Spelling suggestions: "subject:"content analysis"" "subject:"ccontent analysis""
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Processing terror : an investigation into the immediate and short-term psychological effects of a terrorist attackJhangiani, Rajiv Sunil 05 1900 (has links)
In the years since the 9/11 attacks the incidence of terrorism has been on the rise. At the same time, news media coverage of major terrorist attacks has reached epic proportions, greatly expanding the number of individuals psychologically affected by terrorism. The goal of this dissertation is to better understand how individuals cope with terrorism experienced at a distance. Specifically, this investigation focuses on the impact of stress on integrative complexity (IC; a measure of cognitive processing; Suedfeld, Tetlock, & Streufert, 1992) during and shortly after a major terrorist event. Taken together, the findings from the three studies reported in this dissertation provide several insights into this process. Study 1 replicates and extends results from an earlier study of television newscasters reporting live on 9/11 (Jhangiani & Suedfeld, 2005), in the context of the 2005 London bombings and the medium of radio. In doing so, it provides the first empirical evidence outside of the research laboratory for the curvilinear relationship between stress and IC. Specifically, during the early stages of reports concerning the London bombings, a positive relationship is found between negative emotion and IC. However, once the nature and extent of the event become clearer, increases in negative emotion are related to decreases in IC (the disruptive stress hypothesis). Study 2 replicates this curvilinear relationship in the short-term reactions of two prominent political leaders to 9/11 and the 2005 London bombings. For one of these political leaders, the magnitude of his psychological reaction is moderated by the psychological distance between him and the victims of the attacks. Finally, Study 3 finds that two key personality variables, neuroticism and empathy, play important roles in determining the magnitude of the short-term psychological reactions to 9/11 of more than 250 students from Canada and the United States. This finding is particularly true for those students who were psychologically closer to the victims of the attacks. Implications, strengths and limitations of this research, and possible future directions are discussed.
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Lagen om pliktexemplar av elektroniska dokument : En analys av diskussionen kring ett lagförslagEriksson, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
This Master’s thesis examines the discussions about the new Swedish legal deposit legislation for electronicdocuments, related to Jürgen Habermas’ theories around the public sphere. In 2009, a draft of the law proposal was sent out to various authorities and organizations who were asked tocontribute their views on this matter. This study looks at who has responded of those asked, and what commonviews are apparent within these responses. The responses from two different categories are focused on –universities and other authorities, examining if any similarities or differences can be noticed in the arguments inthe different categories’ responses to the proposed law change. This information has been first analyzed through content analysis, providing an overview to the respondentsof the draft, and the different views which have arisen. Argumentation analysis has then been used to examinehow specific respondents have argued their views, focusing on the National Library of Sweden and the NationalArchives of Sweden. The most common views and arguments revolve around the definitions suggested in the proposal, regardingwhich documents are to be collected and who is responsible for their delivery. Many respondents also mentionedtheir desire to be able to fulfill their legal deposit obligations by delivering documents through networks. Habermas’ theories on the public sphere, which he claims to exist in today’s society, are very similar to thetheories of the public sphere addressed within this study. The authorities and organizations which have beenasked to contribute opinions towards this proposal are the same one who will be directly involved with the legaldeposit itself; while the future users of these collected electronic documents, namely scholars and the public,have been excluded from this discussion. Some respondents remarked upon the importance of the documentsbeing available to those to which they will be of use. However, the discussion has primarily concentrated on howthe delivery of these documents can be affected in the easiest possible manner for those involved.
