Spelling suggestions: "subject:"comparative c.method"" "subject:"comparative 20method""
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30 years on from Kangan: an analysis of the current policy position of TAFE QueenslandMcMillan, Gregory Neil January 2007 (has links)
Within Australia, Vocational Education and Training (VET) encompasses the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) sector, private providers, community education and training, and work-based training. Additionally, some VET activities are embedded within the secondary school and university sectors. As the major provider of Government-funded vocational education and training, TAFE has undergone significant change since its establishment in the 1970's. Historically, TAFE has provided broader education and social opportunities for individuals beyond a narrower focus on the achievement of training outcomes for economic benefits. However, shifts in policy direction in 1980's and 1990's have seen the delineation between broader education and economic outcomes becoming less distinct. While this is perhaps true of all education sectors, it has potentially impacted more on TAFE than any other sector. This thesis investigated these impacts within the context of TAFE's social service and economic utility roles. This was undertaken by analysing seven seminal Commonwealth and Queensland documents and by analysing the findings of interviews with six senior executives within Queensland's Department of Employment and Training and TAFE. The key findings of this thesis indicate that TAFE Queensland continues to perform a number of functions or activities that can be associated with a social service role. However, the findings also indicate that, for TAFE Queensland, there has been a shift towards an economic utility role. Since the Kangan Report (1974), TAFE's role has become more focussed on meeting Queensland's economic and industry needs within a broad view that Australia needs a flexible workforce, qualified to industry standards of competence and able to compete in a globalised world.
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Fermetures et porosités dans les territoires urbains à Fort-de-France (Martinique) et Port of Spain (Trinidad et Tobago) / Urban barriers and porosities in Fort-de-France (Martinique) and Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago)Gidel, Mélanie 31 January 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre des études sur la fragmentation urbaine. Elle privilégie les notions de fermeture et de porosité pour confronter les dynamiques territoriales à l’œuvre dans deux villes caribéennes aux caractéristiques longtemps similaires : Fort-de-France, dans le département de la Martinique, et Port of Spain, capitale de la République de Trinidad et Tobago. Les fermetures délimitent et séparent, mais elles se définissent aussi par leur degré de porosité et par les mises en relation qu’elles organisent, ce que la thèse tente de souligner, d’abord, sous l’angle des paysages urbains. Quoique souvent adossées à des divisions anciennes, héritées de la ville coloniale, les fermetures se déploient sous des formes nouvelles qui sont envisagées par les pouvoirs publics, à Fort-de-France, comme une menace pour la cohésion urbaine. Cette analyse n’est pas partagée à Port of Spain où l’échelle nationale prime sur l’échelle de la ville dans les logiques gestionnaires. La thèse s’appuie notamment sur les résultats de deux enquêtes de terrain pour mieux comprendre le jeu de ces délicates articulations et désarticulations d’échelles, qui nourrissent les phénomènes de fermeture dans la ville. La première enquête met en évidence les trajectoires divergentes de deux quartiers situés sur les marges sociales et spatiales des deux villes, Volga Plage et Sea Lots, dans un contexte de redéfinition des limites entre ville, mer et port. La seconde enquête, réalisée auprès de 228 écoliers, permet de confronter les modalités de gestion par le haut des fermetures dans la ville aux pratiques et aux aspirations des habitants. / This research falls within the scope of urban fragmentation studies. It focuses on the notions of barriers and porosities to confront urban change patterns in two Caribbean cities that used to have similar characteristics: Fort-de-France, in the French oversea department of Martinique, and Port of Spain, capital city of Trinidad and Tobago. Barriers delineate and separate, but they are also defined by their level of porousness and by the links that they organize, as this research intends to show, by first studying urban landscapes. Although barriers often stem from former divisions inherited from the colonial city, they manifest themselves in new forms which are regarded as a threat to urban cohesion by local authorities in Fort-de-France. This analysis is not shared by authorities in Port of Spain where the national scale dominates the scale of the city in terms of urban management. This thesis is mainly based on the results of two field studies that highlight the interplay of subtle articulations and disarticulation of scales, which may hinder or support the production of barriers in the city. The first survey examines the divergent prospects faced by two neighborhoods located on the social and spatial margins of both cities, Volga Plage and Sea Lots, in the context of redefining boundaries between the city, the sea and the port. The second survey, conducted with 228 school children, leads to question ongoing interactions between official responses to urban barriers and the inhabitants’ spatial practices and aspirations.