Spelling suggestions: "subject:"connell"" "subject:"donnell""
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"Es ist nicht gut, so ganz allein zu sein-" : Männlichkeiten und Geschlechterbeziehungen in Theodor Storms später Novellistik /Forssell, Louise, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2006.
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Det finns olika sätt att vara kvinna eller man på : - en analys av tre ungdomsromaner av Katarina von BredowVodenicarevic, Alma, Muhamedbegovic, Nura January 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to find out whether or not gender related theories regarding the division between men and women can be applied to three novels written by Katrina von Bredow, Syskonkärlek (1991), Som jag vill vara (2007) and Flyga högt (2011). The theories used in this research were Yvonne Hirdman’s theory and R.W Connell’s theory. Hirdman claims that there are differences between men and women at different levels in the society while Connell believes that this is a myth because, according to the writer, men and women are psychologically similar. The intent with this research was to provide a gender analysis of Bredows novels, because these novels have not been studied previously. There was a deliberated focus on teenagers and these three novels were selected because they, for several years, were on Halmstad City Library’s top ten lists of most borrowed books. Another major reason why these novels were chosen is because Katarina von Bredow has received Children’s Novel Prize 2012 for her book Flyga högt and also because Bredow often visits schools to lecture which means that she is a part of today’s school community. In this study, a qualitative text analytic method was used to achieve the best results. The results corresponded, mostly, with the theories cited in this essay’s literature review on how men and women in teenage novels are narrated and how relationships between genders are formed. For instance, all characters go against the norm of what is considered typically male or female and no one possesses only male or female characteristics, this means that Connell’s theory can be applied on this result. However, one can also find out that there exists an implicit gender contract in all of the studied relationships between boys and girls in these three novels. One example, that is recurrent in all the novels, is the male character is expected to be the initiator which means that the man has the power over the relationship. Hirdman claims, that this phenomenon always occurs in relationships between men and women.
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"Identitet handlar i stort sett om att passa in och att kunna vara en del av någonting" : En studie kring hur män upplever och konstruerar sin identitet samt hur de ser på manlighet och maskulinitet. / "Identity is all about fit and be able to be part of something" : A study of how young men perceive and construct their identities and how they look at manhood and masculinity.Jonsson, Claudia January 2011 (has links)
Dagens ungdomar befinner sig i större utsträckning i frånvaro av vuxna. De lever idag i ett allt mer utpräglat mediesamhälle, de matas ideligen av det massmediala utbudet och det handlar mer om yta och prestationer än om känsla och medmänsklighet. Syftet är att undersöka hur sex unga män i åldrarna 16-17 år upplever och konstruerar sin identitet samt hur de ser på manlighet och maskulinitet i relation till familj, skola samt vänner/fritid – där sistnämnda även inkluderar nätverksamhet som Facebook. Empiri har samlats in med hjälp av intervju som metodverktyg. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är Connells teorier kring maskulinitet och den hegemoniska maskuliniteten samt Bourdieus begrepp habitus och kapitaltillgångar. Ett tydligt och framträdande resultat har visat sig, nämligen att identitetsskapandet påverkas och är beroende av ett flertal faktorer. Den sociala bakgrunden, val av gymnasieprogram, sociala och kollektiva relationer samt vikten av en riktig vän är samtliga grundläggande faktorer i identitetsskapandet. Studien visar även att om man vill vara en del av någonting så erfordras en föränderlig identitet, förmågan att kunna gå in och ut ur olika grupper och samtidigt inneha en styrka att kunna stå för den man vill vara.
