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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intrinsic Features of the Multisensory Cortical Area LRSS in the Ferret

Cojanu, Alexandru Ioan 29 November 2010 (has links)
Environmental events simultaneously transduced by more than one sensory modality underlie multisensory processing in the CNS. While most studies of multisensory processing examine functional effects, none have evaluated the influence of local or columnar circuitry. The goal of the present study is to examine of local features of the ferret lateral rostral suprasylvian sulcus (LRSS), a multisensory cortex. Immunostaining revealed the cytoarchitectonic features of the LRSS: thick supragranular layers, a narrow layer IV, and moderately stained but differentiated infragranular layers. Golgi-Cox techniques were used with light microscopy and digital reconstruction to document neuronal morphology. Among the 90 reconstructed neurons, 4 distinct forms or pyramidal and 2 types of non-pyramidal neurons were found. Measurement of maximal dendritic spread indicates that a cortical column in the LRSS was 250.9 um in diameter. These results describe local features of the LRSS upon which future experiments of intrinsic circuitry will be based.

Různé metody přípravy kapilárních kolon plněných Sephadexem pro gelovou chromatografii / Various methods of preparation of capillary columns packed with Sephadex for gel chromatography

Tolasz, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
In this diploma thesis, capillary columns with an inner diameter of 530 microns filled with gel particles were prepared. These columns are intended for gel chromatography. Three various methods of filling were used for their preparation. The first method was based on filling of wet particles in suspension with the organic solvent, followed by drying and swelling of particles with water into the form of gel. The second method used filling of wet particles in the suspension form with the aqueous phase. The last method started with suction of dry gel particles by air and continued with their subsequent swelling with water into the form of the gel. The prepared columns have been compared analysing hyaluronic acid and thiourea. The basic parameters specified for the gel column chromatography were determined by using phenylalanine. The pressure characteristics depending on the flow rate of mobile phase were used to compare the quality of packing of the columns prepared by various methods.

Quantitative Analysis of Kilohertz-Frequency Neurostimulation

Medina Daza, Leonel E. January 2016 (has links)
<p>Mainstream electrical stimulation therapies, e.g., spinal cord stimulation (SCS) and deep brain stimulation, use pulse trains that are delivered at rates no higher than 200 Hz. In recent years, stimulation of nerve fibers using kilohertz-frequency (KHF) signals has received increased attention due to the potential to penetrate deeper in the tissue and to the ability to block conduction of action potentials. As well, there are a growing number of clinical applications that use KHF waveforms, including transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TES) for overactive bladder and SCS for chronic pain. However, there is a lack of fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of action of KHF stimulation. The goal of this research was to analyze quantitatively KHF neurostimulation. </p><p>We implemented a multilayer volume conductor model of TES including dispersion and capacitive effects, and we validated the model with in vitro measurements in a phantom constructed from dispersive materials. We quantified the effects of frequency on the distribution of potentials and fiber excitation. We also quantified the effects of a novel transdermal amplitude modulated signal (TAMS) consisting of a non-zero offset sinusoidal carrier modulated by a square-pulse train. The model revealed that high-frequency signals generated larger potentials at depth than did low frequencies, but this did not translate into lower stimulation thresholds. Both TAMS and conventional rectangular pulses activated more superficial fibers in addition to the deeper, target fibers, and at no frequency did we observe an inversion of the strength-distance relationship. In addition, we performed in vivo experiments and applied direct stimulation to the sciatic nerve of cats and rats. We measured electromyogram and compound action potential activity evoked by pulses, TAMS and modified versions of TAMS in which we varied the amplitude of the carrier. Nerve fiber activation using TAMS showed no difference with respect to activation with conventional pulse for carrier frequencies of 20 kHz and higher, regardless the size of the carrier. Therefore, TAMS with carrier frequencies >20 kHz does not offer any advantage over conventional pulses, even with larger amplitudes of the carrier, and this has implications for design of waveforms for efficient and effective TES. </p><p>We developed a double cable model of a dorsal column (DC) fiber to quantify the responses of DC fibers to a novel KHF-SCS signal. We validated the model using in vivo recordings of the strength-duration relationship and the recovery cycle of single DC fibers. We coupled the fiber model to a model of SCS in human and applied the KHF-SCS signal to quantify thresholds for activation and conduction block for different fiber diameters at different locations in the DCs. Activation and block thresholds increased sharply as the fibers were placed deeper in the DCs, and decreased for larger diameter fibers. Activation thresholds were > 5 mA in all cases and up to five times higher than for conventional (~ 50 Hz) SCS. For fibers exhibiting persistent activation, the degree of synchronization of the firing activity to the KHF-SCS signal, as quantified using the vector strength, was low for a broad amplitude range, and the dissimilarity between the activities in pairs of fibers, as quantified using the spike time distance, was high and decreased for more closely positioned fibers. Conduction block thresholds were higher than 30 mA for all fiber diameters at any depth and well above the amplitudes used clinically (0.5 – 5 mA). KHF-SCS appears to activate few, large, superficial fibers, and the activated fibers fire asynchronously to the stimulation signal and to other activated fibers. </p><p>The outcomes of this work contribute to the understanding of KHF neurostimulation by establishing the importance of the tissue filtering properties on the distribution of potentials, assessing quantitatively the impact of KHF stimulation on nerve fiber excitation, and developing and validating a detailed model of a DC fiber to characterize the effects of KHF stimulation on DC axons. The results have implications for design of waveforms for efficient and effective nerve fiber stimulation in the peripheral and central nervous system.</p> / Dissertation

