Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coupled model"" "subject:"eoupled model""
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Untersuchung und Modellierung von Wasserhaushalt und Stofftransportprozessen in grundwassergeprägten Landschaften am Beispiel der Unteren Havel / Experimental and model based investigations of water balance and nutrient dynamics of groundwater influenced floodplains - the example of the Lower Havel RiverKrause, Stefan January 2005 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Wasserhaushaltsprozesse und Stofftransportvorgänge
innerhalb der grundwassergeprägten Talauenlandschaften von Tieflandeinzugsgebieten am Beispiel
der im Nordostdeutschen Tiefland gelegenen Havel. Die Arbeiten in verschieden skaligen
Teileinzugsgebieten der Havel beschäftigen sich dabei zum einen mit der experimentellen Untersuchung
und vorrangig qualitativen Beschreibung der Wasserhaushaltsdynamik, zum anderen
mit der Entwicklung eines zur quantitativen Analyse von Wasserhaushalts- und Stofftransportprozessen
geeigneten Modells und der anschließenden Modellsimulation von Wasserhaushalt
und Stickstoffmetabolik im Grundwasser sowie der Simulation von Landnutzungs- und
Für die experimentelle Untersuchung der
Abflussbildung und der Wasserhaushaltsprozesse in den Talauenlandschaften des Haveleinzugsgebiets
wurde Einzugsgebiet der
”Unteren Havel Niederung“ ein umfangreiches Messnetz
installiert. Dabei wurden an mehreren Messstationen und Pegeln meteorologische
Parameter, Bodenfeuchte sowie Grundwasserstände und Abflüsse beobachtet. Die Analyse
der Messergebnisse führte zu einem verbesserten Verständnis von Wasserhaushaltsprozessen
in der durch das oberflächennahe Grundwasser und die Oberflächengewässerdynamik beeinflussten Talauenzone. Darüber hinaus konnten durch die Implementierung der Messergebnisse
konsistente Anfangs- und Randbedingungen für die Wasserhaushalts- und Grundwassermodellierung
im Modellkonzept IWAN realisiert werden.
Mit dem Modell IWAN (Integrated Modelling of Water Balance and Nutrient
Dynamics) wurde ein Werkzeug geschaffen, welches die Berücksichtigung spezifischer
hydrologischer Eigenschaften von Tieflandauen, wie z. B. den Einfluss des oberflächennahen
Grundwassers bzw. der Dynamik von Oberflächenwasserständen auf den Wasserhaushalt, ermöglicht. Es basiert auf der Kopplung des deterministischen distribuierten hydrologischen Modells
WASIM-ETH mit dem dreidimensionalen Finite-Differenzen-basierten Grundwassermodel
MODFLOW. Die Modellierung der Stickstoffmetabolik im Grundwasser erfolgt durch das mit Grundwassermodell
gekoppelte Stofftransportmodel MT3D.
Zur modellbasierten Simulation des Wasserhaushalts der Tieflandauenlandschaften wurde das Modellkonzept IWAN für verschieden skalige Teileinzugsgebiete
an der Havel für Simulationszeiträume von 2 Wochen
bis zu 13 Jahren angewandt. Dabei wurden die Teilmodelle für Wasserhaushalts- und Grundwassermodellierung
in zwei unterschiedlichen Teileinzugsgebieten der
”Unteren Havel Niederung“
kalibriert. Die anschließende Validierung erfolgte für das gesamte Einzugsgebiet der
Havel“. Die Unsicherheiten des Modellansatzes sowie die Anwendbarkeit des Modells im Untersuchungsraum
wurden geprüft und die Limitierung der Übertragbarkeit auf andere grundwasserbeeinflusste
Tieflandeinzugsgebiete analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Wasserhaushaltssimulationen
führen einerseits zum erweiterten Prozessverständnis des Wasserhaushalts in Flachlandeinzugsgebieten,
andererseits ermöglichten sie durch die Quantifizierung einzelner Prozessgrößen die
Beurteilung der Steuerungsfunktion einzelner Wasserhaushaltsprozesse. Auf der Basis lokaler
Simulationsergebnisse sowie geomorphologischer und gewässermorphologischer Analysen
wurde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, welcher die Abgrenzung des direkten Eigeneinzugsgebiets
der Havel als Raum der direkten Interaktion zwischen Oberflächengewässer und umgebendem
Einzugsgebiet beschreibt. Durch Simulation des Wasserhaushalts im Eigeneinzugsgebiet mit
dem Modell IWAN konnten die Interaktionsprozesse zwischen Fluss und Talauenlandschaft
quantitativ beschrieben werden. Dies ermöglichte eine Bewertung der Abflussanteile aus dem
Eigeneinzugsgebiet sowie eine Quantifizierung der zeitlich variablen Retentionskapazität der
Auenlandschaft während Hochwasserereignissen.
