoses on the small porcine intestine. The animals were observed for 3 weeks....

Surgical stress response in patients with perioperative statin and/or beta-blocker treatment during colon cancer surgery

Lindgren, Arvid January 2022 (has links)
Background: Surgical stress during resection surgery for colon cancer has previously been shown to be associated with adverse postoperative outcomes. Statin and beta-blocker treatment have been shown to lower postoperative complications and mortality, and been hypothesized to reduce the surgical stress response, although this correlation has not been studied clinically. Aim: To investigate whether perioperative beta-blocker and/or statin treatment reduce the postoperative C-reactive protein (CRP) response. Material and methods: All patients who underwent right sided hemicolectomy or sigmoid resection for cancer at Örebro University Hospital during 2012-2017 were included in this study. Initially, any treatment with statins, beta-blockers or both were compared to those with no treatment. After initial analyses, four treatment groups were compared regarding postoperative CRP response, namely no treatment, statin, beta-blocker, and combination treatment. Comparisons regarding complications were also performed for the four groups. Results: A total of 260 patients were included in this study. The no treatment group had a lower peak postoperative CRP than the treatment group, when comparing any treatment versus no treatment. There were no significant differences in postoperative CRP within the four treatment groups. There was no significant difference in complication rate between any of the treatment groups when compared to no treatment. Conclusion: Treatment with statin or beta-blocker therapy does not reduce the postoperative CRP response. A combination of both treatments demonstrated a trend towards a reduction regarding postoperative CRP response compared with the two treatments individually assessed. Larger studies are needed to verify the results of this study.

Detekcija intervalnih malignih i premalignih lezija debelog creva kod bolesnika sa urednim nalazom na inicijalnoj kolonoskopiji / Detection of malignant and premalignant colon lesions in patients with clear colon on first colonoscopy