Étude et modélisation du comportement de la phase dispersée dans une colonne pulsée : application à un procédé de précipitation oxalique / Modelling of the behaviour of a disperded liquid phase in a pulsed column

Amokrane, Abdenour 14 May 2014 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l'étude et la modélisation d'une colonne pulsée utilisée dans les opérations d'extraction liquide-liquide dans l'industrie nucléaire, et qui est par ailleurs également utilisée pour des opérations de précipitation oxalique en continu. La modélisation du comportement de la phase dispersée dans la colonne est entreprise dans ce manuscrit. Tout d'abord, nous avons commencé par la modélisation du champ moyen et de la turbulence de la phase continue qui est responsable du transport et de la rupture et coalescence de la phase dispersée. Le modèle développé, validé sur des mesures PIV, prédit d'une manière très satisfaisante la turbulence. Une modélisation des temps de séjour (DTS) des gouttes par une approche lagrangienne est ensuite entreprise. Cette modélisation est validée sur des mesures de DTS prises par une technique d'ombroscopie. Les résultats de modélisation sont en très bon accord avec les mesures expérimentales. Pour modéliser les distributions de tailles des gouttes (DTG) dans la colonne, nous avons utilisé les équations de bilan de population (PBE) que nous avons couplées avec le modèle de mécanique des fluides numérique (CFD). Un réacteur parfaitement agité (RPA) équipé d'une sonde optique est utilisé, dans un premier temps, pour acquérir les DTG relatives à notre système liquide-liquide. Par le biais d'une modélisation 0D dans le RPA basée sur la résolution du problème inverse, nous avons pu déterminer les noyaux de rupture et de coalescence adaptés à notre système pour les utiliser dans la PBE. Les noyaux de rupture et de coalescence ainsi identifiés ont ensuite été utilisés pour modéliser les DTG dans la colonne pulsée par un modèle couplé CFD-PBE basé sur la méthode QMOM. Enfin, une validation du modèle couplé CFD-PBE est réalisée sur des mesures de DTG dans la colonne pulsée. Les résultats obtenus reproduisent parfaitement les mesures expérimentales aussi bien d'un point de vue qualitatif que quantitatif. Le modèle validé est ensuite utilisé dans le cadre d'une étude paramétrique qui a permis de donner accès à un certain nombre d'informations utiles sur le fonctionnement du procédé / This study was dedicated to the modeling of the dispersed behavior in a pulsed column used both in liquid-liquid extraction and continuous oxalic precipitation in the nuclear industry. We have started by modeling the mean flow and turbulence of the continuous phase, which is responsible of the transport, breakup and coalescence of the droplets. The turbulence was accurately predicted by the model that we have validated on PIV type measurements. Then, we have moved to the modeling on the residence time distributing (RTD) of the dispersed phase via a lagrangian approach. The calculated RTDs were also validated using an ombroscopic technique allowing for the measurement of the RTD of the droplets in the pulsed column. The droplets size distribution (DSD) of the droplets were obtained by the mains of population balance equation modeling (PBE) coupled together with the CFD validated model. In order to choose the breakup and coalescence models relevant to our system, we have first used a stirred vessel in which we performed measurements of the DSD using a probe. These measured DSD were used to choose the breakup and coalescence models by resolving the 0d inverse problem. These models were then set in the CFD-PBE coupled model, which was resolved with the QMOM method, to simulate the DSD in the pulsed column. A validation of the CFD-PBE coupled model was also performed via DSD measurements inside the pulsed column. The simulations were found to accurately represent the experiments qualitatively and event quantitatively. Once the model was validated, it has been used to perform a parametric study that allowed us to gain understanding in the behavior of the dispersed phase in the pulsed column

