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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

金融帳開放與人民幣國際化:以滬港通為例 / The Liberalization of Financial Account and the Internationalization of the Renminbi: The Case of Shanghai - Hong Kong Stock Connect

林倩雯, Lin, Chien Wen Unknown Date (has links)
2008年發生全球金融危機,造成各國經濟大幅衰退。中國大陸於2009年開始積極推動人民幣國際化,希望降低對外貿易與跨境資本流動對美元的依賴程度。中國大陸雖有龐大的境外人民幣資金池,但由於欠缺人民幣回流管道,因而人民幣資金至今仍無法雙向流動。因此,中國大陸於2014年11月17日推動滬港通試點,建立滬港股票交易互聯互通機制,試行中國大陸金融帳開放成效,以作為日後擴大試點開放政策的參考。 本研究結果發現,經由滬港通試點試辦,改革中國大陸資本市場,可避免對中國大陸金融市場造成重大影響,實現人民幣跨境計價及結算功能,並建構良好的人民幣回流機制。 / The world economy declines substantially, influenced by the global financial crisis in 2008. In order to reduce the dependence of cross-border fund flows and foreign trades on the US dollar, the mainland China reinforces its efforts in promoting the Renminbi (RMB) internationalization in 2009. But, due to the capital control, the free fund flows of the RMB are not feasible even if there is a massive RMB pool worldwide. In order for the liberalization of financial account, the mainland China built Shanghai - Hong Kong Stock Connect on November 17, 2014, as a reference of further expansion of the offshore use of the RMB in the future. This study shows that, reforms on China’s domestic capital market are crucial to avoid the significant impact of Shanghai - Hong Kong Stock Connect, as the openness of capital account, on the domestic financial markets. The financial reforms can also improve the cross-border settlement functions of the RMB to increase RMB denomination in trades, and reinforce the freer flows of the RMB.


王銘宏, WANG, MING-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約有四萬餘字,分六章廿四節。 第一章導論說明本研究的問題及目的,建立之架構。第二章文獻探討,首先個別探討 生命週期及經營策略之文獻內容及研究方法,然後加以整合。第三章為研究方法,說 明本文為一縱貫式調查之描述性研究,並界定變數之操作定義。第四章企業生命週期 與經營策略演變之關係,先作我國企業生命週期之分析,再驗證其採用之經營策略。 第五章績優與績劣企業經營策略之探討,查驗不同績效之企業,其策略之差異及其影 響因素。第六章結論,提出本論文實證結果,並加以說明

Évaluation de l’implantation, des processus et des effets différentiels de Check & Connect : un programme de prévention de l’abandon scolaire