Zur Abschätzung des Einflusses veränderter Landnutzung und angepassten
Managements auf den Wasserhaushalt der Talaue wurden Szenarien entwickelt, welche
Änderungen der Landnutzung sowie der Gewässergeometrie implizieren. Die Simulation
des Wasserhaushalts unter jeweiligen Szenariobedingungen ermöglichte die detaillierte Analyse
sich ändernder Randbedingungen auf den Gebietswasserhaushalt und auf die Austauschprozesse
zwischen Grundwasser und Oberflächengewässer.
Zur Untersuchung der Stickstoffmetabolik
im Grundwasser der Talauenlandschaft wurde das im Modellkonzept IWAN integrierte
Stofftransportmodell MT3D für das Eigeneinzugsgebiet der Havel angewandt. Dies ermöglichte eine Bilanzierung der aus dem Grundwasser des Eigeneinzugsgebiets stammenden
Nitratfrachtanteile der Havel sowie von Nitratkonzentrationen im Grundwasser. Szenariensimulationen, welche verminderte
Nitrateinträge aus der durchwurzelten Bodenzone annehmen, ermöglichten die Quantifizierung der Effizienz von Managementmaßnahmen
und Landnutzungsänderungen in Hinblick auf die Minimierung von Einträgen
in Grundwasser und Oberflächengewässer. / For a sustainable management of lowland river basins, a comprehensive knowledge about floodplain
water balance and nutrient transport processes is required. This investigation aims to
analyse water balance processes and nutrient dynamics and transport within the groundwater
influenced floodplains of lowland areas. Thus, the investigation was focused on the Havel river
catchment at the Northeast German Lowlands, which is a typical example of a lowland
floodplain. Experimental investigations were performed at different spatial scales for qualitative
analysis of water balance. The complex model IWAN was developed which enables the
simulation and quantitative analysis of water balance and nutrient dynamics. Furthermore it allows
the scenario based simulation and analysis of changing landuse management and boundary
For experimental investigation of runoff generation
and water balance processes within the floodplains of the Havel river an extensive measurement
campaign was installed at several testsites of the 198 km2 catchment of the “Lower Havel river
basin“. These testsites include stations and gauges for the observation of meteorological parameters,
soil moisture, groundwater depths and river runoff. Analysis of the observed data led to
an improved understanding of water balance processes within the specific part of the floodplain
which is influenced by the dynamics of the uppermost groundwater and by the surface water
dynamics. Furthermore the implementation of the observed data within the model concept realised
the consistent definition of time variable, spatial distributed initial and boundary conditions.
The IWAN model was developed as a tool which implements the speci-
fic hydrological characteristics of floodplains within the concept of modelling water balance
and nutrient dynamics. It is based on the coupling of the distributed deterministic hydrological
model WASIM-ETH with the three-dimensional finite difference based numerical groundwater
model MODLFOW. Simulation of the metabolism of nitrogen within the groundwater
passage was realised by the nutrient transport model MT3D which was coupled with the
groundwater model.
For model based simulation of the water balance within lowland
river floodplains the IWAN model was applied for different scaled subcatchments of the Havel
river with varying sizes from 2 to 1000 km2 and simulation periods from 2 weeks up to 13 years.
Calibration of the model was performed for two different sized subcatchments of the “Lower Havel river basin“. The subsequent validation of the model focused on the entire “Lower Havel
river basin“. Uncertainties of the model approach and the limited applicability and transferability
for further groundwater influenced floodplain landscapes were analysed. The results of
the water balance simulations led to an improved understanding of the processes and dynamics
within floodplains. It furthermore enabled the quantification and impact analysis of certain processes
and interactions. Based on local simulation results and on the analysis of surface and
groundwater morphology an algorithm was developed which was used for delineation of the direct
catchment of the Havel river. This direct catchment is specified as the part of the floodplain
which is characterised by the direct interaction between river and adjacent catchment. Water
balance simulations with the IWAN model in the direct catchment led to the quantification of
interaction processes between river and floodplain. This enabled the assessment of the runoff
fraction from the direct catchment during the ecologically sensitive low flow periods in summer
and of the retention capacity of the floodplain during flood events.
