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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Across the Nightingale Floor : Challenging the conceptions of gender

Behrami, Mimoze January 2011 (has links)
This essay deals with the protagonists‟ challenges of the conceptions of gender in the novel Across the Nightingale Floor, by Australian author Gillian Rubinstein who uses the pseudonym Lian Hearn (2002). The protagonists are analyzed from a feminist and gender theoretical point of view, pinpointing the actions and thoughts that challenge the conceptions of gender in their society. Main focus is on Otori Takeo and Shirakawa Kaede, who defy the conceptions of femininity and masculinity within their sex, and how the characters gender identities change from the beginning to the end of the novel, and what causes these changes.

TRAJETÓRIAS DE FORMAÇÃO NO ENSINO SUPERIOR: um estudo com os Professores que atuam nos Cursos de Pedagogia da UFSM / FORMATION TRAJECTORIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION: A Study with Professors in the Courses of Pedagogy of UFSM

Cavalheiro, Rejane 25 October 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research paper is linked to the Graduate Program in Education of the UFSM and is inserted into the Formation, Ways of Knowing, and Professional Development Line of Research. The thematic of the study speaks to the development of professors that perform in the Courses of Pedagogy: Young Childhood Education and Initial Years and has as its objective to investigate the trajectory of formation that these subjects build and what the repercussion of these trajectories in their conceptions of how to form future professors of Young Childhood Education and Initial Years in Elementary Education. The methodology is of the qualitative/quantitative type, occurring in two phases: one, quanti-qualitative with the intuition to trace an institutional profile of the subject; and, the other, qualitative revolving around the interpretation of interviews. The information collected in the two stages of research, having as its guide the analysis of content, was organized in Thematic Blocks and Guiding Axes, named respectively: 1) Personal Identification The influence of the family in the professor s choice of profession and the school model present in the different daily experiences of the subject; 2) Professional Position at UFSM lines that weave a professional path; 3) Performance in the Pedagogy Courses impediments to formation; 4) Basic Education Experience Circular vision of time and the certainties of formation: there is no movement from outside to inside; 5) Formation Appreciation The professors fear and its relation with the possible: the appearance of new curricular matrixes; 6) Research Appreciation Strengthening of the University and weakening of formation. The open questions of the questionnaire were divided into sub-axes following the interlacing of the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of analysis. The sub-axes are: The We in the I of each one ; Mask removing ; Bridges of demolition and The selfcontained diving gear of the teaching art ; The house of mirrors and Rollercoaster. It is from organizing in this fashion that we present the possible findings of the research. / Este trabalho de pesquisa está vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFSM, inserido na Linha de Pesquisa Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional. A temática de estudo diz respeito à formação dos Professores que atuam nos Cursos de Pedagogia Educação Infantil e Anos Iniciais e tem por objetivo investigar a trajetória de formação que estes sujeitos vêm construindo e qual a repercussão das suas concepções na formação de futuros professores para o nível de ensino à que estão voltados. A metodologia é de cunho quali-quantitativo, ocorrendo em duas fases. Uma quanti-qualitativa com intuito de traçar um perfil institucional dos sujeitos. Outra qualitativa, voltada para a interpretação das entrevistas. Os dados coletados nas duas fases da pesquisa, tendo por norte a análise de conteúdo, foram organizados em Blocos Temáticos e Eixos Norteadores, denominados respectivamente: 1) Identificação pessoal A influência da família na escolha da profissão de professor(a) e o modelo de escola presente nos diferentes cotidianos dos formadores; 2) Posição Profissional na UFSM Tramas que tecem o caminho da profissão; 3) Atuação nos Cursos de Pedagogia Armadilhas da formação; 4) Experiência na Educação Básica - Visão circular do tempo e as certezas da formação: não há mudança de fora para dentro.5) Apreciação da Formação - O medo dos professores e uma relação com o possível: o surgimento de novas matrizes curriculares;6)Apreciação da Pesquisa- Fortalecimento da Universidade e enfraquecimento da formação. As questões abertas do questionário foram divididas em subeixos a partir do entrelaçamento das dimensões quantitativa e qualitativa de análise. Os subeixos são: O nós no eu de cada um ; Máscaras retiradas ; Pontes de desconstrução e o Escafandro da docência ; A casa dos espelhos e Montanha Russa . É a partir desta organização que apresentamos possíveis achados de pesquisa. As trajetórias docentes, sejam vivenciadas desde a infância ou ao longo do caminho, não conseguem sustentar mais certezas do que dúvidas. Num curso de futuros professores, os docentes sabem que lidar com isso exige que eles tenham um lastro teórico consistente que dê conta das encruzilhadas e desestabilize o que constitui as chamadas armadilhas deste caminho, naturalmente cheio de obstáculos, contudo, muito mais realizações.


