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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparativ studie av Autotransformatorsystem och Boostertransformatorsystem på den svenska järnvägen / Comparative study of Autotransformer system and Boostertransformer system on the Swedish railway

Dalbom, Fabian, Abdulrada, Adnan January 2022 (has links)
På den svenska järnvägen används två olika återledningssystem på kontaktledningen, autotransformatorsystem och boostertransformatorsystem. De flesta sträckor i Sverige har idag boostertransformatorsystem. I takt med utvecklingen av järnvägen så ställs det andra krav på banorna, till exempel införandet av höghastighetståg. Problemformuleringen blev således frågan om vilket system som föredras vid upprustning eller nybyggnad av järnvägen. Beräkningar på överföringsförmåga beroende på spänningshållningen i systemen samt en modell för en livscykelkostnadsanalys gav svaren på hur skillnaden ser ut i dessa system från ett tekniskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Resultaten visar att båda systemen fungerar på den svenska järnvägen. Beroende på hur trafiken, banutformningen samt kostnaderna för ett enskilt system ser ut kan båda systemen användas. Resultatet visar också att vid låg trafiktäthet har AT-systemet större energiförluster än ett BT-system. Vid hög trafiktäthet har ett BT-system större energiförluster än ett AT-system. Resultaten visar också att autotransformator-systemet har en bättre överföringsförmåga av effekt men är dyrt. Boostertransformatorsystemet å andra sidan har en sämre överföringsförmåga av effekt men är billigare. / On the Swedish railway, two different return systems are used on the overhead line, autotransformer systems and booster transformer systems. Most routes in Sweden today have booster transformer systems. In step with the development of the railway, other requirements are placed on the lines, for example the introduction of high-speed trains. The problem formulation thus became the question of which system is preferred for upgrading or new construction of the railway. Calculations of transmission capacity depending on the voltage control in the systems and a model for a life cycle cost analysis gave the answers to what the difference looks like in these systems from a technical and economic perspective. The results show that both systems work on the Swedish railway. Depending on the traffic, track design and costs of an individual system, both systems can be used. The results also show that at low traffic density, the AT system has greater energy losses than a BT system. At high traffic density, a BT system has greater energy losses than an AT system. The results show that the autotransformer system has a better transmission capacity of power but is expensive. The booster transformer system, on the other hand, has a poorer transmission capacity of power but is cheaper.

Väggelement i trä : Prefab vs platsbyggt / Timber Frame Walls : Prefab vs site-built

