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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disección genética del mecanismo de resistencia frente a patógenos biotrofos mediado por el gen CSB3 en Arabidopsis thaliana

Gil Morrió, María José 06 May 2008 (has links)
La comprensión de los mecanismos moleculares que controlan la resistencia de la planta frente a patógenos biotrofos es un campo de investigación complejo y en expansión donde se impone la identificación de nuevos reguladores. Previamente se había descrito en nuestro laboratorio el gen P69C que codifica una proteasa con homología a subtilisinas y cuya expresión se induce en el transcurso de la interacción planta-patógeno. Con el fin de estudiar nuevos componentes de la planta implicados en la señalización de la respuesta defensiva, se procedió al escrutinio de mutantes de Arabidopsis thaliana que de forma constitutiva y sin la existencia de ningún estímulo externo se encontrara activada la expresión del gen GUS dirigida por el promotor P69C. En la presente memoria de tesis se describe ampliamente la identificación y caracterización del mutante, csb3 (constitutive subtilisin3). Las plantas csb3 poseen elevados niveles de ácido salicílico (SA) y además expresan genes dependientes de la ruta de SA tales como PR-1, PR-2 y GST6. Por otra parte, el mutante csb3 exhibe una elevada resistencia al oomiceto patógeno Hyaloperonospora parasitica de naturaleza biotrofa y a la bacteria patógena también biotrofa Pseudomonas syringae pv.tomato DC3000 (Pst) DC3000. Sin embargo, la resistencia a patógenos necrotrofos tales como Botrytis cinerea y Plectosphaerella cucumerina permanece inalterada en las plantas csb3. Para analizar la participación de los distintos componentes de la ruta de señalización dependiente de SA en la manifestación del fenotipo de resistencia de csb3, se procedió al análisis epistático entre csb3 y pad4, sid2, eds5, nahG, npr1, dth9 y cpr1. Estos estudios indican que la elevada resistencia frente a patógenos biotrofos de las plantas csb3 requiere de todos y cada uno de los componentes de la ruta de señalización dependiente del SA estudiados. El gen CSB3 identificado por clonaje posicional codifica la 1-hidroxi-2-metil-2-butenil 4-difosfato (HDS) sin / Gil Morrió, MJ. (2005). Disección genética del mecanismo de resistencia frente a patógenos biotrofos mediado por el gen CSB3 en Arabidopsis thaliana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1870


