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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Online trajectory planning and observer based control /

Anisi, David A., January 2006 (has links)
Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2006.

Adaptiva metoder för systemidentifiering med inriktning mot direkt viktoptimering / Adaptive Bandwidth Selection for Nonlinear System Identification with Focus on Direct Weight Optimization

Gillberg, Tony January 2010 (has links)
<p>Direkt viktoptimering (Direct Weight Optimization, DWO) är en ickeparamterisk systemidentifieringsmetod. DWO bygger på att man skattar ett funktionsvärde i en viss punkt genom en viktad summa av mätvärden, där vikterna optimeras fram. Det faktum att DWO har en inparameter som man måste veta i förväg leder till att man på något sätt vill skatta denna inparameter. Det finns många sätt man kan göra denna skattning på men det centrala i denna uppsats är att skatta inparametern lokalt. Fördelen med detta är att metoden anpassar sig om till exempel systemet ändrar beteende från att variera långsamt till att variera snabbare. Denna typ av metoder brukar kallas adaptiva metoder.Det finns flera metoder för att skatta en inparameter lokalt och anpassningen till DWO är redan klar för ett fåtal som lämpar sig bra. Det är dock inte undersökt vilken av dessa metoder som ger det bästa resultatet för just DWO. Syftet med denna uppsats är alltså att ta reda på hur man lokalt kan skatta en inparameter till DWO på bästa sätt och om DWO är en bra grund att basera en adaptiv metod på.Det har visat sig att DWO kanske är för känslig för en lokalt vald inparameter för att vara en bra grund att basera en adaptiv metod på. Däremot utmärker sig en av metoderna för att skatta inparametern genom att vara mycket bättre än de andra metoderna när den kanske inte borde vara det. Varför den är så bra kan vara ett bra ämne för vidare forskning.</p> / <p>Direct Weight Optimization (DWO) is a nonparametric system identification meth\-od. In DWO the value of a function in a certain point is estimated by a weighted sum of measured values. The weights are obtained as a solution to a convex optimization problem. DWO has a design parameter which has to be chosen or estimated a priori. There are many ways to estimate this parameter. The main focus of this thesis is to estimate this parameter locally. The advantage of estimating the parameter locally is that the estimate will adapt if the system changes behavior from slowly varying to rapidly varying. Estimation methods of this type are usually called adaptive estimation methods.There are a number of adaptive estimation methods and the adaptation of some of these methods to DWO has already been done. There are however no evaluation studies done. The goal with this thesis is therefore to find out how to estimate the parameter in DWO in the best way and to find out whether DWO is a good base for an adaptive method.It turned out that DWO might be too sensitive to local changes in the design parameter to be a good base for an adaptive method. However, one of the adaptive estimation methods stands out from the rest because it is much better than the other methods when it, perhaps, should not. Why this method is good might be a good subject for further research.</p>

