Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constitutive"" "subject:"konstitutive""
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Towards the localization and characterization of defects based on the Modified error in Constitutive Relation : focus on the buckling test and comparison with other type of experiments. / Vers la localisation et la caractérisation des défauts par la méthode de l’erreur en relation de comportement modifiée : exploitation des essais de flambage et comparaison avec d’autres types d’essais.Barbarella, Elena 05 December 2016 (has links)
Des nombreuses industries composites cherchent à étendre le champ d'application des composites structuraux à fibres continues pour d'autre marché que l'aéronautique. Être compétitif sur ces marchés potentiels, tel l'automobile, implique de se conformer à des contraintes différentes; de coût, de temps de mise en œuvre, de trace écologique. Dans ce cadre les résines thermodurcissables sont remplacées par des résines thermoplastiques permettant des temps de cycle cours. Ces temps de cycle cours favorisent l'apparition de défauts potentiellement important et une question récurrente dans ce cadre est: Comment traiter des défauts? Un des aspects de cette question est celui de la détection et de la caractérisation des défauts. L'approche actuelle est celle des techniques non destructives. Celles ci sont longues, coûteuses et complexes et apparaissent donc mal adaptées aux contraintes de coûts et de temps caractéristique de la plupart des produits grands diffusions. Ce problème a motivé ce travail de thèse: est-il possible de détecter et d'estimer l'effet des défauts sans avoir recours à des techniques d'essais non destructifs complexes et coûteuses? Une réponse acceptable pourrait conduire à moins de précision, mais devrait fournir des informations quantitatives suffisantes pour les applications. La voie étudiée dans cette thèse est celle de l'exploitation par approches inverse d'essais mécaniques statiques suivis par mesure de champs par corrélation d'images numériques. Seuls la localisation et la caractérisation de grands défauts est visée. Des essais de flambement ont été choisis en raison de leur sensibilité supposée aux défauts. Parmi les approches inverses, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la méthode de l'erreur en relation de comportement modifiée (MCRE). En effet cette méthode a, par le passé, montrée de très bonnes propriétés de localisation dans le cas d'essais de vibrations couvrant plusieurs fréquences propres. En vue d'obtenir une formulation simple et rapide nous avons privilégié une exploitation approchée des essais par l'intermédiaire d'une approche linéarisée du flambage. Une extension de la MCRE dans ce cadre a été proposée. Cette formulation pose, notamment la difficulté de traiter des résultats expérimentaux qui se présentent non pas sous la forme d'une réponse de flambage pure mais, en raison des défauts géométriques, d'une réponse non-linéaire dés le début des essais. Pour essayer de contourner cette difficulté une exploitation des essais au moyen du diagramme de Southwell a été utilisée. Elle permet, au moins pour des éprouvettes élancées, de déterminer la charge critique théorique d'une éprouvette sans défauts géométriques mais avec défauts matériels. La stéréo corrélation d'images numériques (StereoDIC) est exploitée pour reconstruire la déformée la forme de l'échantillon pendant le test. Les intérêts et les limites de la méthodologie sont discutés sur la base d'essais numériques et l'essai flambage est comparé aux essais de traction, flexion ou de vibration. Il est montré que l'exploitation d'essais de flambage par l'approche proposée est efficace au moins dans le cas d'imperfections géométriques modérées. Finalement la méthode est exploitée dans le cas d'essais expérimentaux à la fois pour un spécimen presque parfait et pour une pièce défectueuse, où une zone d'ondulation de la fibre est introduite. Les résultats obtenus sont encourageants. / Composite materials are nowadays extending their operational field to industrial applications other than aeronautics. New potential markets, such as automotive, imply the need to comply with different constraints; reduced cost and production time become more binding, taking the lead over the complete absence of defects. The drawback to fast automatized procedure is the higher defectiveness of the components produced, a deeper control of the part is therefore needed. Non-destructive techniques are expensive both in terms of cost and time and therefore the main question we tried to answer in this thesis is: is it possible to detect and estimate the effect of defects without resorting to the complex and time-consuming NDT techniques? An acceptable answer may