López Martínez, Juan Ángel 18 April 2017 (has links)
Combining the most recent technologies in concrete, Ultra-High-Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) arises as a promising material for the near future. UHPFRC have shown how flexible concrete can be to adapt to the ever-changing social and environmental demands. With its high flexibility composition and its mechanical properties, UHPFRC is full of both unexplored and unexploited possibilities. Engineers should take responsibility for this task. However, it is fair to acknowledge that this is not an easy task and it requires the development of reliable and widely accepted design standards provided by the scientific community. A major concern about durability, long-lasting structures and reduction of maintenance cost, as well as the development of new concrete technologies, improved knowledge of fibre effect and a huge growth in the fibre industry accompanied by fibre price reduction have led, among other factors, to the development of new types of concrete whose mechanical behaviour substantially differs from conventional fibre-reinforced concrete. This is why current characterisation methodologies and design standards must be reviewed and adjusted to these newer materials. However, design standard revision cannot disregard former milestones achieved thanks to decades of hard work. It must offer an integrated view in which new types of concrete comprise existing ones in a broader group, because at the end of the day and despite having newer and improved properties, new types of concrete are still concrete. That is how it should be understood and how it must be reflected in newer codes and standards. The work presented herein is focused on one of these recently developed materials that embraces major advanced technologies in concrete: Ultra-High-Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC). This work is specifically focused on those crucial requirements for the development and widespread use of it, such as constitutive tensile characterisation and classification. This work includes a deep revision of the uniaxial tensile behaviour of concrete and its development as fibre technology has evolved. In addition, traditional characterisation standard methods as well as those recently developed for its specific use on UHPFRC are reviewed and called into question. Throughout the document, the development of different methodologies to determine the uniaxial constitutive tensile behaviour of UHPFRC from bending tests are shown, together with a simplified characterisation proposal specially developed for being included in a standard. All developed methodologies presented herein are checked and validated. These methods are specifically designed for their application on experimental results obtained from a special type of four-point bending test, whose standardisation proposal for UHPFRC is also shown. Finally, a classification proposal is presented as a function of more relevant UHPFRC tensile parameters necessary for design that can be directly obtained from the standard characterisation test method suggested. Proposed classification encompasses the existing classification for conventional reinforced and fibre-reinforced concrete. In it, both plain concrete and fibre-reinforced concrete are presented as a particular case of a more general tensile constitutive response for concrete. Standard methodology and classification proposed are in accordance with the evolution of concrete and unify historic milestones achieved by the international research community. / El Hormigón de Muy Alto Rendimiento (HMAR) combina los últimos avances tecnológicos en hormigón y se erige como un material prometedor para el futuro. El HMAR ha demostrado su gran capacidad para adaptarse a las cada vez más exigentes demandas sociales y medioambientales. Con un gran abanico de posibilidades en su dosificación para conseguir las propiedades mecánicas deseadas, el HMAR es un material lleno de posibilidades aún sin explorar y sin explotar. Los ingenieros tienen la responsabilidad de esta tarea. Sin embargo, es justo reconocer que no se trata de una tarea fácil y que requiere de un desarrollo previo de códigos de diseño adecuados y ampliamente aceptados por parte de la comunidad científica. La aparición de nuevas tecnologías, el mayor conocimiento sobre la aportación de las fibras así como su industrialización y bajada de precios, las mayores preocupaciones sobre la durabilidad estructural, incremento de la vida útil o la reducción de los costes de mantenimiento, entre otros factores, han derivado en el desarrollo de nuevas tipologías de hormigones cuyo comportamiento mecánico difiere de manera sustancial de los tradicionales hormigones con fibras. Es por ello que tanto la readaptación de las metodologías de caracterización como las metodologías de diseño deben ser reformuladas. Y esto debe hacerse de manera no disruptiva, es decir, manteniendo la línea de los hitos alcanzados en los hormigones con fibras convencionales de manera que queden integrados en metodologías de caracterización y de diseño que los engloben, porque al fin y al cabo, y aunque con nuevas y mejores propiedades mecánicas, los nuevos hormigones siguen siendo hormigones. Así debe ser entendido y así debe quedar reflejado en las nuevas normativas. El presente trabajo se centra en uno de esos nuevos materiales desarrollados con el avance de las nuevas tecnologías como es el HMAR. En especial, este documento se centra en ese aspecto tan fundamental para el desarrollo de nuevos hormigones como es la caracterización mecánica y la tipificación. Este trabajo incluye una revisión del comportamiento mecánico uniaxial a tracción del hormigón y de su evolución con la aparición de las diferentes tecnologías. Además, se revisan y se ponen en cuestión los sistemas tradicionales de caracterización, así como los nuevos sistemas desarrollados en los últimos años para su empleo específico en el HMAR. A lo largo del documento se desarrollan diferentes metodologías para la obtención del comportamiento constitutivo a tracción del HMAR, así como la propuesta de una metdología simplificada de caracterización especialmente diseñada para ser incluida en una norma, todas ellas debidamente validadas. Estas metodologías son de aplicación específica a los resultados experimentales obtenidos mediante un ensayo a cuatro puntos sin entalla, cuya propuesta de estandarización para el HMAR ha sido también desarrollada. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta de tipificación de acuerdo a los parámetros más relevantes del comportamiento a tracción del HMAR que son necesarios para el diseño y que pueden ser directamente obtenidos del ensayo de caracterización propuesto. Esta clasificación engloba a la clasificación existente para el hormigón armado convencional y los actuales hormigones con fibras, de manera que se presenta la actual definición de hormigón con fibras como un caso particular de estos nuevos hormigones, respetando al máximo la evolución de este material y aunando los logros conseguidos por la comunidad científica. / Dins de les combinacions de les tecnologies més recents en el formigó, el formigó de molt alt rendiment (UHPFRC) sorgeix com un material prometedor per al futur pròxim. L'UHPFRC ha demostrat poder ser un formigó flexible per adaptar-se a les sempre canviants demandes socials i mediambientals. Amb una gran flexibilitat en la seua composició i les seues propietats mecàniques, l`UHPFRC està ple de possibilitats de ser explorades i explotades. Els enginyers han de prendre la responsabilitat d'aquesta tasca. No obstant això, és just reconèixer que això no serà fàcil i requerirà el desenvolupament de normes de disseny fiables i àmpliament acceptades per la comunitat científica. Hi ha una gran preocupació al voltant de la durabilitat, la vida útil de les estructures i la reducció del cost de manteniment, juntament amb el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies de formigó, un millor coneixement de l'efecte de la fibra i un enorme creixement en la indústria de la fibra acompanyat per la reducció del preu de la fibra, han conduït, entre altres factors, al desenvolupament de nous tipus de formigons, el comportament mecànic dels quals es diferencia substancialment dels formigons reforçats amb fibres convencionals. És per això que les metodologies de caracterització actuals i les normes de disseny han de ser revisades i ajustades a aquests nous materials. No obstant això, la revisió del codis de disseny no pot prescindir de les antigues fites aconseguides gràcies a dècades de treball dur. S'ha d'oferir una visió integrada en la qual els nous tipus de formigons integren els ja existents en un grup més ampli, ja que, al cap i la fi i malgrat tenir propietats noves i millorades, els nous tipus de formigons són encara un tipus de formigó. Així es com s'hauria d'entendre i reflectir-se en els nous codis i normes. El treball presentat en aquest document es centra en un d'aquests materials que s'han desenvolupat recentment i que abasta les principals tecnologies avançades en el formigó: el Formigó de Molt Alt Rendiment Reforçat amb Fibres (UHPFRC). Aquest treball se centra específicament en els requisits fonamentals per al desenvolupament i l'ús generalitzat d'aquest, com ara la caracterització i classificació del comportament constitutiu a tracció. Aquest treball inclou una revisió profunda del comportament a tracció uniaxial del formigó i els seus canvis al temps que la tecnologia de les fibres ha evolucionat. A més, els mètodes tradicionals estàndard de caracterització, així com els recentment desenvolupats per al seu ús específic en l'UHPFRC són revisats i qüestionats. Al llarg del document, es mostra el desenvolupament de diferents metodologies per a determinar el comportament constitutiu a tracció uniaxial de l'UHPFRC, juntament amb una proposta de caracterització simplificada especialment desenvolupada per poder ser inclosa en normativa. Totes les metodologies desenvolupades presentades en aquest document han estat comprovades i validades. Aquests mètodes estan dissenyats específicament per a la seva aplicació en els resultats experimentals obtinguts a partir d'un tipus especial d'assaig de flexió a quatre punts, a més també s'inclou una proposta d'estandardització per a l'UHPFRC. Finalment, es presenta una proposta de classificació en funció dels paràmetres més rellevants del comportament a tracció de l'UHPFRC que són necessaris per al disseny i que es poden obtindre directament del mètode d'assaig estàndard suggerit per a la caracterització de l'UHPFRC. La classificació proposada té amb compte la classificació existent per al formigó armat convencional i el reforçat amb fibres. En ella, tant el formigó en massa com el formigó reforçat amb fibres es presenten com un cas particular d'una resposta constitutiva a tracció més general per al formigó. La metodologia estàndard i la classificació proposada estan d'acord amb l'evolució de formigó i unifica l / López Martínez, JÁ. (2017). CHARACTERISATION OF THE TENSILE BEHAVIOUR OF UHPFRC BY MEANS OF FOUR-POINT BENDING TESTS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79740


