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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Load Carriers; Optimized Solution to Improve Performance of Roll containers : A Case Study at VGR-WESTMA Organization

Alimohamadi, Bardia January 2009 (has links)
Roll containers are widely used in transportation and delivery operations due to the high level of flexibility and agility they offer to supply chains. However, there is a negative side to the application of roll containers in industry which can be removed or minimized by proper ergonomic and technical considerations. In this thesis work, the safety problems, economic issues and environmental effects associated with roll containers being used in VGR-WESTMA organization are reviewed in order to come up with alternative solutions to the current way of using old roll containers in their supply chain. The analysis of the problem resulted in ergonomic, safety and technical recommendation on using roll containers within their associated supply chain. The appropriate technical design of roll containers that fits the organization facilities are introduced with the aim of streamlining the supply chain flow within the organization. However, cost is considered as a limiting factor for this organization. Hence, proper ergonomic awareness and use of appropriate accessories to the roll containers are considered as a contemporary alternative solution to replacing roll containers being used in this supply chain.

Mezinárodní námořní kontejnerová přeprava se zaměřením na relaci Latinská Amerika - EU / International maritime container transportation with a focus on session Latin America – EU

Kršňáková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
In its theoretical -- methodical part, the thesis is focusing on the subject of containerization, characterizes the liner sea transportation (shipping lines), describes the current situation on the sea freight market, characterizes selected shipping lines operating on the trade: Latin America -- EU and describes the ports on the export side: Callao and Paita. In the practical part, it addresses the progression of the transportation chain, beginning with the client's inquiry and ending with delivering the cargo at the consignee's premises. I am also presenting the transportation string through an actual shipment from the Peruvian port of Callao to Prague.

Planning and visualization of energy-efficient container buildings for residential purposes under three climatic conditions

Reitz, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Shipping containers that can no longer be used in cargo transportation are accumulating in large numbers in ports all over the world. At the same time, the usage of fully modular and prefabricated components in the construction sector is on a constant rise in recent years. Reusing these containers in their current form without melting them down, significantly elevates their lifetime usage as well as opens new and interesting options for modular buildings. While there are already many container buildings worldwide, the area of energy-efficient container houses has hardly been touched. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to show the usage of shipping containers to plan energy efficient buildings in three different climate zones, while each building itself is fully climate adaptable for its location using passive architecture. To accomplish this primary focus, a detailed analysis of the climate conditions of the locations is necessary. The tree locations are Stockholm, Berlin, and Cape Town. Afterwards a uniform base model will be developed, depending on the specifications of these shipping containers. This Base Case can be adapted to three different climate conditions, by modification and adaptation to create buildings with an effective passive architecture for each location’s climate conditions. These modifications will be used to develop a suitable design for each climate zone with all specifications described and visualized for each case of usage.

Impact de l'intégration du concept du produit intelligent sur la plateforme de la chaîne logistique du conteneur / Impact of integrating the intelligent product concept into the container supply chain platform

