Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conceptions"" "subject:"onceptions""
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Teachers’ assessment conceptions, assessment literacy, and self-reported assessment practices were investigated using a single administration survey of U.S. classroom teachers. These phenomena were investigated both individually and in there inter relationships. Assessment conceptions were measured with the Teachers’ Conceptions of Assessment III – abridged survey and assessment literacy with the Assessment Literacy Inventory. Self-reported classroom assessment practices were analyzed with factor analysis to determine a set of five assessment practice factors that indicate a set of classroom assessment practice behaviors. Analysis suggested certain assessment conceptions held by teachers and aspects of their assessment literacy were significant predictors in their loadings for certain assessment practice factors. One of these significant relationships was that the degree to which the teachers held the conceptions that assessment holds schools accountable and that it aids in student improvement predicted the frequency with which they reported using tests and quizzes in their classroom. There were also significant differences in the assessment practices self-reported based upon the grade level of student instructed, years of teaching experience, as well as other demographic variables. These findings suggest that study and use of the three assessment phenomena would inform practitioners about what may influence classroom teachers’ assessment practices, and how they can best be remediated. / Educational Psychology
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Aktivierung von Schülervorstellungen zu Modellen durch praktische Tätigkeiten der ModellbildungOrsenne, Juliane 19 May 2016 (has links)
Das Wissenschaftsverständnis als Verständnis über die charakteristischen Grundzüge der Erkenntnisgewinnung und die Eigenschaften naturwissenschaftlichen Wissens ist in einem durch Naturwissenschaften und Technik geprägten Alltag unverzichtbar (z. B. NGSS Achieve Inc., 2013). Viele Autoren gehen davon aus, dass Schüler durch das Konstruieren, Testen und Ändern von Modellen ein Modellverständnis als Bestandteil von Wissenschaftsverständnis erlangen (z. B. Lehrer & Schauble, 2006). Doch bisher konnte keine Studie gefunden werden, die diesen Zusammenhang empirisch belegt. Daher wurde auf der theoretischen Basis des Modells der Modellbildung nach Justi und Gilbert (2002) eine standardisierte Hands-On-Aufgabenstruktur entwickelt und evaluiert. Sie regt Schülerinnen und Schüler dazu an, Tätigkeiten der Modellbildung auszuführen, um eigene Hypothesen zu untersuchen. Dabei aktivierte Schülervorstellungen wurden mit einer Methodenkombination aus Lautem Denken, Interview und Videoaufzeichnung erfasst. Zur Beurteilung der Qualität aktivierter Vorstellungen in unterschiedlich elaborierten Ausprägungen wurde das Kompetenzmodell der Modellkompetenz von Upmeier zu Belzen und Krüger (2010) herangezogen. Als grundlegendes Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die meisten Probanden der zehnten Jahrgangsstufe trotz unterstützender und strukturierender Maßnahmen keine Vorstellungen über Modelle als Erkenntnismethoden äußerten. Doch in der Arbeit werden andere erfolgreiche Lernangebote zur Aktivierung epistemologischer Schülervorstellungen beschrieben. Eine weitere Erkenntnis der Studie ist, dass die durch Justi und Gilbert (2002) beschriebenen Schritte zur Modellbildung mit Blick auf zukünftige Interventionen um drei Aspekte erweitert werden können. Außerdem werden mit Blick auf die Anbindung in den Schulkontext Unterschiede zwischen grafischen, gegenständlichen und verbalen Modellbildungsprozessen reflektiert, die mithilfe eines qualitativen, experimentellen Untersuchungsdesigns erfasst wurden. / Various authors claim that students achieve a better understanding of the nature of science and scientific inquiry through modeling (e.g. Lehrer & Schauble, 2006). In this process, students develop models of a phenomenon, test their ideas with the model, change the models and discuss the results. Whether students do indeed achieve a better understanding of the nature of science and scientific inquiry through the process of modeling cannot be answered sufficiently by current research. That’s why, in this study the model of modeling by Justi and Gilbert (2002) was transferred into a standardized hands-on tasks. The task forces students to analyze their own questions about a biological phenomenon by building, testing and changing models. In this process, students’ conceptions were captured with a combination of interviews, thinking aloud and videography. The theoretical structure of model competence by Upmeier zu Belzen and Krüger (2010) served to assess the quality of the student statements. A fundamental result of this study is that the participants at the age of sixteen expressed mainly ideas about models as a product of science despite supportive measures. The thesis describes other offers of the hands-on tasks which enable ideas about models as inquiry methods. Another finding of the study is that the modeling steps of Justi and Gilbert (2002) can be extended to three aspects. In addition, and overlooking the school context, differences between graphic, material and verbal modeling processes are described. These were analyzed using a qualitative, experimental study design.