Behavioral and economic aspects of caries control

Hietasalo, P. (Pauliina) 09 November 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim was to determine the association between baseline factors, such as oral health-related behavior, attitudes, knowledge and beliefs in relation to caries increment during a randomized clinical trial (RCT). A further aim was to evaluate treatment costs and health outcomes during and after the RCT. In Pori Finland, 11- to 12-year-old children with active initial caries lesion(s) participated in the RCT in 2001–05. The experimental group (n=250) received multiple measures for controlling caries. The control group (n=247) received standard dental care. In 2005–08, all received standard dental care. Regression analyses were used to study the associations between behavioral factors and caries increment. Cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted (trial period), and costs and health outcomes as well as dental service utilization were evaluated (post-trial period). In the experimental group, brushing teeth twice a day was indicative of developing no new caries lesions, whereas eating candy at least once a day, predicted new lesions. In the experimental and control groups, lack of concern about cavities and lack of knowledge about mother’s dental health predicted new caries lesions. The average incremental cost for averting one DMF surface was €34. The experimental regimen was more effective and more costly than the standard dental care. The total costs decreased year after year. The mean total cost per adolescent was lower and the clinical outcome was better among the former participants in the experimental group. The utilization of dental services was significantly more regular among the former participants in this group. It may be feasible to control caries more effectively by affecting toothbrushing, candy eating and oral health-related attitudes, as preventive procedures may be ineffective if those factors are not in order. It is important to discuss oral health-related topics in families, because this may improve the oral health-related behavior of children. Cost-effectiveness of regimen used for the experimental group may be improved by division of work or by selective reduction of preventive procedures. Well-timed caries control can decrease treatment cost and yield long-term improvement of dental health. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää satunnaistetun kliinisen kokeen alussa rekisteröityjen suunterveyteen liittyvien tapojen, tietojen, asenteiden, uskomusten ja karieskertymän välisiä yhteyksiä. Lisäksi arvioitiin hoitokustannuksia ja hoidollisia tuloksia sekä kokeen ajalta että kokeen jälkeiseltä ajalta. Ne 11–12-vuotiaat lapset, joilla oli ainakin yksi alkava aktiivinen kariesvaurio, osallistuivat kokeeseen Porissa vuosina 2001–05. Koeryhmän lapset (n=250) saivat tehostettua ehkäisevää hoitoa ja kontrolliryhmän lapset (n=247) tavanomaista hammashoitoa. Kaikki saivat tavanomaista hammashoitoa vuosina 2005–08. Käyttäytymisellisten tekijöiden ja karieskertymän välisiä yhteyksiä tutkittiin regressioanalyysien avulla. Kustannusvaikuttavuusanalyysi tehtiin kokeen ajalta. Hoitokustannuksia ja hoidollisia tuloksia sekä palveluiden käyttöä arvioitiin kokeen jälkeiseltä ajalta. Lapsilla, jotka harjasivat vähintään kaksi kertaa päivässä, oli yleensä ehjät hampaat, kun taas lapsilla, jotka söivät päivittäin makeisia, oli useasti reikiä. Huolettomuus reikiintymistä kohtaan ja tietämättömyys äidin hampaiden kunnosta näkyi lasten hampaiden reikiintymisenä. Yhden hammaspinnan säästyminen paikkaukselta maksoi keskimäärin 34 €. Koeryhmän saama hoito oli vaikuttavampaa, mutta kalliimpaa kuin kontrolliryhmän saama hoito. Kokonaiskustannukset laskivat vuosi vuodelta. Keskimääräiset hoitokustannukset olivat pienemmät ja hammasterveys parempi entisen koeryhmän jäsenillä kuin kontrolliryhmäläisillä. Myös palveluiden käyttö oli säännöllisempää koeryhmässä. Karieksen hallintaa voidaan todennäköisesti tehostaa vaikuttamalla hampaiden harjaukseen, makeisten syöntiin ja suunterveyteen liittyviin asenteisiin. On tärkeää varmistaa, että nämä asiat ovat kunnossa, koska ehkäisevät toimenpiteet saattavat muuten jäädä tehottomiksi. Suunterveyteen liittyvistä asioista olisi hyvä keskustella perheissä, koska asioiden esillä pitäminen voi vaikuttaa suotuisasti lasten terveystapoihin. Koeryhmän saaman hoito-ohjelman kustannusvaikuttavuutta voisi todennäköisesti parantaa muuttamalla suunterveydenhuollon henkilöstön työnjakoa tai karsimalla valikoiden ehkäisevien toimenpiteiden määrää. Oikea-aikainen karieksen hallinta voi vähentää hoitokustannuksia ja lisätä hammasterveyttä pitkällä aikavälillä.