Sidabutar, Marsingal, Kilic Marouf, Pervin January 2020 (has links)
Prefabricering av väggelement är en byggmetod under stark framväxt i byggandet av småhus de senaste decennierna. Kostnadseffektiviteten nämns ofta som ett skäl till att prefabricering av småhus har en sådan stor framväxt. Samtidigt har miljö- och klimatfrågan växt och då byggsektorn står för en stor del av Sveriges koldioxidutsläpp krävs det att byggsektorn ställer om till ett allt med hållbart byggande. Detta examensarbete har undersökt denna kostnadseffektivitet och hur och om en går att kombinera med ett hållbart byggande och sedan jämfört detta med platsbyggda väggar i trä. Underlag har tagits fram i samarbete med Skidstahus som producerar prefabricerade väggelement i fabriksmiljö och underlag från Derome Hus AB/ VarbergsHus vad berör småhus i lösvirke. En kostnadsjämförelse av de två byggmetoderna visar att de prefabricerade väggelement som Skidstahus framställer är mer kostnadseffektiva och det beror till stor del på att arbetstiden effektiviseras. Till viss del visar examensarbetet att materialanvändningen även resurs effektiviseras vid Skidstahus produktion och resulterar i mindre spill som därmed gynnar ett hållbart byggande. Andra viktiga aspekter för hållbarhet och livslängd såsom fukt och lufttäthet visar att prefabricerade väggar har utmaningar då skarvar och anslutningar måste vara väl utförda. Samtidigt innebär arbetet i fabriksmiljö att risken för fuktproblem minskar då det ger ett skydd för klimat och väder. Detta är medför även att byggarbetarna får en god och vältempererad arbetsmiljö. Däremot finns frågetecken kring hur byggande med prefabricerade väggelement påverkar miljön i form av transporter i förhållandet till platsbyggda väggar av lösvirke, då transporter till och från fabrik krävs. Utöver detta påverkar byggmetoden hur gestaltning och arkitektur utförs då ett platsbyggt hus i trä enklare går att utföra med valfri gestaltning. Analyserna visar sammanfattningsvis att användandet av prefabricerade väggelement i trä reducerar byggkostnader samtidigt som det kan bidra till ett hållbart byggande. Det krävs dock ytterligare studier för att jämföra den beräknade livslängden på prefabricerade väggar och platsbyggda. / Prefabrication of wood wall elements in construction of villas and terraced houses is a building method undergoing growth in recent decades. Cost efficiency is often cited as a reason why prefabrication has undergone such a large growth. At the same time, the issue of environmental impact and climate change has grown. As the construction sector accounts for a large part of Sweden's carbon dioxide emissions, the construction sector needs to become more sustainable. This thesis has examined this cost-effectiveness and if it is possible to combine with environmental sustainability. To examine this more thoroughly a comparison is made with in site-built timber-framed constructed walls. The thesis has been conducted in collaboration with Skidstahus, which produces prefabricated wall elements in a factory environment, especially for data collection. Information and data have also been collected from Varbergshus / Derome producing houses in site-built timber-framed building. A cost comparison of the building methods shows that the prefabricated wall elements manufactured by Skidstahus are more cost-effective, which can be linked to work efficiency. To some extent, the thesis also shows that material use can be optimized at Skidstahus production and therefore results in less waste, which thus reduces environmental impact. Other important factors for durability and accounted life span is the building method’s ability to handle migration of moisture and airtightness. The thesis shows that prefabricated walls have challenges, as joints and connections must be well designed. At the same time, factory production allows an environment which can reduce risk of migration of moisture as it provides protection for climate and weather impact. Another aspect is that it provides a good and well-tempered work environment for the construction worker. On the other hand, it is questionable whether the use of prefabricated wall elements affects the environment as it may increase the need of transportation in relation to on site-built timber-framed walls, as transport to and from the factory is required. In addition, the prefabricated method could influence how design and architecture is carried out while a wood house made from stick timber is more easily modified. In summary, the analysis show that the use of prefabricated wood wall elements reduces building costs while at the same time it can contribute to environmental sustainability. However, further studies are required to compare the estimated life span of the two compared building methods.

Resource Allocation on Networks: Nested Event Tree Optimization, Network Interdiction, and Game Theoretic Methods

