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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of copulatory wound infliction on fitness in Drosophila melanogaster / Betydelsen av kopulationsskador och dess inverkan på fitness hos Drosophila melanogaster

Leandersson, Dennis January 2021 (has links)
One of the more fascinating Darwinian puzzles in sexual selection is that of copulatory wounding. For those taxa displaying this behavior, and that does not engage in traumatic insemination, the function of wound infliction during copulation remains unknown. In this study, the intention was to evaluate the purpose of copulatory wounding in Drosophila melanogaster and the consequences it might have for male and female fecundity. The present study measured the size and number of wounds that males from different stocks of Darwinian fitness imposed on females, as well as the copulation duration and the resulting fecundity. The number of wounds and the total wound size showed no apparent correlation to fecundity, but a significant difference in variation of the number of wounds inflicted on females was observed between males from two different lines of fitness. Wounded females were also considerably more common than non-wounded females, as were wounds that were paired compared to non-paired copulatory wounds. The results suggests that wounding might be an adaptive male trait and a copulatory courtship interpretable to females, implying a possible case of cryptic female choice. Since most wounds were paired, this implies that a bilaterally symmetrical organ is causing these wounds. Also, wounding was not as important for fecundity as previously thought. / Ett av de mer fascinerande Darwinistiska pusslen inom sexuell selektion är skadande under kopulationen. För de taxa som uppvisar detta beteende, och inte engagerar sig i traumatisk insemination, så är funktionen av kopulationsskador okänd. I denna studie så var avsikten att utvärdera syftet av kopulationsskador hos Drosophila melanogaster och de konsekvenser beteendet kan ha för det resulterande antalet avkomma. Denna studie uppmätte storleken och antalet skador som hanar av olika Darwinistisk fitness vållade honor, samt kopulationstiden och antalet avkomma. Antalet skador och den totala storleken av skador visade ingen signifikant korrelation till antalet avkommor, däremot uppvisades signifikanta variationsskillnader mellan hanar av två olika fitnessnivåer. Skadade honor visade sig också vara betydligt vanligare än icke skadade honor och parade skador var även vanligare än icke parade skador. Resultaten indikerade att kopulationsskador kan vara en adaptiv egenskap hos hanar och en form av uppvaktning som honorna kan tyda, vilket kan antyda ett möjligt fall av ”kryptiskt honligt val”. Eftersom de flesta skador var parade, så antyder detta att ett bilateralt symmetriskt organ orsakar skadorna. Kopulationsskador visade sig heller inte vara så viktiga som man tidigare antagit.

Klonální vývoj leukemických buněk a jeho úloha při progresi leukémií a preleukémií / Clonal evolution of leukemic cells and its role in the progression of leukemia and preleukemia

Svobodová, Karla January 2020 (has links)
Clonal evolution is a multistep process characterized by progression of the disease, adverse prognosis and shortening of overall survival. The aim of the dissertation was a detailed characterization of identified changes in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and clonal evolution and evaluation of their prognostic impact. We performed detail cytogenomic analyses in 36/469 (8%) patients with confirmed linear clonal evolution. We described 57 primary abnormalities (32% MDS-specific) at the time of diagnosis, the most frequent was deletion of long arm of chromosome 5. We proved 156 secondary aberrations (21% MDS-specific) during the course of the clonal evolution, the most frequent were trisomies/tetrasomies of chromosome 8. We identified acquired uniparental disomies (aUPD) in 19% of patients. In MDS-specific aUPDs 4q, 11q and 17p, we proved homozygous mutations of TET2, c-CBL and TP53 genes. We found a statistically significant difference in overall survival between the groups of patients divided according to their diagnostic cytogenomic findings. In patients with clonal evolution before treatment 54% of aberrations were gains of whole chromosomes, by contrast 44% of abnormalities identified in patients with clonal evolution after treatment were monosomies or deletions. The study of clonal...

Diversification in the Neotropics: Insights from Demographic and Phylogenetic Patternsof Lancehead Pitvipers (<i>Bothrops</i> spp.)

