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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo dos traços histéricos de personalidade em pacientes portadores de crises não-epiléticas psicogênicas / A study of hysterical personality traits in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures

Guater, Elaine Cristina 19 April 2010 (has links)
A crise não-epilética psicogênica é definida como uma manifestação corporal semelhante àquela das crises epiléticas, porém sem um correlato neurológico que justifique a sua ocorrência. Sua etiologia é atribuída a fatores psicológicos, entretanto as questões subjetivas que estão na origem dos sintomas são pouco estudadas. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar os traços histéricos da personalidade em dois pacientes encaminhados para psicoterapia de orientação psicanalítica após receberem esse diagnóstico médico, além de analisar os conteúdos afetivos latentes que se relacionam às manifestações sintomáticas nos casos estudados. O material coletado durante o atendimento prestado a esses pacientes se constituiu como registro e fonte de informação, por meio do qual os elementos relativos à personalidade histérica e mecanismos inconscientes que engendram os sintomas são descritos e estudados. Este trabalho tem por referencial a psicanálise e o estudo dos casos foi realizado considerando seus pressupostos conceituais sobre sintoma, conflito, conversão e histeria. O material obtido durante o curso das sessões evidenciou elementos como erotização do espaço analítico, constante reivindicação para ocupar o lugar de objeto de desejo alheio, além da recusa em abandonar a posição de insatisfação e buscar um estado de contentamento. Também foi observado um investimento em fantasias infantis, nas quais há o desejo inconsciente de união exclusiva com as figuras parentais. / A psychogenic nonepileptic seizure is defined as a physical manifestation similar to that of epileptic seizures, but lacking a neurological correlation to justify its occurrence. Its etiology is attributed to psychological factors although subjective questions concerning the origin of symptoms are barely studied. This research aims to investigate hysterical personality traits in two patients forwarded for psychoanalytic psychotherapy after receiving this medical diagnosis, as well as analyze latent affective contents associated with the symptomatic manifestations in these case studies. The material collected during the patient consultation served as a file and source of information through which elements relative to hysterical personality and unconscious mechanisms linked to the symptoms are described and studied. This work has psychoanalysis as a reference and the case studies were carried out considering its conceptual assumptions of symptoms, conflict, conversion and hysteria. The material obtained during the sessions evidenced elements, such as erotization of the analytic space, continuous demands to occupy the place of an object of beauty, as well as refusal to abandon discontentment and search for a contented state. Investment in infantile fantasies with an unconscious desire of exclusive union with parental figures was also observed.

Essays on the interplay between bank competition, corporate governance, financial stability and misreporting in the context of the global financial crisis

Mabvira, Lazarus Tapuwa January 2018 (has links)
The market conditions in the banking sector, the corporate governance structure of banks, and the financial accounting practices have been highlighted among the key causes of the global financial crisis of 2007-2010. In this thesis, I analyse the ‘dark side' of competition by casting the spotlight on the relationship between competition, corporate governance, financial stability, and financial misreporting. I also bring corporate governance into the fray by analysing its link to financial misreporting. Probing the interplay between banking sector competition, corporate governance, financial stability and financial misreporting provides a fantastic setting to tap into and provide unique insights across the accounting, banking and finance domains. In putting together this piece of work, I extracted data from sources including Bankscope, Compustat, SEC enforcement releases and the World Bank Doing Business survey among others. In the 1st chapter, I regress financial stability proxies against various competition/concentration proxies using the GMM estimator with an instrumental variable technique to address potential endogeneity. In the 2nd chapter I use difference-in-difference analysis to analyse how changes in the competitive landscape in the US financial services industry instigated by the financial crisis as an exogenous factor led to an increase in misreporting incidences. The 4th chapter is an evaluation of how five corporate governance dimensions impacted on financial misreporting in US commercial banks subject to SEC enforcement actions from 2000 to 2016. I uncover strong evidence to support the competition-fragility view, without yet being able to disprove the competition-stability view. My results suggest that greater banking competition yields riskier loan portfolios, but this increased risk is more than offset by banks holding higher capital and liquidity thresholds. I also study the link between competition and incidences of financial misreporting in the US financial services industry and the results suggest a significantly positive association between competition and financial misreporting. Furthermore, there is evidence that an exogenous increase in competition because of the financial crisis also fuelled financial misreporting incidences in the financial services industry. I then investigate the impact of corporate governance on financial misreporting in US commercial banks subject to SEC enforcement actions. My results are mixed across the five corporate governance dimensions utilised for this study. Consistent with the ‘agency cost' hypothesis, I find a negative association between board size and financial misreporting, yet CEO power asserts a positive association with financial misreporting in violation of both the ‘stewardship' and ‘entrenchment' hypotheses. The equity-based portion of executive compensation is negatively related with misreporting, whereas there is a positive association between the cash-based portion and misreporting. My research not only contributes to literature on competition, market power, bank risk, financial stability, corporate governance, and financial misreporting; but also provide several practical and theoretical implications for regulators, academics, governments and policymakers on the effective and efficient regulation of the governance and competitive landscapes in financial services. I specifically shine the spotlight on emerging literature on the pervasive effects (dark side) of competition from a purely financial services perspective and within the context of the global financial crisis of 2007-2010.