Lunday, Brian Joseph 08 April 2010 (has links)
This dissertation addresses five fundamental resource allocation problems on networks, all of which have applications to support Homeland Security or industry challenges. In the first application, we model and solve the strategic problem of minimizing the expected loss inflicted by a hostile terrorist organization. An appropriate allocation of certain capability-related, intent-related, vulnerability-related, and consequence-related resources is used to reduce the probabilities of success in the respective attack-related actions, and to ameliorate losses in case of a successful attack. Given the disparate nature of prioritizing capital and material investments by federal, state, local, and private agencies to combat terrorism, our model and accompanying solution procedure represent an innovative, comprehensive, and quantitative approach to coordinate resource allocations from various agencies across the breadth of domains that deal with preventing attacks and mitigating their consequences. Adopting a nested event tree optimization framework, we present a novel formulation for the problem as a specially structured nonconvex factorable program, and develop two branch-and-bound schemes based respectively on utilizing a convex nonlinear relaxation and a linear outer-approximation, both of which are proven to converge to a global optimal solution. We also investigate a fundamental special-case variant for each of these schemes, and design an alternative direct mixed-integer programming model representation for this scenario. Several range reduction, partitioning, and branching strategies are proposed, and extensive computational results are presented to study the efficacy of different compositions of these algorithmic ingredients, including comparisons with the commercial software BARON. The developed set of algorithmic implementation strategies and enhancements are shown to outperform BARON over a set of simulated test instances, where the best proposed methodology produces an average optimality gap of 0.35% (compared to 4.29% for BARON) and reduces the required computational effort by a factor of 33. A sensitivity analysis is also conducted to explore the effect of certain key model parameters, whereupon we demonstrate that the prescribed algorithm can attain significantly tighter optimality gaps with only a near-linear corresponding increase in computational effort. In addition to enabling effective comprehensive resource allocations, this research permits coordinating agencies to conduct quantitative what-if studies on the impact of alternative resourcing priorities. The second application is motivated by the author's experience with the U.S. Army during a tour in Iraq, during which combined operations involving U.S. Army, Iraqi Army, and Iraqi Police forces sought to interdict the transport of selected materials used for the manufacture of specialized types of Improvised Explosive Devices, as well as to interdict the distribution of assembled devices to operatives in the field. In this application, we model and solve the problem of minimizing the maximum flow through a network from a given source node to a terminus node, integrating different forms of superadditive synergy with respect to the effect of resources applied to the arcs in the network. Herein, the superadditive synergy reflects the additional effectiveness of forces conducting combined operations, vis-à-vis unilateral efforts. We examine linear, concave, and general nonconcave superadditive synergistic relationships between resources, and accordingly develop and test effective solution procedures for the underlying nonlinear programs. For the linear case, we formulate an alternative model representation via Fourier-Motzkin elimination that reduces average computational effort by over 40% on a set of randomly generated test instances. This test is followed by extensive analyses of instance parameters to determine their effect on the levels of synergy attained using different specified metrics. For the case of concave synergy relationships, which yields a convex program, we design an inner-linearization procedure that attains solutions on average within 3% of optimality with a reduction in computational effort by a factor of 18 in comparison with the commercial codes SBB and BARON for small- and medium-sized problems; and outperforms these softwares on large-sized problems, where both solvers failed to attain an optimal solution (and often failed to detect a feasible solution) within 1800 CPU seconds. Examining a general nonlinear synergy relationship, we develop solution methods based on outer-linearizations, inner-linearizations, and mixed-integer approximations, and compare these against the commercial software BARON. Considering increased granularities for the outer-linearization and mixed-integer approximations, as well as different implementation variants for both these approaches, we conduct extensive computational experiments to reveal that, whereas both these techniques perform comparably with respect to BARON on small-sized problems, they significantly improve upon the performance for medium- and large-sized problems. Our superlative procedure reduces the computational effort by a factor of 461 for the subset of test problems for which the commercial global optimization software BARON could identify a feasible solution, while also achieving solutions of objective value 0.20% better than BARON. The third application is likewise motivated by the author's military experience in Iraq, both from several instances involving coalition forces attempting to interdict the transport of a kidnapping victim by a sectarian militia as well as, from the opposite perspective, instances involving coalition forces transporting detainees between interment facilities. For this application, we examine the network interdiction problem of minimizing the maximum probability of evasion by an entity traversing a network from a given source to a designated terminus, while incorporating novel forms of superadditive synergy between resources applied to arcs in the network. Our formulations examine either linear or concave (nonlinear) synergy relationships. Conformant with military strategies that frequently involve a combination of overt and covert operations to achieve an operational objective, we also propose an alternative model for sequential overt and covert deployment of subsets of interdiction resources, and conduct theoretical as well as empirical comparative analyses between models for purely overt (with or without synergy) and composite overt-covert strategies to provide insights into absolute and relative threshold criteria for recommended resource utilization. In contrast to existing static models, in a fourth application, we present a novel dynamic network interdiction model that improves realism by accounting for interactions between an interdictor deploying resources on arcs in a digraph and an evader traversing the network from a designated source to a known terminus, wherein the agents may modify strategies in selected subsequent periods according to respective decision and implementation cycles. We further enhance the realism of our model by considering a multi-component objective function, wherein the interdictor seeks to minimize the maximum value of a regret function that consists of the evader's net flow from the source to the terminus; the interdictor's procurement, deployment, and redeployment costs; and penalties incurred by the evader for misperceptions as to the interdicted state of the network. For the resulting minimax model, we use duality to develop a reformulation that facilitates a direct solution procedure using the commercial software BARON, and examine certain related stability and convergence issues. We demonstrate cases for convergence to a stable equilibrium of strategies for problem structures having a unique solution to minimize the maximum evader flow, as well as convergence to a region of bounded oscillation for structures yielding alternative interdictor strategies that minimize the maximum evader flow. We also provide insights into the computational performance of BARON for these two problem structures, yielding useful guidelines for other research involving similar non-convex optimization problems. For the fifth application, we examine the problem of apportioning railcars to car manufacturers and railroads participating in a pooling agreement for shipping automobiles, given a dynamically determined total fleet size. This study is motivated by the existence of such a consortium of automobile manufacturers and railroads, for which the collaborative fleet sizing and efforts to equitably allocate railcars amongst the participants are currently orchestrated by the \textit{TTX Company} in Chicago, Illinois. In our study, we first demonstrate potential inequities in the industry standard resulting either from failing to address disconnected transportation network components separately, or from utilizing the current manufacturer allocation technique that is based on average nodal empty transit time estimates. We next propose and illustrate four alternative schemes to apportion railcars to manufacturers, respectively based on total transit time that accounts for queuing; two marginal cost-induced methods; and a Shapley value approach. We also provide a game-theoretic insight into the existing procedure for apportioning railcars to railroads, and develop an alternative railroad allocation scheme based on capital plus operating costs. Extensive computational results are presented for the ten combinations of current and proposed allocation techniques for automobile manufacturers and railroads, using realistic instances derived from representative data of the current business environment. We conclude with recommendations for adopting an appropriate apportionment methodology for implementation by the industry. / Ph. D.

