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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Globalisation financière et fragilités économiques et bancaires : une modélisation d'un système d'indicateurs d'alerte pour l'économie turque

Ari, Ali 07 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le contexte de la forte instabilité financière globale des années 1990 et 2000 caractérisée par la recrudescence des crises financières, en général de caractère systémique et contagieux, engendrant d'importants coûts socio-économiques et financiers pour l'ensemble d'acteurs publics et privés des pays en crise, ainsi que pour le système financier international via les mécanismes de contagion, a suscité de nombreux débats sur les moyens susceptibles de prévenir de futures crises financières. Les systèmes d'indicateurs d'alerte, dont l'objet est de détecter les faiblesses d'une économie à travers une batterie d'indicateurs et ainsi d'informer les Autorités du pays et/ou les organisations financières internationales de la probabilité d'une crise afin qu'elles prennent de mesures économiques nécessaires dans le but de la prévenir ou au moins de diminuer ses effets sur l'économie, se trouvent donc au coeur des recherches portant sur la prévention de futures crises. Cette thèse, faisant partie de ces travaux et fondée sur les leçons de la littérature théorique et empirique, vise à construire un système d'alerte afin de déterminer les principaux facteurs de l'occurrence des crises turques d'avril 1994, de février 2001, de mai 2006 et d'octobre 2008 à travers un modèle de type logit multivarié. A travers les résultats d'estimation du modèle économétrique, sont également proposées des politiques économiques appropriées à adopter afin de pouvoir éviter de futures crises et atteindre un développement économique soutenable en Turquie.

Contribution à l'étude des crises de grande ampleur : connaissance et aide à la décision pour la sécurité civile

Dautun, Carole 14 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Face à l'augmentation du nombre de catastrophes et de crises de type naturel, industriel ou intentionnel, les organisations gestionnaires doivent renforcer leurs pratiques afin d'augmenter leur résilience. Les objectifs de ce travail de recherche sont d'une part, améliorer la connaissance sur les situations de crise et d'autre part, développer une méthode d'aide à la décision à l'attention des acteurs de la Sécurité Civile afin d'anticiper et gérer une crise de grande ampleur. Ce travail se compose de trois parties. La première est axée sur l'amélioration de la connaissance de ces situations en se basant à la fois sur des observations de terrains et des retours d'expérience ainsi qu'un état de l'art bibliographique. La seconde partie propose une définition de la crise de grande ampleur et une modélisation systémique du processus conduisant à l'émergence de ces situations extrêmes Elle pose également les bases théoriques de la méthode de veille stratégique du territoire en s'appuyant sur deux outils d'aide à la décision que sont la méthode de décision multicritère de Saaty et les réseaux de neurones de type classifieur. Par le biais de cette méthode, les gestionnaires de crise pourront qualifier la situation en présence soit d'incident, soit d'accident majeur, soit de crise conventionnelle ou bien de crise de grande ampleur. Enfin, la troisième partie est consacrée à l'application et la démonstration de la faisabilité des deux méthodes définies précédemment afin d'établir le potentiel de crise de dix-huit retours d'expérience.