Diane M Patterson (20347572) 04 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Energetic materials contain microstructural defects like cracks, voids, grain boundaries, and interfaces which act as nucleation sites for ignition and detonation when shocked. Finite element (FE) models are currently unable to capture explicit microstructure with voids, cracks, and randomly oriented grains with representative mechanics, thermal conduction, and reactivity that exhibit the full shock to detonation transition (SDT). Modern computational efforts seek to accurately model material response while also balancing efficiency and speed. Work presented in this thesis will highlight all of these microstructural features, investigate mechanical and thermal response of each microstructure, connect these results to what is observed in other experimental and computational work, and bring computational modeling even closer to an efficient model that contains all processes necessary to replicate SDT.</p><p dir="ltr">In energetic materials (EM), voids are irregular in shape, but most computational work has focused on circular void collapse behavior. However, geometries that contain irregularities or corners are more likely to act as initiation sites due to stress concentrations. Validation and calibration of void simulations with experimental lengthscales and loading conditions is still limited. Plus, pore collapse modeling efforts at low impact velocities do not model fracture, and it is known that cracks cause more extreme temperatures than pores.</p><p dir="ltr">Other microstructure characteristics like cracks and grains have sub-micrometer length scale, and influence the mechanical and thermal response of materials under extreme conditions. However, approximations and coarse-graining must be applied to continuum FE simulations to fit length and timescales required to capture phenomena such as detonations that occur at a millimeter scale. With the use of machine learning (ML), numerical models can be trained on results of small-scale microstructure simulations and applied to larger length and time-scale simulations. The ML model follows Microstructure-Informed Shock-induced Temperature net (MISTnet) model and is trained upon stress, strain, temperature, pressure, and slip data and includes crystal plasticity, fracture, friction, an equation of state, and heat conduction. The ML model is able to predict temperature fields behind the shock, concentrations at grain boundaries, and the influence of grain orientation.</p><p dir="ltr">Accurate temperature values are extremely important to modeling EM because thermal hot spots (HS) are the main cause of ignition. Critical HS cause the chemical reactions which transition the shock front into a detonation, but many continuum models do not include chemistry in their framework. A 1-step Arrhenius reaction model is added to FE mechanics model to investigate the relationship HS have on the run to detonation (RTD).</p>