Komplementäre Therapie der zervikalen Dystonie

Viehmann, Manuel Alexander 14 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der Behandlung der zervikalen Dystonie wird die Therapie mit Botulinumtoxin (BTX) erfolgreich angewendet. Neben dieser Therapie werden von Patienten oft alternative Therapien (CAM [Complementary and Alternative Medicine]) angesprochen und ausprobiert. Diese Studie geht der Frage nach, wie häufig CAM-Therapien genutzt werden, wie deren Wirkung bewertet wird und ob es Prädiktoren für die Therapiewahl gibt. Zur Datenerhebung wurden 265 Fragebögen von zwei Patientengruppen ausgewertet. Gruppe 1 (n=101) bestand aus Patienten der Botulinumtoxinsprechstunde des Universitätsklinikums Leipzig und der Paracelsus Klinik Zwickau. Gruppe 2 (n=165) wurde aus Mitgliedern des Selbsthilfeverbandes Bundesverband-Torticollis e.V. rekrutiert. Bei 86% der Patienten wurde die Therapie mit BTX angewendet. Von den Therapiemöglichkeiten der CAM wurden am häufigsten physikalische Therapien (Massagen n=171) genannt. Am besten bewertet wurden jedoch, neben der BTX-Therapie, spezielle physiotherapeutische sowie psychotherapeutische Verfahren. Die CAM-Therapien wurden häufig in Kombination mit der BTX-Therapie angewendet und von Patienten, deren Erkrankung einen langen chronischen Verlauf vorwies (>10 Jahre). Als Prädiktoren für die Wahl einer CAM-Therapie zeigten sich eine Zugehörigkeit zur Gruppe 2, aufgetretene Nebenwirkungen im Rahmen der BTX-Therapie, männliches Geschlecht und erhöhter Stress bei den Erkrankten. Außerdem fand sich ein signifikanter Unterschied zu einem höheren Bildungsabschnitt und Arbeit in gehobeneren Berufsgruppen bei Patienten, die vermehrt CAM Therapie anwenden. Zusammenfassend wurden CAM-Therapien, neben der Behandlung mit BTX, häufig von den Befragten angewendet. Hohe Zufriedenheitswerte erzielte eine Kombination mit physiotherapeutischen Verfahren oder Psychotherapie. Die Wahl von CAM-Therapien ist von der Erkrankungsdauer, Bildungslage und finanziellen Ressourcen abhängig.

Durée de lʼexposition avec symptômes, séquelles et coûts de lʼasthme professionnel en relation avec le statut psychologique et socioéconomique