Essays on Currency Crises

Karimi Zarkani, Mohammad 07 March 2012 (has links)
(None) Technical Summary of Thesis: The topic of my thesis is currency crisis. Currency crises have been a recurrent feature of the international economy from the invention of paper money. They are not confined to particular economies or specific region. They take place in developed, emerging, and developing countries and are spread all over the globe. Countries that experience currency crises face economic losses that can be huge and disruptive. However, the exacted toll is not only financial and economic, but also human, social, and political. It is clear that the currency crisis is a real threat to financial stability and economic prosperity. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the determinants of currency crises for twenty OECD countries and South Africa from 1970 through 1998. It systematically examines the role of economic fundamentals and contagion in the origins of currency crises and empirically attempts to identify the channels through which the crises are being transmitted. It also examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. The first chapter identifies the episodes of currency crisis in our data set. Determining true crisis periods is a vital step in the empirical studies and has direct impact on the reliability of their estimations and the relevant policy implications. We define a period as a crisis episode when the Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) index, which consists of changes in exchange rates, reserves, and interest rates, exceeds a threshold. In order to minimize the concerns regarding the accuracy of identified crisis episodes, we apply extreme value theory, which is a more objective approach compared to other methods. In this chapter, we also select the reference country, which a country’s currency pressure index should be built around, in a more systematic way rather than by arbitrary choice or descriptive reasoning. The second chapter studies the probability of a currency exiting a tranquil state into a crisis state. There is an extensive literature on currency crises that empirically evaluate the roots and causes of the crises. Despite the interesting results of the current empirical literature, only very few of them account for the influence of time on the probability of crises. We use duration models that rigorously incorporate the time factor into the likelihood functions and allow us to investigate how the amount of time that a currency has already spent in the tranquil state affects the stability of a currency. Our findings show that high values of volatility of unemployment rates, inflation rates, contagion factors (which mostly work through trade channels), unemployment rates, real effective exchange rate, trade openness, and size of economy increases the hazard of a crisis. We make use of several robustness checks, including running our models on two different crisis episodes sets that are identified based on monthly and quarterly type spells. The third chapter examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. As in our previous paper, duration analysis is our methodology to study the probability of a currency crisis occurrence under different exchange rate regimes and capital mobility policies. The third chapter finds that there is a significant link between the choice of exchange rate regime and the incidence of currency crises in our sample. Nevertheless, the results are sensitive to the choice of the de facto exchange rate system. Moreover, in our sample, capital control policies appear to be helpful in preventing low duration currency crises. The results are robust to a wide variety of sample and models checks.

Essays on Currency Crises

Karimi Zarkani, Mohammad 07 March 2012 (has links)
(None) Technical Summary of Thesis: The topic of my thesis is currency crisis. Currency crises have been a recurrent feature of the international economy from the invention of paper money. They are not confined to particular economies or specific region. They take place in developed, emerging, and developing countries and are spread all over the globe. Countries that experience currency crises face economic losses that can be huge and disruptive. However, the exacted toll is not only financial and economic, but also human, social, and political. It is clear that the currency crisis is a real threat to financial stability and economic prosperity. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the determinants of currency crises for twenty OECD countries and South Africa from 1970 through 1998. It systematically examines the role of economic fundamentals and contagion in the origins of currency crises and empirically attempts to identify the channels through which the crises are being transmitted. It also examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. The first chapter identifies the episodes of currency crisis in our data set. Determining true crisis periods is a vital step in the empirical studies and has direct impact on the reliability of their estimations and the relevant policy implications. We define a period as a crisis episode when the Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) index, which consists of changes in exchange rates, reserves, and interest rates, exceeds a threshold. In order to minimize the concerns regarding the accuracy of identified crisis episodes, we apply extreme value theory, which is a more objective approach compared to other methods. In this chapter, we also select the reference country, which a country’s currency pressure index should be built around, in a more systematic way rather than by arbitrary choice or descriptive reasoning. The second chapter studies the probability of a currency exiting a tranquil state into a crisis state. There is an extensive literature on currency crises that empirically evaluate the roots and causes of the crises. Despite the interesting results of the current empirical literature, only very few of them account for the influence of time on the probability of crises. We use duration models that rigorously incorporate the time factor into the likelihood functions and allow us to investigate how the amount of time that a currency has already spent in the tranquil state affects the stability of a currency. Our findings show that high values of volatility of unemployment rates, inflation rates, contagion factors (which mostly work through trade channels), unemployment rates, real effective exchange rate, trade openness, and size of economy increases the hazard of a crisis. We make use of several robustness checks, including running our models on two different crisis episodes sets that are identified based on monthly and quarterly type spells. The third chapter examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. As in our previous paper, duration analysis is our methodology to study the probability of a currency crisis occurrence under different exchange rate regimes and capital mobility policies. The third chapter finds that there is a significant link between the choice of exchange rate regime and the incidence of currency crises in our sample. Nevertheless, the results are sensitive to the choice of the de facto exchange rate system. Moreover, in our sample, capital control policies appear to be helpful in preventing low duration currency crises. The results are robust to a wide variety of sample and models checks.