Control of cooperative unmanned aerial vehicles / Έλεγχος συνεργαζόμενων ρομποτικών οχημάτων

Αλέξης, Κώστας 06 October 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses the problems of design and control of small cooperative unmanned autonomous quadrotor aerial vehicles. A new approach is proposed, for the modeling of the system’s dynamics using linearized Piecewise AffineModels. The Piecewise Affine dynamic–models cover a large part of the quadrotor’s flight envelope while also taking into account the additive effects of environmental disturbances. The effects of aerodynamic forces and moments were also examined. A small quadrotor is designed and developed that emphasizes in the areas of increased on–board computational capabilities, state estimation and modular connectivity. Based on the translational and rotational system’s dynamics: a) a switching model predictive controller, b) an explicitly solved constrained finite time optimal control strategy, and c) a cascade control scheme comprised of classical Proportional Integral Derivative control scheme augmented with angular acceleration feedback, were designed and experimentally tested in order to achieve trajectory tracking under the presence of wind–gusts. The efficiency of the proposed control methods was verified through extended experimental studies. The final quadrotor design utilizes a powerful control unit, a sensor system that provides state estimation based on inertial sensors, ultrasound sonars, GPS and vision chips, and an efficient actuating system. The research effort extended in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles cooperation. Cooperation strategies were proposed in order to address the problems of: a) Forest Fire Monitoring and b) Unknown Area Exploration and Target Acquisition. The Forest FireMonitoring algorithm is formulated based on consensus systems theory formulated as a spatiotemporal rendezvous problem in between the quadrotors. The Area Exploration and Target Acquisition algorithm is formulated based on market–based approaches. / Η συγκεκριμένη διατριβή καταπιάνεται με τα προβλήματα της σχεδίασης και ελέγχου μικρού μεγέθους συνεργαζόμενων μη επανδρωμένων αεροσκαφών με έμφαση στα συστήματα Κάθετης Απογείωσης και Προσγείωσης και ιδιαίτερα στη συστήματα τύπου Quadrotor. Μια νέα προσέγγιση για την μοντελοποίηση της δυναμικής του συστήματος η οποία βασίζεται στη θεωρία των Piecewise Affine συστημάτων προτείνεται. Η μοντελοποίηση με βάση τη θεωρία των Piecewise Affine συστημάτων καλύπτει ένα μεγάλο μέρος του φακέλου πτήσης του αεροσκάφους καθότι συνυπολογίζει μέρος της μη-γραμμικότητας του συστήματος ενώ παράλληλα δίνει τη δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιηθούν τα ιδιαίτερα ανεπτυγμένα εργαλεία του γραμμικού ελέγχου. Αναπτύσσεται νέα πειραματική πλατφόρμα αεροσκάφους τύπου quadrotor η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από ιδιαίτερες ικανότητες υπολογιστικής ισχύος, αυτόνομη εκτίμηση κατάστασης, πολλαπλή συνδεσιμότητα και αποδοτικό σύστημα πρόωσης. Η τελική πλατφόρμα quadrotor ελικοπτέρου UPATcopter ενσωματώνει μικρουπολογιστικό σύστημα υψηλών δυνατοτήτων, ειδικά συστήματα εκτίμησης κατάστασης τόσο σε εσωτερικούς όσο και σε εξωτερικούς χώρους μέρος των οποίων αναπτύχθηκε στα πλαίσια της διατριβής και αποδοτικό υποσύστημα πρόωσης. Τρεις διαφορετικοί νόμοι ελέγχου αναπτύχθηκαν και δοκιμάστηκαν πειραματικά. Αρχικά δοκιμάσθηκε ένας Constrained Finite Time Optimal Controller, ο οποίος υπολογίζεται πολύ-παραμετρικά και συνυπολογίζει την επίδραση των περιορισμών εισόδου και κατάστασης. Ο συγκεκριμένος ελεγκτής υπολογίσθηκε με βάση μια οικογένεια Piecewise Affine αναπαραστάσεων του υποσυστήματος προσανατολισμού και δοκιμάσθηκε επιτυγχάνοντας αποδοτικό έλεγχο του προσανατολισμού του σκάφους. Ακολούθως δοκιμάσθηκε ένας Switching Model Predictive Control βασισμένος στην Piecewise Affine μοντελοποίηση του συστήματος ο οποίος επίσης συνυπολογίζει την επίδραση των περιορισμών του συστήματος και του ρόλου των διαταραχών. Με τη χρήση αυτού του ελεγκτή επιτεύχθηκε έλεγχος προσανατολισμού και θέσης του αεροσκάφους τόσο σε άπνοια όσο και υπό την επίδραση ισχυρών διαταραχών ανέμου. Επιπρόσθετα, δοκιμάσθηκε ελεγκτής βασισμένος στη θεωρία PID ελέγχου επαυξημένος με ανάδραση γωνιακής επιτάχυνσης του συστήματος. Τέλος, η έρευνα επεκτάθηκε και στις στρατηγικές συνεργασίας μη επανδρωμένων αεροσκαφών προτείνοντας δύο αλγόριθμους. Συγκεκριμένα προτάθηκε αλγόριθμος για την αντιμετώπιση των προβλημάτων επιθεώρησης δασικής πυρκαγιάς και αλγόριθμος εξερεύνησης μιας άγνωστης περιοχής από ομάδα ετερογενών αεροσκαφών.