For the evaluation of the influences of alternative landuse management
on the water balance within floodplains, complex scenarios were developed which implemented
alterations of landuse or changes of surface water geometries and drainage structures. Simulation
of water balances for each scenario allowed the detailed analysis of changing boundary
conditions on the floodplain water balance and on the interaction processes between groundwater
and river.
Modelling nitrogen metabolism within the groundwater: For investigation of the nitrogen
metabolism within the groundwater of floodplains the nutrient transport and dynamics model
MT3D, which considers also interactions between groundwater and surface waters, was integrated
in the IWAN concept. The model was applied for the simulation of nitrate dynamics within
the direct catchment of the Havel river.With this approach, the nitrate loads between groundwater
and river could be quantified. In addition, nitrate concentrations within the groundwater were
analised in dependence of surface water dynamics. Scenario simulations, assuming a decrease
of incoming nitrate loads from the root zone, caused by landuse techniques, led to the quantification
of the efficiency of landuse changes and advanced management strategies to inhibit
pollution of groundwater and surface waters.
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A non-linear coupled model for the analysis of reinforced concrete sections under bending, shear, torsion and axial forcesBairán García, Jesús Miguel 15 December 2005 (has links)
La mayoría de las estructuras de hormigón armado se someten a solicitaciones combinadas de esfuerzos axiles, flexión, cortante y torsión. La fisuración del hormigón, plastificación de las armaduras y otros efectos no-lineales hacen que las secciones transversales de estos elementos presenten un comportamiento anisótropo que deriva en el acoplamiento de los esfuerzos normales y tangenciales. Es decir, esfuerzos normales o momentos flectores pueden producir deformaciones de corte y vice versa. Aunque en algunas ocaciones, esta interacción es considerada de forma simplificada en el dimensionamiento de estructuras, hasta el momento no se ha realizado un análisis profundo de los efectos acoplados en secciones de forma arbitraria bajo cargas 3D generales utilizando modelos de fibras.El objetivo principal de esta tesis es generalizar el análisis de secciones de hormigón armado mediante fibras, de forma que se pueda reproducir la res-puesta no-lineal acoplada frente a esfuerzos normales y tangenciales bajo solicitaciones tridimensionales generales. De igual forma, se pretende obtener, para los esfuerzos cortantes y torsión, la misma capacidad de representación de geometrías y combinación de materiales que ofrecen los modelos de fibras para esfuerzos de flexo-compresión.La primera problemática estriba en representar adecuadamente la cinemática de la sección transversal. Con la excepción de las deformaciones normales contenidas en el plano de la sección, no existe una teoría cinemática que a priori pueda dar la distribución del resto de deformaciones o tensiones en la sección, sin dejar de satisfacer las condiciones de equilibrio interno o continuidad entre las fibras que componen la misma.Por otra parte, para materiales anisótropos, como el hormigón fisurado, en general todos los esfuerzos internos pueden estar acoplados. Además, es preciso considerar la distorsión de la sección transversal para satisfacer el equilibrio entre fibras.El problema se aborda de forma general, considerando una sección de forma y materiales cualesquiera. Se parte del problema diferencial de equilibrio de un sólido con el que se ha podido deducir un sistema de equilibrio entre fibras (equilibrio a nivel sección). Se puede demostrar que éste es complementario al problema estándar de vigas. El sistema complementario permite recuperar información tridimensional que normalmente se pierde al resolver un problema de vigas.Posteriormente, se propone una solución interna del problema complementario, en la que el alabeo y la distorsión de la sección quedan expresados como una función de las deformaciones generalizadas de una viga: deformaciones axil y cortantes, curvaturas de flexión y torsión. No son necesarios grados de libertad adicionales a nivel estructura ni hipótesis a-priori sobre la forma de los campos de deformación o tensión interna.A partir de la formulación teórica, se desarrolla un modelo de elementos finitos plano de la sección transversal. El modelo está preparado para servir como respuesta constitutiva de cualquier tipo de elemento viga en sus puntos de integración. %Se evita así la necesidad de realizar un modelo de elementos sólidos de toda la barra para estudiar la respuesta frente a una combinación general de esfuerzos normales y tangenciales.Se implementan una serie de modelos constitutivos para distintos materiales. En particular, se implementa un modelo constitutivo triaxial para hormigón fisurado, considerando la anisotropía inducida por la fisuración e incluyendo la superficie de rotura según un criterio multiaxial.La formulación seccional es validada mediante varios casos de estudio teóricos y experimentales. La respuesta no-lineal acoplada bajo diversas combinaciones de esfuerzos normales y tangenciales es reproducida con precisión, lo cual queda patente tanto en las curvas esfuerzo-deformación obtenidas como en las matrices de rigidez seccionales.Finalmente, se recopilan las