Spelling suggestions: "subject:"corporate financial"" "subject:"eorporate financial""
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Corporate Social Responsibility och dess inverkan på lönsamhet i nordiska börsnoterade företag / Corporate social responsibility and its impact on profitability among nordic listed companiesLennartsson, Sofia, Pettersson, Lena January 2017 (has links)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) är ett aktuellt ämne som syftar till att företag ska ta ett större samhällsansvar, både ur ett ekonomiskt, miljömässigt och socialt perspektiv. Den globalisering som råder i världen påverkar inte bara ett internt företagsklimat, det ger även effekter på omgivande samhälle och individer, vilket tillsammans med sociala påtryckningar skapar ett behov av CSR. Ansvaret till samhället innebär inte bara ekonomiska och lagliga aspekter, dock ska ett etiskt och filantropiskt perspektiv också antas. Idag är CSR ett frivilligt åtagande och för att kunna motivera företag till ett större ansvarstagande för sitt agerande ämnar denna studie att undersöka, ur ett nordiskt sammanhang, om ett företags hållbarhetsarbete genererar lönsamhet. Studien utgår från nordiska börsnoterade företag som ingår i Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). Indexet representeras av de bäst presterande hållbarhetsföretagen i världen som kvalificerat sig till att ingå. Genom en deduktiv kvantitativ metod studeras sambandet mellan CSR och lönsamhet för att förklara vilken effekt variabeln Corporate Social Performance (CSP) har på variabeln Corporate Financial Performance (CFP) under tidsperioden 2010-20162010–2016. Fortsättningsvis undersöks skillnaden i lönsamhet mellan företag som inkluderats i DJSI och matchade likartade nordiska företag som inte ingår i indexet. Undersökningen baseras på sekundärkällor ur ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv. Studien erhåller ett resultat som påvisar att företag som ingår i hållbarhetsindexet tenderar att vara mer lönsamma än företag som inte ingår genom att redovisningsbaserade mått, bruttomarginal och avkastning på totalt kapital (ROA), har applicerats. Studiens slutsats blir att CSR-arbete kan öka lönsamheten i nordiska företag genom att bli inkluderade i DJSI, studien visar dock att placeringen i indexet inte har någon betydelse. Därav blir studiens bidrag att motivera företag till ett större åtagande av hållbarhetsarbete eftersom CSR kan generera högre lönsamhet. / Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a current topic which aims to encourage companies to be more responsible as an societal actor, both from an economic, environmental and social perspective. The consequences of the globalization may not only affect the internal business environment, it will also affect the surrounding society and individuals, which together creates a demand for CSR. As a societal actor, companies needs to include ethical and philanthropic responsibilities, and not only take economic and legal aspects into consideration. Currently, CSR is a voluntary commitment and to motivate companies to embrace the responsibility for the society, this study aims to investigate, from a Nordic context, whether companies’ sustainability work generates profitability. The study is based on Nordic listed companies included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World (DJSI), which is an index where the top performing sustainability companies can qualify for an inclusion. The correlation between CSR and profitability will be studied through a deductive quantitative method to explain what impact Corporate Social Performance (CSP) has on Corporate Financial Performance (CFP) during the years between 2010-2016. Furthermore, the differences in profitability between companies included in DJSI matched Nordic companies that are not included in the index will be investigated. From a scientific perspective, the survey is based on secondary sources. The results of the study indicates that companies included in the sustainability index tend to have an improved profitability than companies that are not included. This by applying the accounting-based measures gross margin and return on assets (ROA). The conclusion of the study is that CSR can improve profitability among the Nordic companies by an inclusion in DJSI, but the study shows that the placement in the index does not have an impact. Hence, the contribution of this study is to motivate companies to a greater commitment to sustainability because CSR can generate improved profitability.
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The Link between Corporate Environmental and Corporate Financial Performance: Viewpoints from Practice and ResearchAnne, Bergmann 27 March 2017 (has links)
For more than 40 years, a tremendous number of studies have empirically explored the relationship between Corporate Environmental Performance (CEP) and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP). This study considers the relationship from a new perspective—via a qualitative research approach based on expert interviews. First, practitioners are queried for their view on the link between CEP and CFP and how to measure it. Since the vast majority see a positive relationship, this study contributes with a new form of evidence that it pays to be green. The chosen qualitative approach also allows a more detailed analysis of underlying cause-and-effect mechanisms. For instance, interviewed practitioners emphasize a direct and indirect impact from CEP on CFP. Second, the study conducts interviews with experts from research and associations (non-practitioners) and compares the viewpoints of the two interview groups. One prevalent difference refers to the fact that non-practitioners do not focus on the two impact levels. Moreover, business experts perceive the link between CEP and CFP as much less complex and reveal more pragmatically oriented considerations. The study then discusses how the interview results and identified differences can be used to direct future research and to support corporations in their move towards sustainability.