potentially lead to a lower precision but should guarantee sufficient quantitative information for these applications. The thesis aims at exploring possibilities to use classical mechanical test combined with Digital Image correlation and inverse procedure to localize and characterized possible (large) defects. Buckling tests have been chosen at first due their supposed sensitivity to defects. Among the possible inverse technique, we have chosen to extend the so-called Modified Error in Constitutive Relation to the case of buckling because, in the case of vibration tests performed with several frequencies, the MCRE proved to have very good localization properties. The dedicated formulation of the MCRE for linearized buckling requires a post-processing of the non-linear experimental results. The Southwell plot is here employed to reconstruct the eigenvalue, the critical load, of the equivalent eigenvalue problem (i.e. the solution of the problem with material defect and no geometrical ones) and the Stereo Digital Image Correlation (StereoDIC) is exploited to reconstruct the deformed shape of the specimen during the test, used as mode. The interests and limits of the methodology are discussed notably through the comparison of numerical results using the MCRE in case of traction, flexion or vibration tests. It is shown that the linearized buckling based MCRE technique proves well for pseudo-experimental measurements at least for moderate geometrical imperfections. In addition first experiments have been performed; the defects are characterized from real experimental specimens, both for a nominally perfect specimen and for a defective one, where a zone of fibre waviness is induced. Stereo Digital Image Correlation (StereoDIC) is exploited to reconstruct the deformed shape of the specimen during the test, this shape being used as an approximation of the buckling mode. While on the first one no defects are detected, on the flawed specimen the localized area is in reasonable agreement with the area affected by fibre undulations.
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Developing Constitutive Equations for Polymer Foams Under Cyclic LoadingChen, Linling 11 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Prediction of Fluid Viscosity Through Transient Molecular Dynamic SimulationsThomas, Jason Christopher 02 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A novel method of calculating viscosity from molecular dynamics simulations is developed, benchmarked, and tested. The technique is a transient method which has the potential to reduce CPU requirements for many conditions. An initial sinusoidal velocity profile is overlaid upon the peculiar velocities of the individual molecules in an equilibrated simulation. The transient relaxation of this initial velocity profile is then compared to the corresponding analytical solution of the momentum equation by adjusting the viscosity-related parameters in the constitutive equation that relate the shear rate to the stress tensor. The newly developed Transient Molecular Dynamics (TMD) method was tested for a Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid over a wide range of densities and temperatures. The simulated values were compared to an analytical solution of the boundary value problem for a Newtonian fluid. The resultant viscosities agreed well with those published for Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (EMD) simulations up to a dimensionless density of 0.7. Application of a linear viscoelastic Maxwell constitutive equation was required to achieve good agreement at dimensionless densities greater than 0.7. When the Newtonian model is used for densities in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 and the Maxwell model is used for densities higher than 0.3, the TMD method was able to predict viscosities with an uncertainty of 10% or better. Application of the TMD method to multi-site molecules required the Jeffreys constitutive equation to adequately fit the simulation responses. TMD simulations were performed on model fluids representing n-butane, isobutane, n-hexane, water, methanol, and hexanol. Molecules with strong hydrogen bonding and Coulombic interactions agreed well with NEMD simulated values and experimental values. Simulated viscosities for nonpolar and larger molecules agreed with NEMD simulations at low to moderate densities, but deviated from these values at higher densities. These deviations are explainable in terms of potential model inaccuracies and the shear-rate dependence of both NEMD and TMD viscosity values. Results show that accurate viscosity predictions can be made for multi-site molecules as long as the shear-rate dependence of the viscosity is not too large or is adequately addressed.