Validation and application of advanced soil constitutive models in numerical modelling of soil and soil-structure interaction under seismic loading

Kowalczyk, Piotr Jozef 23 September 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents validation and application of advanced soil constitutive models in cases of seismic loading conditions. Firstly, results of three advanced soil constitutive models are compared with examples of shear stack experimental data for free field response in dry sand for shear and compression wave propagation. Higher harmonic generation in acceleration records, observed in experimental works, is shown to be possibly the result of soil nonlinearity and fast elastic unloading waves. This finding is shown to have high importance on structural response, real earthquake records and reliability of conventionally employed numerical tools. Finally, short study of free field response in saturated soil reveals similar findings on higher harmonic generation. Secondly, two advanced soil constitutive models are used, and their performance is assessed based on examples of experimental data on piles in dry sand in order to validate the ability of the constitutive models to simulate seismic soil-structure interaction. The validation includes various experimental configurations and input motions. The discussion on the results focuses on constitutive and numerical modelling aspects. Some improvements in the formulations of the models are suggested based on the detailed investigation. Finally, the application of one of the advanced soil constitutive models is shown in regard to temporary natural frequency wandering observed in structures subjected to earthquakes. Results show that pore pressure generated during seismic events causes changes in soil stiffness, thus affecting the natural frequency of the structure during and just after the seismic event. Parametric studies present how soil permeability, soil density, input motion or a type of structure may affect the structural natural frequency and time for its return to the initial value. In addition, a time history with an aftershock is analysed to investigate the difference in structural response during the earthquake and the aftershock.

Vers une stratégie robuste et efficace pour le contrôle des calculs par éléments finis en ingénierie mécanique / Towards a robust and effective strategy for the control of finite element computations in mechanical engineering

Pled, Florent 13 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche vise à contribuer au développement de nouveaux outils d'estimation d'erreur globale et locale en ingénierie mécanique. Les estimateurs d'erreur globale étudiés reposent sur le concept d'erreur en relation de comportement à travers des techniques spécifiques de construction de champs admissibles, assurant l'aspect conservatif ou garanti de l'estimation. Une nouvelle méthode de construction de champs admissibles est mise en place et comparée à deux autres méthodes concurrentes, en matière de précision, coût de calcul et facilité d'implémentation dans les codes éléments finis. Une amélioration de cette nouvelle méthode hybride fondée sur une minimisation locale de l'énergie complémentaire est également proposée. Celle-ci conduit à l'introduction et à l'élaboration de critères géométriques et énergétiques judicieux, permettant un choix approprié des régions à sélectionner pour améliorer localement la qualité des champs admissibles. Dans le cadre des estimateurs d'erreur locale basés sur l'utilisation conjointe des outils d'extraction et des estimateurs d'erreur globale, deux nouvelles techniques d'encadrement de l'erreur en quantité d'intérêt sont proposées. Celles-ci sont basées sur le principe de Saint-Venant à travers l'emploi de propriétés spécifiques d'homothétie, afin d'améliorer la précision des bornes d'erreur locale obtenues à partir de la technique d'encadrement classique fondée sur l'inégalité de Cauchy-Schwarz. Les diverses études comparatives sont menées dans le cadre des problèmes d'élasticité linéaire en quasi-statique. Le comportement des différents estimateurs d'erreur est illustré et discuté sur des exemples numériques tirés d'applications industrielles. Les travaux réalisés constituent des éléments de réponse à la problématique de la vérification dans un contexte industriel. / This research work aims at contributing to the development of innovative global and goal-oriented error estimation tools applied to Computational Mechanics. The global error estimators considered rely on the concept of constitutive relation error through specific techniques for constructing admissible fields ensuring the recovery of strict and high-quality error estimates. A new hybrid method for constructing admissible stress fields is set up and compared to two other techniques with respect to three different criteria, namely the quality of associated error estimators, the computational cost and the simplicity of practical implementation into finite element codes. An enhanced version of this new technique based on local minimization of the complementary energy is also proposed. Judicious geometric and energetic criteria are introduced to select the relevant zones for optimizing the quality of the admissible fields locally. In the context of goal-oriented error estimation based on the use of both extraction techniques and global error estimators, two new improved bounding techniques are proposed. They lean on Saint-Venant's principle through specific homotheticity properties in order to obtain guaranteed and relevant bounds of better quality than with the classical bounding technique based on the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. The various comparative studies are conducted on linear elasticity problems under quasi-static loading conditions. The behaviour of the different error estimators is illustrated and discussed through several numerical experiments carried out on industrial cases. The associated results may open up opportunities and help broaden the field of model verification for both academic research and industrial applications.