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Architecture Asynchrone pour L'Efficacité Energétique et L'Amélioration du Rendement en Fabrication dans les Technologies Décananométriques:...Zakaria, H. 24 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La réduction continuelle des dimensions dans les technologies CMOS a ouvert la porte à la conception de circuits complexes multi-cœurs (SoC). Malheureusement dans les technologies nanométriques, les performances des systèmes intégrés après fabrication ne sont pas complètement prédictibles. En effet, les variations des procédés de fabrication sont très importantes aux échelles des puces. Par conséquent, la conception de tels systèmes dans les technologies nanométriques est désormais contrainte par de nombreux paramètres tels que la robustesse aux variations des procédés de fabrication et la consommation d'énergie. Ceci implique de disposer d'algorithmes efficaces, intégrés dans la puce, susceptibles d'adapter le comportement du système aux variations des charges des processeurs tout en faisant face simultanément aux variations des paramètres qui ne peuvent pas être prédits ou modélisées avec précision au moment de la conception. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thèse porte sur la conception de systèmes dit « GALS » (Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous) conçus autour d'un réseau de communication intégré à la puce (Network-on-Chip ou NoC) exploitant les nouvelles générations de technologie CMOS. Une nouvelle méthode permettant de contrôler dynamiquement la vitesse des différents îlots du NoC grâce à un contrôle de la tension et de la fréquence en fonction de la qualité locale des procédés de fabrication sur chaque îlot est proposée. Cette technique de contrôle permet d'améliorer les performances du système en consommation, et d'augmenter son rendement en fabrication grâce à l'utilisation des synergies au sein du système intégré. La méthode de contrôle est basée sur l'utilisation d'un anneau asynchrone programmable capable de prendre en compte la charge de travail dynamique et les effets de la variabilité des procédés de fabrication. Le contrôleur évalue en particulier la limite supérieure de fréquence de fonctionnement pour chaque domaine d'horloge. Ainsi, il n'est plus nécessaire de garantir les performances temporelles de chaque nœud au moment de la conception. Cela relâche considérablement les contraintes de fabrication et permet du même coup l'amélioration du rendement.
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Développement d'une méthodologie de conception de bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergieChlela, Fadi 05 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
En France, le secteur du bâtiment est le plus gros consommateur d'énergie parmi les secteurs économique, avec 43% de l'énergie finale totale et 25% des émissions de CO2. Il s'avère donc nécessaire de réduire l'impact environnemental de ce secteur en promouvant la construction des bâtiments neufs et la rénovation thermique des bâtiments existants, selon les critères des bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie.<br /><br />L'objectif de ce travail est de développer une méthodologie pour réaliser des études de conception de bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie. La méthodologie consiste à déterminer des modèles polynômiaux pour l'évaluation des performances énergétique et du confort thermique d'été des bâtiments, à l'aide de la méthode des plans d'expériences et des outils de simulation numérique. Ces modèles polynômiaux permettent de simplifier les études paramétriques, en apportant une réponse alternative aux outils de simulations numériques pour la recherche de solutions afin de concevoir des bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie. La méthodologie est appliquée sur un bâtiment tertiaire à savoir un immeuble de bureaux.<br /><br />Dans le premier chapitre, nous présentons l'état de l'art des bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie et à énergie positive, dans le but de dresser un bilan de connaissances sur le contexte énergétique français, sur les labels mis en place en France et à l'étranger, sur les projets réalisés et sur les techniques utilisées pour concevoir des bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie.<br /><br />Ensuite, nous nous focalisons dans le second chapitre, sur le développement de modèles numérique nécessaires à l'élaboration de la méthodologie. Les modèles sont développés dans l'environnement MATLAB/SIMULINK et intégrés dans la bibliothèque SIMBAD, dédiée à la simulation numérique en thermique du bâtiment afin de participer à son développement. De plus, nous présentons des études d'évaluation énergétiques de systèmes spécifiques aux bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie qui illustrent l'utilisation des modèles numériques développés.<br /><br />Un cas d'étude est défini dans le troisième chapitre ainsi que les contextes climatiques à considérer, les principes de base de la méthode des plans d'expériences et un exemple de son application. Le cas d'étude considéré est un immeuble de bureaux, nommé Beethoven, dont les caractéristiques de base seront choisies selon les exigences de la réglementation thermique. Ces caractéristiques constituent la configuration de référence qui est améliorée en suivant la méthodologie développée. L'analyse des huit zones climatiques définies par la réglementation thermique et l'évaluation des performances énergétiques du bâtiment pour la configuration de référence par rapport à ces climats, permettent de sélectionner trois climats représentatifs pour la suite du travail. Enfin, un exemple d'application de la méthode des plans d'expériences pour une optimisation énergétique de la configuration de référence permet de justifier le choix de cette méthode.<br /><br />Le début du quatrième chapitre est consacré au développement des modèles polynômiaux pour l'évaluation des performances énergétique et du confort thermique d'été du bâtiment Beethoven. Nous débutons ce chapitre par une évaluation des limites de la méthode des plans d'expériences pour déterminer ces modèles polynômiaux. Il en découle une méthodologie générale d'application de la méthode des plans d'expériences afin de développer des modèles polynômiaux pour réaliser des études de conception de bâtiment à basse consommation d'énergie. Ensuite, nous effectuons, à l'aide de ces modèles, une étude de sensibilité pour le bâtiment Beethoven et une analyse de solutions pour concevoir un bâtiment à basse consommation d'énergie selon divers critères énergétiques.<br /><br />Dans le dernier chapitre, nous présentons un exemple d'application des modèles polynômiaux développés pour identifier des solutions pour la conception de l'enveloppe et des systèmes du bâtiment Beethoven, afin d'obtenir un bâtiment à basse consommation d'énergie, selon les critères du label Français Effinergie et du label Allemand Passivhaus. Les configurations basse consommation d'énergie obtenues sont comparées par rapport à la configuration de référence en termes de performances énergétiques, de confort thermique d'été et d'émissions CO2.<br /><br />La méthodologie que nous proposons permet d'identifier, de manière simple et rapide, des solutions pour concevoir des bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie. Les solutions sont sélectionnées à l'aide d'abaques définis avec les modèles polynomiaux développés. Le niveau de précision constaté par rapport à la simulation numérique est appréciable. Le choix des solutions est effectué parmi des millions de configurations de facteurs, déterminées à l'aide des modèles polynômiaux. La détermination de toutes ces configurations serait difficile voire impossible à réaliser directement à l'aide de la simulation numérique, sans avoir recours à des modèles polynomiaux, d'où l'avantage d'une telle méthodologie.<br /><br />Enfin, cette méthodologie constitue une base robuste pour le développement d'outils d'aide à la décision, destinés aux différents acteurs du secteur du bâtiment pour la conception des bâtiments neufs et la rénovation thermique des bâtiments existants, selon les critères des bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie.