Otimização da produção de lipídeos por Rhodotorula glutinis e aumento de escala em biorreatores de agitação pneumática / Optimization of lipid production by Rhodotorula glutinis and scale-up in pneumatic agitation bioreactors

Ferreira, Douglas dos Santos 01 April 2019 (has links)
O glicerol pode ser aproveitado em processos biotecnológico como substrato, para a obtenção de diversos produtos, dentre eles os óleos microbianos. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a obtenção de lipídeos pela levedura Rhodotorula glutinis a partir de glicerol. Na etapa inicial deste estudo foram realizados ensaios em frascos agitados de 250 mL, contendo 50 mL de meio, segundo um planejamento experimental 24, com face centrada e repetições no ponto central, no qual foram avaliadas as influências das variáveis concentração de substrato (40 a 200 g/L), da razão carbono/nitrogênio (20:1 a 100:1), pH (5 a 7) e concentração de inóculo (1 a 5 g/L), sobre a produção de lipídeos. Verificou-se nesta etapa que, dentro da região avaliada, a concentração de substrato, o pH e a razão carbono/nitrogênio (C/N), apresentaram efeitos estatisticamente significativos sobre a produção de lipídeos. Dentre estas variáveis, a concentração de substrato e o pH apresentaram comportamento quadrático, com pontos de máximo acúmulo de lipídeos próximos a 140 g/L e pH 6,5, respectivamente. Quanto a razão C/N, esta variável mostrou um efeito positivo sobre o acúmulo de lipídeos, ou seja, dentro a região avaliada, o aumento da razão C/N levou a um aumento do acúmulo de lipídeos pela levedura. Nos cultivos realizados nas condições determinadas pelo modelo para maximizar o acúmulo de lipídeos foram alcançadas concentrações de células de 30 ± 1 g/L e lipídios de 15 ± 3 g/L, em 200 h de cultivo. Na segunda etapa deste estudo foi avaliada a ampliação de escala dos cultivos da levedura de frascos agitados para biorreatores de agitação pneumática do tipo coluna de bolhas (CB) e airlift (AL), com volumes de 0,5 e 1,8 L. Os cultivos em biorreatores foram realizados empregando-se as condições otimizadas na etapa anterior deste trabalho. De modo geral, os cultivos realizados em biorreatores de bancada aprestaram concentração de células (15 a 21 g/L) e de lipídeos (5 a 9 g/L), inferiores aos observados em frascos agitados (30 g/L de células e 15 g/L de lipídeos). Tal resultado pode estar relacionado a condição de disponibilidade de oxigênio uma vez que o coeficiente volumétrico de transferência de oxigênio (kLa) para os cultivos em frascos agitados (kLa 49 h-1) foi superior ao alcançado em biorreatores (kLa ente 20 e 30 h-1). Nesta etapa, verificou-se ainda que, os biorreatores do tipo CB possibilitaram alcançar uma concentração de lipídeos (8 a 9 g/L) superior à obtida nos reatores AL (5 a 7 g/L), além de proporcionar uma condição de mistura mais eficiente. Quanto a composição do óleo microbiano (OM) extraído da biomassa celular ao fim do cultivo, verificou-se elevados teores dos ácidos graxos palmítico (C16:0), esteárico (C18:0), oleico (C18:1) e linoleico (C18:2), os quais corresponderam a cerca de 95% de sua composição. A proporção de ácidos graxos de dezesseis e dezoito carbonos do óleo microbiano assemelha-se a encontrada no óleo de soja (cerca de 94% de C16 e C18), o que possibilita o emprego deste óleo para finalidades semelhantes às do óleo de soja, como por exemplo, produção de biodiesel. / Glycerol can be used in biotechnological processes as a substrate to obtain various products, among them microbial oils. In this way, the present study aims to evaluate the lipids production by the yeast Rhodotorula glutinis from glycerol. In the initial stage of this study, experiments were performed in 250 mL shaken flasks, containing 50 mL of medium, according to an experimental design 24, face centered and repetitions at the central point, in which the substrate concentration (40 to 200 g/L), carbon/nitrogen ratio (20:1 to 100:1), pH (5 to 7) and inoculum concentration (1 to 5 g/L) effects on lipid production were evaluated. It was verified that, within the evaluated region, the substrate concentration, pH and carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) had statistically significant effects on lipid production. Among these variables, the substrate concentration and pH presented a quadratic behavior, with maximum lipids accumulation points close to 140 g/L and pH 6.5, respectively. The C/N ratio presented a positive effect on the lipid accumulation, that is, within the region evaluated, the increase in the C/N ratio led to an increase in the lipid accumulation by yeast. Cultures performed under conditions determined by the model to maximize lipid accumulation reached cell concentrations of 30 ± 1 g/L and lipids of 15 ± 3 g/L in 200 h of culture. In the second stage of this study, the scale-up of the yeast shake flasks cultures for bubble column (CB) and airlift (AL) pneumatic agitation bioreactors, with volumes of 0.5 and 1.8 L, were evaluated. Cultures in bioreactors were performed using the optimized conditions in the previous stage of this work. In general, cultures in bioreactors presented cells concentrations (15 to 21 g / L) and lipids (5 to 9 g/L) lower than those observed in shaker flasks (30 g/L of cells and 15 g/L of lipid). This result may be related to the oxygen availability condition since the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (kLa) for cultures in shaker flasks (kLa 49 h-1) was higher than in bioreactors (kLa 20 and 30 h-1). In this stage, it was also verified that CB-type bioreactors achieve a lipid concentration (8 to 9 g/L) higher than that obtained in AL reactors (5 to 7 g/L), besides providing more efficient mixing conditions. About the composition of the microbial oil (MO), extracted from the cell biomass at the end of the cultivation, presented high levels of palmitic (C16: 0), stearic (C18: 0), oleic (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2) fatty acids, which corresponded to about 95% of its composition. The proportion of microbial oil fatty acids of sixteen and eighteen carbons resembles that found in soybean oil (about 94% C16 and C18), which makes it possible to use this oil for similar purposes as soybean oil, such as biodiesel production, for example.

