Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conceptions"" "subject:"onceptions""
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Représentations du Soi espagnol et de l’Autre inca dans le discours de Pedro Sarmiento de GamboaDrouin-Gagné, Marie-Eve 01 1900 (has links)
Comprendre les présupposés qui fondent les rapports au monde des individus selon leur appartenance civilisationnelle nécessite des outils et une méthode permettant de répondre à trois questions principales. D’abord, comment aborder le rapport que des individus et leurs collectivités entretiennent avec le monde et avec l’Autre selon leur propre système d’interprétations et d’explications de ces réalités? Ensuite, comment penser la diversité des collectivités humaines qui établissent de tels rapports? Finalement, comment aborder les dimensions collectives à travers les discours limités d’individus?
Deux outils m’ont permis de prendre du recul face à ma subjectivité et d’accéder à un certain niveau de réalité et de validité quant aux faits rapportés et aux résultats atteints. Dans un premier temps, le réseau notionnel articulant les conceptions du monde (Ikenga-Metuh, 1987) comme phénomènes de civilisations (Mauss, 1929) accessibles par l’analyse des représentations sociales (Jodelet, 1997) permet de définir et d’étudier l’interface entre l’individuel et le collectif. Dans un deuxième temps, l’opérationnalisation de la recherche permet de cerner le XVIe siècle comme moment de rencontre propice à l’étude des civilisations andines et occidentales à travers les représentations du Soi espagnol et de l’Autre inca du chroniqueur Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa.
Finalement, la méthode d’analyse de discours (Sabourin, 2009) lève le voile sur une grammaire sociale polarisante entre le Soi et l’Autre, laquelle traverse les trois univers de sens (religieux, intellectuel et politique) observés dans le discours de Sarmiento. La mise à jour des positions théologiques, intellectuelles et politiques de l’auteur ouvre à son tour sur les récits et discours collectifs propres aux civilisations occidentales et andines de son époque, et permet un questionnement nouveau : cette polarisation est-elle unique à la localisation sociale de Sarmiento ou constitue-t-elle un phénomène civilisationnel proprement occidental ? / Understanding the assumptions underlying the relationships between individuals and the world according to their civilizational affiliation requires tools and a method to address three main questions. First, how to approach the relationship individuals and their collectivities maintain with the world and with the Other according to their own set of interpretations and meanings of these realities? Second, how to envision the diversity of human collectivities which establish such relations? Finally, how to approach the collective dimensions through limited individual discourse?
Two tools enabled me to distance myself from my own subjectiveness and to attain a certain degree of reality and validity as to the stated facts and the achieved results. First, the notional network linking worldviews (Ikenga-Metuh, 1987) as a civilizational phenomenon (Mauss, 1929) accessible through the analysis of social representations (Jodelet, 1997), enables the identification of an interface which can be studied between the individual and the collective. Secondly, research operationalization makes it possible to identify the sixteenth century as a significant crossroad for the study of Western and Andean civilizations through Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa’s representations of the Spanish Self and the Inca Other.
Finally, discourse analysis (Sabourin, 2009) unveils a polarizing social grammar between the Self and the Other which involves the three realms of meaning (religious, intellectual and political) observed in Sarmiento’s discourse. The author’s theological, intellectual and political positions thus revealed lead, in turn, to the collective stories and discourses which prevailed in Western and Andean civilizations at the time, and invites a further question: Is this polarization unique to Sarmiento’s social location or does it constitute a truly Western civilizational phenomenon?
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Les représentations sociales de la ruralité et de l'urbanité québécoise : la méthode de la cartographie conceptuelleJean, Sandrine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Vybrané otázky ekonomického myšlení dětí na 1. stupni základní školy / Questions of Economics Understanding of Primary School StudentsBartakovičová, Sylva January 2014 (has links)
BARTAKOVIČOVÁ, Sylva. Questions of Economics Understanding of Primary School Students. Prague, 2014. Diploma thesis. UK, PedF. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the economic thinking of third grade students in primary school. On the basis of identified deficiencies, a set of ideas leading to more effective teaching is proposed. The theoretical section includes an examination of the state of economic thinking in primary school pupils in the Czech Republic and abroad. This explains the present form of financial education in the Czech Republic, and examines children's understanding, particularly in relation to constructivism. The practical section describes the preparation and implementation of qualitative research in the form of semi-structured individual interviews with pupils in their 3rd year, and 1st grade of primary school. In the conclusion, a set of ideas aimed to develop the financial thought processes of younger school students, supplement their knowledge, and strengthen their overall economic thinking, is proposed.