Samiri, Mohamed Yassine 10 February 2018 (has links)
La conteneurisation a révolutionné le commerce international au 20éme siècle. L’introduction du conteneur, comme moyen standard de transport de marchandise, a profondément impacté le commerce maritime et a radicalement changé le fonctionnement des ports. En effet, les ports n’ont cessé de se développer par la construction de nouveaux terminaux à conteneurs (TC) et également par l’amélioration de leurs services par la réduction des délais et des coûts de livraison. En parallèle, la gestion des risques dans les TC a reçu beaucoup d'attention ces dernières années en raison de l'augmentation des activités frauduleuses liées aux conteneurs. La communauté internationale a proposé plusieurs initiatives pour améliorer la sécurité du transport maritime. Cependant, l'évaluation des risques des conteneurs reste une tâche difficile, souvent due à des informations incomplètes ou ambiguës sur les conteneurs. D’autre part, la réduction de l’empreinte écologique sur l’environnement est devenue une préoccupation majeure en matière de transport conteneurisé. Face à cet enjeu écologique, les acteurs du dernier kilomètre de la chaîne logistique du conteneur doivent améliorer et optimiser leur infrastructure et penser des modes de transport terrestre de conteneurs ayant une empreinte environnementale moindre que les modes de transports classiques à gasoil, sans toutefois impacter les performances. Dans cette optique, le premier objectif de cette thèse se focalise autour l’amélioration de la performance du processus d’inspection des conteneurs. Ainsi, nous proposons une nouvelle approche adaptative de la priorisation d’inspection des conteneurs. Nous avons nommé cette approche APRICOIN (Adaptive PRIoritizing Container INspection). Cette approche exploite le concept du produit intelligent ainsi que de la logique floue et les techniques de fouille de données. Cette approche est basée sur trois étapes. La première étape vise l’amélioration du flux informationnel et en assurant sa véracité et ce moyennant les capacités du conteneur intelligent. Ainsi on propose un descriptif enrichi du conteneur (DEC). La deuxième étape consiste à prioriser l’inspection des conteneurs en lui attribuant un score de risque à l’aide de la logique floue. La dernière étape consiste à prioriser l’inspection des conteneurs et exploiter les résultats d’inspection afin d’ajuster la précision de l’algorithme APROCOIN et s’adapter aux nouveaux facteurs de risque moyennant les techniques de fouille de données. Afin de valider l’approche proposée, une étude de cas illustratif a été réalisée ainsi qu’une étude comparative avec d’autres approches alternatives. Le deuxième objectif de cette thèse se focalise sur le projet green Truck qui vise particulièrement les transporteurs routiers de conteneurs à courtes distances dans la zone portuaire en assurant une transition énergétique de la flotte de tracteurs gasoil vers des tracteurs électriques à batteries rechargeables. Le projet s’intéresse à une technique récente de rechargement des batteries, à savoir le « Biberonnage ». Cette technologie est inspirée du fonctionnement de certains bus électriques. Elle consiste à exploiter les courts temps d’attentes du véhicule, comme par exemple la monté et la descente des passagers pour le cas des bus, afin de recharger automatiquement la batterie du véhicule. Ainsi dans cette thèse, nous avons exploré différentes techniques et modes de rechargement rapide des batteries de tracteurs routiers électriques compte tenu des contraintes d’exploitation, et d’évalué la faisabilité économique de la mise en œuvre d’un système comprenant le véhicule et l’infrastructure électrique. L’outil de simulation Anylogic a permis de dimensionner les batteries et les bornes de recharge des véhicules électriques, en plus de fournir aux décideurs des résultats technico-économiques avec des représentations animées et graphiques en 3D. / Containerization revolutionized international trade in the 20th century. The introduction of the container, as a standard means of transporting goods, has had a profound impact on maritime trade and has radically changed the functioning of ports. Indeed, ports have continued to grow through the construction of new container terminals (CT) and also by improving their services by reducing delays and delivery costs. At the same time, risk management in CTs has received a lot of attention in recent years due to an increase in fraudulent container activities. The international community has proposed several initiatives to improve the security of maritime transport. However, the risk assessment of containers remains a difficult task, often due to incomplete or ambiguous container information. On the other hand, reducing the ecological footprint on the environment has become a major concern in containerized transport. Faced with this ecological challenge, the last-mile players in the container logistics chain must improve and optimize their infrastructure and think of new land transport modes of containers with a lower environmental footprint than conventional diesel transport modes, without having an impact on performance. With this in mind, the first objective of this thesis focuses on improving the performance of the container inspection process. Thus, we propose a new adaptive approach to container inspection prioritization. We named this approach APRICOIN (Adaptive PRIoritizing Container INspection). This approach exploits the concept of intelligent product as well as fuzzy logic and data mining techniques. This approach is based on three stages. The first step is to improve the information flow and to ensure this truthfulness by means of the capabilities of the intelligent container. Thus we propose an enriched description of the container (DEC). The second step is to prioritize container inspection by assigning a risk score using fuzzy logic. The final step is to prioritize the inspection of the containers and use the inspection results to adjust the accuracy of the APROCOIN algorithm and to adapt to the new risk factors using the data mining technique. In order to validate the proposed approach, an illustrative case study was conducted as well as a comparative study with other alternative approaches. The second objective of this thesis focuses on the green truck project, which is particularly aimed at short-haul container road hauliers in the port area by ensuring an energy transition from the fleet of diesel tractors to electric tractors with rechargeable batteries. It consists in exploiting the short wait times of the vehicle, in order to automatically recharge the vehicle's battery. Thus, in this thesis, we have explored the different techniques and methods of recharging batteries of electric road tractors taking into account operating constraints, and evaluate the economic feasibility of implementing such system. The Anylogic simulation was used to size the batteries and the charging stations of electric vehicles. In addition technical and economic results with 3D animated and graphic representations was provided.