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The relative impact of an argumentation-based instructional intervention programme on Grade 10 learners' conceptions of lightning and thunderMoyo, Partson Virira January 2012 (has links)
<p><span style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family:
" / Times New Roman" / ," / serif" / mso-bidi-font-family:" / Times New Roman" / mso-bidi-theme-font:
minor-bidi / mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">The basic premise of this study was that when a learner is confronted with two contradictory explanations of the same phenomenon, there is cognitive dissonance in the learner as the learner tries to determine which of the two explanations is correct. An argumentation-based instructional intervention programme (ABIIP) was created for and used on and by the Grade 10 learners in order to attempt to ameliorate this cognitive conflict. </span><span style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family:
" / Times New Roman" / ," / serif" / mso-bidi-font-family:" / Times New Roman" / mso-bidi-theme-font:
minor-bidi">The purpose of this study was to determine the relative impact of that intervention programme on Grade 10 learners&rsquo / conceptions of lightning and thunder. The programme was designed to help learners to develop argumentative skills and use the acquired skills to negotiate and harmonise divergent and conflicting explanations of the nature of lightning and thunder that are propounded by different worldviews (Science and indigenous knowledge).</span><span style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family:
" / Times New Roman" / ," / serif" / mso-bidi-font-family:" / Times New Roman" / mso-bidi-theme-font:
minor-bidi">The research design was primarily a case study of 16 Grade 10 learners of the Xhosa ethnic group at a high school in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The Xhosa people are a typical example of a people whose cultural values were undermined and whose voice was silenced by the colonisers and whose local knowledge has been repressed and replaced by forms of Western privileged knowledge and understandings but who remain, deeply and resolutely, steeped in their cultural values and practices, making them a classic example of a people who would battle to harmonise the indigenous and the scientific explanations of natural phenomena. The research instruments used were questionnaires which were administered to learners, educators, community leaders, indigenous knowledge holders and experts to solicit information on causes, dangers and prevention of lightning / individual and group activities as learners went through the lessons on both argumentation and on lightning / follow up interviews and discussions with learners individually or in groups to seek further clarification of the ideas the learners would have raised in their earlier responses to questionnaires or group discussions / guided and reflective essays by the learners to determine the learners&rsquo / levels of understanding of the major tenets of the two thought systems and the relationship between the two worldviews and to determine the qualitative gain, if any, that the learners got from the intervention programme / observation schedules used by the researcher during participant observation of group discussions and during the lessons on lightning / an achievement test on lightning / field notes used by the researcher for memoing observations and reflections as the research process proceeded / informal and serendipitous sources of information. <span style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family:
" / Times New Roman" / ," / serif" / mso-bidi-font-family:" / Times New Roman" / mso-bidi-theme-font:
minor-bidi">The collected data were analysed, mostly, qualitatively. Frequencies, percentages and t-test values were used to express and analyse quantitative data. Aspects of several analytical frameworks that included Toulmin&rsquo / s Argumentation Pattern (TAP) [and its modified versions such as that of Leitao (2000) and that of Osborne et al (2004)] and Contiguity Argumentation Theory (CAT) were used to attach meaning to the collected data and to address the research questions.</span></span></p>
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Instrumentalita učení pro budoucí cíle studentů gymnázia / Learning instrumentality from the point of view of future goals by students of grammar schoolBorůvková, Jiřina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a report about the research study; it aims to map students' views of the future, importance of goals, learning instrumentality, attribution of choice goals and conceptions of learning by students. This text also deals with the relations of these variables. The research was conducted with 106 students of the same age from a grammar school. These students attended first class of the four-year study programme and fifth class of the eight-year study programme. The variables were compared between boys and girls and between students of four and eight year study programmes. The research study used quantitative and qualitative methods. A modified version of the Inventory of motivational goals importance and learning instrumentality (De Volder, Lens, 1982) was used. It was supplemented by questions about the attributional tendencies. Another method was essays, its subject was "one day in students' future". This method was supplemented by some questions. The qualitative analysis of the data was centred upon content and time analysis and aspects such as satisfaction, realism, elaborateness and alternativeness. The conceptions of learning were analysed by students' answers to the following question: "What do you actually mean by learning?". The categories of conceptions of learning were obtained...
