Spelling suggestions: "subject:"critical face"" "subject:"critical race""
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Counter Narrating the Media’s Master Narrative: A Case Study of Victory High SchoolTrinchero, Beth 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Since the publication of A Nation at Risk (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983), Berliner and Biddle (1995) have argued media have assisted leaders in creating a “manufactured crisis” (p. 4) about America’s public schools to scapegoat educators, push reforms, and minimize societal problems, such as systemic racism and declining economic growth, particularly in urban areas. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act (2001) functions as an important articulation of this crisis (Granger, 2008).
Utilizing the theoretical lenses of master narrative theory (Lyotard, 1984), Critical Race Theory (Delgado & Stefancic, 2001), and social capital theory (Bourdieu, 1986; Coleman 1988), this study employed critical discourse analysis (Reisigl & Wodak, 2009) to unmask the mainstream media’s master narrative, or dominant story, about Victory High School (VHS), which was reconstituted under the authority of the NCLB Act (2001). Findings revealed a master narrative that racialized economic competition, vilified community members, and exonerated neoliberal reforms.
Drawing on the critical race methodology of counter-narratives (Yosso, 2006), individual and focus group interviews with 12 VHS teachers, alumni, and community elders illustrated how reforms fragmented this school community, destroying collective social capital, while protecting the interests of capitalism and neoliberalism.
By revealing the interests protected by the media’s master narrative and beginning a counter-narrative voiced by members of the community, this study contributes to recasting the history of the VHS community, to understanding the intersections between race and class in working class communities of color, and to exposing the impact of neoliberal educational reforms on urban schools.
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Equitable Practices Through the Lens of Youth: An Analysis of Afterschool Programs' Quality and ImpactSmith, Shana 23 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Analys av förekomsten av diskriminerande strukturer i läromedel och kursplanLarsson, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
Då flera tidigare rapporter slagit fast att diskriminering inom skolan återfinns såväl som i läromedel och i skolan som institution så syftar detta arbete till att analysera om även nyproducerade läromedel för grundskolan och gymnasiet, och i detta fall en kursplan från lärarutbildningen, kan sägas bidra till att upprätthålla diskriminerande strukturer. Detta arbete är framförallt inriktat på begrepp som etnocentrism och etnisk diskriminering och förekomsten av dem. Som metod används en innehållsanalys samt en syftesrelaterad analys med exponerande kritik. Arbetet visar att mycket av den kritik som lyftes mot läromedel som var producerade fram till tidigt 2000-tal även är berättigade när läromedel från 2012 analyseras. Det är framförallt närvaron av eurocentrism, strukturell rasism, och etnisk diskriminering som kan sägas skapa maktojämlikheter i läromedlen. Vid analysen av kursplanen så står det också att finna formuleringar som måste anses vara diskutabla. Vidare diskuteras bristen på nyanserade perspektiv och teoribildning i kursplanen. I slutdiskussionen för detta arbete så menar jag att lärarstudenter måste kunna tillgodogöra sig och exponeras för diverse olika begrepp och teoribildningar som rör frågor som etnicitet, strukturell rasism, mångkulturalism, och socialkonstruktivism för att på så sätt kunna bedriva en icke-diskriminerande undervisning. / This paper discuss the presence of ethnic discrimination in newly produced textbooks made for history education. Earlier research on the subject argues that modern schools and educational institutes need to highlight the issue in order to create a non-discriminating education. There is a need to incorporate theories like "Critical race theory" into the curriculums of existing teacher educations.
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Harry Potter and racial hierarchies in the English language classroom : A thematic study on racial inequality in Harry PotterAhmed, Munira January 2023 (has links)
This essay focuses on the pedagogical benefits of using fantasy literature in the classroom as it relates to the Swedish school’s democratic values of anti-racism and working for a just society. It examines the representations of racial prejudice, discrimination, and othering among wizards and muggles which are explicitly or implicitly present throughout the Harry Potter series as well as what the representations of inequality can offer in terms of inculcating democratic values and critical thinking in a Swedish upper secondary classroom. This essay also argues for the use of Harry Potter in the EFL classroom since the novel’s complexity and popularity can work as an incentive for students to analyze the ways that the fantasy world relates to our own society. Since the focus of this essay is racial discrimination, prejudice, and otherness the critical lens is Critical Race Theory and anti-oppressive education theory.
