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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Moraes, Tiago Rossi de 13 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research has as its central theme the artisanal fishing practiced in Vacacaí River, RS. In the course of the study it was sought to characterize this activity, identifying its relationship with other economic activities that also use the river water, especially irrigated rice cultivation, from the vision of artisanal fishermen, and with the contribution of bibliographical and documentary research. From information obtained through official data of rice production and planted area, rainfall and altitudes of Vacacaí River, in the years 2004 to 2013, it was established the relationship between excessive consumption of water from irrigated rice cultivation and the decrease in the level of the river, one of the main problems pointed out by fishermen. Through three expeditions in which was traveled over 200 kilometers of Vacacaí Riverbed, where the water level allows navigation, it was mapped 64 rice fields irrigation pumps and another 24 disabled facilities. To identify Vacacaí fishing sites it was used participatory mapping, in which those interviewed artisanal fishermen made the recognition of their fishing grounds with the help of satellite images mosaics. That way seventeen fishing sites were mapped by Vacacaí fishermen, ten of which have irrigation pumps. These sites were considered potential areas of conflict between the two activities analyzed. Due to the size of the study area and the need to demonstrate the elements of analysis in detail, the final map containing this information had to be divided into three parts. / A presente pesquisa tem como temática central a pesca artesanal praticada no rio Vacacaí, RS. No decorrer do trabalho buscou-se caracterizar essa atividade, identificando sua relação com as demais atividades econômicas que também se utilizam das águas do rio, em especial a orizicultura irrigada, a partir da visão dos pescadores artesanais e com o aporte de pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais. A partir das informações obtidas com o uso de dados oficiais de produção de arroz e área plantada, pluviometria e cotas altimétricas do rio Vacacaí, entre os anos de 2004 a 2013, estabeleceu-se a relação entre o consumo hidrointensivo da orizicultura irrigada e a diminuição do nível do rio, um dos principais problemas apontado pelos pescadores. Através de três expedições onde foram percorridos os mais de 200 quilômetros do leito do rio Vacacaí onde o nível da água permite a navegação, foram mapeadas 64 bombas de irrigação das lavouras de arroz e mais 24 estruturas desativadas. Para se identificar os pesqueiros do Vacacaí foi utilizada a cartografia participativa, onde os pescadores artesanais entrevistados fizeram o reconhecimento dos seus locais de pesca com o auxílio de mosaicos de imagens de satélite. Assim, dezessete pesqueiros foram mapeados pelos pescadores do Vacacaí, sendo que em dez há a presença de bombas de irrigação. Estes locais foram considerados potenciais territórios de conflito entre as duas atividades analisadas. O mapa final contendo essas informações precisou ser gerado numa articulação de três partes, devido o tamanho da área de estudos e a necessidade de demonstrar detalhadamente os elementos de análise.


Lima, Paulo Ricardo Barbieri Dutra 17 August 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Information is the most precious assets to organizations; hence it is necessary to have mechanisms to protect it and to make it available only to whom have factual permission to use it. Considering the need for protection of the information in organizations it is proposed in this work a system to manage access control policies which can be easily used, that is, it does not require any knowledge of policies codification language. Further, as the creation of new policies could generate conflicts with existent ones, this work also proposes algorithms which manage automatically, in a period of policies creation, the control of some kinds of conflicts, such as interest conflicts. As result, we have offer a Access Control Police Management System that enable that the process of generation and editing policies occurs easily and without conflicts. The reference model used in this work refers to health organizations; however this study can be applied in other fields. / A informação é o bem mais valioso para as organizações, logo deve-se ter mecanismos para que ela possa ser bem protegida e que seja disponível somente para quem tem real permissão de utilizá-la. Dado esta necessidade de proteção da informação nas organizações, propõe-se neste trabalho um sistema de gerenciamento de políticas de controle de acesso, que possa ser utilizado de forma facilitada, ou seja, não requerendo conhecimento de linguagem de codificação de políticas. Adicionalmente, como a criação de novas políticas pode gerar conflitos com as já existentes, este trabalho propõe também algoritmos que gerenciam automaticamente, em tempo de criação das políticas, o controle de alguns tipos de conflitos, tais como conflitos de interesse. Como resultado tem-se um Sistema Gerenciador de Políticas de Controle de Acesso que possibilita que o processo de geração e edição de políticas ocorra de maneira facilitada e sem conflitos. O modelo de referência utilizado neste trabalho refere-se no âmbito de organizações da saúde, mas o estudo realizado pode ser utilizado em outras áreas.