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Development and validation of an instrument to measure epistemic beliefs and attitudes / Développement et validation d'un instrument qui mesure les croyances et attitudes épistémiquesDang, Thi Quynh Huong 27 November 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche a consisté en le développement et la validation d'outils psychométriques servant à mesurer chez les étudiants une évolution dans les croyances épistémiques (c.-à-d. les croyances concernant les sciences, l'enseignement et l'apprentissage) et les attitudes épistémiques (c.-à-d. les conceptions, affects et valeurs envers des objets épistémiques comme la connaissance ou le savoir scientifique). Les valeurs et affects sont d'une importance primordiale dans l'éducation épistémologique, comme le sont les croyances ou les valeurs. Toutefois, ils semblent souvent négligés dans les approches pédagogiques ou dans la recherche. De plus, avant la présente recherche, il n'y avait pas d'instrument quantitatif fiable adapté au contexte français pour mesurer les croyances envers les sciences, l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. Pour ces raisons, nous avons développé dans la langue française un Questionnaire sur les Attitudes et les Croyances Epistémiques (QACE ou EBAI en anglais pour Epistemic Beliefs and Attitudes Inventory), qui est composé d'échelles de Likert et de différentiateurs sémantiques. Nous avons mené trois études. La première (Study 1) a été menée en France auprès de 283 étudiants pour explorer la structure de la première version du QACE (QACE1). Ensuite, cette version été utilisée pour évaluer l'impact de deux modules d'épistémologie sur les populations d'étudiants concernées. Les résultats ont indiqué une bonne consistance interne des échelles et leur capacité à mesurer des changements significatifs dans les attitudes et croyances épistémiques des étudiants. Dans une deuxième étude menée au Vietnam, nous avons examiné les propriétés psychométriques d'une traduction vietnamienne du QACE1 auprès de 228 étudiants ou professeurs (Study 2). Un résultat marquant est que les différentiateurs sémantiques se sont révélé être des outils novateurs simples et prometteurs pour mesurer les attitudes et croyances épistémiques. Cela peut être expliqué par leur robustesse psychométrique, leur forte sensibilité pour discriminer entre les groupes et la facilité avec laquelle on peut les adapter dans une autre culture. Troisièmement, la version préliminaire de l'instrument a été améliorée. Nous avons ensuite conduit en France une étude de validation de cette nouvelle version (QACE2) après de 729 étudiants (Study 3). Plusieurs construits théoriquement apparentés (comme le Epistemological Beliefs Inventory de Schraw et al., 2002; le Cognitive Complexity Indicator indiquant les position de Perry à partir du questionnaire Learning Environment Preferences de Moore, 1989; et l'échelle de dogmatisme de Shearman & Levine, 2006) ont été utilisés pour établir la validité du QACE2. Les résultats de la validation croisée sur les moitiés d'échantillons et de la fiabilité test-retest ont mis en évidence que le QACE2 est un outil fiable, stable et valide pour mesurer les croyances et attitudes épistémiques. Cette recherche a ouvert de nombreuses perspectives concernant, notamment, la vérification de la capacité du QACE2 à mesurer l'impact de modules d'épistémologie, la vérification de son adaptation à d'autres contextes francophones ou encore l'utilisation potentielle des différentiateurs sémantiques pour les recherches interculturelles sur l'épistémologie personnelle. / This research has focused on developing and validating psychometric tools to measure changes in university students' epistemic beliefs (i.e., beliefs about science, teaching, and learning) and epistemic attitudes (i.e., conceptions, affects, and values towards epistemic objects e.g., knowledge, scientific knowledge). Epistemic affects and values are of primary importance in epistemological education, as epistemic beliefs or conceptions do. However they seem to be often neglected in the pedagogical and research approaches. Moreover, before the present research, there was no reliable quantitative instrument to measure beliefs about science, learning and teaching specifically adapted to the French context. For these reasons, we developed the Epistemic Beliefs and Attitudes Inventory (EBAI), a set of Likert-type and semantic differential scales. We conducted three studies. The first study (Study 1) was conducted in France on 283 university students to explore the structure of the first version of the EBAI (EBAI1). The EBAI1 has then been used to evaluate the impact of two scientific epistemology related modules on the corresponding two students' populations. Results indicated robust internal consistencies of the scales and their ability to measure changes in students' epistemic beliefs and attitudes. In a second study, we preliminarily examined the psychometric properties of a Vietnamese translation of the EBAI1 in Vietnam with 228 participants, university students and teachers (Study 2). The results unravelled inadequacies of some scales to the Vietnamese context. One striking result is that the semantic differential scales appeared to be promising innovative and simple tools to measure epidemic attitudes and epistemic beliefs. We explain that by their strong psychometric properties, their high sensitivity in group discrimination, and the easiness to adapt them to another culture. Thirdly, the preliminary version of the instrument was revised for improvement and strengthening. We then conducted, in France, a validation study of this new version (EBAI2) among 729 students (Study 3). Several theoretically related constructs (e.g., general epistemological beliefs measured by the Epistemological Beliefs Inventory, Schraw et al., 2002; Cognitive Complexity Indicator indicating Perry's positions measured by the Learning Environment Preferences, Moore, 1989; and dogmatism measured by the Dogmatism Scale, Shearman & Levine, 2006) were used to establish the construct validity of the updated instrument (EBAI2). Results of double-split cross-validation and test-retest reliability showed a high reliability and temporal stability of the EBAI2. In summary, the findings supported that the EBAI2 is a reliable, stable and valid tool to measure epistemic beliefs and attitudes. This research opened many perspectives such as, for instance, checking for the EBAI2 ability to measure the impact of scientific epistemology related modules, checking for its adaptation to other francophone contexts, or using semantic differentials for cross-cultural researches in personal epistemology.