Miedinger, David 04 1900 (has links)
Le facteur le plus important de pronostic de l'asthme professionnel (AP) est la durée des symptômes avant le retrait de lʼexposition à lʼagent causant lʼAP. La qualité de vie réduite, la détresse psychologique et les maladies psychiatriques sont des conditions souvent associées à l'AP. Notre objectif était d'identifier les facteurs, incluant le statut socioéconomique, qui ont une influence sur lʼintervalle de temps nécessaire pour présenter une requête à une agence médicolégale à la suite de lʼapparition de symptômes dʼasthme et de confirmer qu'un tel délai est associé à un moins bon pronostic respiratoire et à des coûts directs plus élevés. En outre, nous avons examiné la relation entre les variables cliniques et socio-économiques dʼune part et leur influence sur les facteurs psychologiques et économiques dʼautre part chez des travailleurs atteints d'AP. Ensuite, nous avons voulu évaluer si les individus souffrant de détresse psychologique (DP) et de morbidité psychiatrique pourraient être identifiés en utilisant un instrument mesurant la qualité de vie (QV). Lʼétude a été effectuée auprès dʼindividus ayant déposé des demandes d'indemnisation pourʼAP auprès du Commission de la sécurité et de la santé du travail du Québec (CSST). Les données ont été recueillies au moment de la réévaluation, soit environ deux ans et demi après le diagnostic. Outre la collecte des marqueurs cliniques de l'asthme, les individus ont été soumis à une évaluation générale de leur histoire sociodémographique et médicale, à une brève entrevue psychiatrique (évaluation des soins primaires des troubles mentaux, PRIME-MD) et à un ensemble de questionnaires, incluant le Questionnaire sur la qualité de vie - AQLQ(S), le Questionnaire respiratoire de St. George (SGRQ) et le Psychiatric Symptom Index (PSI).Soixante personnes ont été incluses dans l'étude. Etre plus âgé, avoir un revenu supérieur à 30 000$ CA etêtre atteint dʼAP dû à un allergène de haut poids moléculaire ont une association positive avec le nombre dʼannées dʼexposition avec symptômes avant le retrait. Au cours de la période de suivi, le nombre dʼannées dʼexposition avec symptômes était plus grand chez les individus ayant une hyperréactivité bronchique persistante. Par ailleurs, la présence de symptômes au poste de travail pendant moins d'un an est associée à une réduction des coûts directs. Les paramètres de QV et de DP avaient des corrélations modérées avec les marqueurs cliniques de lʼAP. Les plus fortes associations avec ces variables ont pu être observées dans les cas de la sévérité de l'asthme, des statuts dʼemploi et matrimonial, du revenu et de la durée de la période de travail avec l'employeur. Un seuil de 5,1 au niveau de la sous-échelle de la fonction émotionnelle de lʼAQLQ(S) sʼest avéré avoir la meilleure valeur discriminante pour distinguer les individus avec ou sans détresse psychiatrique cliniquement significative selon le PSI. Nous avons été en mesure d'identifier les variables socio-économiques associées à un intervalle plus long dʼexposition professionnelle en présence de symptômes dʼasthme. De même, une plus longue période d'exposition a été associée à un moins bon pronostic de la maladie et à des coûts de compensation plus élevés. Ces résultats s'avèrent utiles pour la surveillance de lʼAP qui pourrait cibler ces sous-groupes d'individus. La QV et la PS sont fréquemment réduites chez les individus atteints d'AP qui perçoivent une compensation. Elles sont associées à des marqueurs cliniques de lʼasthme et à des facteurs socio-économiques. En outre, nos résultats suggèrent que le questionnaire de lʼAQLQ(S) peut être utilisé pour identifier les individus avec un niveau de détresse psychologique potentiellement significatif. / The most important factor in the prognosis of occupational asthma (OA) is the length of exposure with symptoms prior to removal from exposure. Impaired quality of life, psychological distress and psychiatric disease are conditions frequently associated with OA. Our goal was to identify factors, including socio-economic status, that can influence the delay in submitting a claim to a medicolegal agency after the onset of asthmatic symptoms, and to confirm that such a delay is associated with a worse respiratory prognosis and higher direct costs. Further, we examined the association between clinical and socio-economic variables and their influence on psychological and cost outcomes in individuals with OA. Next, we wanted to evaluate whether individuals with clinically significant psychological distress (PD) and psychiatric morbidity could be identified by using a quality of life (QOL) measurement instrument. This is a study of individuals who filed claims for compensation for occupational asthma from the Workersʼ Compensation Board of Quebec (the CSST). Data were collected at re-evaluation, approximately two and a half years after diagnosis. Besides collecting clinical markers of asthma, individuals underwent a general socio-demographic and medical history evaluation, a brief psychiatric interview (Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders, PRIME-MD) and completed a battery of questionnaires, including the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire - AQLQ(S), the St. Georgeʼs Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), and the Psychiatric Symptoms Index (PSI). Sixty individuals were included in the study. Being older, having a revenue of >$30,000 Can. (CAD$) and having OA due to high- molecular- weight agents were all positively associated with the number of years of exposure with symptoms before removal from exposure. Individuals with persistent airway hyperresponsiveness at follow-up had a higher number of years with symptoms. Experiencing symptoms in the workplace for less than one year generated lower direct costs. QOL and PD parameters had moderate correlations with clinical markers of OA. Asthma severity, employment and marital status, income and length of employment with the employer showed the strongest associations with QOL and PD. More impaired QOL was associated with higher direct costs for compensation. A cut-off of 5.1 on the AQLQ(S) emotional function subscale had the best discriminative value to distinguish individuals with or without clinically significant psychological distress according to the PSI. We were able to identify socio-economic variables that were associated with a longer interval during which individuals remained symptomatic in the workplace before being removed from exposure. This longer exposure time was associated with worse disease outcomes and higher compensation costs. These findings could prove to be useful in surveillance programs that could be preferentially targeted for these subgroups of individuals. Impaired QOL and PD are frequent among individuals with OA receiving compensation and are associated with clinical markers of OA and socio-economic factors. Further, our findings suggest that the AQLQ(S) questionnaire could be used to identify individuals with potentially clinically significant levels of psychological distress.

