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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un nouvel acteur dans la résolution des conflits : le Procureur de la Cour pénale internationale

Boinot, Camille 08 1900 (has links)
Le mémoire vise à déterminer quelle contribution la justice internationale peut apporter à la résolution des conflits et au maintien de la paix et plus précisément si les pouvoirs octroyés au Procureur de la Cour pénale internationale, dans le cadre du Statut de Rome, lui donnent la capacité d’influencer les conflits en cours. Le premier chapitre décrit l’historique des événements ayant mené à l’adoption du Statut de Rome en 1998 et permet d’expliquer l’évolution de la notion d’une justice post-conflictuelle à une justice pouvant favoriser la paix. Le débat théorique paix-justice est ensuite analysé afin de démontrer que le Procureur de la Cour pénale internationale peut exercer une certaine influence sur les conflits lorsqu’il possède un pouvoir discrétionnaire important. Le second chapitre examine les prérogatives octroyées au Procureur dans le cadre du statut de Rome et comment elles s’appliquent durant les différentes étapes de procédure menant à la délivrance d’un mandat d’arrêt. Il est démontré que le pouvoir discrétionnaire du Procureur est limité par le régime de complémentarité et par des enjeux de coopération avec les États Parties. Par conséquent, cela nuit à sa capacité d’influencer la résolution des conflits. Le troisième chapitre analyse deux situations en cours à la Cour pénale internationale, soit celle de l’Ouganda et celle du Darfour, afin de vérifier si le Procureur a réellement un impact sur les conflits en cours. Il est avancé que dans le cadre actuel du Statut de Rome, le Procureur est dépendant de la coopération des États Parties pour influencer la résolution des conflits. / The thesis aims to determine how international justice can contribute to peace-building and ending conflicts and more specifically whether the powers given to the International Criminal Court Prosecutor, in the Rome Statute, enable him to take action on ongoing conflicts. The first chapter describes the events that led to the adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998 and explains the evolution from a post-conflict justice to a justice for peace. The Peace and Justice debate is further analysed as to demonstrate that the International Criminal Court Prosecutor may have an impact on ongoing conflicts if granted with prosecutorial discretion. The second chapter looks into prosecutorial discretion in the Rome Statute and how it is implemented during the main steps of the process leading to an arrest warrant. It is demonstrated that prosecutorial discretion is limited by complementarity and cooperation issues between State Parties. Therefore it restricts the Prosecutor’s ability to ending conflicts. The third chapter analyses two ongoing situations at the International Criminal Court that is Uganda and Darfur, as to verify if the Prosecutor can have an effect on ongoing conflicts. It is concluded that in the current Rome Statute, the Prosecutor is dependent on State Parties cooperation to influencing conflict resolution.

Dědictví ICTY a jeho vliv na statut a praxi ICC / The legacy of ICTY and its impact upon the Statue and the practice of the ICC

Vrobel, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Legacy of ICTY and its Impact on Statute and Case Law of ICC Establishing of International Criminal Court is a significant moment in evolution of international criminal law. It is the first permanent institution of international justice with personal jurisdiction and it was founded for one purpose only - to finally end the era of impunity for war criminals all over the world. But ICC didn't appear from nowhere. There was a long road towards its establishment and who knows if it would ever happen without influence of so called ad hoc tribunals, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. It is a sad truth that international criminal law made its biggest evolution as a reflection of the world's most horrible conflicts. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze a legacy of one of these tribunals, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and to explore its influence not only on the Statute of International Criminal Court, but also on its case law. International Criminal Court is not operating for long, but we can still notice many references on ICTY case law in its judgments. The reason for this research is my particular relation towards Balkan region as well as my interest in international justice in general. The thesis is composed...

The application of the principle of complementarity in situations referred to the international criminal court by the United Nations Security Council and in self-referred situations