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[pt] Problemas de engenharia geotécnica onde a resistência ao cisalhamento é fator determinante para o projeto são geralmente avaliados com base no critério de ruptura de Mohr-Coulomb; no entanto, modelos constitutivos avançados são necessários para abordar grande parte de problemas geotécnicos onde estimativas de deformação são necessárias. Lade e Kim propuseram um modelo constitutivo elastoplástico avançado para investigar o comportamento tensão vs. deformação de materiais com atrito, sob condição drenada ou não drenada. Nesta dissertação, este modelo foi implementado no programa computacional de diferenças finitas FLAC3D com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento elasto-plástico de aterros. As equações governantes do modelo constitutivo de Lade-Kim são apresentadas e um algoritmo explícito de integração de tensões foi implementado na presente pesquisa. Os resultados numéricos obtidos com o modelo de Lade e Kim foram comparados com aqueles publicados na literatura, envolvendo ensaios triaxiais de laboratório realizados em areia e análises numéricas 2D do comportamento de barragem. Finalmente, após validação da implementação do modelo, análises do comportamento 2D e 3D de aterros foram executadas, verificando a influência destes tipos de análise nos valores calculados, bem como resultados numéricos foram também comparados com aqueles determinados pelo tradicional modelo elasto-plástico de Mohr-Coulomb. / [en] Geotechnical engineering problems, where the design is mainly influenced by the shear strength, can be successfully analyzed considering a traditional constitutive model; however, advanced constitutive models must be used when the estimative of deformation is an important factor to be considered. Lade and Kim proposed the Lade-Kim model in order to model a granular material stress-strain constitutive relation under different combinations of effective stress and drained or undrained conditions. In this dissertation, this model is implemented and validated in the FLAC3D finite volume program, in order to study the elasto-plastic behavior of embankments. The governing equations of the constitutive model of Lade-Kim are presented and, using an appropriate stress integration algorithm, it is implemented in FLAC3D. This procedure is validated by using experimental results of triaxial tests performed on the sand of the Sacramento River and performing two-dimensional deformation analyzes of embankments and comparing the results with the literature. Finally, the Lade-Kim model is used in two-dimensional and three-dimensional deformation analyses of embankments in order to analyze the influence of the three-dimensional condition. On the other hand, the same analyzes were carried out using the Mohr- Coulomb constitutive model in order to compare the results and analyze the efficiency of the Lade-Kim constitutive model. Thus, it is concluded that the Lade-Kim constitutive model was successfully implemented and that it provides accurate results regarding modeling geomechanical behavior under different combinations of effective stresses.
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Thermomechanical Response of Shape Memory Alloy Hybrid CompositesTurner, Travis Lee 01 December 2000 (has links)
This study examines the use of embedded shape memory alloy (SMA)actuators for adaptive control of the themomechanical response of composite structures. Control of static and dynamic responses are demonstrated including thermal buckling, thermal post-buckling, vibration, sonic fatigue, and acoustic transmission. A thermomechanical model is presented for analyzing such shape memory alloy hybrid composite (SMAHC) structures exposed to thermal and mechanical loads. Also presented are (1) fabrication procedures for SMAHC specimens, (2) characterization of the constituent materials for model quantification, (3) development of the test apparatus for conducting static and dynamic experiments on specimens with and without SMA, (4) discussion of the experimental results, and (5) validation of the analytical and numerical tools developed in the study.
The constitutive model developed to describe the mechanics of a SMAHC lamina captures the material nonlinearity with temperature of the SMA and matrix material if necessary. It is in a form that is amenable to commercial finite element (FE) code implementation. The model is valid for constrained, restrained, or free recovery configurations with appropriate measurements of fundamental engineering properties. This constitutive model is used along with classical lamination theory and the FE method to formulate the equations of motion for panel-type structures subjected to steady-state thermal and dynamic mechanical loads. Mechanical loads that are considered include acoustic pressure, inertial (base acceleration), and concentrated forces. Four solution types are developed from the governing equations including thermal buckling, thermal post-buckling, dynamic response, and acoustic transmission/radiation. These solution procedures are compared with closed-form and/or other known solutions to benchmark the numerical tools developed in this study.