Salla, Lilian Fenalti 05 August 2010 (has links)
The current study, of qualitative nature, had as its central theme the passive smoking through the perspective of Education in Science. Seeking to generate subsidies which would cooperate to the establishment of pedagogical strategies which promote both meaningful learning and scientific literacy regarding the theme, the study aimed at: investigating elementary school (from 6th through 9th) students conceptions about passive smoking. evaluate the approach of the themes passive smoking and smoking in the didactic science books used in elementary school; elaborate a ludic-interactive pedagogical tool contemplating the effects of passive smoking on the biological system; evaluate the impact of the pedagogical tool on the students conceptions after their interaction with it. The tools used for the data collection were the semi-structured questionary and the active observation. To approximate reality, the theory of Previous Conceptions was used and for the data interpretation Content Analysis and Descriptive Statistics were used. The results obtained in the study, in a general way, show that: the elementary school students conceptions on passive smoking are scarce superficial; students conceptions vary from non-understanding of what passive smoking is up to the suitable understanding, although incomplete, of the scientific concept of it. In Addition, the conceptions demonstrated to be strongly associated to the universe of drugs, of disease and of death; the theme approach in Science books came out limited, fragmented and decontextualized; the pedagogical tool Lung and its Gang , elaborated in the study, demonstrated to be useful to comprehend passive smoking and its effects on the biological system, since evolutions in the students concepts were observed after their interaction with it. After this interaction with the pedagogical tool, the dawn of a critical attitude from the students regarding passive smoking was also noticed. Even though the obtained results cannot be generalized, they reveal both the shortage of formal knowledge on passive smoking among elementary school students and the neglect of the theme in the school sphere. The elaborated pedagogical tool, however in need of repair, was able to motivate students to critically reflect about the theme, therefore outlining a scientific literacy about it. Considering the aspects inferred in this study, it is expected that it contributes to the elaboration of political-pedagogical proposals which contemplate not only passive smoking, which is the third largest avoidable and removable reason for death in the world, but also other themes on life quality and health, thus promoting scientific literacy through Education in Science. / O presente estudo, de caráter qualitativo, teve como tema central o fumo passivo pela perspectiva da Educação em Ciências. Buscando gerar subsídios que colaborassem para o estabelecimento de estratégias pedagógicas promotoras tanto de uma aprendizagem significativa como de uma alfabetização científica em relação ao tema, o estudo teve como objetivos: investigar as concepções dos alunos de ensino fundamental (6º ao 9º ano) sobre o fumo passivo; avaliar a abordagem do tema nos livros didáticos de Ciências utilizados no ensino fundamental; elaborar uma ferramenta pedagógica lúdico-interativa contemplando os efeitos do fumo passivo sobre o sistema biológico; avaliar o impacto da ferramenta pedagógica sobre as concepções dos alunos após a interação destes com a mesma. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta dos dados foram o questionário semiestruturado e a observação participante. Para a aproximação da realidade foi utilizada a teoria das Concepções Prévias e para a interpretação dos dados foram utilizadas a Análise de Conteúdo e a Estatística Descritiva. Os resultados obtidos no estudo, de uma forma geral, demonstraram que: as concepções dos alunos de ensino fundamental acerca do fumo passivo são escassas e superficiais; as concepções dos alunos variaram do não entendimento sobre o que é fumo passivo até a compreensões condizentes, embora incompletas, com o conceito científico do mesmo. Ainda, as concepções mostraram-se fortemente associadas ao universo das drogas, da doença e da morte; a abordagem do tema nos livros didáticos de Ciências mostrou-se reduzida, fragmentada e descontextualizada; a ferramenta pedagógica Pulmão e sua Turma , elaborada no estudo, mostrou-se útil na compreensão acerca do fumo passivo e seus efeitos sobre o sistema biológico, uma vez que foram observadas evoluções nas concepções dos alunos após a interação com a mesma. Observou-se, também, o estabelecimento de uma postura crítica dos alunos em relação ao fumo passivo após a interação com a ferramenta pedagógica. Apesar dos resultados obtidos não poderem ser generalizados eles são reveladores tanto da escassez de conhecimentos formais sobre o fumo passivo entre os alunos de ensino fundamental quanto do descaso com o tema no âmbito escolar. A ferramenta pedagógica elaborada, embora necessite de reparos, foi capaz de motivar os alunos a refletirem de forma crítica sobre o tema, esboçando assim, uma alfabetização científica em relação ao mesmo. Considerando-se os aspectos inferidos neste estudo, espera-se que ele contribua para a elaboração de propostas político-pedagógicas que contemplem, não só o fumo passivo, que é a terceira maior causa de morte evitável e removível no mundo, mas também outros temas relativos à qualidade de vida e à saúde, fomentando, assim, a alfabetização científica através da Educação em Ciências.

Luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatillisten käsitysten kehittyminen päättöharjoittelujakson biologian ja maantieteen opetuksessa

Jeronen, E. (Eila) 07 November 2003 (has links)
Abstract This study aims to interpret professional development of teachers, focusing specifically on the development of professional conceptions of a group of student-teachers in an Initial Teacher Education class during their final school practice period in Biology and Geography. During this practice period, the student-teachers became acquainted with new pedagogical approaches and made efforts to implement them in the practice classrooms in the training school at the University of Oulu. The study is a qualitative case study. A total of 50 student teachers participated in the research. The empirical material was collected between 1992 and 1994. The resultant data is based on reflective diaries and teaching practice reports written by the student-teachers, and on recordings and videotapes from supervision meetings and lessons. The data was analysed by using inductive and deductive content analysis methods. The interpretation is focused on the most typical and the most exceptional conceptions of the student-teachers. According to the student-teachers, their awareness of themselves as teachers and of teaching of Biology and Geography developed during the final practice period. At the beginning, they reflected their status, whereas at the end they considered the work of a teacher as a whole and what kind of teachers they want to be. The student-teachers expressed that they were no longer nervous to the same extent about their teaching and that their self-confidence had improved. However, they said that they were unsure about subject content knowledge and working methods, and wanted to develop themselves in these areas. They started to discuss more about their curriculum and subject content knowledge. The student-teachers expressed the opinion that to respect the pupils is important. They started to stress learning processes, instead of facts, as the basis of teaching situations. They reported having tried to move from traditional teaching methods to active learning methods. None of the student-teachers changed their social strategies. Most of the student-teachers followed the practices of the training classes they were teaching in. Only a fifth changed patterns or habitual ways of acting in classrooms. Coping strategies used by the student-teachers were varied in different situations. They wrote that their professional strategies developed during the practice period. The tutorial collaboration and reflective, theory-based discussions aided this professional development. The support of class teachers and other student-teachers was also an important factor. However, it is impossible to draw any long-term conclusions on the influences on the professional development of the student teachers, due to the results being based on the conceptions of the student-teachers in these specific contexts, and the short length of the study period researched, which was only eight credits per group (a credit being equivalent to 40 working hours). To confirm whether there were long-term changes in their conceptions on teaching actions, further research on the group is required, when they work as teachers in schools. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen aiheena on luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatillisten käsitysten kehittyminen päättöharjoittelujakson biologian ja maantieteen opetuksessa. Kehittymistä tarkastellaan opetusharjoittelijoiden omien käsitysten pohjalta ammatillisen kasvun viitekehyksessä. Teoreettisilta lähtökohdiltaan aihe edustaa symbolisen interaktionismin ja opettajan ajattelun ja oman työn tutkimisen perinnettä. Se liittyy myös didaktisen tutkimuksen piiriin. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkimukseen osallistui 50 päättöharjoittelujakson opetusharjoittelijaa Oulun yliopiston harjoittelukoulusta. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin opintopäiväkirjoina ja raportteina sekä ohjausten ja opetustilanteiden nauhoituksina vuosina 1992-94. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivis-deduktiivisesti aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tarkastelu kohdistuu yleisimpiin ja niistä selvästi poikkeaviin opetusharjoittelijoiden käsityksiin. Opetusharjoittelijoiden käsitysten mukaan tietoisuus itsestä opettajana ja biologian ja maantieteen opetuksesta kehittyi päättöharjoittelujaksossa. Päättöharjoittelujakson alussa opetusharjoittelijat sanoivat tarkastelleensa omaa asemaansa luokassa, ja lopussa he kuvasivat opettajan työtä kokonaisuutena ja itseään opettajana ja kasvattajana. Opiskelijoiden mielestä oppituntien jännittäminen väheni ja itseluottamus kasvoi. Epävarmuutta ja kehittymisen tarvetta opetusharjoittelijat kokivat ainetiedossa ja työtavoissa. Opetussuunnitelmaa ja oppiainetta koskevat käsitykset laajenivat tuntipohjaisesta, oppikirjakeskeisestä näkökulmasta jaksokohtaiseen ja monipuoliseen oppiaineiden tarkasteluun. Koko päättöharjoittelujakson ajan opetusharjoittelijat pitivät oppilaan tuntemusta ja kunnioittamista tärkeänä. Ajankäytön havaittiin kehittyneen asiamäärän perusteella tapahtuneesta oppilaiden oppimista huomioivaksi. Opetusharjoittelijat kertoivat pyrkineensä siirtymään perinteisestä aktivoivaan opetustapaan. Kukaan opetusharjoittelijoista ei muuttanut alun perin omaksumaansa sosiaalista strategiaa. Pääosa heistä sanoi noudattaneensa luokan käytänteitä: vain noin viidennes kertoi muuttaneensa luokan toimintatapoja. Opetusharjoittelijoiden selviytymisstrategiat vaihtelivat tilanteesta toiseen. Omaa ammatillista taitotietoa kehittävät strategiat näyttivät kehittyneen päättöharjoittelujakson aikana. Käsitysten kehittymistä biologian ja maantieteen opetuksessa tuki opetusharjoittelijoiden mukaan yksin ja yhdessä tapahtunut reflektio. Tässä selvitetyt tutkimustulokset ilmentävät opetusharjoittelijoiden ammatillisten käsitysten kehittymistä biologian ja maantieteen opetuksessa kahdeksan opintoviikon pituisessa päättöharjoittelujaksossa. Yksi opintoviikko muodostui 40 työtunnista. Koska tutkimustulokset perustuvat opetusharjoittelijoiden omiin käsityksiin ja koska tutkimusaika on lyhyt, ei voida tehdä johtopäätöstä, että opetusharjoittelijoiden ammatilliset käsitykset olisivat muuttuneet pysyvästi. Tämän toteamiseksi tarvittaisiin jatkotutkimusta opetusharjoittelijoiden opettajaksi valmistumisen jälkeen.

Skrivning i barnperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskoleklasselever talar om skrivning / The child´s conception of writing : a qualitative study of how pre-school children speaks about writing

Truks, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Abstract English title: The child´s conception of writing – a qualitative study of how pre-school children speaks about writing. Author: Elin Truks, spring term of 2017 Supervisor: Anna Malmbjer The aim of this essay is to describe how children speak about writing. I´ll also compare how children speak about their writing today compared to Dahlgren and Olssons studie from 1985. To achieve the aim have two questions been formulated: What is writing for pre-school children? Which similarities and differences is there today compared to Dahlgren and Olssons study from 1985? The study is based on interviews with eight pre-school children to get answers for the aim of this study. The questions for the interview has been proposed by Gösta Dahlgren, Karin Gustafsson, Elisabeth Mellgren och Lars-Erik Olsson (2013) which they have used for research purposes. The results showed that children in pre-school are aware about what writing is and can express it in a creative and detailed way. They have many conceptions of writing, what it is and for what purpose writing is used. The results also showed that pre-school children are at different levels in their writing development. Results showed that there are similarities and differences today compared to Dahlgren and Olssons study from 1985. The similarities showed that pre-school children describe reading and writing as a mental act (metacognition) and that they see possibilities of it. They mean that reading and writing can be used as a means of communication and they describe the reading and writing of the text based on the structure of it. They also express an external requirement as a motive of reading and writing. The differences showed that children in Dahlgren and Olssons study express reading as external observable behaviors and as a process expressed with their bodies. The pre-school children in my study speak about writing with digital tools. Keywords: pre-school pupils, writing, metacognition, conceptions of writing