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Att utveckla språkundervisningen tillsammans : En studie av diskurser i en skolutvecklingsprocessUtter, Britta January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate conceptions that affects the results of school development in order to improve the language used while teaching within all subjects. The approach is a dialogical practitioner-research where the principal studies within her own occupation/school and is driven by a social constructionist framework of knowledge and learning. Laclau & Mouffe´s discourse-theory was used to analyze the articular-practice in eighteen teachers and their principal’s written reflections. The study focus discourses of school-development and second-language-development in relation to the nodal point ”learning”. It also focuses on teachers’ construction of identity within the school. The meaning of conceptions within school-development and second-language-development discourses are analyzed using discourse-theory methods. Conflicting meanings are also highlighted. The prior questions of the study investigates the conceptions of school-development and second-language-development and how they relate to current discourses and to each other. Conceptions that are connected to these discourses are compared with how the role of the teacher is described by the teachers themselves. The study shows an agreement on the necessity of school-development and improvement of language. Boundaries are made against those who don’t agree with school-development-projects. Different approaches are standing side by side within both fields and the role of the teacher are given multiple understandings due to their diverse experiences and framework of teaching. The understanding of the concept “diversity” alter in different fields. The meaning of “safety” varies, the teachers and principal have different thoughts on the idea of what safety is. The study shows a lack of research and science in the teachers written reflections. One implication of the study is that the conception of the role of teachers has to be reconstructed to be able to build a professional-learning-community. Different conceptions about safety has to be highlighted to avoid different understandings that prevents collaborative work between teachers. / Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att få syn på föreställningar som påverkar utvecklingsprocessen på en skola där målet är att arbeta mer språkutvecklande. Studien är att betrakta som praxisforskning med en dialogisk ansats, där rektor lär genom att forska i sin egen verksamhet. Studien utgår från en socialkonstruktionistisk syn på kunskap och lärande. Genom den diskursteori som utvecklats av Laclau och Mouffe synliggörs skolans artikulatoriska praktik, så som den framträder i arton lärares och deras rektors reflekterande loggar. De diskursiva fälten ”skolutveckling” och ”andraspråksutveckling” studeras i förhållande till nodalpunkten ”lärande”. Även lärarnas föreställningar kring subjektspositionen som lärare granskas. Genom diskursteorins verktyg synliggörs också de olika innebörder som ges kring begrepp som förekommer i diskurserna om skolutveckling och andraspråksutveckling. Även motsättningar lyfts fram. Studiens frågeställningar handlar om föreställningar kring skolutveckling och andraspråksutveckling och hur de förhåller sig till rådande diskurser och till varandra. Även föreställningar om begrepp som hör samman med skolutveckling, andraspråksutveckling, lärande och lärarrollen studeras. Studien visar att det råder enighet både kring nödvändigheten av skolutveckling och kring att utveckla det språkutvecklande arbetet på skolan. Markeringar görs mot ett diskursivt yttre, att motsätta sig utvecklingen. Olika diskurser kring andraspråksutveckling och lärande syns sida vid sida i de två fälten. Också lärarrollen ges skiftande innebörder, som kan kopplas till olika epoker och lärandeteorier. Föreställningar om begreppet ”olikhet” varierar i olika diskursiva fält. Motstående uppfattningar kring begreppet ”trygghet” framträder utifrån de olika subjektspositionerna som lärare respektive rektor. Studien visar att vetenskap och forskning inte är så framträdande i denna skolas artikulation. En slutsats som dras av studien är att lärarrollen behöver ges nya innebörder om man vill få till stånd en professionell lärande gemenskap. Även olika föreställningar kring trygghet respektive lärande behöver lyftas till ytan och synliggöras, för att undvika att motstridiga tankemönster står i vägen för det fortsatta gemensamma arbetet.
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Modelagem inicial para o ensino de geometria eucliadiana plana segundo a teoria da atividade de estudo /Scarpim, Simone. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Geraldo Antonio Bergamo / Banca: Maria Aparecida Mello / Banca: Washington Luiz Pacheco de Carvalho / Resumo: Esta pesquisa é um trabalho que tem como objetivo explorar a potencialidade do modelo da atividade de estudo articulado com a teoria do conhecimento e constituir uma modelagem inicial para o Ensino de Geometria Eucliadiana Plana, segundo o modelo da atividade de estudo. Fundamenta-se na Teoria do Conhecimento Marxista, na Psicologia Sócio-Histórica e no Experimento Formativo (EF) que ocorreu na União Soviética, sob coordenação de Daniíl B. Elkonin e Vasili V. Davidov. Parte da análise de uma Iniciação Científica na qual se apresenta um experimento didático piloto baseado no modelo da atividade de estudo, para conteúdos de Geometria Plana e número real. Apresenta um estudo a respeito da teoria do conhecimento como forma de justificar e evidenciar algumas das escolhas, tanto de organização, quanto de conteúdos que foram abordados. Aborda a teoria da atividade no seu sentido mais geral apresentando a hipótese que o ponto de partida de seu estudo teórico é o