Ethikberatung in der ambulanten Versorgung / Eine Befragung von Hausärzten zur Häufigkeit ethischer Konflikte und zum Beratungsbedarf / Ethics consultation in an ambulant setting / A survey among general practitioners about the frequency of ethic conflicts and the need for advice

Kallusky, Konstantin 21 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Dítě v ozbrojeném konfliktu ve světle článku 38 Úmluvy o právech dítěte / A child in an armed conflict in the light of Art. 38 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Kučerová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
A Child in an Armed Conflict in the Light of Article 38 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child The thesis aims to transparently elaborate the topic of protection of children in armed conflicts pursuant to the Article 38 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as identification of the main problems associated with the topic and efforts to suggest their solutions. The thesis also focuses on monitoring and enforcement mechanism of individual international instruments. The body of the thesis is divided into four parts, each of several chapters. The first part of the thesis deals with the development of protection of children in armed conflicts until the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and relevant international law documents on the protection of children in armed conflicts. The first part also includes a chapter with the identification of the main problems associated with the protection of children. Second part of the thesis concentrates on the analysis of various instruments of international law regarding the protection of children, that is, of course, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols, and following documents regarding protection of children based on this Convention, i.e. The Convention of the International Labour Organization...

Les fortifications chez les Iroquoiens nordiques de 1400 à 1650 de notre ère

Deschamps-Léger, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les fortifications des Iroquoiens nordiques de 1400 à 1650 de notre ère. Les Hurons, les Iroquois et les Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent constituent les principaux groupes à l’étude. L’objectif initial consistait à comprendre l’absence de fortification sur certains sites de la région de Saint-Anicet et vérifier certaines informations ethnohistoriques suggérant que seulement les villages les plus imposants bénéficiaient d’une fortification. Notre étude, qui s’appuie sur 207 sites, confirme que les villages les plus imposants étaient plus souvent fortifiés, particulièrement chez les Hurons. Par contre, au niveau de l’Iroquoianie, on dénote la présence de fortifications sur des sites de taille modeste et leur absence sur certains sites de grande taille. On constate aussi chez les Hurons, les Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent et les Iroquois que les sites frontaliers, à proximité des autres groupes, ont plus souvent fait l’objet de fortifications et ce peu importe leur taille. De plus, l’augmentation du nombre de sites fortifiés concorde, pour les trois groupes à l’étude, avec une augmentation des conflits intragroupes et intergroupes. Notre étude confirme aussi la relation étroite entre une sédentarité prolongée et la présence d’une palissade. À partir des données compilées, nous avons également tenté d’observer dans quelle mesure évoluent les différentes caractéristiques physiques des fortifications (nombre de rangées, taille des pieux), les structures connexes (remblais/fossés, entrées, galeries, séparations internes) de même que l’influence européenne et les essences de bois employées. Encore une fois, l’augmentation de la taille des pieux et du nombre de rangées s’accordent avec une augmentation des conflits tandis que la présence de structures défensives connexes préhistoriques et l’utilisation de remblais et fossés chez les Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent confirment une vocation défensive dès le XVe siècle. Nous abordons en dernier lieu la valeur symbolique et d’intégration sociale des fortifications iroquoiennes. L’adéquation des données concernant l’évolution physique des palissades iroquoiennes ainsi que leur valeur symbolique et d’intégration sociale, somme toute limitée, confirme à notre avis la fonction défensive prévalante des fortifications iroquoiennes de 1400 à 1650 de notre ère. Nous reconnaissons toutefois les implications sociales et symboliques découlant des fortifications, dont la construction opportuniste était essentiellement communautaire et non-coercitive. / This thesis focuses on the study of the northern Iroquoians fortifications from 1400 to 1650 A.D. The Huron, Iroquois and Iroquoians of the St. Lawrence are the main groups under study. The initial objective was to understand the lack of fortification on Saint-Anicet site and to verify some ethnohistorical information suggesting that only the most imposing villages were fortified. Our study, based on 207 sites, confirms that the larger villages were more often fortified, particularly among the Hurons. However, at the Iroquoian level, we denote fortifications on small sites and their absence on some large sites. We also found that Huron, St. Lawrence Iroquoians and Iroquois border sites, near other groups, were more often fortified regardless of their size. In addition, the increase in the number of fortified sites for the three groups coincide with an increase in intra-group and inter-group conflicts. Our study also confirms the close relationship between a prolonged sedentary lifestyle and the presence of a palisade. From the compiled data, we also observed the evolution of different physical characteristics of the fortifications (number of rows, pile size), related structures (embankment / ditch, entrances, galleries, internal separations), European influence and species of wood used for construction. Again, the increase in pile size and number of rows is consistent with an increase in conflict, while the presence of prehistoric related defensive structures and the use of embankments and ditches among the St. Lawrence Iroquoians confirm a defensive vocation from the XVe century. Finally, we discuss the symbolic and social integration value of the Iroquoian fortifications. The adequacy of the data concerning the physical evolution of the Iroquoian palisades, as well as their limited symbolic and social integration value, confirms in our opinion the prevalent defensive function of the Iroquoian fortifications from 1400 to 1650 AD. We recognize, however, the social and symbolic implications of fortifications, whose opportunist construction was essentially communal and non-coercive.