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O uso de visualizações no ensino de Química e de Física: a formação pedagógica dos professores / The use of visualizations in Chemistry and Physics teaching: teachers\' pedagogical trainingFerreira, Celeste Rodrigues 04 December 2013 (has links)
Com este estudo, procurou-se pesquisar o processo de integração de visualizações em sala de aula e conhecer o impacto de um curso de formação continuada, que visa discutir e promover o uso de visualizações no ensino de Química e Física, nas concepções de professores em serviço de Química no Brasil e Física e Química em Portugal. Pretendeu-se identificar as concepções prévias que estes professores apresentaram no início do curso sobre o uso de visualizações, e as possíveis mudanças que ocorreram após o envolvimento no curso. Procurou-se, igualmente, caracterizar as abordagens pedagógicas que os professores utilizaram e as dificuldades que estes encontraram durante o uso de visualizações no ensino de Química e Física. Neste trabalho foi usada uma metodologia que tem as suas raízes na investigação qualitativa com orientação interpretativa, tendo participado catorze professores de Química e Ciências Naturais do Ensino Fundamental e Médio de catorze escolas públicas pertencentes à região da Grande São Paulo e catorze professoras de Física e Química do Ensino Básico e Secundário de oito escolas públicas pertencentes à região da Grande Lisboa. Dado que este estudo foi aplicado em dois contextos a estratégia escolhida foi de estudo de dois casos, o caso do Brasil e o caso de Portugal. Usaram-se vários instrumentos de coleta de dados: observação naturalista, questionários, entrevistas e documentos escritos. Na análise de dados, utilizou-se o método do questionamento e comparação constantes até à saturação das categorias. Os resultados revelaram a existência de mudanças nas concepções acerca do uso de visualizações. No caso do Brasil, as mudanças foram mais acentuadas nos motivos para o uso das visualizações e nos critérios de seleção destes recursos. Neste grupo, após a formação os professores mostraram-se mais conscientes do impacto das visualizações na construção do conhecimento, para além, do papel motivacional. Da mesma forma, revelaram-se mais criteriosos na escolha destes recursos. No caso de Portugal, as mudanças centraram-se nos critérios de seleção e nas potencialidades destes recursos. Neste caso, os professores manifestaram critérios mais apertados para a seleção destes recursos, além de reconhecerem outras potencialidades, nomeadamente ao nível do desenvolvimento de competências. Em relação às abordagens utilizadas, em ambos os casos prevaleceram abordagens que procuravam desviar-se do ensino por transmissão de conhecimentos, tentando os professores incorporar estratégias nas suas sequências didáticas de base construtivista. No que diz respeito às dificuldades apresentadas pelos professores para integrarem estes recursos nas suas práticas, no caso do Brasil estas se situaram quer no plano técnico, quer no plano pedagógico. As dificuldades no plano técnico estão relacionadas com o uso de visualizações incorporadas em tecnologia (simulações, animações) e as dificuldades pedagógicas estão relacionadas com a insegurança quanto ao papel destes recursos na aprendizagem. No caso de Portugal, estas dificuldades, foram mais evidentes no plano pedagógico, nomeadamente no papel do professor em relação a estes recursos. Neste estudo apresentou-se e testou-se um modelo de formação continuada assente nos desafios teóricos e práticos que se colocam aos professores cujo impacto foi considerado positivo. Desta forma, foi possível colocar em evidência algumas concepções e dificuldades de professores para integrar visualizações em sala de aula e apresentar sugestões para caminhos de pesquisas futuras. / With this study, we tried to find out the integration process of visualizations in the classroom and see the impact of a teacher training, to discuss and promote the use of visualizations in the Chemistry and Physics, on the conceptions of in service teachers in Brazil and in Portugal. One aimed to identify the preconceptions that these teachers presented early in the training, about the use of visualizations, and the possible changes that occurred after the involvement in the course. One tried also to characterize the pedagogical approaches that teachers used and the difficulties they encountered during the use of visualizations in the Chemistry and Physics teaching. In this study, we used a methodology that has its roots in qualitative research with interpretive guidance. In Brazil fourteen teachers of Chemistry and Natural Sciences of the Elementary and Secondary Education, distributed by fourteen schools belonging to the Greater São Paulo participated in this study. In Portugal had participated fourteen Physics and Chemistry teachers of Elementary and Secondary Education, distributed by eight public schools belong to the region of Lisbon. Since this study was applied in two contexts the strategy chosen was to two study cases, the case of Brazil and the case of Portugal. One used various instruments to collect data: naturalistic observation, questionnaires, interviews and written documents. In data analysis, we