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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Espumas de amido termoplástico com recobrimentos de quitosana e poliácido láctico

Bergel, Bruno Felipe January 2017 (has links)
Embalagens de plástico expandido são utilizados como embalagens de alimentos, entre eles o poliestireno expandido (EPS). Suas principais características são a leveza e sua não biodegradabilidade. Estas embalagens geralmente são descartadas logo após o uso e geram grandes quantidades de resíduos. Espumas feitas a base de amido termoplástico (TPS) podem substituir o EPS nestes casos, pois são feitas a partir de fontes renováveis e são materiais biodegradáveis. Entretanto, embalagens de espuma TPS possuem grande afinidade pela água e isso consequentemente afeta seu uso. Uma forma de resolver este problema é recobrir estas espumas TPS com um material mais hidrofóbico, dificultando o contato da água com o amido. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver espumas de TPS de diferentes amidos e revesti-las com quitosana e poliácido láctico (PLA), pois também são materiais biodegradáveis e são menos hidrofílicos do que o amido. Três fontes de amido (batata, mandioca e milho) foram analisadas conjuntamente para produzir espumas TPS com propriedades mais desejáveis para embalagens. As espumas foram produzidas a partir de amido, glicerol e água nas proporções mássicas de 62/5/33, respectivamente. Dentre os tipos de amido escolhidos, a espuma TPS de milho mostrou ser mais densa e rígida, apresentando maior densidade e maior módulo elástico (0,20 g/cm3 e 106 MPa, respectivamente) em comparação com espumas TPS de batata (0,11 g/cm3 e 39 MPa) e mandioca (0,10 g/cm3 e 39 MPa). A espuma TPS de batata apresentou maior flexibilidade e resistência ao impacto, e devido a estas vantagens é a mais adequada ao uso em embalagens. Os recobrimentos de quitosana e PLA diminuíram a absorção de água da espuma TPS. Enquanto que a espuma sem recobrimento absorveu aproximadamente 280% do seu peso em água, espumas TPS com 6% m/v de quitosana absorveram 100% e espumas TPS com 6% m/v de PLA absorveram 50% em média. O PLA mostrou ser a melhor opção de recobrimento para as espumas pois apresentou os menores valores de absorção de água e aumentou as propriedades mecânicas da espuma. / The expanded polystyrene (EPS) is used in a variety of food packaging, mainly in packages whose characteristics is the single use. These packages are usually discarded soon and generate large amounts of waste. Thermoplastic starch (TPS) foams can replace the EPS in these cases, because it comes from renewable and biodegradable sources. However, starch packaging has great affinity for water and it affects its use. One way to solve this problem is to cover the TPS foam with a more hydrophobic material, hindering the contact of water with starch. In this work, chitosan and polylactic acid (PLA) were used as coatings, as they are also biodegradable materials and are more hydrophobic than starch. Three sources of starch (potato, cassava and corn) were analyzed conjointly to produce TPS foams with more desirable properties for packaging. The foams were made from starch, glycerol and water in the proportion of 62/5/33 (% m/m) respectively. Among the starch types used, corn TPS foam presented higher density and higher stiffness (0,20 g/cm3 and 106 MPa, respectively) compared to potato (0,11 g/cm3 and 39 MPa) and cassava (0,10 g/cm3 e 39 MPa) TPS foams. The potato TPS foam showed greater flexibility and impact resistance, and due to these advantages is the most suitable for use in packaging. The chitosan and PLA coatings decreased the water absorption of the TPS foam. While the uncoated TPS foam absorbed approximately 280% of its weight in water, TPS foams with 6% w/v chitosan absorbed 100% and TPS foams with 6% m / v PLA absorbed 50% on average. The PLA was found to be the best option for coating the TPS foams because presented the lowest water absorption values and increased the mechanical properties of the foams.