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Från herreman till sockenmålare. : En manlighetsstudie av C. J. L. Almqvists Målaren / From Gentleman to Parish Painter. : A Masculinity Study of C. J. L. Almqvist’s Målaren.Sjöstrand, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete har varit att analysera hur manlighet konstrueras i novellen Målaren av C. J. L Almqvist. De redskap som används är dels R. W Connells teori om att flera maskulinitetsformer finns representerade samtidigt i samhället, i ett hierarkiskt manlighetssystem. Dels undersöks ett par av de aspekter som användes i Sverige under 1800-talet för att beskriva mannen, karaktärskonceptet samt genren rådgivningshandbok. Det är dessa två aspekter som används i uppsatsen. I analysen av karaktärskonceptet framkommer att framförallt inre attribut, i denna text egenskaper som lekfullhet, fantasifullhet och kreativitet, samt god arbetsmoral och spänst, hurtighet, förespråkas. Huvudpersonen Elias har ett rikt inre liv överhuvudtaget, dessutom med religiösa inslag. Vidare har det gått att visa en läsning av Målaren som en utvecklad variant av genren rådgivningshandbok som var populär under första halvan av 1800-talet. Utvecklingen består i att Almqvist verkar tagit ett steg från fördömandet av män som fallit för sina frestelser, då han i Målaren istället för att lägga fokus på själva fallet visar på vägen upp till ett dygdigt liv. Connells idé om manlighetshierarki har hjälpt mig att genomföra en viss kartläggning av den regionala svenska, samt den lokala sockenbaserade hegemoniska maskulinitet som är aktiv i Målaren. I denna kartläggning framkom bland annat att den regionala hegemonin är stark präglad av den ståndstruktur som Sverige hade fram till dess upplösning 1866. Det visade sig också att många personer i Målaren, trots att Elias bevisligen hade ett utvecklat inre liv och att karaktärskonceptet var en mycket central aspekt av idealmanligheten, i ganska stor utsträckning verkar bedömas efter sin klasstillhörighet. Det tyder på att den regionala maskuliniteten genomsyrar och påverkar den lokala, även om några krockar påvisats. / This essay investigates how masculinity is constructed in the short story Målaren (The painter), written by C. J. L. Almqvist. The tools used in the analysis were, first, R. W. Connells theory about there being multiple forms of masculinity represented in society simultaneously, within a hierarchical masculinity-system. Second, the concepts that were used in Sweden, in the 19th century, to describe the concept of the male, have been utilised. More specifically, the concept of a person’s character and the genre “rådgivningshandbok” have been used. When analysing from a character-conceptual perspective/the perspective of a person having good or bad character, the results show that it is mostly the inner qualities, that is, in this specific text, qualities such as playfulness, imagination, and creativity, as well as good work moral, vigour, and heartiness, that are advocated. The main character, Elias, has a rich inner life, on the whole, with religious features as well. This essay also presents a reading of Målaren which shows that the short story is a developed variant of the genre “advice manual” which was popular in the first half of the 19th century. The development consists of Almqvist seemingly having taken a step beyond/away from the condemning of those men who yielded to temptation, since he concentrates on the journey back to a virtuous life, rather than making the crime itself the main focus of the story. Connell’s idea concerning a hierarchical system of masculinity has helped me with mapping the regional, Swedish, as well as the local, parish-based hegemonic masculinity which can be found in Målaren. Among other things, the analysis undertaken with Connell’s idea as support shows that the regional hegemony is strongly characterised by the system and culture of states that existed in Sweden until it was dissolved in 1866. It has also become evident that many of the characters in Målaren in spite of the fact that Elias unquestionably has a rich inner life and that the concept of a person’s character is a central aspect of the ideal masculinity, seem to be judged with respect to which social state or class they belong to. This fact indicates that the regional hegemonic masculinity permeates and affects the local, although some clashes have been demonstrated.
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Man eller mus? : En studie i representationer av maskulinitet och dandyism i Alexander Golovins porträtt av Mikhail Tereshchenko.Ström, Maria January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the representation of masculinity of Mikhail Tereshchenko as painted by Alexander Golovin at the beginning of the 20’th century, and to connect masculinity to the values of dandyism. An iconological analysis, in the style of Erwin Panofsky, and literary research resulted in various findings. Dandyism could partly be seen as a reaction against the normative masculinity, or hegemonic masculinity stated by R.W. Connell. Both Tereshchenko and Golovin were in their everyday life surrounded by highly regarded dandies and it is likely that they were influenced by the sprezzatura, esthetics and values of dandyism. The portrait reveals the wealth and status of Tereshchenko through the clothing and artefacts visible in the painting. These objects correspond with the importance of the ‘detail’ in dandyism. Golovin and Mir Iskusstva is a great example of how artists as a social group nourished dandyism in ways other than outer appearance.