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Anestesisjuksköterskans perspektiv på övergången mellan anestesi och den tidiga postoperativa fasen. : / The nurse anesthetist’s perspective of the transition between anesthesia and the early recovery phase.Persson, Ylva January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Att ur anestesisjuksköterskans perspektiv beskriva övergången mellan anestesi och den tidiga postoperativa fasen. Bakgrund: Anestesisjuksköterskan har befogenhet att inducera, underhålla och självständigt avsluta anestesier i samråd med anestesiolog. Under anestesins avslutande sker en övergång till en tidig postoperativ fas där patienten återfår medvetandet, återhämtar fullgod motorik och luftvägarnas vitala skyddsreflexer. Vissa riskmoment finns sedan tidigare väl definierade även om forskning avseende tidsperioden är begränsad. Anestesisjuksköterskan finns hela tiden närvarande vid patientens sida och har därför en unik möjlighet att beskriva denna övergång. Design: Studien har en deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats. Metod: Femton strategiskt utvalda anestesisjuksköterskor från tre sjukhus i Mellansverige intervjuades. Datainsamlingen skedde under tiden juni till september 2012. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades med induktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analys av insamlade data resulterade i det övergripande temat: Att vårda patienten mitt emellan två säkra platser. Anestesisjuksköterskorna beskrev hur de under övergången tog ansvar för såväl patientens vitala funktioner som för dennes välbefinnande och frånvaron av obehag. De beskrev en period där patienten var minst övervakad men ändå mest känslig. En period som förbereddes och planerades för att minska riskerna och kunna tillgodose patientens olika behov. Konklusion: Resultatet av studien visar anestesisjuksköterskornas omfattande ansvar för patientens säkerhet och komfort under en kritisk tidsperiod. Ansvar som innefattade handlingsberedskap och övervakning i en utsatt miljö med begränsad tillgång till utrustning. Relevans för klinisk praktik: Studien belyser det komplexa vårdandet av patienten under övergången från anestesi till en tidig postoperativ fas. Hur anestesisjuksköterskor övervakar, arbetar riskförebyggande och ger såväl medicinsk vård som omvårdnad av patienten under denna tidsperiod. En beskrivning som kan vara vägledande i arbetet att ytterligare förbättra omvårdnaden och identifiera potentiella patientsäkerhetsrisker i samband med det anestesiologiska omhändertagandet.
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What about substance abuse? : a minor field study on Namibian substance abuse careSimson, Zofia January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The review process in formative evaluation of instructional text : the role of content experts and instructional designersSaroyan-Farivar, Alenoush January 1989 (has links)
This study explores and describes the processes of formative evaluation as carried out by content experts and instructional designers. It assumes that formative evaluation is an ill-defined, complex, problem solving task. Six experts (three Content Experts and three Instructional Designers), participated in this descriptive study. Subjects reviewed and revised a unit from a draft version of a self-instructional module on microbiology, while thinking aloud. Two coding schemes were developed and applied to the think-aloud protocols. Overall inter-coder reliability exceeded 89%. Qualitative data were used to describe the processes of formative evaluation, convergence patterns, and the degree of specificity of comments across subjects. Results suggest that there were between group differences in task representation, in the employed strategies, and in features of the text which were commented upon more frequently. Within group similarities in the outcome of formative evaluation were salient on a superficial level. Within group differences were more apparent when comments were compared qualitatively.
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Outdoor Education in the Greek Mathematics TextbooksSkouroupathis, Nicolas January 2013 (has links)
Outdoor education is a promising educational field that can support indoor education and provide benefits beyond the evidentknowledge. Outdoor and indoor education together can formulate the ground for an integrated learning. In Greece, like manycountries, outdoor education and its potential contribution to the learning process have not been clearly and intentionally testedyet, even though the country tends to follow a progressive educational philosophy. This research focuses on the subject ofmathematics and explores the connections between the existing philosophy and practices of mathematics education in Greece andoutdoor education theory and practice. Following the method of content analysis, the connections were identified through theexistence of basic outdoor education concepts in the mathematics textbooks of the last three grades of primary school. Althoughthe expectations, because of the lack of personal experiences, could not be high, the application of outdoor education seems to befar from impossible in Greece. It could rather flourish even without any changes in the books, when its potentialities are realizedby the teachers.