Goulet, Mélissa 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était d’évaluer l’implantation, les effets différentiels et les processus du programme Check & Connect (C&C), une intervention visant la prévention de l’abandon scolaire. De nature ciblée, cette intervention s’adresse aux élèves à risque de décrochage scolaire. Par le biais de la création d’une relation significative avec un mentor, du monitorage systématique des indicateurs de désengagement scolaire, d’interventions différentielles adaptées aux besoins des élèves et de la communication positive avec la famille de ces derniers, ce programme développé aux États-Unis au début des années 1990 a été maintes fois évalué en sol américain. Cette évaluation s’intéresse à l’adaptation québécoise du programme, réalisée dans deux commissions scolaires de la grande région de Montréal, et ce tant au niveau primaire qu’au niveau secondaire. L’évaluation de l’implantation, des effets différentiels et des processus s’insère dans un projet plus vaste de validation écologique du programme réalisée à l’aide d’un devis expérimental dans le cadre duquel le groupe contrôle équivalent a reçu les interventions typiquement prévues dans les écoles : l’intervention C&C est donc comparée aux interventions typiquement mises en place dans les écoles pour les élèves à risque d’abandon scolaire. L’évaluation de l’implantation et des effets différentiels a été réalisée à la suite des deux années d’implantation auprès des 345 élèves du primaire et du secondaire ayant été exposés au programme et des 54 mentors impliqués. La fidélité d’implantation a été évaluée en relation avec les effets du programme à l’aide d’analyses quantitatives de fréquence et de régressions linéaires. L’évaluation des processus a également été réalisée une fois l’implantation terminée; des entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès de 12 acteurs impliqués dans l’implantation. Des analyses thématiques, puis des études de cas ont été complétées afin d’explorer les processus d’implantation. Le premier chapitre empirique de la thèse présente l’évaluation de l’implantation et des effets différentiels du programme C&C. Cette étude a permis de constater des taux de fidélité d’implantation variables d’une composante du programme à l’autre, et d’un site d’implantation à un autre. De plus, les résultats révèlent que la fidélité d’implantation est associée aux effets du programme sur l’engagement et le rendement scolaires. Néanmoins, cette association varie grandement d’une composante du programme et d’un site d’implantation à un autre, ce qui suggère d’importantes influences contextuelles sur l’implantation. Le second chapitre empirique de la thèse présente l’évaluation des processus d’implantation de C&C dans 4 cas de figure distincts. Cette évaluation révèle de nombreux processus ayant influencé l’expérience d’implantation des acteurs interrogés. Les résultats suggèrent par ailleurs une influence dynamique des processus : des parallèles sont faits avec une théorie issue de la psychologie organisationnelle, la théorie du changement planifié, qui suggère la considération de l’implantation d’un programme d’intervention comme un changement de pratiques. En somme, les évaluations présentées dans la thèse soutiennent d’une part l’importance d’une implantation fidèle lorsque vient le temps de faire appel à un programme d’intervention. La thèse suggère de surcroît la nécessité de s’assurer d’une préparation adéquate et de la mise en place de conditions optimales pour l’intervenant et l’organisation désirant implanter un programme d’intervention en milieu scolaire, puisque la fidélité d’implantation n’est pas garante à elle seule d’effets positifs suite à l’implantation. / The present thesis aimed to evaluate the implementation, differential effects and processes of Check & Connect (C&C), a dropout prevention program. This targeted intervention promotes the development of a significant relationship with a mentor in addition to the use of systematic monitoring of disengagement indicators, differential and adapted interventions and positive school-family communication in order to help students at risk of dropping out of school. Developed in the 1990s in the United States, this program was evaluated many times in American school settings. This evaluation focuses on a French-Canadian adaptation of C&C, implemented in elementary and secondary schools of two school boards in the Montreal area. The evaluation of the implementation, implementation processes, and differential effects is part of a larger ecological and experimental validation of the program in which students of the control group received the usual interventions typically offered to at-risk students in their schools. Implementation and differential effects evaluations were conducted after the two-year implementation of C&C among a sample of 345 elementary and secondary-level students and their 54 mentors. Implementation fidelity and its relations to program effects were evaluated using frequency analyses and linear regressions. Process evaluation was also completed post-intervention: semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 actors directly involved in the implementation. Qualitative thematic analyses and case studies were then completed in order to explore implementation processes. The first empirical chapter of this thesis presents the evaluations of C&C’s implementation and differential effects. This evaluation revealed high variability in implementation fidelity rates from one program component to another, and across implementation sites. Further, results suggest that implementation fidelity is associated to C&C’s effects on student engagement and achievement. Nevertheless, that relation varies from one program component to another and based on implementation context. The second empirical chapter of the thesis presents the evaluation of C&C’s process in four distinct cases. This evaluation reveals that many processes influenced the implementation experience of interviewed actors. Results also show the dynamic influences of implementation processes. These dynamics are illustrated using a theory originating from organizational psychology: the Theory of Planned Change, which presents the implementation of an intervention program as a change in practices. In conclusion, the evaluations presented in this thesis first support the importance of implementation fidelity and context to achieve the desired effects when instigating an intervention program. For professionals and organizations interested in implementing an intervention program in a school setting, results further suggest the importance of adequate preparation and optimal implementation conditions, since implementation fidelity in itself is not sufficient to ensure positive intervention results.