Cross-functional conflicts in new product launches in the food industry

Ashraf, A. K. (Abdul Kareem Mohamed) 05 December 2014 (has links)
Abstract This study explores the cross-functional conflicts in new product launches in the context of food industry, with particular focus to fast moving consumer goods setting. The purpose of this study is to develop an empirically grounded model of cross-functional conflicts in new product launches for the food industry. The theoretical approach taken in this study follows the resource based view of the firm. The theoretical framework was developed to make the conflict enablers, cross-functional conflicts and new product launches explicit for analysis. The empirical part of this study includes a qualitative single case study, which was geographically and culturally focused on Saudi Arabia. The research data was collected primarily through interviews from selected informants of the selected case company and representatives of two strategic partners and two competitors. The data was analyzed to empirically elaborate the theoretical framework. As a result of the data analysis, the cross-functional conflicts were categorized under task and relationship conflicts. The role of marketing resources in cross-functional conflicts was found to be more complex than what had been reported in their earlier research. The results of the data analysis were used to revise the theoretical model of cross-functional conflicts in the new product launches. The research provides several theoretical contributions and managerial implications in cross-functional conflicts in new product launches. / Abstrakti Väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yrityksen toimintojen välisiä konflikteja uusien tuotteiden lanseerauksen yhteydessä. Empiirisenä kohdetoimialana tarkastellaan elintarviketeollisuutta, erityisesti nopeasti liikkuvien kulutustuotteiden kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kehittää empiirisesti perusteltu malli toimintojen välisistä konflikteista uusien tuotteiden lanseerauksessa elintarviketeollisuudessa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen lähestymistapa hyödyntää resurssiperustaista teoriaa. Työssä laaditun teoreettisen viitekehyksen avulla voidaan analysoida konfliktien mahdollistajia, toimintojen välisiä konflikteja ja uusien tuotteiden lanseerausta. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa on toteutettu laadullinen tapaustutkimus, joka sijoittuu maantieteellisesti ja kulttuurisesti Saudi Arabiaan. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin pääasiassa haastattelemalla valitun kohdeyrityksen edustajia sekä kahden strategisen kumppaniyrityksen edustajia sekä kahden kilpailijayrityksen edustajia. Teoreettista viitekehystä täydennettiin ja täsmennettiin empiirisen aineiston analyysin avulla. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että toimintojen välisiä konflikteja voidaan kategorisoida tehtävään ja suhteisiin liittyviin konflikteihin. Markkinointiresurssien rooli toimintojen välisissä konflikteissa näyttäytyi monimutkaisempana kuin olemassa oleva kirjallisuus antoi olettaa. Teoreettista mallia muokattiin empiirisen analyysin perusteella. Tutkimus tarjoaa useita teoreettisia kontribuutioita ja liikkeenjohdollisia implikaatioita liittyen toimintojen välisiin konflikteihin uusien tuotteiden lanseerauksessa.

