Spelling suggestions: "subject:"correctional institution"" "subject:"correctionnal institution""
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Evaluation of the day treatment program at Brown Creek Correctional Institution : a follow-up study /Baucom, Tracy R. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves : 44-47).
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Punishment or welfare a case study of a custodial institution for female young offenders : Tai Tam Gap correctional institution /Yip, Moon-wing, George. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Leicester in association with University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-136). Also available in print.
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Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av arbetet inom kriminalvården : en intervjustudieAl-joumeyli, Rim Jasmin, Kraft, Amanda January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom kriminalvården har för tankar och upplevelser av att arbeta på ett häkte samt hur det känns att möta de intagna. Urval: Fem sjuksköterskor som arbetar på ett häkte i Sverige med minst 6 månaders erfarenhet. Metod: Deskriptiv kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Kvalitativ innehålls analys användes för analys av data. Resultat: Det framkom att sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom kriminalvården upplever sitt arbete som stimulerande och spännande. De upplever att mötet med de intagna går bra och oftast möts sjuksköterskorna av ett gott bemötande. En del av arbetet anser sjuksköterskorna vara påfrestande och ansvarskrävande då de bland annat har ansvar över suicidbedömningar av de intagna. Informanterna upplevde att arbetet kunde vara emotionellt påfrestande men att de ändå kunde hålla ett professionellt förhållningssätt. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna som ingår i denna studie anser att arbetet inom kriminalvården är ett givande arbete med varierande arbetsuppgifter och stor variation vad gäller de intagna. / Aim: To examine what thoughts and experiences nurses have that works in a correctional institution and have it feels to meet the inmates. Sample: Five nurses who work in a correctional institution with at least six months experience. Method: Descriptive qualitative study using semi-structured interviews were conducted. Qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis. Results: It was found that nurses working in a correctional institution find their work as stimulating and exciting. They feel that the meeting and the refutation with the inmates often is a good experience. Some of the work the nurses considered to be stressful and demanding accountability when they have particular responsibility for suicide assessments of the inmates. The informants felt that the work could be emotionally stressful, but they still could maintain a professional approach. Conclusion: The nurses in this study think that working as a nurse in the correctional institution is a rewarding job with varied tasks and great variation in the inmates.
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Nuteistųjų dalyvanimas socioedukacinėje veikloje / Participation of convicts in the socioeducational activitiesRupšytė, Aušra 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamos nuteistųjų dalyvavimo socioedukacinėje veikloje galimybės. Vienas iš svarbiausių būdų, siekiant apsaugoti nuteistąjį nuo socialinės atskirties, – humaniškas poţiūris į nusikaltėlį, maksimalios pataisos įstaigos pastangos vykdant socioedukacines programas.
Šiaulių tardymo izoliatoriaus ūkio aptarnavimo būryje buvo atliktas kokybinis tyrimas. Jo respondentai – 8 nuteistieji, kurių amţius nuo 20 iki 36 metų.
Kokybiniu tyrimu, naudojant pusiau struktūruotą interviu, siekta plačiau ištirti nuteistųjų galimybes dalyvauti tokiose socioedukacinės veiklos srityse: švietimo(si), darbinės veiklos, kultūrinės (meninės, sportinės, religinės). Taip pat siekta suţinoti, kaip nuteistieji vertina organizuojamą socioedukacinę veiklą bei galimybes joje dalyvauti.
Tyrimu nustatyta, jog pataisos įstaigoje vykdoma socioedukacinė veikla nepakankamai produktyvi ir sisteminga. Nors nuteistieji gali dalyvauti švietimo(si), darbinėje ir laisvalaikio kultūrinėje veikloje, tačiau galimybės ribotos bei nepakankamai tenkinami nuteistųjų poreikiai: šviečiamosios paskaitos monotoniškos, šviečiamoji literatūra pasenusi, nevedamos profesinio rengimo paskaitos, darbo įrankiai seni, nėra galimybių naudotis naujomis technologijomis, neskatinama kūrybinė bei religinė veikla. Įţvelgiamos ir teigiami vykdomos socioedukacinės veiklos aspektai: vedamos bendrojo lavinimo pamokos, suteikiama galimybė uţsiimti darbine veikla, taip pat sportuoti. Nepaisant trūkumų, galima teigti, jog... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There are analysed abilities of participation of convicts in socioeducational activities in my bachelor work. One of the important ways, where is sought to protect a convict that he or she would not stay in a social disjuncture, is a human attitude towards a convict, maximum endeavour of correctional institutions doing socioeducational programmes.