Control and energy optimization of ground source heat pump systems for heating and cooling in buildings

Cervera Vázquez, Javier 30 June 2016 (has links)
[EN] In a context of global warming concern and global energy policies, in which heating and cooling systems in buildings account for a significant amount of the global energy consumption, ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems are widely considered as being among the most efficient and comfortable heating and cooling renewable technologies currently available. Nevertheless, both an optimal design of components and an optimal operation of the system as a whole become crucial so that these systems can have a significant contribution to the attenuation of the global energy problem. The overall objective of this PhD dissertation is to perform the control and energy optimization of an experimental GSHP system installed at the Universitat Politècnica de València, making the control system adaptive to the thermal demand of the building and to the climate conditions. For that purpose, different control strategies are proposed, described, developed, implemented and tested in the system. The optimization of any system requires a comprehensive study of its behaviour, by means of a thorough analysis of all the variables and parameters implied on its performance. Therefore, the first step is to analyse the short-term performance of the system, but also the long-term performance based on the experimental data collected at the installation. Second and prior to developing any optimization strategies, it is important to analyse the optimal configuration of the system according to the objectives targeted. This objective includes the study of the best location for the temperature control sensor and the buffer tank, as well as an adequate size for this buffer tank. Finally, once the behaviour of the system has been fully understood, the components of the system are the most efficient according to the possibilities of the research work and they have been connected adequately, the final objective is to develop control and optimization strategies which optimize the operation of the experimental GSHP system. These strategies target the control of the heat pump compressor, but also and more importantly, the energy optimization of the complete system. The focus is not in optimizing the performance of each individual component, but in optimizing the energy performance of the system working as a whole. In this direction, a first approach which combined a temperature compensation strategy and the variation of the frequency of the water circulation pumps, and hence the flow rate, as a function of the thermal load of the building, was first attempted. The application of this first approach resulted in significant energy savings, but also in a lack of user comfort in some of the offices under extreme weather conditions during summer. Consequently, the control and optimization methodology has been upgraded in a global algorithm (which is the final result of this PhD thesis) which couples both strategies in order to ensure the user comfort while keeping significant energy savings. In brief, this PhD work provides a comprehensive experimental study for the energy optimization of a GSHP system for both cooling and heating operation. Experimental results for a one-year operation period demonstrate important energy savings when compared to the standard control operation, up to 35% in the summer season and 53% in the winter season, while keeping the user comfort. / [ES] En un contexto de creciente preocupación por el calentamiento global y de políticas energéticas internacionales, en el cual los sistemas de climatización en edificios representan una parte importante del consumo energético global, los sistemas de bomba de calor geotérmica están ampliamente considerados como una de las tecnologias de climatización de espacios más eficientes disponibles en la actualidad. Sin embargo, tanto un buen diseño de los componentes como una óptima operación del sistema son de vital importancia para que estos sistemas puedan contribuir de manera significativa a atenuar el problema energético global. El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral es el control y la optimización energética de una instalación experimental de bomba de calor geotérmica construida en la Universitat Politècnica de València, haciendo que el sistema de control se adapte a la demanda térmica del edificio y a las condiciones climatológicas. Para ello, se proponen diferentes estrategias de control, las cuáles son descritas, desarrolladas, implementadas y evaluadas a lo largo de este trabajo de investigación. La optimización de cualquier sistema requiere un amplio estudio de su comportamiento, analizando concienzudamente todas las variables y parámetros implicados en su funcionamiento. Por tanto, el primer paso llevado a cabo es el análisis de los días típicos de funcionamiento de la instalación, pero también su comportamiento a más largo plazo, a partir de los datos experimentales recogidos. En segundo lugar, y como paso previo al desarrollo de las estrategias de optimización, es importante analizar la configuración óptima del sistema de acuerdo con los objetivos perseguidos. Este objetivo incluye el estudio de la posición del sensor de temperatura empleado para el control y del depósito de inercia, así como el dimensionamiento adecuado de este depósito. Finalmente, una vez se ha analizado en profundidad el funcionamiento del sistema, los componentes del mismo son lo más eficientes posible, y éstos han sido conectados de manera adecuada, el objetivo final es el desarrollo de estrategias de control y optimización energética que optimicen la operación de la instalación