In vitro and in vivo investigations of carbohydrates with different digestibilities for improved satiety and metabolic health

Anna MR Hayes (8477520) 01 March 2021 (has links)
<p>Obesity and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases continue to be major challenges that are increasing in severity worldwide. Science-centered carbohydrate dietary strategies may be a viable approach to help address such challenges. Recent reports from our laboratory indicate that certain carbohydrates with slow digestion profiles have the ability to trigger the gut-brain axis and reduce food intake and to slow gastric emptying and potentially affect appetite. Slow carbohydrate digestion may have other impacts on energy metabolism that have not been explored. In the current investigations, we sought to better understand the delayed gastric emptying profile of pearl millet-based foods as well as to understand how altering carbohydrate digestion rate impacts substrate utilization for energy.</p> <p>In the first study, the physical breakdown of pearl millet couscous particles in a simulated gastric environment (Human Gastric Simulator) was studied compared to wheat couscous matched in particle size, and select physicochemical properties of each type of couscous were characterized. Because we previously showed that pearl millet couscous had a marked delay in gastric emptying compared to white rice, boiled potatoes, and pasta in a human study in Mali, the objective of the first investigation was to test the hypothesis that pearl millet couscous was more resistant to breakdown in the stomach than wheat couscous and would take longer to empty. Our findings indicated that pearl millet couscous instead broke down into smaller, more numerous particles than wheat couscous. However, pearl millet had a slower starch hydrolysis property compared to wheat couscous per unit surface area. Pearl millet also had a smaller amylose chain length (839-963 DP) compared to wheat (1225-1563 DP), which may enable a denser packing of millet starch molecules that hinders hydrolysis. We also visually observed that the pearl millet particles formed a paste while breaking down that could reasonably generate viscosity in the stomach to potentially delay gastric emptying. </p> <p>Based off the findings from simulated gastric digestion, we next conducted a human study (<i>n</i>=14) in the U.S. to test the hypothesis that pearl millet-based foods (couscous – commercial and self-made, thick porridge) would reduce glycemic response, increase satiety, and delay gastric emptying compared to wheat couscous and white rice. We complemented this human study with additional <i>in vitro </i>work using an advanced gastrointestinal digestion system (TIMagc) to determine if the viscosity of pearl millet couscous particles as they were breaking down in the stomach was contributing to a decrease in gastric emptying. Our findings indicated that all the pearl millet-based foods and wheat couscous had lower overall glycemic response than white rice, but only the self-made millet couscous showed higher satiety through subjective appetitive response ratings. Surprisingly, there were no differences in gastric emptying among the foods. Additionally, the half-emptying times for these foods were all ~3 h, which is similar to the comparably low half-emptying times observed for white rice, boiled potatoes, and pasta in the previous Mali study. We now hypothesize that there may be diet-induced changes in gut-brain axis signaling when slowly digestible carbohydrates are consumed repeatedly over time, perhaps through modulating the number or sensitivity of small intestinal L-cells. We also found that millet couscous did not exhibit high viscosity in the TIMagc, suggesting that viscosity was not impacting its rate of gastric emptying. We conclude that at least some pearl millet-based foods possess a slow digestion property that may act to trigger the gut-brain axis or ileal brake to increase feelings of satiety or slow gastric emptying, but the discrepancy between U.S. and Malian populations requires further study. </p> <p>In the final investigation, we examined how altering carbohydrate digestion affected partitioning of carbohydrate versus fat for oxidation as well as the efficiency of switching oxidation between these two substrates (termed “metabolic flexibility”) in mice. Metabolic flexibility has been associated with good health related to decreased adipose tissue in the body and improved insulin sensitivity and may have implications on weight management. Carbohydrate digestion was adjusted by: (1) testing mice that lacked a complete set of enzymes by knocking out maltase-glucoamylase (Mgam; null) for moderating starch digestion versus testing wild-type mice; (2) using diets in these two groups of mice to moderate starch digestion that had different levels of resistant starch (53%, 35%, and 18%), had only raw corn starch or sucrose, or were high in fat; and (3) providing a supplement of fungal amyloglucosidase (AMG) to the mice treatment groups to increase starch digestion. Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was measured through indirect calorimetry and mathematical modeling was used to characterize the diurnal shifts in RER (sine equation) as well as carbohydrate versus fat oxidation and metabolic flexibility (percent relative cumulative frequency [PRCF] with Weibull and Mixed Weibull Cumulative Distribution functions). Our results suggest that null mice lacking Mgam had somewhat increased metabolic flexibility than wild-type mice despite exhibiting minimal to no effects on carbohydrate oxidation. Intriguingly, the raw corn starch diet increased fat oxidation and generally promoted metabolic flexibility, although it did not increase carbohydrate oxidation relative to the other carbohydrate-predominant diets. Increasing carbohydrate digestion through AMG supplementation increased carbohydrate oxidation, and generally prompted earlier shifts to carbohydrate oxidation than without AMG supplementation. These findings provide a basis for better understanding the metabolic consequences of altering carbohydrate digestion and establish novel tools that can be utilized in future investigations. Overall, we propose that moderating carbohydrate digestion provides the ideal combination of balancing carbohydrate and fat oxidation while promoting metabolic flexibility. </p> <p>In conclusion, a slow digestion property may enable some types of pearl millet to trigger the ileal brake and gut-brain axis feedback systems to decrease glycemic response and increase satiety. Moreover, consuming carbohydrates with slow digestion may optimize substrate utilization for energy by the body. In addition to triggering the ileal brake and gut-brain axis, modulating carbohydrate digestion to more effectively switch between carbohydrate and fat for oxidation may be beneficial for weight management and metabolic disease prevention.</p>

Preparação e caracterização de amidos termoplásticos / Preparation and characterization of termoplastic starches

Róz, Alessandra Luzia da 21 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o processo de plasticização do amido via mistura física e por reação química para a produção de novos materiais. A plasticização via mistura física foi realizada empregando-se como agentes plasticização diferentes compostos hidroxilados. Os amidos termoplásticos (TPS) foram processadas em misturador intensivo a 150°C, a partir de misturas contendo de 15 a 40% de agente plasticizante. A plasticização via reação química foi realizada com isocianatos monofuncionais e difuncionais, os quais levaram a obtenção de produtos de enxertia e entrecruzamento, respectivamente. Os produtos obtidos foram caracterizados por difração de Raios X, Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Termogravimetria (TG), Análise Dinâmico-Mecânica (DMA), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (SEM) e Cromatografia de Permeação em Gel (HPSEC). O estudo dos diferentes plasticizantes propiciou a determinação das características que estas substâncias devem possuir para a preparação de amidos termoplásticos. O cisalhamento desenvolvido durante o processamento em misturador intensivo levou à perda da estrutura cristalina e à desestruturação dos grânulos de amido. O processamento do TPS em misturador intensivo não provoca mudanças significativas na massa molar do amido termoplasticizado. Os amidos termoplasticizados com sorbitol foram aqueles que apresentaram menores valores de absorção de água. Os valores de módulo de Young das amostras plasticizadas com propilenoglicol aumentaram com o aumento do conteúdo de plasticizante. Para as amostras plasticizadas com etilenoglicol o módulo aumenta até 30% de conteúdo de plasticizante, quando ocorre uma diminuição do valor do módulo. Os TPS plasticizados com propilenoglicol, 1, 4-butanodiol, sorbitol e dietilenoglicol apresentaram um aumento da temperatura de transição vítrea com o aumento do tero de plasticizante. Os diferentes TPS obtidos via mistura física apresentaram estabilidade térmica similares à exibida pelo amido in natura. As propriedades mecânicas destes materiais variaram de acordo com o