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Hållbarhet och lönsamhet : Förhållandena mellan CSP och CFP i en svensk kontextBergquist, Maja, Tafvelin, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Under de senaste årtiondena har ansvarfullt företagande (CSR) varit ett ämne som erhållit allt mer fokus inom forskning och således även för företag och samhället i stort. CSR är ett ämne som är högst aktuellt då globalisering är ett faktum och medför att de företag som är verksamma idag bär ett globalt ansvar, då dessa är stora aktörer i en värld som kantas av ekonomiska kriser, miljöproblem och humanitär försummelse. Det ökade intresset från samhället för CSR har medfört att företagen idag ser detta som en strategisk investering och företags satsning i hållbarhetsaktiviteter har kommit att erhålla en allt större del av företags verksamhet. Frågan kvarstår om detta endast är en investering som ökar företagets etik och moral eller om det faktiskt är lönsamt, och även om lönsamma företag ökar sin investering i hållbarhetsarbete. En stor mängd forskning har utförts för att undersöka förhållandena mellan hållbarhet och lönsamhet, dock utan att konsensus i forskningsgrenen har uppkommit. Grundat på den nuvarande forskningssituationen syftade denna studie till att undersöka vilken effekt ansvarsfullt företagande har på olika lönsamhetsmått, samt vilken effekt de olika lönsamhetsmåtten har på ansvarsfullt företagande, i företag registrerade på large cap och mid cap på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. För att besvara studiens problemformulering och uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvantitativ forskningsansats brukats och ett urval av företag listade på large och mid cap Nasdaq OMX Stockholm har undersökts. För att sätta ett mått på ansvarsfullt företagande (CSP) har en innehållsanalys av företags årsrapporter och hållbarhetsrapporter genomförts, lönsamhetsmåtten (CFP) har utgått från redovisningsbaserade mått (ROE och ROA) samt ett marknadsbaserat mått (total avkastning). Vidare undersöks även relationen mellan variablerna, CSP och CFP, med en tidsaspekt och kontrollvariablerna storlek, risk, FoU och industritillhörighet har brukats. De teorier som har använts för att förklara CFP:s effekt på CSP är slappa resurser och direktörsopportunism, och effekten CSP har på CFP har teorierna intressentteorin, resursbaserad synvinkel och kompromissteorin använts. Det resultat som framkommit genom de multipla regressionerna som testat studiens hypoteser visar att ROE:s effekt på CSP är positiv, medan både ROA:s och avkastningens effekt på CSP är neutral. Slutsatsen blir således delad då lönsamhetsmåttet ROE visar att företag som har en högre lönsamhet kommer investera mer i hållbarhet, denna effekt knyts samman med teorin om slappa resurser. Å andra sidan visar både ROA och avkastning på en neutral effekt på CSP vilket ej kan knytas till varken slappa resurser eller direktöropportunism. Vidare när istället CSP:s effekt på ROE, ROA och avkastning undersökts visar samtliga på en neutral påverkan. Den slutsats som kan dras från detta resultat är att hållbarhetsarbete ej empiriskt kan säkerställa en högre eller lägre lönsamhet, och varken intressentteorin, resursbaserad synvinkel eller kompromissteorin kan förklara resultatet. Med icke-konklusiva resultat föreslår författarna för vidare forskning inom området där mer forskning i den svenska kontexten är nödvändig.