Zimba, Gamaliel January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

Organised hypocrisy? African union and the international criminal court

Ntlhakana, Sethelile Joyce January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of International Relations in the Faculty of Humanities Department of International Relations, 2016 / A feud between the African Union (AU) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been dragging for a while now. The indictment of President Omar Hassan Ahmad alBashir of Sudan and President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy president William Ruto in Kenya altered the cosy relations between the two organisations. Firstly, the AU contends that the ICC cannot prosecute heads of states that have immunity under international law. Secondly, the ICC disturbs the ongoing peace processes with its investigations. The AU accused the ICC of selecting African states for prosecution; as a protracted form of imperialism by prevailing western powers. Withstanding, some of the AU member states that are party to the ICC have willingly signed up to its jurisdiction. Besides, the AU’s founding documents support the fight against grave atrocities. Nonetheless, the AU has failed dismally to live up to the principles it endorses- which tantamount to hypocrisy. The contradictory rhetoric of the AU towards the ICC is not exclusive to the AU, but to international organisations due to conflicting pressures in external environments. The paper explains this empirical phenomenon by applying Organised Hypocrisy (OH) to capture such contradictory behaviour prone to international organisations. / XL2018

Řízení před Mezinárodním trestním soudem / Procedure before the International Criminal Court

Linhartová, Radka January 2016 (has links)
The paper analyses the trial before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the light of theoretical models elaborated in the State traditions - the continental (inquisitorial) system and the Anglo-American (adversarial) system. Hypothesis from the beginning of this paper according to which the trial is predominantly based on features of the continental (inquisitorial) criminal procedure has been confirmed. Regulations comprise the trial procedure before the ICC contain mostly provisions typical for continental (inquisitorial) criminal procedure. The paper contain the case study of the first trial before the ICC (Thomas Lubanga case) with a view to procedural problems at this stage of the proceeding. The way of interpretation typical mainly for continental (inquisitorial) criminal procedure have been used as a solution of these problems.

Zločin agrese v Římském statutu Mezinárodního trestního soudu po revizní konferenci v Kampale / The Rome Statute's Crime of Aggression following the Kampala Review Conference

Lipovský, Milan January 2015 (has links)
Title of the dissertation: The Rome Statute's Crime of Aggression following the Kampala Review Conference The definition of crime of aggression was adopted in 2010 to fill the gap in article 5 (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court ("ICC"). Complicated discussions preceding the adoption have identified many problematic aspects within the definition, including the relationship between the ICC and the UN Security Council ("SC") - whether the SC would be the only body capable to commence proceedings for the crime of aggression or not; further including the legal status of humanitarian intervention for the purposes of its criminalization under the Rome Statute; position of a perpetrator of the crime - should only leaders be considered perpetrators or should "lower" state officials be included; how should the amendment enter into force - under article 121 (4) or 121 (5) of the Rome Statute; etc. Many of these questions have not been answered by the adopted definition in a satisfactory way and so while the international community was celebrating the success of the adoption of the "supreme crime's" definition, many (including the author of this dissertation) have been seriously disappointed by the short-comings of the adopted text. Scholars continue to better understand the...

Oběti nejtěžších zločinů: Role obětí před Mezinárodním trestním soudem / Victims of the gravest crimes: The role of victims in legal proceedings before the International Criminal Court

Mocková, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
1 Victims of the Gravest Crimes: The Role of Victims in Legal Proceedings Before the International Criminal Court Abstract This thesis analyzes the role of victims in the proceedings before the International Criminal Court, or the so-called victims' mandate of the ICC. The purpose is to comprehensively introduce their rights as well as the way in which this regulation is being applied. Therefore, the research question has two parts. The first part inquires into the current design of the victim's rights before the Court, while the second asks about the results of its application to the present day. Answers offered by the author of the thesis appear respectively in the second and the third chapter. The first chapter is focused on a historical development of the position of victims in the system of international criminal justice. It is of introductory nature and serves to highlight the historically unprecedented character of the role of victims before the ICC. Regarding the research method, the thesis analyzes the role of victims of crimes prosecuted by the ICC from both, theoretical as well as empirical angle. The purpose is to practically and comprehensively describe the regulation of victims before the ICC but also go beyond the "letter of the law" to see the legal regulation within its material context -...

A desconsideração da personalidade do Estado pelo Tribunal Penal Internacional / The disregarding of the state personality by the international criminal court