A Security Evaluation Methodology for Container Images

Abbott, Brendan Michael 01 March 2017 (has links)
The goal of this research is to create a methodology that evaluates the security posture of container images and helps improve container security. This was done by first searching for any guidelines or standards that focus on container images and security. After finding none, I decided to create an evaluative methodology. The methodology is composed of actions that users should take to evaluate the security of a container image. The methodology was created through in-depth research on container images and the build instructions used to create them and is referred to as the Security Evaluation Methodology for Container Images. The entire Methodology was reviewed by experts in containers, information technology, and security; updated based on their feedback; and then reviewed again for further feedback. Four of the most popular container images—nginx, redis, mbabineau/cfn-bootstrap, and google/cadvisor—were evaluated using the Methodology. The evaluation revealed security issues in each image and provided direction on how to resolve each issue. Based on the positive feedback of experts and the performance of the Methodology, I propose that the Methodology be used to evaluate all container images, as it provides valuable security insights about, and suggestions for, an image.

海峽兩岸犯罪防制策略之研究-貨櫃走私個案探討 / The Research on Criminal Prevention Strategies Between Straits--from the container smuggling

徐瑞明 Unknown Date (has links)
自1989年來兩岸交流已十餘年,雖意識形態之對立未能有效改善,但經貿交流卻高潮迭起。中共在經貿方面所以對台採開放策略,自有其政治考量,中共官方無非希望藉兩岸緊密交流,而最終目的在於未來能透過經濟來整合台灣。惟在兩岸熱絡經貿互動過程中,衍生了不少犯罪問題;如偷渡、通緝逃犯、海上糾紛、走私等等。本論文以探討走私問題為主軸,尤其對兩岸槍械、毒品走私為研究之重點。   走私是經濟犯罪之一環,以台灣海島國家而言,其方法不外乎空運夾帶、漁船交易、貨櫃走私三大類。而其中以貨櫃走私數量上最龐大、危害性最嚴重、查緝上難度最高。本論文以相關走私犯罪理論來印證走私犯罪之模式,並以文獻探討及深度訪談來瞭解貨櫃走私之特性、手法及尋求突破防制策略,以期望將貨櫃走私犯罪控制在社會可以接受的程度。使兩岸經貿交流中,對危害國家安全的槍械、毒品及大宗經濟物品之走私犯罪行為,能有效的打擊及防制。   兩岸即將加入WTO,目前兩岸經貿及交流障礙因素將可望逐漸掃除,可預期將再造兩岸經貿交流的高峰。相對的,亦將對台灣本島的政治、經濟、社會、治安衍生很大的變化,並對台灣方面帶來嚴重的挑戰。其中,隨著兩岸經貿交流的擴大,兩岸往來貨櫃數量勢必暴增,而隱藏走私犯罪將更為猖獗、氾濫。將使我政府當局面臨嚴重的考驗。因此;本論文乃根據文獻探討與深度訪談之結果,擬定三大防制策略,即消極性的防堵策略、積極性的查緝作為、科學的新安檢措施。細節雖有些繁瑣,但每一環節均為貨櫃安檢及查緝工作的小螺絲釘,而且是安檢先進的經驗傳承。本論文經一年之前期準備及半年餘思索繕寫,方能順利完成;內容包括: 第一章:緒論,包括研究動機、目的與方法。 第二章:走私犯罪相關理論基礎與貨櫃安檢制度沿革等文獻探討。 第三章:1989年後兩岸所衍生之走私現況探討與兩岸緝私制度比較。 第四章:貨櫃走私犯罪之原因特性模式探討與實證研究。 第五章:兩岸加入WTO後預期貨櫃走私型態之變化。 第六章:擬定具體可行之貨櫃走私防制策略。 第七章:結論,包括研究檢討與未來願景。 / The exchange between strait has started for more than ten years. However, in the process of active commercial interaction between strait, many criminal problems derive from the interaction, such as sea dispute and smuggling. This thesis majorly focuses on the issue of smuggling, especially the gun and drug smuggling between strait.   Smuggling is a type of economic crime, which includes smuggling through air cargo fishing boat exchange and container smuggling. The container smuggling is the most numerous and jeopardous one, and it is extremely difficult to investigate. The thesis examines the smuggling practice with relevant theories. It also includes comprehensive study on relevant articles and discussion which help to understand the means, nature and characters of above-mentioned smuggling. With the above approaches, the study anticipates to find an effective smuggling preventing strategy, which can control the smuggling under an acceptable degree of society. Furthermore, the thesis anticipates to afford a powerful attack and effective prevention on smuggling.   