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Estudo sobre as diferenças de práticas contábeis nas demonstrações contábeis societárias e regulatórias de distribuidoras de energia elétrica no BrasilHoppe, Aderbal Alfonso 14 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:39:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-14 / At the close of the financial statements at December 31, 2010, corporate accounting
practices in Brazil underwent the largest transformation in their history, in aligning with
international accounting standards. This process generated differences in accounting practices
between those accepted under tax legislation and those accepted under economic sector
regulatory environments. The electric power distribution sector, in providing a public service,
is regulated by a Granting Authority. The two main methods of regulation and inspection used
by the Granting Authority are: i) to establish tariff practices so that through this mechanism
there is control over levels of revenue and costs; and ii) to establish accounting practices
through the Electrical Sector Accounting Manual. Concession agreements are standardized
with similar economic and financial characteristics, which in turn, generate similar accounting
events. This work is intended to analyze the differences in accounting practices between
corporate financial statements and regulatory financial statements. To achieve this objective a
conceptual review of the corporate and regulatory accounting practices was performed,
including the economic and financial characteristics of the main examples of these differences
in accounting practices. It was concluded through analysis of corporate and regulatory balance
sheets at December 31, 2011, that despite the fact that corporate and regulatory accounting
practices are formalized and mandatory for the balance sheet at that base date, there were
inconsistencies, or a lack of application, of the accounting practices required under regulatory
accounting. Accordingly, while it is evidently a positive notion to prepare and disclose
regulatory financial statements that reconcile with accounting practices, at this stage this
requires more detail and supplementary information in regulatory financial statements, as
well as the complete adoption of regulatory accounting practices by all electric power
distributors / No encerramento das demonstrações contábeis societárias de 31 de dezembro de 2010,
a contabilidade societária no Brasil completou a maior transformação de sua história pelo
processo de harmonização para as normas internacionais de contabilidade. Esse processo
gerou diferenças de práticas em relação às aceitas pela legislação tributária e pelo ambiente de
regulação de setores econômicos. O setor de distribuição de energia elétrica, por ser de
prestação de serviço público, é regulado pelo Poder Concedente. Dois dos principais meios de
regulação e fiscalização usados pelo do Poder Concedente são: i) determinar a tarifa prática e
que por meio deste mecanismo há o controle de níveis de receita e custos; e ii) determinar
práticas contábeis por meio do Manual de Contabilidade do Setor Elétrico. Os contratos de
concessão são padronizados, com características econômicas e financeiras semelhantes e que,
por consequência, gerando eventos contábeis semelhantes. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo
analisar as diferenças de práticas contábeis entre as demonstrações contábeis societárias e
regulatórias. Para o alcance deste objetivo foi feita uma revisão conceitual sobre as práticas
contábeis societárias e regulatórias, incluindo as características econômicas e financeiras dos
principais eventos de diferenças de práticas contábeis. Conclui-se por das análises dos
balanços societários e regulatórios de 31 de dezembro de 2011, que apesar das práticas
contábeis societárias e regulatórias estarem formalizadas e com aplicação obrigatória nos
balanços da referida data-base, observou-se que há divergências de aplicação ou falta de
aplicação de práticas contábeis requeridas na contabilidade regulatória. Com isso, observa-se
que se montra positiva a intenção de preparar e divulgar as demonstrações contábeis
regulatórias que conciliem com as práticas contábeis. Entretanto, mas que ainda está em
estágio que requer um detalhamento e complemento das informações nas demonstrações
contábeis regulatórias, bem como, que ocorra a completa adoção das práticas contábeis
regulatórias por todas as distribuidoras de energia elétrica
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CSR och företagsvärde : En kvantitativ studie som mäter om det råder ett samband mellan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och företagsvärde, utefter mätningar med Corporate Financial Performance (CFP)Ohanian, Daniel, Sultan, Josef January 2022 (has links)
Sustainable business has become highly sought after today by stakeholders, which explains the importance of CSR for companies. Companies are required to work sustainably in order to legitimize themselves both in the market and society. This can be done by fulfilling and satisfying the economic, environmental and sustainable, as well as the social frameworks that exist in business society. Despite CSR's central role in companies, researchers have differentiated meanings on whether CSR initiatives really improve corporate profitability in terms of financial performance, and whether it has a positive relationship with corporate value. Regarding this, the report examines CSR's relationship to CFP and company value, through the profitability measures ROA and ROE, as well as the valuation measures market value and P/E ratio. A quantitative method has been applied to examine the companies published on Dagens Industri's sustainability index for the year 2021. Dagens Industri's list includes the largest listed companies in the GICS categories on the Swedish stock market exchange. The study uses regression analysis as a choice of statistical analysis method to examine the variables relationships. From the regressions, a small part of the result showed a weak negative relationship between CSR and ROA. The regressions otherwise mainly showed a non-significant relationship between CSR and a company's profitability and value. The variables do not have a significant relationship with each other, and a neutral relationship between them can thus be demonstrated. The existing research gap is therefore still ambiguous, hence the room for further future studies in the field.