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Becoming Canadian: Examining the Lived Experiences of Recent Adult Chinese Immigrants to CanadaCao, Xingtan 24 November 2023 (has links)
The 2021 Census reported that immigrants with a Chinese ethnic background take up 4.7% of the Canadian population. Although Chinese immigrants represent a significant part of the Canadian population, how they understand their relationship with Canada has not been studied directly in educational research. In response, this manuscript-based thesis examines the lived experiences of six adult (aged 18 and above) Chinese immigrants who have arrived in Canada and obtained their permanent residency or Canadian citizenship after 2010. Adopting Connelly and Clandinin's narrative inquiry, this study presents stories of participants with the hope to shed light on the process of Chinese immigrants becoming Canadian. Through these presentations, this study attends to the complex relationships participants have gone through in the process of negotiating their acceptance in Canada. Data gathered from two rounds of semi-structured interviews with six recent adult Chinese immigrants living in Ontario and Quebec were interpreted and discussed using Berry's acculturation framework, a critical multiculturalism framework and a Critical Race Theory (CRT) framework in three individual research articles. Findings reveal that Chinese immigrants actively participate in social, cultural, political and economic affairs in Canada. Their participation in Canadian society exhibits their acceptance of Canadian cultures and values while living in Canada. Based on these understandings, they offer their suggestions to make Canada a more democratic, just and livable place. Racism, discriminations and stereotypes received from some members of the host society have created tangible damage to their relationship with Canada. Nonetheless, Chinese immigrants express their desire to be included and integrated into Canadian society. These narratives from recent adult Chinese immigrants supplement literature in citizenship education. Policy makers, scholars, educators and the general public should listen to their stories and find more ways to include Chinese immigrants in the building of democracy and multiculturalism in Canada.
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The Impact of Race on the Health of South Asians: A Systematic ReviewMuralitharan, Maiura January 2023 (has links)
This systematic review examined literature spanning the last 10 years from Canada, the U.K., the U.S.A., Australia, and New Zealand. Findings highlight the significant gap in comparative literature examining (structural) racism as a determinant of South Asian healthcare access, utilization, and outcomes, and identifies areas of future research to address South Asian health equity concerns. / Background: Race, or specifically racism, has been well-established as a critical determinant of health, though current healthcare practices and policies in Western countries do not adequately address these issues. South Asians are the largest minority group in Canada, and they face disproportionate rates of chronic illnesses, mental health conditions, and barriers to care globally. However, their experiences in healthcare settings and the impact of race and racism on their health equity remain unexplored. This systematic review examined whether race affects healthcare access, utilization, and outcomes of South Asians compared to White-majority populations in Western countries.
Methods: Embase, PsycInfo, Ageline, and CINAHL, were searched following PRISMA guidelines, as well as Google Scholar. Articles from 2013-2022 were included if they discussed racism, discrimination, or disparities/inequalities in South Asian physical and mental health, healthcare access, and utilization, outcomes compared to White populations in Canada, the U.K., the U.S.A., Australia, and New Zealand. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used to assess methodological quality. Data was synthesized narratively.
Results: The review included 89 studies from Canada (n=19), the U.K. (n=51), the U.S.A. (n=17), and Australia (n=2), with most studies (n=76) utilizing cross-sectional or cohort designs and examining physical health outcomes (n=50). Study samples predominantly included Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis over other subgroups. Notably, there was no overall increase in comparative studies over the last decade; however, the U.K. observed an 85% increase compared to an 82% and 64% decrease in Canada and the U.S.A., respectively. The review also identified limited research on experiences within healthcare settings and mental health outcomes, sexual/reproductive health, and all health outcomes for children/youth. Few studies directly discussed the impacts of structural or organizational racism or discrimination on outcomes, though some commented on individual racism as well. Instead, studies relied on the social determinants of health as proxies for structural racism, such as education and income.