Reforma finančních trhů v USA a ve světě ve světle současné hospodářské krize / The Reform of Financial Markets after the Financial Crises in USA and the Rest of th World

Bohoněk, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of recent financial crisis and possible ways to prevent it from returning in the future. The basic document here deals with the changes made by US government and their comparison with set of laws from the time of the Great Depression. This comparison results into proposal of some further changes. The last part deals with the systematic flaw of credit expansion a offers a solution based on principles of the Austrian school modified to correspond more closely with current system

The impact of macroeconomic factors on financial institutions credit risk during the global financial crises, case in Czech Republic

Jusufi, Gent January 2012 (has links)
This study aims to estimate the ratio of non-performing loans to total loans (NPL ratio), its determinants and its response to different macroeconomic shocks. As the last financial crises had negative impact on the economy of many countries of the world, we have to strive for preventive measures that would help us to fully or at least partly avoid future crises. It should be achieved by sound risk management practices of all financial institutions. Important part of these risk management practices shall be - among others - stress tests that would test the health of the institution under severe conditions and negative shocks. For this study the vector autoregression model (VAR methodology) is used to see the response of credit risk (in terms of NPL ratio) to macroeconomic shocks in the Czech Republic. The variables used for this study are quarterly time series data of the period from 2002 to 2011 (GDP, inflation rate, unemployment rate, koruna exchange rate (CZK/USD), and interest rate). For each of these variables the impulse response function was created, to show the impact of macroeconomic shocks and the speed of adjustment of NPL ratio to these shocks. Keywords: Financial Crises, Credit Risk Management, Non-performing loans, Macroeconomic Shocks, Czech Republic, VARs

Do inominável à pro-ducção de sentido: o plantão psicológico em hospital geral como utensílio para a metaforização da crise pelo trágico / From The Nameless To The Sense Pro-Duction: Psychological Attendance In A General Hospital As A Tool To Metaphorize Crisis By The Tragedy Comprehension