conclusiones derivadas de la presente investigación y seofren recomendaciones para futuros trabajos. / Most RC structures are subjected to combined normal and tangential forces, such as bending, axial load, shear and torsion. Concrete cracking, steel yielding and other material nonlinearities produce an anisotropic sectional response that results in a coupling between the effects of normal and shear forces, i.e. normal force or bending moments may produce shear strains and vice versa. Although this interaction is sometimes taken into account, in a simplified manner, in the design of RC structures, a deep analysis of the coupling effects of RC sections using fiber models has not yet been made for arbitrary shape sections under general 3D loading.The main objective of this thesis is to generalize the fiber-like sectional analysis of reinforced concrete elements, to make it capable of considering the coupled non-linear response under tangential and normal internal forces, from a general 3D loading.Similarly, it is desired to obtain, for torque and shear forces, the same capacity and versatility in reproducing complex geometry and materials combination that fiber-like sectional representations offers for bending and stretching.The first problematic lies in finding a proper representation of the section's kinematics under such general loading. Except for in-plane normal strains, there is no single kinematical theory capable of a-priori representing the correct distribution of the others strains or stresses satisfying, at the same time, inter-fiber equilibrium and continuity. On the other hand, for rather anisotropic materials, such as cracked concrete, all internal forces are, in general, coupled. It is also required that distortion is allowed for the section's kinematics in order to guarantee satisfaction of internal equilibrium.The problem is dealt in a general form considering arbitrary shaped sections and any material behaviour. Starting from the differential equilibrium of a solid, an inter-fiber equilibrium system (equilibrium at the sectional level) was deduced. This system, which is complementary to the standard equilibrium problem of a beam-column, allows to recuperate information of the three-dimensional problem that is generally lost when solving a beam problem.Further, a solution of the equilibrium at the sectional level is proposed in which the section's warping and distortion are posed as a function of the generalized beam-column strains (axial and shear strains, bending and torsion curvatures). No additional degrees of freedom are required at the structural level nor a-priori hypotheses on the distribution of the internal strains or stresses.After the theoretical formulation, a planar finite element model for cross-sectional analysis is developed. The model can be used as a constitutive law for general beam column elements at their integration points.A series of constitutive models have been implemented for several materials. In particular, a triaxial constitutive model for cracked concrete is implemented considering crackinduced anisotropy and a multiaxial failure criterion.The sectional formulation is validated by means of various theoretical and experimental case studies. Non-linear coupled response under normal and tangential internal forces is reproduced with accuracy, as can be seen both in the predicted internal force-strain curves and in the sectional stiffness matrixes.Finally, the conclusions drawn from the current research are summarized andrecomendations for future works are given.
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Modeling Of The Flood Regimes In Coupled Stream-aquifer SystemsKorkmaz, Serdar 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, hydrogeological modeling of the Somme river basin situated in the north of France was made with special emphasis on the stream-aquifer interaction. The coupled model developed at Ecole des Mines de Paris was used. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools were incorporated during all the stages of modeling process for both preparation of input data and visualization of the results of simulations. Initially, the process began with Digital Elevation Model (DEM) analysis. Afterwards, the surface and aquifer grids were generated by using nested grid generators and refinement was made on the stream network and subcatchment boundaries in order to increase the accuracy of numerical solution. In order to run the surface model, meteorological forcing, land use and soil type data were acquired. Surface model was used to partition the precipitation into evapotranspiration, infiltration and surface runoff components. A steady-state piezometric head distribution was computed by the groundwater model to serve as an initial condition to the coupled model. The flow in the unsaturated zone was simulated by using Nash cascade model. The unsteady groundwater and surface flow simulations were performed by taking into consideration the stream-aquifer interaction on a daily time step. The calibration and validation were realized by using the streamflow and piezometric head measurements distributed around the basin. The strong groundwater influence on the
hydrology of the basin is well represented by the model. Comparisons of predicted flooded areas in year 2001 were made with other models and a satellite derived image. In the end, several sensitivity analyses were performed for several parameters concerning the groundwater flow.