Deformačně-napěťová analýza aneurysmatu břišní aorty / Stress-strain analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysm

Ryšavý, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of biomechanics of soft tissues, namely of stress-strain analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). The introduction describes briefly the possibility of aneurysm occurrence with a focus on an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta.

Analyse de la modélisation turbulente en écoulements tourbillonnaires / Turbulent modelling analysis on rotating flows

Monier, Jean-François 02 July 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de la présente étude est d'analyser la modélisation de la turbulence de simulations en moyenne de Reynolds (RANS) dans le cadre d'écoulements de type turbomachines, en utilisant des simulations aux grandes échelles (SGE) comme référence. L'étude porte sur deux cas test: un décollement de coin dans une grille d'aubes rectiligne, et un écoulement de jeu pour un aubage isolé dans un jet. Deux lois de comportement, la loi de comportement de Boussinesq et la loi de comportement quadratique (quadratic constitutive relation ou QCR), sont analysées, avec deux versions du modèle de turbulence k-omega de Wilcox. Les lois de comportement étudiées reposent sur deux hypothèses: une hypothèse d'alignement entre le tenseur de Reynolds et un tenseur construit à partir de l'écoulement moyen, et une hypothèse sur la viscosité turbulente. L'hypothèse d'alignement est étudiée à partir de la SGE, pour laquelle les deux tenseurs sont indépendamment connus, en utilisant un indicateur construit sur le produit scalaire des tenseurs. Les résultats sont présentés sous forme d'une fonction de répartition de la valeur de l'indicateur pour le domaine complet, puis pour trois sous-domaines d'intérêt: l'entrée, une région où l'écoulement interagit fortement avec les parois, et une région où l'écoulement est fortement tourbillonnaire. L'hypothèse d'alignement n'est que rarement valide pour la loi de comportement de Boussinesq. Pour la QCR, les résultats sont meilleurs en entrée, comparé à la loi de Boussinesq. Il ne sont cependant pas meilleurs pour les régions où l'écoulement est plus tourbillonnaire. Une amélioration de la loi de comportement est nécessaire pour pouvoir faire progresser la modélisation turbulente en RANS. En revanche, l'utilisation de l'énergie cinétique turbulente et du taux de dissipation spécifique semble correcte pour estimer la valeur de la viscosité turbulente. L'analyse de la modélisation de l'équation d'énergie cinétique turbulente (ECT) est réalisée au travers d'une comparaison terme à terme avec l'équation d'ECT résolue par la SGE. Les résultats SGE présentent une turbulence qui n'est pas à l'équilibre : la production et la dissipation ne sont pas superposées, et le terme de transport est important. Pour le RANS, la turbulence est à l'équilibre : la production et la dissipation sont superposées, et le terme de transport est de faible intensité. Un modèle de turbulence qui prend en compte le déséquilibre est nécessaire pour améliorer ce point. En dernier lieu, une nouvelle formulation hybride RANS/SGE est proposée, fondée sur la distance à la paroi en unités de paroi. La formulation est validée dans un canal bi-périodique et un premier essai est réalisé sur le cas de décollement de coin, mais d'autres analyses sont nécessaires avant que cette formulation ne soit fonctionnelle. / The present study aims at analysing turbulence modelling in Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations, in the context of turbomachinery flows, using large-eddy simulations (LES) as references. Two test cases are considered: a corner separation (CS) flow in a linear compressor cascade, and a tip-leakage (TL) flow of a single blade in a jet. Two constitutive relations, the Boussinesq constitutive relation and the quadratic constitutive relation (QCR), are investigated, with two versions of Wilcox's $k-\omega$ turbulence model. The studied constitutive relations rely on two hypotheses: an alignment hypothesis between the Reynolds stress tensor and a mean flow tensor, and an hypothesis on the turbulent viscosity. The alignment hypothesis is investigated using LES, where both the tensors are known independently, with an indicator built on the inner product of the tensors. The results are presented as probability density functions of the indicator value for the entire domain first, and then for three specific areas of interest: the inlet area, similar to a boundary-layer flow, an area of strong interaction between the flow and the walls (CS: passage area, TL: tip clearance) and an area of highly vortical flow (CS: separation wake, TL: tip-leakage vortex). The alignment hypothesis is rarely verified in any area for the Boussinesq constitutive relation. For the QCR, the results are improved for the inlet areas compared to the Boussinesq constitutive relation, but no significant improvement is found in the highly vortical regions. An improvement of the constitutive relation is needed in order to improve the RANS turbulence modelling. In contrast, the use of the turbulent kinetic energy and the specific dissipation rate appears quite correct to estimate the turbulent viscosity. The modelling of the RANS turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget equation is investigated through a term to term comparison with the resolved LES TKE budget equation. The LES presents a turbulence that is not at equilibrium, with the production and the dissipation not superimposed, and an important amount of transport. This differs from the RANS models, at equilibrium: the production and the dissipation are superimposed, with a small amount of transport. The development of a non-equilibrium turbulence model for RANS simulations could improve this aspect of turbulence modelling. Finally, a new hybrid RANS-LES formulation, based on the wall distance in wall units, is also proposed. It is validated on a bi-periodical channel flow, and a first attempt is made on the corner separation case, but further investigations are still needed for the model to be fully operational.