Miranda, João Irineu de Resende 25 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor a adoção do instituto da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica pelo Tribunal Penal Internacional como forma de aumentar a efetividade de seus requerimentos de cooperação aos Estados. Para isto, foram analisadas as intervenções humanitárias e a criação dos tribunais penais internacionais de Ruanda e da Ex-Iugoslávia. Esta análise concluiu que a falta de efetividade tem sido o maior problema enfrentado pelas ações voltadas à proteção internacional dos direitos humanos. Sob este aspecto foi estudada a criação do Tribunal Penal Internacional, sua estrutura, suas normas de cooperação e apontada a falta de um instituto que garanta a eficácia de seus atos jurídicos quando estes dependem da cooperação com Estados. Através do estudo da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica percebeu-se sua compatibilidade com o Direito Internacional, em relação aos Estados sob atuação da jurisdição complementar do Tribunal. Sendo assim, defende-se sua adoção como uma contra-medida tomada no contexto da responsabilidade de um Estado perante o Tribunal Penal Internacional por um ato de não cooperação, quando este for caracterizado por fraude ou abuso de competência. Assim, afirma-se a possibilidade e a conveniência da adoção do instituto da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica como um instrumento que garanta uma maior efetividade do Tribunal no exercício de suas funções. / This work has for objective to consider the adoption of the institute of the disregard of the legal entity for the International Criminal Court as form to increase the effectiveness of its cooperation requirements to the States. For this, the humanitarian interventions and the creation of international the criminal courts of Rwanda and of Former-Yugoslavia had been analyzed. This analysis concluded that the effectiveness lack has been the biggest problem faced for the actions directed to the international protection of the human rights. Under this aspect was studied the creation of the International Criminal Court, its structure, its norms of cooperation and pointed the lack of an institute that guaranties the effectiveness of its legal acts when these they depend on the cooperation with States. Through the study of the disregarding of the legal entity its compatibility with the International Law was perceived, in re1ation to the States under performance of the complementary jurisdiction of the Court. Being thus, its adoption is defended as a countermeasure taken in the context of the responsibility of a State before the International Criminal Court for an act of non-cooperation, when this will be characterized by fraud or abuse of power. Thus, it is affirmed possibility and the convenience of the adoption of the institute of the disregarding of legal entity as an instrument that guaranties a bigger effectiveness of the Court in the exercise of its functions.

O agente penitenciário aos olhos do judiciário paulista / The penitentiary correctional officers in the eyes of the judiciary of the state of São Paulo

Calderoni, Vivian 12 April 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu na identificação de elementos valorativos e perceptivos que o Poder Judiciário tem em relação ao agente de segurança penitenciária (ASP), discriminando temas, ênfases e tendências. Para a sua consecução, foram realizadas oito entrevistas semidirigidas com juízes atuantes em Varas de Execução Criminal do Estado de São Paulo. A apresentação do estado da arte demonstrou a pluralidade de ângulos sob os quais a temática relativa aos agentes penitenciários vem sendo estudada. O levantamento bibliográfico revelou ser escassa a literatura sobre a percepção do Poder Judiciário acerca dos ASPs. Foram criadas, a partir das entrevistas realizadas, dez categorias de análise: preparo, papel e formas de atuação do ASP; relacionamento entre os ASPs e o Poder Judiciário; relacionamento entre ASP e preso; relacionamento entre ASP e a direção da unidade prisional em que trabalham; probidade dos ASPs; vulnerabilidade e segurança do ASP no exercício da sua profissão; valorização, por parte do Poder Judiciário, do depoimento do ASP; condições de trabalho do ASP; fatores emocionais relacionados ao trabalho do ASP; impacto do crime organizado na atuação do ASP. Da apresentação e análise dos dados resultaram 18 súmulas analítico-descritivas. No capítulo destinado às conclusões, foram apresentadas as principais contribuições desta pesquisa, as quais consistiram na identificação dos principais temas que premeiam a visão do Judiciário sobre os ASPs e dentro deles as tendências e as ênfases prevalecentes. Estes temas foram agrupados em cinco linhas perceptivas: função do ASP: ressocializadora vs. disciplinar ênfase sobre a valorização da ressocialização; poder do ASP tendência dos juízes em respaldar o ASP para aumentar seu poder e ênfase no rearranjo no equilíbrio de poder em face da atuação das facções criminosas; influência da facção criminosa no trabalho do ASP ênfase sobre o atentado à probidade do agente e ao aumento de vulnerabilidade dos ASPs; impactos psicossociais do trabalho do ASP ênfase no adoecimento decorrente da prática profissional e no processo de prisionalização; e contexto de atuação do ASP ênfase na insalubridade e nos aspectos relativos à carreira do ASP. A seguir, é apresentado um conjunto de reflexões críticas com base nos resultados da pesquisa, na análise da literatura estudada e em diálogo com as vivências profissionais da pesquisadora. Em seguida, foram sugeridos temas para novas pesquisas e, por fim, propostas de interação envolvendo os principais especialistas e atores no processo de execução penal. / The objective of this work is to identify the perceptions and value attributed to Penitentiary Correctional Officers (PCOs) by the Judiciary, pointing out themes, emphases, and trends. This work was accomplished through eight semi-directed interviews conducted with judges active in the Criminal Court on the Enforcement of Sentences of the State of Sao Paulo. The execution of this work has demonstrated the wide array of ways in which correctional officers are studied. The bibliographical search has revealed a scarcity of literature referring to the Judiciary\'s perception of the PCOs. Ten categories of analysis emerged from the interviews conducted: the preparation, role and work of the PCOs; the relationship between the PCOs and the Judiciary; the relationship between the PCO and the incarcerated; the relationship between the PCOs and the management of the prison unit in which they work; probity of the PCOs; vulnerability and security of the PCOs in the workplace; credit of the PCOs testament, as perceived by the Judiciary; work conditions of the PCOs; emotional factors related to the work of the PCOs; and the impact of organized crime in the work of the PCOs. The presentation and analysis of the data resulted in 18 descriptive-analytic summaries. The concluding chapter presents the main contributions of this research, consisting in the identification of the main themes that inform the vision of the Judiciary regarding PCOs and its prevailing emphases and trends. These themes were grouped into five lines of thought: the function of the PCO: resocializing vs. disciplinary - emphasis on the value of resocialization: the power of the PCO - the tendency of the judges in supporting PCOs to increase their power and the emphasis in the rearrangement of the balance of power vis-a-vis criminal factions; the influence of the criminal faction in the work of the PCO -- emphasis on the attempts to discredit PCOs and increasing vulnerability of the PCOs; psycho-social impact of the work of the PCO - emphasis on illness associated with the work and imprisonment; and context of the work of the PCO - emphasis on the unhealthfulness relative to the career of the PCO. Next follow critical reflections based on research results, the analysis of the literature review, and in dialogue with the professional experiences of the researcher. Following that is a presentation of themes for future research and, finally, a proposal for the evolving interaction of the primary specialists and actors in the process of penal execution.