tipo e a quantidade de plasticizante empregado. A análise dos produtos obtidos via reação química (amidos enxertados e entrecruzados) revelou que estas reações promoveram a desestruturação dos grânulos de amido e, independentemente do regente empregado, a modificação produziu derivados mais hidrofóbicos que o amido in natura. A reação do amido com o oligômero de poli-óxido de propileno tolueno di-isocianato permitiu a obtenção de um derivado com propriedades de material elastomérico e elevada capacidade de intumescimento. Os derivados enxertados ou entrecruzados apresentaram perda de cristalinidade, redução do caráter hidrofílico e estabilidades térmicas semelhantes à apresentada pelo amido in natura. / This main of this work was to study of the cornstarch granules plasticization by means of physical or chemical treatments in order to prepare new materials. The plasticization by physical processing was performed in an intensive mixer at 150°C using ditferent hydroxylated compounds as plasticizers. The production of thermoplastic starch (TPS) by chemical reaction was carried out using mono and di-isocyanates to obtain grafted and cross linked derivatives, respectively. All the products were characterized by X Ray Diffraction, Ditferential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetry (TG), Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), High Pressure Size Exclusion Chromatography (HPSEC). The utilization of ditferent plasticizer permitted determining which characteristics the substances must present to be used in the TPS preparation. The shear developed in the processing step lead to the loss of crystalline pattern and disruption of the starch granules. The utilization of intensive mixer does not produce significant changes in the molar mass of the thermoplastic starch. TPS produced using sorbitol as plasticizer presented the lowest level of water uptake. The valous of Young modulus for TPS produced with propylene glycol increased with the content of plasticizer. To samples produced with ethylene glycol the values of Young modulus increased until 30% and after the modulus decrease. TPS prepared with propylene glycol, 1, 4-butanediol, sorbitol and diethyleneglycol showed an increase in the glass transition temperature with the increase in the plasticizer content. The ditferent TPS produced by physical mixture shoed thermal stabilities similar to the one exhibited by in natura starch. The mechanical properties of these materials were dependent of the type and amount of plasticizer. The analysis of the derivatives obtained by chemical reaction (grafted and cross linked) revealed the occurrence of disruption of the starch granules and, independent1y of isocyanate, the products presented higher hydrophobic character than that one presented by in natura starch. By reaction starch with propylene toluene polyoxide oligomer, it was obtained a derivative with elastomeric properties and high swelling capability. The grafted or cross linked derivatives showed loss of crystallinity, decrease in hydrophilic character, and thermal stability similar to the one exhibited by in natura starch.

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de filmes poliméricos de amido de milho nativo e modificado com incorporação de fibras de bagaço de cana e óleos vegetais. / Development and characterization of polymer films of native and modified corn with the incorporation of sugarcane bagasse fibers and vegetable oils

Carmo, Karina Palmizani do 28 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-22T18:41:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMO_Karina_2016.pdf: 17584028 bytes, checksum: 692d8364ace6af7a9c25e92d72c514ec (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-22T18:43:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMO_Karina_2016.pdf: 17584028 bytes, checksum: 692d8364ace6af7a9c25e92d72c514ec (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-22T18:43:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMO_Karina_2016.pdf: 17584028 bytes, checksum: 692d8364ace6af7a9c25e92d72c514ec (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-22T18:43:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMO_Karina_2016.pdf: 17584028 bytes, checksum: 692d8364ace6af7a9c25e92d72c514ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A few years ago, several studies have been conducted to transformatio n of raw matter into renewable biodegradable materials, since it is necessary to rethink consumption and rationalize the use of packaging derived from synthetic polymers. Among these raw materials can be detached corn