Spelling suggestions: "subject:"consolidation."" "subject:"konsolidation.""
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Lietuvoje rengtų žemės konsolidacijos projektų patirtis / Experience Of Land Consolidation Proejcts In LithuaniaGudelevičius, Marius 03 June 2009 (has links)
Žemės konsolidacijos metu vyksta kompleksinis visos teritorijos pertvarkymas, atsižvelgiant į vietovės ypatumus, kaimo bendruomenės, žemės savininkų ekonominius interesus ir aplinkosaugos rekomendacijas. Šiuo metu teritorija, kurioje galėtų būti rengiami konsolidacijos projektai, yra daugiau nei 2500 tūkst. ha privačios žemės ūkio paskirties žemės, kuri priklauso apie 300 tūkst. žemės savininkų.
2000 – 2003 metais Lietuvoje vyko keturi bandomieji žemės konsolidacijos projektai, kurie leido įvertinti esamą padėtį Lietuvoje – išryškino šalies specifiką bei teisės aktų trūkumus. Šie bandomieji žemės konsolidacijos projektai buvo atlikti remiantis užsienio ekspertų patirtimi, kurie stengėsi savo šalių patirtį pritaikyti Lietuvos sąlygomis.
Darbe išanalizuoti bandomųjų ir šiuo metu atliktų žemės konsolidacijos projektų rezultatai ir išryškinti jų privalumus bei trūkumus. Bandomuosiuose projektuose dalyvavo tik 28% žemės savininkų, iš galėjusių dalyvauti. Kaimo plėtros priemonės įgyvendintos tik dalinai Pabaisko ir Puskelnių projektų teritorijose, nors savininkai visuose projektuose pageidavo tokių plano sprendinių. Viena iš pagrindinių priežasčių, kodėl nebuvo įgyvendintos subalansuotos kaimo plėtros priemonės – atskiras finansavimas tik žemės konsolidacijos projektams.
2007 – 2008 metais Lietuvoje buvo įgyvendinta 14 žemės konsolidacijos projektų Telšių, Tauragės, Marijampolės ir Panevėžio apskrityse. Šie projektai skyrėsi ir savo dydžiu (nuo 133 iki 670 ha), ir pasiektais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Land consolidation is a complex territory rearrangement taken into account local peculiarities, rural community and land owners economical and environmental recommendations. Today the area for available land consolidation projects is more than 2500 thousands ha of private agricultural land, which includes more than 300 thousands owners.
Four pilot land consolidation projects were accomplished during 2000 – 2003. These projects estimated situation in Lithuania, showed specific features of country and required legal base for land consolidation.
The article analyses the results of pilot projects. Only 28% of land owners took participation in pilot land consolidation projects. Means of rural development were implemented partly only in Pabaiskas and Puskelniai projects, although owners asked for these means in all projects. One of the main reasons for this is separate financing for land consolidation projects and rural development measures.
14 land consolidation projects were implemented during 2007 – 2008 in Telšių, Tauragės, Marijampolės and Panevėžio counties. These projects varied by size (from 133 to 670 ha) and results. First land consolidation projects were implemented in counties, where farm size is greater than average in Lithuania and dominate 10 – 50 ha farms. Accomplished regression analysis shows, that there is a strong relations between project area and implementation costs. Larger projects are more efficient and less costly. The costs of project implementation... [to full text]
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The effects of regulatory changes on insider trading and price movements during corporate takeoversLiu, Zhu Stuart 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis addresses two important issues necessary to understand whether insider trading
should be prohibited: the effects of insider trading on stock prices and the compensation to insiders
for providing information and other related services. This task is accomplished by analyzing stock
price changes during corporate takeovers, before and after the regulatory changes in the 1980's that
were designed to reduce the level of insider trading.
In this thesis, we develop an indirect measure of insider trading that shows how observable
stock price movements during takeovers allow one to make inferences about changes in insider
trading after regulatory changes. Specifically, we show that when inside information is partially
revealed to the market, the effects of regulatory changes on insider trading can be identified by
examining the price movements of stocks around takeover announcements. If, however, information
is not revealed at all or is fully revealed, it is impossible to identify the effects of regulatory changes
on insider trading.