used the method of constant questioning and comparison to the saturation of the categories. The results revealed the existence of changes in conceptions about the use of visualizations. In Brazil\'s case the changes were more pronounced in the reasons for the use of visualizations and on the selection criteria of these resources. In this group, after training the teachers were more aware of the impact of visualizations in knowledge construction, in addition to the motivational role. Likewise, they proved to be more discriminating in the choice of these resources. In the case of Portugal, the changes focused on the selection criteria and the potential of these resources. In this case, the teachers showed tighter criteria for selection of these resources, and recognize other potentials, especially in terms of skills development. Regarding the approaches used in both cases prevailed the ones that deviated more from traditional teaching. Teachers tried to incorporate strategies into their teaching sequences based on constructivist views in order to involve students in their learning. Regarding the difficulties faced by teachers to integrate these resources into their practices, in the case of Brazil they stood either on the technical and pedagogical ones. The technical difficulties were related to the use of technology (simulations, animations) and the pedagogical difficulties were related to the uncertainty about the role of these resources in learning. In the case of Portugal, these difficulties were evident in the pedagogical level, including the role of the teacher in relation to these resources. This study presented and tested a model of teacher training based on the theoretical and practical challenges faced by teachers whose impact was considered positive. Thus, it was possible to put in evidence some teachers\' conceptions and difficulties to integrate visualizations in the classroom and make suggestions for future research paths.
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Lazer e recrea??o : concep??es dos alunos de um curso de gradua??o em educa??o f?sica / Leisure and Recreation: conceptions of students of a graduate course in physical educationCordeiro, Heloisa Nogueira 18 November 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-11-18 / The present work follows the line of research University, Teaching and Teacher Training . It investigates the conceptions of leisure and recreation of students of the Graduate Course in a Department of Physical Education. Today there is great interest in the idea of leisure and recreation, principally in Physical Education courses. Although these studies highly appreciate leisure and recreation as reachable possibilities in the formation of new citizens, we have noted that the contents divulged in these courses are limited to only one field of interest of leisure, physical-sports, ignoring the cultural diversity of the contents that permeate this question. The possibility of establishing multidisciplinary actions about leisure and recreation are therefore lost because of this. This study is based on the conception of leisure and recreation from the point of view of scholars of the Sociology of Leisure like Dumazedier, Heloisa Bruhns, Bramante, H?lder Isayama, Christianne Werneck and especially N?lson Carvalho Marcellino. He is the author of innumerable works about the idea and has contributed a lot to a more humanistic and educative view of leisure. As the methodological perspective of this study we describe it as a qualitative investigation, recognizing that for its objectives this angle would lead us to a better contemplation of the data. Analysis of this data revealed that the conceptions of leisure and recreation of the graduate students are still diffuse, uncritical and very little consistent. / O presente trabalho est? inserido na linha de pesquisa Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores , e investiga as concep??es de lazer e recrea??o dos discentes do curso de gradua??o de uma faculdade de Educa??o F?sica. Atualmente ? grande o interesse sobre a tem?tica lazer e recrea??o, principalmente nos cursos de Educa??o F?sica. Apesar desses estudos vislumbrarem o lazer e a recrea??o como possibilidades abrangentes na forma??o de um novo cidad?o, notamos que os conte?dos difundidos nesses cursos se restringem a um ?nico campo de interesse do lazer, o f?sico-esportivo, desconhecendo a diversidade cultural dos conte?dos que permeiam essa tem?tica. A possibilidade de se estabelecer a??es multidisciplinares sobre o lazer e a recrea??o se perdem com isso. Este estudo est? fundamentado na concep??o de lazer e recrea??o na vis?o de estudiosos da sociologia do lazer, como Dumazedier, Heloisa Bruhns, Bramante, H?lder Isayama, Christianne Werneck, e, em especial, N?lson Carvalho Marcellino, autor de in?meras obras sobre o tema, e que tem contribu?do muito para uma vis?o mais human?stica e educativa do lazer. Fixamos como perspectiva metodol?gica deste estudo a investiga??o qualitativa, reconhecendo que pelos objetivos esta vertente nos levar? a uma melhor contempla??o dos dados. A an?lise desses dados nos mostra que as concep??es de lazer e recrea??o dos alunos de gradua??o ainda s?o difusas, acr?ticas e poucos consistentes.