Practical solutions for overcoming fabrication issues and obtaining repeatable specimens are demonstrated. Results from characterization of the SMA constituent are highlighted with regard to their impact on thermomechanical modeling. Results from static and dynamic tests on a SMAHC beam specimen are presented, which demonstrate the enormous control authority of the SMA actuators. Excellent agreement is achieved between the predicted and measured responses including thermal buckling, thermal post-buckling, and dynamic response due to inertial loading.
The validated model and thermomechanical analysis tools are used to demonstrate a variety of static and dynamic response behaviors associated with SMAHC structures. Topics of discussion include the fundamental mechanics of SMAHC structures, control of static (thermal buckling and post-buckling) and dynamic responses (vibration, sonic fatigue, and acoustic transmission), and SMAHC design considerations for these applications. The dynamic response performance of a SMAHC panel specimen is compared to conventional response abatement approaches. SMAHCs are shown to have significant advantages for vibration, sonic fatigue, and noise control. / Ph. D.
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Influence of coextrusion die channel height on interfacial instability of low density polyethylene melt flowMartyn, Michael T., Coates, Philip D., Zatloukal, M. January 2014 (has links)
No / The effect of side stream channel height on flow stability in 30 degrees coextrusion geometries was investigated. The studies were conducted on a Dow LD150R low density polyethylene melt using a single extruder to feed a flow cell in which the delivered melt stream was split before, and rejoined after, a divider plate in a slit die. Wave type interfacial instability occurred at critical stream thickness ratios. Reducing the side stream channel height broadened the layer ratio operating range before the onset of interfacial instability, therefore improving process stability. Stress fields were quantified and used to validate principal stress differences of numerically modelled flow. Stress field features promoting interfacial instability in each of the die geometries were identified. Interfacial instability resulted when the stress gradient across the interface was asymmetric and accompanied by a non-monotonic decay in the stress along the interface from its inception.
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Mesostructural Characterization and Probabilistic Modeling of the Design Limit States of Parallel Strand LumberAmini, Alireza 01 February 2013 (has links)
Over recent decades, the public tendency toward using the structural composite lumber (SCL), a common composite of wood made of wood strands or veneers glued and compressed together, as structural members (especially the main load bearing members such as beams and columns) has risen considerably. In contrast to the fast-paced market growth of these products, development is slow. The experimental development is gradual and time-consuming and the computational development is even slower. The objective of this project is to introduce appropriate numerical models for limit state analysis of a certain type of SCL material called PSL.
Parallel strand lumber (PSL), has mesostructures characterized by the presence of voids that renders the mesostructure highly heterogeneous. In addition to material phase aberrations such as grain angle variations and defects, void heterogeneities play an important role in determining the failure modes and strength of PSL. In this study, virtual void structures were defined to form part of the input to finite element analysis of PSL for the purpose of investigating the sensitivity of strength to the void structure. Assuming the wood phase to be homogeneous and orthotropic, the following 2D and 3D characteristics of voids were investigated: volume fraction, volume, alignment and moments of inertia of voids, as well as second moment properties, lineal path function and chord length functions of the two phase mesostructure. In addition, a method was developed to generate virtual voids in order to simulate PSL and investigate the possible effects of the void distribution on material strength.
An experimental program along with a statistical survey was conducted to quantify the mentioned characteristics of the voids in two 133 mm * 133 mm * 610 mm 2.0 E Eastern Species PSL billets. As expected, most of the voids lie on the longitudinal direction of the specimen and have approximately an ellipsoidal shape. Based on this shape data, the characteristics of the ellipsoids which best t the voids were calculated. Using the statistical data of the fitted ellipsoids, a random field of virtual ellipsoid shaped voids to simulate the mesostructure of PSL was generated.