We also develop a segmented diffusion model to analyze price movements characterized by
cumulative abnormal returns during the period surrounding a takeover announcement. An
econometric model is developed to estimate the segmented diffusion model. Naturally, this
methodology applies to the study of various events in addition to corporate takeovers and regulatory
We conduct empirical analysis to test three hypotheses. With regard to Hypothesis I, we find
strong evidence that the tightening of insider trading regulations in the 1980's was effective and that
inside information was partially revealed to the market. With regard to Hypothesis II, we find
evidence that insider trading regulations have more effect on negotiated takeovers than on takeovers
initiated by bidding. With regard to Hypothesis III, we find weak evidence that insiders associated
with acquiring firms seek fewer but more profitable takeovers after the introduction of tighter
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Žemės konsolidacijos poreikis Radviliškio rajone / Land consolidation in Radviliškis districtPonelytė, Audra 14 January 2009 (has links)
Lietuvoje vykdoma žemės reforma nebuvo nukreipta konkurencingų ūkių kūrimo linkme. Reformos metu faktiškai buvo vykdomas tik žemės grąžinimas, neatsižvelgiant į ūkių struktūrą, to pasekoje susiformavo smulki žemėnauda. Atkūrus nuosavybės teises į žemę, mišką, vandens telkinius bei aktyvėjant žemės rinkai, susidarė prielaidos pradėti kitą žemės reformos etapą – žemės konsolidaciją. Pirmieji konsolidacijos projektai Lietuvoje pradėti vykdyti 2006 metais.
Žemės konsolidacijos projektų rengimo pradžią konkrečioje teritorijoje lemia eilė tarpusavyje glaudžiai susijusių veiksnių: ūkių dydžiai, sklypų plotai, konfiguracija ir išsidėstymas, kelių ir melioracijos sistemų būklė ir pan.
Pradedant rengti šiuos projektus būtina labai gerai išnagrinėti situaciją, kad būtų galima pasiekti maksimalaus žemės naudojimo pagerinimo, patogaus kelių tinklo išdėstymo. Šio darbo pirmoji dalis skirta žemės konsolidacijos teisinių pagrindų Lietuvoje analizei, konkurencingų ūkių kūrimosi prielaidų bei pirmųjų konsolidacijos projektų Lietuvoje aptarimui. Didelę darbo dalį sudaro žemės fondo ir jo kaitos analizė Šiaulių apskrities Radviliškio rajone. Naudojantis statistikos duomenimis ir atliktos apklausos rezultatais, įvertinamas žemėnaudų fragmentiškumas bei žemės konsolidacijos poreikis rajone. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad žemės konsolidacija labiau suinteresuoti prekinių ūkių savininkai, nei smulkūs žemės savininkai, kurių naudojama žemėnauda praktiškai yra išsidėsčiusi viename, dviejuose žemės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Agrarian reform in Lithuania was not directed towards the creation of competitive farms. During the course of the agrarian reform more attention was paid to the restitution of the land than to the structure of the farms. Therefore the small land-tenures were formed. The finished process of restoration of proprietorial rights to land, forests, water bodies and the active land market created the background for the second stage of the agrarian reform – for the land consolidation. The first consolidation projects in Lithuania were launched in 2006.
The beginning of the development of land consolidation project in a certain territory was determined by several closely related factors, i. e. size of farms, areas, configuration and location of sites, the state of roads and-reclamation systems, etc. When initiating such projects, the situation must be analyzed thoroughly in advance, must be aimed at maximum improvement of land usage, practical and convenient distribution of roads.