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Effects of Soil-Borne Pathogens on Seedling Establishment Patterns in Forest SystemsSodja, Eric P. 01 December 2019 (has links)
The Janzen-Connell mechanism is proposed to maintain plant diversity: predators and diseases of seeds reduce the number of seeds that survive near a parent tree, but allow seeds far from the parent tree to grow into adulthood. In the area where seeds don’t survive, seedlings from other tree species which are not affected by the seed consumer can grow. At large scales, this effect is thought to increase overall plant diversity. Soil-borne pathogens can contribute to seed mortality in this way, but we don’t know how important different parts of their lifecycle are in creating Janzen-Connell patterns. To determine the role of soil-borne pathogens in the development of Janzen-Connell patterns, we constructed a simulation model to examine how tree and pathogen characteristics affect plant spatial patterns. Under specific combinations of tree and pathogen characteristics, we found that pathogens could create Janzen-Connell patterns. The most important parameters were how far trees dispersed their seeds, and how many seeds a tree produced in a year. These characteristics determined how much of an impact the pathogens were able to have on the tree population because they rely on the density of seeds to determine how far they can spread and how many spores they will produce.
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Spänn musklerna, pappa! : En analys av fadersgestaltningarna i Mig äger ingen och Skynda att älskaJosefsson, Josefiné January 2022 (has links)
I detta arbete undersökte jag fadersgestaltningarna i Åsa Linderborgs Mig äger ingen från 2007 och Alex Schulmans Skynda att älska från 2009. Jag ställde mig frågan vilken roll fädernas kroppar spelar i respektive barns minnesbilder, vilken typ av manlighet som träder fram genom respektive faderskap och om Leif (fadern i Mig äger ingen) och Allan (fadern i Skynda att älska) är representanter för någon särskild maskulinitet. Jag utgick från sociologen Raewyn Connells teori om maskuliniteter men tar därtill också särskild hjälp av Thomas Johanssons diskussion om barns minnesbild av sina fäder. Jag kom fram till att bägge fädernas kroppar spelar en central roll i respektive barns minnesbilder. Kroppen symboliserar trygghet och här särskilt när barnet omfamnas av sin fader. Vidare var det porträtteringen av Leifs kropp som hjälpte mig att konstatera att Leif kan betraktas som en marginaliserad man vars kropp fungerar som en maskin vilken jobbar på uppdrag åt den stora samhällskroppen, här med Michel Foucault och Ulf Mellströms respektive arbeten som utgångspunkter. Vidare kom jag fram till att Allan är en delaktig man eftersom han drar nytta sin patriarkala utdelning när han väljer att forma sitt faderskap på det sätt som gynnar honom själv. Ytterligare en slutsats jag kom fram till är att Leif stundvis drar nytta av denna utdelning och därmed även han blir en del av det hegemoniska projektet. Allans ålderdom och Leifs klasstillhörighet diskuteras i arbetet även om det är maskulinitet och faderskap som är uppsatsens nyckelbegrepp.
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Vad är poängen med jämställdhet? Arbetar lärare med jämställdhet i Samhällskunskap A för Estet- och Medieprogrammet?Svanberg, Sara January 2008 (has links)
Föreliggande arbete har haft som avsikt att undersöka på vilket sätt begreppet jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män får för genomslag i undervisningen i Samhällskunskap A i gymnasieskolan. Jag har intervjuat fyra lärare som undervisar i ämnet på Estet- respektive Mediaprogrammet. Elever som studerar på dessa program förbereds för ett arbete i det s.k offentliga rummet i yrken som skådespelare, dansare, konstnärer, journalister, författare o.dyl. Under studietiden men framför allt när de kommer ut i arbetslivet kommer människor att kunna ta del av deras verk.Avsikten har varit att undersöka hur lärare uppfattar, tänker och förbereder eleverna inför samhällslivet kring jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män. Undersökningen handlar också om jämställdhet diskuteras i samband med den konstart som eleven studerar. Jag har genomfört fyra kvalitativa intervjuer. Det har visat sig att det fortfarande inte är självklart att undervisa om jämställdhet trots att det i styrdokumenten för skolan finns inskrivet som en värdegrund. Det jag kommit fram till är att jämställdhet upplevs fortfarande som ett ämne som det är besvärligt att hantera. Orsakerna kan vara att man själv inte vet vad man tycker, det brister i kunskap eller att det inte känns angeläget.