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CoModels, engineering dynamic compositions of coupled models to support the simulation of complex systems / CoModels : ingénierie des compositions dynamiques de modèles couplés pour supporter la simulation de systèmes complexesHuynh, Quang-Nghi 05 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif initial de cette thèse est d'apporter une solution à ce problème en proposant, premièrement, une approche cognitive basée sur le paradigme appelé Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) pour représenter les processus de prise de décision des acteurs humains, et deuxièmement, une validation de cette approche dans le contexte d'un modèle complet de changement d'usage des sols dans lequel la plupart des facteurs cités ci-dessus sont également simulés. Le résultat de ce travail est une approche générique qui a été validée sur un modèle intégrant le changement d'usage des sols d'une région située dans le Delta du Mékong au Vietnam. Nos contributions principales sont les suivantes : Intégration d'une architecture BDI au sein d'une plateforme de modélisation à base d'agents (GAMA) ; Conception d'un cadre générique baptisé " Multi-Agent Based Land-Use Change " (MAB-LUC) permettant de modéliser et de simuler les changements d'usage des sols en prenant en compte les décisions des agriculteurs ; Proposition d'une solution permettant d'intégrer et d'évaluer les facteurs socio-économiques et environnementaux dans le cadre de la planification agraire et d'intégrer MAB-LUC dans le processus existant proposé par la FAO. Ce travail, au-delà du cas d'étude concernant le Delta du Mékong, a enfin été conçu de façon générique afin que la méthodologie utilisée puisse être généralisée à la modélisation de systèmes socio-écologiques où les facteurs humains doivent être représentés avec précision. / Integrated modeling approaches (multi-simulation, multimodeling, etc.) have proven challenging in practice. The first challenge deals with the technical aspects of coupling different computational or mathematical components. The second challenge lies in the alignment of the semantics of these components so that their integration does make sense, which is particularly critical in pluridisciplinary models. A number of approaches have been proposed in the last 20 years but none of them is really suitable to our context . We propose in this thesis an alternate approach, called co-modeling, which borrows concepts and tools from agent-based modeling, agent-oriented software engineering and multimodel ecologies. Simply speaking, a co-model can be defined as a multi-agent system of models and datasets. Each model or dataset is represented by one or several agents interacting with one another within the context of a larger representation of their — potentially dynamic — environment. The proposed approach does not aim at providing a general solution to the two challenges above, but at providing a framework in which modelers can easily implement their solution or test different coupling solutions. The proposed approach is fully implemented within the GAMA agent-based modeling platform. Its advantages are shown in terms of flexibility, composability and reusability in a number of case studies. The first case study is the dynamic coupling of equation-based and agent-based models to obtain “switching” models dynamically. The second one is the design of a complex integrated model where three formalisms and four modeling approaches have been successfully coupled.
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[pt] A grande maioria dos problemas de estabilidade de poços de
petróleo ocorre
em trechos de folhelhos, rochas nas quais, uma
especificação eficiente da pressão
do fluido de perfuração requer previamente uma
especificação correta da
concentração salina e da temperatura. Todavia, para um
adequado das características do fluido de perfuração
necessárias à estabilidade do
poço, é necessário o uso de modelos matemáticos que
considerem um
acoplamento adequado entre efeitos poroelásticos, químicos
e térmicos.
Entretanto, a complexidade matemática das equações de
modelos acoplados
normalmente leva à adoção de soluções numéricas, que
consomem um tempo
computacional muito grande e, por isso, esses modelos não
são atrativos à
aplicação na análise da estabilidade de poços. Este
trabalho apresenta um modelo
acoplado termo-químico-poroelástico representado por duas
soluções, uma
numérica, que utiliza o método dos elementos finitos, e
outra analítica, baseada no
método das transformadas de Laplace. Ao comparar ambas as
soluções é
demonstrado que a solução analítica consegue representar
tão bem quanto à
solução numérica os principais processos acoplados
presentes durante a
perfuração de folhelhos e que influenciam na sua
estabilidade e, por esta razão,
pode ser utilizada na análise de estabilidade de poços em
folhelhos. Através de um
estudo de caso, é verificado que um controle eficiente da
estabilidade do poço é
obtido especificando a pressão do fluido de perfuração em
função da sua
temperatura e concentração salina. Estes resultados também
indicam as razões de
alguns problemas não previstos por modelos desacoplados, e
que quase sempre
ocorrem durante a perfuração em folhelhos. / [en] Wellbore stability problems are most common when drilling
through shales.
In order to avoid such problems in this kind of rocks the
solute concentration and
temperature must be properly defined in the drilling fluid
composition, which
requires considering poroelastic, thermal and chemical
effects in a coupled way.