Kukić Biljana 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Kolorektalni karcinom je na trećem mestu po učestalosti oboljevanja od svih karcinoma uz porast incidencije CRC u visoko razvijenim zemljama.70% obolelih od CRC je starije od 65 godina uz veću incidenciju proksimalnih karcinoma u odnosu na distalne u svim uzrasnim grupama i kod oba pola. Smatra se da bi 66-75% slučajeva CRC moglo biti izbegnuto zdravim načinom života. 75% CRC nastaje iz adenomatoznih preko polip kancer sekvence i da vi&scaron;e od 90% adenoma neće progredirati u karcinom. U studijama skrining kolonoskopija prijavljeno je 6-12% neviđenih velikih polipa i ko 5% CRC na inicijalnom kolonoskopskom pregledu. Postoperativne periodične kolonoskopije nakon operacije kolorektalonog karicinoma imaju za cilj otkrivanje metahronih carcinoma polipa kao pojavu bolesti na anastomozi ali nije dokazani benefit u preživljavanju bolesnika koji su imali učestalije postoperativne kolonoskopije (na godinu dana) u odnosu na one koji su praćenina 3 ili 5 godina. CILJEVI ISTRAŽIVANJA: Prospektivno ispitivanje pojave intervalnih lezija kolona (malignih i premalignih) u periodu od 2-7 godine od prve negativne kolonoskopije bez obzira na razlog pregleda. Ispitivanje razlike u životnim navikama između ispitanika u zavisnosti od nalaza na ponovljenoj kolonoskopiji. Retrospektivna analiza svih dijagnostičkih i kontrolnih kolonoskopija. MATERIJAL I METODE: Ponavljana je kolonoskopija kod ispitanika koj su na dijagnostičkim kolonoskopijama rađenim na Institutu za onkologiju Vojvodine u periodu 2005-2011. imali uredan kolonoskopski nalaz. Od 160 pozvanih ispitanika na ponovnu kolonoskopiju se odazvalo 64 ispitanika a 151 ispitanik je popunio upitnik o životnim navikama. Urađena je i retospektivna analiza 2750 dijagnostičkih kolonoskopija. Analizirani su rezultati 1064 prvih postoperativnih kolonoskopija kao i nalazi sa 1147 ponovljenih kolonoskopija kod ispitanika operisanih od kolorektalnog carcinoma koji su imali uredan nalaz na prvoj kolonoskopiji. REZULTATI: Od 160 pozvanih ispitanika,njih 64 (42,3%) se odazvalo na ponovni pregled (45 žena i 19 mu&scaron;karaca) prosečne starosti60,13 godina. Kod 15 ispitanika(24.3%) nađeno je ukupno 22 polipa (10 žena i 5 mu&scaron;karaca) bez statistički značajne razlike u pozitivnosti nalaza u odnosu na pol (x2test; x2=0,014; p=0,904) i pozitivnu porodičnu anamnezu (x2test; x2=0,125; p=0,724). 12 slucajeva (14,06%) su bili polipi visokog rizika: 5 (41.6%) lokalizovano u proksimalnom kolonu i 7 (58.3% ) u distalnom kolonu. Nije dijagnostikovan nijedan intervalni karcinom. Nije dokazana statistički značajna razlika u pozitivnosti nalaza na ponovljenoj kolonoskopiji u odnosu na razmak posmatran u grupama do 3 i do 5 godina od predhodne kolonoskpije (x2test; x2=0,020; p=0,887) niti ukoliko se posmatra po grupama do 5 i preko 5 godina od negative kolonoskopije (x2test; x2=3,082; p=0,079). Nema statistički značajne razlike u pozitivnosti nalaza na ponovljenoj kolonoskopiji u odnosu na to da li su pacijenti konzumiraju alkohol ili ne (x2test; x2=0,113; p=0,911) kao i u odnosu na to da li su pacijenti imali redovnu fizičku aktivnost (x2test; x2=0,476; p=0,490). Na dijagnostičkim kolonoskopijama je uočena statistički značajna razlika u uzrastu pacijenata u zavisnosti od razloga kolonoskopije (F=7,111; p=0,000) kod pacijenata kod kojih su dijagnostikovani polipi. Oni sa pozitivnom porodičnom anamnezom i polipima su statistički značajno mlađi u odnosu na ostale osim onih koji su se na pregled javili zbog bola u trbuhu poremećaja ritma stolice. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike po polu, uzrastu, u razlogu kolonoskopije kod osoba sa dijagnostikovanim polipima. Statistički je značajniji broj žena sa lokalizacijom polipa u distalnom delu debelog creva u odnosu na proksimalni (x2test; x2=18,495; p=0,000). Kod mlađih uzrasnih grupa statistički značajnije su zastupljeni polipi u rektumu(x2test; x2=79,963; p=0,000). Ispitanici sa proksimalnom lokalizacijom polipa imaju 1,724 puta veću &scaron;ansu za adenome visokog rizika u odnosu na one sa distalnom lokalizacijom. Nema statistički značajne razlike u distribuciji karcinoma u odnosuna pol (x2test; x2=3,2110; p=0,201). Na 1064 prvih postoperativnih kolonoskopija je bilo ukupno 346 (32,5%) pozitivnih nalaza. Dijagnostikovano je 60 karcinoma od kojih je 43,3 % lokalizovano na anastomozi a kod 286 ispitanika nađeno je ukupno 546 polipa. Mu&scaron;karci statistički značajnije če&scaron;će imaju pozitiva nalaz (x2 test; x2=17,252; p=0,000). Bonferroni post hoc testom je utvrđeno da su polipi proksimalne lokalizacije statistički značajno veći od onih u rektumu (p=0,043). Na kontrolnim kolonoskopijama rađenim u cilju praćenja nakon resekcije kolorektalnog karcinoma multivarijatnom analizom ( pol, uzrast i vreme od operacije) utvrđeno je da mu&scaron;karci imaju 1,4 puta veću &scaron;ansu (OR=1,457) od žena za pojavu promena (polipa i karcinoma).Ispitanici kod kojih je od operacije pro&scaron;lo od 3 do 5 godina imaju 1,6 puta veću &scaron;ansu za pojavu promene u odnosu na one kod kojih je pro&scaron;la 1 godina (OR=1,605). ZAKLJUČAK: Kod 24.3% pregledanih ispitanika dijagnostikovani su polipi(jedan hipeplastičnii 21 adenoma ). 14,06% svih polipa je imalo karakteristike polipa visokog rizika bez statistički značajne razlike u pojavi polipa kod ispitanika kod kojih je pregled rađen 3,5 ili nakon 5 godina od prve negativne kolonoskopije. Nije dijagnostikovan niti jedan karcinom &scaron;to znači da nema potrebe za ponavljanjem kolonoskopija u kraćem vremenskom intervalu od unapred planirane kolonoskopije kod ispitanika koji su imali uredan inicijalni kolonoskopski nalaz &scaron;to se odnosi i na ponavljane kolonoskopije kod ispitanika operisanih od CRC-a. Na dijagnostičkim kolonoskopijama statistički značajniji broj žena sa lokalizacijom polipa u distalnom delu debelog creva u odnosu na proksimalni i nije zapažena razlika u distribuciji karcinoma u odnosu na pol i uzrast ispitanika.