Both Taiwan and mainland China will accession to WTO in a near future , the obstacles will be removed. As a result, the high tide of trade and exchange between strait will appear. Therefore, due to the growing number of container transportation , the case of smuggling will increase. It's predictable that, the relevant governmental authority will face a difficult trial. Based on the comprehensive article research and investigation, the thesis encompasses three proposed preventing strategies, namely the negative blocking strategy, positive investigation strategy and new scientific security measures. With years of preparation and composing. contents including: 1. Abstract 2. Comprehensive article research and investigation 3. Discussion about current situation on smuggling between straits after 1989 4. Discussion about, the model of crime on container smuggling 5. The predictable change of container smuggling between straits after entering WTO 6. Prevention strategy 7. Conclusion

在轉運中心之建構下臺灣貨櫃航商的策略研究 / Under the Construction of Hub Port,the Strategy of Taiwan's Container Carrriers

黃冠智, Hwang, Quincy Unknown Date (has links)
台灣位居亞太地區中心,是東南亞與東北亞的航路要衝,具有極優越的航路位置,運用此種有利條件,將臺灣發展成為亞太海運轉運中心,有助於提高我國經貿航運地位.本研究之主要目的在於1.區域經濟以及區域營運中心之探索2.區域營運中心中,轉運中心的地位及角色3.臺灣成為轉運中心的機會及作法4.在逐步成為轉運中心的情勢下,臺灣貨櫃航商因應此種環境變化,所採取的策略 研究本研究之結論為1.在亞太地區中,轉運中心的形成非唯一性2.臺灣成為轉運中心,貨櫃行商所能利用的優勢為地理區位.產業條件.大陸市場 港埠設施,其中產業條件未利用.大陸市場未開放.港埠優勢未伸張3.貨櫃行商之策略,成本領導徹底,集中化未實行 ,差異化各有所長.

Optimisation of BMW Group Standardised Load Units via the Pallet Loading Problem

Heinze, Anja January 2006 (has links)
<p>The BMW Group uses load units for the transportation of assembly parts from the suppliers to the plants and for the internal material flow. This thesis analyses the advantageousness of introducing a load unit with a new size. There are three reasons why the current choice of containers is not sufficient. Firstly, there is a certain range of assembly parts that does not fit very well into the existing standard load units. Secondly, the average measurements of the parts have grown in the last years and thirdly, several of the existing containers leave unused space in the transportation vehicles.</p><p>For this the relevant costs and other, more qualitative aspects like the placing at the assembly line are considered. A container size is identified that offers a significant savings potential. For this potential the handling and transportation costs are identified as the relevant leverages. These costs are found to depend mainly on the utilisation degree of the load units.</p><p>To calculate the different utilisation degrees, a packing-algorithm in form of a four-block heuristic is applied and its results are extrapolated on the basis of existing BMW packing information. Thus, several assembly parts are identified that fit better into the suggested load unit than in the existing ones. These results are assessed using BMW’s expense ratios for handling and transportation. 80 parts are determined for which the migration to the new size would result in savings of more than 5,000 EUR for each per year in Dingolfing. Together, these parts offer a savings potential of about 0.9 million Euro.</p>