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Educa??o e forma??o humana: desafios para a promo??o da autonomia discente / Education and human development: challenges for the promotion of student's autonomyLouren?o Filho, Armando 20 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-20 / The issue of this dissertation is the student?s autonomy, considered in the dimension of their intellectual emancipation as a fundamental basis for the successful development of educational activities, as well as the development of active citizens. This research was based on the philosophical method, elaborated from bibliographic review under the perspective of philosophy of education. The question that leaded our research was: what are the challenges to promote student?s autonomy? To answer this question, we investigated the concept of the student?s autonomy in the classical educational conceptions: in Antiquity, the Socratic-Platonic Paideia and also the Modern Age, the Enlightenment, the conceptions of Rousseau and Kant and further Dewey s democratic-progressive pedagogy. Then we draw Brazilian educational history timeline highlights, in order to find also some concern about the issue of student?s autonomy, from the beginning of the Colonial period and reaching the first years of the Brazilian Republic, with the diffusion of the New Education of Dewey. At last, we developed a reflection about the challenges for the promotion of the student?s autonomy, in an effort to answer to our initial question. In this sense we found, a challenge that involves the discussion about a meaning of a good education, covering the issues of quality, freedom and education for citizenship. Similarly the discussion about the performance of the teacher and the student inside the educational process: about their roles and responsibilities. In this direction, we indicate to the need of student s commitment on learning processes and highlight their individual responsibility for the construction of knowledge. / A tem?tica dessa disserta??o de mestrado ? a quest?o da autonomia discente, pensada na dimens?o da emancipa??o intelectual dos educandos, como caracter?stica fundamental para o bom desenvolvimento das atividades educacionais, bem como para a forma??o de cidad?os ativos. Pensamos essa tem?tica na perspectiva do m?todo filos?fico, elaborado a partir de revis?o bibliogr?fica, sob o prisma da filosofia da educa??o. A pergunta que orientou nossa investiga??o foi: quais os desafios para a promo??o da autonomia discente? Para responder a essa quest?o, partimos da investiga??o do conceito de autonomia discente nas concep??es educacionais cl?ssicas, a saber: na Antiguidade, a Paideia socr?tico-plat?nica e, na Idade Moderna, a concep??o Iluminista, nas perspectivas de Rousseau e de Kant e a pedagogia democr?tico-progressista de Dewey. Em seguida procuramos tra?ar, de forma longitudinal, um panorama da educa??o no territ?rio brasileiro, a fim de encontrarmos tamb?m alguma preocupa??o com a quest?o da autonomia discente, partindo do per?odo Colonial alcan?ando os primeiros anos da Rep?blica, com a difus?o dos ideais da Escola Nova. Por fim, desenvolvemos uma reflex?o mais direta sobre os desafios para a promo??o da autonomia discente, procurando, com isso, responder ? nossa quest?o inicial. Encontramos, nesse sentido, um desafio que envolve a discuss?o do que seria uma boa educa??o, abrangendo a quest?o da qualidade, da liberdade e da forma??o para cidadania, bem como, outro desafio na discuss?o sobre a atua??o dos principais elementos do processo educativo, o professor e o aluno, a respeito das suas atribui??es e responsabilidades. Nessa dire??o, percebemos a necessidade do envolvimento ativo e produtivo do educando nos processos de aprendizagem e, destacamos a sua responsabilidade individual para a constru??o do conhecimento.