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION:Colorectal cancer is the third most frequent illness of all carcinomas with an increase in the incidence of CRC in highly developed countries. 70% of patients with CRC are older than 65 years with higher incidence of proximal cancers compared to distal in all age groups and in both sexes. It is believed that 66-75% of CRC could be avoided through healthy lifestyle. 75% of CRC arise from adenomatous polyp cancer via sequences, and that more than 90% of adenoma will not progress to carcinoma. In studies of screening colonoscopy was reported 6-12% of unobserved large polyps and approximately 5% of the CRC on the initial colonoscopy.Postoperative periodic colonoscopy after colorectal cancer surgery aim to detect metachronous cancer and polyps and disease occurrence anastomoses but not proven survival benefit in subjects who had more frequent postoperative colonoscopy (per year) compared to those who were followed for 3 or 5 years. AIM:Prospective study of interval colon lesions occurrence (malignant and pre-malignant) in the period from 2-7 years after initial negative colonoscopy regardless of the reason for the check. Test of differences in lifestyle between subjects depending on the findings of the repeated colonoscopy.A retrospective analysis of all the diagnostic and control colonoscopy. METHODOLOGY: Repeated colonoscopy in subjects who are at-made diagnostic colonoscopy at the Oncology Institute of Vojvodina in the period 2005-2011 had normal colonoscopy findings. Of the 160 subjects invited to re colonoscopy for review responded 64 subjects and 151 subjects filled out a questionnaire about life habits. Retrospective analysis of 2750 and diagnostic colonoscopy has been done. Results of the 1064 first postoperative colonoscopy and results of the 1147 repeated colonoscopy in patients operated on for colorectal cancer that had normal findings on the first colonoscopy has been analyzed. RESULTS:Of the 160 invited subjects, 64 of them (42.3%) responded to the repeated review (45 women and 19 men), mean age 60.13 years. In 15 subjects (24.3%) found a total of 22 polyps (10 women and 5 men) with no statistically significant differences in positivity findings in relation to sex (x2test; x2 = 0.014; p = 0.904) and a positive family anamnesis (x2test; x2 = 0.125; p = 0.724).12 cases (14.06%) were high risk of polyps: 5 (41.6%) localized in the proximal colon, and 7 (58.3%) in the distal colon. Not a single interval cancer diagnosed. There was no statistically significant difference in positivity findings with repeated colonoscopy in relation to the distance observed in groups of 3 to 5 years from the previous colonoscopy (x2test; x2 = 0.020; p = 0.887) or when observed in groups up to 5 and over 5 years of negative colonoscopy (x2test; x2 = 3.082; p = 0.079). No statistically significant differences in positivity findings with repeated colonoscopy in relation to whether the patients consume alcohol or not (x2test; x2 = 0.113; p = 0.911) as well as in relation to whether patients are regularly exercising (x2test; x 2 = 0.476; p = 0.490). Statistically significant difference is confirmed in the age of patients at the diagnostic colonoscopy, depending on the reason for colonoscopy (F = 7.111; p = 0.000) in patients who were diagnosed polyps. Those with a family anamnesis and polyps were statistically significant younger in comparison to others except those who have come forward for review because of abdominal pain and bowel movement rhythm disturbances.There were no statistically significant differences by sex, age, the reason for colonoscopy in patients diagnosed with polyps.Statistically is more significant number of women with the localization of polyps in the distal part of the colon comparing to the proximal (x2test; x2 = 18,495; p = 0.000).In younger age groups are represented statistically significant polyps in the rectum (x2test; x2 = 79.963, p = 0.000). Subjects with proximal localization of polyps are 1,724 times more likely for high-risk adenomas compared to those with distal localization.No statistically significant differences in the distribution of cancer in relation to sex (x2test; x2 = 3.2110; p = 0.201).On the first postoperative colonoscopy in 1064 subjects there were a total 346 (32.5%) positive findings. 60 carcinoma diagnosed of which 43.3% is localized on the anastomosis and in 286 of the subjects had a total of 546 of the polyps.Men statistically significantly more likely to have positive findings (x2 test; x2 = 17,252; p = 0.000). Bonferroni post hoc test showed that polyps proximal localization significantly bigger than those in the rectum (p = 0.043). On the control colonoscopy-made for the purpose of monitoring after resection of colorectal cancer by multivariate analysis (sex, age and time of surgery) it has been found that men are 1.4 times more likely (OR = 1.457) than women for the occurrence of changes (polyps and cancers).Subjects having passed since the operation of 3 to 5 years are 1.6 times more likely to develop a change with respect to those in which the more than one year elapsed (OR = 1.605). CONCLUSION:In 24.3% subjects were diagnosed polyps (one hyperplastic and 21 adenomas).14.06% of all polyps had the characteristics of high-risk polyps with no statistically significant difference in the occurrence of polyps in subjects where the examination was done after 3,5 or 5 years since the first negative colonoscopy. No cancers diagnosed, meaning there is no need to repeat colonoscopy in a shorter period of time than pre-planned colonoscopy in subjects who had normal initial colonoscopy findings which refers to the repeated colonoscopies in subjects operated on for CRC.For diagnostic colonoscopy statistically significant number of women with the localization of polyps in the distal part of the colon compared to proximal and was not observed differences in the distribution of carcinoma in relation to sex and age of the subject.</p>