Développement urbain et planification urbaine à Abu Dhabi et à Dubaï. Politiques, acteurs et mobilité / Urban development and urban planning in Abu Dhabi and Dubaï. Policies, stakeholders and mobility

Montagne, Clémence 02 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour projet de poser les premiers jalons d’une recherche sur les transports publics dans deux des villes du Golfe arabo-persique, Abu Dhabi et Dubaï. Toutes deux doivent faire face à de nouveaux défis pour pérenniser le développement de leurs territoires urbains. Elles souhaitent en effet conserver leur statut de tête de pont dans l’innovation urbaine au Moyen-Orient. Elles se sont ainsi engagées dans des plans de diversification de leur économie urbaine et de développement durable (Dubaï the Smartest City, Masdar City). Au cours de cette recherche, nous analysons les nouvelles orientations de leurs politiques de planification, prises dans le but d’adapter leurs territoires urbains aux nouvelles mobilités. Elles ont connu une croissance particulièrement rapide à partir de la fin des années 1990, qui est devenue plus que signifiante à l’échelle globale depuis le milieu des années 2000. Parallèlement, et presque consécutivement elles ont mis en place une série de plans de modernisation de leurs réseaux de transports publics à Dubaï d’abord (Dubaï Tram, Dubaï Bus, Dubaï Métro) puis à Abu Dhabi (DoT Bus). Ces nouveaux développements des infrastructures de transports publics ont conduit à une remise en question du mode de fabrication de la ville au niveau des politiques d’aménagement. Comment Abu Dhabi et Dubaï se sont-elles adaptées à la mise en place des nouvelles infrastructures ? Quels en ont été les conséquences ? C’est à toutes ces réponses que se propose de répondre la thèse qui analyse les nouvelles politiques urbaines, les projets immobiliers et les logiques des acteurs impliqués dans le développement urbain des deux capitales émiriennes. Ce travail s'appuie sur un nombre d’enquêtes de terrain très important de façon à comprendre comment sont utilisés ces nouveaux réseaux et quelles sont aujourd’hui les conditions spécifiques de la mobilité des habitants de Dubaï et d’Abu Dhabi. / This dissertation aims at setting the first bases for a research on public transport in the Arab Gulf. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two cities facing new challenges to sustain their urban developments, wishing to stay at the cutting edge of the race for the urban innovation in the Middle East. Both are engaged in diversification plans of their urban economy to sustain their development, labelled differently for both cities (Smartest City, Masdar City). We are reviewing planning measures taken to adapt these urban territory having known a spectacular growth since the 1990s which became significant on the global scale since the 2000s. Meanwhile, and almost consecutively a large modernization plans of public transport networks have been implemented in Abu Dhabi (DoT Bus) and in Dubai (Dubai Bus, Dubai Metro, Dubai Tram). Has the city making of both cities adapted to the new conditions due to the new policies and transit network? Has the new public transport infrastructure development in the induced a renewal of the city making processes? How has the city making process and regulation adapted to the new transit network? Few surveys and mostly qualitative interview of institutional actors in the several agencies that represent the operational and legal urbanism have been a tool added to the analysis of urban policies, the study of urban projects and actors strategy involved in urban development. We aim at putting into perspective the public transport policies, the official discourses and the urban sustainable planning, with the actual developments. We will study also the way the public transit networks is used to understand to which extent it fits the urban daily mobility requirements of Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

La mise en place d’un droit de la concurrence harmonisé en Afrique et ses mécanismes de mise en œuvre. / the establishment of a harmonized competition law in Africa and its implementation mechanisms of