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Промене ученичких алтернативних концепција у учењу физике: Ефекти традиционалне наставе и метода активног учења / Promene učeničkih alternativnih koncepcija u učenju fizike: Efekti tradicionalne nastave i metoda aktivnog učenja / Changes of Students’ Alternative Conceptions in Physics Learning - Effects of Traditional Teaching and Active Learning MethodsRadovanović Jelena 30 January 2018 (has links)
<p>У раду је приказано истраживање реализовано са циљем проширивања знања о феномену алтернативних концепција у настави физике, са нагласком на алтернативне концепције о пливању и тоњењу тела и поређење ефеката<br />традиционалне наставе и метода активног учења на њихово превазилажење. Резултати истраживања показују широку заступљеност алтернативних концепција о пливању и тоњењу тела код испитиваних ученика седмог разреда основне школе непосредно пре реализовања наставе о сили потиска и појавама везаним за њу. Поређењем постигнућа ученика на завршном дијагностичком тесту у односу на<br />уводни утврђено је да постоје статистички значајне разлике у ефекту традиционалног модела наставе и модела наставе усмерене на активно учење о сили потиска и појавама везаним за њу на превазилажење алтернативних и усвајање научних концепата услова за пливање и тоњења тела: У контролној групи средњи нормализовани напредак износи 0.04±0.25, а у експерименталној 0.84±0.21. Предност применеметода активног учења над традиционалним приступом настави додатно потврђују разлике у постигнућу ученика у погледу примене и трајности усвојених знања о сили потиска и појавама везаним за њу. Основне импликације истраживања односе се на неопходност уважавања савременог конструктивистичког погледа на природу учења у наставном процесу, односно примену наставних приступа усмерених на активно учење и развој широког спектра компетенција.</p> / <p>U radu je prikazano istraživanje realizovano sa ciljem proširivanja znanja o fenomenu alternativnih koncepcija u nastavi fizike, sa naglaskom na alternativne koncepcije o plivanju i tonjenju tela i poređenje efekata<br />tradicionalne nastave i metoda aktivnog učenja na njihovo prevazilaženje. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju široku zastupljenost alternativnih koncepcija o plivanju i tonjenju tela kod ispitivanih učenika sedmog razreda osnovne škole neposredno pre realizovanja nastave o sili potiska i pojavama vezanim za nju. Poređenjem postignuća učenika na završnom dijagnostičkom testu u odnosu na<br />uvodni utvrđeno je da postoje statistički značajne razlike u efektu tradicionalnog modela nastave i modela nastave usmerene na aktivno učenje o sili potiska i pojavama vezanim za nju na prevazilaženje alternativnih i usvajanje naučnih koncepata uslova za plivanje i tonjenja tela: U kontrolnoj grupi srednji normalizovani napredak iznosi 0.04±0.25, a u eksperimentalnoj 0.84±0.21. Prednost primenemetoda aktivnog učenja nad tradicionalnim pristupom nastavi dodatno potvrđuju razlike u postignuću učenika u pogledu primene i trajnosti usvojenih znanja o sili potiska i pojavama vezanim za nju. Osnovne implikacije istraživanja odnose se na neophodnost uvažavanja savremenog konstruktivističkog pogleda na prirodu učenja u nastavnom procesu, odnosno primenu nastavnih pristupa usmerenih na aktivno učenje i razvoj širokog spektra kompetencija.</p> / <p>The thesis presents an investigation implemented with the goal of expanding knowledge on the phenomenon of alternative conceptions, with emphasis on alternative conceptions on floating /and sinking and on the comparison of effects of traditional teaching and active learning methods on overcoming those alternative conceptions.The results show wide presence of alternative conceptions on floating and sinking among the subject seventh grade primary school students, immediately before teaching them about buoyancy and related phenomena. By comparing students’ achievements on the final diagnostic test with the initial test results, statistically significant differences were found between the effects of traditional teaching model and the model focused on active learning about buoyancy and related phenomena on overcoming alternative and adopting scientific concepts ofconditions leading to floating and sinking: in the control group, the average normalized gain is 0.04±0.25, and in the experimental group it is 0.84±0.21 . The advantage that active learning methods have over traditional teaching approach is additionally confirmed by differences in students’ achievements with regards to the application and long-term retention of adopted knowledge on buoyancy and related phenomena. Basic implications of the research are the need to take note of modern constructivistic view on the nature of learning in the teaching process and of the application of teaching approaches aimed at active learning and the development of a wide spectrum of competences.</p>
