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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kyvadlo čelisťového drtiče 700 x 300 / Pendulum jaw crusher 700 x 300

Kopecký, Libor January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with construction design of a pendulum for the jaw crusher DCJ 700x300. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to treatment of mineral materials with focus on minimizing minerals. The second part deals with devices used for crushing minerals, jaw crushers and their variants in particular. The third part is devoted to specific design of the jaw crusher based on assigned input. The next part deals with construction design of the pendulum and technology of its production exploring weldments and casts. The aim of this thesis is to perform a strength analysis of the chosen version of pendulum production using the FEM method. The diploma thesis includes drawing documentation of the jaw crusher and the pendulum.

Bergmaterialskaraktärisering med laboratoriekross

Källström, Johan, Dautovic, Nedim January 2018 (has links)
I detta arbete krossas åtta olika stenmaterial i en laboratoriekäftkross åt Sandvik AB i Svedala. Stenmaterialen analyseras sedan och jämföras med äldre prov och simuleringar av likadant material. Storleksfördelningen av stenmaterialen före och efter krossning analyseras och även formen på stenmaterialet. Syftet är att undersöka om det går att säkerställa en tillförlitlig analysmetod för sönderdelning av stenmaterial med olika egenskaper. Målet med arbetet är att skingra oklarheter kring användandet av laboratoriekäftkrossen för uppskalning av resultat för fullskaliga krossar och krossanläggningar. Endast stenmaterial från stenbrott där Sandvik AB har kundrelationer kommer att användas och allt stenmaterial kommer att analyseras i Sandviks krosslaboratorium i Svedala. Med hjälp av Sandviks databas kommer endast den data som finns där tas hänsyn till vid valet av stenmaterial. Arbetet avgränsas även till användandet av de analysmetoder som Sandviks krosslaboratorium i Svedala har. I resultatet presenteras data för storleksfördelningen, formen, krosseffekt och simuleringar från äldre tester. Inga direkta tydliga samband konstateras för alla stenmaterial. Vissa samband mellan hårdhet, storleksfördelning före och efter krossning samt materialegenskaper upptäcks, men inga slutsatser för projektering av storleksfördelning oberoende av material konstateras. / In this paper eight different stone materials are being crushed using a laboratory jaw crusher for Sandvik Ab in Svedala. These samples are then being analyzed concerning particle size and shape of the stone material. The purpose of this paper is to examine if it is possible to ensure a method for analyzing the fragmentation of stone material with varying attributes. The goal with this work is to disperse any uncertainties regarding the use of the laboratory jaw crusher and scaling up the results to full scale crushers and crushing plants. Only stone materials from plants where Sandvik AB has good relationships with are going to be used. Other boundaries include use of the data and analyze methods that Sandvik has to its dispense. The results are being presented in the shape of diagrams regarding the particle size distribution, shape, power usage from the jaw crusher and simulations from old tests. No direct apparent connections are shown regarding the results from tests of the different stone materials. Some correlations for the hardness, particle size distribution before and after crushing together with material properties are observed. But no conclusions can be drawn for projection of particle size distribution irrespective of the stone material.

Evaluating the performance of cone crushers under various feeding conditions using DEM and coupled DEM-MBS simulations

Larsson, John January 2023 (has links)
Cone crushers are used in both the construction and mining industries for the production of aggregates and extraction of ores. Aggregates are used when building for example houses, roads and railways, hence the cone crushers are a vital part of modern society. To ensure the performance of the cone crusher, it is important to properly adjust the feeding conditions. Using computational methods to virtually analyze the performance of the crushers is a more time and cost efficient solution compared to physical testing. This thesis was divided into two parts, where the main objective of the first part was to use the discrete element method (DEM) to analyze the segregation in cone crushers. Three different methods were developed, which later were utilized to compare the segregation for four different feeding conditions. Two of the analysis methods only considered the segregation in the feed hopper, whilst the third method aimed to give an understanding ofthe segregation inside the crushing chamber. The two first methods could successfully be used to compare how segregated the feed material was for the four feeding conditions, however, the third method proved to be both hard to validate and highly dependent on proper material flow inside the crushing chamber. The main objective during the second part of the thesis was to investigate the possibility of running the DEM simulations coupled to a multibody simulation (MBS) software. The simulation routine was then used to compare the foundation loads for the same four feeding conditions as in the first part. The subframe was later modeled as a flexible body to analyze and compare the stresses the subframe was subject to during operation for the same four feeding conditions. Setting up and running the coupled simulation was successful. Different simulation settings were tested, anda general guideline on how those settings should be defined was set up. The actual impact the coupling had on the foundation loads and stresses in the subframe was however almost non-existent. This could probably be directly related to the fact that the crushing forces in EDEM are known to be many times smaller than what they have been measured to in experiments. This also meant that changing the feeding conditions to alter the segregation did not have a noticeable effect on the results.