Simulation Study of a Semi-Dynamic AGV-Container Unit Job Deployment Scheme

Cheng, Yong Leong 01 1900 (has links)
Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Container-Job deployment is essentially a vehicle-dispatching problem. In this problem, the impact of vehicle dispatching polices on the ship makespan for discharging and/or loading operations is analyzed. In particular, given a storage location for each container to be discharged from the ship and given the current location of each container to be loaded onto the ship, the problem is to propose an efficient deployment scheme to dispatch vehicles to containers so as to minimize the makespan of the ship so as to increase the throughput. The makespan of the ship refers to the time a ship spends at the port for loading and unloading operations. In this paper, we will compare the performance of current deployment scheme used with the new proposed deployment scheme, both with deadlock prediction & avoidance algorithm done in previous study [1]. The prediction & avoidance algorithm predicts and avoids cyclic deadlock. The current deployment scheme, namely pmds makes use of a greedy heuristics which dispatches the available vehicle that will reach the quay with the minimum amount of time the vehicle has to spend waiting for the crane to discharge/load the container from/onto the ship. The new deployment scheme, namely mcf aims to formulate the problem as a minimum cost flow problem, which will then be solved by network simplex code. The two simulation models are implemented using discrete-event simulation software, AutoMod, and the performances of both deployment schemes are analyzed. The simulation results show that the new deployment scheme will result in a higher throughput and lower ship makespan than the current deployment scheme. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Analyses of Dengue Fever and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) Larval Habitats in a Tropical Urban Environment of Costa Rica using Geospatial and Mosquito Surveillance Technologies

Troyo, Adriana 21 December 2007 (has links)
Dengue is currently the most important arboviral disease globally and is usually associated with built environments in tropical areas. Control measures are currently focused on community participation in control of the vector Aedes aegypti and larval source reduction. In Costa Rica, dengue fever is a relatively recent re-emerging disease and has become a serious public health problem. Remotely sensed information can facilitate the study of urban mosquito-borne diseases like dengue by providing multiple temporal and spatial resolutions appropriate to investigate urban structure and ecological characteristics associated with infectious disease. Initial studies showed that although dengue is a serious public health problem in Costa Rica, there is a need for interdisciplinary scientific research to guide vector control. Therefore, the dengue situation in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, and applications of remote sensing to study infectious diseases like dengue within urban environments was analyzed. Satellite imagery of high and medium spatial resolution was obtained to evaluate relationships between urban structure and incidence of dengue fever at the locality level. Using the satellite imagery, a geographical sampling method was developed and applied for seasonal entomological field surveys in Puntarenas. Very high resolution imagery from QuickBird was utilized to determine the relationships between Ae. aegypti larval habitat abundance and tree cover or built areas. Results showed that the most relevant Ae. aegypti larval habitats in Puntarenas were outdoor miscellaneous containers, cans and plastic food containers that fill with rain water in the wet season, while washtubs were the most productive habitats in the dry season. Dengue incidence and abundance of larval habitats in the urban environment were directly associated with tree cover and inversely associated with built areas. Environmental conditions and urban structure, as well as human behavior were related in different ways to dengue incidence and Ae. aegypti larval habitats. Overall, remotely sensed information was useful in developing sampling strategies for field surveys and determining factors within the urban environment that may promote persistence of mosquito larval habitats and increased dengue risk. The geographical methods and relationships revealed will be useful in determining target areas for more efficient vector control.

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