Habilidades e competências de leitura segundo o ENEM: entre a teoria e a prática

Gilberto da Silva Santiago 20 April 2012 (has links)
A ampliação do número de alunos matriculados nas escolas públicas e privadas brasileiras não vem acompanhada de um ensino de qualidade capaz de preparar o indivíduo para atuar na sociedade em que vive, conforme apontam dados de documentos oficias. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho, que se insere no âmbito dos estudos voltados para os processos de leitura de textos verbais e não verbais, é a partir da análise das habilidades e as competências de um leitor ao término do Ensino Médio, a) verificar a concepção de leitura que permeia as matrizes do ENEM e, por decorrência, as habilidades de leitura nelas prefiguradas; b) analisar questões desse exame no que tange às competências e habilidades de leitura exigidas do candidato, estabelecendo um paralelo entre o que determinam os documentos oficiais e a avaliação na prática. Para atingir nosso objetivo, analisamos 33 questões do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio de 2010. Nesse corpus, trabalhamos com questões que contemplem a construção de sentido de textos verbais e não verbais, relativas a Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias que dizem respeito à Língua Portuguesa, diagnosticando uma a uma as habilidades e competências leitoras necessárias para uma leitura competente. Organizamos nossa dissertação em três capítulos, além de uma Introdução e uma Conclusão. No capítulo 1, apresentamos os principais modelos de leitura, fazendo nossa opção pelo modelo sociocognitivo interacional. No capítulo 2, focalizamos o ENEM, destacando suas habilidades e competências. No capítulo 3, procedemos análise de 33 questões do ENEM 2010, focando as habilidades e competências leitoras necessárias para resolvê-las. Os resultados apontam para uma concepção de leitura sociocognitiva interacional, que pressupõe também a decodificação como parte do processo de leitura em pequenos instantes em que se necessita construir sentido para um vocábulo estranho ao leitor. O estudo aponta ainda para uma predominância nas questões do ENEM das competências que envolvem conhecimento de gênero discursivo e reflexões acerca das novas tecnologias da informação. / The increase in the number of students enrolled in public and private Brazilian schools is not accompanied by a quality education that is capable of preparing the individual for active participation in the community they live in, as data from official documents show. The objective of this work, which falls within the scope of the studies focused on the processes of reading texts verbal and nonverbal, is based on the analysis of the abilities and skills of a player at the end of high school, a) To verify the conception of reading that permeates ENEM (High School National Examination) matrices and, consequently, the reader profile prefigured therein; b) to analyze its examinations regarding skills and reading skills required of the candidate, establishing a parallel between the determining official documents and assessment in practice. To achieve our goal, we analyze 33 questions of the ENEM 2010. In this corpus, we will deal with issues that include the construction of meaning of verbal and nonverbal texts, which concern the Portuguese Studies in the area of Language and its technologies, diagnosing one by one the reading skills necessary for a competent reading. We organize our dissertation in three chapters, besides an Introduction and a Conclusion. Chapter 1 presents the main models of reading, making our choice of the social cognitive model. In chapter 2, we focus on ENEM, highlighting what refers to reading in the assessment. In chapter 3, we analyze 33 questions of the ENEM 2010. The results point to a conception of sociocognitive interactional reading, which is substituted for decoding in small moments when its necessary the construction of meaning of words the reader doesnt know. The study also points to a predominance in the ENEM questions of skills involving knowledge of genre and reflections on the new information technologies.