The dynamics of the structure of rural economy, the necessary conditions for the creation of competitive farms, the first land consolidation projects in Lithuania and other European Union countries are analyzed in the first part of this work. The analysis of the stock of lands, the analysis of agricultural land structure in the district of Radviliškis consist the biggest part of this research work. The need of land consolidation in Radviliškis was evaluated using the statistical data and the survey results... [to full text]
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Žemės ūkio paskirties žemės sklypų išdėstymo pertvarkymo poreikis / The need of land plot for farming layout reorganisationŽoštautienė, Rita 22 January 2009 (has links)
Lietuvoje vykstant žemės reformai nuosavybės teisių į turėtą žemę atkūrimo procesas sąlygojo žemėvaldos formavimo principus. Išryškėjo suformuotų žemėvaldų trūkumai: žemės savininko žemėvalda suformuota keliuose sklypuose, mažas sklypų plotas, netaisyklinga ir nepatogi žemės sklypų konfigūracija, iki galo neišspręsti privažiavimo prie sklypų keliai. Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – atlikti moksliškai pagrįstą ūkių žemėnaudų analizę ir nustatyti jas sudarančių žemės sklypų pertvarkymo poreikį.
Lietuvos žemės ūkyje vyrauja smulkūs – iki 10-12 ha, nekonkurencingi, mažo investicinio pajėgumo ūkiai. Jų žemės naudojimas optimizuojamas rengiant žemės konsolidacijos projektus. Žemės konsolidacijos projektai rengiami kaimo vietovėse, kuriose yra įgyvendinti žemės reformos žemėtvarkos projektai. Šiems projektams rengti yra palankios sąlygos – piliečiams baigiamos atkurti nuosavybės teisės į turėtą žemę, yra priimti teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys žemės konsolidacijos procesą. Įvyko bandomieji ir dabartiniu metu vyksta keletas žemės konsolidacijos projektų. Žemės konsolidacijos projektų rengimo poreikis akivaizdus – reikalinga pertvarkyti žemės reformos metu neracionaliai suformuotus žemės sklypus. Žemės konsolidacijos poreikis kyla asmenims, naudojantiems savo žemės sklypus ir siekiantiems pagerinti jų išsidėstymą. Pagrindinis tikslas, kurio siekiama rengiant žemės konsolidacijos projektus – kiekvieno žemės ūkio ar miškų ūkio veikla užsiimančio žemės naudotojo sklypų išdėstymą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / With a land reform being implemented in Lithuania, the process of restitution of ownership rights to the formerly possessed land has conditioned land-ownership formation principles. The drawbacks of the developed land-ownerships have become distinct: the land-ownership of the one land owner is developed into separate land plots, a small area of formed land plots; irregular and inconvenient configuration of land plots; incompletely solved access roads to the land plots.
The aim of the Master‘s research paper is to carry out a scientifically grounded analysis of land usage in farms and define the need of reorganisation of the constitutive land plots. In the agriculture of Lithuania small-scale, up to 10-12 ha, uncompetitive farms with small investment capacity prevail. Utilization of their land is being optimized by preparing land consolidation projects. The land consolidation projects are being prepared in the countryside, where the land reform projects are already developed. There are beneficial circumstances for the preparation of these projects – the finishing of the process of restitution of ownership rights, the enactment of legal acts which are regulating the process of the land consolidation. Some experimental projects of the land consolidation were performed in the past and some projects of the land consolidation are proceeding now. The need for the preparation of the projects of the land consolidation is obvious - it is necessary to reform the unreasonably formed... [to full text]
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Absolventų įsitvirtinimo darbo rinkoje probleminiai aspektai (Klaipėdos verslo kolegijos pavyzdžiu) / Problematic Aspects of Consolidation of Graduates in the Labour Market (on the example of Klaipėda Business College)Daračienė, Rasa 16 August 2007 (has links)