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Percorrendo caminhos para além do espaço: a construção do "território pedagógico" como um elemento constituidor da profissionalidade docente na educação infantilAmaral, Carla Tatiana Moreira do 27 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-27 / FAPERGS - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Permeando o vasto campo que envolve as infâncias e suas multiplicidades/especificidades, buscou-se configurar/desfigurar esse universo, a fim de propor novos olhares. Nesse caminho, formulou-se o conceito de "território pedagógico", com o objetivo de analisar e compreender como tal concepção e os fatores que a circulam/influenciam podem contribuir na constituição da profissionalidade docente do professor de Educação Infantil. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil do município de Taquara/RS. Investiu-se na compreensão das concepções de infância/tempo e espaço dos docentes, bem como nos percursos formativos trilhados pelas cinco interlocutoras do estudo. Os argumentos construídos constituíram-se a partir de pesquisas bibliográficas sobre as concepções e conceitos que subsidiaram o estudo e de opções metodológicas de cunho qualitativo, as quais envolveram, como recursos metodológicos, observações, fotografias e reuniões de grupos focais. A pesquisa fundamentou-se em: Barbosa (1998, 2000, 2006, 2010), Frabboni (1998), Horn (1998, 2003, 2013), Narodowski (2001), Oliveira (2002) entre outros autores e legislações que subsidiam o pensar a infância e a educação infantil. Também se recorreu a autores clássicos da pedagogia que contribuíram com concepções sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem e a organização dos espaços para a infância, como: Froebel, Montessori, Freinet, Vygotsky e Wallon. Com relação aos conceitos de espaço e território, buscou-se sustentação em Forneiro (1998), Haesbaert (2004), Neto (2000, 2008) e Souza (2001). Também se recorreu a autores que se dedicam a pesquisar a formação docente e a constituição da profissionalidade, como Freire e Shor (1986), Nóvoa (1991, 2011), Pereira (1996), Sacristán (1991), Tardif (2002, 2005) e a profissionalidade docente na infância Formosinho (2002). O estudo evidenciou concepções de crianças enquanto protagonistas do processo de aprendizagem na escola infantil. Constatou-se que o espaço precisa possibilitar a livre escolha e o fácil acesso dos alunos aos materiais e brinquedos que compõem a sala de aula, sendo constante a sua (re)organização em função das próprias crianças e de seus interesses, que também estão em constante mudança. Com relação ao tempo, detectou-se que ele necessita ser vivido, ou seja, representar um "cotidiano" de possibilidades. Destacaram-se, ainda, tensionamentos vividos pelos docentes neste percurso. A profissionalidade do educador de infância passa a ser entendida como contínua, como uma caminhada, uma formação ao longo da vida pessoal e profissional. Nesse processo, constatou-se as dimensões física, funcional, relacional e temporal e, ainda, indicadores como a docência compartilhada, o olhar e a atuação da coordenação pedagógica e fatores relacionais como crescimento, organização e reorganização do arranjo espacial e participação dos pais, que tornam o "território pedagógico" um elemento capaz de constituir a profissionalidade docente na primeira etapa da educação básica. / Through the vast field that surrounds childhood and its multiplicities/specificities, it was attempted to configure/disfigure this universe in order to propose new perspectives. In this sense, the concept of “pedagogical territory” was constructed aiming to analyze and comprehend how this conception and the aspects the surround/influence it can contribute for the teacher professionalism in Early Childhood Education. The research was carried out in a Municipal Preschool in the city of Taquara/RS. It focused on the comprehension of concepts regarding childhood/time and space of teachers, as well as training paths pursed by the five interlocutors of the study. The formulated arguments were based on literature review of conceptions and concepts that supported the study and qualitative methods of research, which involved as methodological resources: observations, photographs, and focus group meetings. The research was based on: Barbosa (1998, 2000, 2006, 2010), Frabboni (1998), Horn (1998, 2003, 2013), Narodowski (2001), Oliveira (2002), among other authors and legislations that subsidize the childhood and the early childhood education thinking. Classical authors from the pedagogy field that contributed to conceptions about teaching and learning and the organization of spaces for children, such as Froebel, Montessori, Freinet, Vygotsky, and Wallon, were also used. Regarding concepts of space and territory, the study was supported by the concepts of Forneiro (1998), Haesbaert (2004), Neto (2000, 2008) and Souza (2001). Likewise, authors who are dedicated to research teacher education and the professionalism constitution, such as Freire and Shor (1986), Nóvoa (1991, 2011), Pereira (1996), Sacristan (1991), Tardif (2002, 2005), as well as Formosinho (2002) for the teacher professionalism, were used. The study showed the concept of children as protagonists of the leaning process in early childhood education. It also evidenced that the space needs to enable the students’ free choice and easy access to the materials and toys that are part of the classroom, since it needs constant (re)organization due to the children and their interests, that are also in constant change. Regarding time, it was detected that it needs to be lived, i.e., to be represented as an “everyday” possibility. Additionally, it was highlighted the tensioning lived by the teachers during this course. The teacher professionalism of an early childhood educator is understood as continuous, like a journey, a lifelong learning. In this process, it was found out the physical, functional, relational and temporal dimensions, and also indicators regarding shared teaching, perspectives and performance of the pedagogical coordination, and related factors, such as growth, organization and reorganization of space and parents participation, which makes the “pedagogical territory” an element capable of building the teacher professionalism in the first stage of basic education.