The equations complexity of coupled models usually results
in numerical
solutions that are very time consuming, thus, unattractive
for stability analysis. In
an opposite way, it is very difficult to develop closed-
form solutions for coupled
models. This work presents a thermochemoporoelastic model
represented by a
numerical solution based upon the finite element method
and an analytical
solution based upon the Laplace transform method. A
comparison between the
results of the numerical solution and analytical solution
shows that the later can
reproduce the coupled processes involved in the wellbore
stability problem in
shales as well as the former, and for this reason the
closed-form solution can be
applied as a practical tool in wellbore stability
analysis. The analysis of a typical
wellbore drilled through shales showed that an efficient
control of wellbore
stability can be obtained through an adequate
specification of the drilling fluid
pressure when taking in account its solute concentration
and temperature. The
model was also able to explain some problems not predicted
by uncoupled
models, but almost always seen while drilling through
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Modélisation mixte continue-réseau de pores des transferts diphasiques cathodiques d'une pile à combustible PEMFC / Mixed continuum-pore network modelling of the cathodic diphasic transfers of a fuel cell PEMFCBelgacem, Najib 14 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une contribution à l’étude des transferts d’eau au sein des piles à combustible de type PEMFC, un aspect clé de cette technologie. Une approche de simulation numérique est développée en couplant un modèle de type réseau de pores dans la couche de diffusion (DM), une approche mixte continue –réseau de pore dans la couche microporeuse (MPL) et une modélisation par compartiments dans la couche active. L’approche développée prend en compte les transferts couplés de chaleur et d’eau via notamment la modélisation des phénomènes de changement de phase dans la DM et la MPL (évaporation et condensation). Dans une première partie, nous étudions le cas où l’eau migre dans l’assemblage MPL-DM directement en phase liquide. L’impact de la variation de pression dans la phase gazeuse sur la distribution de la phase liquide est étudié. L’épaisseur optimale de la MPL est également étudiée. Dans une seconde partie, nous étudions des situations où l’eau se forme par condensation dans la couche de diffusion. Nous étudions tout d’abord l’impact des propriétés de la couche de diffusion et de la MPL sur le diagramme de condensation. Ensuite nous analysons l’impact de la formation de l’eau liquide sur la distribution de courant locale. Enfin, l’impact de la mouillabilité sur les figures de condensation est étudié. Cette dernière étude est vue comme un premier pas vers l’étude des mécanismes de dégradation dans le régime de condensation. / This thesis is a contribution to the study water transfers within PEM fuel cell, a key element of this technology. A numerical simulation tool is developed coupling a pore network model in the gas diffusion layer (DM), a mixed continuum – pore network approach in the microporous layer (MPL) and a model by compartments in the catalyst layer. The developed approach takes into account the coupled heat and water transfers through the modeling of phase change phenomena (evaporation – condensation) in the DM and in the MPL. In the first part, we study the case where water migrates into the MPL-DM assembly directly in liquid phase. The impact of gas pressure variation on liquid phase distribution is studied. The optimal thickness of MPL is studied too. In the second part we study situations where liquid water essentially formed by condensation in the diffusion layer. We first study the impact of DM and MPL properties on the condensation diagram. Then we analyze the impact of liquid water formation on the local current density distribution. Finally the impact of wettability modifications on the liquid water patterns is studied. This last study is considered as a first step toward the study of degradation mechanisms in the condensation regime.