Salazar Valenzuela, Christian David 12 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Apport de l'approche évolutive pour l'étude de l'invasion de l'acarien rouge de la tomate, Tetranychus evansi / Contribution of an evolutionary approach to study the invasion of the red tomato spider mite, Tetranychus evansi

Boubou, Angham 22 November 2010 (has links)
L'acarien rouge de la tomate Tetranychus evansi (Tetranychidae) est considéré comme une espèce invasive à fort impact économique sur les cultures de solanacées. Il a été découvert pour la première fois en 1954 au Brésil, d'où il est probablement originaire. Historiquement, T. evansi a d'abord été signalé en Afrique et plus récemment en Europe et en Asie. L'objectif de cette thèse était de reconstruire les routes de colonisation de T. evansi et de dégager le scénario évolutif décrivant le mieux l'histoire de l'invasion. Nous avons d'abord analysé des échantillons collectés dans son aire actuelle de distribution, à l'aide des séquences d'un fragment du gène codant pour la sous-unité I de la Cytochrome Oxydase (COI) de l'ADN mitochondrial et de la région ITS1-5,8S-ITS2 de l'ADN nucléaire ribosomique. Les données soutiennent l'hypothèse d'une origine sud américaine de cette espèce et ont révélé que des événements d'invasions multiples et cryptiques ont eu lieu lors de la colonisation de l'Europe. L'invasion résulte de deux lignées génétiquement divergentes et originaires de deux régions géographiques distantes au Brésil. Ces deux lignées semblent avoir des potentiels invasifs contrastés. Elles s'hybrident au laboratoire ainsi que dans la nature. Grâce à 16 locus microsatellites que nous avons développés et utilisés comme marqueurs, nous avons déterminé les zones géographiques de cette hybridation. Nous avons également pu estimer des paramètres historiques de l'invasion et confronter différents scénarios d'introduction, par la comparaison de la composition génétique des populations récemment introduites avec celles de l'aire d'origine de T evansi, et par l'utilisation de la méthode d'inférence bayésienne (Approximate Bayesian Computation, ABC). Les résultats ABC contredisent partiellement le scénario d'invasion basé uniquement sur des données historiques. Ils suggèrent que T. evansi serait d'abord arrivé en Europe dans le sud de l'Espagne (en Andalousie) bien avant les signalements historiques. Ainsi, l'Andalousie semble avoir servi de source de colonisation pour des nouvelles zones en Afrique, d'autres régions méditerranéennes et d'Asie. Les résultats de cette thèse ouvrent des perspectives d'étude visant à comprendre pourquoi certaines populations d'une espèce allochtone réussissent à s'établir et à envahir un nouvel écosystème / The red tomato spider mite Tetranychus evansi (Tetranychidae) is regarded as an invasive species having an important economic impact on solanaceous crops. It was first discovered in Brazil in 1954, where it probably originated. Based on historical records, T. evansi was first reported in Africa and more recently in Europe and Asia. This work aims at reconstructing the colonization routes of T. evansi and identifies the scenario that best describes the evolutionary history of the invasion. To do this, we first analyzed samples collected from most parts of the world where the mite is currently known to occur. We used sequence variation of a fragment of the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) sub-unit I gene and the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. Our results were consistent with the hypothesis of a South American origin of this species. They also suggested that the invasion of south Europe resulted from multiple cryptic introductions from two genetically divergent lineages originated from two distant geographical regions in Brazil. These two lineages seem to have a differential invasive potential. Despite the high genetic divergence, crosses between mites stemming from the two lineages do occur both in the laboratory and in nature. Second, we used 16 microsatellite loci that we developed for this study and in association with Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) methods; we reconstructed the historical events of the cryptic invasion of the pest. ABC results challenge the invasion scenario captured by historical data only. They suggest that T. evansi first arrived to Europe in Southern Spain (Andalusia) long before historic records. Thus, Andalusia seems to have served as a source for colonization of new areas in Africa and other Mediterranean regions. The results obtained in this thesis provide an interesting framework to further study and understand why some populations of an exotic species might become invasive.