Walter Cautella Junior 27 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho intenta tematizar a questão da crise através da prática de Plantão Psicológico, tendo como cenário o hospital geral universitário (HU) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Acompanhando pacientes e equipe de saúde do hospital, os psicólogos experienciaram muitas situações de crise, tais como aquelas expressas pelo gênero dramático. Suas experiências levaram a compreender tal prática por meio de uma analogia. Escolhe-se a tragédia grega como fio condutor para esta pesquisa, uma vez que este gênero literário do século V a. C. possui um caráter de transcendência histórica, trazendo em seu bojo a possibilidade de traduzir e desvelar aspectos da experiência humana nas situações críticas. Artisticamente, o drama se reporta a uma situação em que o protagonista encontra-se em uma encruzilhada do destino, submetido a uma circunstância de perda de liberdade por um advento imponderável e convocado a empunhar sua responsabilidade na direção do sentido de sua existência. A metodologia de pesquisa se assenta no olhar da fenomenologia existencial. Sendo assim, afasta-se de procedimentos ou instrumentais pré-definidos, partindo, como propõe M. Heidegger, do questionamento do ser. Elege-se a narrativa de atendimentos realizados por psicólogos plantonistas nos vários espaços do HU, apresentada através de diários de bordo, como matéria-prima para este interrogar e interpretar. Desvelou-se a crise como ruptura ocasionada por um acontecimento que irrompe na cotidianidade, levando à situação de alheamento e ocultamento de sentido pelo aniquilamento temporário da malha representacional que dá sustentação a existência. Estando lançado neste hiato, inaugura-se outra temporalidade que convoca à metaforização da crise, considerando-se o Plantão Psicológico como utensílio pertinente para possibilitar este trânsito / This present work intends to explore crisis phenomenon as a question through the Psychological Attendance practice, which scenario is the University General Hospital at the University of São Paulo. The psychologists experience many crisis situations such those expressed by drama theme, while accompanying hospital patients and health staff. Their experiences lead to comprehend such praxis by the means of an analogy. Greek tragedy is the guideline chosen for this research, because this literary style from the V b. C. century, by its historical transcendental characteristic, carries forward possibilities to translate and unveil relevant aspects of human experience when passing by critical situations. Artistically, drama conveys a situation where the protagonist finds himself in a destiny crossroads, under loss of freedom circumstances by an unexpected event, which convocates him to handle his own responsibility toward the sense of his existence. Existential phenomenology is the methodological path for this research. Departing from the questioning of being, as Heideggers proposal, it goes apart from predefined procedures. Psychologists attendances narratives at many hospital wards, as board diaries, are the main resource for the interrogation and interpretation

O que a crise do subprime ensinou ao Direito? Evidências e lições do modelo concorrencial e regulatório bancário brasileiro / What did the subprime crisis teach Law? Evidence and lessons from Brazilian competition and regulatory banking model

Mattos, Eduardo da Silva 09 December 2014 (has links)
O objetivo central da presente dissertação é analisar criticamente a estrutura bancária brasileira durante e após a crise financeira de 2008, chamada de crise do subprime. Há certo consenso na literatura especializada de que o Brasil atravessou bem o colapso financeiro internacional, principalmente quando se coloca o desempenho da economia e dos bancos brasileiros lado a lado com o de outros países, notadamente os Estados Unidos. A explicação básica é a de que isso se deu, em grande medida, pelas condições concorrenciais e regulatórias previamente existentes no país. Entretanto, este estudo demonstra que o fenômeno da crise do subprime não foi completamente compreendido quando são feitas essas comparações, em especial quando se analisam as condições que propiciaram a origem da crise nos Estados Unidos. Ainda, vários dos fatores apontados como razão da solidez financeira brasileira foram criticados em outros momentos como sendo gargalos e deficiências históricos do setor bancário nacional. Por mais que se deva avaliar positivamente o comportamento das instituições financeiras no Brasil durante o período de dificuldades, essa análise deve ser feita com parcimônia para evitar a complacência acadêmica e operacional quanto à qualidade do sistema financeiro, visto que ainda são grandes os desafios a serem enfrentados para humanizar e democratizar as finanças no país. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to critically analyze the Brazilian banking structure during and after the financial crisis of 2008, called the subprime crisis. There is some consensus among authors that Brazil and its banks behaved well during the international financial turmoil, especially when compared to other countries, like the United States. The given explanation for that soundness is basically the competitive and regulatory conditions previously existing in the country. However, as this study tries to demonstrate, the subprime crisis was not fully understood when these comparisons between countries were (and are) made, especially when considering the conditions that led to the origin of the crisis in the United States. Besides, several factors cited as reasons for the Brazilian financial strength have been criticized in other moments as bottlenecks and historical flaws of the domestic banking sector. As much as one should positively evaluate the behavior of financial institutions in Brazil during the period of difficulties, such analysis should be done sparingly to avoid academic and operational complacency about the quality of the financial system, as there are still major challenges to be faced to humanize and democratize the country\'s finances.