Modellierung der Zerkleinerung in Profilwalzenbrechern

Schmidt, Marko 25 March 2011 (has links)
Für die Weich- und Mittelhartzerkleinerung von Primär- und Sekundärrohstoffen werden zunehmend Profilwalzenbrecher eingesetzt. Trotz relativ geringer Zerkleinerungsgrade zeichnen sie sich durch einen geringen spezifischen Leistungsbedarf, hohe Durchsätze, eine einfache Konstruktion und Instandhaltung sowie eine störungsfreie Betriebsweise aus und sind auch bei adhäsivem Aufgabematerial anwendbar. Trotz der Bedeutung dieser Maschinen gibt es bisher nur unzureichende Auslegungsmethoden. Die theoretisch begründete Modellierung der Zerkleinerung in markant profilierten Walzenbrechern ist deshalb Gegenstand dieser Arbeit, um dadurch die Dimensionierungsgrundlagen zu verbessern und Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Hartzerkleinerung abzuschätzen. Dazu werden im Rahmen einer Systembetrachtung zunächst die wesentlichen Prozessparameter der Zerkleinerung ermittelt und die Bauarten von Profilwalzenbrechern klassifiziert (Kapitel 2). Die Darstellung der bekannten Berechnungsmodelle für die Hauptzielgrößen „Grenzdurchsatz“, „Produktgranulometrie“ und „Leistungsbedarf“ ist Gegenstand von Kapitel 3. Darauf aufbauend wird in Kapitel 4 ein neues, physikalisch begründetes Auslegungsmodell vorgestellt und das Untersuchungsfeld hinsichtlich der zu analysierenden Aufgabestoffart und Maschinengeometrie eingegrenzt. Die für dieses Modell erforderlichen Zerkleinerungstest- und Simulationsergebnisse werden in Kapitel 5 und 6 dargestellt, bevor die Arbeit in Kapitel 7 mit einer Zusammenfassung und einem Ausblick abschließt.:Symbolverzeichnis III Tabellenverzeichnis XX Abbildungsverzeichnis XXI 1 Einleitung und Problemstellung 1 2 Systemanalyse von Profilwalzenbrechern 3 2.1 Einfluss- und Zielgrößen von Profilwalzenbrechern 3 2.2 Systematisierung und Einordnung von Profilwalzenbrechern 7 2.2.1 Klassifizierung von Profilwalzenbrechern 8 Klassifizierung nach konstruktiven Maschinenparametern 9 Klassifizierung nach der Belastungsart 18 2.2.2 Abgrenzung von Profilwalzenbrechern 25 3 Erkenntnisstand zur Zerkleinerung in Profilwalzenbrechern 29 3.1 Wertebereiche der Einfluss- und Zielgrößen von Profilwalzenbrechern 29 3.2 Auslegungsmodelle von Profilwalzenbrechern 32 3.2.1 Ermittlung des Grenzdurchsatzes 32 Einzugsbedingung für das Einzelkorn 32 Theoretisch begründete Ansätze für den Grenzdurchsatz 38 Empirische Ansätze für den Grenzdurchsatz 47 3.2.2 Ermittlung der Produktkorngrößenverteilung 49 3.2.3 Ermittlung des Leistungsbedarfs 54 Theoretisch begründete Ansätze für den Leistungsbedarf 57 Empirische Ansätze für den Leistungsbedarf 68 3.3 Wertung des Erkenntnisstandes und Präzisierung der Aufgabenstellung 75 4 Neues Auslegungsmodell für Profilwalzenbrecher 77 4.1 Aufbau des Modells 77 4.2 Voruntersuchungen zu den Einflussgrößen des Modells 78 4.2.1 Analyse maschinenbezogener Parameter 78 Primäroptimierung der Profilwalzengeometrie 79 Sekundäroptimierung der Profilwalzengeometrie 86 4.2.2 Analyse aufgabestoffbezogener Parameter 95 4.2.3 Analyse systembezogener Parameter 99 4.3 Bestimmung der Zielgrößen des Modells 101 4.3.1 Simulation der Einzelkornzerkleinerung in einem Modellwalzenbrecher 101 4.3.2 Aggregation der Simulationsergebnisse auf die Massestromzerkleinerung 102 4.3.3 Skalierung der Simulationsergebnisse auf den Originalwalzenbrecher 110 5 Zerkleinerungsversuche für das neue Auslegungsmodell 115 5.1 Grundlagen zur Einzelkorndruckzerkleinerung 115 5.1.1 Physikalische Beschreibung von Deformations- und Bruchprozessen 115 5.1.2 Empirische Analyse von Deformations- und Bruchprozessen 121 Einfluss- und Zielgrößen der Einzelkorndruckzerkleinerung 121 Korngrößeneffekt der Einzelkorndruckzerkleinerung 124 Versuchsergebnisse zum Korngrößeneffekt 124 Mathematisch-statistische Ansätze zum Korngrößeneffekt 128 5.2 Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Einzelkorndruckzerkleinerung 132 5.2.1 Aufbau der Versuchsapparaturen 132 5.2.2 Durchführung der Versuche 134 5.2.3 Auswertung der Versuche 136 6 DEM-Simulationen für das neue Auslegungsmodell 141 6.1 Grundlagen zur DEM-Simulation 141 6.1.1 Beschreibung der DEM 141 6.1.2 Bisherige DEM-Simulationen von Zerkleinerungsprozessen 151 6.2 Kalibrierung des DEM-Gesteinsmodells 154 6.2.1 Statistische Simulationsplanung 156 6.2.2 Simulationsdurchführung 159 6.2.3 Voroptimierung 161 6.2.4 Nachoptimierung 164 6.3 Walzenbrechersimulationen mit dem kalibrierten DEM-Gesteinsmodell 166 6.3.1 Aufbau des Walzenbrechersimulationsprogramms 166 6.3.2 Ergebnisse der Walzenbrechersimulationen 169 Simulationsergebnisse zum Massedurchsatz des Walzenbrechers 169 Simulationsergebnisse zur Produktkorngrößenverteilung des Walzenbrechers 171 Simulationsergebnisse zum Leistungsbedarf des Walzenbrechers 174 7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 178 Literaturverzeichnis XXIV Anlagenverzeichnis XXXV