experimental de bomba de calor geotérmica. Estas estrategias se dirigen principalmente a la optimización del sistema completo. El objetivo no es optimizar el funcionamiento de cada componente de manera individual, sino optimizar el comportamiento energético del sistema trabajando como un todo. En este sentido, se desarrolló una primera metodología que combinaba la compensación de la temperatura de consigna de la bomba de calor en función de la temperatura ambiente exterior, y la variación de la frecuencia de las bombas de circulación (y por tanto el caudal de agua) en función de la carga térmica del edificio. La aplicación de esta primera estrategia resultó en una importante mejora del rendimiento energético, pero también en la pérdida de confort en algunas de las oficinas climatizadas cuando las condiciones climatológicas eran extremas durante el verano. En consecuencia, la metodología de control y optimización desarrollada fue mejorada dando como resultado un algoritmo global de optimización energética (que es el resultado final de esta tesis), el cual acopla ambas estrategias anteriores de manera que se cumpla el confort del usuario y se mantenga un ahorro de energía significativo. En resumen, esta tesis doctoral proporciona un estudio experimental exhaustivo de la optimización energética de un sistema de bomba de calor geotérmica para la climatización de un edificio de oficinas. Los resultados experimentales para un año completo de funcionamiento del sistema muestran un ahorro de energía significativo en comparación con el modo de control de referencia, hasta un 35% en modo refrigeración y un 53% en modo calefacción, a la vez que se mantiene el confort de los usuarios. / [CAT] En un context de creixent preocupació per l'escalfament global i de polítiques energètiques internacionals, en el qual els sistemes de climatització en edificis representen una part important del consum energètic global, els sistemes de bomba de calor geotèrmica estan amplament considerats com una de les tecnologies de climatització més eficients disponibles en la actualitat pel que fa a la climatització d'espais. No obstant això, tant un bon disseny dels components com una operació òptima del sistema són de vital importància per tal que aquests sistemes puguen contribuir de manera significativa a atenuar el problema energètic global. L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi doctoral és el control i l'optimització energètica d'una instal·lació experimental de bomba de calor geotèrmica construïda a la Universitat Politècnica de València, fent que el sistema de control s'adapte a la demanda tèrmica de l'edifici i a les condicions climatològiques. Amb aquest objectiu, es proposen diferents estratègies de control, les quals són descrites, desenvolupades, implementades i avaluades al llarg d'aquest treball d'investigació. L'optimització de qualsevol sistema requereix un ampli estudi del seu comportament, analitzant conscienciosament totes les variables i paràmetres implicats en el seu funcionament. Per tant, el primer pas duit a terme és l'anàlisi dels dies típics de funcionament de la instal·lació, però també el seu comportament a més llarg termini, a partir de les dades experimentals recollides. En segon lloc, i com pas previ al desenvolupament de les estratègies d'optimització, és important analitzar la configuració òptima del sistema d'acord als objectius perseguits. Aquest objectiu inclou l'estudi de la posició del sensor de temperatura emprat pel control i del dipòsit d'inèrcia, així com el correcte dimensionament d'aquest dipòsit. Finalment, una vegada s'ha analitzat en profunditat el funcionament del sistema, els components d'aquest són el més eficients possible, i han sigut connectats de manera adequada, l'objectiu final és el desenvolupament d'estratègies de control i optimització energètica les quals optimitzen l'operació de la instal·lació experimental de bomba de calor geotèrmica. Aquestes estratègies es dirigeixen principalment a l'optimització del sistema complet. L'objectiu no és optimitzar el funcionament de cada component de manera aïllada, sinó més bé optimitzar el comportament energètic del sistema treballant com un tot. En aquest sentit, es va desenvolupar una primera metodologia que combinava la compensació de la temperatura de consigna de la bomba de calor en funció de la temperatura ambient exterior, i la variació de la freqüència de les bombes de circulació (i per tant del cabdal d'aigua) en funció de la càrrega tèrmica de l'edifici. L'aplicació d'aquest primer apropament va resultar en una important millora del rendiment energètic, però també en la pèrdua de confort en algunes de les oficines climatitzades quan les condicions climatològiques eren extremes durant l'estiu. En conseqüència, la metodologia de control i optimització desenvolupada va ser millorada resultant en un algoritme global d'optimització energètica (resultat principal d'aquesta tesi), el qual acobla ambdues estratègies anteriors de manera que es complisca el confort de l'usuari i es mantinga un important estalvi d'energia. En resum, aquesta tesi doctoral proporciona un estudi experimental exhaustiu de l'optimit\-zació energètica d'un sistema de bomba de calor geotèrmica per la climatització d'un edifici d'oficines. Els resultats experimentals per un any complet de funcionament del sistema mostren un estalvi d'energia significatiu en comparació amb el mode de control de referencia, fins un 35% en mode refrigeració i un 53% en mode calefacció, a la vegada que es manté el confort dels usuaris. / Cervera Vázquez, J. (2016). Control and energy optimization of ground source heat pump systems for heating and cooling in buildings [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/66748 / TESIS