Statistiques appliquées en chirurgie cardiaque adulte : analyses de survie et applications du “propensity score”

Stevens, Louis-Mathieu 05 1900 (has links)
L'objectif principal de ce travail est d’étudier en profondeur certaines techniques biostatistiques avancées en recherche évaluative en chirurgie cardiaque adulte. Les études ont été conçues pour intégrer les concepts d'analyse de survie, analyse de régression avec “propensity score”, et analyse de coûts. Le premier manuscrit évalue la survie après la réparation chirurgicale de la dissection aigüe de l’aorte ascendante. Les analyses statistiques utilisées comprennent : analyses de survie avec régression paramétrique des phases de risque et d'autres méthodes paramétriques (exponentielle, Weibull), semi-paramétriques (Cox) ou non-paramétriques (Kaplan-Meier) ; survie comparée à une cohorte appariée pour l’âge, le sexe et la race utilisant des tables de statistiques de survie gouvernementales ; modèles de régression avec “bootstrapping” et “multinomial logit model”. L'étude a démontrée que la survie s'est améliorée sur 25 ans en lien avec des changements dans les techniques chirurgicales et d’imagerie diagnostique. Le second manuscrit est axé sur les résultats des pontages coronariens isolés chez des patients ayant des antécédents d'intervention coronarienne percutanée. Les analyses statistiques utilisées comprennent : modèles de régression avec “propensity score” ; algorithme complexe d'appariement (1:3) ; analyses statistiques appropriées pour les groupes appariés (différences standardisées, “generalized estimating equations”, modèle de Cox stratifié). L'étude a démontrée que l’intervention coronarienne percutanée subie 14 jours ou plus avant la chirurgie de pontages coronariens n'est pas associée à des résultats négatifs à court ou long terme. Le troisième manuscrit évalue les conséquences financières et les changements démographiques survenant pour un centre hospitalier universitaire suite à la mise en place d'un programme de chirurgie cardiaque satellite. Les analyses statistiques utilisées comprennent : modèles de régression multivariée “two-way” ANOVA (logistique, linéaire ou ordinale) ; “propensity score” ; analyses de coûts avec modèles paramétriques Log-Normal. Des modèles d’analyse de « survie » ont également été explorés, utilisant les «coûts» au lieu du « temps » comme variable dépendante, et ont menés à des conclusions similaires. L'étude a démontrée que, après la mise en place du programme satellite, moins de patients de faible complexité étaient référés de la région du programme satellite au centre hospitalier universitaire, avec une augmentation de la charge de travail infirmier et des coûts. / The main objective of this work is to study in depth advanced biostatistical techniques in adult cardiac surgery outcome research. The studies were designed to incorporate the concepts of survival analysis, regression analysis with propensity score, and cost analysis. The first manuscript assessed survival, and cardiovascular specific mortality, following surgical repair of acute ascending aortic dissection. The statistical analyses included survival analyses with multiphase parametric hazard regression and other parametric (exponential, Weibull), semi-parametric (Cox) or non-parametric models (Kaplan Meier), comparison with the survival of a matched cohort for age, gender and race using State lifetables, and modelization with bootstrapping and multinomial logit models. The study showed that the early and late survival following surgical repair has improved progressively over 25 years in association with noticeable changes in surgical techniques and preoperative diagnostic testing. The second manuscript focused on outcomes following isolated coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with a history of percutaneous coronary intervention. The statistical analyses included multivariable regression models with propensity score, complex matching algorithm (1:3) and appropriate statistical analyses for matched groups (standardized differences, generalized estimating equations, and survival analyses with stratified proportional hazards models). The study showed that remote prior percutaneous coronary intervention more than 14 days before coronary artery bypass grafting surgery was not associated with adverse outcomes at short or long-term follow-up. The third manuscript evaluated the financial consequences and the changes in case mix that occurred at an academic medical center subsequent to the implementation of a satellite cardiac surgery program. The statistical analyses included two-way ANOVA multivariable regression models (logistic, linear or ordinal), propensity score, and cost analyses using Log-Normal parametric models. “Survival” analyses models were also explored, using “cost” instead of “time” as the outcome of interest, and led to similar conclusions. The study showed that, after implementation of the satellite cardiac surgery program, fewer patients of lower complexity came to the academic medical center from the satellite program area, with a significant increase in nursing workload and costs.