Ressecção endoscópica versus cirúrgica do câncer colorretal precoce: revisão sistemática e metanálises / Surgical versus endoscopic resection of early colorectal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis

Silva, Gustavo Luis Rodela 04 December 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer colorretal (CCR) é doença de grande importância, com elevada incidência e mortalidade. Restrito às camadas mucosa e submucosa, é denominado CCR precoce, sendo passível de tratamento endoscópico curativo na ausência de fatores de risco para metástases linfonodais. Entretanto, as técnicas para tal não são universalmente disponíveis, e muitos destes pacientes são tratados por ressecções cirúrgicas. OBJETIVO: Buscar estudos com os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico e endoscópico do CCR precoce e compará-los por meio de metanálise. MÉTODOS: Foi efetuada busca nas bases MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CENTRAL COCHRANE e EBSCO por estudos comparativos que incluíram pacientes com CCR precoce, submetidos a tratamento endoscópico ou cirúrgico. Dados de mortalidade, recidiva a longo prazo, taxas de ressecção em bloco e ressecção curativa, tempo de procedimento, taxas de complicações e complicações graves foram extraídos. Viés foi individualmente avaliado pela escala de Newcastle-Ottawa. Foram efetuados cálculos do risco absoluto (RA), seu aumento (ARA) ou redução (RAA), e dos números necessários para causar dano (NNH) ou tratar (NNT), com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95% para significância estatística. Para metanálise dos dados, foi utilizado o programa RevMan 5, com uso do teste de Mantel-Haenszel para calcular um IC de 95%, e expressão dos resultados em gráficos de forest e funnel plot. A consistência entre os estudos foi relatada por I2. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas 12.905 entradas via PUBMED e 12.818 via outras bases. Após remoção de duplicatas e aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, restaram quatro estudos de coorte retrospectiva. Não foi observada diferença para mortalidade (339 pacientes) ou recorrência a longo prazo (577 pacientes). Foi observada superioridade do tratamento cirúrgico em 11% (-0,11 [IC 95% -0,14; -0,09, P < 0,05]) para taxa de ressecção em bloco (1.085 pacientes), e em 11% (-0,11 [IC 95% -0,21; -0,02, P < 0,05]) para taxa de ressecção curativa (1.112 pacientes). O tratamento endoscópico demonstrou superioridade de 7% (-0,07 [IC 95% -0,10; -0,03]) para taxa de complicações (1.085 pacientes), de 8% (-0,08 [IC 95% -0,15; -0,01]) para complicações graves (827 pacientes), e de 130 minutos (-130,34 [IC 95% -190,5; -70,17, P < 0,05) para tempo de procedimento (827 pacientes). CONCLUSÃO: Conforme os dados disponíveis na literatura, o tratamento do CCR precoce apresenta melhores resultados pela técnica cirúrgica quanto às taxas de ressecção em bloco e curativa, e menos complicações e menor tempo de procedimento pela técnica endoscópica. Não há diferença quanto às taxas de mortalidade e recidiva a longo prazo / INTRODUCTION: Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents an important disease, with high incidence and mortality. When restricted to the mucosa and submucosa it is called early CRC, with curative endoscopic treatment in the absence of histopathological conditions associated with high risk of linfonodal metastasis. However, such treatment techniques are not widely available, and many of these patients undergo surgical resection. OBJECTIVES: To search for studies of endoscopic and surgical treatment modalities for early CRC, and compare these results through meta-analysis. METHODS: MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CENTRAL COCHRANE, and EBSCO databases were searched for comparative studies, which included early CRC patients subjected to surgical or endoscopic treatments. Data regarding mortality, recurrence, en bloc resection rate, curative resection rate, procedure time, complications rate, and severe complications rate were extracted. Study bias was evaluated using the Newcastle-Ottawa score. Absolute Risk (AR), AR reduction (ARR), AR increase (ARI), and the number necessary to treat (NNT) or to harm (NNH) were computed, using a 95% confidence interval (CI) as statistically significant. RevMan 5 software was used for meta-analysis, applying Mantel-Haenszel tests to achieve a 95% CI; results were represented by forest and funnel plots. Consistency among studies was reported via I2. RESULTS: 12,905 entries were found via PUBMED, and 12,818 via other databases. After removal of duplicates and observation of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 4 retrospective cohort studies were considered for analysis. No differences in mortality (339 patients) and long-term recurrence (577) were observed between the two groups. Surgical treatment had higher rates of en bloc resection (-0.11 [95% CI -0.14, -0.09, P < 0.05] - 1,085 patients) and curative resection (-0.11 [IC 95% CI -0.21, - 0.02, P < 0.05] - 1,112 patients) when compared to endoscopic treatment. Endoscopic treatment had lower total complication rate (0.07 [IC 95% -0.10; - 0.03] - 1,085 patients), lower severe complication rate (-0.08 [IC 95% -0.15; - 0.01] - 827 patients), and shorter procedure time than the surgical treatment (-130.34 min [IC 95% -190.5; -70.17, P < 0.05] - 827 patients). CONCLUSION: According to available data, surgical treatment of early CRC yields better results regarding en bloc resection and curative resection rates; endoscopic treatment of early CRC results in lower complication rate and shorter procedure time. There are no differences in mortality and long-term recurrence rates