Absolventų įsitvirtinimo darbo rinkoje probleminiai aspektai (Klaipėdos verslo kolegijos pavyzdžiu). Magistro darbas. Magistro darbu siekta ištirti Klaipėdos verslo kolegijos (KLVK) vadybos ir verslo administravimo studijų krypties 2003-2006 m. absolventų įsitvirtinimą darbo rinkoje sąlygojančius veiksnius. Tuo tikslu išnagrinėtos kolegijos absolventų įsidarbinimo teorinės prielaidos ir veiksniai, pagrįstas KLVK studijų programų atitikimas Vakarų Lietuvos regiono reikmėms, atliktas KLVK verslo vadybos, draudimo vadybos ir finansų studijų programų keturių laidų absolventų įsidarbinimo tyrimas, pateiktos išvados ir rekomendacijos jų konkurencingumui stiprinti. Pagrindiniai tyrime dalyvavusių absolventų įsidarbinimą sąlygojantys veiksniai: praktinio pasirengimo stoka, nepakankamas domėjimasis darbo rinkos tendencijomis, studijų KLVK procesui būdingi tradicinio mokymo/si požymiai. Patvirtintos hipotezės: vadybos ir verslo administravimo studijų krypties absolventai įgijo darbo rinkoje paklausią specialybę ir dauguma pagal ją dirba; dauguma karjeros tikslus kėlusių respondentų taip pat dirba pagal specialybę; pažangesni absolventai įgijo pakankamai profesinei veiklai reikalingų žinių ir gebėjimų, prasčiau besimokiusiems jų trūko. Nepasitvirtino prielaida, kad kuo geresni pažymiai, tuo labiau pakanka pasirengimo profesinei veiklai. / This Master’s Thesis analyses the determining factors of establishment of Klaipėda Business College (KLBC) graduates (2003-2006) in the study field of management and business administration in the labour market. For this purpose, the theoretical preconditions and factors of the College graduates’ placement have been analysed; the adequacy of the study programmes to the needs of Western Lithuania has been grounded; the placement research of the graduates in four years in Business Management, Insurance Management and Finance study programmes at KLBC has been carried out; conclusions and recommendations on how to enhance competitiveness have been suggested. The main factors preconditioning the placement of the respondents of the research: lack of practical preparation, insufficient interest taken in the labour market trends, features of traditional teaching/learning typical to the study process at KLBC. The adopted hypotheses: graduates of the study field of management and business administration get a marketable speciality in the labour market and majority of them work by speciality; majority of the respondents, who had a career objective, also work by speciality; advanced students gained sufficient knowledge and skills for professional activity, the lagging ones felt lack of them. The precondition – the better the marks, the more sufficient preparation for professional activity– was rejected.
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Coordinated freight logistics in existing city districts- Evaluation of methods for calculating energy and environmental effects / Samordnad varulogistik i befintliga stadsdelar - Utvärdering av metoder för att beräkna energi och miljöeffekterFossum, Heidi January 2013 (has links)
Norra Djurgårdsstaden is the largest ongoing construction project in Sweden and is planned to be completed in 2030. The city district is situated in north-eastern Stockholm, in a former industrial area where approximately 12 000 new homes and 35 000 workplaces are planned. The city district focuses strongly on reducing energy consumption and the negative impacts on the environment. One idea for realizing this goal is to implement coordinated freight logistics. This can be accomplished by building a consolidation centre where goods from different logistics companies and freight carriers can be loaded together on the same delivery vehicles and then be delivered in the same area in Norra Djurgårdsstaden. The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate five earlier evaluation reports on consolidation centres. Based on these evaluation reports and other relevant literature, it is recommended how a coordinated freight logistic project should be organized in Norra Djurgårdsstaden and how the impact on the environment and energy consumption should be calculated. The evaluation reports are from the logistic centre in the Old Town of Stockholm, the pilot project Samlic in Linköping, the urban consolidation centre in Norwich, the micro-consolidation centre in London and several urban logistic practices in Utrecht. A thorough comparative analysis of the five different evaluation reports has looked at the initiators and the stakeholders, the delivery situation before and after the implementation of the consolidation centre as well as done a deeper evaluation analysis of all the evaluation reports. The comparative analysis showed that the consolidation centres have had a positive effect on decreasing the number of delivery vehicles in the city district and thereby reducing the emissions and the energy consumption from the delivery vehicles. Based on the comparative analysis and other literature it is suggested that the initiative to build a consolidation centre in Norra Djurgårdsstaden has to come from the City of Stockholm. The stakeholders should be the City of Stockholm, logistics companies, freight companies, the different businesses in the area and the Ports of Stockholm. To encourage even more businesses to have deliveries from the consolidation centre and get more environmentally friendly delivery vehicles in the city district it might be necessary to use several management control instruments. Examples