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Dinâmica do acoplamento de dois osciladores caóticos de Rössler / Dynamic of the coupling between two chaotic Rössler oscillatorsPrants, Willian Tiago 26 July 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-07-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this work we analyze the dynamics of two continuous time models: (i) the Rössler model, a model for the Lorenz system, composed by a set of three differential equations of first order, autonomous, and has only one nonlinearity and (ii) the model of two coupled chaotic Rössler oscillators, built by the linear coupling between two Rössler systems and controlled by two coupling parameters Є e θ, which correspond to intensity and symmetry of the coupling. For the first model, we find analytically the equilibrium points and analyzed by the method of Routh-Hurwitz, their stability. We construct numerically the parameters space a × b, a × c and c × b identifying the regions of chaotic regime and detect typical periodic structures immersed in these regions. For the second model, we construct numerically the parameter space for the coupling parameters Є e θ, and we find a periodic region immersed in chaos characterizing the effect of suppression of chaos. By analyzing the second largest Lyapunov exponent we detect a hiperchaotic region. For both models we use bifurcation diagrams to analyze the periodic structures and to determine the routes to chaos / Neste trabalho analisamos a dinâmica de dois modelos a tempo contínuo: (i) o modelo de Rössler, um modelo para o sistema de Lorenz, composto pelo conjunto de três equações diferenciais, de primeira ordem, autônomo e que apresenta apenas uma não-linearidade e (ii) o modelo de dois osciladores caóticos de Rössler acoplados, construído pelo acoplamento linear entre dois sistemas de Rössler e controlado por dois parâmetros de acoplamento Є e θ, que correspondem a intensidade e simetria de acoplamento. Para o primeiro modelo, encontramos analiticamente os pontos de equilíbrio e analisamos, através do método de Routh-Hurwitz, suas
estabilidades. Construímos numericamente os espaços de parâmetros a × b, a × c e c × b identificando as regiões de regime caótico e detectamos estruturas periódicas típicas imersas nessas regiões. Para o segundo modelo, construímos numericamente o espaço de parâmetros para os parâmetros de acoplamento Є e θ, e encontramos uma região periódica imersa em caos, caracterizando o efeito de supressão de caos. Analisando o segundo maior expoente de Lyapunov detectamos uma larga região hipercaótica. Para ambos os modelos usamos diagramas de bifurcação para analisar as estruturas periódicas e determinar as rotas para o caos.
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Statistical Models for Characterizing and Reducing Uncertainty in Seasonal Rainfall Pattern Forecasts to Inform Decision MakingAlMutairi, Bandar Saud 01 July 2017 (has links)
Uncertainty in rainfall forecasts affects the level of quality and assurance for decisions made to manage water resource-based systems. However, eliminating uncertainty in a complete manner could be difficult, decision-makers thus are challenged to make decisions in the light of uncertainty. This study provides statistical models as an approach to cope with uncertainty, including: a) a statistical method relying on a Gaussian mixture (GM) model to assist in better characterize uncertainty in climate model projections and evaluate their performance in matching observations; b) a stochastic model that incorporates the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle to narrow uncertainty in seasonal rainfall forecasts; and c) a statistical approach to determine to what extent drought events forecasted using ENSO information could be utilized in the water resources decision-making process. This study also investigates the relationship between calibration and lead time on the ability to narrow the interannual uncertainty of forecasts and the associated usefulness for decision making. These objectives are demonstrated for the northwest region of Costa Rica as a case study of a developing country in Central America. This region of Costa Rica is under an increasing risk of future water shortages due to climate change, increased demand, and high variability in the bimodal cycle of seasonal rainfall. First, the GM model is shown to be a suitable approach to compare and characterize long-term projections of climate models. The GM representation of seasonal cycles is then employed to construct detailed comparison tests for climate models with respect to observed rainfall data. Three verification metrics demonstrate that an acceptable degree of predictability can be obtained by incorporating ENSO information in reducing error and interannual variability in the forecast of seasonal rainfall. The predictability of multicategory rainfall forecasts in the late portion of the wet season surpasses that in the early portion of the wet season. Later, the value of drought forecast information for coping with uncertainty in making decisions on water management is determined by quantifying the reduction in expected losses relative to a perfect forecast. Both the discrimination ability and the relative economic value of drought-event forecasts are improved by the proposed forecast method, especially after calibration. Positive relative economic value is found only for a range of scenarios of the cost-loss ratio, which indicates that the proposed forecast could be used for specific cases. Otherwise, taking actions (no-actions) is preferred as the cost-loss ratio approaches zero (one). Overall, the approach of incorporating ENSO information into seasonal rainfall forecasts would provide useful value to the decision-making process - in particular at lead times of one year ahead.
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Temporal Persistence and Spatial Coherence of Tropical RainfallRatan, Ram January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The work presented in the thesis focuses on systematically documenting the multi scale nature of the temporal persistence and spatial coherence of tropical rainfall. There are three parts to the thesis: The first two parts utilize satellite-retrieved rainfall at multiple observational resolutions to characterize the space-time organization of rain; the third part assesses the ability of state-of-the-art coupled models to reproduce some of the observed features.