starch produced worldwide, with low cost and high potential for biodegradability. In this paper, aiming a possible application in biodegradable packaging, starch polymeric films were developed using native corn starch with the incorporation of 1 to 4% of fibers sugarcane bagasse from industrial wastes, 2.5, 5 and 10% of castor oil, and 2.5, 5% epoxidized soy bean oil, and modified corn starch films with the incorporation of 1 to 3% fibers sugarcane bagasse, and 2.5, 5 % of epoxidized soybean oil. Some mechanical and thermal analysis for characterization of the films were made. The mechanical p roperties were analyzed by tensile test in Dynamic-Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) equipment. Among the films tested in tension, they stood the native corn starch films that have the best tensile strength results (1.05 MPa) and elongation at break (77.66%), followed by the native starch containing film 3% fiber (0.81 MPa) and native starch films containing 2.5% epoxidized soybean oil (58.55%). The fractured samples were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Thermal an alysis of all kinds of developed films were made by Differential Scanning Calo rimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Thermogravimetric Analysis Derivative, where the DSC curves showed higher thermal stability for native starch films containing castor oil and epoxidized soybean, in which the thermal decomposition was observed between 270 and 291 o C, being higher than the temperatures of other films , and four stages of degradation for these films, and the others had only three stages of degradation. Native starch films with incorporation o f 3% fiber and 2.5% epoxidized soybean oil were buried in soils incubated for completion of the biodegradability test, and analysis of the emissions o f CO2, CH4, and N2O were performed by gas chromatography, it was possible to observe high CO2 emission rates in the first month of incubation for all films. After 90 days, the films were dug up, and the polymer matrix was completely biodegraded. / Há alguns anos, vários estudos têm sido realizados para transformação de matéria- prima de fontes renováveis em materiais biodegradáveis, visto que se faz necessário repensar o consumo e racionalizar a utilização de embalagens derivada s de polímeros sintéticos. Dentre estas matérias-primas pode ser destacado o amido de milho, produzido mundialmente com baixo custo e alto potencial de biodegradabilidade. Neste trabalho, visando uma possível aplicação em embalagens biodegradáveis, filmes poliméricos de amido foram desenvolvidos, utilizando amido de milho nativo, com a incorporação de 1 a 4% de fibras de bagaço de cana- de - açúcar proveniente de resíduos industriais, 2,5, 5 e 10% de óleo de mamona, e 2,5 e 5% de óleo de soja epoxidado, e filmes de amido de milho modificado com a incorporação de 1 a 3% de fibras de bagaço de cana, e 2,5 e 5% de óleo de soja epoxidado. Foram realizadas algumas análises mecânicas e térmicas para caracterização dos filmes. As propriedades mecânicas foram analisadas através de ensaio de tração em equipamento de Análise Térmica Dinâmico-Mecânica (DMT A). Dentre os filmes ensaiados em tração, se destacaram os filmes de amido de milho nativo que obtiveram os melhores resultados de resistência à tração (1,05 MPa) e a o alongamento na ruptura (77,66%), seguido do filme de amido nativo contendo 3% de fibras (0,81 MPa) e do filme de amido nativo contendo 2,5% de óleo de soja epoxidado (58,55%). As amostras fraturadas em tração foram analisadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Análises térmicas foram realizadas por Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Termogravimetria (TG) e Termogravimetria Derivada (DTG), onde as curvas de DSC mostraram maior estabilidade térmica para os filmes de amido nativo contendo óleos de mamona e de soja epoxidado, em que foi observada a decomposição térmica entre 270 e 291 o C, sendo mais elevadas que as temperaturas dos demais filmes, além de, quatro estágios de degradação para estes filmes, sendo que os demais obtiveram apenas três estágios de degradação. Filmes de amido nativo com incorporação de 3% de fibras e 2,5% de óleo de soja epoxidado, foram enterrados em solos incubados, para realização do teste de biodegradabilidade, e as análises das emissões do s gases CO 2 , CH 4 e N 2 O foram efetuadas por cromatografia gasosa, onde foi possível observar altas taxas de emissão de CO 2 no primeiro mês de incubação para todos os filmes. Após 90 dias, os filmes foram desenterrados, e a matriz polimérica foi totalmente biodegradada.