The operation of sexual selection in the red junglefowl

Collet, Julie January 2010 (has links)
Sexual selection acts on traits that increase the reproductive success of an individual in competition with other individuals of the same sex over reproductive opportunities, through intra-sexual competition and inter-sexual mate choice. Because males benefit more from remating than females, they are subject to more intense sexual selection. Modern genetic tools have shown that females often mate promiscuously, thus prolonging sexual selection after insemination through intra-sexual (sperm competition) and inter-sexual (cryptic female choice) episodes. Despite increasing interest in post-copulatory sexual selection, the implications of sperm competition, cryptic female choice and underpinning mechanisms remain little understood. This thesis adopts an integrated approach to quantify the relative importance of post-copulatory episodes in the operation of sexual selection, elucidate their proximate mechanisms in the red junglefowl Gallus gallus. By combining behavioural observations of replicate groups with paternity data, I show that female promiscuity decreased the total opportunity for sexual selection in a group, but accounts for an unexpectedly large proportion of the variance in male reproductive success. By comparing the operation of sexual selection on multiple male traits, I show that post-copulatory sexual selection reinforced pre-copulatory sexual selection for male social dominance and that female preferred to mate with compatible males. I used experiments to study the mechanisms of post-copulatory sexual selection by studying the effect of seminal fluid in sperm competition and cryptic female choice in relation to male status and relatedness. Following previous work indicating that seminal fluid products influence sperm quality in this species, I tested in vivo whether the seminal fluid of an ejaculate acts differentially towards sperm from the same ejaculate and rival sperm, and found no evidence for this idea. Finally, I show that cryptic female choice can drastically bias the outcome of sperm competition, and that female fowl might bias paternity toward unrelated males.

Les cadres de lectures alternatifs : une approche non-conventionnelle pour le développement de vecteurs vaccinaux

Chit, Fallah 01 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Les cadres de lectures alternatifs (CLA) sont utilisés par de multiples virus afin de générer plusieurs protéines à partir d'une seule séquence nucléotidique. Les épitopes dits « cryptiques », c’est-à-dire les épitopes dérivés de protéines codées dans des CLAs, ont étés dernièrement l’objet de différentes études portant sur la réponse immunitaire antivirale et les lymphocytes T cytotoxiques. Méthodologie: Afin de vérifier le potentiel immunogène d'épitopes encodés dans des CLAs programmés, trois cassettes ont été construites pour mener à l'expression de trois épitopes bien caractérisés (épitope GAG77–85 du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine de type 1; épitope NS31406-1415 du virus de l'hépatite C; épitope core18-27 du virus de l'hépatite B) à partir de trois cadres de lectures superposés. La première cassette permet une initiation alternative de la traduction, la deuxième comprend deux signaux bipartites en tandem permettant un frameshift ribosomique et la troisième est une cassette contrôle. Ces éléments ont été introduits dans des vecteurs adénoviraux. Les virions générés ont servi à immuniser des souris C57BL/6 transgéniques pour HLA-A*0201 et HLA-DR1. La réponse immunitaire induite une semaine post-immunisation a été mesurée par essai ELISpot IFN . Résultats: Dans le contexte de cassettes vaccinales, les peptides dérivés d'une initiation alternative de traduction et de changement de cadre de lecture ribosomique ribosomal peuvent être exprimés et détectés par le système immunitaire dans un modèle animal. Conclusion: Ces expériences suggèrent la possibilité de développer de nouvelles stratégies vaccinales dans le but de prévenir ou de guérir certaines maladies associées aux infections virales chroniques telles que celles causées par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine et le virus de l’hépatite C. / Introduction: Alternative reading frames (ARFs) are used by multiple viruses in order to generate different proteins from a single nucleotide sequence. Cryptic epitopes, which comprise antigens derived from proteins encoded in ARFs, have recently been the focus of studies pertaining to antiviral immunity and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Methodology: In order to verify the immunological potential of epitopes encoded in programmed ARFs, three cassettes were constructed to permit the expression of three welldescribed epitopes (GAG77–85 epitope of human immunodeficiency virus type 1; NS31406-1415 epitope of hepatitis C virus; core18-27 epitope of hepatitis B virus) from three overlapping reading frames. The first cassette permits alternative translation initiation, the second cassette includes signals inducing ribosomal frameshifting and the third cassette serves as a control. These elements were introduced into adenoviral vectors. Recombinant adenoviruses were used to immunize C57BL/6 transgenic mice expressing HLA-A*0201 and HLA-DR1. The immune response induced was measured one week following immunization using IFN ELISpot assays. Results: In the context of vaccine cassettes, peptides derived from alternative translation initiation and ribosomal frameshifting can be expressed and detected by the immune system in an animal model. Conclusion: These findings suggest the possibility of designing vaccination strategies in the hope of preventing or curing certain diseases associated with chronic viral infections, such as those caused by human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus.