of control instruments are environmental zones, time windows and implement different restrictions on the delivery vehicles. It is essential to gather information about the delivery vehicles in the city district to estimate emissions and the energy consumption. The collection of data from the delivery vehicles can be gathered from consignment notes, driver notes, invoice data or statistics of the number of vehicles that have delivered goods in the city centre from freight and logistics companies. Then the delivery vehicles impact on energy consumption and the environment can be estimated with the computer tool Network of transports and environment (NTM-method). / Norra Djurgårdsstaden är det största pågående byggprojektet i Sverige och är planerat att slutföras under 2030. Stadsdelen ligger i nordöstra Stockholm, i ett före detta industriområde där cirka 12 000 nya bostäder och 35 000 arbetsplatser är planerade att byggas. Stadsdelen har ett starkt fokus på att minska miljöeffekterna och påverkan av energianvändningen. En av idéerna för att uppfylla detta är att införa samordnad varulogistik. Detta kan göras genom att bygga ett logistikcenter där gods från olika logistikföretag och godstransportörer kan lastas på samma leveransfordon och sedan levereras inom samma område i Norra Djurgårdsstaden. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utvärdera fem tidigare utvärderingsrapporter om logistikcenter. Med hjälp av dessa utvärderingsrapporter och annan litteratur ges det förslag på hur ett projekt inom samordnad varulogistik kan organiseras i Norra Djurgårdsstaden och hur miljöpåverkan och energiförbrukning från leveransfordonen kan beräknas. Utvärderingsrapporterna kommer från logistikcentret i Gamla Stan i Stockholm, pilotprojektet Samlic i Linköping, logistikcentret i Norwich, mikro-logistikcentret i London och olika logistikmetoder i Utrecht. En noggrann jämförande analys av de fem olika utvärderingsrapporterna har undersökt initiativtagare och intressenter, leveranssituationerna före och efter uppförandet av logistikcentren samt gjort en fördjupad utvärderingsanalys av samtliga utvärderingsrapporter. Den jämförande analysen visar att införandet av logistikcenter har haft en positiv effekt för att minska antalet leveransfordon i stadsdelen och därmed inneburit minskade utsläpp och lägre energianvändning för leveransfordonen. Baserad på den komparativa analysen och annan litteratur föreslås det att initiativet i Norra Djurgårdsstaden måste komma från Stockholms stad. Intressenterna bör vara Stockholms Stad, logistikföretag, godstransportörer, de olika företagen i området och Stockholms Hamnar. För att få fler företag att använda logistikcentret samt att få miljövänligare leveransfordon i stadsdelen kan det vara nödvändigt att använda flera styrmedel. Exempel på styrmedel är miljözoner, tidsfönster och att införa olika begränsningar på leveransfordon. Det är väsentligt att samla information om leveransfordonen i stadsdelen för att beräkna utsläpp och energianvändning. Insamlingen av data från leveransfordon kan hämtas från fraktsedlar, fakturaunderlag eller statistik över antalet fordon som har levererat varor i stadsdelen från frakt-och logistikföretag. Då kan miljö- och energieffekterna från leveransfordonen beräknas med dataverktyget Nätverket för transporter och miljö (NTM-metoden).
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This research takes a multidisciplinary approach to comprehensively investigate the material and mechanical properties as well as pore water chemistry of the Bearpaw shale. This made it possible to characterize how these properties relate to the mechanical strength of this material. The results of this research challenge our ideas of the hydrogeology and of the geological history of the region. Core samples of the Bearpaw Formation and the overlying glacial till were collected from a field site in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. A combination of laboratory tests including multi-staged oedometer tests, constant rate of strain oedometer tests, specialized triaxial swell tests, along with pore water chemistry and finite element modelling were used to meet the following objectives: (1) To investigate the material properties and compression behaviour of the Bearpaw in addition to assessing disturbance due to specimen size; (2) Examine the time dependent behaviour of the Bearpaw and the transferability of time rate models developed for soft soils to stiff soils; (3) Examine the swelling potential and behaviour of the Bearpaw Formation and the influence of boundary conditions on this behaviour, while assessing the applicability of the swell concepts developed for compacted materials to a naturally swelling clay material; and (4) Constrain the depositional age of the till overlying the Bearpaw Shale.