Comparative Study of Network Access Control Technologies

Qazi, Hasham Ud Din January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents a comparative study of four Network Access Control (NAC) technologies; Trusted Network Connect by the Trusted Computing group, Juniper Networks, Inc.’s Unified Access Control, Microsoft Corp.’s Network Access Protection, and Cisco Systems Inc.’s Network Admission Control. NAC is a vision, which utilizes existing solutions and new technologies to provide assurance that any device connecting to a network policy domain is authenticated and is subject to the network’s policy enforcement. Non-compliant devices are isolated until they have been brought back to a complaint status. We compare the NAC technologies in terms of architectural and functional features they provide.</p><p>There is a race of NAC solutions in the marketplace, each claiming their own definition and terminology, making it difficult for customers to adopt such a solution, resulting in much uncertainty. The NAC paradigm can be classified into two categories: the first category embraces open standards; the second follows proprietary standards. By selecting these architectures, we cover a representative set of proprietary and open standards-based NAC technologies.</p><p>This study concludes that there is a great need for standardization and interoperability of NAC components and that the four major solution proposals that we studied fall short of the desired interoperability. With standards, customers have the choice to adopt solution components from different vendors, selecting, what is commonly referred to as the best of breed. One example for a standard technology that all four NAC technologies that we studied did adopt is the IEEE’s 802.1X port-based access control technology. It is used to control endpoint device access to the network.</p><p>One shortcoming that most NAC architectures (with the exception of Trusted Network Connect) have in common, is the lack of a strong root-of-trust. Without it, clients’ compliance measurements cannot be trusted by the policy server whose task is to assess each client’s policy compliance.</p>

Comparative Study of Network Access Control Technologies

Qazi, Hasham Ud Din January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents a comparative study of four Network Access Control (NAC) technologies; Trusted Network Connect by the Trusted Computing group, Juniper Networks, Inc.’s Unified Access Control, Microsoft Corp.’s Network Access Protection, and Cisco Systems Inc.’s Network Admission Control. NAC is a vision, which utilizes existing solutions and new technologies to provide assurance that any device connecting to a network policy domain is authenticated and is subject to the network’s policy enforcement. Non-compliant devices are isolated until they have been brought back to a complaint status. We compare the NAC technologies in terms of architectural and functional features they provide. There is a race of NAC solutions in the marketplace, each claiming their own definition and terminology, making it difficult for customers to adopt such a solution, resulting in much uncertainty. The NAC paradigm can be classified into two categories: the first category embraces open standards; the second follows proprietary standards. By selecting these architectures, we cover a representative set of proprietary and open standards-based NAC technologies. This study concludes that there is a great need for standardization and interoperability of NAC components and that the four major solution proposals that we studied fall short of the desired interoperability. With standards, customers have the choice to adopt solution components from different vendors, selecting, what is commonly referred to as the best of breed. One example for a standard technology that all four NAC technologies that we studied did adopt is the IEEE’s 802.1X port-based access control technology. It is used to control endpoint device access to the network. One shortcoming that most NAC architectures (with the exception of Trusted Network Connect) have in common, is the lack of a strong root-of-trust. Without it, clients’ compliance measurements cannot be trusted by the policy server whose task is to assess each client’s policy compliance.

滬港通有助於滬市理性化嗎?從磁吸現象角度探討 / Can Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect help rationalize Shanghai stock market? From the perspective of magnet effect