I have done a qualitative research. It was done in Economy Service Team of Šiauliai Remand Prison. There were eight of 20 – 36 years old respondents in this research.
The purpose of this research was to explore more about convicts’ abilities to take part in the socioeducational activities such as education, work, cultural activities (art, sport, religion) departments. Furthermore, there was important to know how convicts evaluate organized sovioleducational activities and their ability to take part in them. There was used a demi-structural interview for this research.
The research shows that socioeducational activities in the correctional institution are not enough efficient and systematic. Although convicts may participate in all education and working, cultural and leisure activities but abilities of participation is restricted and requirements of the convicts are not supplied: educational lectures are monotonous, educational literature is outdated, vocational training courses are not available, tools are outdated, it is not possible to use new technologies, encourage creativity and religious activities. There are and the strongest... [to full text]
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Pataisos įstaigų edukacinio potencialo plėtotės galimybės / Educational potential development opportunities in correctional institutionsKirklienė, Silva 27 February 2014 (has links)
Teisti asmenys įvardijami kaip socialiai pažeidžiami, todėl išėjęs į laisvę tampa visuomenės problema: neturi darbo, būsto, jų išsilavinimas menkas, o artimieji dažnai nutraukia ryšius su buvusiais kaliniais. Neturintys išsilavinimo ar žemo išsilavinimo lygio asmenys patiria daugiau sunkumų integruojantis į darbo rinką, o dalyvavimas visuomeniniame gyvenime būna apribotas. Dažnai, nesulaukę tinkamos pagalbos, marginalinei grupei priskiriami asmenys, įvykdo naują nusikaltimą, sugrįžta į kalėjimą ir taip uždaras ratas sukasi toliau. Labai svarbu Pataisos įstaigose nuteistiesiems įgyti pradinį, pagrindinį ir profesinį išsilavinimą, išsaugoti turimus darbo įgūdžius, įgyti naujų, paklausių darbo rinkoje profesijų, ugdyti motyvaciją keistis. Nuteistųjų edukacinė veikla ir įvairaus pobūdžio užsiėmimai PI yra labai svarbus faktorius, dažnai lemiantis sėkmingą integracijos į visuomenę procesą. / Education of convicts in correctional institutions should become a relevant issue to all society because a negative attitude towards ex-convicts, which has been prevailing for many years, often turns against the society itself. The ex-convict becomes a problem of the society due to subjective and objective reasons, i.e. he/she is unemployed, does not have a dwelling place, he/she has poor education and rather often the relatives of the ex-convict terminate their relations with him/her. Moreover, the psychological state of the ex-prisoner is unstable due to which the situation becomes even more complicated.
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Comparing threat and physical violence perpetrated towards staff between two forensic settings : a cross-sectional studyHelker-Nygren, Joel, Evermark, Joel January 2017 (has links)
This study was conducted within two forensic settings, the high security correctional facility Saltviksanstalten, and the forensic psychiatric institution Karsudden hospital. 66 staff members from Saltvik and 39 from Karsudden participated by answering a questionnaire about threat and physical violence perpetrated towards them by inmates/patients. The aim of the present study was to analyze and compare the prevalence of threat and physical violence and related factors perpetrated by inmates/patient towards staff within these two forensic settings with the objectives to compare and analyse the prevalence, characteristics, situations and consequences of the threat and physical violence. The results showed that a higher percentage of participants were exposed to threats and physical violence within the forensic psychiatric setting. As regards to the intentions behind the threats and physical violence, inmates within high security correctional facilities was to a higher degree instrumental whereas patients within the forensic psychiatry showed a higher degree of reactive intentions. The conclusion is that victimization in the form of threat and physical violence is comprehensive, especially within the forensic psychiatry. Due to that victimization increases both the risk of revictimization, and have a number of negative personal- and societal consequences, this is an issue that needs to be highlighted in order to improve both the work environment and the mental health for the staff. / <p>2017-06-01</p>
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An Evaluation of Latent Tuberculosis Infections in an Ohio PrisonWeant, Tyler Edward 23 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Strategie zvládání stresových situací v populaci jedinců s poruchami chování / Coping Strategies with Stressful Situations in Population of Individuals with Behavioral DisordersBidmonová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
4 Abstract The topic of this thesis is the strategy of coping with stressful situations in a population of individuals with behavioral disorders. The starting point of the thesis lies in the assumption that adolescents with behavioral disorders show greater difficulties in coping with stressful situations and react differently from their peers that have no behavioral disorders. The target group of respondents is represented by clients of juvenile correctional institutions, specifically boys between 15 and 19 years of age. Their answers are compared with a comparison group of students from secondary schools that have no behavioral disorders. The strategies of coping with stress are examined through the use of two methods, a questionnaire "Strategie zvládání stresu SVF 78" and the semiprojective Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test. The results indicate that the group of adolescent boys placed in juvenile correctional institutions, shows the tendency to resign more frequently and the effort to gain control over stressful situations less often. Contrary to expectations, the predicted search for alternative activities to escape from stressful situations was not confirmed. Furthemore, neither the tendency for a behavior-oriented self defence nor ones` aggresive actions directed at the surroundings occured....