Interaction Chêne-oïdium : caractérisation moléculaire et adaptation locale du parasite, résistance génétique de l’hôte

Mougou, Amira 03 July 2009 (has links)
L’oïdium est une des maladies les plus communes sur chêne en Europe. Cette maladie a été signalée à partir du début du 20ème siècle. Toutefois, peu de données sont disponibles sur l’identité de l’agent causal et de son interaction avec l’hôte. L’objectif de cette étude est d’améliorer les connaissances sur ce pathosystème : (1) caractériser son agent causal avec un marqueur moléculaire (ADN ribosomal) et étudier la distribution spatiale des différentes lignées ; (2) étudier l’adaptation locale du parasite à son hôte ; (3) explorer le déterminisme génétique de la résistance de l’hôte. L’étude de l’ADN ribosomal (ITS=Internal transcribed region et IGS= Intergenic spacer) a mis en évidence l’existence de quatre haplotypes, dont trois seulement avaient été associés à des agents d’oïdium sur chêne en Europe. Erysiphe alphitoïdes, classiquement considéré comme responsable de l’épidémie du XXème siècle est bien l’espèce prépondérante (environ 80% des détections), E. hypophylla et Phyllactinia sp étant détectés à fréquence beaucoup plus faible. Un résultat inattendu est la détection d’une quatrième séquence, présentant 100% d’homologie avec celle de plusieurs agents d’oïdium d’arbres tropicaux et avec Erysiphe quercicola, très récemment décrit sur chêne en Asie et Australie mais jusqu’alors inconnu en Europe. L’ITS de E. quercicola est détecté dans toutes les régions de France, à une fréquence non négligeable (de l’ordre de 15% en moyenne). On le trouve dans les mêmes parcelles et parfois sur les mêmes arbres, voire dans les mêmes lésions que E. alphitoides. La mise au point d’une méthode d’inoculation artificielle a permis d’étudier de façon quantitative l’interaction chêne-oïdium. Une expérimentation d’inoculations réciproques montre que les souches d’oïdium sont plus performantes sur les descendants des arbres dont elles ont été isolées que sur ceux d’autres arbres, suggèrant une adaptation trans- générationnelle. Des inoculations artificielles, complétées par des observations en conditions naturelles, ont également permis de démontrer un déterminisme génétique de la résistance des chênes, avec l’identification de plusieurs QTL. Certains de ces QTL co-localisent avec des QTL de phénologie, en accord avec l’importance de la résistance ontogénique des chênes à l’oïdium. L’ensemble de l’étude amène à reconsidérer l’oïdium du chêne comme un probable complexe d’espèces cryptiques, dont l’histoire de l’invasion et la co-existence en Europe restent à préciser. Les résultats acquis sur l’héritabilité de la résistance et l’adaptation locale du parasite constituent une première étape dans la compréhension des interactions démo-génétiques entre hôte et parasite dans ce pathosystème. / Powdery mildew is the most common disease on oaks in Europe where it was first recorded at the beginning of the 20th century. Yet, little is known about the identity of the causal agent and his interaction with its host. The objective of this study was: (1) to characterize the species responsible of oak powdery mildew with a molecular marker (ribosomal DNA); to study the spatial distribution of these different lineages and (2) to study local adaptation of the parasite to its host (3) to explore the genetic determinism of host resistance. The study of the ITS (internal transcribed region) and IGS (intergenic spacer) diversity revealed the existence of four haplotypes, only three had been already associated with oak powdery mildew in Europe. Erysiphe alphitoïdes, for a long time considered as sole responsible for the epidemic of the XXth century, was the predominant species (~ 80% of detections), E. hypophylla and Phyllactinia sp. were detected at lower frequencies. An unexpected result is the detection of a fourth sequence which show 100% homology with ITS sequences of several powdery mildew agents of tropical trees and Erysiphe quercicola, recently described on oak in Asia and Australia but previously unknown in Europe. E. quercicola ITS was detected in all French regions, at a significant frequency (~ 15%). The study showed that E. alphitoides was often found in association with different ITS types in the same region, the same tree, and even in the same lesion. The development of an artificial inoculation method allowed the quantitative evaluation of the oak-powdery mildew interaction. A reciprocal inoculation experiment showed that powdery mildew strains were more efficient on their mother tress and their descendants than on the other trees, suggesting a trans-generational adaptation. Artificial inoculations, supplemented by observations in natural conditions, have also demonstrated a genetic determination of resistance of oak trees, with the identification of several QTL. Some of these QTL co-localize with QTL controlling phenology, in agreement with the importance of oaks ontogenic resistance to powdery mildew. The entire study leads to reconsider oak powdery mildew as a probable complex of cryptic species; the invasion history and the co-existence in Europe are still to be determined. The results achieved on the heritability of resistance and localization of the parasite are a first step in understanding the demo-genetic interactions between host and parasite in this pathosystem.