Contrary to what is seen in soft soils, smaller sized specimens were found to reduce disturbance, and produce more accurate and consistent results. Creep was found to follow the same laws as it does in soft soils, calling into question whether the use of preconsolidation pressure to predict geological history in stiff clays is appropriate. There was significant variation in the observed swell pressures of samples of the same size and depth. Finally, the glacial till at site was found to belong uniquely to the Battleford Formation and ranges in age from 22,500 to 27,500 years which is much younger (over 100,000 years younger) than previously believed. / Thesis (Ph.D, Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2010-01-29 01:34:14.071
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An Empirical Study of the Causes and Consequences of Mergers in the Canadian Cable Television IndustryBYRNE, DAVID P R 13 December 2010 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays that study mergers and consolidation in the Canadian cable television industry. The first essay provides a historical overview of regulatory and technical change in the industry, and presents the dataset that I constructed for this study. The basic pattern of interest in the data is regional consolidation, where dominant cable companies grow over time by acquiring the cablesystems of small cable operators. I perform a reduced-form empirical analysis that formally studies the determinants of mergers, and the effect that acquisitions have on cable bundles offered to consumers. The remaining essays develop and estimate structural econometric models to further study the determinants and welfare consequences of mergers in the industry. The second essay estimates an empirical analogue of the Farrell and Scotchmer (1988) coalition- formation game. I use the estimated model to measure the equilibrium impact that economies of scale and agglomeration has on firms’ acquisition incentives. I also study the impact entry and merger subsidies have on consolidation and long-run market structure. The final chapter estimates a variant of the Rochet and Stole (2002) model of multi-product monopoly with endogenous quality and prices. Using the estimated model I compute the impact mergers have on welfare. I find that both consumer and producer surplus rise with acquisitions. I also show that accounting for changes both in prices and products (i.e., cable bundle quality) is important for measuring the welfare impact of mergers. / Thesis (Ph.D, Economics) -- Queen's University, 2010-12-09 14:39:15.431
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An unclean deal : why the European Commission was right to block GE-HoneywellFoerderer, Jens Peter January 2002 (has links)
When the European Commission ultimately blocked the merger between American giant General Electrics and Honeywell in July 2001, this decision triggered a firestorm of criticism. Not only had the Commission just stopped a purely American transaction for the first time since the enactment of European Merger Regulation, but it also contradicted its American Counterpart, the US Department of Justice: The Americans had cleared the deal several months earlier. / In spite of constant cooperative efforts during the investigation, the two antitrust agencies could not reach a common position. When scholars and officials tried to find reasons for the divergence between the American and European decisions, they often criticized the Commission's general approach of focusing on competitors rather than on consumers. They further claimed that the Commission had used dubious economic models to block the merger. / This thesis tries to reinstate the reputation of the European Commission as a professional antitrust institution. The criticisms often left the impression that the Task Force of the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission constituted a politically-orientated, rather than economic and legally-orientated, organ. It will be shown that this is actually not the case. / After having analyzed the Commission's decision in detail, and revealing both the strengths and weaknesses of its findings, the thesis will demonstrate that most of the criticisms have to be rejected, and that the Commission had a legal and economic basis in blocking the GE-Honeywell merger.
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Critique of shareholder status in Jordanian corporate law : a comparative approachHaddadin, Fadi. January 2000 (has links)
In 1989, Jordan chose to follow the track of democracy and open economy. From that time on, Jordan has embarked upon plans to reform its legal as well as economic and social structures. Continuous and serious efforts have been underway to enable Jordan to join the WTO (World Trade Organization) and become part of the new "economic global village". Many observers see this as a step to help Jordan materialize these plans and to help put it on a road that will inevitably lead to more freedom of choice and more competitiveness. / Opening the national markets means exposing the domestic industry and market to foreign competitors. In order to preserve the domestic economic and social fabrics, local industries have to gain the maximum efficiency and market width possible or they will go under. Such efficiency and investors' inducement can and should be encouraged through providing a "liberal" legal framework. Such a framework, applied to the field of corporate law, can impose market control over management's inefficiency, and give businesses the diversity they need to attract investors.
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