Kindergarteners' Conceptions and Representations of Temperature: An Exploratory Study on How Young Children Perceive Air Temperature

Cain, Ryan Francis 01 December 2019 (has links)
As states, districts, and teachers work to make science classes more about doing the work of science and less about remembering science facts, research is needed to show what doing science looks like. This is especially needed for the youngest students, since much of the current research studies examine the upper part of the K-12 grade range. Having been an early elementary science teacher, my work in this dissertation and beyond is focused on making the doing of science accessible to young children. One way to do science is to collect and interpret data – to measure something and make sense of changes in measurement over time. Kindergarten teachers already do this with the weather as called for in math curriculums and science standards, albeit in simplified forms with words like hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, etc. I was curious if the children could understand more complex ways of measuring the weather, using quantitative measurements with the help of a thermometer designed for young children. Over the course of three interviews for each child, I asked six kindergarteners to show illustrate different temperatures, read thermometers, and interpret graphs of changing temperatures. Based on my analysis of the interviews, my findings indicate that the six kindergarteners could all read the specialized thermometer and four of them demonstrated an understanding of how the measurements related to air temperature. This work may help with the planning of future science classes.

Mezi Westbindung a Ostpolitik: Rekonceptualizace německo-ruských vztahů v letech 2014-2017 / Between Westbindung and Ostpolitik: Reconceptualising German-Russian Relations 2014-2017

Jacobs, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
German-Russian relations have remained strong since the Cold War, despite continuing in traditions of multilateralism and integrated into the Western order. Despite recent tensions and deterioration since the Ukraine Crisis, German-Russian relations are a subject of intense debate between the political parties CDU/CSU and SPD that governed Germany in a coalition from 2014-2017. This thesis utilises a social constructivist method to focus on social factors and party-political legacies relevant in the evolving relationship. It then analyses the evolving discourse of the parties about Russia in the years 2014-2017, focusing on the different ways the discourse uses and connects with the factors and legacies. Although a parallel movement is discerned between the foreign policy positions of the CDU/CSU and SPD, the parties' positions do not converge but remain in conflict about the future of European security, cooperation with Russia and the desired foreign policy role of Germany. Throughout, the analysis suggests that contemporary theories about German-Russian relations and about Germany's foreign policy role should look at the internal debates and factors to get a more complete picture of German foreign policy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Základní otázky koncepce civilního procesu / Fundamental Questions of the Conception of Civil Procedure

Střeleček, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
Fundamental Questions of the Conception of Civil Procedure Abstract The dissertation deals with fundamental questions of the conception of civil procedure (civil contentious litigation). In order to deal with these questions, a system of fundamental questions is presented, serving as a prism for evaluation of the conception of the Czech civil procedure de lege lata and de lege ferenda. These fundamental questions are divided into fundamental questions of the conception of civil procedure largo sensu and stricto sensu. A deductive approached is employed, advancing the research from more general questions (i.e. inter alia character of contemporary democratic state based on rule of law and role of civil procedure within such state, a notion of civil procedure) to more particular questions (i.e. inter alia character of the relation between the court and the parties to the dispute, instruments of the court). The questions gradually narrow the space for the conceptions of civil procedure. Three general conceptions of civil procedure are distinguished. These are liberal, social and cooperative conceptions of civil procedure. Subsequently, special conceptions of civil procedure are distinguished, these do not deal with the relation between the court and the parties comprehensively (these are: conception based on...

Za devatero horami - představy o neznámém / Once upon a time - Images of the unknown

Samková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
Master's thesis applies theme unknown landscape. The theoretical part is devoted to concept landscape, which is viewed from different perspectives in the work; from defining the landscape as a generic term through subjective perception to the possibility of its use as an imaginative space. The research part describes field research, which deals with issues of different interpretations of landscape perception by children of younger school age. Within the framework of the didactic part are presented the tasks in which the theme of an unknown country is reflected in various forms and are designed for art lessons in elementary schools. Finally practic part of my work comes out from theme unknown countryside and I try to express my own artistic expression. KEYWORDS Imagination, spatial concepts, space, unknown landscape, field research, children of younger school age, creative activity

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