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Påverkar socialt ansvarstagande den finansiella prestationen? : En studie om svenska små- och medelstora företag / Does social responsibility affect financial performance? : A study about Swedish small- and mediumsized companiesKhan, Adam, Ramtin, Torab January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Sverige är ett av de mest hållbarhets medvetna länderna i världen (Robecosam, 2021) med ett stort antal företag som prioriterar och rapporterar CSR-aktiviteter. Med det i åtanke är CSR ett växande intressant ämne vilket är ett omdiskuterat inom akademisk forskning, framförallt vilken effekt den har för företag som implementerar det. Vi valde att utforska vidare på detta i Sverige i förväntan av att se ett samband med förbättrat ekonomiskt resultat för de företag som engagerar sig i CSR.Syfte och bidrag: Föreliggande studie har syftet att undersöka vilken påverkan corporate social responsibility (CSR) har på corporate financial performance (CFP) hos svenska börsnoterade små- och medelstora företag under år 2019. Det forskningen är tänkt att bidra till är ökad förståelse för CSR och vilken betydelse det har för företag som implementerar det. De som kan dra nytta av den informationen är investerare, forskare och företag.Metod: Det valda metodvalet var multipel linjär regression med 1 oberoende variabel, vilket representerar CSR, och 3 kontrollvariabler. Den oberoende variabeln som användes var ESG. De kontrollvariabler som användes var kapitalstruktur, företagsstorlek och ålder. De valda beroende variabler var Return on equity (ROE), Return on assets (ROA) och Tobins Q vilket representerade finansiell prestation (CFP).Slutsats: Föreliggande studiens slutsats var att metodvalet visade sig vara insignifikant och därför kunde inte syftet visa om CSR påverkar CFP positivt. Det rekommenderas därför att använda andra metodval vid undersökning av CSR-CFP relationen hos små- och medelstora företag (SME) i framtida studier. / Background and problems: Sweden is one of the most sustainability-conscious countries in the world (Robecosam, 2021) with a large number of companies prioritizing and reporting CSR activities. With that in mind, CSR is a growing topic of interest which is debated within academic research, especially the effect it has on companies that implement it. We chose to explore this further in Sweden in the expectation of seeing a connection with improved financial results for the companies that engage in CSR.Purpose and contribution: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact corporate social responsibility (CSR) has on corporate financial performance (CFP) in Swedish listed SMEs during the year 2019. What the research is intended to contribute to, is increased understanding of CSR and what significance it has for companies that implement it. Those who can benefit from the findings of this research paper are investors, researchers and companies.Method: The choice of method was a multiple linear regression with 1 independent variable, that represented CSR, and 4 control variables. The variables used were ESG as the independent variable. For control variables, capital structure, company size and age were used. The selected dependent variables were return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA) and tobin's Q which represented corporate financial performance (CFP).Conclusion: The conclusion of the present study was that the choice of method was found to be insignificant and therefore the aim of showing that CSR affects CFP positively could not be confirmed. It is recommended to use other methodological choices when examining CSR-CFP from small- and medium sized enterprises (SME) in future studies.