Storbankernas kreditprocess efter finansiella kriser : En undersökning av åtgärderna som gjorts i storbankernas kreditprocesser efter en finanskris / The biggest Swedish banks credit process after financial crises : A study of the changes in the biggest Swedish banks credit process after financial crises

Back, Lena, Joelsson, Linnéa January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Bankkrisen under 1990-talet och den globala krisen mellan 2007 -2009 har kommit som en kalldusch för de svenska storbankerna, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB och Swedbank, vilket har lett till betydande kreditförluster. Kreditförluster är den vanligaste orsaken till bankernas ekonomiska problem vid en finansiell kris då återbetalningsförmågan hos kredittagare försämras, samtidigt som det talar för att finansiella kriser är ett återkommande fenomen idag. Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att se vilka åtgärder i kreditprocessen som gjorts efter finanskriserna i de fyra svenska storbankerna samt även se hur tidigare gjorda åtgärder stod sig under den senaste krisen. Vår ambition med uppsatsen är att de resultat vi får fram ska kunna användas av bankerna i kreditprocessen så att de påverkas mindre vid framtida eventuella kriser. Metod: Uppsatsen grundar sig på en kvalitativ metod med respondenter med gedigen erfarenhet och ansvarspositioner inom storbankernas kreditprocesser och praktisk kunnighet gällande storbankernas påverkan av finansiella kriser. Slutsats: De svenska storbankernas kreditprocesser stod sig bra under den senaste globala krisen i jämförelse med bankkrisen under 1990-talet, orsaken till det är de åtgärder som gjordes i kreditprocessen efter bankkrisen inom banken. Kreditprocessen har under de senaste 20 åren gått från en delvis oprövad och snabb kreditprocess till att idag vara en mer sofistikerad och tungarbetad kreditprocess som ställer högre och strängare krav på kredittagarna. För att få kreditprocessen helt vaccinerad mot finanskriser anser vi att det behövs mer mod och integritet hos kredithandläggare för att på bästa sätt kunna förmedla den rådande situationen på ett korrekt och snabbt sätt. / Background and problem discussion: The banking crisis during the 1990s and the global financial crisis between 2007-2009 came as a cold shower for the four biggest Swedish banks, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB and Swedbank and led to significant credit losses. Credit losses are the most common financial problems of banks during financial crises, because the repayment ability of borrowers can deteriorate. In addition, financial crises seem to be a recurring phenomenon today. Aim: The objective of this paper is to see what kind of changes that have been made after financial crisis, and also see how the previous changes during the recent banking crisis stood during the recent global crisis. Our ambition with the paper is that the results we obtain can be used by the Swedish banks credit process so that they are less vulnerable in the future. Method: The paper is based on a qualitative approach with respondents with extensive experience and influence in the credit process. The respondents in the four biggest banks have practical experience of the banks impact after the financial crises. Conclusion: The biggest Swedish banks credit process did well during the last financial crisis in comparison with the banking crisis in the 1990s. One of the reasons are the changes made after the previous crisis related to credit processes.. The credit process has, during the past 20 years, gone from a partially untested and fast-credit process towards a more sophisticated and heavy credit process which puts more responsibility on the borrowers. In order to fully protect banks against future financial crises, we believe more courage and integrity among credit managers is necessary. Upcoming threats needs to be reported in a proper and fast way.