Análise não linear geométrica de cascas laminadas reforçadas com fibras / Geometrically nonlinear analysis of fiber reinforced laminated shells

Sampaio, Maria do Socorro Martins 03 February 2014 (has links)
Em geral, as formulações disponíveis na literatura para a análise de cascas laminadas reforçadas com fibras substituem o meio original heterogêneo por um homogêneo equivalente, que dificulta a identificação das tensões fibra-matriz, ou requerem que a malha de elementos finitos seja disposta de modo que os nós dos elementos finitos de fibra coincidam com os nós dos elementos finitos de casca, que é uma exigência bastante restritiva e que aumenta o número de graus de liberdade do sistema de equações resultante. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral desta tese consiste em desenvolver uma formulação para a inclusão de fibras longas e curtas aleatórias nas diversas lâminas de cascas laminadas anisotrópicas com não linearidade geométrica utilizando o método dos elementos finitos sem aumentar o número de graus de liberdade do sistema de equações resultante e sem a necessidade de coincidência de nós na discretização das fibras e da matriz. Nesta formulação, o elemento finito triangular de casca laminada utilizado para discretizar a matriz possui dez nós e sete graus de liberdade por nó, sendo três translações, três componentes do vetor generalizado e a taxa de variação linear da deformação ao longo da espessura. As fibras curvas, curtas aleatórias ou longas, são introduzidas, em qualquer camada do laminado, por meio de relações cinemáticas que garantem sua aderência à matriz sem a introdução de novos graus de liberdade no sistema de equações resultante. Para discretizá-las são utilizados elementos finitos unidimensionais de ordem qualquer com três graus de liberdade por nó e que consideram consistentemente a não linearidade geométrica. Todas as grandezas envolvidas são escritas em relação à configuração inicial do corpo, caracterizando a descrição Lagrangeana total ou material do movimento. Para modelar o comportamento do material adota-se a Lei Constitutiva de Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff que relaciona de forma linear o tensor de tensões de Piolla-Kirchhoff de segunda espécie e o tensor de deformações de Green-Lagrange. O equilíbrio é encontrado a partir do Princípio da Mínima Energia Potencial Total e o sistema não linear de equações resultante é resolvido utilizando-se o procedimento iterativo de Newton-Raphson. As ações externas podem ser introduzidas ao sistema de forma total ou incremental e a contribuição das fibras para a energia do sistema é adicionada na matriz global do problema. Os exemplos numéricos testados validam e demonstram as potencialidades da formulação proposta. / In general, the Finite Element (FE) formulations available in the literature for the analysis of fibre reinforced laminated shells replace the original heterogeneous medium by an equivalent homogeneous one, which makes difficult the identification of fiber-matrix stress distribution, or require that the finite element mesh is arranged in a way that the fibre finite element nodes coincide with the shell finite element ones, which is a very restrictive requirement and increases the number of degrees of freedom of the resulting system of equations. In this sense, the objective of this thesis is to develop a formulation for the inclusion of long and random short fibres in any layer of FE laminated anisotropic shells developing large displacement and rotations without increasing the number of degrees of freedom and the necessity of matching nodes in the discretization of the fibre and the matrix. In this formulation, the triangular laminated shell finite element used to discretize the matrix has ten nodes and seven degrees of freedom per node, that are, three translations, three components of a generalized vector and the linear rate of strain variation along the thickness. The curved fibres, long or random short, are introduced in any layer of the laminate shell by means of kinematic relation to ensure its adherence to the matrix without introducing new degrees of freedom in the resulting system of equations. To discretize them, any order one-dimensional finite elements with three degrees of freedom per node are used. These fibres elements are consistently considered by Geometric nonlinearity. All involved variables are written with respect to the initial configuration of the body, characterizing the Total Lagrangian description. To model the behavior of the material we use the Saint-VenantKirchhoff Constitutive Law that relates linearly the second Piolla-Kirchhoff stress tensor and Green-Lagrange strain tensor. The equilibrium is achieved from the Principle of Minimum Potential Energy and the non-linear system of equations is solved by the Newton-Raphson iterative procedure. External loads may be introduced to the system by one or various steps and the contribution of fibres to the energy of the system is added to the global matrix of the problem. The numerical examples validate and demonstrate the potential of the proposed formulation.