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Vad skapar CS:GO-proffset “TACO” för maskulint avtryck på sociala medier? / What Does the CS: GO Professional “TACO” Create for Masculine Imprints on Social Media?Lenninger Sundberg, Anna January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsatsen undersöks det hur den 26 åriga esports-proffset Epitácio "TACO" de Melo representeras på den egna- samt esportsföretaget Godsents Instagram. Analysen har gjorts utifrån Raewyn Connells maskulinitetsperspektiv och vad det kan tänkas göra för avstamp på följarna. Undersökningen har genomförts via en kvalitativ-observerande textanalys. Från vardera Instagramflöde har jag valt ut nio representerande bilder. Bilderna har analyserat genom en mall som skapades utifrån textanalysens principer. Godsent och de Melo har tillsammans skapat en internetpersona som representerar det maskulina idealet som dominerar esportsvärlden. Detta idealet avtecknar sig ur ett ideal som är aggressivt, våldsamt och dominant. Förvisso är inte detta den enda representationen som är synlig men den som ger starkast intryck. Som micro celebrity kultiverar Taco sina fans genom värderingar och budskap och på så sätt bär ett ansvar, framförallt när publiken i esport är så ung. Denna representationen motverkar möjligheten för andra grupper i samhället att ta del av samfundet. / This thesis investigates how the 26-year-old esports professional Epitácio "TACO" de Melo is represented on his own- and the esports company Godsent's Instagram. The analysis has been made from Raewyn Connells masculinity perspective and the possible impact this can generate on his followers. The survey was conducted via a qualitative-observational text analysis. From each Instagram feed I have selected nine representative images for the analysis. The analysis is through a template that was created based on the principles of text analysis. Godsent and Taco have together created an internet persona that represents the masculine ideal that dominates the esports world. This ideal stands out from an ideal that is aggressive, violent and dominant. Certainly this is not the only representation that is visible but the one that gives the strongest impact. As a micro celebrity, Taco cultivates his fans through values and messages and thus bears a responsibility, especially when the audience in esports is so young. This representation counteracts the opportunity for other groups in society to take part in the esports society.
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Aspectos da distribuição espacial, associação com hábitat e herbivoria dependente da densidade de Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae) em restinga alta na Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia, SP, Brasil / Aspects of spatial pattern, habitat association and herbivory density-dependent of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae) in restinga alta florest, Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia. SP. BrazilPannuti, Marcia Ione da Rocha 15 May 2009 (has links)
Muitas teorias, englobando diferentes fatores e mecanismos, já foram postuladas para explicar a alta coexistência de espécies arbóreas nos trópicos, a qual permanece como uma questão intrigante e subentendida na ecologia vegetal. O estudo da dinâmica de árvores ao nível populacional contribui e embasa, por sua vez, o entendimento desses fatores e mecanismos atuando ao nível da comunidade. O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi investigar alguns aspectos relacionados com a dinâmica de uma espécie arbórea comum Calophyllum brasiliense Camb.(Clusiaceae) em floresta de restinga alta Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia, SP. Para isso, além de termos testado se a sobrevivência e o desempenho de suas plântulas estavam relacionados com níveis de herbivoria dependentes da densidade, testamos se a ocorrência da espécie apresentava associação com hábitats de solo e caracterizamos sua distribuição espacial na área de estudo. Na Introdução Geral (Capítulo 1) nós enumeramos as principais teorias já propostas para explicar a alta diversidade tropical, as quais incluem diversos mecanismos atuantes na dinâmica de espécies arbóreas. Tradicionalmente, modelos que focam em fatores dependentes da densidade eram freqüentemente contrastados com modelos baseados na segregação de hábitats e nichos para explicar a coexistência de espécies, ainda que atualmente sabe-se que atuem concomitantemente na estruturação das comunidades. Por esse motivo, os descrevemos em linhas gerais. Apresentamos, também, como o estudo da distribuição espacial de uma espécie pode dar indícios de processos subjacentes responsáveis pelos