As complicações precoces e tardias e a demarcação de estoma intestinal / The early and late complications and the stoma site-marking

Oliveira, Marissa Silva de 19 September 2014 (has links)
As complicações de estoma e de pele periestoma comprometem a vida dos estomizados intestinais na realização do autocuidado e na sua reabilitação, e a demarcação de estoma pré-operatória tem sido considerada importante na prevenção destas. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever as complicações de estoma e de pele periestoma de estomizados intestinais demarcados e não demarcados, submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico no ano de 2009, em um hospital universitário de ensino público (CEP/EERP-USP 341.314). Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem quantitativa, de levantamento de 70 prontuários de pacientes demarcados e não demarcados, submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico com confecção de estomia intestinal, no ano de 2009. Do total de 70 (100%) analisados, verificamos que 37 (52,9%) pertenciam ao sexo feminino e 33 (47,1%) masculino. Houve predomínio de 31 (44,3%) sem comorbidades, diagnóstico oncológico 46 (65,8%), 54 (77,1%) nunca haviam sido submetidos às cirurgias intestinais prévias, 56 (80%) cirurgias eletivas e 40 (57,1%) registros de tratamentos adjuvantes. Em relação ao tipo de estoma predominou 46 (65,7%) colostomias e 31 (44,3%) estomas definitivos. Do total, 33 (47,1%) foram demarcados no pré-operatório e 37 (52,9%) não. Em relação às complicações de estoma, no G1 Demarcados identificamos 15 complicações, sendo a hérnia periestoma a mais frequente em quatro (12,1%) pacientes. No G2 Não demarcados obtivemos 32 complicações, sendo a dermatite a mais frequente seis (16,1%) pacientes. Entre os 70 prontuários, as complicações mais registradas foram a dermatite 9 (12,9%), a hérnia periestoma 8 (11,4%), mau funcionamento do estoma 5 (7,1%), prolapso 4 (5,7%), sangramento 4 (5,7%) e extravasamento 4 (5,7%). Diante disso, estudos prospectivos controlados sobre os fatores de risco e a influência da demarcação de estoma pré-operatória poderão contribuir para a prevenção destas complicações em estomizados intestinais / Complications of stoma and peristomal skin compromise the lives of individuals with intestinal ostomy in performing self-care and rehabilitation, and the preoperative stoma site-marking has been considered important in preventing these complications. This study aimed to describe the complications of the stoma and peristomal skin in individuals who had preoperative stoma site-marked and who had not preoperative stoma site-marked underwent surgery in 2009 in a university hospital (CEP/EERP-USP 341.314).This is a quantitative, the survey of 70 medical records of patients stoma site marked and stoma site unmarked, underwent surgical treatment with confection of an ostomy, in 2009. Out of 70 (100%) analyzed, we found that 37 (52.9%) were female and 33 male (47.1%). Predominated 31 (44.3%) without comorbidities, oncologic diagnosis was 46 (65.8%), 54 (77.1%) had never been submitted to intestinal surgeries, 56 was (80%) elective surgery and 40 (57,1%) registers of adjuvant treatments. Regarding the type of stoma 46 predominated (65.7%) colostomies and 31 (44.3%) permanent stomas. In general, 33 (47.1%) were marked preoperatively and 37 (52.9%) was not. Regarding complications of stoma, we had identified 15 complications in the G1 demarcated and peristomal hernia was the most common complication with four (12.1%) cases. We have got 32 complications in the G2 not marked and the most common complication was dermatitis with six cases (16.1%). Among the 70 records, the most common complications recorded were dermatitis 9 (12.9%), peristomal hernia 8 (11.4%), malfunction of the stoma 5 (7.1%), prolapse 4 (5.7%) bleeding 4 (5.7%) and leakage 4 (5.7%). Therefore, prospective controlled studies about the risk factors and the influence of preoperative stoma site-marking may contribute to prevention of these ostomy complications

Avaliação de variáveis associadas à redução do número de linfonodos em espécime cirúrgico de câncer de reto após quimiorradioterapia neoadjuvante / Evaluation of variables associated to the reduction in the number of lymph nodes in rectal cancer specimen after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy

Bustamante Lopez, Leonardo Alfonso 03 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: De acordo com a União Internacional Contra o Câncer um mínimo de 12 linfonodos (LN) deve ser obtido no espécime cirúrgico para o estadiamento do câncer colorretal (CCR). Estudos recentes reportaram que o uso da quimioirradioterapia neoadjuvante (QRN) pode resultar na não obtenção do número mínimo de LN na peça em 30-52% dos pacientes. Objetivo: Identificar os fatores relacionados à redução do número de LN ressecados em pacientes submetidos à neoadjuvancia e a excisão total do mesorreto. Pacientes e métodos: De janeiro de 2012 a março de 2013, 160 pacientes com câncer de reto foram submetidos à QRN (5-FU e 5040 Gys) seguida de excisão total de mesorreto com ligadura dos vasos mesentéricos inferiores nas suas raízes. Foram incluídos pacientes com estadiamento T3, T4 e/ou N+ que distavam até 10cm da borda anal e T2N0 que distavam até 7 cm da borda anal. Foram excluídos pacientes cujo tratamento com quimiorradioterapia neoadjuvante foi incompleto, ou que tiveram atrasos significativos para re-estadiamento e/ou realização da cirurgia. Todos foram estadiados através de toque retal, colonoscopia, TC de tórax e de abdome, e RM de pelve e igualmente re-estadiados 8 semanas após o término da neoadjuvância, operados e submetidos a excisão total do mesorreto. Os pacientes foram divididos em 2 grupos: A) menos de 12 LN, e B) 12 ou mais LN. Foram estudadas as possíveis variáveis relacionadas ao número de LN obtidos: sexo, idade, presença de LN acometidos, tamanho do tumor, localização da altura do tumor no reto, comprimento da peça, preservação esfincteriana, via de acesso, estadiamento inicial, grau de resposta tumoral e resposta patológica à quimiorrradioterapia neoadjuvante. Resultados: Noventa e cinco pacientes (60 masculinos) preencheram os critérios de inclusão e conseguiram ser tratados, re-estadiados e operados dentro das datas pré-estabelecidas. A média de LN ressecados foi 23,2 (3-67). Resposta patológica completa foi obtida em 18 pacientes (19%). Um mínimo de 12 LN foram obtidos em 81 pacientes (85%). Dentre os 14 doentes que obtiveram menos de 12 LN, 7 (50%) eram respostas patológicas completas. De todas as variáveis estudadas apenas resposta patológica completa na peça foi fator associado à não obtenção do número mínimo de 12 LN (p=0,002). Conclusões: Em pacientes submetidos à QRN e ETM, a resposta patológica completa foi o único fator associado a não obtenção de um mínimo de 12 de LN na peça / INTRODUCTION: According to the International Union against Cancer a minimum of 12 lymph nodes (LN) must be obtained from the surgical specimen for staging colorrectal cancer. However, recent studies reported that neoadjuvant chemoradiation may result in failure to obtain a minimum number of LN in 30-52 % of patients. OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with decreased number of LN resected in patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy followed by total mesorectal excision (TEM). METHODS: From January/2012 to March/2013, 160 patients with rectal cancer underwent CRT (5 - FU and Gys 5040) followed by TEM and ligation of inferior mesenteric vessels in the roots. Patients with stage T3, T4 and/or N + within 10cm from anal verge were included. Patients with T2N0 located within 7cm from the anal verge were also included. Patients who were not able to complete the chemoradiation treatment or who presented significant delay on restaging and/or surgery were excluded from analyses. All patients were staged by digital rectal examination, colonoscopy, CT of the abdomen and chest, and MRI of the pelvis. Patients were re-staged 8 weeks after completion of neoadjuvant therapy, and submitted to total mesorectal excision right after that. Patients were stratified according to LN retrieval in two groups: A) less than 12 LN, B) 12 or more LN. Possible factors associated with the decreased number of LN were evaluated: gender, age, presence of metastatic LN, tumor size, tumor location, and length of the specimen, sphincter preservation, surgical access, initial staging, tumor regression grade and pathological response to chemoradiation. RESULTS: Ninety-five patients (60 male) met the inclusion criteria and were able to be treated, re-staged and operated within the pre-established intervals. The mean number of resected LN was 23.2 (3-67). Pathological complete response was achieved in 18 patients (19%). A minimum of 12 LN were obtained from 81 patients (85%). Half of the 14 patients with less than 12 LN presented pathologic complete response. Of all the variables studied only pathologic complete response was associated with less than 12 LN yield (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: In patients submitted to chemoradiation followed by TME the complete pathological response was the only factor associated with failure to obtain a minimum of 12 LN in the specimen

Beskrivning av patienters postoperativa vårdförlopp tre dagar efter kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram

Furuseth, Christina, Samuelsson, Therese January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong><strong><p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of this study was to describe the post-operative care during the three first days for patients who have undergone colorectal surgery according to ERAS care programs with a focus on the variables nutrition, elimination, activity, type of analgesia and the number of hospital days documented in the patient record and patient log books. ERAS means "Early Recovery After Surgery" and the purpose of the health care program is to accelerate recovery after colorectal surgery. The study had a descriptive design and a quantitative approach, in which 51 patient records were included. Log books and patient records were reviewed postoperatively. According to the log books estimated most of the patients, who had documented, that they ate and drank very good or good. According to nursing documentation most of the patients ate ordinary food and drank nutritional drinks. According to the log books, the mean and median were about two drinks per day while nursing documentation varied. According to the log books, the median first stool after surgery was two days and according to the nursing documentation three days. The median number of walks in the corridor varied from 2-3 (log books) to two walks each day (nursing documentation). Epidural analgesia was the most common analgesia. The mean number of hospital days was 8.4 days (median 7 days). The conclusion is that few ERAS patients achieved the targets set at the hospital. The lack of documentation makes the interpretation difficult.</p></strong></strong></p> / <p><strong><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syftet med studien var att utifrån sjuksköterske- och patientdokumentation beskriva det postoperativa vårdförloppet under tre dagar för patienter som har genomgått kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram med fokus på variablerna nutrition, elimination, aktivitet, typ av smärtlindring och antal vårddagar. ERAS betyder "Early Recovery After Surgery" och syftet med vårdprogrammet är att påskynda återhämtning efter kolorektalkirurgi. Studien hade en beskrivande design och en kvantitativ ansats där 51 patientjournaler inkluderades. Loggböcker och patientjournaler granskades postoperativt. Enligt loggböckerna så skattade de flesta patienterna, av de som hade dokumenterat, att de åt och drack mycket bra eller bra. Enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen så åt de flesta vanlig mat och drack näringsdrycker. Enligt loggböckerna var medelvärdet och medianen cirka två näringsdrycker per dag medan det enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen varierade. Enligt loggböckerna var medianen för första avföringen efter operationen två dagar och enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen tre dagar. Medianen för antal vändor i korridoren varierade från 2-3 vändor (loggböckerna) till 2 vändor varje dag (sjuksköterske-dokumentationen). Epiduralbedövning var den vanligaste smärtlindringen. Medelvärdet för vårddagar var 8,4 dagar (median 7 dagar). Slutsatsen är att få patienter uppnådde de uppsatta målen vid det aktuella sjukhuset. Dokumentationen var bristfällig, vilket försvårar tolkningen av resultatet.</p></strong></p>

Beskrivning av patienters postoperativa vårdförlopp tre dagar efter kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram

Furuseth, Christina, Samuelsson, Therese January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe the post-operative care during the three first days for patients who have undergone colorectal surgery according to ERAS care programs with a focus on the variables nutrition, elimination, activity, type of analgesia and the number of hospital days documented in the patient record and patient log books. ERAS means "Early Recovery After Surgery" and the purpose of the health care program is to accelerate recovery after colorectal surgery. The study had a descriptive design and a quantitative approach, in which 51 patient records were included. Log books and patient records were reviewed postoperatively. According to the log books estimated most of the patients, who had documented, that they ate and drank very good or good. According to nursing documentation most of the patients ate ordinary food and drank nutritional drinks. According to the log books, the mean and median were about two drinks per day while nursing documentation varied. According to the log books, the median first stool after surgery was two days and according to the nursing documentation three days. The median number of walks in the corridor varied from 2-3 (log books) to two walks each day (nursing documentation). Epidural analgesia was the most common analgesia. The mean number of hospital days was 8.4 days (median 7 days). The conclusion is that few ERAS patients achieved the targets set at the hospital. The lack of documentation makes the interpretation difficult. / Sammanfattning Syftet med studien var att utifrån sjuksköterske- och patientdokumentation beskriva det postoperativa vårdförloppet under tre dagar för patienter som har genomgått kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram med fokus på variablerna nutrition, elimination, aktivitet, typ av smärtlindring och antal vårddagar. ERAS betyder "Early Recovery After Surgery" och syftet med vårdprogrammet är att påskynda återhämtning efter kolorektalkirurgi. Studien hade en beskrivande design och en kvantitativ ansats där 51 patientjournaler inkluderades. Loggböcker och patientjournaler granskades postoperativt. Enligt loggböckerna så skattade de flesta patienterna, av de som hade dokumenterat, att de åt och drack mycket bra eller bra. Enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen så åt de flesta vanlig mat och drack näringsdrycker. Enligt loggböckerna var medelvärdet och medianen cirka två näringsdrycker per dag medan det enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen varierade. Enligt loggböckerna var medianen för första avföringen efter operationen två dagar och enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen tre dagar. Medianen för antal vändor i korridoren varierade från 2-3 vändor (loggböckerna) till 2 vändor varje dag (sjuksköterske-dokumentationen). Epiduralbedövning var den vanligaste smärtlindringen. Medelvärdet för vårddagar var 8,4 dagar (median 7 dagar). Slutsatsen är att få patienter uppnådde de uppsatta målen vid det aktuella sjukhuset. Dokumentationen var bristfällig, vilket försvårar tolkningen av resultatet.