Developing cost per flying hour factors for the operations and maintenance phase of the satellite life cycle

Kimbrough, Anthony K. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Air Force Institute of Technology, 2003. / Title from title screen (viewed July 1, 2004). "March 2003." Vita. "AFIT/GCA/ENV/03-04." "ADA415257"--URL. Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-74). Also issued in paper format.

Economic Alternatives in Solving the U. S.-Mexico Colorado River Water Salinity Problem (invited)

Martin, William E. 20 April 1974 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1974 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 19-20, 1974, Flagstaff, Arizona / A proposed desalting plant is an engineering solution to the effects of a problem which could have been avoided and even now could be reduced on the farm. Water costing $125 per acre-foot will be delivered to Mexico to grow wheat, cotton, garden crops, alfalfa and safflower, of which the average value added per acre-foot was estimated at $80 for cotton and garden crops and $14 for wheat, alfalfa and safflower. The U.S. government, instead of building the desalting complex, could accomplish its purpose just as well by paying each farmer in the Yuma area, in return for the farmers reducing their drainage flow by whatever method they see fit, $114 per acre per year for the next 50 years. With proper management on the farm, the costs of managing salinity need not be high.

An Application of Multidisciplinary Water Resources Planning and Management for the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation: Gila River Case

Novelle, M. E., Percious, D. J., Wright, N. G. 16 April 1977 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1977 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 15-16, 1977, Las Vegas, Nevada / The Laboratory of Native Development, Systems Analysis and Applied Technology (NADSAT) was established to provide technical assistance to southwestern Indian Tribes as an aid in the development and use of their natural resources according to their goals and objectives. NADSAT 's role is assistance and technology transfer, with an emphasis on alternative formulation and performance analysis and communicating the technological approach to tribal decision makers. The cost-effectiveness methodology provides a coherent framework and affords a mechanism for technology transfer, which makes it a useful tool in achieving tribal goals. This method was applied to the formulation of possible alternatives for use of the land and water resources of the Gila River Basin within the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. Criteria for devising various alternative utilization schemes are discussed, and the advantages of the cost effectiveness methodology.

Wastewater Reuse - How Viable is It? Another Look

Chase, W. L., Fulton, J. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Even though the Phoenix Metropolitan Area is more fortunate than other areas of the desert southwest because of the dependable Salt and Verde River supplies, they still have water problems. The Central Arizona Project (CAP), which will bring water from the Colorado River, will help those problems. But the CAP will not eliminate them. Improved water resource management will be required to bring water supply and demand back into balance. A key element of any successful water resource management program must be wastewater reuse. The communities are studying reuse through their 208 water quality program and while they are discovering that many opportunities exist they are also discovering that there are also many problems to be solved.

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