黃璟然 Unknown Date (has links)
上海證券交易所與香港聯合交易所於2014年11月17日啟動滬港通計劃,允許兩地投資者在本地交易所買賣對方市場的股票。本文試圖以漲跌幅限制之磁吸現象探討滬港通對上海股市的影響。文章延用Hsieh, Kim and Yang(2009)之Logit回歸,將參與滬股通之股票以換手率與市值區分,藉以檢測不同組合股票之磁吸現象。研究結果顯示,在樣本期間發現當較高市值股票漲幅達9.5%以上出現磁吸現象,當較低市值股票漲幅達9%以上出現冷卻現象。而兩種組合的股票跌幅達6%以上時均出現反轉效果。為比較滬港通前後之變化,本文加入虛擬變數以區分事件前後,研究結果顯示,滬港通啟動後較高市值股票跌幅達9.5%以上、較低市值股票漲幅達8%以上時出現磁吸現象,冷卻現象消失,可得知滬港通並沒有產生理性作用。本文發現已在兩地上市之A+H股的磁吸現象在滬港通啟動後消失,可推測資訊不對稱及交易規則讓A股的外國投資者無法選擇最佳策略,而雙重上市股票則可以讓其於價格觸發漲跌幅限制前調整交易策略。 / SSE and HKEX have provided Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect since Nov. 17th, 2014, which allows investors in one market to trade shares listed on the other market through their local brokers. The article attempts to discuss the impact of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on Shanghai stock market from the perspective of the magnet effect. Using a logit model proposed by Hsieh, Kim and Yang (2009), the thesis classifies the stocks as turnover rate and market capitalization, examining the magnet effect with different portfolios. The results demonstrate that the magnet effect appears as the price of large stocks increases 9.5% while the cool-off effect initiates as the price of small stocks decreases 9%. Reversal effect is found in both large and small stock when the decline of the price exceeds 6%. Moreover, a dummy variable is introduced in the regression to capture the difference made by the Connect. The evidence of magnet effect is shown respectively when the price of large stocks decreases 9.5% and when the price of small stocks decreases 8% after the Connect launched. Price limits fail to cool off the market. Therefore, the program may not rationalize Shanghai stock market. Due to the disappearance of magnet effect on A+H shares after the link between two markets, the thesis conjectures the program may provide an opportunity to switch to Hong Kong market before the price crosses the limit bound. However, information disadvantage and strict trading rules force foreign investors trading on A-shares to make suboptimal strategies.

Analýza výkonnosti call centra pomocí statistických metod / Analysis of Call Center Performance Using Statistical Methods

Přikrylová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The master’s thesis analyzes the key performance areas of the call centre, which contact debtors of nonbank company, which provides loans. An author analyze a collection process with a wide range of statistical methods and then propose actions, which would lead to do this process more effective, which overall will lead to a better performance of whole call centre.

Mitteilungen des URZ 4/2008

Grunewald, Dietmar, Müller, Thomas, Richter, Frank, Riedel, Wolfgang, Schmidt, Ronald, Ziegler, Christoph 27 November 2008 (has links)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums:Projekt SECNet - Security Enhanced CampusNet Lösungen für personenunabhängige E-Mail-Adressen Windows Vista an der TU Chemnitz Admindienste in MyURZ Vidkon - ein Schritt in Richtung Multimedia-Campus 'Mobile Connect' = Parallelruf am Handy Kurzinformationen: Neue Version von Webmail in Betrieb, Windows-Applikationsserver (WAPPS) erneuert, Betrieb der Web-Cache Server wird eingestellt, Virtueller Computeserver, Migration auf Scientific Linux 4.7, Neues im IT-Service der UB Software-News: Bedarf an Geodaten-Software?, Bedarfsumfrage: PGI Cluster Development Kit für Linux, Mathematica Player verfügbar, Neue Softwarehandbücher

Documenting and Improving the Design of a Large-scale System

Toresson, Gabriel January 2019 (has links)
As software systems become increasingly larger and more complex, the need to make them easily maintained increases, as large systems are expected to last for many years. It has been estimated that system maintenance is a large part of many IT-departments’ software develop­ment costs. In order to design a complex system to be maintainable it is necessary to introduce structure, often as models in the form of a system architecture and a system design. As development of complex large-scale systems progresses over time, the models may need to be reconstructed. Perhaps because development may have diverted from the initial plan, or because changes had to be made during implementation. This thesis presents a reconstructed documentation of a complex large-scale system, as well as suggestions for how to improve the existing design based on identified needs and insufficiencies. The work was performed primarily using a qualitative manual code review approach of the source code, and the proposal was generated iteratively. The proposed design was evaluated and it was concluded that it does address the needs and insufficiencies, and that it can be realistically implemented.

The Use of Core and Outrigger Systems for High-Rise Steel Structures

Alanazi, Abdulaziz Manqal 19 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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