conceito de modelo de atividade. Apresenta um estudo da teoria da atividade, nos seus aspectos psicológicos gerais (Leontiev) e da teoria da atividade de estudo formulada no EF. Finalizando a dissertação, são formulados alguns apontamentos para o ensino de Geometria Euclidiana Plana a partir dos pressupostos teóricos abordados, com ênfase no significado do método de ascensão de ascensão do abstrato ao concreto para a assimilação do sistema no significado do método de ascensão do abstrato ao concreto para assimilação do sistema de conceitos desse conteúdo de Matemática. A metodologia foi a reflexão sobre o modelo de atividade de estudo subordinando o modelo lógico-dedutivo da Geometria Euclidiana Plana, de forma a obter-se uma modelagem inicial desse conteúdo segundo a atividade de estudo. Propõe, em termos de hipótese, a relação geneticamente inicial (célula) para o estudo teórico da Geometria ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research is a theorical study that has a goal to explore the potentiality of the model of the study articulated activity with the theory of the knowledge and to build an initial molding for the study activity. It's based on the Theory of the Marxist Knowledge, in the Socio Historical Psychology and in the Formative Experiment (FE) that occurred in the Soviet Union, coordinated by Daniel B. Elkonin and Vasili V. Davidov. A part of the analyses of a Scientific Study in Which is shown that a didatic experiment based on the model of the study activity, for the content of the Plan Geometry and the real number. It presents a study regarding the knowledge theory as a way of justifying and substantiating some of the choices, as much organization as contents that there used in the study. It broaches the activity theory on its sense more general presenting the hypothesis that the foothold of its theoretical study is the conception of the activity model. It presents a study of the activity theory, on its general psychological aspects (Leontieve) and on the theory of the study activity formulated on the FE. Concluding the dissertation, some notes are made for the teaching of Plan Euclidean Geometry from the prerequisite theoretical report, with emphasis in the meaning of the method of the ascension from the abstract to the concrete for the assimilation of the concepts system of this content of the Mathematics. The Methodology was the reflexion about the model of the study activity, subordinating the model logical deductive of the Plan Euclidean Geometry, to obtain an initial molding of this second content the study activity. It proposes, in hypothesis terms, the genetically initial relation (cell) for the theorical study of the Plan Euclidean Geometry: ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Heat Transfer Conceptions Used in an Engineering Design-Based STEM Integration Unit: A Case of StruggleEmilie A Siverling (6857492) 16 August 2019 (has links)
<div>In the United States, there has been an increased emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and especially engineering, in pre-college settings. There are several potential benefits of this, including: increasing the quantity and diversity of students who pursue STEM careers, improving all students’ technological literacy, and improving student learning in the STEM disciplines. While current standards support the integration of the four STEM disciplines in pre-college classrooms, research still needs to be done to determine which models of STEM integration are effective and how and why they impact student learning. The context of this study is a model of STEM integration called engineering design-based STEM integration. The purpose of this study was to do an in-depth exploration of students’ use of science conceptions during an engineering design-based STEM integration unit, with additional focus on how engineering design, redesign, teamwork, and communication influence students’ use of science conceptions. For this study, the unit was designed to address middle school-level physical science concepts related to heat transfer, including temperature, thermal energy, and processes of heat transfer (i.e., conduction, convection, and radiation).</div><div><br></div><div>An embedded case study design was used to explore students’ science conceptions while they participated in an engineering design STEM integration unit. The case was one student team from a seventh-grade science class, and the students within the team were the embedded sub-units. Data were collected on each day of the unit’s implementation; these data included video of the student team and entire classroom, audio of the student team, observations and field notes, and student artifacts, including their engineering notebooks. Data were analyzed primarily using methods from qualitative content analysis. Themes emerged for the whole team, with emphasis on specific students when appropriate.</div><div><br></div><div>The results show that there were a few key features of engineering (i.e., engineering design, redesign, teamwork, and communication) that influenced students’ use of heat transfer conceptions. During much of the problem scoping stage, which included the science lessons focused on heat transfer, students mostly used scientific conceptions about conduction, convection, and radiation. However, when they needed to think about those three processes of heat transfer together, as well as apply them to the context of the engineering design challenge, the students began to use a larger mix of scientific conceptions and alternative conceptions. Several alternative conceptions emerged when they combined ideas and vocabulary from conduction and radiation to create one set of rules about thermal properties of materials (i.e., did not distinguish between conduction and radiation). Even when they used scientific conceptions, the students sometimes