Preparação e caracterização de amidos termoplásticos / Preparation and characterization of termoplastic starches

Alessandra Luzia da Róz 21 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o processo de plasticização do amido via mistura física e por reação química para a produção de novos materiais. A plasticização via mistura física foi realizada empregando-se como agentes plasticização diferentes compostos hidroxilados. Os amidos termoplásticos (TPS) foram processadas em misturador intensivo a 150°C, a partir de misturas contendo de 15 a 40% de agente plasticizante. A plasticização via reação química foi realizada com isocianatos monofuncionais e difuncionais, os quais levaram a obtenção de produtos de enxertia e entrecruzamento, respectivamente. Os produtos obtidos foram caracterizados por difração de Raios X, Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Termogravimetria (TG), Análise Dinâmico-Mecânica (DMA), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (SEM) e Cromatografia de Permeação em Gel (HPSEC). O estudo dos diferentes plasticizantes propiciou a determinação das características que estas substâncias devem possuir para a preparação de amidos termoplásticos. O cisalhamento desenvolvido durante o processamento em misturador intensivo levou à perda da estrutura cristalina e à desestruturação dos grânulos de amido. O processamento do TPS em misturador intensivo não provoca mudanças significativas na massa molar do amido termoplasticizado. Os amidos termoplasticizados com sorbitol foram aqueles que apresentaram menores valores de absorção de água. Os valores de módulo de Young das amostras plasticizadas com propilenoglicol aumentaram com o aumento do conteúdo de plasticizante. Para as amostras plasticizadas com etilenoglicol o módulo aumenta até 30% de conteúdo de plasticizante, quando ocorre uma diminuição do valor do módulo. Os TPS plasticizados com propilenoglicol, 1, 4-butanodiol, sorbitol e dietilenoglicol apresentaram um aumento da temperatura de transição vítrea com o aumento do tero de plasticizante. Os diferentes TPS obtidos via mistura física apresentaram estabilidade térmica similares à exibida pelo amido in natura. As propriedades mecânicas destes materiais variaram de acordo com o tipo e a quantidade de plasticizante empregado. A análise dos produtos obtidos via reação química (amidos enxertados e entrecruzados) revelou que estas reações promoveram a desestruturação dos grânulos de amido e, independentemente do regente empregado, a modificação produziu derivados mais hidrofóbicos que o amido in natura. A reação do amido com o oligômero de poli-óxido de propileno tolueno di-isocianato permitiu a obtenção de um derivado com propriedades de material elastomérico e elevada capacidade de intumescimento. Os derivados enxertados ou entrecruzados apresentaram perda de cristalinidade, redução do caráter hidrofílico e estabilidades térmicas semelhantes à apresentada pelo amido in natura. / This main of this work was to study of the cornstarch granules plasticization by means of physical or chemical treatments in order to prepare new materials. The plasticization by physical processing was performed in an intensive mixer at 150°C using ditferent hydroxylated compounds as plasticizers. The production of thermoplastic starch (TPS) by chemical reaction was carried out using mono and di-isocyanates to obtain grafted and cross linked derivatives, respectively. All the products were characterized by X Ray Diffraction, Ditferential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetry (TG), Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), High Pressure Size Exclusion Chromatography (HPSEC). The utilization of ditferent plasticizer permitted determining which characteristics the substances must present to be used in the TPS preparation. The shear developed in the processing step lead to the loss of crystalline pattern and disruption of the starch granules. The utilization of intensive mixer does not produce significant changes in the molar mass of the thermoplastic starch. TPS produced using sorbitol as plasticizer presented the lowest level of water uptake. The valous of Young modulus for TPS produced with propylene glycol increased with the content of plasticizer. To samples produced with ethylene glycol the values of Young modulus increased until 30% and after the modulus decrease. TPS prepared with propylene glycol, 1, 4-butanediol, sorbitol and diethyleneglycol showed an increase in the glass transition temperature with the increase in the plasticizer content. The ditferent TPS produced by physical mixture shoed thermal stabilities similar to the one exhibited by in natura starch. The mechanical properties of these materials were dependent of the type and amount of plasticizer. The analysis of the derivatives obtained by chemical reaction (grafted and cross linked) revealed the occurrence of disruption of the starch granules and, independent1y of isocyanate, the products presented higher hydrophobic character than that one presented by in natura starch. By reaction starch with propylene toluene polyoxide oligomer, it was obtained a derivative with elastomeric properties and high swelling capability. The grafted or cross linked derivatives showed loss of crystallinity, decrease in hydrophilic character, and thermal stability similar to the one exhibited by in natura starch.

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