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Tribosphenic molars are considered major innovations of mammals and are related to different structures and variables that may explain their adaptation. The aim of this study was to verify the relationship of body size, mandible shape and diet variables and all four molars of didelphid marsupials in a phylogenetic approach. Geometric morphometric analysis of shape of the lower molars were performed on 261 specimens, 130 females and 131 males, containing a total of 14 genera and 37 species of the Didelphidae family. Twenty- four anatomical landmarks were used to describe the shape of the molars, and twenty-three for the mandible. The body size was estimated from values of molar size (lnCS) and diet was categorized through the literature. All analyzes were performed separately for males and females due to sexual dimorphism. Regressions were performed between the shape of molars and the explanatory variables body size, mandible shape and diet. An analysis of Variation Partitioning was applied to test the explanation portion of each variable. The phylogenetic effect on shape was controlled in such analyses with the method of phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS). For females the diet has a major influence on the molars (30.1%), followed by body size (9.3%) and mandibular shape (2.7%), whereas for males the diet has also a lot of influence (31.4%), body size (10.3%) and mandibular shape (28.5%). The configuration of molars due to diet showed greater deformity in a gradient, showing increased size from the first to the fourth molar area (greater m4) for more faunivorous/omnivorous species and, contrarily, a decrease in size toward the lower m4 for frugivorous/omnivorous species. Variation Partitioning in the diet was more explanatory for females (18.6%) and mandibular shape (13.8%); and the interaction of mandibular shape with diet was more important for males (19.3%). The explanation of diet for both sexes, although significant, has a strong influence of phylogenetic relatedness, while both mandibular shape and body size for males show no such influence of phylogeny. The great difference in the results for both sexes highlights the importance of life style influencing differentially females and males. The variation of the non-uniform molar shape exposes what is already seen in the literature: that didelphids have not a fully exclusive diet. Thus, it is possible to realize the importance of molars in both function and phylogenetic history. / Os molares tribosfênicos são considerados grandes inovações dos mamíferos e se relacionam com diversas estruturas e variáveis as quais podem explicar a sua adaptação. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a importância da relação do tamanho corporal, da forma mandibular e da dieta, sob enfoque filogenético, no conjunto dos quatro molares inferiores dos marsupiais didelfídeos. Análises de morfometria geométrica da forma dos molares inferiores foram realizadas em 261 espécimes, 130 fêmeas e 131 machos, contemplando no total 14 gêneros e 37 espécies da família Didelphidae. Vinte e quatro marcos anatômicos foram estimados para descrever a forma dos molares; vinte e três para a mandíbula. O tamanho corporal foi estimado a partir de valores de tamanho molar (lnCS) e a dieta foi categorizada através de dados da literatura. Todas as análises foram realizadas separadamente para fêmeas e machos devido ao dimorfismo sexual. Regressões foram realizadas entre a forma dos molares e as variáveis tamanho corporal, forma mandibular e dieta. Uma análise de Partição de Variância foi aplicada para testar a porção de explicação de cada variável. E controlando o efeito filogenético sobre a forma, o método utilizado foi o de mínimos quadrados generalizados filogenéticos (PGLS). Para fêmeas a dieta apresenta grande influência sobre os molares (30.1%), seguido do tamanho corporal (9.3%) e forma mandibular (2.7%); enquanto para machos a dieta também possui muita influência (31.4%), o tamanho corporal (10.3%) e a forma mandibular (5.3%). A conformação dos molares devido a dieta mostrou maior deformidade, em um gradiente, evidenciando para espécies mais faunívoras/onívoras um aumento em tamanho de área do primeiro ao quarto molar (m4 maior) e espécies frugívoras/onívoras uma diminuição nos mesmos (m4 menor). Na Partição de Variância, a dieta foi mais explicativa para fêmeas (18.6%) e a forma mandibular (13.8%), bem como a interação dessa com a dieta para machos (19.3%). A explicação da dieta para ambos os sexos, apesar de significativa, apresenta forte influência da proximidade filogenética, enquanto a forma mandibular de ambos e tamanho corporal de machos não apresentam essa influência na sua explicabilidade. A maior diferença nos resultados para os sexos evidencia os hábitos de vida distintos, e o quanto essas pressões influenciam de formas variadas fêmeas e machos. Já a variação da forma molar não uniforme expõe o já constatado na literatura de que didelfídeos não apresentam uma dieta totalmente exclusiva. Sendo assim, é possível perceber a importância dos molares em expressar tanto a função quanto a história filogenética.