The relationship between liquidity and profitability : An exploratory study of airline companies between 2005 and 2008

Vieira, Renato January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Essays on Markov-Switching Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models

Foerster, Andrew Thomas January 2011 (has links)
<p>This dissertation presents two essays on Markov-Switching dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models.</p><p>The first essay is "Perturbation Methods for Markov-Switching Models," which is co-authored with Juan Rubio-Ramirez, Dan Waggoner, and Tao Zha. This essay develops an perturbation-based approach to solving dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models with Markov-Switching, which implies that parameters governing policies or the environment evolve over time in a discrete manner. Our approach has the advantages that it introduces regime switching from first principles, allows for higher-order approximations, shows non-certainty equivalence of first-order approximations, and allows checking the solution for determinacy. We explain the model setup, introduce an iterative procedure to solve the model, and illustrate it using a real business cycle example.</p><p>The second essay considers a model with financial frictions and studies the role of expectations and unconventional monetary policy during financial crises. During a financial crisis, the financial sector has</p><p>reduced ability to provide credit to productive firms, and the central bank may help lessen the magnitude of the downturn by using unconventional monetary policy to inject liquidity into credit markets. The model allows agents in the economy to expect policy changes by allowing parameters to change according to a Markov process, so agents have expectations about the probability of the central bank intervening during a crisis, and also have expectations about the central bank's exit strategy post-crisis. </p><p>Using this Markov Regime Switching specification, the paper addresses three issues. First, it considers the effects of different exit strategies, and shows that, after a crisis, if the central bank sells off its accumulated assets too quickly, the economy can experience a double-dip recession. Second, it analyzes the effects of expectations of intervention policy on pre-crisis behavior. In particular, if the central bank commits to always intervening during crises, there is a loss of output in pre-crisis times relative to if the central bank commits to never intervening. Finally, it considers the welfare implications of committing to intervening during crises, and shows that committing can raise or lower welfare depending upon the exit strategy used, and that committing before a crisis can be welfare decreasing but then welfare increasing once a crisis occurs.</p> / Dissertation

Financial Market dependence : Stock Markets

Lin, Chia-Wei 23 June 2012 (has links)
This paper focuses on stock markets, including Portugal¡BItaly¡BIreland¡BGreece and Spain, and these are named PIGS by economists. Furthermore, we add the other three countries, U.S.A.¡BU.K. and Germany in this paper for investigating the dependence structure in the stock markets between these countries during the period 2001-2011. We implement a regime-switching copula model based on Gaussian copula, which uses a GARCH specification for the marginal distributions and the Gaussian copula for the joint distribution. Our method combines copulas and regime-switching models to demonstrate dependence sructures in stock markets between these countries. Based on this paper, we have two reports for international investors. First, if the dependency changes over time, the returns of portfolio diversification may be prone to diversification disasters, and the international investors' degrees of diversification can cause higher systemic risk in the period of financial crisis. Second, the phonomenon of the asymmetric dependence exists in financial markets, and we conclude that non-diversification may be better than diversification in the period of financial crisis.

Comparison of Green Energy Policies between Taiwan and Singapore

Ko, Pei-shan 28 July 2012 (has links)
There were three big oil crises in twenty century, and all made international political shakes. The global warming triggered the climate change, the rising of sea horizon and other environmental problems. The advanced countries begin to think about decreasing the dependency of fossil fuels as economic grows. Both the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the United Nations Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in 2009 were the evidences that most of the countries in the world are all concerned about climate change and economical environments. Furthermore, the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Climate Change Conferences affected the global economic policies, and also generated new ideas of green economy. Because of the impacts from the environmental and economic view, many countries made new green energy policies to develop renewable energy, promote green industry, wake up environment protection ideas, and broadcast the education of save energy saving and carbon reduction. This thesis uses the historical method, content analysis method and comparative method and the public policy theory as the theory basement. Then the thesis introduces the summary of global green energy industry. Taiwan and Singapore are called as Four Asian Little Dragons, but both lack of nature resources and depend on energy importation. The thesis discusses the policies on green industry of the Taiwan and Singapore, and also discusses the outputs of the policies. The final part is the policy comparisons between the two governments.

International financial crises and the involvement of the private sector in their resolution : quid? quis? quando? ubi? quomodo? quibus auxiliis? cur? ; experiences in Ecuador, Pakistan and Ukraine /

Ayuso Audry, Dariela. January 2007 (has links)
Freie Univ., Diss.--Berlin, 2006.

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