Écophysiologie évolutive en milieu aquatique souterrain : influence des variations de température sur la distribution de Niphargus rhenorhodanensis et Proasellus valdensis / Evolutionary ecophysiology in subterranean aquatic biotopes : influence of temperature variations on the distribution of Niphargus rhenorhodanensis and Proasellus valdensis

Colson-Proch, Céline 03 November 2009 (has links)
La température est le paramètre abiotique qui influence de façon majoritaire les traits d’histoire de vie des espèces ectothermes. Pour appréhender les relations entre physiologie, environnement et histoire évolutive et leur influence respective sur la délimitation des aires de distribution des espèces, ce travail exploite les caractéristiques thermiques du milieu souterrain. Les résultats réfutent l’hypothèse de sténothermie des deux organismes hypogés étudiés Niphargus rhenorhodanensis et Proasellus valdensis et prouvent que l’histoire évolutive, la dispersion ou la compétition sont des paramètres importants dans l’établissement des aires de distribution des espèces souterraines. En outre, ce travail caractérise pour la première fois chez des organismes souterrains, un gène codant pour des protéines de choc thermique et montre l’importante sensibilité cellulaire de N. rhenorhodanensis face à une augmentation de température / Temperature is the abiotic factor that most influences the life-history traits of ectothermic organisms. In order to study the relationships between physiology, environment and evolutionary history and their respective role in the determination of species distribution areas, this work takes advantage of the thermal caracteristics of subterranean aquatic biotopes. Our results refuted stenothermy in both studied hypogean organisms Niphargus rhenorhodanensis and Proasellus valdensis and they showed that evolutionary history, dispersal and competition are important factors that determine the distribution of subterranean species. Moreover, this work characterized for the first time in subterranean organisms a gene encoding heat shock proteins and demonstrated the high cellular sensitivity of N. rhenorhodanensis to increased water temperature

Gene mining of biosynthesis genes and biosynthetic manipulation of marine bacteria for the production of new antibiotic candidates