Intrastate conflicts and international humanitarian intervention: case studies in Indonesia

Situmorang, Mangadar January 2007 (has links)
The differences in the international responses to the violent conflicts in East Timor (1998–1999), Maluku (1999–2003) and Aceh (1998–2005) are examined in this research. Given the growing acceptance of the significance of the use of military force for humanitarian purposes, the humanitarian crises in Maluku and Aceh might prima facie have justified humanitarian intervention similar to that in East Timor. By analysing the differences from the Indonesia’s domestic political point of view it is clear that the conscience-shocking situation caused by the violent conflicts was not the compelling factor for the international community to militarily intervene. The deployment of a multinational force in East Timor (INTERFET) was decided only after the UN and foreign major countries believed that such military intervention would not jeopardize the ongoing process of democratization in Indonesia. This suggested that Indonesia’s domestic circumstance was central to whether a similar measure in Maluku and Aceh would take place or not. Due to the reformasi (political reform) in Indonesia within which the independence of East Timor took place, two main changes within Indonesian politics, namely the growing sentiment of anti-international intervention and the continuing democratization process, helped to ensure that humanitarian intervention in the two other regions did not happen. / These two conditions were fortified by the increasingly consolidated democratic politics which brought the communal conflict in Maluku to the Malino Peace Agreement. The emergence of a stronger and democratic government in Indonesia, furthermore, made cooperation with the international community possible in seeking a peaceful resolution to the armed conflict in Aceh. By involving the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) the government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) agreed to the Helsinki peace agreement and accepted the role of the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) to secure its implementation. Thus, a strong democratic government made an international military intervention for humanitarian purposes unnecessary.

Contrôle des crises d'épilepsie par les ganglions de la bases: approches cliniques et expérimentales

Berend, Feddersen 10 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Près de 30% des patients qui souffrent d´une épilepsie sont résistants aux traitements pharmacologiques et seuls 30% de ces patients peuvent bénéficier d'une alternative thérapeutique par résection chirurgicale. La recherche de cibles et stratégies thérapeutiques innovantes constitue un enjeu majeur pour la prise en charge de ces patients. De nombreuses études expérimentales chez l'animal indiquent que les ganglions de la base, et en particulier la substance noire, exercent un contrôle sur la survenue des crises d'épilepsie. Des arguments cliniques, obtenus par électrophysiologie ou imagerie médicale, sont également en faveur de la mise en jeu des ganglions de la base dans certains syndromes épileptiques. Chez des patients souffrant d'épilepsie focale, l'influence de la propagation des crises au travers des ganglions de la base a été examinée en rapport avec le taux de généralisation secondaire. Chez ces patients l'activation des ganglions de la base semble associée à une influence inhibitrice sur la propagation des crises lorsque celles-ci envahissent le lobe frontal. L'exploration de ces mécanismes inhibiteurs des crises est susceptible d'ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques comme celle portant sur la stimulation intracérébrale profonde. Les premières études de cas explorant les effets de la stimulation intracérébrale des ganglions de la base chez quelques patients ont permis d'obtenir des résultats encourageants chez certains d'entre eux. Cependant de nombreuses études précliniques devraient permettre de préciser les paramètres de stimulation à appliquer. Une approche expérimentale chez l'animal nous a permis de déterminer les paramètres optimaux à appliquer pour controler la survenue de crises spontanées dans un modèle d'épilepsie-absence chez le rat. Dans ce modèle les paramètres optimaux à appliquer à la substance noire réticulée consistent en des stimulations bilatérales, bipolaires, monophasiques, de 60 Hz en fréquence et de 60 µs en largeur d'impulsion. Appliqués de façon répétée, ces paramètres ne permettent cependant pas de supprimer durablement la survenue des crises et ont même tendance à augmenter le nombre de crises enregistrées. Un délais d'au moins 60 seconde entre l'application de deux stimulations consécutives est à respecter pour interrompre les crises. Dans nos conditions, bien qu'une stimulation haute-fréquence de la substance noire réticulée appliquée de façon aigue puisse interrompre une crise en cours, des stimulations répétées semblent inefficaces. Ceci est en faveur du développement en cours, dans de nombreux laboratoire à travers le monde, de procédures de stimulation des crises asservie à leur détection afin de les supprimer de façon chronique dans le cadre d'applications thérapeutiques. De tels systèmes, dits « adaptatifs », seront particulièrement pertinents s'ils sont couplés à des modifications détectables, signalant l'arrivée d'une crise. Dans le modèle d'épilepsie-absence chez le rat, de telles modifications ont été identifiées au niveau de la cohérence entre signaux électroencéphalographiques issus des deux substances substances noires réticulées. Ces modifications pourraient etre utilisées comme signature spécifique de l'imminence d'une crise dans le couplage de la stimulation à la détection des crises. Toutefois, rien ne permet de dire si ces modifications sont spécifiques du modèle etudié ou encore si de telles modifications existent dans certains syndromes épileptiques en clinique. De nombreux arguments existent pour dire que l'épilepsie n'est pas une pathologie restreinte au seul cortex en tant que circuit générateur de crises, mais implique également des structures sous-corticales susceptibles d'exercer un contrôle à distance sur les circuits générateurs de crises. Cette conception de l'épilepsie permet d'envisager le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour les patients pharmaco-résistants et qui ne peuvent pas bénéficier d'une intervention chirurgicale.