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Coevolução do comportamento antipredatório, desempenho locomotor e morfologia em anuros da Floresta Atlântica / Coevolution of antipredator behavior, locomotor performance and morphology of anurans of the Atlantic ForestJessyca Michele Citadini 13 February 2017 (has links)
Anfíbios anuros representam um grupo de vertebrados cujo plano corpóreo apresenta uma série de modificações associadas ao desempenho locomotor através de saltos, sendo estas especializações muito antigas e conservadas filogeneticamente. Embora estudos comparativos venham demonstrando associações entre desempenho de salto e diversidade de habitat e história de vida para esse grupo filogenético, as relações entre o desempenho locomotor e o comportamento antipredatório dentro do contexto da diversificação do uso do micro-habitat permanecem inexploradas. Primeiramente, nós testamos modelos adaptativos de evolução morfológica associados com a diversidade do uso do micro-habitat (aquático, arborícola, fossorial, reofílico e terrestre) em espécies de anuros e foi examinada a relação da distância máxima do salto como uma função dos componentes das variáveis morfológicas e do uso do micro-habitat. Nós também investigamos, tanto em nível intra quanto interespecífico a influência da complexidade do microambiente (arena vazia, arena com folhiços ou arena com folhiço e arbustos) e do tipo de estímulo (aproximação versus toque) na manifestação do comportamento antipredatório em anuros. Adicionalmente, nós investigamos o efeito do uso de diferentes tipos de refúgio pelos anuros quando sujeitos aos testes de simulação predatória no laboratório. Nossos resultados demostram a existência de múltiplos ótimos adaptativos para os comprimentos dos membros associados aos diferentes usos do micro-habitat, com uma tendência de aumento dos membros posteriores em espécies reofílicas, arborícolas e aquáticas quando comparadas com espécies terrestres e fossoriais, as quais evoluíram em direção ao ótimo adaptativo com membros posteriores mais curtos. Além disso, espécies reofílicas, arborícolas e aquáticas apresentaram maior desempenho para o salto e membros posteriores mais longos quando comparadas com espécies terrestres e fossoriais. Em seguida foi abordada a influencia da complexidade do ambiente no comportamento antipredatório e nossas análises intraspecíficas mostraram que o número de respostas ativas (salto) e passivas é fortemente dependente do tipo de estímulo e varia de acordo com a complexidade estrutural do ambiente. Simultaneamente, nossas análises comparativas interespecíficas mostraram que anuros modulam a distância saltada em resposta ao toque do predador de acordo com a complexidade ambiental, e nós ressaltamos uma variação interespecífica associada ao uso de micro-habitat. Por fim, foi investigado o uso de refúgios pelos anuros expostos a testes de simulação predatória. Nossos resultados mostram que os anuros usam a vegetação arbustiva, o folhiço e a água como areas de refúgio quando sujeitadas a simulação predatória. Além disso, ocorreu variação interespecífica na escolha de refúgios potencialmente associados à diversificação do uso de microhábitat / Anuran amphibians represent a group of vertebrates whose body plan presents a series of changes associated with jumping locomotor performance; these specializations are very old and phylogenetically conserved. Although comparative studies have shown associations among jumping performance, habitat diversity and life history for this phylogenetic group, the relationship between locomotor performance and antipredator behavior remains unexplored within the context of diversification of microhabitat use and habitat. First, we tested adaptive models of morphological evolution associated with the diversity of microhabitat use (aquatic, arboreal, fossorial, torrent and terrestrial) in species of anurans and examined the relation of the maximum distance jumped as a function of components of morphological variables and microhabitat use. We also investigated, both at intra and interspecific levels, the influence of the complexity of microenvironment (empty arena, with leaf litter or bushes) and stimulus type (approach versus touch) on the manifestation of antipredator behavior in anurans. In addition, we investigated the effect of the use of different types of refuges by anurans when subjected to simulated predator tests in the laboratory. Our results demonstrate the existence of multiple optima of limb lengths associated to different microhabitats, with a trend of increasing hindlimbs in torrent, arboreal, aquatic species whereas fossorial and terrestrial species evolve toward optima with shorter hindlimbs. Moreover, arboreal, aquatic and torrent anurans have higher jumping performance and longer hindlimbs, when compared to terrestrial and fossorial species. Then, was addressed the influence of the complexity of environment on antipredator behavior and our intraspecific analyzes showed that the number of active responses (jump) and passive responses is strongly dependent on stimulus type and varies according to the structural complexity of the environment. At the same time, our interspecific comparative analyzes showed that anurans modulate the distance jumped in response to the predator\'s touch according to environmental complexity, and we highlight an interspecific variation associated with the use of microhabitat. Lastly, was investigated the use of refuges by anurans exposed to simulated predation events. Our results show that anurans use bushes, leaf litter and water as refuge areas when subjected to simulated predator. Moreover, there is interspecific variation in the choice of refuges potentially associated to diversification of microhabitat use
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Kvalifikační příprava sociálních pracovníků v oblasti krizové intervence / Qualified training of social workers in crisis interventionMaráková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with a preparation of a qualification training for social workers that work with a client in crisis. It examines what are the requirements for the social worker and his range of further training. It also focuses on a social worker custody to a client who found himself in a crisis situation. It solves whether, and how the social workers are prepared to these difficult situations. Theoretical knowledge, as a type of client, koncept and types of crisis situations and attitudes and competences of a social worker to the solution of the crisis, are used in practical part of this master's thesis, which is made up of case reports with subsequent analysis. In conclusion the importance of the knowledge and skills of social workers are documented by questionnaire. Using the comparative method, I would like to highlight the developments in this field during the last five years. For comparison is outlined the care for a human in crisis in Switzerland and Bulgaria. The goal of my thesis is to make this field more approachable not only to social workers who encounter people in crisis in the course of their work, but also to all people who may find them- selves in crisis.