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公司財務決策論文兩篇:跨國購併目標公司之選擇以及聯貸市場參貸銀行的選擇 / Two Essays on Corporate Financial Decisions: Choices of Target Firms in Cross-Border M&As and Choices of Participant Banks in Syndicated Loan Market謝依婷, Hsieh, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要由兩篇文章所組成,探討有關跨國購併活動中目標公司的選擇,以及聯貸市場中參貸銀行的選擇。第一部份旨在分析市場集中程度與跨國購併在垂直相關產業的議題。Beladi, Chakrabarti and Marjit (2013)建立一般均衡寡佔模型,連結當地國的市場競爭力和跨國購併在垂直相關產業的論點。他們模型認為當地國家的垂直整合程度會改變國外主併者策略優勢。我們使用1990年至2012年涵蓋86個國家,之全球購併活動案件,我們衡量當地國家的市場競爭與垂直整合程度,呈現當地國家前期的市場競爭力將會誘發國外市場主併者進入,以垂直購併的方式購併當地國家之目標公司。本研究結果提供了實證性的結果來支持過去理論之發現,認為產業的集中程度會影響跨國購併。
本論文的第二部份,在研究知識技能互補和銀行商譽在參貸銀行的選擇,觀察主貸銀行該如何選擇參貸銀行之決策分析。延伸Diamond (1991)的商譽建立假說,透過主貸銀行本身的特性因子與工作經驗,來探討主貸銀行選擇參貸銀行的誘因動機。研究結果發現,當主貸銀行具有較高的自身商譽佳、經營及投資具效率性、內部監理機制較佳、且市場經驗較為豐富時,會誘使主貸銀行減少對高商譽參貸銀行的需求。呈現知識技能互補的現象於主貸銀行選擇參貸銀行的決策。本研究結果可提供我們對聯貸銀行團商譽互補現象及分析。 / Two essays are comprised in this dissertation to study on choices of target firms in cross-border M&As and choices of participant banks in the syndicated loan market. In the first essay, cross-border mergers and market concentration in a vertically related industry, we examine the relationship between market concentration and cross-border M&A. Beladi, Chakrabarti and Marjit (2013) present an oligopoly in general equilibrium model to identify the linkages between local market competition and cross-border mergers in a vertically related industry. Their model predicts that a vertical integration at home changes the strategic advantage for foreign acquirers. Using firm-level data from 86 countries between 1990 and 2012, we calculate proxies for local market competition and show that lower (higher) pre-merger local competition at home country will increase (decrease) mergers between a foreign firm and a vertically integrated home firm. These findings provide empirical supports for the significant impact of industry concentration on the decisions of cross-border M&A.
In the second essay, the effects of knowledge complementarities and bank reputation on participant banks choices, we focus on the decision of lead arrangers on participant bank choices in the syndicated loan market. We extend reputation building theory (Diamond, 1991) and model the lead arranger’s partner choice problem through the effect of self-related and task-related factors. Our paper show that when lead arrangers have higher reputation, operating efficiency, and market experience, lead arrangers tend to choose less reputable partners. These results help to explain how lead arrangers, through their partner selection decisions, manage the reputation pool among banks in the syndicated loan market.
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Modererande påverkan av finansiell prestation på förhållandet mellan CSR och styrelsesammansättningen : En kvantitativ studie på 433 börsnoterade nordiska bolag / Moderation effects of financial performance on the relationship between CSR and board characteristics : A quantitative study on 433 Nordic public firmsBatti, Lorin, Tewolde, Delinna January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Ett växande intresse för CSR och dess betydelse lyfter fram rollen av bolagsstyrning. Bland annat ifrågasattes styrelsens roll i att utveckla strategier och uppfylla krav från diverse intressentgrupper. Frågan om finansiell prestation, eller tillgängligheten av finansiella resurser, kan påverka förhållandet mellan CSR och styrelseegenskaper har sällan undersökts tidigare. Syftet med denna studie är därmed uppdelat i två frågeställningar; den första delen undersöker hur styrelseegenskaperna påverkar CSR. Vidare behandlar den andra delen potentiella modererande effekter av finansiell prestation på förhållandet. Metod: Studien utgår från en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi och en tvärsnittsforskning som bygger på en kvantitativ strategi. Data inhämtades via Refinitiv Eikon om 433 börsnoterade nordiska bolag för året 2021. Behandling och analys av data genomfördes via SPSS; ett statistiskt mjukvaruprogram. Resultat & slutsats: Resultaten tyder på positiva och statistiskt signifikanta effekter av styrelsens storlek, andelen kvinnor i styrelsen respektive andelen oberoende styrelseledamöter på CSR. Likaså fanns ett positivt samband mellan CSR och finansiell prestation samt att påverkan av styrelsestorleken på CSR positivt stärks av finansiell prestation. Däremot indikeras att påverkan av andelen kvinnor i styrelsen respektive andelen oberoende styrelseledamöter på CSR försvagas av finansiell prestation. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studiens resultat har praktiska och teoretiska bidrag. Studiens teoretiska bidrag avser resultatens tillägg i den nuvarande forskningen om förhållandet mellan CSR och styrelsen. Studiens empiriska resultat kan därmed användas för att bättre förstå hur styrelsesammansättningen kan uppmuntra ansvarsfullt beteende. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Genom studiens resultat har vi kunnat föreslå tre ytterligare frågor för fortsatt undersökning. Den första frågan föreslår att VD:ns personlighet, engagemang och värderingar kan vara en närmare indikator på hur VD-dualitet kan påverka CSR. För det andra, föreslås vidare behandling av företagsbeteende mot CSR under olika ekonomiska förhållanden. Slutligen, har tidigare studier föreslagit vidare undersökning av interaktionseffekterna av styrelsens beståndsdelar för närmare indikation av en effektiv styrelsesammansättning. Syftet är att undersöka den gemensamma effekten av styrelsesammansättningen på CSR, till skillnad från att se hur enskilda egenskaper påverkar CSR. / Aim: The growing interest in corporate social responsibility and discussions of its importance inquired the role of corporate governance by numerous researchers. Specifically, the board has been highlighted as a pilar to developing strategies and maintaining the goals of diverse stakeholders. The role of financial performance, or the availability of slack financial resources, is a question rarely posed in its effects on the relation between the previously mentioned variables. The objective of this study is thereby divided into two inquiries; the first part investigates the effects of board characteristics on CSR, whereas the second part explores potential moderation effects of financial performance on the relationship. Method: This study employs a positivistic research philosophy and cross-sectional research design based on a quantitative strategy. Data was collected through Refinitiv Eikon on 433 Nordic public firms for the year 2021. Processing and analysis of data was conducted through a statistical software program, SPSS. Results & conclusions: Our findings suggest positive and statistically significant effects of board size, proportion of female board members and proportion of independent board members on CSR, respectively. Likewise, we find that financial performance has a positive effect on CSR and positively accentuates the effects of board size on CSR. Meaning that, higher financial performances positively influence firms’ level of CSP and accentuate the effects of board size on CSR. However, the effects of the proportion of female board members and proportion of independent board members are respectively weakened by firms’ financial performance. Contribution of the thesis: The findings of this study have practical and theoretical contributions. Theoretical contributions refer to our additions to the current research bank by providing more evidence on the effects of board characteristics on CSR. Practical contributions regard the empirical results given the limitations of the study, which can aid in understanding how specific board structures can encourage socially responsible behavior. Suggestions for future research: Findings of the study inquired the role of three additional topics in relation to CSR. First, our insignificant results for CEO-duality is an additional indication to instead investigate the role of CEOs’ personalities and their engagement toward CSR-related questions, especially in institutional settings with coercive standards for socially responsible behaviors. Second, differences between fostering and declining economical/market conditions may result in re-prioritizations of goals and reformulations of CSR-strategies. Thereby inquiring if economic conditions may be a moderating factor in the relationship between CSR and financial performance. Third, researchers have suggested further investigation on the interaction effects between board characteristics due to their influence on one-and-another.
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Financial Analysis and Fiscal Viability of Secondary Schools in Mukono District, UgandaTanner, Janet Jeffery 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Within the worldwide business community, many analysis tools and techniques have evolved to assist in the evaluation and encouragement of financial health and fiscal viability. However, in the educational community, such analysis is uncommon. It has long been argued that educational institutions bear little resemblance to, and should not be treated like, businesses. This research identifies an educational environment where educational institutions are, indeed, businesses, and may greatly benefit from the use of business analyses. The worldwide effort of Education for All (EFA) has focused on primary education, particularly in less developed countries (LDCs). In Sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda increased its primary school enrollments from 2.7 million in 1996 to 7.6 million in 2003. This rapid primary school expansion substantially increased the demand for secondary education. Limited government funding for secondary schools created an educational bottleneck. In response to this demand, laws were passed to allow the establishment of private secondary schools, operated and taxed as businesses. Revenue reports, filed by individual private schools with the Uganda Revenue Authority, formed the database for the financial analysis portion of this research. These reports, required of all profitable businesses in Uganda, are similar to audited corporate financial statements. Survey data and national examination (UNEB) scores were also utilized. This research explored standard business financial analysis tools, including financial statement ratio analysis, and evaluated the applicability of each to this LDC educational environment. A model for financial assessment was developed and industry averages were calculated for private secondary schools in the Mukono District of Uganda. Industry averages can be used by individual schools as benchmarks in assessing their own financial health. Substantial deviations from the norms signal areas of potential concern. Schools may take appropriate corrective action, leading to sustainable fiscal viability. An example of such analysis is provided. Finally, school financial health, defined by eight financial measures, was compared with quality of education, defined by UNEB scores. Worldwide, much attention is given to education and its role in development. This research, with its model for financial assessment of private LDC schools, offers a new and pragmatic perspective.
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