A study of vector formulations for distillation processes

Mulopo, Jean Lubilanji 23 October 2008 (has links)
In the last decade Process Synthesis has been an emerging active area of research. Since 1999 at COMPS, we have continuously applied this technique to many studies and recently have carefully started to consider the integration of this technique with others to simplify multilevel process design. In this regard the need for new tools that do not require very accurate data or experimental technique has become an imperative for the initial analysis of systems. This thesis presents some of these results.Process synthesis requires new rapid tools for the assessment and comparison of new technologies (possibilities) in the process development stage.This thesis examines and formulates process synthesis problems in the case of separation processes (separation with mixing , separation with reaction).Using simple generic vectorial tools, the thesis addresses the folowing issue: How the topology and mapping of the process vector field defines patterns that may be used for alternative process synthesis solution and design (structure selection ,stability analysis or controllability etc...) . The tools presented are intended for preliminary process design and feasibility studies and will allow for simple comparisons of various options.The key principle used in the study is the exploitation of the generic vectorial representation of fundamental physical phenomena (separation, mixing , reaction) in the process models as used for process synthesis and analysis.The demonstrated power of this approach is that it allows one to exploit the formal mathematical similarities between the different processing modes. Extensive topological Reactive Column Profile has been generated and analysed, offering new insights for manipulation of process behaviour in process synthesis and design. The significance of the contribution of this research is in offering extended fundamental insigths in creating process synthesis options for reactive-separations systems, creating the essential structural basis for subsequent mathematical optimisation of the performanceof process designs.

Distillation synthesis toolbox for pre-flowsheet design

Wilson, Cameron Joseph 15 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9903549T - MSc dissertation - School of Process and Materials Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / Preliminary evaluations during flowsheet synthesis require simple effective tools for comparison and elimination of process alternatives. This work investigates three areas of interest in distillation. Column profile map theory has simplified complex column investigations. The predictions of the difference point equation at finite reflux were experimentally verified for the acetone, methanol and ethanol system in a continuous column apparatus. Residue curve analysis is usually limited to systems with four components for distillation system analysis. An alternative representation, based on combinatorial topology and temperature sequencing, is introduced for use in high level synthesis decisions for higher component order systems. Attainable region (AR) theory is applied to an ideal binary distillation system for a geometrically based method of cost analysis. A constrained attainable region is constructed from a series of equilibrium step compositions with varying reflux and corresponding cost associations. The AR is shown to be useful for costing and optimization.