padrões gerados, os quais devem ser inferidos e posteriormente testados. Adicionalmente, resumimos uma teoria em especial, a qual embasa o capítulo seguinte e foi o ponto inicial dessa dissertação: o Modelo Janzen-Connell. Além de termos explorado brevemente seu contexto conceitual, também revisamos os principais resultados de investigações de seus efeitos em outras áreas de estudo e com diferentes metodologias. Como os dois demais capítulos foram desenvolvidos utilizando a mesma área e espécie de estudo, também incluímos neste capítulo suas respectivas descrições. Para testar o modelo Janzen-Connell (Capítulo 2), nós delineamos um experimento no qual avaliamos os danos por herbivoria, a mortalidade e o desempenho das plântulas de C. brasiliense, sob diferentes tratamentos: proteção contra herbivoria, distância e agrupamento de adultos coespecíficos. Encontramos que os efeitos dependentes da distância e da densidade não atuaram como previsto pela teoria para a espécie de estudo, a qual, apesar de ter sofrido altos danos por herbivoria, mostrou-se tolerante e apresentou crescimento compensatório em resposta a estes. Além de termos proposto que a pressão por seus herbívoros especialistas parece encontrar-se amplamente distribuída na área de estudo, e não agregada ao redor de densidades de coespecíficos, também sugerimos que o micro-hábitat, especialmente a umidade do solo parece ser melhor preditora da sobrevivência da espécie do que a herbivoria. No Capítulo 3, portanto, testamos a ocorrência de associação da espécie com o hábitat de solo, como proposto no capítulo 2. Para isso, adotamos uma abordagem conjunta com o estudo da distribuição espacial, possibilitando a inferência de outros mecanismos possivelmente relacionados com a dinâmica da espécie, além do micro-hábitat. Caracterizamos o padrão de distribuição espacial através do uso de metodologias espaciais de segunda-ordem complementares: K-Ripley e O-ring, e testamos a questão da associação com hábitat a partir de torus translation, uma metodologia relativamente nova que incorpora a autocorrelação espacial entre troncos coespecíficos. Além de detectarmos um padrão de distribuição agregado, com escalas críticas de agregação variáveis entre as classes de tamanho investigadas, encontramos que a espécie apresenta uma associação positiva com o tipo de solo alagável (Neossolo), onde sua densidade relativa foi 30% maior em comparação com os outros tipos de hábitat. Os adultos, além de terem se mostrado positivamente associados a esse solo, também apresentaram uma associação negativa com os solos mais arenosos e menos úmidos. Os jovens, encontrados em relativamente baixa densidade, não mostraram associação com nenhum hábitat de solo. Sugerimos que a tolerância ao encharcamento e à condições anóxicas, bem como a ocorrência de hidrocoria como uma de suas formas de dispersão, os principais fatores favoráveis à sua sobrevivência e rápido desenvolvimento ontogenético nessas condições de solo. Utilizamos informações sobre a ecologia de C. brasiliense já disponibilizadas por outros estudos para inferir ou excluir possíveis fatores relacionados com sua distribuição espacial, e a associação com hábitat e o experimento de herbivoria (Capítulo 2) como testes desses possíveis fatores. Nas considerações finais, reunimos todas as informações propostas e testadas sobre os mecanismos que atuam na dinâmica de C. brasiliense e sugerimos que o padrão espacial agregado detectado para a espécie pode ser decorrente da interação entre três fatores principais: (1) associação diferenciada com ambos tipos de solos, alagáveis e arenosos; (2) ocorrência simultânea e complementar de três agentes dispersores da espécie (vento, morcego e água) e (3) alta competição intra-específica dependente da densidade, ao longo do estágio ontogenético. Finalizamos com a construção de um modelo hipotético acompanhado de predições testáveis sobre a distribuição espacial e dinâmica da espécie. Estes resultados atribuem à ação conjunta de processos bióticos e abióticos a possível resposta para complementarmos o entendimento sobre o padrão espacial encontrado, como já sugerido por outros estudos nos trópicos. / Several theories, including different factors and mechanisms, have been postulated to explain the high tree species coexistence in tropics, which remains an unsolved question that continues to pose a challenge to plant ecologists. Population-level tree dynamics studies contribute to a better understanding of the processes acting on community-level. The aim of the present study was to investigate some aspects related to the dynamics of a common tree species, Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae), in a Restinga Alta forest in Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia, SP. We investigated if seedling survival and fitness were related to density-dependent herbivory, tested if the species presented an association with soil habitats and characterized its spatial patterns distribution in the study area. In General Introduction (Chapter 1) we enumerated the main theories developed so far to explain high tropical diversity, which include many processes acting on the tree species dynamics. Traditionally, models focused on density-dependent factors were frequently contrasted with models based on habitat or niche partitioning, but we know nowadays that both are acting simultaneously to determine community structure. For this reason we described in general lines both models. We also discussed how detected spatial patterns of a species may give account for underlying processes responsible for the generated patterns and the need of experimental tests after such inferences. Additionally, we resumed Janzen-Connell model which embases next chapter and was also the starting point of this dissertation. We did a brief contextualization about Janzen-Connell model and reviewed main results of investigations of its effects in others study areas using alternatives methodologies. As the next two chapters were developed in the same study area and with the same species, we also included their descriptions in the general introduction. In order to test the Janzen-Connell model (Chapter 2), we designed an experiment to evaluate C. brasiliense seedlings survival and fitness under three treatments: protection against herbivory, distance from conespecific adults and tree parental density. We found that the distance and density-dependent effects did not act as predicted by the model for our study species. Despite the high herbivory damages it suffered, its seedlings showed tolerance and compensatory growth responses. We proposed that pressure by host-specific herbivores seems to be widespread in the study area instead of aggregated around conespecific densities. Patterns detected also suggest that soil moisture is a better predictor for the species survival than herbivory. On chapter 3, therefore, we tested if density of this species presented any association with soil habitats, as suggested in chapter 2. We used an approach conjunct with the spatial distribution, permitting the inference of other underlying processes possibly related to the species dynamics besides the micro-habitat. We characterized the spatial distribution patterns using two complementary second-order point pattern statistics, K-Ripley and O-ring, and tested the habitat association using the torus translation procedure that incorporates spatial autocorrelation between conespecific stems. Besides detecting clumped distribution patterns, with variable critic scales with the analyzed size classes, we also detected a positive habitat association with temporally flooded soil (Neossolo), where its relative density was 30% greater comparing to others soils types. Adult stage was also positively associated with Neossolo and, in the other hand, was negatively associated with Espodossolo arênico, which is characterized by lower moisture soil levels. Young stage corresponded to only a quarter of all species stems and did not show any association with soils habitats. We suggest that flooding and anoxic conditions tolerance, as well as the occurrence of hidrocory among its dispersion types, the main factors favorable to survival and fast ontogenetic development in these soil conditions. We used information about C. brasiliense ecology from other studies to infer or exclude possible related factors with its spatial distribution and the habitat association and Janzen-Connell tests to complement these supposed factors. On Final Considerations we synthesize all proposed and tested information about underlying processes acting on C. brasiliense dynamics and suggest that the clumped spatial pattern detected may be an interaction result of three main factors: (1) differential association with both temporally flooded and unflooded soils, (2) occurrence of three simultaneous and complementary seed dispersal agents (gravity, bats and water) and (3) high density-dependent intra-specific competition through ontogenetic stages. We finalize proposing a hypothetic scenario with testable predictions about the species spatial pattern detected to C. brasiliense in the study area. These results attribute to grouping acting effects of both abiotic and biotic processes the possible answer to complement our understanding about tree spatial patterns founded, as suggested by other studies in the tropics.
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