Vilon-Guezo, Neeskens Christian 01 April 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de surabondance d’Organisations d’Intégrations Régionales induisant une pluralité de législations communautaires sur le droit de la concurrence,nous pouvons aisément constater qu’un même Etat appartient à différentes Organisations régionales.Dans ce cadre, lorsqu’il y a un contentieux sur la concurrence, ce foisonnement législatif communautaire engendrera de sérieux conflits de compétences et de risque de recoupement de ces différentes normes.S’il est une évidence que le droit de la concurrence est un instrument juridique impératif dans tout processus d’intégration, il n’en demeure pas aussi moins que la garantie de promotion et de sécurisation de l’investissement en est primordiale.Les solutions que nous avons proposées pour concilier l’application simultanée et sans heurts des différentes normes communautaires existantes sur le droit de la concurrence tout en garantissant une sécurité juridique et judiciaire aux entreprises sont nombreuses.C’est dire que l’étude met un accent sur l’adoption d’une norme harmonisée en Afrique afin de mettre en place une politique de la concurrence saine et crédible qui prendrait en compte d’une part les intérêts des différents acteurs économiques et d’autre part des consommateurs.Ainsi nous parviendrons à un véritable instrument juridique d’ouverture économique qui faciliterait l’accès des marchés africains. / In a context of overabundance of regional organisation of Integration leading toseveral community legislations on the competition law, we can easily notice that thesame states belong to these different organisations.Within this framework, when there is litigation about the competition, thiscommunity legislative abundance will lead to serious conflicts of competences andreinterruption risks of these different norms.If it is an abvious fact that, the competition law is an imperative legal instrument inevery integration process, it is not less important that the safeguard of promotion andreassurance of investment is vital.The solution we suggested to reconcile the smoothly simultaneous application of thedifferent community norms existing on the competition law by safeguarding a legaland judicial security to the companies are many.That is, the study emphasizes on the adoption of an harmonized norm inAfrica in order to put in place a politic of a safe and credible competition that willstake into account on the one hand the interests of the different economic actors andon the other hand of the consumers.In this way, we will reach a real legal instrument of economic aperture that will enable the access to African markets.

Passion pour des activités de pleine nature et comportements environnementaux : influence de la passion pour une APN sur la motivation environnementale / Encouraging pro-environmental behaviors : passion as motivational force to the environmental cause

Junot, Amandine 28 June 2016 (has links)
À La Réunion, les activités de pleine nature sont au cœur d'enjeux environnementaux importants. De plus en plus, ces activités sont présentées comme des pratiques passionnées. Selon le type de passion, l'engagement dans l'activité est différent et le degré d'ouverture à la nature et à l'environnement pourrait être impacté. En ce sens, la passion pourrait être un facteur clé dans le développement d'un pro-environnementalisme à la suite de la pratique de ces activités. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier le rôle de la passion pour une activité de pleine nature sur l'affiliation à la nature et le conflit vis-à-vis de la protection de l'environnement et leur influence sur la motivation environnementale, tout en soulignant le rôle des émotions et de l'attachement au lieu comme médiateurs. / In La Réunion, outdoor activities are at the core of environmental issues. Increasingly, these activities are presented as passionate practice. According to the kind of passion, engagement in the activity is different and the degree of opening to nature and environment would be impacted. Therefore, passion could be a key factor in pro-environmentalism development following outdoor activities practice. The objective of this thesis is to study the role of passion for outdoor activity on nature affiliation and conflict toward environmental protection and their influence on environmental motivation, while emphasizing the role of emotions and place attachment as mediators.

A Study on Residents' Perceptions and Attitudes Towards the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge in Puerto Rico

Guzman, Ana C 31 March 2016 (has links)
Conflicts between local people and protected areas can undermine conservation goals. This study explores perceptions towards Vieques National Wildlife Refuge (VNWR), a complex former military site containing a combination of high ecological value along with an array of unexploded ordnances. The purpose of this research is to evaluate how residents perceive VNWR and elucidate conflicts associated with former and current uses of the wildlife refuge. Here, I interviewed 235 residents of Vieques Island, Puerto Rico using semi-structured surveys and 33 key informants representing various stakeholder groups to assess attitudes toward VNWR. A combination of factors influencing attitudes about VNWR included socio-economic status and misconceptions about management. Overall, residents did not express strong attitudes. However, older individuals and those living longer on Vieques generally had poorer attitudes than others. Among the most common reasons for expressing discontent were the restrictive regulations regarding access to VNWR and the limitations on resource extraction.

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