Modelagem do processo de falha em materiais cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço. / Numerical modeling of failure processes in steel fiber reinforced cementitious materials.

Bitencourt Júnior, Luís Antônio Guimarães 10 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma estratégia numérica desenvolvida usando o método dos elementos finitos para simular o processo de falha de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço. O material é descrito como um compósito composto por três fases: matriz cimentícia (pasta, argamassa ou concreto), fibras descontínuas discretas, e interface fibra-matriz. Um novo esquema de acoplamento para malhas de elementos finitos não-conformes foi desenvolvido para acoplar as malhas geradas independentes, da matriz cimentícia e de uma nuvem de fibras de aço, baseado na utilização de novos elementos finitos desenvolvidos, denominados elementos finitos de acoplamento. Utilizando este esquema de acoplamento, um procedimento não-rígido é proposto para a modelagem do complexo comportamento não linear da interface fibra-matriz, utilizando um modelo constitutivo de dano apropriado para descrever a relação entre a tensão de cisalhamento (tensão de aderência) e deslizamento relativo entre a matriz e cada fibra de aço individualmente. Este esquema também foi adotado para considerar a presença de barras de aço para as análises de estruturas de concreto armado. As fibras de aço são modeladas usando elementos finitos lineares com dois nós (elementos de treliça) com modelo material elastoplástico. As fibras são posicionadas usando uma distribuição randômica uniforme isotrópica, considerando o efeito parede. Uma abordagem contínua e outra descontínua são investigadas para a modelagem do comportamento frágil da matriz cimentícia. Para a primeira, é utilizado um modelo de dano isotrópico com duas variáveis de dano para descrever o comportamento de dano à tração e à compressão. A segunda emprega uma técnica de fragmentação de malha que utiliza elementos finitos degenerados, posicionados entre todos os elementos finitos que formam a matriz cimentícia. Para esta técnica é proposto um modelo constitutivo à tração, compatível com a abordagem descontínua forte contínua, para prever a propagação de fissura. Para acelerar o cálculo e aumentar a robustez dos modelos de dano contínuos para simular o processamento de falhas, um esquema de integração implícito-explícito é utilizado. Exemplos numéricos são apresentados ao longo do desenvolvimento desta tese. Inicialmente, exemplos numéricos com um único reforço são apresentados para validar a técnica desenvolvida e para investigar à influência das propriedades geométricas 7 das fibras e sua posição em relação à superfície de falha. Posteriormente, exemplos mais complexos são considerados envolvendo uma nuvem de fibras. Nestes casos, atenção especial é dada à influência da distribuição das fibras no comportamento do compósito relacionado ao processo de fissuração. Comparações com resultados experimentais demonstram que a aplicação da ferramenta numérica para modelar o comportamento de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço é muito promissora e pode ser utilizada como uma importante ferramenta para melhor entender os efeitos dos diferentes aspectos envolvidos no processo de falha deste material. / This work presents a numerical strategy developed using the Finite Element Method (FEM) to simulate the failure process of Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites (SFRCCs). The material is described as a composite made up by three phases: a cementitious matrix (paste, mortar or concrete), discrete discontinuous fibers, and a fiber-matrix interface. A novel coupling scheme for non-matching finite element meshes has been developed to couple the independent generated meshes of the bulk cementitious matrix and a cloud of discrete discontinuous fibers based on the use of special finite elements developed, termed Coupling Finite Elements (CFEs). Using this approach, a nonrigid coupling procedure is proposed for modeling the complex nonlinear behavior of the fiber-matrix interface by adopting an appropriate constitutive damage model to describe the relation between the shear stress (adherence stress) and the relative sliding between the matrix and each fiber individually. This scheme has also been adopted to account for the presence of regular reinforcing bars in the analysis of reinforced concrete structural elements. The steel fibers are modeled using two-node finite elements (truss elements) with a one-dimensional elastoplastic constitutive model. They are positioned using an isotropic uniform random distribution, considering the wall effect of the mold. Continuous and discontinuous approaches are developed to model the brittle behavior of the bulk cementitious matrix. For the former, an isotropic damage model including two independent scalar damage variables for describing the composite behavior under tension and compression is considered. The discontinuous approach is based on a mesh fragmentation technique that employs degenerated solid finite elements in between all regular (bulk) elements. In this case, a tensile damage constitutive model, compatible with the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach (CSDA), is proposed to predict crack propagation. To increase the computability and robustness of the continuum damage models used to simulate the failure processes in both of the strategies, an implicit-explicit integration scheme is used. Numerical analyses are performed throughout the presentation of the work. Initially, numerical examples with a single reinforcement are presented to validate the technique and to investigate the influence of the fibers geometrical properties and its position relative to the crack surface. Then, more complex examples involving a cloud of steel fibers are considered. In these cases, special attention is given to the analysis of the influence of the fiber distribution on the composite behavior relative to the cracking process. Comparisons with experimental results demonstrate that the application of the numerical tool for modeling the behavior of SFRCCs is very promising and may constitute an important tool for better understanding the effects of the different aspects involved in the failure process of this material.