Conclusion: This review highlights the significant lack of comparative research on the impact of structural, organizational, and individual racism on the healthcare access, utilization, and outcomes of South Asians compared to White-majority populations in Western countries. The review emphasizes the need for more primary, comparative research that quantifies and contextualizes South Asian experiences in obtaining healthcare services. Future research must employ rigorous and representative sampling methods, diverse study designs, and quantitative and qualitative measures that capture implicit, covert, and overt racism in healthcare among South Asians. Additionally, studies should measure factors such as religion, housing, language, and racialized institutional policies, in addition to the typically examined social determinants of health. Finally, this review highlights the need to collect and report disaggregated race and ethnicity health data with input from community leaders, and stratify these data by South Asian subgroups to avoid homogenization of distinct cultures and differential experiences in healthcare systems. Overall, acknowledging racism in healthcare and institutional policies is essential to effectively dismantle these issues and ensure health equity for South Asians. / Thesis / Master of Public Health (MPH)
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Un examen critique de l’inclusion en immersion française : A Multiple-Case Study at an Independent School in OntarioAdatia, Shelina 25 January 2023 (has links)
French Immersion (FI) is a form of second language education with various programs in which French is both a subject and the language of curricular instruction (Canadian Parents for French [CPF], 2019). In 1965, when FI first began in St. Lambert, Québec, it was aimed at middle-class, anglophone students (Davis, 2017; Davis et al., 2019; Kunnas, 2019; Lambert & Tucker, 1972), but its population has since expanded to include culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners - that is, students whose first language is neither English nor French and whose cultural and linguistic repertoires represent a strength in their learning communities. These students may be enrolled in FI programs, but their cultures and languages aren't necessarily recognized, valued, and integrated as assets for personal and collective learning - calling into question the potential for true inclusion (Mady et al., 2017).
This study thus examines the inclusion of CLD learners in FI at an independent school in southeastern Ontario. Taking a multiple-case study approach, it uses critical race theory to explore the understandings, beliefs, and practices that CLD learners (n = 4), French as a Second Language (FSL) teachers (n = 3), teacher-administrators (n = 2), and parents and guardians of CLD learners (n = 12) associate with the inclusion of these students in FI. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews, photo elicitation, in-person and virtual classroom observations, an online questionnaire, and a reflective journal.
Although participants' understandings alluded to greater visibility of CLD learners, the findings suggest that these students weren't always seen in their full complexity. In terms of beliefs, CLD learners were generally viewed through an asset-oriented perspective; however, tensions remain in accepting and understanding knowledge different from the White standard. Finally, although practices were indicative of a pedagogy focused on students' academic success (Ladson-Billings, 2014), the findings showed evidence of a risk of underlying racial inequities.
Implications include the need to understand the endemic nature of racism, to problematize race through dialogue and stories that counter "master narratives" (Martinez, 2014), and to address underlying racial inequities consistently and concretely. Ultimately, this research contributes to the development of culturally and linguistically inclusive learning spaces in FI.
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<strong>A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF ASIAN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXPERIENCES IN THE U.S.</strong>Jaya Sunil Bhojwani (16624440) 20 July 2023 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the first paper is to serve as a critical review of the international student research. Particularly, the paper will explore current barriers in international student research specifically for Asian international students. The paper will use three frameworks for the critical review: neo-racism, critical race theory, and postcolonial theory and suggest three main barriers in international student research because of this: homogenization, overemphasis on individual factors, and the impact of stereotypes present about Asians in the U.S. Based on the frameworks used for critical review and the identified barriers, the paper will explore systemic racism in the experiences of Asian international trainees and suggest recommendations to support trainees in counseling psychology. </p>
<p>The study within the second paper explored the experiences of neo-racism for 13 Asian international doctoral student participants at Purdue University using qualitative thematic analysis. The study demonstrated a wide variety of experiences with racism, including interpersonal racism and the impact of racism that participants viewed as occurring to other Asian and Asian international students in the U.S. Results indicated that participants’ experiences of neo-racism were different based on social identities, language abilities, and nationality. The study proposes implications of these experiences, including ways higher education institutions can better support doctoral students during this sociopolitical time. </p>
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Digital emancipation: Black musicians’ use of technology to disrupt socioeconomic barriers and epistemological bias within public school instrumental music programsDe Santis, Mario 12 January 2024 (has links)
This research study explicates the underrepresentation of Black students in public school instrumental music programs through a critical race perspective, focusing on socioeconomic and epistemological barriers perpetuated by public policy and school music curricula. Such barriers have encouraged some Black musicians to seek agency and satisfy their musical interests in spaces outside of the classroom, particularly in the church and community. Considering that the theory of disruptive innovation purports the potential to increase access and disrupt both socioeconomic and epistemological barriers through the use of technology, this exploratory research study sought to investigate whether Black instrumental musicians use technology in order to disrupt the socioeconomic and epistemological barriers unveiled by a critical race perspective. By employing qualitative research methods, participants’ personal experiences were synthesized into a thematic analysis which ultimately support the potential of technology to increase access, revealing that participants successfully disrupted socioeconomic and epistemological barriers through the use of asynchronous online lessons.
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No description available.
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