Kyvadlo čelisťového drtiče / Pendulum jaw crusher

Pitner, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with structural design of pendulum for single toggle jaw crusher DC 110x70 and consists of several main parts. The first part focuses on the processing of mineral materials, especially on the process of mechanical uncoupling. The second part compares main characteristics of single toggle and double toggle jaw crushers. The third part deals with the structural nodes for the crusher DC 110x70. Another part is consisted of two variants for the pendulum construction with a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages. For the selected variant is carried out the stress control using Finite element method (FEM) in the program I-DEAS. The last part focuses on the positioning an exit slit for designed pendulum.

Macro composites for crushing - additive manufacturing of hard phase : Development and testing of macro composites for crushing purposes

Wojtowicz, Maria January 2021 (has links)
During this master thesis a crushing material composite was developed in order to determine if a specific design consisting of a pointy hard phase with a ductile phase in between can reduce the load needed to crush stone and therefor decrease the energy consumption during stone crushing. The steel hard phase (ASP 2012) was printed using an additive manufacturing method called selective laser melting (SLM). A process parameter optimization was performed in order to achieve a dense material and a pre-heated building platform was used to prevent cracking. The hard phase designs were printed and then filled with bronze (JM3 and JM7). The composites and steel references were tested by placing a stone on each sample and applying pressure until the stone broke. After the tests, the loads and the deterioration of the samples was analyzed. The results showed that it was possible to print the hard phase, but some defects like micro cracking were hard to eliminate entirely. Several methods were tested to cast the bronze but the most suitable during this project was melting of the bronze in an induction furnace with vacuum atmosphere. The results from the crushing simulations showed that there was a small difference between the references and the developed macro composites. The composites began to crush stones at lower loads than the references. Nevertheless, due to a large dispersion of the results a statistical difference could not be established.

Kyvadlo čelisťového drtiče 900 x 500 / Pendulum jaw crusher 900 x 500

Hladík, František January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with a construction design of single toggle jaw crusher DCJ 900x500. In the first part, the theoretical background and ways of material disintegration are discussed. The second chapter describes types of material crushers in general, especially jaw crushers and their parts. The third chapter is concerned with calculations and the design of the most important parts of the machine. The fourth part consists of the crusher power calculation, design of the pendulum and its production technology. The last part includes the result of FEM analysis for the particular variant of pendulum production. The thesis also includes drawing documentation of the crusher and the pendulum.

Třískové hospodářství obráběcího stroje / Cutting farm machine

Hon, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This project is devided to three parts - theoretical overview of cutting farm components, design of cutting farm for specified production cell and the design of chip conveyor for specified cuting machine. Theoretical overview introduces common commercial used components of cutting farm, their properties and using possibilities in particular regarding their applicability at cutting farm design and chip conveyor design. In the second part there is proposal of design of cutting farm for production cell consist of six identical multi-function machinig centers. For produced amount of chips there is proposal of their processing from the begining at cuting proccess up to their leavig production hall as a briquetts in a containers. At last part of this project there is complete design proposal of chip conveyor for mentioned multi-function maching center. Design is built from a basic line diagram up to design of particular components including calculations and analysis.

Třískové hospodářství obráběcího stroje / Metal chip management of production machine

Bílek, Vít January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with cutting farm machine and it consists of three parts. Theoretical part describes mechanism of chip formation, shape of the chips, temperature of the chips, technological variables describing chips, chip conveyor, chip crusher, briquetting press and coolant filter. In the next part there is proposal of design of cutting farm machine for production cell consists of six machining center. At last part there is design proposal and calculation of chip conveyor.

Kyvadlo čelisťového drtiče 1 600 x 1 250 / Pendulum jaw crusher 1 600 x 1 250

Ješuta, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of the construction of a pendulum of a single toggle jaw crusher. The first part of this thesis treats the mechanical raw minerals disintegration. In the second part the characteristics of a single toggle jaw crusher and double toggle jaw crusher are compared. The third part addresses the calculation and the construction of the main components of the jaw crusher. Next part of the thesis consists of the calculation of the crushing force, the pendulum design, and the method of manufacturing a pendulum. The strength analysis of the designed pendulum using the finite element method (FEM) in program NX-Ideas is made in the last part of this thesis.

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