Zarins-Tutt, Joseph Scott January 2015 (has links)
Natural product drug discovery has traditionally been the corner stone of medicine having provided cures to many of today's most common diseases. In particular, antibiotics have revolutionised healthcare and extended human lifespan. However, since their introduction into the clinic, resistance to these drugs has arisen. With the number of new antibiotics being discovered in recent years declining, and fewer drugs making it past clinical trials, we have reached the point where antibiotic resistant infections have become common place and a serious threat to health and society. There is now an urgent requirement for the discovery of new antibiotics and in particular those with unexploited mode of action. This thesis details the different areas of natural product drug development from discovery through to analogue generation. In Chapter one, the history of natural products as therapeutics is explored with a particular focus on antibiotics and how resistance arises against these agents. It outlines why the discovery of new antibiotics is so important and new methods used to facilitate this search. Chapter two follows with the development of a screening platform for antibiotic induction, using the model Streptomyces; Streptomyces coleiolor M145. A variety of culture additives are explored for their ability to induce secondary metabolism production. Chapter three then details the sampling and identification of microbes from a pseudo-marine environment and their screening for their ability to produce secondary metabolites with antibiotic properties. The second half of this thesis centres on the non-ribosomal peptide echinomycin. Collaborators Aquapharm supplied the marine derived strain AQP-4895, capable of producing echinomycin. Chapter four details the establishment of AQP-4895 culturing conditions and the shift observed in production profile. Next Chapter five looks at producing echinomycin analogues through precursor directed biosynthesis. A range of halogenated quinoxaline carboxylic acids are synthesised and fed to AQP-4895, and the respective echinomycin analogues monitored by LC-MS. Chapter Six then aims to direct biosynthesis of the halogenated analogues, using mutasynthesis. Due to the lack of genetic data available surrounding the strain, an unusual approach was taken, using iPCR to create a template for homologous recombination.

Phylogeny, taxonomy and species delimitation of water mites and velvet mites

Stålstedt, Jeanette January 2017 (has links)
This study is part of the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STI) - one of the most ambitious all taxa biodiversity inventories in the world. One of the pillars in STI is to support taxonomic research on the most neglected taxonomic groups with the aim to lift the level of knowledge of biodiversity in the country. There is still a lot to be discovered, especially in the microscopic world, and this includes mites. Many aspects of mite biology and diversity are poorly known, such as species richness, abundance, distribution, lifestyle and behavior of species. Mites inhabits all sorts of aquatic, terrestrial, arboreal and parasitic habitats, nevertheless even in well-studied systems mites are often overlooked. Despite being among the smallest of arthropods, they are of medical and economical importance and may be very abundant in the ecosystems they inhabit. This thesis focuses on Parasitengona (Acariformes: Prostigmata), one of the most diverse taxa among the arachnids. It includes the aquatic Hydrachnidia (water mites) and the terrestrial Trombidia (e.g. velvet mites, chiggers). A unifying characteristic of Parasitengona is their complex life cycle of active and inactive stages, parasitic larvae and predatory deutonymphs and adults. They typically parasitize and prey on arthropods, except the chiggers which have vertebrates as hosts. The aim of this thesis is to shed light on the phylogeny and taxonomy of Parasitengona with emphasis on the Swedish fauna. To achieve this, mites were collected from different localities throughout the country between the years 2007-2016. Water mites were sampled with a hand net. Larvae of terrestrial Parasitengona were collected with sweeping nets and sorted out from malaise trap samples from the Swedish Malaise Trap Project. To collect the adults Berlese-Tullgren extractor and pitfall traps were used as well as hand collecting and sifting with litter reducer. The material collected abroad was kindly provided through collaboration.  Methods used in the papers included morphometrics, multivariate analyses, experimental rearing, DNA extraction and sequencing, Bayesian phylogenetic analyses and molecular species delimitation. In paper I and II, we combine molecular species delimitation models and morphological data to resolve taxonomical issues. This integrative taxonomic approach of combining data resulted in Piona dispersa Sokolow, 1926 as a valid species and redescriptions, new synonyms and neotypes provided for Erythraeus phalangoides (De Geer, 1778),  E. cinereus (Dugès, 1834) and E. regalis (C.L. Koch, 1837). Based on the new inventories we produce an updated and annotated checklist of 105 terrestrial Parasitengona species for Fennoscandia in paper III, and use metadata to increase the knowledge on distribution, habitat preferences, life stages and abundance. Out of these, 20 species are new findings for the region and five are potential new species for science. In paper IV, we provide a molecular phylogeny of Parasitengona based on the genes 18S, 28S and COI for 80 taxa with a sampling focus on the terrestrial lineages. Based on the results we offer a revised higher-level classification of the group. In particular the analyses supported Tanaupodoidea Thor, 1935 as a separate superfamily, but Trombiculoidea Ewing, 1929 was not monophyletic and was synonymized, along with Chyzerioidea Womersley, 1954, with Trombidioidea Leach, 1815. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p><p> </p>

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