Victim participation before the International Criminal Court

Burkhardt, Maren 26 November 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwieweit Geschädigte von völkerstrafrechtlichen Verbrechen sich am Verfahren vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) beteiligen können. Im Jahr 1998 wurde das Rom Statut des IStGH errichtet, welches erstmalig im Völkerstrafrecht die Möglichkeit für Geschädigte vorsieht, über die „Beteiligung“ als Zeuge hinaus aktiv am Verfahren vor dem IStGH teilzunehmen. Die Arbeit setzt die Normen des Rom Statuts zunächst in einen historischen Kontext. Sodann wird die Auslegung der Normen in den unterschiedlichen Verfahrensabschnitten umfassend anhand der gängigen Interpretationsmechanismen sowie der bisherigen Rechtsprechung erläutert. Da die Auslegung der Normen aufgrund der teilweise sehr weiten Fassung der Normen und der fehlenden Rechtsprechung weitestgehend ungeklärt war und zum großen Teil immernoch ist, stellt die Erläuterung der Auslegungsmöglichkeiten einen Schwerpunkt der Arbeit dar. Es erfolgt sodann eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, inwieweit die bestehenden Regeln auf der einen Seite den Wünschen und Erwartungen der Geschädigten entsprechen, und inwieweit sie auf der anderen Seite mit den Rechten der Angeklagten und übergeordneten Interessen in Übereinstimmung zu bringen sind. Es werden Alternativen zum Internationalen Strafgerichtshof untersucht. Die Arbeit zeigt im Ergebnis Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der sogenannten Opferbeteiligung auf und erarbeitet Verbesserungsvorschläge zu dem derzeit bestehenden Modell. / When the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court was adopted in 1998, one of its innovations was that victims were granted an active role in the proceedings. This thesis is among the first to focus on the International Criminal Court’s power to enable victims to take part in the proceedings. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal framework of the participation system, taking into account relevant Court decisions. The study examines the position of victims in international criminal law, especially their rights to participate in all stages of the proceedings. It further explores to which extent the rules of the International Criminal Court correspond to the victims’ needs and wishes and on the other hand how the rules can be reconciled with the rights of the accused and other interests. The extent to which the ICC, as a criminal court, can and will at all help victims to overcome the consequences of war crimes. It will finally be reflected on some possible alternatives.

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