In this study, the simulation of PSL material is based on two simplifying assumptions: 1) The wood phase is continuum, homogeneous and orthotropic. While in reality, the wood phase consists of glued wood strands that are heterogeneous due to their mechanical variability and only roughly orthotropic on a macro scale as a result of the varying fiber angle; 2) Voids are the mere source of uncertainty. The linear elastic analysis of carefully defined (in mesostructural aspect) PSL models can be the first step of mechanical study of the material. The effective modulus of elasticity of material in presence of voids and the distribution of conventional, principal and effective stresses considering the effect of volume fraction and shape of the voids are the target of this preliminary study. Linear elastic uniaxial analyses showed good mechanical consistency between the models including actual void shapes and the models including ellipsoidal void representations. Also, they showed that the stress mutliaxiality at the tip of the voids is negligible.
The study of mechanics of PSL is incomplete unless the question of material anisotropy is taken into consideration. PSL is brittle in tension and ductile in compression. The material heterogeneity increases the complexity of the problem by affecting the stress distribution in the member. A detailed nonlinear approach has been proposed in order to investigate the mechanical behavior of PSL structural members under different uniaxial loading scenarios. This approach introduces proper constitutive models for the wood phase along with good void generation techniques. In other words, this approach suggests what models should be used for the continuum-assumed wood phase to simulate its brittle behavior in tension and ductile behavior in compression; and moreover, tests the applicability and accuracy of ellipsoidal void representation. The models are calibrated using the results of experiments on PSL material.
Because of the brittle behavior, all wood products show significant mechanical dependency to the member's size under tensile loading. Once good constitutive model and mesostructural simulation is found for tensile loading, it is easy to make and analyze PSL models with different sizes and investigate the effect of size on mechanical behavior. The simulation results have been compared to the available results of a previously done experimental study.
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Numerical investigation to determine the development of tensile strength in the early age of concrete using experimental data from anchor pull-out testsPan, Zengrui 18 October 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the tensile behavior of anchor pull-out tests from super early
age concrete(less than 12h) by finite element(FE) software ANSYS Workbench. In
previous experiment, several series of pull-out tests were finished and analyzed. In
each per hour, different speeds(1mm/s, 0.2mm/s, 0.1mm/s and 0.833mm/s) were
evaluated, getting the results about correlation of pull-out force and displacement(F-D
curve). It is difficult to evaluate the specific development of tensile strength in super
young concrete, due to the super plasticity that makes itself soft and unstable. The
first step of this study is to collect relevant empirical formula, theoretical varying
material properties with time and pull-out force of experimental applied anchors.
Comparison of simulation analysis results and empirical formulas determines whether
the establishment of the finite element model and adapted constitutive model of
known natural hardened concrete(NHC) are valid or not. The second procedure is that
the material properties of NHC are replaced by different age values and modified until
getting the same simulation results as experiment outcome. The propose of this paper
is to investigate a more accurate modified formula to describe the development of
tensile behavior in super early age concrete:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1 Modes of failure
2.2 A new failure mode
2.3 Finite Element Numerical Simulation
3. Research Questions
4. Aims/Objectives of the Research
5. Proposed Research Method
5.1 Previous Empirical theory
5.1.1 Cubic Compressive strength of Early Age Concrete
5.1.2 Tensile Strength of Early Age Concrete
5.1.3 Modulus of Elasticity in Early Age Concrete
5.1.4 Prediction of pull-out maximum force to headed studs from concrete
5.2 Pervious Experiment
5.3 Numerical Simulation
6. Significance/Contribution to the Discipline
7. Experiment Program
7.1 Experiment Setup
7.2 Experiment Result
8. Numerical simulation and analysis
8.1 Material Properties
8.2 Modelling Setup
8.3 The first pull-out test
8.4 Comparison Results at different stages
9. Discussion and Results
10. Summary and Conclusion
11. Recommendation for future studies
12. References
13. Appendix
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Constitutive Modeling of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate)Venkatasubramaniam, Shyam January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Integrated Multiaxial Experimentation and Constitutive ModelingPhillips, Peter Louis 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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