Global and Local Buckling Analysis of Stiffened and Sandwich Panels Using Mechanics of Structure Genome

Ning Liu (6411908) 10 June 2019 (has links)
Mechanics of structure genome (MSG) is a unified homogenization theory that provides constitutive modeling of three-dimensional (3D) continua, beams and plates. In present work, the author extends the MSG to study the buckling of structures such as stiffened and sandwich panels. Such structures are usually slender or flat and easily buckle under compressive loads or bending moments which may result in catastrophic failure.<div><br><div>Buckling studies of stiffened and sandwich panels are found to be scattered. Most of the existed theories employ unnecessary assumptions or only apply to certain types of structures. There are few unified approaches that are capable of studying the buckling of different kinds of structures altogether. The main improvements of current approach compared with other methods in the literature are avoiding unnecessary assumptions, the capability of predicting all possible buckling modes including the global and local buckling modes, and the potential in studying the buckling of various types of structures.<br></div><div><br></div><div>For global buckling that features small local rotations, MSG mathematically decouples the 3D geometrical nonlinear problem into a linear constitutive modeling using structure genome (SG) and a geometrical nonlinear problem defined in a macroscopic structure. As a result, the original structures are simplified as macroscopic structures such as beams, plates or continua with effective properties, and the global buckling modes are predicted on macroscopic structures. For local buckling that features finite local rotations, Green strain is introduced into the MSG theory to achieve geometrically nonlinear constitutive modeling. Newton’s method is used to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equations for fluctuating functions. To find the bifurcated fluctuating functions, the fluctuating functions are then perturbed under the Bloch-periodic boundary conditions. The bifurcation is found when the tangent stiffness associated with the perturbed fluctuating functions becomes singular. Moreover, the arc-length method is introduced to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equations for post-local-buckling predictions because of its robustness. The imperfection is included in the form of geometrical imperfection by superimposing the scaled buckling modes in linear perturbation analysis on mesh.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Extensive validation case studies are carried out to assess the accuracy of the MSG theory in global buckling analysis and post-global-buckling analysis, and assess the accuracy of the extended MSG theory in local buckling and post-local-buckling analysis. Results using MSG theory and extended MSG theory in buckling analysis are compared with direct numerical solutions such as 3D FEA results and results in literature. Parametric studies are performed to reveal the relative influence of selective geometric parameters on buckling behaviors. The extended MSG theory is also compared with representative volume element (RVE) analysis with Bloch-periodic boundary conditions using commercial finite element packages such as Abaqus to assess the efficiency and accuracy of the present approach.<br></div></div>

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