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Nursing care for patients with burns in TanzaniaEkvall, Klara January 2010 (has links)
Burns are common in low- and middle income countrie ssuch asTarzania and firerelated deaths are numerous in Africa compared to high income countries in Europe. The nurse's primary professional responsibility is to require nursing care to people. Nursing care for burned patients is important and demands knowledge. Nurses in Tanzania experience difficulties in their daily work in terms of heavy workload and lack of material. Transcultural nursing aims to see care, health and illness from a cultural perspective and the goal is to provide competent care to people in different cultures. The purpose of the study was to illuminate how nurses in Tanzania take care of patients with burns.The study was implemented at the hospital Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Moshi,Tanzania. A qualitative method was used;participating observations of nine nurses were carried out. The field notes were analyzed by content analysis and gradually two themes appeared; preventing infections and meeting the patient.The conclusion was that nursing care meant collaboration with the relatives, a calm and low stress atmosphere and concems about the patients' integrity. Difficulties experienced in the nurse's daily work were lack of time and material, but despite this the nurses wanted to improve the care of the burned patients in order to reduce the risk of infection. An interesting finding was that normally no contact was created between the nurse and the patient. Overall the lasting impression was that nursing care must be seen and understood in the cultural context. / <p>Röda Korsets sjuksköterskeförening stipendium 2010</p>
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CDM Leakage Quantification Methods : A content analysis of CDM methodologies linked to 15 sectoral scopeJia, Ruoyu January 2014 (has links)
The paper sheds light upon a specific issue: carbon leakage. Leakage can be understood as an unanticipated net carbon loss or gain, attributable to a climate policy, or reduction activities. Benign leakage effects are harmless. Unsettling are the ones that pose a threat to project’s environmental integrity. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is no exception to such risk. In order to investigate leakage and the corresponding leakage calculation methods addressed in the CDM projects, a qualitative content analysis is conducted on 203 methodologies. Methodology documents serve as ideal textual data for examining CDM related leakage because the development of any new project must be based on methodologies. In relation to the research question, the content analysis synthesizes 11 types of leakage sources. Excluding the case where no leakage is considered, 10 type of leakage sources are then broadly classified as Activity Shift, Market Effects and Life Cycle Leakage. Their corresponding leakage calculation methods are described and reviewed in terms of their geographic reach, and leakage characteristics. A percentage pattern is presented in relation to each sector. The findings are that the vast majority of the CDM leakage calculation methods address primary leakage specific to each individual project at a localized scale, among which, methods addressing Life Cycle Leakage are in the predominant majority. Market Effects as secondary sources are acknowledged as a potential threat to the overall benefit, but the CDM methodologies offer no quantitative method.
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A Voice of One’s Own: An Investigation of Developing World Agency in Oxfam International’s 2009 Climate Change CampaignLow, Alicia 04 September 2013 (has links)
Climate change is an issue that is increasingly being adopted into various NGO campaigns. Drawing on a theoretical framework that is grounded in post-colonialism and subaltern studies, this thesis investigates representations of agency in the climate change discourse of Oxfam International. The central research question guiding the study is: To what extent do developing world people and countries have agency in Oxfam International’s 2009 climate change campaign? The methodological approach used to address this question combines content analysis and critical discourse to analyze 105 documents published by Oxfam in the lead up to the 2009 U.N. Climate Change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. The findings reveal that that developing world subjects tend to possess less speaking space and to be represented with less agency than their developed world counterparts.
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The Cult of Fashion Brands in China and the Application of MicrobloggingHan, Lu 23 September 2013 (has links)
In China, an increasing number of individuals and companies are adopting microblogging, a popular form of social media, in order to connect and interact with other people, and recent online events indicate the power of microblogging in Chinese society. Holding the belief that microblogging brings out the interactive nature of new media as well as the audiences, many companies are exploring microblogging in order to better communicate with their audiences. However, very little is known about how those brands use microblogging to promote themselves and what the audiences’ preferences are on this platform.
Employing uses and gratifications and feminism theories, this study examined how fashion brands use Weibo.com, one of the main microblogging platforms in China, to promote themselves and what the Chinese women, the main audience of both Weibo.com and fashion brands, ask for from fashion brands’ tweets. The quantitative content analysis of the tweets of three major fashion brands, namely Burberry, Louis Vuitton, and Bvlgari, shows the general pattern of how microblogging are being deployed. A further investigation was conducted through ethnographic content analysis in order to examine the implicit values conveyed by fashion brand’s tweets and the audiences’ preferences towards these values.
Results from the analyses revealed that the prevailing topics covered in the fashion brands’ tweets included their products, related celebrities, and the brands’ events or projects, and fashion brands usually combined several topics in one tweet in order to provide more information to the audiences. Taken a deeper look at the latent message of the tweets, fashion appears to play a positive role in emancipating contemporary Chinese women.
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