In the first part of the study, which focuses on the temporal persistence of rain, we analyze the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) satellite-based observations to compare and contrast wet and dry spell characteristics over the tropics (30 S-30 N). Defining a wet (dry) spell as the number of consecutive rainy (nonrainy) days, we find that the distributions of wet spells (independent of spatial resolution) exhibit universality in the following sense. While both ocean and land regions with high seasonal rainfall accumulation (humid regions) show a predominance of 2-4 day wet spells, those regions with low seasonal rainfall accumulation (arid regions) exhibit a wet spell duration distribution that is essentially exponential in nature, with a peak at 1 day. The behaviour that we observed for wet spells is reversed for dry spell distributions. The total rainfall accumulated in each wet spell has also been analyzed, and we find that the major contribution to seasonal rainfall for arid regions comes from very short length wet spells; however, for humid regions, this contribution comes from wet spells of duration as
long as 30 days. An exhaustive sensitivity study of factors that can potentially affect the wet and dry spell characteristics (e.g., resolution) shows that our findings are robust. We also explore the role of chance in determining the 2-4 day mode, as well as the inuence of organized convection in separating reality from chance.
The second part deals with the spatial coherence of tropical rain. We take two different approaches, namely, a global and local view. The global view attempts to quantify the con-ventional view of rain, i.e., the dominance of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), while the local view tries to answer the question: if it rains, how far is the influence felt in zonal and meridional directions? In both approaches, the classical e-folding length for spatial decorrelation is used as a measure of spatial coherence. The major finding in the global view approach is that, at short timescales of accumulation (daily to pentad to even monthly), rain over the Equator shows the most dominant zonal scale. It is only at larger timescales of accumulation (seasonal or annual) that the dominance of ITCZ around 7 N is evident. In addition, we also find a semi-log linearity between the spatial scales, seen from afar, and timescale of accumulation, with a break in linearity around typical synoptic timescales of 5-10 days. The local view quantifies the dominance of the zonal scale in the tropical ocean convergence zones, with an anisotropy value (ratio of zonal to meridional scales) of 3-4. Over land, on the other hand, the zonal and meridional scales are comparable in magnitude, suggesting that rain tends to be mostly isotropic over continental regions. This latter finding holds true, irrespective of the spatial and temporal resolutions at which rain is observed. Interestingly, the anisotropy over ocean, while invariant with spatial resolution, is found to be a function of temporal resolution: from a value of 3-4 at daily timescale, it decreases to around 1.5 at 3-hourly resolution, suggesting that perhaps rain fundamentally might be isotropic in nature at an event scale.
The final part analyses a few models from the suite of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) models, to evaluate their ability to reproduce some of these aforementioned features. For all the strong biases that models are known to have, some of the observed features are captured well by the models. Specifically, on the temporal persistence front, the observed 2-4 day mode of wet (dry) spells of rain over humid (arid) regions is also seen in models. The overestimation of longer duration wet spells appears to be the primary cause of a positive bias in the number of rainy days from the models. In general, the tendency of models to not stop raining results in lower and higher number of shorter and longer duration wet spells, respectively, and consequently an overall reduction in dry spells of all durations. On the spatial coherence front, the main finding from the global view approach is that the observed semi-log linearity of the zonal spatial scale of rainfall as a function of timescale of accumulation is strikingly well-reproduced by the models. Even more remarkable is that the models are able to mimic the break in this linearity around 5 days (typical synoptic scale). What the models fail to do prominently is the transition of the dominance of equatorial rain at smaller timescales of accumulation to the dominance of ITCZ at around 7 N at higher timescales of accumulation. Based on the local view approach, we find that, in general, even though the zonal and meridional scales are overestimated, the observed isotropy of continental rain is captured very well by the models. Over the oceans, the success is less prominent, especially with the core of the ITCZ showing much larger ratios than those observed. Thus, the models seem to be able to reproduce the anisotropy for the wrong reasons, and the proposed anisotropy ratio could be a useful metric in further diagnosis of climate models.
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Vázané modelování asynchronního motoru metodou fyzikálního modelování / Constrained modeling of induction motor using physical modelingToman, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This paper deals with interaction of different physical phenomena in asynchronous motor. The first part of this work is devoted to computing of electrical ratios in asynchronous motor. By using the equivalent circuit in the shape of Gamma-circuit the equation for computing of currents, performances and losses of asynchronous motor are derived. The second part describes calculating of electromagnetic circuit and iron-core losses. In the next part there is the first part of associated model created which respects electric and electromagnetic ratios in the asynchronous motor. This model can be used for example to pursuance of variation of flux density caused by resizing load. In this model the unconventional way of computing the magnetizating inductance and resistance coresponding to iron-core losses is used. The next part deals with calculation of machine warming using the thermal network. In the last part there is a complete coupled model assembed which respects the interaction of electrical, electromagnetical and thermal ratios of induction machine.
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