applied the conceptions unscientifically when designing, which led them to create a prototype that performed poorly. However, the student team then learned from the failures of their first design and redesigned, during which they appropriately used mostly scientific conceptions. In other words, the opportunity to learn from failure and redesign was critical to this team’s use of correct conceptions about heat transfer. Two other features of engineering that emerged were teamwork and communication through notebooks. Students on the team learned from each other, but they learned both scientific and alternative conceptions from each other and from their peers on other teams. Engineering notebooks proved to be somewhat helpful to students, since they referred to them a few times when designing, but more importantly they were helpful in revealing students’ conceptions, especially for one student on the team who rarely spoke.</div><div><br></div><div>The findings of this study contribute to future development and implementation of other engineering design-based STEM integration curricula because they show how various features of engineering influenced this student team’s use of science conceptions. In particular, the results demonstrate the importance of giving students the opportunity to learn from failure and redesign, since this process can help students use more scientific conceptions and potentially repair their alternative conceptions. Additionally, it is important for curriculum developers and teachers to think carefully about the transition from problem scoping to solution generation and how to include effective scaffolds for students to help them combine their conceptions from science lessons and apply them correctly when designing. These results also have implications related to heat transfer conceptions, as the student team in this study demonstrated some scientific and alternative conceptions that were already in the literature. Additionally, they used alternative conceptions when they confused concepts from conduction and radiation, which are not in literature about pre-college heat transfer conceptions. These findings suggest that more research should be done to explore the interaction of engineering design and students’ science conceptions, especially heat transfer conceptions.</div>
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L'entrée en vigueur de la loi / Entry into force of StatutesRaptopoulos, Themistoklis 06 December 2018 (has links)
L’objet de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les traits distinctifs de l’institution que désigne le terme « entrée en vigueur de la loi ». Il s’agit d’un ensemble de règles et de pratiques correspondantes qui permettent aux acteurs du système juridique de déterminer avec précision le moment à compter duquel devient obligatoire toute nouvelle loi. Pour qu’une telle détermination soit possible, le système juridique doit consacrer au moins une règle de droit commun, à savoir une règle qui permet de déterminer, à défaut de disposition contraire, la date d’entrée en vigueur de toute nouvelle loi. La consécration d’une telle règle présuppose l’existence d’un critère qui permet de déterminer avec précision le moment où la procédure d’édiction chaque nouvelle loi est achevée. En droit positif français, ce critère est la promulgation. Pour rendre compte de cette fonction de la promulgation, il importe de distinguer entre deux séries de conditions d’entrée en vigueur : les conditions particulières, dont dépend l’entrée en vigueur des lois d’après les règles du droit positif, et les conditions générales, dont la réunion est nécessaire pour qu’il soit en premier lieu possible de consacrer des règles d’entrée en vigueur. Concernant les conditions particulières, l’étude des règles de droit commun montre que, contrairement à une idée communément admise, la publication n’est pas une condition nécessaire de l’entrée en vigueur des lois. S’agissant des conditions générales, il s’avère que l’institution de l’entrée en vigueur présuppose une conception volontariste de la loi et un haut degré de formalisation de la procédure de son édiction. / This study aims at identifying the distinctive features of what is commonly referred to as “entry into force of statutes”. This term refers to a nexus of rules and practices that enable the agents of a legal system to determine in a precise manner the moment every statute becomes legally binding. For that to be possible, there must be at least one general rule that applies to any statute lacking a commencement clause. The existence of such a rule depends on the presence of a criterion that allows establishing the precise moment every bill becomes an enacted statute. In France, the relevant criterion is the formal act, known as promulgation, by which the Head of State signs a bill into law. In order to fully grasp the function thus performed by the act of promulgation, a distinction must be made between two kinds of conditions that can be said to be necessary for a statute’s entry into force. On the one hand, there are the specific conditions set out by the relevant rules of a legal system. On the other hand, there are some more fundamental conditions that a legal system must necessarily meet in order to provide for a general rule governing the entry into force of its statutes. As regards the conditions set out by the relevant rules of the French legal system, it turns out that, contrary to a commonly held idea, the rules in question do not make prior publication a necessary condition for the entry into force of statutes. As regards the aforementioned necessary conditions, it appears that the relevant rules and practices presuppose a voluntarist conception of law and, subsequently, a high level of formalism in the procedure followed for the enactment of statutes.
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