Column Profile Maps: A Tool for the Design and Analysis of Complex Distillation Systems

Holland, Simon Thornhill 31 October 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 9510423G PhD Thesis School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / Techniques for the design and analysis of simple column separations are well established. Shortcut design techniques have been employed in the initial design of these “traditional” distillation systems for a number of years and these columns are well understood. However, few currently available techniques are useful in the design of novel or complex configurations. The techniques that are available tend to be configuration specific. An all inclusive or universal, design and analysis tool, that can be applied to any and all configurations, is required. Tapp et al (2004) introduced Column Profile Maps (CPMS) as a means of addressing this issue. These are maps of composition profiles for column sections with defined net-molar-flow and reflux ratio. It is suggested that by producing CPMs for a configuration a designer can essentially superimpose these, determine feasible operating profiles and hence column operating parameters. In this thesis we show that this technique can be used to, not only produce quick and easy complex column designs but gain a comprehensive understanding of the steady-state operation of these arrangements. We demonstrate this analytical potential first by application of the CPM technique to the two-product feed distribution problem. It is shown that feed distribution can lower the minimum required reflux ratio for non-sharp separations and in some cases produce feasible separations from previously infeasible product specifications. A composition region of operation for all distributed feed policies is also found. The potential for detailed analysis, design and optimisation of complex configurations is demonstrated via application of the CPM procedure to the fully thermally coupled (Petlyuk) distillation column at both sharp and non-sharp split conditions. A detailed design methodology for any configuration results from this. It is found that the Petlyuk column can operate under five possible bulk/net flow conditions and that very interesting and counter-intuitive net-molar-flows are possible. A feasible column parameter region equivalent to the optimality region (Halvorsen and Skogestad, 2001) is found for zeotropic systems. Importantly a minimum reflux condition for the Petlyuk column is found. This condition can be applied to all zeotropic systems for all product specifications. It is also demonstrated that the CPM technique can be used for design optimisation of separation systems.

Avaliação da descompressão discal por via percutânea a laser em pacientes com neuralgia ciática. Utilização de comprimento de onda 980 nm com posicionamento central da agulha / Evaluation of percutaneous laser disc decompression in patients with sciatic neuralgia. Utilization of 980 nm wavelength with central positioning of the needle

Franco, Rogério Costa 29 October 2018 (has links)
A dor lombar acomete a humanidade desde tempos remotos, tendo seus primeiros relatos descritos no \"Papiro de Edwin Smith\" (1500 a.C.). Acredita-se que durante a vida até 90% da população terá pelo menos um episódio de dor lombar, sendo tal patologia uma das principais causas de afastamento do trabalho, acarretando em vultosos prejuízos financeiros anuais. Cinco a 10% dos pacientes que possuem lombalgia também apresentam dor irradiada para o membro inferior (ciatalgia) e esta última, 85% das vezes é secundária à hérnia de disco lombar (HDL), cuja prevalência anual na população geral é estimada em 2.2%. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da aplicação do laser diodo de 980 nm intradiscal no tratamento da ciatalgia em pacientes portadores de hérnias lombares contidas em comparação com o grupo controle. Vinte e cinco pacientes (30 discos intervertebrais) com HDL e dor neuropática de distribuição metamérica foram randomizados, 12 no grupo controle e treze no grupo laser. No grupo controle foi feita injeção de dexametasona, clonidina e lidocaína intradiscais e no grupo laser aplicada média de 900 J de energia intradiscal, além das mesmas medicações. Os grupos foram avaliados nos tempos antes, imediatamente após, um mês, dois, três, seis e 12 meses decorridos do procedimento quanto aos parâmetros: dor, pela Escala Numérico Visual (ENV), uso de medicações para o controle desse sintoma e efeitos colaterais. Os resultados demonstraram queda nas médias das ENVs e necessidade de medicações para controle da dor em ambos os grupos logo após o tratamento (p<0,05), que perdurou no grupo laser onde houve média de redução de 80,73% nas ENVs, e de 75,51% na necessidade de medicação em um ano de seguimento (p<0,05). Já no grupo controle, as ENVs e as necessidades de analgésicos voltaram a ser semelhantes aos valores anteriores ao tratamento a partir do segundo mês de avaliação (p>0,05). Foi verificada predominância da doença no sexo masculino (68%), com faixa etária média de 44 anos, e baixa incidência de efeitos colaterais semelhantemente a dados anteriormente relatados. O laser diodo de 980 nm é eficaz na redução da ciatalgia secundária à herniação discal contida e superior à injeção intradiscal de clonidina, dexametasona e lidocaína, no que se refere à duração da redução das ENVs e da necessidade de medicações analgésicas. / Lumbar pain affects mankind from earliest times having its first descriptions in the \"Edwin Smith Papyrus\" (1500 BC). It is believed that during life up to 90% of the population will have at least one episode of low back pain, being such pathology one of the main causes of work withdrawal with huge annual financial losses. Five to 10% of patients with low back pain also have lower-limb pain (sciatica), and the latter, 85% of the time, is secondary to lumbar disc herniation (LDH), whose annual prevalence in the general population is estimated at 2.2%. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intradiscal diode laser 980 nm wavelength in comparison with a control group on sciatica treatment in patients with contained lumbar disc herniations. A total of 25 patients (30 intervertebral discs) with LDH and neuropathic pain of metameric distribution were randomized, 12 patients in the control group and 13 patients in the laser group. In the control group, intradiscal injection of dexamethasone, clonidine and lidocaine was performed and in the laser group an average of 900 J of intradiscal energy was delivered, in addition to the same medications. The groups were evaluated at the time before, immediately after, 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months after the procedure for the parameters: pain measured by Visual Numerical Scale (VNS), medication use to control this symptom and side effects. The results showed a decrease in VNS and the need for pain control medications in both groups after treatment (p<0.05) that lasted in the laser group which demonstrated an average in VNSs reduction of 80,73% and in pain analgesic needs of 75,51% after 1 year (p<0,05). In the control group, VNSs and analgesic needs were again similar to pre-treatment values from the second month of evaluation (p>0.05). The predominance of the disease was found in males (68%), with a mean age of 44 years and a low incidence of side effects similar to the data reported before. The 980 nm diode laser is effective in reducing sciatica due to contained LDH and superior to intradiscal injection of clonidine, dexamethasone and lidocaine for the duration of the reduction of VNS and need for analgesic medications.