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Le Wisconsin et ses prisons : entre resocialisation et enfermementLoizeau, Éric 28 June 2011 (has links)
La présente thèse étudie le développement du système carcéral moderne aux États-Unis en général et dans l’État du Wisconsin en particulier. Alors que, traditionnellement, l’administration pénitentiaire du Wisconsin n’a que rarement éveillé l’intérêt de la communauté scientifique nous démontrerons le rôle fondamental joué par l’État durant les années 1980 et 1990, celles du tout-carcéral. Pendant des années, le Wisconsin respecta son image de laboratoire de la démocratie acquise sous l’ère Roosevelt. Cependant, pour des raisons principalement politiques, des mesures de plus en plus punitives furent votées à partir du milieu des années 1970 qui eurent pour effet de voir émerger de nouvelles politiques pénales. L’approche resocialisante, connue sous le nom de Wisconsin Approach, allait laisser la place à une politique répressive dont une des représentations demeure les transferts de prisonniers vers d’autres États. Le Department of Corrections connut pendant des années un des taux d’incarcération les plus élevés du pays et fut à l’avant-garde, dès les années 1970, des philosophies conservatrices en matière de politique judiciaire. Cette étude se concentre sur l’évolution du DOC à cette période afin d’en évaluer les conséquences sur les institutions et de voir comment ces changements ont pu affecter le concept de démocratie qui se trouve au cœur du commonwealth, fondement philosophique de l’État du Wisconsin. Grâce à l’étude de documents officiels, d’articles de presse et de lettres de détenus que l’auteur a réunies pendant plusieurs années, une image de la pénitentiaire actuelle, jusque-là ignorée, sera ainsi présentée. Cette recherche se propose ainsi d’analyser les différents programmes et les politiques mises en œuvre par l’administration pénitentiaire, et que le DOC défend avec fierté. / This work examines the development of the modern prison in the United States focusing on the state of Wisconsin because of certain unique specificities. While the Wisconsin Department of Corrections has traditionally attracted little interest but we will present some evidence that its case is indeed significant in the context of the prison boom of the 1980s and 1990s. Politically, for many years, the state had been known as the «laboratory» for democracy. However, mostly because of political reasons mostly, increasingly severe measures were ratified in the mid seventies which overturned previous correctional policies and gave a new direction to penal philosophies in the state. The Wisconsin Approach to corrections would gradually disappear and the state became one of the first to implement out-of-state incarceration. The Department of Corrections (DOC) experienced one of the highest national rates of incarceration for many years, being, in the field of criminal policies, at the forefront of the conservative revolution starting in the 1970s. We will analyze the development of the DOC and see how this trend has affected the institutions and the concept of democracy at the heart of the commonwealth in Wisconsin. This work relies on official documents and on the letters of prisoners the author has received for many years, revealing a firsthand account of the reality of prisons today in Wisconsin. Thanks to these narratives, this study will attempt to evaluate the varied programs, policies and missions that the Wisconsin DOC is still proud to defend today.
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