Le dispositif prudentiel Bâle II, autoévaluation et contrôle interne : une application au cas français

Taccola-Lapierre, Sylvie 27 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les modes de fonctionnement des établissements bancaires ont profondément évolué ces dernières années, sous l'effet de la libéralisation financière et des innovations technologiques. Le développement de nouveaux instruments financiers et la globalisation du marché des capitaux ont généré de nouveaux risques et contraint les autorités prudentielles à faire évoluer les exigences réglementaires pour garantir la résilience du système financier. Avec l'entrée en vigueur, en décembre 2006, de la réforme "Bâle II", les banques ont dû adapter leurs outils de sélection et de mesure du risque de crédit et prendre en compte les risques opérationnels dans le calcul d'exigences de fonds propres. Cette thèse s'intéresse au passage des Accords de Bâle I à Bâle II et explique les évolutions prudentielles qui fondent cette réforme. Le passage du ratio Cooke au ratio Mac Donough, est présenté et analysé pour illustrer la "montée en puissance" de l'autocontrôle et démontrer que contrôle interne apparaît désormais comme la pierre angulaire du nouveau dispositif. Une étude du dispositif de contrôle interne en vigueur en France, notamment via le réglement n° 97-02 modifié du Comité de la Réglementation Bancaire et Financière, est présentée. Puis, à partir d'une étude qualitative menée au sein d'une banque coopérative française, nous proposons des grilles de lecture des contrôles clés, en terme de gouvernance et par typologie de risques.

Gestion des crises de dette souveraine : vers une révision des seuils de vote des Clauses d'Actions Collectives

Serbini, Bénédicte 22 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette thèse est de proposer un mode opératoire de gestion des crises de dette souveraine basé sur le mécanisme sous-jacent aux Clauses d'Actions Collectives (CAC), l'action à la majorité qualifiée. Premièrement, nous rendons compte de l'évolution de la structure d'endettement des pays émergents, au sens financier du terme, aussi bien au niveau de la composition de la dette souveraine qu'au niveau de la répartition de ses créanciers. Nous concluons qu'elle est source et reflet de leurs vulnérabilités. Puis, nous montrons que la mutation de la structure d'endettement des pays émergents modifie la nature et l'ampleur des coûts associés à la survenue d'un défaut de paiement. Les coûts ne sont plus supportés uniquement par les Etats et leurs créanciers, mais également par le système monétaire et financier international. Secondement, il est rappelé les principaux enjeux auxquels doit répondre une procédure de restructuration de dette souveraine et en quoi le choix des CAC est pertinent pour répondre à cette problématique. Enfin, nous présentons les principales conclusions relatives à l'étude des CAC, qui nous permettent de présenter un mode de révision du seuil de vote de la clause d'action à la majorité qualifiée. Ainsi, nous disposons d'un mode opératoire ex ante, vecteur de diminution des asymétries informationnelles participant à une amélioration de la transparence. La coordination des acteurs est renforcée, ce qui permet d'abaisser le coût de résolution des défauts de paiement souverains.

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