Continuous state space Q-learning for control of nonlinear systems

Hagen, Stephanus Hendrikus Gerhardus ten. January 2001 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Auteursnaam op omslag: Stephan ten Hagen. Met lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.

Convex optimization based resource allocation in multi-antenna systems

Shashika Manosha Kapuruhamy Badalge, . () 29 December 2017 (has links)
Abstract The use of multiple antennas is a fundamental requirement in future wireless networks as it helps to increase the reliability and spectral efficiency of mobile radio links. In this thesis, we study convex optimization based radio resource allocation methods for the downlink of multi-antenna systems. First, the problem of admission control in the downlink of a multicell multiple-input single-output (MISO) system has been considered. The objective is to maximize the number of admitted users subject to a signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) constraint at each admitted user and a transmit power constraint at each base station (BS). We have cast the admission control problem as an ℓ0 minimization problem; it is known to be combinatorial, NP-hard. Centralized and distributed algorithms to solve this problem have been proposed. To develop the centralized algorithm, we have used sequential convex programming (SCP). The distributed algorithm has been derived by using the consensus-based alternating direction method of multipliers in conjunction with SCP. We have shown numerically that the proposed admission control algorithms achieve a near-to-optimal performance. Next, we have extended the admission control problem to provide fairness, where long-term fairness among the users has been guaranteed. We have focused on proportional and max-min fairness, and proposed dynamic control algorithms via Lyapunov optimization. Results show that these proposed algorithms guarantee fairness. Then, the problem of admission control for the downlink of a MISO heterogeneous networks (hetnet) has been considered, and the proposed centralized and distributed algorithms have been adapted to find a solution. Numerically, we have illustrated that the centralized algorithm achieves a near-to-optimal performance, and the distributed algorithm’s performance is closer to the optimal value. Finally, an algorithm to obtain the set of all achievable power-rate tuples for a multiple-input multiple-output hetnet has been provided. The setup consists of a single macrocell and a set of femtocells. The interference power to the macro users from the femto BSs has been kept below a threshold. To find the set of all achievable power-rate tuples, a two-dimensional vector optimization problem is formulated, where we have considered maximizing the sum-rate while minimizing the sum-power, subject to maximum power and interference threshold constraints. This problem is known to be NP-hard. A solution method is provided by using the relationship between the weighted sum-rate maximization and weighted-sum-mean-squared-error minimization problems. The proposed algorithm was used to evaluate the impact of imposing interference threshold constraints and the co-channel deployments in a hetnet. / Tiivistelmä Monen antennin käyttö on perusvaatimus tulevissa langattomissa verkoissa, koska se auttaa lisäämään matkaviestinyhteyksien luotettavuutta ja spektritehokkuutta. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan konveksiin optimointiin perustuvia radioresurssien allokointimenetelmiä moniantennijärjestelmien alalinkin suunnassa. Ensiksi on käsitelty pääsynvalvonnan ongelmaa alalinkin suuntaan monen solun moni-tulo yksi-lähtö (MISO) -verkoissa. Tavoitteena on maksimoida hyväksyttyjen käyttäjien määrä, kun hyväksytyille käyttäjille on asetettu signaali-häiriö-kohinasuhteen (SINR) rajoitus, ja tukiasemille lähetystehon rajoitus. Pääsynvalvonnan ongelma on muotoiltu ℓ0-minimointiongelmana, jonka tiedetään olevan kombinatorinen, NP-vaikea ongelma. Ongelman ratkaisemiseksi on ehdotettu keskitettyjä ja hajautettuja algoritmeja. Keskitetty optimointialgoritmi perustuu sekventiaaliseen konveksiin optimointiin. Hajautettu algoritmi pohjautuu konsensusoptimointimenetelmään ja sekventiaaliseen konveksiin optimointiin. Ehdotettujen pääsynvalvonta-algoritmien on numeerisesti osoitettu saavuttavan lähes optimaalinen suorituskyky. Lisäksi pääsynvalvontaongelma on laajennettu takaamaan pitkän aikavälin oikeudenmukaisuus käyttäjien välillä. Työssä käytetään erilaisia määritelmiä oikeudenmukaisuuden takaamiseen, ja ehdotetaan dynaamisia algoritmeja pohjautuen Lyapunov-optimointiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että ehdotetuilla algoritmeilla taataan käyttäjien välinen oikeudenmukaisuus. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään heterogeenisen langattoman MISO-verkon pääsynvalvonnan ongelmaa. Edellä ehdotettuja keskitettyjä ja hajautettuja algoritmeja on muokattu tämän ongelman ratkaisemiseksi. Työssä osoitetaan numeerisesti, että sekä keskitetyllä että hajautetulla algoritmilla saavutetaan lähes optimaalinen suorituskyky. Lopuksi on laadittu algoritmi, jolla löydetään kaikki saavutettavissa olevat teho-datanopeusparit heterogeenisessä langattomassa moni-tulo moni-lähtö (MIMO) -verkossa. Verkko koostuu yhdestä makrosolusta ja useasta piensolusta. Piensolutukiasemista makrokäyttäjiin kohdistuvan häiriön teho on pidetty tietyn rajan alapuolella. Kaikkien saavutettavien teho-datanopeusparien löytämiseksi on laadittu kaksiulotteinen vektorioptimointiongelma, jossa maksimoidaan summadatanopeus pyrkien minimoimaan kokonaisteho, kun enimmäisteholle ja häiriökynnykselle on asetettu rajoitukset. Tämän ongelman tiedetään olevan NP-vaikea. Ongelman ratkaisemiseksi käytetään painotetun summadatanopeuden maksimointiongelman, ja painotetun keskineliövirheen minimointiongelman välistä suhdetta. Ehdotettua algoritmia käytettiin arvioimaan häiriörajoitusten ja saman kanavan käyttöönoton vaikutusta heterogeenisessä langattomassa verkossa.

Control failures, error processing, and cognitive aging

Nieuwenhuis, Sander Tjalling. January 2001 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Met lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.

Improved and robust monitoring in statistical process control

Riaz, Muhammad, January 1900 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Met een samenvatting in het Nederlands.

Classical conditioning and discriminative control

Holman, J. G. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

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