Towards surgical use of matrix metalloproteinase biology

Pasternak, Björn January 2008 (has links)
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), such as collagenases, are a family of enzymes capable of degrading most constituents of the extracellular matrix. MMPs are thought to be involved in the aetiopathogenesis of tendon rupture. Additionally, failure of healing has in some instances been associated with elevated levels of MMPs. We have studied (a) the effects of the MMP-inhibitor doxycycline on healing of tendons and intestines in experimental models and (b) systemic levels of MMPs and their endogenous inhibitors (TIMPs) in patients with tendon rupture. In the first study, systemic doxycycline treatment lead to weakened rat Achilles tendons during healing after injury. Subsequently, systemic doxycycline was shown to improve biomechanical properties of tendon suture fixation in the rat Achilles tendon. Sutures were also coated with doxycycline, leading to similar improvement in mechanical strength of the suture construct during healing. In the third study, doxycycline-coated sutures improved the strength of healing intestinal anastomoses in an experimental model. Finally, we showed that patients with a history of Achilles tendon rupture had elevated levels of MMP-2, MMP-7 and TIMP-2 in serum. In addition, MMP-7 correlated inversely to mechanical strength of the tendon during healing. In conclusion, MMP-inhibitors can be administered systemically and locally to manipulate healing of tendons and intestines. Generalised alterations in the MMP-TIMP system may be involved in the pathogenesis of Achilles tendon rupture and associated with differences in outcome of healing.

Comparison of general and combined anesthesia during laparoscopic colorectal surgery / Bendrosios ir kombinuotos anestezijos metodų palyginimas pacientams, kuriems atliekamos storosios žarnos laparoskopinės operacijos

Gasiūnaitė, Diana 30 September 2013 (has links)
The doctoral dissertation analyses and compares general endotracheal and combined endotracheal epidural anesthesia’s impact on organ systems and describes the systems parameters in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Comparing two perioperative analgesia techniques used in laparoscopic colorectal surgery the hemodynamic and respiratory parameters trends; the impact of anesthesia and postoperative analgesia methods on patients’ tracheal extubation time, intestinal motility recovery rate, duration of hospitalization and inflammatory response have been determined. Laparoscopic colorectal resection, even being a minimally invasive technique for laparoscopic surgery, stimulates the body's response to stress and pro-inflammatory mediator’s secretion. Perioperative pain management may also influence the immune response. The doctoral dissertation analyses the impact of epidural analgesia method on the body stress response, investigating variations of cortisol and interleukin-6 levels. The results showed that analgesia and patient satisfaction using epidural analgesia method for perioperative pain management were better. Tracheal extubation time was significantly shorter. Recovery of intestinal motility using epidural analgesia was significant and much prior than using intravenous analgesia. The use of epidural analgesia in laparoscopic colorectal surgery caused less stress response – less cortisol levels increase. It has not showed the increase in number of complications. / Disertacijoje analizuojama ir lyginama bendrosios endotrachėjinės ir kombinuotos endotrachėjinės epiduralinės anestezijos įtaka atskiroms organų sistemoms ir tas sistemas apibūdinantiems rodikliams laparoskopinių kolorektalinių operacijų metu. Darbe nagrinėjama dviejų perioperacinių skausmo malšinimo būdų įtaka hemodinamikos ir kvėpavimo sistemos parametrų kitimo tendencijoms, pacientų trachėjos ekstubacijos laikui, žarnyno motorikos atsinaujinimo greičiui, hospitalizacijos trukmei bei organizmo uždegiminiam atsakui. Laparoskopinės storosios žarnos rezekcinės operacijos, net ir būdamos minimaliai invazinės dėl laparoskopinės operacijos technikos, sužadina stresinį organizmo atsaką bei uždegimo mediatorių išskyrimą. Perioperacinis skausmo valdymas taip pat gali daryti įtaką imuniniam atsakui. Disertacijoje nagrinėjama epiduralinės analgezijos metodo įtaka organizmo stresiniam atsakui tiriant kortizolio kiekio kitimus ir interleukino-6, kaip vieno pagrindinių uždegimą skatinančių citokinų, koncentracijos kitimą taikant epiduralinę analgezijos metodiką. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad analgezijai pasitelkiant epiduralinį skausmo malšinimo metodą, perioperacinis pacientų skausmo valdymas ir pasitenkinimas yra geresnis, trachėjos ekstubacijos laikas patikimai trumpesnis, žarnyno peristaltikos atsitaisymas ankstyvesnis, sukeliamas stresinis organizmo atsakas mažesnis (mažesnis kortizolio koncentracijos padidėjimas) ir nenustatyta komplikacijų padaugėjimo.

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