Absorção de gás carbônico para beneficiamento de biogás utilizando carbonatos em coluna recheada. / Carbon dioxide absorption for biogas upgrade using carbonates in packed column.

Shibata, Fernando Shiniti 07 March 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi o estudo da utilização do carbonato de potássio para a absorção de CO2, tendo como principal foco o uso dessa tecnologia para o beneficiamento de biogás em instalações de pequeno e médio porte. O estudo foi dividido em três partes. Na primeira, realizou-se um projeto fatorial, baseado em resultados obtidos por meio de simulação via ASPEN Plus, com o intuito de quantificar a influência da vazão de líquido, da vazão de gás, da concentração da solução e da temperatura do líquido na quantidade de gás carbônico absorvida. Na segunda, foram realizados ensaios de absorção de CO2 em coluna recheada com anéis de Raschig de vidro, utilizando soluções de carbonato de potássio, com objetivo de comparar os resultados obtidos pelo projeto fatorial e estudar o seu potencial para o processo de beneficiamento de biogás. Na terceira, quatro substâncias foram separadamente utilizadas em mistura com solução de carbonato de potássio, de maneira a verificar seu poder como promotores da reação de gás carbônico com carbonato de potássio. Os resultados do projeto fatorial apresentaram a temperatura, vazão e concentração de líquido como as variáveis independentes de maior influência positiva na absorção de CO2, enquanto que a vazão de gás teve influência negativa de baixa intensidade. A quantidade de gás carbônico absorvida em solução sem promotores e em pressão ambiente foi baixa, como relata a literatura. A utilização de promotores possibilitou um aumento substancial da absorção, principalmente com o uso da piperazina. / The objective of this work is to study the use of potassium carbonate for CO2 absorption, aiming to use this technology for biogas upgrade for small and medium scale plants. The study was divided in three parts. In the first one, a factorial design was done, based in results obtained by simulation via ASPEN Plus, to verify the influence of four process variables, namely: liquid volumetric flow rate, gas volumetric flow rate, solution concentration and liquid temperature. Secondly, CO2 absorption experiments were run in columns packed with glass Raschig rings, using potassium carbonate, in order to compare the results obtained by the factorial design and to study the solution\'s potential for biogas upgrade. Lastly, four substances were separately mixed into potassium carbonate solutions, aiming to verify their potential as CO2 absorption promoters. The results of the factorial design presented the liquid temperature, the liquid volumetric flow rate and the solution concentration as the most positively influential independent variables in carbon dioxide absorption, while the gas volumetric flow rate had a negative influence with low intensity. The amount of CO2 absorbed in solution without promoters and in ambient pressure was low, fact that is mentioned by other researchers. The use of promoters allowed a substantial increase in efficiency of CO2 absorption, mainly with the use of piperazine.

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