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Concepções de práticas docentes diante da diversidade dos alunos no processo de aquisição da leitura e da escritaGatti, Marcia de Carvalho 07 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-07 / This research aims to analyze the actions carried out with a group of 18 teachers at Cycle I of a state school in the city of São Paulo, during the Pedagogical Workshop (HTPC). The main objective was to verify if the reflexions developed on HTPC help to change classroom conceptions and practice concerning the factors that broaden the cultural differences among students. Therefore, the group has assumed to have fortnight s meetings during an academic year to reflect on the actions regarding literacy and work done with students who have different learning paces. Thus, the research goals and plan of actions were presented and discussed with teachers. Based on the studies about writing acquisition process by Ferreiro and Teberosky (1985) and Smolka (1988), and of Gimeno Sacristán (2002) about diversity, we were able to analyze questions presented by the teachers about ways of dealing with students who face the learning process differently. Data were collected as following: written recording of the fortnight s meetings with teachers, filled forms with teachers personal data, oral and written accounts of activities done during lessons and meeting assessment. Based on Vigotski s theories, the analyses were defined as follow: 1) the teachers conceptions about the source of the differences; 2) the teaching practice to deal with these differences; 3) the importance of HTPC; 4) the acquired knowledge; 5) the changes in the lessons. The results analyses led to the following conclusion: facing such a complex question, that is to deal with the different educational practices and with the difficulty in changing the teachers conceptions relating to students diversity, it would not be possible to note, in such short period of time, deep changes in thought and action of a formation process. This makes us question the continuing formation processes that are, in many cases, done through short courses, involving only the teaching staff or just part of it. On the other hand, the studies have showed the importance of HTPC to teachers, as it becomes an opportunity to exchange experience and of professional development and to widen their knowledge. That is why it is so important to have supervisors, directors, coordinators, university and teachers working together in order to plan the teachers professional development in the schools and during their working hours / Essa pesquisa objetivou analisar as ações realizadas com um grupo de 18 professoras do Ciclo I de uma escola estadual da cidade de São Paulo, na Hora de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo (HTPC). O objetivo foi verificar se as reflexões desenvolvidas na HTPC contribuem para mudanças em suas concepções e práticas de sala de aula no que diz respeito aos fatores que provocam a ampliação das diferenças culturais entre os alunos. Houve dessa forma, um compromisso assumido com o grupo, de realizar encontros quinzenais, durante um ano letivo, para refletir sobre as práticas realizadas, em relação à alfabetização e ao trabalho com alunos que apresentam diferentes ritmos de aprendizagem. Para tanto, foram apresentados e discutidos com o grupo de professoras os objetivos da pesquisa e o desenvolvimento da intervenção. Tomando como referência os estudos sobre o processo de aquisição da escrita de Ferreiro e Teberosky (1985) e Smolka (1988), e de Gimeno Sacristán (2002) sobre a diversidade, pudemos analisar questões expostas pelas professoras sobre o tratamento dado aos alunos que apresentam diferentes ritmos de aprendizagem. Os procedimentos de coleta de dados incluíram: registros escritos das reuniões quinzenais de discussão com as professoras, formulários preenchidos no início do processo contendo dados de caracterização das professoras, relatos orais e escritos de atividades realizadas pelas professoras em sala de aula e avaliação dos encontros. A partir do referencial teórico vigotskiano, foram definidos os seguintes eixos de análise: 1) as concepções das professoras sobre a origem das diferenças; 2) as práticas docentes para lidar com essas diferenças; 3) a importância atribuída à formação continuada em HTPC; 4) os conhecimentos adquiridos; 5) as mudanças em sala de aula. . A análise dos resultados levou a seguinte conclusão: diante de uma questão tão complexa, que é o tratamento das diferenças nas práticas educativas e da dificuldade de mudar as concepções dos professores em relação a diversidade dos alunos, não seria possível em um curto espaço de tempo, perceber mudanças profundas de pensamento e ação, decorrentes de um processo de formação. Isso nos faz questionar os processos de formação continuada que, em muitos casos, são realizados por meio de cursos rápidos, envolvendo apenas o corpo docente ou parte dele. Por outro lado, o estudo revelou a importância atribuída a HTPC pelas professoras, quando ela se torna um espaço de troca de experiência, de crescimento profissional e de ampliação de conhecimentos. Por isso a necessidade de uma atuação conjunta da supervisão, direção, coordenação, universidade e professores para planejar o desenvolvimento profissional dos atores escolares, dentro da escola e em horário de serviço
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