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A qualitative exploration of experiences of others and accounts of self in the narratives of persons who have experienced traumatic brain injurySmit, Martinus Jacobus 06 November 2007 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects thousands of people in South Africa. Our knowledge regarding this phenomenon has expanded rapidly and the problematic psychological wellbeing of persons who have been injured through TBI has been well documented. When reviewing the published literature regarding TBI it would appear that the majority originate from a positivist epistemology, quantitative methodology, and focus mainly on cognitive and/or motor ability changes of the injured individual. Furthermore, literature regarding interaction between the injured person and others tend to focus on uninjured family members’ experience of and adaptation to the injured person – generally ignoring the injured person’s experience of others. This study addressed this gap in the literature by making use of a qualitative research design to explore how injured persons' experience of others might contribute to the challenges, other than those related to cognitive and physical changes, persons face following TBI. Specifically, this study investigated whether themes that suggest a "loss of self" could be identified in the narratives of the participants' experiences of others. While not being able to support the idea of “loss of self” in the participants' narratives, there are indications that experiences of others may add to the challenges injured persons face following TBI. / Dissertation (MA (Counselling Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / MA / unrestricted
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Effects of training paradigms on performance of search dogsLit, Lisa 01 January 2004 (has links)
This thesis studies the performance of search dogs trained to locate the live scent (live only dogs) and compares their performance to that of search dogs trained to locate either live or cadaver scent depending on the verbal cue given by the handler (cross-trained dogs).
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Srovnání cen rodinného domu ve vybraných lokalitách v okrese Ostrava-město v letech 2017 a 2018 / Comparison of Prices of a Single-Family House in Selected Areas within the District of Ostrava-město in 2017 and 2018Kliment, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with comparison of family prices in selected localities in the Ostrava-city district in the years 2017 and 2018. These are the localities of Hošťálkovice and Slezská Ostrava, which make up town districts and the village of Šenov. For these locations, I will determine the price and the usual price for 2017 and 2018. Based on the project documentation provided for the new family house, I will also prepare an itemized budget and evaluate it all. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the introduction and explanation of terminology, with the introduction of legal regulations, a comparative method, on the basis of which I will determine the price of the usual and comparative method according to the valuation rules, which will determine the price determined. There is also generally mentioned the method of determining the price of the building work.
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Vliv provedených stavebních prací na tržní hodnotu stavby / Influence of Construction Work Carried Out in a Building on its Market ValueKáňová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis addresses the influence of building work carried out on the family house and the comparison of this influence in various localities. The theoretical part defines the basic terms from professional literature and legislation. A family house prior to reconstruction in the town of Bolera-dice was selected and then two other similar sites of the municipality of Hostěradice and the town of Koryčany. In the practical part, the customary prices were calculated before reconstruction. The reconstruction of the house was projected and the costs of construction work were calculated using an itemised budget. By means of a database of real estate properties after reconstruction, the prices of similar real estate properties after the reconstruction were established. The conclusion of the the-sis presents a comparison and analysis of the results at individual sites, and thus fulfils the objective of the thesis by determining the impact of construction work on the family house and comparing this in different locations.
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Posouzení vlivů ÚP na cenu pozemků v městské části Brně – Soběšicích / Assessing the Impact of Planning on Land Prices in the district of Brno - SoběšicePokorná, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the valuation of selected land in the city district of Brno – Soběšice. In the introductory part of the thesis there are mentioned important terms and methods related to real estate valuation, which are necessary to know for land valuation purposes. Furthermore, the thesis provides information on the valued land, which is currently applied for a territorial change in its use, this process and the whole process of territorial change in the city of Brno is briefly described in a separate chapter. Then the determined and market price is determined for the assessed land in three stages of land use in the land use plan. Individual stages, price effects and possible reasons for price differences are commented. The conclusion is devoted to the evaluation of results.
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